Oliver's Site

2. The Origin of Life and Evolution of Man

Table of Contents | 1. Earth | 2. The Origin of Life and Evolution of Man | 3. Civilisation | 4. Fertile Crescent | 5. Egypt | 6. Indus Valley | 7. Yellow River (Haung He/Huang Ho) | 8. Hittites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Assyrians | 9. New World (B. C./Pre-Columban) | 10. Greeks and Persians | 11. Rome ( - B. C. - A. D. 96) | 12. The Messiah/Christus, Jesus, James, Simon/Peter, Saul/Paul | 13. Rome ( - A. D. 275) | 14. Rome and Byzantium (Nova Roma) | 15. Islam | 16. Charlemagne | 17. Vikings | 18. Turks, Crusaders, Mongols, Moors, Explorers and Conquistadors | 19. Reformation, Enlightenment (1300s -1700s) | 20. Mid-1700s - early 1900s | 21. The Great War | 22. Inter-War Years | 23. The War in Europe and Africa | 24. Second World War | 25. War in the Pacific | 26. Defeating the Axis in Europe and Africa | 27. End of Japanese Imperialism | 28. Ending the War | 29. Conquest of Space | 30. Averting Nuclear War | 31. End of Empire | 32. Man on the Moon | 33. Arms Race and Limitation | 34. Lifting the Iron Curtain | 35. The 21st Century | 36. Outer Space | 37. | 42.

Continued from previous page, 1. Earth

Archbishop Ussher
James Ussher by Sir Peter Lely.jpg
James Ussher (1581 – 1656), Anglican Primate of All Ireland and Archbishop of Armagh from (1625 and 1656), in painting before 1680.
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Annales Veteris Testamenti, a prima mundi origine deducti. Published in 1650.
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First page
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The Annals of the Old Testament, From the beginning of the World.
English translation of the Latin Annals (1658).
In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth, Gen. 1, v. 1. Which beginning of time, according to our Chronologie, fell upon the entrance of the night preceding the twenty third day of Octob. in the year of the Julian Calendar 710.
Epistle to the Reader
I deduce that the time from the creation until midnight, January 1, 1 AD was 4003 years, seventy days and six hours.



Charles Darwin


Charles Robert Darwin (1809 - 1882),

English naturalist and geologist



Darwin's theory of evolution:


All species are descended from a few common ancestors. Through a struggle for existence there is a process of natural selection that results in a branching pattern of evolution. 




HMS Beagle, the British ship in which Darwin made a five-year voyage around the world.  




The Beagle set out from Plymouth on 27 December 1831 and returned to England on 2 October 1836.   




Darwin's five-year voyage round the world in the HMS Beagle (1831 - 1836)




Galopagos Islands of Ecuador





On the Origin of Species (1859)


Origial full title: 


On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life





The Descent of Man, and Selection in

Relation to Sex (1871)





The Expression of the Emotions in

Man and Animals (1872)




The Voyage of Charles Darwin


Documentary recounts the life of Darwin


7 episodes totalling approximately 7 hours


Part 1.




Part 2.




Part 3.




Part 4.




Part 5.




Part 6. and 7.






The Voyage that Shook the World  


Documentary (2014)








First three parts of a 7-part PBS Documentary


Part 1. Darwin's Dangerous Idea 




Part 2. Great Transformations




Part 3. Extinction






Darwin's Struggle


The Evolution of The Origin of Species


BBC documentary on Darwin's 1859 book 






The Genius of Charles Darwin


3-part documentary with Richard Dawkins (2008) 


Part 1. Life, Darwin & Everything




Part 2. The Fifth Ape


(The five apes are the Orangutan, Gorilla, Chimpanzee, Bonobo and Man)




Part 3. God Strikes Back






Evolution - What Darwin Never Knew


NOVA PBS Documentary 






Did Darwin get it wrong?


Documentary discusses two scientific theories of evolution  


   -   the view of gradual evolution over a long period and


   -   the view of long static periods ending with sudden and dramatic evolutionary change    







Discussion on the BBC radio weekly Thursday programme In Our Time hosted by Melvyn Bragg


15 April 1999 









Three-part BBC documentary with David Attenborough


Episode 1




Episode 2




Episode 3








Three-part 2006 BBC documentary

1. Born of Fire

Part 1 is divided into five parts; the first part has been Removed from You Tube


2. Islands that Changed the World


3. Forces of Change





Thomas Henry Huxley


Thomas Henry Huxley (1825 - 1895)

English biologist, advovate of Darwin's

theory of evolution







Alfred Russel Wallace


Alfred Russel Wallace (1823 - 1913),

English naturalist, geographer,

anthropologist and biologist



The Forgotten Voyage


The Story of Alfred Russel Wallace

British documentary (1:12:56)





The Wallace Line


Map of the line drawn by Wallace in 1859 to note the division of Asiatic and Australian species.  



Wallace's Line









Defining the meaning of Wallace's Line


Ernst Mayr






Bill Bailey's Jungle Hero


Two-part BBC documentary about Alfred Russel Wallace with Bill Bailey


Part 1. Wallace in Borneo




Part 2. Wallace in the Spice Islands  





The Forgotten Story of Alfred Russel Wallace


Excerpt from a 2013 documentary by David Attenborough





Wallace and Darwin

How They Differed





Unveiling Wallace's Statue


Natural History Museum




Bill Bailey and David Attenborough 







Alfred Russel Wallace


A journey into adventure, discovery, and evolution


Lecture by Greg Bole


U. of British Columbia, Canada 










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Geologic Time Scale



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Origin of Life


Stromatolites in Shark Bay, Western Australia



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Stromatolites are the earliest fossil evidence of life.  



Stromatolites are sedimentary rocks formed by blue-green algae.



            Classifying and Charting Life



















Trilobite (Anomalocaris)








First Life 


Documentary with David Attenborough 


Part 1. Arrival














Fossil of a trilobite





Discussion on the weekly BBC radio programme In Our Time hosted by Melvyn Bragg

22 March 2001










The Cambrian Explosion


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The Cambrian Explosion/Period


Discussion on the weekly BBC radio programme In Our Time hosted by Melvyn Bragg, 17 February 2005











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A worm, like the velvet worm above, was one

of the first inverterbrates to move onto land



First Life 


Documentary with David Attenborough


Part 2. Conquest 


A worm with many legs, similar to the velvet worm or centipede, was one of the first invertebrates to move from the sea onto land   -   540 mya










Which animal was the first to go from water to land?



Fish evolved into amphibians that walked on land with fins and feet.


The Devonian Period: 419.2 MYA to 358.9 MYA




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Fish like Tiktaalik crawled on land with their fins




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Fins evolved into feet. Acanthostega and Ichthyostega walked on land about 360 mya.




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The Pedapis, which looked something like the Ichthyostega (about 1.5 metre long) in the picture above, is the earliest known animal to have climbed out of the sea and onto land.



New Frontiers


Part 3 of the six-part 2005 Canadian-Japanese documentary series Miracle Planet narrated by Christopher Plummer


The 260 footsteps of a four-legged amphibian found on the west coast of Ireland in 1992 are the earliest known fossil traces of a creature going from sea to land . . .'


The Pedapis was the first known animal to go from the sea to land   -   perhaps 348 mya . . . 





The Missing Link


2001 BBC Horizon documentary


How fish grew legs and climbed onto land


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJIQreNwP2o (42:45)


and a longer version, by NOVA  (52:55)






Lost Worlds


4-part documentary series with David Attenborough


Part 1. Magic in Rocks




Part 2. Putting Flesh on Bones





For parts 3 and 4, see below








Rise of Animals


BBC documentary with David Attenborough


Episode 1




Episode 2













The Evolution of Mammals


Two-part instructional video by a blogger


Episode 1. Meet the Synapsids




Episode 2. The Complex Road to Endothermy




Both episodes, following automatically:

























The Five Major Mass Extinctions


99.9 % of all species that ever existed are today extinct; many perished in five mass extinctions  




The Five Major Mass Extinctions


1. Ordovician or Late Ordovician or Ordovician-Silurian (c. 438 mya) - 100 families extinct - more than half of the bryozoan and brachiopod species extinct


Caused by a dropping sea level as glaciers formed, followed by a rising sea level as glaciers melted


2. Late Devonian (ca. 360 mya) - 30% of animal families and 60% of marine genera extinct


Cause unknown; possibly a drop in temperature caused by glaciation; and possibly meteorites


3. End of the Permian or Permian-Triassic (c. 245 mya) - Trilobites, 50% of animal families, 95% of all species, many trees extinct


Cause unknown; possibly a comet or asteroid, or a volcanic eruption perhaps caused by the comet or asteroid, and the spread of lava from the Siberian Traps, causing a drop in oxygen in the sea


4. Late Triassic or End of Triassic (c. 208 mya) - 35% of animal families, most early dinosaur families, most synapsids extinct; but many mammals survive


Caused by the eruption of lava in the Atlantic that broke Pangaea apart and opened the Atlantic and perhaps led to a rise in temperature. 
5. Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary (c. 65 mya) - half of life, including dinosaurs, plesiosaurs, pterosaurs, mosasaurs, ammonites, many families of fishes extinct; but many mammals survive


Caused probably by the impact of a big asteroid in the Gulf of Mexico or the spread of basalt lava from volcanic eruptions in the Deccan Traps of central India.




The Permian Mass Extinction

 - 251 mya


The Third and Biggest Mass Extinction


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The Gorgonopsian (271 - 252 MYA)

was five to eleven feet long.

