On Feb 4th we left for our wish trip to disney world. We were picked up at the house in a van and they drove us to Cheo as Michael had to have a dr. visit and treatment before we left. All went very well and we were driven to our motel in Ottawa to wait for our Limo the next morning to take us to the airport. In the evening we went for a walk as all the ice sculptures were being built then. It was very cold but we enjoyed ourselves. We went for a tour of the Parliament buildings because they had HEAT but it was very interesting just the same.
In the morning a black limo picked us up and drove us in style to the airport. It was awesome..the kids were so excited and boy did they feel important.
Once we boarded our plane the kids were taken to see the pilot... I think that this is where Michael thought he could fly the plane...HA....
We changed planes in Quebec( that was a treat as we don't speak French) but we managed and then onward to Florida.
It was awesome to get off the plane to see all the palm trees. We got the use of a brand new van. Of course Krystal decides to get a bleeding nose in it.... imagine..... don't bleed on the new van... it was really funny in a way. Fortunately it stopped and we didn't need to shampoo the van on the first day having it.
We did some shopping at Walmart as all the disney stuff was there and we also had to get some food.
The motel we were in had a swimming pool so of course the kids went swimming before bed. We had a whirlpool tub in our bathroom and so did the kids..... they thought that was neat.
Our trip to disney world was the most awesome experience we ever had. We were treated like royalty no matter where we went. We will never forget it.
Here we are in front of the magic kingdom. Michael took this photo.... pretty awesome eh? Actually he of course wasn't in it so I kind of just cut and pasted him in.....
Michaels wish was to go to Disney World but he also wanted to meet Pooh Bear..... and that we did get to do... we were taken out of a line up of over 100 people to be treated like royalty and put in the front of the line.
This is the kids in front of our Resort we stayed at.
At Seaworld we fed them to the sharks...... haha!!!!