Dec 21st...
wbc 6.77, hgb 143, platlets 207, neutro Polys 4.92, monocytes .39, alt 43
Michael's treatment has been wonderful. He goes in for his blood work all by himself now and he also goes for his IM (chemo) on his own. He even watches the needle now. Big changes from the way it was 4 or 5 mths ago.
He has full control over his fears now and he is very excited that he only has one more big treatment and then the rest of the weeks are IM's. He has 30 weeks left of treatment to go now.
He finished his neuro. physc. testing last week and we should have the results of that in Feb next year sometime. There is a concern as he is having difficulties with most things in school. Especially when it comes to printing and language arts.
He does have a slight cold right now which would account for his counts being a bit higher.
Other than that things have been going great for him and he feels great too.
So hope you all have a great Christmas because I know we will!!
Michael's next cheo appt. is January 16th where he will get an LP, IM mtx, vincristine, pantamedine, and also starts on his LAST week of prednisone.