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Gorgonopsian skeleton










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The Gorgonopsian was wiped out by the Permian Mass Extinction 





The Day the Earth Nearly Died


Nova Horizon documentary





The Great Dying


Episode 5 of the documentary series Animal Armageddon






The Permian-Triassic Boundary


Discussion on the weekly BBC radio programme In Our Time hosted by Melvyn Bragg







Permian-Triassic boundary 252 MYA







Permian - Triassic boumdary






248 - 65.5 million years ago  





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Triassic Period

The Earth 220 MYA, in the Late Triassic Period. 




228  -  66 mya


The Pterosaur, a reptile, the first known flying vertebrate, lived 228 to 66 million years ago



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A fossil of an early long-tail Pterosaur in Bavaria






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The large short-tail Pterosaur ruled the sky 80 million years ago



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The giant Pterosaur Quetzalcoatlus lived 100 - 66 MYA.



Flying with Dinosaurs


BBC documentary with David Attenborough (1984)





Flight of the Pterosaurs


Episode from the documentary series Paleoworld (1994)





Flying Monsters


Documentary with David Attenborough (2011)











Episode from the documentary series Sky Monsters











208.5 - 66 mya


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 Jurassic Period

Earth in the Late Jurassic Period 161 - 146 MYA




157.3 - 145 MYA



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Brontosaurus skeleton







155 - 150 MYA



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Stegasaurus skeleton



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Early Cretaceous Period 146 - 100 MYA




145 to 93 MYA


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100 - 90 MYA

Believed to be the biggest dinosaur ever.


130 feet long


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Artist's conception of Argentinosaurus



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Reconstructed skeleton of Argentinosaurus



New Giants


Episode 5 of BBC documentary series Planet Dinosaur


Faulty upload




Which dinosaur was the biggest?




Comparing dinosaur sizes





Cretaceous Period

The Earth in the Late Cretaceous Period (Turonian) 90 MYA




76.5 - 73 MYA



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Parasaurolophus skeleton





Tyrannosaurus Rex


83.6  -  65.5 MYA

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Tyrannosaurus Rex



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T-Rex skeleton



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The Tyrannosaurus Rex




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The Tyrannosaurus Rex






80 - 73 MYA






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Image result for paleocene crocodiles - Deinosuchus skeleton




Mystery of the Jurassic


2002 BBC documentary on the evolution of the dinosaurs








What happened to the dinosaurs?


The Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) Mass Extinction - 65.5 mya


The Fifth and Last Major Mass Extinction


There are numerous theories on the cause of the last major mass extincton and the disappearance of the dinosaurs.  


The most popular theory is that a giant meteor crashed into the Earth and caused a mass extinction, wiping out all the dinosaurs, 65 million years ago.






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Scientists point to a 65-million-year-old geological strata (called the KT boundary) that indicates a cataclysm at the time. There are dinosaur fossils below this level but not above it.



KT boundary



However, since mammals and dinosaurs inhabited the earth at the same time and many mammals survived, along with many smaller reptiles, like crocodiles, the meteorite theory must be reconsidered. 


There are other theories: extreme volcanic activity; marine regression; extreme climate change with increasingly hot or cold temperatures; world-wide fires; disease; all of these . . .    



Deccan Trap - Volcanoes



Marine Regression



Cooling temperatures



Extreme heat



Fires across the world



A restoration of a Tyrannosaurus called 'Peck's Rex' showing lesions in the jaw and mouth. From the PLoS One paper.



A blogger lists the various theories and explains the KT boundary:





The KT boundary, by another blogger:






KT Boundary


Discussion on the weekly Thursday BBC radio programme In Our Time hosted by Melvyn Bragg






Extinction and Rebirth


Part IV of the 6-part 2005 documentary series Miracle Planet (in HD) narrated by Christopher Plummer 


The documentary considers the possibility that extreme heat and a low oxygen level made life impossible for dinosaurs.  







Part 3 of 4 of the documentary series Lost Worlds with David Attenborough


The documentary suggests that a change in the earth's climate, with a big gradual increase in temperature over a long time, eventually made life impossible for huge land animals. 





Dinosaur Doomsday


Documentary from the Paleoworld series


(in 3 clips)

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LOxhrS3fIc&feature=related


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqMbVSG-A9c&feature=relmfu


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPyJerSPb7E&feature=relmfu




The last day in the life of the last dinosaur


Documentary plays up the meteorite theory













What really killed the dinosaurs?


BBC documentary discounts the meterorite theory





Dinosaur Secrets - Armaggedon


Documentary mentions several dinosaur extinction theories


2 parts:


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xh8ZBrHsnY


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_5OGojMq_Q&feature=relmfu



Rite of Spring


Segment from Walt Disney's animated movie Fantasia (1940) with Igor Stavinsky's Rite of Spring (1913) by the Philadelphia Orchestra conducted by Leopold Stokowski (1939)






Discussion on the weekly BBC radio programme In Our Time hosted by Melvyn Bragg






Some dinos had feathers


The Dinosaur that fooled the world


2002 BBC Horizon documentary discusses the theory that dinosaurs survived the cataclysm and evolved into birds






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Changyuraptor, a non-avian dinosaur







Feathered Dinosaurs


Discussion on the weekly Thursday BBC redio programme In Our Time hosted by Melvyn Bragg


With guests Mike Benton, Steve Brusatte and Maria McNamara


26 October 2017






Did Tyrannosaurus Rex have feathers?

illustration of the feathered tyrannosaur dinosaur by Lida Xing and Yi Lui

Tyrannosaurus Rex with feathers



Some maintain that the T-Rex had feathers. Others maintain that the T-Rex had scales.



Pre-historic Monsters Revealed










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The Earth 65 MYA, at the end of the Cretaceous Period and the Mesozoic Era.




Time scale since the extinction of the dinosaurs.

The Cenozoic Era  -  65 MYA to Present

Image result for timescale since the extinction of dinosaurs chart - cenozoic (paleocene to holocene)









Rare Glimpses


Part 4 of 4 of the documentary series Lost Worlds with David Attenborough










Tourist Souvenirs from Glenrose, Texas


Richard Dawkins considers the claim that humans coexisted with dinosaurs










The only dinosaur thought to survive the dinosaur extinction is the avian dinosaur, or feathered dinosaur   -   the bird.


Many reptiles survived   -   like alligators and crocodiles.


Lizards and snakes survived.


Frogs and salamanders survived.


Turtles survived.


Crabs survived.


Sharks and many other fish survived.


The Platypus survived.


Mammals were small when dinosaurs ruled the earth. Many survived the extinction. Mammals grew and have dominated the earth since.  










Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (P. E. T. M.)


56 MYA



The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)


Discussion on the weekly Thursday BBC radio programme In Our Time hosted by Melvyn Bragg


With guests Dame Jane Francis, Mark Maslin and Tracy Aze


16 March 2017






Unearthing Ancient Climate Change




Uploaded by the American Museum of Natural History in 2013


"Fifty-five million years ago, a sudden, enormous influx of carbon flooded the ocean and atmosphere for reasons that are still unclear to scientists.


"What is clear is that as atmospheric CO2 content increased, the average global surface temperature rose 5°C to 9°C (9°F to 16°F).


"The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), as this global warming event is known, lasted upwards of 170,000 years and had dramatic impacts on living things both on land and in oceans.


"In this feature, a team of paleontologists, paleobotanists, soil scientists, and other researchers take to the field in Wyoming's Bighorn Basin to document how the climate, plants, and animals there changed during the PETM.


"Their work will help predict how our current global warming event could affect life on Earth." - Uploader





















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The Earth 50 MYA 



Diatryma Gigantea by SeanPhelan

Diatryma Gigantea


A giant flightless bird, inhabited much of the earth


56 - 45 mya




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Comparing the size of Diatryma

Gigantea with a modern human.




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Sabre-Tooth Tiger

42 MYA to 11,000 years ago

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37.2 - 28.4 MYA

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Aegyptopithecus (Egyptian ape or monkey)


Lived in northern Egypt c. 30 MYA


The oldest monkey? The oldest ape?


Also called Aegyptopithecus zeuxis ("linking"), considered a possible common ancestor to monkeys and apes (and humans), linking the two. 

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34 - 23 MYA

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The Earth 20 MYA



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Sabre-toothed tiger - 42 MYA to 11,000 years ago

Mammoth - 5 MYA - 4,500 years ago

Wooly rhinoceros - 3.6 MYA - 8,000 years ago

Giant short-faced bear - 1.8 MYA - 11,000 years ago


Long-horn bison - 200,000 - 30,000/20,000 years ago








Evolution of Man

                                  Geologic Clock




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From the formation of the Earth to the evolution of Man



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Geologic Time Scale




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The Modern Theory of the Descent of Man
The chart displays 24 stages of evolution, from first life to man. The chart is read from top to bottom and left to right by number from 1 to 24.
The Modern Theory of the Descent of Man (1874), published by Ernst Haeckel in Anthropogenie oder Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen (1876).

Timeline of Human Evolution
From fish to man








What is a Primate?


Brief 2011 video



Prosimians. Monkeys and Apes
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The Prosimians and Monkeys












The Lemur



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Image result for The Lemur





Episode from the documentary series Be the Creature with the Kratt brothers





Lemurs of Madagascar


Documentary with Martin Clunes in 4 clips


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq8sOto0LvE


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s23DLS0XfM


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndkTcJvVwBE


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nd-fsOnmFBg



Madagascar - Island Ark


Episode about endangered species on Madagascar from the documentary series


Before Its Too Late


by Storyteller Media



Lemurs of Madagascar
Brief PREVIEW of an educational film about primates
The Loris
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The Tarsier
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The Littlest Alien
An episode from the documentary series Pure Nature Specials about Primates




Old World Monkeys




New World Monkeys


Old World monkeys are in Africa and Asia


New World monkeys are in Central and South America



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Range of New World and Old World monkeys









Generally, Old World monkeys are bigger than New World monkeys.


