Rape crisis information online resources

Victim assistance / legal resources

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Victim assistance and legal resources
For immediate victim assistance call 1 800-879-6682  24 hours a day.
These resources provide access to free legal council for victims, how to find victim assistance programs (someone to go with you to court and walk you through it all), victim compensation information and how to find out what the laws are in your state.
Victim assistance resources.  See the menu on the left side.

click here to sign up (or sign in) for- ask a lawyer- free legal advice forum on delphiforums. This forum is: Open 10.30 to 11.30pm ET Wed.


A directory of pro bono (free) lawyers from the American Bar Association.


State resources such as judicial and legislative websites for all states.


Information on rights and services provided to victims of sexual assault and rape.


Victim assistance information from aardvarc.


national sexual violence resource center

"The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) is a comprehensive collection and distribution center for information, statistics, and resources related to sexual violence. It serves as a resource for state, territory, and tribal anti-sexual assault coalitions, rape crisis centers, allied organizations, community projects, policy-makers, government entities, media, educators, health care providers and others working to address and eliminate sexual assault."


Free legal aid in your area: The United States Congress established the Legal Services Corporation to provide low-income Americans access to civil legal aid.


National Registry of Sex Offenders.  You can view photographs and names of registered offenders by State and City in many areas of the US.


This is a forum run by a judge in Georgia and frequented by attorneys in other states. It might be a good place to ask here.   (Like with Yahoo, you'll need a free membership with Delphi to access this service.) Another option is checking with your local rape crisis center to see if you qualify for victims' compensation. This varies from state to state and there are rules and requirements.


Rape shield law definition

Laws limiting use of prior sexual history of rape victim.



Documents on sexual assault and rape





Find law site – sexual assault and rape laws



Rape shield law- protecting the sexual history of the victim.


Table of contents:On this page you can find the following 2 links of special interest:


What are Crime Victim Services? A variety of programs exist to serve crime victims and witnesses.  The programs are not the same in all communities, and there may be areas, such as rural communities, where it may be more difficult to find victim services.  Some people have had a hard time obtaining services, perhaps because the program they contacted did not have staff that was trained or qualified to provide individualized services, or for some other reason.  A victim who is turned away or refused crime victim assistance services should contact the National Organization for Victim Assistance at 800-232-6682 to report the problem.  Most crime victims, with information and persistence, are likely to be able to find help.


Where to find help: The easiest way to find a community-based victim assistance program is to call the National Crime Victim Information and Referral Hotline, operated by the National Organization for Victim Assistance.  The toll-free number is 800-879-6682 (voice 24 hours a day; TTY Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time).


Victim assistance services- The most valuable asset of good victim assistance programs will be their knowledgeable and compassionate staff members, who often work very hard on behalf of those affected by crime.  They may be called by various titles (victim advocate, victim counselor, victim specialist, rape crisis counselor, etc.).


state-wide phone numbers for crime victim compensation agencies, which can provide information on applying for reimbursement of certain expenses incurred by victims or survivors in the aftermath of a crime.


The links section supplies the official website of  each state.  The first thing to do is click on the state you live in and then click on the word search and type in rape.  You can also find legal information on your state.  Use the search engine and type in rape and laws. 



Use this manual for prosecution in ghb and date rape drug cases. (click here and scroll down).



This site is a legal dictionary on findlaw.com directed to a law limiting use of evidence of previous sexual activity of the victim.


Current events:



Kobe Bryant article on the rape shield law from a legal stand point.

Below is the link to Cornell law search engine (info on feminist jurisprudence).

Cornell law search engine (on feminist jurisprudence).

Find journal articles on this topic

This pathfinder created by M. M. Indigo

INLS 111  UNC Chapel Hill INLS Graduate Student

Created March 2003


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