Mar 26th...
wbc 2.88, hgb 136, platlets 212, neutrophils 1.38, monocytes .26
Well Michael now only has 15 treatments left, that consist of a methotrexate needle in the leg muscle ( IM mtx) which is 17mg and takes 6 methopurinal (6mp) 50mg split in half between night and morning. He also gets pantamindine by mouth every month at cheo along with a port-a-cath flush. He is getting really excited that he will soon be finished with treatments and we will go monthly to cheo for bloodwork and check up the following year off treatment.
I can't believe that we are at the stage that we are talking about off treatment... we are throwing an Open House celebration party after his last treatment on July 17th of this year.
Treatment is going really well. His counts have been good and finally he has gotten rid of that nagging cold. He was off school until the 19th of March when he has returned full time to school. He has his work load modified at school and he is progressing very well. He is also in the SERT program which is a 40 day program where they get help in small groups outside of the classroom. He also has and IEP listing him as needing modification in all his academic subjects. So far things have been going very well since he returned to school except for the expection that we have no occupation therapy for any of the children in our area and this is something that Michael really requires if he is expected to progress along with his peers.
We had an accident at school yesterday where Michael literally had a fence run into him... knocked out a tooth beside his top front tooth and forced his teeth through his lip in 4 places. All in all things turned out well, he has healed well and also had a visit from the tooth fairy.. has a bit of difficulty talking but those front teeth are almost in..good thing they weren't or they would be gone too...
We return to cheo on the 2nd of April for treatment and Dental ( good timing eh?)