March 2...
Well it has been a bit since I updated Mike's site but with the trip to Disney World things got kind of put aside. But before any more time goes by I had better update!!
The trip to Disney was fantastic but went by so fast. We had so much to do that we were busy every single day. I will be putting a few pictures online soon but I haven't had time to scan them. And to pick our favourites out of 30 rolls of film will be hard :)
Mikes health has basically been good. His counts are lower since bottoming out at new years but he hasn't gone neutropenic since then which is good. His relaxation therapy is doing wonders for him again because he now goes in for treatment without big boy eh? It seems he can control his fears better with mommy not there...I am okay with that because if that is what it takes to get him through this then that is okay with me. I am so proud of the progress that he has made through all of this.
We were at Cheo on Monday the 28th for treatment and all went well. And yesterday we had an unexpected trip down as Michael was sick in the morning and since his neutrophil count was only .70 we decided to go down for blood work. We were concerned that his sugar level was low as he was dizzy and shaky. After he ate 3 apples and 3 oranges and 1 banana... wow eh?.. he felt much better.... His appetite hasn't been the greatest so we figured that was the problem and by the time he got to Cheo he was fine. So we just have to make sure that he eats properly especially while at school which he returned to last week.
His counts yesterday were : wbc 3.31, hgb 109, neutropolys 2.09, monocytes .08, platelets 177.
He has been on the low side for awhile now but this little elevation seems to be something that he is fighting as they are increased since Monday. The flu has hit a couple of kids in his class so we just hope that is not what this is. But all in all he seems to be fighting whatever this is.
So we are back to Cheo on Monday again but this time Dad is taking him and I will stay home with the girls.
March 6th...
wbc 2.3, hgb 118, neutrophils .50, platlets 242, monocytes .10
Michael hasn't had any other moments where he has been dizzy but I am sure that is because he is actually eating pretty good. He makes sure that he eats something at each meal that way we leave him kid eh?
He went down to Cheo this time with Dad and didn't have a good go of it all... his blood work didn't go well as it took 4 times to get a vein.. by this time he was a little upset to say the least. But chemo went well as can be expected after this happening. Dad and Mikey were on their way home before lunch which was nice for a change.
Michael now weights 20 kg which is nice to see. We also got the go ahead to enroll him in soccer as long as it was non-contact. It will only be 5 and 6 year olds so that shouldn't be too bad and plus Dad is going to be an assistant coach we should be able to keep an eye on him. He is so happy to finally be able to play soccer.
Mar 13th...
wbc 2.55, hgb 126, neutropolys .83, platlets 284 , monocytes .24
Well seeing that it was march break we all went down to cheo today. It was busier than normal because they were short staffed but we still got out by just after lunchtime which was good.
Michaels counts are coming up which is nice to see. The monocytes mean that the neutropolys should be higher by the next time we are in hopefully.
Today Michael was very stressed and I am sure this is because of how last week went. When it was time to go to see the doctor Michael took off running down the hallway and ran right into a woman in a wheelchair... no one was hurt but Michael felt very bad for running into her. It was difficult to get him to co-operate in the dr's office but we did succeed and all was well. He fought blood work and it was only a finger poke and he also fought the IM. It doesn't take much to knock him back on everything that we have learned about control... But it has been worse so there is some hope that he can regain what he lost
Mar 17th...
Well Michael has come down with a cold and so has everyone else in the family. Hopefully his body is strong enough to fight it. All seems well so far as there is no fever and that is what we have to watch for. It almost sounded like he had croup but now it seems to have gone into his chest a little. But we will watch him closely.
On March 15/16 Michael did a press release for the blood donor clinic that we had in town and he thoroughly enjoyed watching others get poked. He also spoke on television on how important it was to donate blood. He told the reporter that he could die without blood transfusions and that people should give to save kids!!! I am so proud of my little man. Dad and I also gave blood on the 16th but I came down with a sore throat and they now have to recall my blood just to be safe... Most unfortunate as I have a popular blood type...
Well we are down at Cheo on Monday again and hopefully all will go well. He has relaxation therapy again and hopefully we can work past what he went through the last 2 weeks.
He is in week 62 of his 130 weeks of treatment. Almost halfway!!!
Mar 20th...
wbc 3.82, hgb 129, neutropolys 1.81, monocytes .29, platlets 207
Well we got to Cheo today at 9:30am and we were finished by 11:00am.. that was great because it makes it a lot easier for Michael. He weights 19.8 kg which isn't much of a change from last week which I am surprised at because he has been sick with a cold and hasn't been eating much but it must be enough!!
Blood work went well and there was no fuss... and I actually went in with him for his chemo and he didn't even feel the needle, much like it used to be... I leaned over him and prevented him from seeing the nurse and spoke very quietly to him while he closed his eyes and I dragged a Kleenex across his face in numbers so he could guess what they were.. I even continued past the needle and told him she wasn't done which stressed him a little but then I told him I tricked him and it was all done. That proved to him that he doesn't feel the needle if he is relaxed and not watching. He was so happy and surprised that it didn't hurt. Major progress again.... Maybe soon we can start having treatment once again at our doctors office ... that would be nice because we wouldn't have to continue to travel so much.... I told Michael that he would have more time to play with his friends and he liked that idea....
Cross our fingers that next week goes as well and stress free as this weeks chemo!!!