New World monkeys are predominantly aboreal. Old World monkeys are both terrestrial amd aboreal.


Old World and New World monkeys are diurnal. One New World monkey is nocturnal.


Generally, larger New World monkeys have a long tail; some have prehensile tails with which to grip and hang from tree branches. Most Old World monkeys do not have long tails.


Old World monkeys have longer legs than forearms.


Old World monkeys have nails on their fingers and toes.


Old World monkeys have narrow nostrils, oriented downwards. New World monkeys have round and wide nostrils spaced far apart, facing outward.


Old World monkeys have pads on their buttocks for sitting. New World monkeys do not.


Old World monkeys have cheek pouches. New World monkeys to not.



Old World Monkeys



ADD videos here

New World Monkeys

Presentaion for a 101 class





New World Monkeys


Brief PREVIEW of an educational film about









The major difference between apes and monkeys is that monkeys have tails and apes do not.


The ape has a bigger body, a bigger brain-to-body-size ratio and is more intelligent, and lives longer.



Species of Apes:


Great and Lesser Apes

Great Apes are big, Lesser Apes are small



Lesser Apes


Two types: Gibbons and Siamangs


Gibbons (in Southeast Asia)



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Gibbons: The Forgotten Apes in Peril







Siamangs (in Southeast Asia)



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The Siamang singing


Excerpt from a documentary with David Attenborough






Great Apes



Four types:

Gorillas (in Africa)


Bonobos (in Africa)


Orangutans (in Southeast Asia)


Chimpanzees (in Africa)





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The Gorilla, King of the Jungle


Nature documentary (HD) (2013)





Amban the Gorilla can stand and walk











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The Orangutan King


BBC Natural World (HD)








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Image result for Chimpanzee



Image result for chimpanzee using tools



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Chimps of the Lost Gorge


BBC Natural World (HD)








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Source: National Geographic



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Image result for Bonobo walking




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Bonobo Ape - Our Closest Relative


Nature Documentary





The Last Great Ape


Nova documentary








Evolution from Ape to Man


Hominids (Hominins)





The family of two-footed primate mammals that include human beings and their extinct ancestors and related forms, like the Great Apes.


The term hominid is the older term.


The term hominin has become popular in recent years.


Either term in correct. Both terms mean the same thing.


Originally, the term hominid applied only to humans.



Domain - Eukarya

   Kingdom - Animalia

      Phylum - Chordata

         Subphylum: Vertebrata

            Class - Mammalia

               Order - Primate

                  Family - Hominadae




Image result for From T. H. Huxley, Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature, 1863

From T. H. Huxley, Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature, 1863


Sketches of the skeletons of, from left to right, a gibbon, an orangutan, a chimpanzee, a gorilla and a modern human (not to scale).



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Sketch comparing Apes and Man


From left to right: a gibbon, an orangutan, a chimpanzee, a gorilla and a modern human 



The Search for the Missing Link


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The search for fossil evidence of an ape with human features that identify it as an ape evolving into a human and a direct ancestor of modern man.




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Chimpanzee hand (left) and human hand (right)




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A flexible thumb enables a firm grip and the making of stone tools




Apes, Ape-men and Man
The first well-known fossil finds

1. The First Find

Neanderthal Man

(Homo neanderthalensis) (Man from Neanderthal)


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Neanderthal 1

A primitve human skullcap, Neanderthal 1, and other parts of a skeleton were found in a cave, the Kleine Feldhofer Groteo, in a  limestone quarry in the Neander Valley (Thal) of the Dussel River in the town of Erkrath, near the city of Dusseldorf, in northeastern Germany in 1856.

Skulls of the same species had been found many years before, in an area that is today in Liege Province of Belgium and in Gibraltar, but not made public.

Thal (valley) is the old German spelling of Tal. The change was made in 1901. Neanderthal became Neandertal.

The valley was named after Joachim Neander (1650 - 1680), a pastor in Dusseldorf who had changed his German name Neumann to its Greek form Neander.




A steel engraving of a rock cave in the Neander Valley circa 1840.



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A sketch of the section of Feldhofer Grotte published in 1863.




2. The Second Find


Cro-Magnon (Homo sapiens/Wise man)




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Cro-Magnon 1


A primitive skull, Cro-Magnon 1, was found in a a rock shelter, Abri de Cro-Magnon, near the village of Les Eyzies in Dordogne in southwestern France in 1868.


The fossil from Cro-Magnon was recognised as a modern human and the term Homo sapiens (Latin for "Wise man"), which was first applied to the human race in 1758, was used to describe Cro-Magnon Man. Cro-Magnon soon became a term more common than Homo sapiens in describing modern man.    


Abri means "shelter" in French. Cro means "hole" in Occitan, the native language of southern France and Piedmont in northwestern Italy. Magnon was the name of the owner of the property.



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Abri de Cro-Magnon




3. The Third Find


Java Man


(Pithecanthropus erectus) (Ape-Man Upright)


Eugene Dubois




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Trinil 2


A primitive skullcup, Trinil 2, was found by the Solo River near Trinil in the east of the island of Java in the Dutch East Indies in 1891.


The fossil was originally labled Pithecanthropus (Ape-Man) I


Initially called Anthropopithecus (meaning "man-ape" in Greek) by Eugene Dubois, the Dutch anthropologist who studied the fossils collected from excavations in Java under his direction.   


Dubois eventually renamed the specimen Anthropopithecus ("man-ape" in Greek) erectus ("upright") (Man-Ape Upright) and later again, in 1894, to Pithecanthropus ("ape-man") erectus ("upright") (Ape-Man Upright).  



The small right white square (of two) marks the spot where the fossil skull was found by the Solo River.




4. The Fourth Find 


Heidelberg Man



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Mauer 1


A primitive jawbone was discovered in a sand quarry near the town of Mauer, which is near the city of Heidelberg, in southwestern Germany in 1907.



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Photo of the sandpit in Mauer in which the jawbone was found (indicated by a white cross at the bottom of the pit).




In the early 1900s, fossil evidence indicated four stages of man's evolution, represented by the four different specimens:



1. Java Man  -  Pithecanthropus erectus


    2. Heidelberg Man


        3. Neanderthal Man


            4. Cro-Magnon   -   Homo sapiens




1. Java Man 


Pithecanthropus erectus




Side profile of a model of the Java ape-man, based on the fossil find Trinil 2, by J. H. McGregor in 1924.



2. Heidelberg Man


Homo Heidelbergensis




L'homme de Maur



Heidelberg Man (600,000 years ago), L’homme de Mauer, a bronze sculpture by Louis Mascré (1871 - 1929), Belgian sculptor, for his patron, Aimé Rutot (1847 - 1933) of the Royal Natural History Museum of Brussels, in 1919.




3. Neanderthal Man


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One of the earliest conceptions of Neanderthal Man




4. Cro-Magnon


Homo sapiens




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Early Cro-Magnon Man


Conception of Russian paleontologist Mikhail

Mikhaylovich Gerasimov (1907 - 1970)




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Late Cro-Magnon Man









The Piltdown Man Hoax


Piltdown, East Sussex, England





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Piltdown Man


Exposed as a fraud in 1953




Evolutionary chart with Piltddown Man.



Image result for evolutionary chart including the Piltdown Man - Men of the Old Stone Age by Henry Fairfield Osborn, third edition (1924).

Until the hoax was exposed in 1953, many evolutionary charts included the Piltdown Man, like the two above from Men of the Old Stone Age by Henry Fairfield Osborn, third edition (1924).




The Ape Man that Never Was


The Rise and Fall of the Sussex Missing Link


1973 documentary





Fossils, Fame and Forgery


Discover Magazine documentary




or 2 clips


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUaJeNSkbC0


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOxHLWMiULU




1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUaJeNSkbC0


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOxHLWMiULU&feature=related




Piltdown Hoax

BBC documentary





The Boldest Hoax


PBS Nova documentary






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Murder on the Bluebell Line


Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson investigate the Piltdown forgery in 1987 drama on the BBC programme QED












Between the Pithecines and Homo


Between Apes and Man


Before Pithecanthropus erectus


Before Java Man



Australopithecus africanus


The Ape from South Africa


Raymond Dart





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Taung 1 skull


A skull of a three-year-old bi-pedal ape was discovered by quarrymen in a limestone quarry in the village of Buxton in Taung, in the Transvaal of South Africa, in October 1924.


The skull, along with baboon fossils, was given to Raymond Dart, an Australian anthropologist in South Africa, who studied it and, in 1925, decided it was a representative of "an extinct race of apes intermediate between living anthropoids and man."


Dart called it Australopithecus africanus   -   the ape from southern Africa (Australo = south in Latin; pithecus = ape in Greek; africanus = african). It is also known as the Taung Child.




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Artist's conception of Taung Child




Australopithecus africanus


Australopithecus indicated an evolutionary stage between the apes and man   -   an ape evolving toward the human stage   -   followed by the four stages in man's evolution:



1. Australopithecus


   2. Java Man (Pithecanthropus erectus)

      3. Heidelberg Man

         4. Neanderthal Man

             5. Cro-Magnon (Homo sapiens)




A view in the 1930s



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1. Gorilla

2. Australopithecus 1924

3. Pithecanthropus erectus 1891, 1929

4. Neanderthal (Homo neanderthalensis) 1856, 1908 (La-Chapelle-aux-Saints), 1909

5. Steinheim (Homo heidelbergensis) 1933

6. Euhominid (modern hominid) 1868


Steinheim an der Murr is a town about 20 kilometres south of Stuttgart, on the River Murr, where a skull of a Heidelberg Man was found in 1933. The skull is believed to be of a late Heidelberg Man.



