Importance of women is so important in Bastar tribal society
that even they worship idols of goddesses.
Women are important part of family life and role in the
society is important. They help husband in agriculture, gather forest ingredient in forest, selling and buying from the market,
child care and cooking and taking care of the house. As they have more social responsibility they have also more social rights.
Society protects their rights also. Girl children are valuable to parents so they get equal or in some cases better treatment
from parents. Tribal society has given special status to women by giving privileges of social status. My visit to Bastar tribes
proved to me that women rights is still safe and exists in our society. In modern Hindu, Muslim, Christian and other communities
of India
and other developing communities and even developed countries women is seen as property and birth of girl is curse to some.
Most of Women rights required when they cross child age to puberty age. Years back when tribal were untouched by modern culture
women life was far-far better with better privileges of women rights. Incursion of modern culture is step by step destroying
tribal society and their traditional human rights.
Click the photo to visit "Poverty & Tribes" site |
Mainly women buy and sell in the market |
Marriage and dowry:
Women are never forced to marry to unknown or objectionable.
If she dislikes, she can say no and that is final. Most good part of women rights of tribal woman is her parent does not have
to give dowry as prevails in Indian Hindu and other modern societies. Rather she and her parents have the privilege to seek
dowry from boys parents as marriage expenses. Child marriage is discouraged and
never happens in this society. In tribes most marriages are in four ways. 1st is arranged marriage in that bridegroom
parents go to brides parents to propose. Bridegroom parents are asked to bring son to market or other place so bride can see
and arrange for engagement. 2nd way is love marriage. Love marriage
is normal like other marriages both boy and girl choose to get in love before marriage. When boy parent is informed by boy,
the boy parent goes to propose and marriage is arranged. 3rd stage is widow marriage is well recognized by the
society, arranged without much of celebration except given bangles to bride. 4th stage of marriage Dharanjia Marriage
is called when a boy from poor family shows willingness to marry girl of his like. In this condition he has to work as domestic
servant at girls house. During his work he lives in girls house to satiate both girl and parents. When accepted marriage is
arranged and lives with wife and her house as Dharanjia.
Social and ritual rights:
Among the best part of women rights is, she is equal partner
in the house and society though the male head of the family has rights for maintain house. She has right to involve in rituals,
social ceremonies, running house, participation in social activities. As women responsibility is more in some cases they have
more rights than men.
Domestic violence:
Domestic violence is story of each and every house in
this world. Domestic violence is caused due to difference of opinions between both. In modern world especially in Indian or
other developing countries (where religious sentiment is intense) women has to accept to submit whether the cause of fight
is right or wrong. But in case of tribal women she has all the right to resist (family separation is discouraged in tribal
society tries to reunite) and leave this man and go back to her parents house as society protects her. In case of re-marring
another man she can do so but she has to return marriage expenses incurred in her last marriage or what she or her parents
get as dowry (marriage expenses) in re-marriage. This freedom I think is not there in any of modern society. Also if a man
is impotent or sexually weak she has all the reasons to leave him without any problem. Thus ultimately women win in the domestic
violence. Except in HALBA tribes (some what civilized) community and rich community where women is not allowed to divorce.
click to view tribal women dance |
This Is Jetra festival celebration by tribal girls |
Right of freedom:
Right of freedom to select or reject she has but all subject
to condition applied by society that is applicable to both men and women. Thus have same freedom as men in their specific
daily and other activities in the society. Even in some areas women get more privileges than men. Though they gain equal rights
yet the burden of family responsibility and hard work is more than men. Generally women walk up to 10-20 kms for markets holding
heavy load on their head. Sometimes men too help but finally it is responsibility. Men have responsibility of family security,
hunting, farming.