Did you know that...
people falsely report their own death than file a false report alleging sexual assault."
(Federal Bureau of Investigation)
National Coalition Against Violent Athletes
Women often make false
reports of rape.
According to FBI crime statistics, less than 2 percent of the reported rape cases are found to be false.
There are no more false reports of rape than there are of any other crime.
Please help support Kobe Bryant's
alleged victim. Write to the Colorado press using this form.
Write to 5 newspapers/ media at a time with this NOW
form for contacting the press. Select a state to contact and just check which media you would like to send an
email to.
A 3 year study shows that while
male student-athletes comprise 3.3% of the population, they represent 19% of sexual assault perpetrators and 35% of domestic
violence perpetrators. (Benedict/Crosset Study)
The Charge of Rape, the Force of Myth. The role of rape
myths and victim blame in the Kobe Bryant case.
No woman or man can be raped against her or his will.
Any person could prevent rape if he or she really wanted to.-
FACT: In 1991, 14% of
the rapes reported to the Orange County Rape Crisis Center involved the use of a weapon. 74% involved physical force and/or
threats of force. Women are often physically weaker than men and are not taught to defend themselves or to be physically aggressive.
Furthermore, some women are not willing to hurt another person, especially if the offender is someone they know.
Current stories on the Kobe Bryant case.
Media coverage from the National Coalition Against Violent
What is victim blame? What role does it play in our society?
Beyond rape myths: A more complex view of perceptions of
rape victims
Out of bounds: the truth about athletes and rape.
Athletes and acquaintance rape - books on the subject
Name and blame the victim. The alleged victim has much
less support than Kobe Bryant.
You can also write to the judge:
The Honorable Judge Terry Ruckrickle
County Justice Center
PO Box 269
501 North Park Ave
Breckenrige, CO 80424