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Steinheim skull found in 1933



In the above sketch Neanderthal Man is placed before Heidelberg Man. Generally, however, it is held that Heidelberg Man is older than Neanderthal Man.




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A sketch by anthropologist Louis Leakey in his book Adam's Ancestors in 1934







The Expansion of Homo erectus

Settlement of Eurasia

Lecture by Kristian Pedersen

England, 22 May 2013


Man is believed to have evolved over time from the apes. Everyone has his (or her) own idea of the long process.

Generally, and simply put, the evolutionary process from the apes to modern humans is thought to have occurred thus:


1. First, there appeared Australopithecus ('The Southern Ape' from Latin Australis [South] and Greek Pithecus [Ape]) - an ape with some human features, 3.5 million to 2 million years ago, first identified from fossils by Raymond Dart in South Africa in 1924.

Java Man

2. Then there appeared an ape with more human-like features, Australopithecus erectus (Upright Ape) (Latin erectus = erect) renamed Pithecanthropus erectus (Upright Ape-Man), (Greek Anthropus = Man), also called Java Man, from fossils found on Java in 1891 and 1892 and identified by a Dutch surgeon, Eugene Dubois.

In the 1920s, similar fossils were found near Peking in China and called Sinanthropus pekinensis - or Peking Man.

Due to the many similarities between Pithecanthropus erectus (Java Man) and Sinanthropus pekinensis (Peking Man), since 1950 the two have been called Homo erectus - Upright Man (Latin Homo = Man) (Java Man = Peking Man).

Fossils suggest that Homo erectus lived from approximately 1.8 million years ago to 140,000 years ago.

Just where Homo erectus first appeared is not certain. In the time of Dubois, it was believed that man first appeared in Asia and spread throughout Eurasia and to Africa. This view changed by the mid-20th century and it is now generally believed that man originated in Africa and spread to the Eurasian land mass.

Heidelberg Man

3. Then came Homo Heidelbergensis, or Heidelberg Man, 700,000 to 200,000 years ago, named after more human-like fossils found near Heidelberg, Germany in 1907.

How and where Heidelberg Man first appeared - or evolved from Homo erectus - is not known. Heidelberg Man is called Rhodesian Man In Southern Africa. Did he first appear in Africa and spread to the Eurasian land mass?

Neanderthal Man

4. Then came Homo neanderthalensis - Neanderthal Man - from fossils rather similar to those of modern humans, found in the Neander Valley (Neandertal) in Germany in 1856. Neanderthals lived from 400,000 to 40,000 years ago. Neanderthals are believed to have evolved in Africa before spreading to the Eurasian land mass.

Peking Man is considered Homo erectus. However, Eugene Dubois, the Dutch paleontologist who first identified Java Man, maintained that Peking Man was not Homo erectus but a species between Homo erectus and Neanderthal.

Early Modern Man

5. Last comes Homo sapiens (Wise Man) (Latin sapiens = wise) or Modern Man, from 300,000 years ago to the present day, first identified from 30,000-year-old fossils found in Cro-Magnon, France in 1868. Homo sapiens are believed to have evolved in Africa before spreading to the Eurasian land mass.

Late (Recent) Modern Man

How these species evolved is not known. They may represent a single straight evolutionary line - from Australopithecus to Homo erectus to Heidelberg Man to Neanderthal man to Modern Man (from Early to Recent). Some have proposed variations.

The Neanderthals may have been actually an early Homo sapiens. Some have suggested that the Neanderthals are a branch of Homo sapiens.

"Upright Ape Man" or "Upright Man"?
Pithecanthropus erectus and Homo erectus
Peking Man
Sinanthropus pekinensis

Peking, China

1923 - 1937


Image result for Sinanthropus skull 1 - first Peking Man fossil skull found 1929 - smithsonian institution

A composite caste of

Peking Man made from

varioius fossils found at

the excavation site of

Zhoukoudian near Peking

between 1929 and 1937.





Model of Peking Man based on castes modeled on the fossils lost in 1941 and other fossils found later in 1966.



Reported finds from the site of Zhoukoudian 

near Peking:


1921 - one molar tooth

1923 - two molar teeth

1927 - a tooth


1929 - a lower jaw, some teeth and some skull fragments  


1929 - 1937 - Partial skull caps, jaw bones, teeth, skeletal bones and stone tools 



The fossils found at Zhoukoudian from 1929 to 1937 disappeared in 1941, last seen in the possession of U. S. Marines in China.


There are only castes for consideration.



The Strange Case of Peking Man


Timeline documentary







Java Man



The first find of Java Man was a skullcap recovered by the Solo River near Trinil on Java for Eugene Dubois in 1891. (Called Trinil 2.)


1932  -  a skull cap was reportedly discovered 

at Ngandong by the Solo River. (Called Solo Man.)


1936  -  a skull was discovered near the town of Mojokerto and village of Perning on eastern Java.


1936  -  part of a lower jaw, believed to be 1.5 million years old, was discovered at the site of Sangiran, near the Solo River, on Java. (Called Sangiran 1)


1937  -  a skullcap, believed to be one million years old, was found at Sangiran on Java. (Sangiran 2)


1939  -  an upper jaw with canines, belived to be 1.5 million years old, was discovered at the site of Sangiran on Java. (Sangiran 4 )




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Pithecanthropus (Java Man)




Sinanthropus pekinensis (Peking Man)



Homo erectus  





Noting Peking Man's similarities to Java Man, a German anthropologist, Franz Weidenreich, proposed in the late 1930s that Peking Man and Java Man be considered hominids.


Eugene Dubois, who found Java Man, disagreed. He maintained that Java Man was an ape-man, the "missing link" between the apes and man, and that Peking Man was less like an ape-man but more evolved, like a Neanderthal.    


A German biologist, Ernst Mayr, proposed in 1950 that Peking Man and Java Man be considered as one species, Homo erectus (Upright Man).


This was widely accepted and both have been considered sub-species of Homo erectus since.



Homo erectus





In more recent years, Homo erectus fossils have been found in China in Hexian, Lantian, Nanjing . . .  


A Homo erectus skull and a lower jaw bone were found in Lantian, China in 1963 



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Replicas of the skull and jawbone

found in Lantian in 1963



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Artist's conception of Homo erectus

based on the fossils found in Lantian






Image result for Home erectus (Sangiran 17).

Sangiram 17 (original skull or caste)


1969  -  the skull of an adult Homo erectus, believed to be 1 to 1.2 million years old and the most comlete Homo erectus skull thus far found on Java (and all of Southeast Asia), was discovered at Sangiran, near the city of Surakarta. (Called Sangiran 17.)



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Conception of Homo erectus

based on the skull Sangiran 17,

by French sculptor and painter

Elisabeth Daynès.




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Image result for from ape to man

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In the two sketches immediately above, Early Homo sapiens follows Homo erectus but precedes Solo Man, Rhodesian Man and Neanderthal Man. 


Some consider Solo Man, like Java Man, to be a sub-species of Homo erectus


Others consider Solo Man a sub-species of Early Homo sapiens.


Generally, Rhodesian Man is considered to be an African version of Heidelberg Man, which was found in Germany, which evolved from Homo erectus and evolved into Neanderthal Man, which evolved into Early Homo sapiens, which evolved into Recent or Late Homo sapiens, indicated as Cro-Magnon Man in the above sketch.


Generally, it is assumed that a species of Australopithecus

evolved into Homo erectus. Homo erectus evolved into Heidelberg Man, which evolved into Neanderthal Man, which evolved into Homo sapiens. Cro-Magnon Man is considered to be an European version of Early and/or Late Homo sapiens and Early and/or Late Modern Man. 


Some consider Heidelberg Man and Neanderthal Man to be separate branches or sub-species of Early Homo sapiens that evolved into Late Homo sapiens, Cro-Magnon Man.


Some believe that Neanderthal Man did not evolve from Heidelberg Man but that the two have a common ancestor and Heidelberg Man did not evolve into Homo sapiems but Neanderthal did.




               Charting Man's Origin and Evolution




                              The Apes and Man



Related image

Source: National Geographic



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Charting Man's evolution



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One of many different charts of the evolution of hominids, this chart is currently one of the more popular.




A picture of man's evolution from the apes, in 1999 





Source: Time Magazine, August 23, 1999



Ardipithecus ramidus (traits and classifiaction uncertain)


 Australopithecus anamensis (walked upright)


  Australopithecus afarensis


   Australopithecus africanus


    Australopithecus aethiopicus


     Australopithecus garhi (first to use tools and eat meat?)


      Australopithecus boisei


       Australopithecus robustus (not a direct ancestor of



        Homo rudolfensis (earliest known of the genus Homo)


         Homo habilis


          Homo ergaster (earliest Homo erectus?)


           Homo erectus


            Homo antecessor


             Homo neanderthalensis (Earliest forms, called Homo heidelbergensis, are 600,000 years old)


               Homo sapiens (Earliest fossils are 100,000 years old)




Most hominid fossils have been found in Africa
Charles Darwin believed that Man originated in Africa.
Alfred Russell Wallace and Eugene Dubois believed Man originated in Southest Asia.
Until the 1940s, most believed Man originated in Asia rather than in Africa.
Today, most researchers believe that Man originated in Africa and migrated to Asia.

