Massena movement (new testaments)
brought relief to women. Christ disregarde many laws of old testaments and treated women and men equal and of same status.
Under the Old
Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) women were treated as inferior men. (Genesis 2:7) God created only a man to help him eve was
created from one of Adams ribs and Adams role to be master of eve (Genesis 3:16) Deuteronomy 22:10-13 scripted that a soldier
could marry any women without regard to her wishes. Genesis 4:19 a man could marry as often as he desired. Deuteronomy 24:1
describes the procedure for obtaining a divorce. The husband can only initiate this, and wife not allowed. Deuteronomy 22:13:21
described the virginity of women till she is married but for men no virginity was required. In case of death of a man, son
will inherit property and no to daughter. Yes to daughter if there is no son. Leviticus 12:1-5 describes that a woman who
has given birth to a boy is ritually unclean for 40 days but for girl child it was 80 days. Exodus 21:7 fathers could sell
his daughter as slave and for male slave could get freedom after 6 years but for woman slave no freedom. Another example of
women treated as property that Exodus 22:1-17 explains that how father could get money as compensation from seducer against
the loss of daughters virginity. This was seen as property offence. Hebrew Scriptures Ecclesiastics 25:19:24 No wickedness
comes anywhere near the wickedness of a woman. Sin began with a woman and thanks to her we all must die Hebrew Scriptures.
During old testaments role of woman was restricted like other religions of old civilizations.
ignored womans impurity during menstrual cycle, which forbad women to participate in ritual. Old testaments never allowed
teaching a woman but he taught many. Jesus inspired and accepted them to his inner circle of Jesus followers. His concern
over widows was immense and repeated importance of supporting widows. Divorce law of old testaments was disregarded by him
and said both men and women not allowed to divorce.
testaments ruggedness gave birth to reformists ideas and new testaments came into effect for who wanted change being liberal
and suitable to common people converted to Christianity. They brought the women to same category than men in their community.
Opened up educational institutional that upgraded women status though initial stages were very difficult for them. They also
came forward to social reforms by way of opening hospitals and other social welfare institutes. These reforms made Christianity
to become worlds largest religions in the world.
The Messiah in the Old and New Testaments:- When the ancients discussed "Messiah," what did they picture? Did it refer to a stately figure to rule, a militant
to rescue, or a term to describe a variety of roles held by many? While Christians have traditionally equated the word with
Jesus, the discussion is far more complex. "The Messiah in the Old and New Testament" is the culmination of that discussion.In
this excellent collection Stanley Porter has gathered a host of experts to address the questions surrounding the concept of
messiah, in order to clarify what it means to call Jesus "messiah." Divided into two parts -- writers who preceded or surrounded
the New Testament and writers of the New Testament -- and followed by a complete response to both sections from Craig A. Evans,
any student of the New Testament will find this book a useful tool for sparking further discussion and understanding the past.
An award-winning Bible study now includes the engaging look at 15 women of the Old and New Testaments and
an expanded section on the Holy Spirit. The popular format includes a prayer at the end of each chapter, relevant Scripture
verses, and weekly activities that ensure more personal revelations for the reader. (Christian)