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Early hominid fossil sites in Africa




The Great Rift Valley



Many fossils of early hominids in Aftrica have been found in the Great Rift Valley  



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The Great Rift Valley

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The Great Rift Valley

The Great Rift Valley


Exceprt from Discovery Atlas documentary




Africa - Land and Resources

Geography of the World




Geologic Clues to What's Tearing Africa Apart

Lecture by David Hilton

Scripps Institute, University of California-San Diego (2014)


The Great Rift Valley

John Hawks (2014)



There are many websites about human evolution.

See: Smithsonian Museum





The Leakey Family



A prominent family of paleontologists and paleo-anthropologists




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Louis Leakey (1903 - 1972)



Dr. Leakey and the Dawn of Man


1966 documentary






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Louis and Mary Leakey (1913 - 1996)




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Richard Leakey





At Western Kentucky University, probably in the mid to late -1970s







On the TV program Upon Reflection


University of Washington, Seattle









On the TV program African Leadership Dialogues


Kenya (2001?)






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Meave Leakey




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Louise Leakey



Digging for Humanity's Origins


Lecture by Louise Leakey on TED (2008)





Which Way Next?

Singularity University Interview (2012)









From Ape to Man


2005 documentary film (90 min.)












Hominid Paleobiology


The Origin of Modern Humans


Lecture by Tim White, biologist

Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), Chevy Chase, Maryland (2011)



Out of Africa and the Evolution of Human Behavior

Lecture by Richard Klein at California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly), San Luis Obispo, November 15, 2011



One Million Years Ago

Homo erectus, the Acheulean and Prehistoric Globalization


Lecture by Henry Gilbert at California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly), San Luis Obispo, February 28, 2012





The Fossil Chronicles:

Revolutions in Paleoanthropology

Lecture by Dean Fulk

Revolutions in paleontology caused by the discoveries of the Taung Child, the Hobbit and Denisova

New Mexico History Museum, February 9, 2012


Emerging Trends in Paleoanthropology

Lecture by Richard Potts at the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D. C. in May 2011





The oldest monkey? The oldest ape?
Aegyptopithecus zeuxis
30 MYA
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Skull of Aegyptopithecus ("Egyptian ape") zeuxis ("linking"), discovered in northern Egypt in 1965, believed to be about 30 million years old.
Aegyptopithecus zeuxis could be a common ancestor of Old World monkeys and the Apes (and humans), linking the two.
"The two living catarrhine superfamilies [the plathyrrhine and the catarrhine are the two subdivisions of simians; the catarrhine are Old World monkeys, gibbons, great apes and humans], the hominoids and the cercopithecoides [Old World monkeys], may have diverged before Aegyptopithecus existed or after. Since Aegyptopithecus shows no derived similarities to either group, it may be very similar to the primitive catarrhine lineage that gave rise to both living groups, even if it represents an early hominoid or cercopithecoid." - John Hawks (24 January 2005)
Is Aegyptopithecus actually Propliopithecus?





Bi-pedal Apes

The first   -   or oldest, or earliest   -   bi-pedal apes


It has long been assumed apes first walked, on the branches of trees, about 6 MYA.


However, some believe the first bi-pedal apes appeared 15 million years earlier, about 22 MYA.













Australopithecus africanus 




Pithecines -


     Australopithecus -


          Homo erectus -

               Heidelberg Man -

                    Neanderthal Man -

                         Homo sapiens





Sahelanthropus tchadensis



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Cast of skull TM 266-01-060-1

found in Chad in 2001, believed

to be 7 to 6 million years old




Nicknamed "Toumai"



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Artist's conception of Toumai



Sahelanthropus tchadensis


Brief overview






Sahelanthropus Tchadensis

Earliest hominid - 7 Million Years Old - found in Chad

Lecture bt Michel Marc Brunet at Tel Aviv University on 19 May 2003










Orrorin tugenensis


Fossil of an upper femur found in Kenya in 2001 indicate a bi-pedal ape about bout 6 millions years old.






Search for the First Human


Episode from the documentary series Secrets of the Dead (2001)


Discovered in Kenya in 2001, a 5.8 and 6.2-million-year-old fossil, perhaps an ancestor of Australopithecus.










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Ardipithecus ramidus


Fossils found in Ethiopia from 1992 to 1994


4.4 MYA


Originally called an Australopithecus 



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Reconstructed skull of Ardipithecus



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Artists' renditions of Ardi, an Ardipithecus ramidus, an early bi-ped ape who lived 4.4. million years ago  -  a possible ancestor of humans  -  found in Ethiopia.


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Artist's restoration of Ardipithecus ramidus skeleton



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Artist's restoration of Ardipithecus ramidus with skelton, musculature, flesh and hair.




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One of numerous possible evolutionary trees from Ardipithecus ramidus to Homo sapiens




Discovering Ardi


2009 Discovery Channel documentary with Tim White











Australopithecus africanus


The Ape from South Africa



Related image
Artist's conception of
Australopithecus Africanus




Pithecines before Australopithecus africanus -


    Australopithecus africanus -


        Homo erectus -

            Heidelberg Man -

                Neanderthal Man -

                    Homo sapiens






Definition, Characteristics & Evolution






Australopithecus africanus



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Cast of the Taung Child's skull, discovered by

Raymond Dart in South Africa in 1924.


The first Australopithecus fossil discovered,

believed to be 2.04 to 3.03 million years old.




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Raymond Dart (1893 - 1988)




Image result for Raymond Dart in 1924




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Dart with Taung child




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Artist's conception of

Australopithecus africanus



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Artist's conception of Australopithecus

Artist's conception of male and female Australopithecus africanus walking



Skull Wars: The Missing Link


Episode 1 of 5 of the Discovery Channel documentary series Searching For Lost Worlds (1998) (47:33)


Raymond Dart discovers the first fossil evidence of an upright ape-man, the Taung child, in South Africa in 1924 and concludes that humans evolved in Africa



Since Raymond Dart's discovery of Australopitecus africanus in 1924, the fossils of more specimens have been found, all in South Africa, most notably in Sterkfontein in 1935, in Makapansgat in 1948 and in Gladysvale in 1992.


Robert Broome found the first fossil skeleton of an adult Australopithicus africanus in Sterkfontein in August 1936.


Raymond Dart and his team found more fossils of Australopitehcus africanus in Makapansgat 1948 and 1949.








Australopithecus robustus


1 - 2 MYA; 2 -3 MYA?





Original of Paranthropus robustus Face.jpg

Skull of Australopithecus robustus

found bt Robert Broome in Swartkrans/Kromdaai in South

Africa in 1938.



Because more fossils of the specimen found by Dart in 1938 seemed similar to Australipithecus africanus, but had larger   -   or more robust   -   skulls, it was called Australopithecus robustus.


Australopithecus robustus was similar to other robust australopithecines found later   -   P. boisei, by Mark Leakey in Tanzania in 1959, and P. aethiopicus, found in Ethiopia in 1967. But there were differences. To distungiush A. robustus from A. bosiei and A. aethiopicus, it was given a new name, Paranthropus.


Para (Latin) = Beside


anthropus = Man


"Beside Man" (parallel to man)



Eventually, however, all three were called Paranthropus: Paranthropus robustus, Paranthropus bosei and Paranthropus aethiopicus.  



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Proposed evolutionary tree of Australopithecus africanus, Paranthropus (Australopithecus robustus), Paranthropus bosei and Modern Man



Robust australopithecines


John Hawks (2014)









Australopithecus prometheus


Little Foot


1994 - 1998


Ronald J. Clarke found a complete skeleton of an adult female Australopithecus, which was determined to be 2 - 3.7 million years old, in Sterkfontein. It is the oldest most complete skeleton of an Australopithecus ever found. It differs in some features from Australopithecus africanus.  



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Skeleton of the Australopithecus found by Clarke



Ronald J. Clarke


With comment by Robert Blumenschine







The fossil skeleton


Ronald J. Clarke







Little Foot, Big Foot


Lecture by Ronald J. Clarke


University of California San Diego (UCSD)


30 September 2011













Australopithecus afarensis


The Southern Ape from the Afars





A fossil skeleton found in the Afars region of Ethiopia in 1974


2.95 - 3.85 MYA




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In November 1974 American antropologists Tom Gray (left) and Donald Johanson (right) found partial skeletal remains of a young female ape in sediments believed to be 3.2 million years old in the Afars region of Ethiopia.


They called it an Australopithecus afarensis, after the Afars region.


They gave it the nickname "Lucy" after the title of a song by the rock group The Beatles.




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The skeletal remains found




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Don Johanson and Australopithecus Afarensis ("Lucy")




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The entire skeleton reconstructed based

on the skeletal remains recovered.


Reconstructed parts are in white.


Note that the feet appear to be

modern. No skeletal remains of

the feet were found.


Reconstruction of the feet was based

on footprints found in Laetoli, Tanzania

two years later, in 1976 (see below).

But fossils of the same species have

since been recovered with foot bones.


Australopithecus Afarensis was a bi-pedal ape that lived in trees, walked upright and foraged for food on the ground. The fossil has been dated to 3.5 million years ago.



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Comparing the skeletons of a chimpanzee, "Lucy" and Modern Man.




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Artist's impression of the

face of Australopithecus

Afarensis ("Lucy") based

on the recovered fragments

of the skull.




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Related image

Australopithecus Afarensis

("Lucy") reconstructed.




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Most recent reconstruction

of the Australopithecus

Afarensis specimen "Lucy".


Note: Austalopithecus afarensis ("Lucy") was not the first female fossil to be given a girl's name.




Donald Johanson

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Donald Johanson





Episode 1 of the three-part 1994 NOVA documentary series In Search of Human Origins by Donald Johanson


Upload is of poor quality





First Steps


First part of 3-part 2010 PBS NOVA documentary series Becoming Human


- What is modern man's origin?


- What makes modern man human?


- The latest scientific research about man's hominid relatives.


- The factors that caused the ancestors of modern man to split from the other great apes.


- The 3.3 million-year-old fossil "Selam" in 2000.


- How the brains of modern man's ancestors began to change from the brains of apes.





Finding Lucy


Excerpt from 2014 PBS documentary Your Inner Fish with Don Johanson and Neil Shubin





Lucy's Legacy: Our African Origins


Lecture by Donald Johanson about his discovery of an Australopithecus afarensis skeleton that he named "Lucy"


Denison University, Granville, Ohio in 2011





Darwin, Lucy and the Quest for Human Origins


Lecture by paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson


- The British naturalist Charles Darwin, author of On the Origin of Species (1859);


- The discovery of an Australopithecus afarensis skeleton in eastern Africa nicknamed "Lucy" (1974);


- The quest for the origin of humans


Orange County Society of Archaeological Institute of America, Orange, California (2011)





Australopithecus afarensis


3.2 MYA


Lecture by Donald Johanson at Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, October 19, 2014





Donald Johanson


A talk (1991)





Donald Johanson


A talk on Big Think (2010)





Australopithecus afarensis ("Lucy")


Episode # 3 of three-part 2012 BBC documentary series Prehistoric Autopsy


Pathologists recreate extinct homonids





(Episodes 1 and 2 are referred to below)


All three episodes in one video can be viewed:


1. Neantherthal Man (La Ferassie 1)


2. Homo erectus (Turkana Boy)


3. Australopithecus afarensis (Lucy)




Australopithecus afarensis footprints
Fossil footprints discovered 


Laetoli, Tanzania





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Image result for Laetoli footrpints

Footprints that look modern were found in

volcanic ash believed to be 3.6 milions years

old by Andrew Hill in Laetoli, Tanzania in 1976.


The footprints were believed to have been left by three bi-peds of the Australopithecus afarensis species.


Hill was with the research team of Mary Leakey.




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A Laetoli footprint




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Artist's impression of the bi-peds

that made the Laetoli footprints




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Artist's impression of the bi-peds

that made the Laetoli footprints




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Artist's impression of the bi-peds

that made the Laetoli footprints




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Excavating the Laetoli footprints




3.6 million-year-old footprints found in Laetoli, Tanzania in 1976


Excerpt from documentary






Protecting the 3.6 million-year-old hominid trackway


Tanzania and John Paul Getty Conservation Institute





Laetoli Footprint Exhibit


Olduvai Museum





Did the Australopithecus afarensis species make the footprints in Laetoli, Tanzania?



Our Earliest Ancestors


Documentary (2002?)


Flat-face Man, or Kenyanthropus platyops,    discovered in Kenya in 1998/1999, is a species of ape with Australopithecine features that lived in the same region and time as Australopithecus afarensis species   -   3.5 million years ago.





Does Kenyanthropus platyops represent another genus?


Is it a separate species of Australopithecus?


Is it a specimen of the species Australopithecus africanus?


Or is it a specimen of the species Australopithecus afarensis with some different features?



Piecing Together Human Ancestors

Meave Leakey


National Geographic Live!




Comment on the Laetoli footprints


Are the footprints actually those of Homo erectus?





More footprints found in Laetoli




Italian-Tanzanian team discovery




Comments by British students







Related image




Related image


Comparing the skulls of a chimpanzee, Proconsul africanus (a monkey or ape that predates chimpanzees) and australopithecines (Australopithecus afarensis and Australopithecus africanus)



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Australopithecus afarensis, A. africanus and A. robustus






Related image

Comparing the skulls of gorillas, Australopithecines, Homo erectus, Neanderthal Man and Modern Man






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Comparing the skulls of Australopithecines, Homo erectus, Neanderthal Man and Homo sapiens









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Richard Leakey (left) and Donald




On Human Evolution


Lectures by Richard Leakey and Donald Johanson


American Museum of Natural History, New York City


May 5, 2011




Remains of an Australopithecine with an extended big toe indicated an ape-man one-half million years older than any previously known.
Witwatersrand University, South Africa
2016 upload of excerpts from video tape recordings probably made in the 1980s or 1990s
No details provided






Australopithecus sediba


2  MYA



Image result for australopithecus sediba skull

Australopithecus sediba skull, about

2 million years old, found by Lee and

Matthew Berger in Malapa, 25 miles north

of Johannesburg, South Africa in 2008




Related image

Lee Burger and Australopithecus sediba




MH 1 alternate head reconstruction b Image

Australopithecus sediba (artist's conception)




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Comparing the features of chimpanzees and modern humans with A. sediba



Some believe A. sediba is an ancestor of modern humans



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Some believe A. sediba is not an ancestor of modern man



An evoltionary chart placing A. sediba in a separate branch 




The Two Million Year Old Boy


2011 National Geographic documentary






Part Ape, Part Human:


The Fossils of Malapa


National Geographic


In a 2011 lecture, palaeo-anthropologist Lee Berger recounts his 2006 discovery of Australopithecus sediba






The Skull in the Rock


Lecture by Lee Berger


Talks at Google (November 2012)





Discovering Australopithecus sediba with Lee Berger




John Hawks (2014)












Homo habilis


Able Man



The oldest ancestor of modern man?


Was it Australopithecus?

Or was it Homo?



Discovered in Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania in 1960.




Pithecines -


    Australopithecus -


        Homo habilis


            Homo erectus -

                Heidelberg Man -

                    Neanderthal Man -

                        Homo sapiens




Image result for OH 24 (original fossil skull)

OH 24, discovered in Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania in 1968, considered to be 1.8 million years old.




Related image

KNM-ER 1813, discovered at Koobi Fora, by the east shore of Lake Rudolf (Lake Turkana) in Kenya in 1973, is considered to be 1.9 million years old.




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Artist's conception of Homo habilis




Australopithecus or Homo habilis?


Is Homo habilis actually an Australopithecus?




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Artist's conception of Homo habilis




Related image

Castes of skulls of Australopithecines, Homo habilis, Homo erectus and Neanderthal


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What is Homo habilis?


John Hawks (2014)







The first remains were discovered by Heselon Mukiri, senior assistant of Louis Leakey and Mary Leakey, in Olduvai Gorge of Tanzania in 1959.

Jonathan Leakey discovered remains dating to 1.75 million years ago (mya) in Olduvai Gorge in 1960.

In 1964, Australian anthropologist Raymond Dart recommended the name Homo habilis - able, handy, mentally skillful, vigorous in Latin.

Homo habilis

The First 'Humans'








Homo ergaster


1.3 to 1.8 million years ago



Homo ergaster.jpg


KNM ER 3733, a skull of Homo ergaster, discovered near Lake Turkana, at Koobi Fora in Kenya in 1975.




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Reconstruction of Homo ergaster

based on fossil skull



Many believe that Homo ergaster is a direct ancestor of modern man and that Homo erectus is actually a cousin, on another evolutionary branch, rather than an ancestor of modern man.


Many believe Homo ergaster is actually a variation or sub-species of Homo erectus.  




Image result for Homo ergaster

Artist's conception of Homo ergaster




Related image


Evolutionary chart




In Search of Human Origins


Australian documentary (1999) (46 min.)

Upload repeats at end.










Homo habilis


= Homo ergaster


= Homo erectus ?



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Homo erectus


1,900,000 - 143,000 years ago



Pithecanthropus erectus

(Java Man)




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Trinil 2


A primitive skullcup, Trinil 2, and other primtive fossils were found by Eugene Dubois by the Solo River near Trinil in the east of the island of Java in the Dutch East Indies in 1891.


1.66 to 1.81 million years old


Generally considered to be an Homo erectus.





Side profile of a reconstruction by J. H. McGregor in 1924 of Java Man's head, made

made from the fossil skull discovered by Eugene Dubois in 1891.




Three-quarter profile




Front of the Java ape-man by

J. H. McGregor in 1924.




Domain - Eukarya

  Kingdom - Animalia

    Phylum - Chordata

      Subphylum - Vertebrata

        Class - Mammalia

          Order - Primate

            Family - Hominadae

              Genus - Homo

                Species - Homo erectus




Pithecines -


    Australopithecus -


        Homo Habilis


            Homo erectus -

                  Heidelberg Man -

                      Neanderthal Man -

                          Homo sapiens




Homo erectus is generally considered the ancestor of modern man   -   and such through the later Heidelberg Man and/or the Neanderthal Man.


But some do NOT consider Homo erectus to be a direct ancestor Heidelberg Man or the Neanderthal or modern man.




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Eugene Dubois (Eijsden, Limburg, Netherlands 1858 - Haelen, 1940)



Eugene Dubois








Peking Man

Sinanthropus pekinensis

Homo erectus pekinensis

1923 - 1937


Skull of male (left) and female (right) from Upper Cave at Zhoukoudian

Castes of skulls reconstructed from fragments of different skulls found in Zhoukoudian in the 1920s and 1930s


Related image


Peking Man (760,000 years ago)

discovered in excavations near

Peking between 1923 and 1937

Generally considered to be an

Homo erectus




Peking Man - Older Times, Colder Climes


One of numerous Science Bulletins "uploaded" by the American Museum of Natural History



'Peking Man' older than thought (760,000 years old); somehow adapted to cold


One of numerous Boiler Bytes uploaded by Purdue U.





Peking Man Site, China


From a 2012 "upload", Around the World with Jack Daulton





Der Pekingmensch von Zhoukoudian, China




Franz Weidenreich (late-1930s): Java Man and Peking Man are both hominids.


Eugene Dubois: No. Java Man is an ape-man   -   the link between the apes and man. Peking Man is not an ape-man but closer to a Neanderthal.


Ernst Mayr (1950): Java Man and Peking Man are similar enough to be considered the same. We should call them 'Upright Man' - Homo erectus.   


1970s: Java Man and Peking Man are sub-species of Homo erectus. Java Man should be called Homo erectus erectus and Peking Man should be called Homo erectus pekinensis.




Homo erectus


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Artist's conception of

Homo erectus




Related image

Homo erectus




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Homo erectus




Related image


Comparing the skeletons of Australopithecus afarensis and Homo erectus




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Chart of the evolution of Man from the apes




Homo erectus or Homo ergaster?


Turkana Boy.jpg

Replica of the skeleton

of Turkana Boy




File:Turkana boy - steps of forensic facial reconstruction RTL.jpg

Reconstruction of head and face from 1.6 million-year-old fossil skull of adolsecent, found in Nariokotome near Lake Turkana in Kenya in 1984.


Called "Turkana Boy" and "Nariokotome Boy".


Generally considered to be a specimen of Homo erectus but many believe it to be a specimen of Homo ergaster.



Homo erectus


(Turkana Boy/Nariokotome Boy)


Many consider Turkana Boy to be an Homo ergaster


Episode # 2 of the three-part 2012 BBC documentary series Prehistoric Autopsy


Pathologists recreate extinct homonids










Homo erectus fossil footprints



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Homo erectus walking




Image result for Homo erectus footprints - Koobi Fora - 1984

Homo erectus footprint found in

Koobi Fora in 2004




Image result for Homo erectus footprints - 1984 - compared to modern footprint

Compared with modern foot



Figure 1

Photo from Scientifc Reports

A sample of 1.5 million-year-old hominin footprints from 97 tracks by at least twenty different individuals excavated at five sites at different stratigraphic levels in an area of 1.5 kilometres in Ileret from 2007 to 2014.


The footprints are evidence that the feet of hominins 1.5 MYA were similar to the feet of modern humans and that they walked like modern humans.



1.5 million-year-old footprints of Homo erectus found in Koobi Fora, Lleret, Kenya 2004


With Jack Harris






Image result for Homo erectus footprints - 1984 - compared to modern footprint



Comparing the footprints of Australopithecus afarensis, Homo erectus and Homo sapiens




Surviving in Africa

Part 2 of the 1994 NOVA documentary series In Search of Human Origins with Don Johanson

Homo habilis and Homo erectus



Birth of Humanity


Part 2 of 3-part 2010 PBS NOVA documentary series Becoming Human


- The Leakey family of Kenya find a complete fossil skeleton of Homo erectus that resembles modern man.


- Homo erectus became a hunter of large prey, harnessed fire and developed extensive kinships.


- Was long-distance running crucial to the survival of Homo erectus?


- How, why and when did humans begin the long and unique period of childhood and parenting?












All three parts in one video:





What is Homo erectus?


John Hawks (2014)





Later Homo erectus


John Hawks (2014)





Will the real Homo erectus please stand up

A lecture by John Alsoszatai-Petho at Central Washington University

Uploaded 2013










Hominid migrations



Related image

Homo erectus sites and the range of Homo erectus



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The expansion of Homo erectus


Two prevelant theories of human origin and modern man:


On the left:


The theory that Homo erectus migrated from Africa to Eurasia and Oceania but was entirely replaced by a later migration of homonids.


On the right:


The theory that Homo erectus migrated from Africa throughout the world and then wandered and mixed everywhere;


Homo erectus migrated out of Africa into Eurasia and different groups in different places eventually evolved into Heidleberg Man and Neanderthal Man and Homo sapiens


(See: http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Neanderthal )



The Expansion of Homo erectus


Settlement of Eurasia


Lecture by Kristian Pedersen


England, 22 May 2013







Homo erectus

In Our Time

Discussion hosted by Melvyn Bragg

BBC weekly radio programme

14 April 2022







Heidelberg Man


Rhodesian Man


600,000 to 200,000 years ago


Africa, Europe, western Asia



Heidelberg Man



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Mauer 1


A primitive jawbone was discovered in a cave at Feldhofer in the Neander Tal near the town of Mauer, which is near the city of Heidelberg, in Germany in 1907.



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Skull of a Heidelberg Man 250,000 to 400,000 years old.



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Heidelberg Man (600,000 years ago), L’homme

de Mauer, a bronze sculpture by Louis Mascré (1871 - 1929), Belgian sculptor, for his patron, Aimé Rutot (1847 - 1933) of the Royal Natural History Museum of Brussels, in 1919.


Related image




Related image

Artist's conception of Heidelberg Man



Believed by many to be the ancestor of both modern man and the Neanderthal



Kingdom - Animalia
   Phylum - Chordata

      Subphylum - Vertebrata
         Class - Mammalia 
            Order - Primates
               Family - Hominidae
                  Genus - Homo
                     Species - Homo heidelbergensis




Pithecines -


   Australopithecus -


      Homo habilis


        Homo erectus -

          Heidelberg Man -

               Neanderthal Man -

                  Homo sapiens




Der Urmensch von Heidelberg


Homo heidelbergensis








Or in 3 parts:


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4R525uM_5Oc


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVSbl-sNi5Y


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPkEiuuQwn4




Homo rhodesiensis



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Rhodesian Man

  The Broken Hill Skull 

    Kabwe 1



A miner found the skull (and other fossils) in a mine in Broken Hill (Kabwe) in Northern Rhodesia (Zambia today) in 1921.


Called Homo rhodesiensis in 1921; later considered a specimen of Homo heidelbergensis.


Believed to be 125,000 to 300,000 years old.



Homo rhodesiensis


Rhodesian Man


The skull found on Broken Hill in Northern

Rhodesia (Zambia) in 1921







Donald Johanson







Neanderthal Man
Homo neanderthalensis
The Neanderthal Man inhabited 
western Asia, the Near East and 
Europe 300,000 to 24,000 years ago.

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Neanderthal 1

A primitve human skullcap, Neanderthal 1, and other parts of a skeleton were found in a cave in the Neander Valley (Tal) in northeastern Germany in 1856.

Skulls of the same species had been found many years earlier but not made public.



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Earliest conception of the Neanderthal





Related image

A recent conception of a late Neanderthal




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Late Neanderthal




A late Neanderthal by J. H. McGregor




Kingdom - Animalia
   Phylum - Chordata

      Subphylum - Vertebrata

         Class - Mammalia
            Order - Primates
               Family - Hominidae
                  Genus - Homo
                     Species- Homo neanderthalensis




Pithecines -


   Australopithecus -


      Homo Habilis


         Homo erectus -

            Heidelberg Man -

            Neanderthal Man -

                  Homo sapiens




Was the Neanderthal an ancestor of modern man?


Or another species of man?


Or another branch of modern man?


Another race?




Image result for Possible views of the Neanderthal introduced from 1955 to 1980

Possible views of the Neanderthal introduced from 1955 to 1980


Some consider the Neanderthal early Homo sapiens


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Comparing the skulls of Australopithecus, Homo erectus, Neanderthal Man and Homo sapiens




Image result for Homo erectus and Neanderthal skulls compared

Homo erectus and Neanderthal skulls compared




Pro-Australopithecus -


   Australopithecus -


      Homo Habilis


         Homo erectus -

            Heidelberg Man -

             Homo sapiens neanderthalis -




Image result for first evidence of the Neanderthal Man, discovered in a cave, Feldhofer Grotto, in the Neander Valley (Tal) in western Germany was made public in 1857.


First evidence of the Neanderthal Man, discovered in a cave, Feldhofer Grotto, in the Neander Valley (Tal) in western Germany was made public in 1857.



Related image

Skeletons of the Neanderthal and Modern Man compared



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The Neanderthal

- probably had light skin

- about 5'6" tall

- a larger brain than modern humans

- probably better eye-sight than modern humans

- a stocky build, much stronger than modern humans, with powerful arms and hands

- probably had blond and red hair



Related image

Chart of ancestors and descendants of Neanderthal and Modern Man




According to the results of modern genetic research Neanderthals and modern humans shared a common ancestor and also interbred.


Some consider the Neanderthals a sub-species of Homo sapiens or vice-versa




Are We the Last Neanderthals?


Recent field work and genetic evidence from laboratory research indicates widespread interbreeding between Neanderthals and modern humans in prehistoric Europe


Lecture by John Hawks, biological anthropologist


24th Chicago Humanities Festival hosted by the Center for the Humanities and the Institute for Research in the Humanities at the


University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wisconsin

November 2, 2013





In the Lab with Neandertals


John Hawks (2014)






Genetics and the Neanderthal Man


Homo sapiens have Neanderthal ancestry



- The Neanderthal in Us


    - New DNA evidence that Neanderthals interbred with Humans


        - End of the Neanderthal Myth?




Neandertals within us

Part 2 of 2. Ancient Genomes

John Hawks (2014)




Decoding Neanderthals


2013 PBS Nova documentary about genetic research by the Max Planck Institute


Recent research indicates that modern humans and the Neanderthals share DNA





Neanderthals on Trial


2002 documentary


Research into DNA indicated that Neanderthals and modern humans were separate branches of the Heidelberg Man and did not interbreed.






Neanderthal Genes Found in Modern Humans


Lecture by Jean-Jacques Hublin of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology about the recent discovery of genetic integration between Neanderthals and modern humans ca. 60,000 years ago





A Neanderthal Perspective on Human Origins

Lecture by Svante Pääbo, biologist and anthropologist, director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany

- the genetic contributions of Neanderthals to modern and extinct humans;

- genomic features shared by modern humans and Neanderthals since their divergence from a common ancestor.

Recorded at UC-Berkeley on 09/10/2014


Neanderthal Man:

In Search of Lost Genomes

Lecture by Svante Paabo

Talks at Google (2014)


Conversation with Svante Pääbo

About his 30-year quest to uncover the genome of Neanderthal Man.


Recorded for the UC-TV program


Conversations with History at UC-Berkeley on September 10, 2014





Probing Human Ancestry with Ancient DNA


Lecture by John Hawks


U. of New Hampshire


April 27, 2016







Image result for Neanderthal Man (La Ferrassie 1)

In this recent recreation, the Neanderthal

resembles not a representative of another

human species, or even another human

race, but a modern Caucasoid.



Neanderthal (La Ferrassie 1)


Episode # 1 of three-part 2012 BBC

documentary series Prehistoric Autopsy

Pathologists recreate extinct homonids


Features John Hawks





Related image

In this recent recreation, the Neanderthal

resembles not a representative of another

human species but a modern Mongoloid.




Image result for Skulls of the Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon Man compared.

Top: Early map of the range of the Neanderthals.


Bottom: Skulls of the Neanderthal and Modern Man compared.




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Early map showing Neanderthal excavation sites and the range of the Neanderthal sites. The sites indicted that the range of the Neanderthal had been limited to western Asia




Genetic research stretches the range

Related image


Recent genetic evidence suggests that Neantherthals ranged far into eastern Asia



Neanderthals may have ranged farther into the Near East, into the Central Asia and Tibet, the eastern Himalayas, and the Indus and Genges regions of the Indian Sub-Continent.




Antigen analysis indicates that Homo sapiens mixed with Neanderthals on three separate occasions in different places


(this map is from a website about Neanderthals) (add details here)




The latest genetic research shows that Asians have more Neanderthal ancestry than Europeans. Melanesians have the most Neanderthal ancestry. Sub-Saharan Africans have the least Neanderthal ancestry, with many having very little or no Neanderthal ancestry. Early Modern Europeans had more Neanderthal ancestry than Late Modern Europeans.   




The Real Neanderthal Man


2009 documentary


(5 clips)


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LVql7CZOWw


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6VHdT3Jrzs&feature=relmfu


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhmVxfnAi7g&feature=relmfu


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9QW8UZtVsU&feature=relmfu


5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EudSJisOIkA&feature=relmfu


(Last clip is incomplete)




How did the Neanderthal live?



2001 documentary recounts the Neanderthal’s encounter with the Homo sapiens (Cro-Magnon) in Ice Age southwest France 35,000 years ago




or, the same:




or the same in 2 parts:


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRfWU-ZpLZ8&feature=related


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUPca8xaIc4&feature=relmfu



The Fate of the Neanderthals


1997 episode from the documentary series Ancient Mysteries with Leonard Nimoy


(5 clips)


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHTHv-bFP2s


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEZU2GZXrS0&feature=relmfu


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLGTDqZWx5U&feature=relmfu


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkmQPQH9hX8&feature=relmfu


5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDgcygrxvzc&feature=relmfu 



Trail of the Neanderthal


1995 documentary from the Paleoworld series







2005 BBC Horizon documentary





Deciphering the Behavior of Neandertals

A Tour of Neandertal Caves in Gibraltar with Clive and Geraldine Finlayson

John Hawks (2014)


Talking about the Last Neandertals

Interview with Clive Finlayson

John Hawks (2014)  


Caveman Cold Case

Episode from the documentary series Secrets of the Dead (2013)





Franck Ferrand

Au Coeur de l'histoire



L'homme de Neanderthal

Au coeur de l'histoire

Franck Ferrand

5 avril 2018


Qui a tué Neandertal?

Franck Ferrand

Au cœur de l'histoire



Qui a tué néandertal ?


Avril 2018

The Neanderthals


BBC Radio

In Our Time

Hosted by Melvyn Bragg

With Simon Conway Morris, Chris Stringer and Danielle Schreve

17 June 2010


The Blonde Captive
Lowell Thomas
Image result for lowell thomas 1931
Lowell Thomas
Image result for the Blonde Captive - Lowell Thomas - 1931
Are Papuans and Australian Aborigines Neanderthals? 
Documentary about remote Aboriginal tribes in northern Australia.  


Banned in Australia









Homo sapiens


Homo (Greek: Human) sapiens (Latin: wise) 



Archaic Man


100,000 - 35,000 years ago


Some prefer to call the oldest modern human

Homo sapiens neanderthalensis



Modern Man


35,000 years ago - present



Some prefer to call the modern human

Homo sapiens sapiens      



Domain - Eukarya

    Kingdom - Animalia

        Phylum - Chordata

            Subphylum - Vertebrata

                Class - Mammalia

                    Order - Primate

                        Family - Hominadae

                            Genus - Homo

                                Species - Homo sapiens




Pithecines -


   Australopithecus -


      Homo habilis


         Homo erectus -

            Heidelberg Man -

               Neanderthal Man -

                Homo sapiens




Image result for fossil sites of early modern himans (map)

Fossil sites of Early Homo sapiens



Last Human Standing


Part 3 of the 2010 Nova documentary series Becoming Human


- Homo sapiens are the sole surviving homonids.


- The fate of other hominids, like Homo erectus and the Neanderthals. Did modern man breed with and kill off the Neanderthals?




All three parts in one video:






Hominid Migrations


Out of Africa



Image result for genetics - map - level of neanderthal ancestry in population of the world

Early conception of homonid migrations out of Africa showing Homo sapiens entering areas inhabited by the Neanderthals in Europe and the Near East and much older populations from earlier migrations in the Far East.




Image result for map - Map of migration out of Africa into Eusrasia, Oceania and the Americas

Map of migration out of Africa into Eusrasia, Oceania and the Americas




The Creative Revolution


Part 3 of the three-part 1994 Nova documentary series In Seach of Human Origins with Don Johanson





Neandertals and modern humans in the Levant

John Hawks (2014)





Episode from the 2015 NOVA documentary series First Peoples


Features John Hawks


Neanderthals and modern human interbred


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4cQJDMlSJw (55:04)




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sM7Tr8qlvU (54:41)




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_OBkxuuT-o (54:42)




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5dK23I6E6U (55:04)



When Neanderthals and Modern Humans Met


Human Evolution from 60,000 to 30,000 Years Ago


Lecture by Tom Higham


New Zealand (2015)




or, with intro:







Cro-Magnon Man


Early Modern Humans in Europe - 47,000 years ago








Image result for Cro-Magnon 1


Cro-Magnon 1


A primitive skull, 35,000 years old, Cro-Magnon 1, was found in a rcok shelter, Cro-Magnon, near the village of Les Eyzies in Dordogne in southwestern France in 1868.



Related image



Image result for Cro Magnon 1



Some prefer to call the Early Cro-Magnon Man Homo sapiens neanderthalensis




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Early Cro-Magnon Man


Image result for early cro magnon man - garisimov

Conception of Early Cro-Magnon Man by Russian paleontologist Grasimov


Related image


Image result for early cro magnon man - garisimov


Early Cro-Magnon Man stood about 5' 6" tall. He had a strong musculature and a robust build. 



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Late Cro-Magnon Man



Genetic research indicates that Late Cro-Magnon Man had dark skin, blue eyes and straight dark hair.




Late Cro-Magnon by McGregor




Evolution of the Skull


Image result for Evolution to Cro Magnon 1 - skull compared


Australopithecus   -   Homo erectus   -   Homo sapiens neanderthalis   -   Homo sapiens




Ice World


Life in the Ice Age 24,000 years ago




1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmjeBqpgsoA&feature=related


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfU-AhaHp7U


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmOBUqQOfOw&feature=relmfu


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBPfSc9XqpU&feature=relmfu


5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlaPkN12iHw&feature=relmfu


6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGbxKD83e58&feature=relmfu





Lascaux Caves, France


16,000 years ago



Related image

Lascaux Cave paintings discovered in 1940



Lascaux Caves


Pre-historic Art


Offical interactive site:





Film documentary


(6 clips)






In 6 clips:


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0LnTtS7-70&feature=related


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us-LadzlbUA&feature=relmfu

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9fuDjc5xOs&feature=relmfu

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhLmBHl4mdM&feature=relmfu

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snuThf2h8iQ&feature=relmfu

6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVKyi1iIi2E&feature=relmfu



Related image

Hunting the whooly mammoth



Mammoth Journey


Episode # 6 of 6-part 2011 BBC documentary series Walking with Beasts recreates life 30,000 years ago with the wooly mammoth, Neandethals and Cro-Magnons





The Last Extinction


2009 Nova/PBS/WGBH-TV documentary about the extinction of many mammals, like the sabre-tooth tiger and woolly mammoth, in North America 11,900 years ago.


Were they hunted to extinction? Or was there a cataclysm?




Related image

Evolution of the elephant



The Woolly Mammoth


Secrets from the Ice


BBC documentary with Alice Roberts follows an expedition to Siberia in search of Mammoth skeletons





Mammoth Hunter


Documentary about the hunt for mammoth remains in Siberia









This section list a view in 1999 and has yet to be edited



The most recent view of Man's evolution from the apes:



Ardipithecus ramidus


   Australopithecus anamensis


   Australopithecus afarensis


   Australopithecus africanus


   Australopithecus aethiopicus


   Australopithecus garhi


   Australopithecus boisei


   Australopithecus robustus


        Homo rudolfensis


         Homo habilis


          Homo erectus


          Homo ergaster


          Homo antecessor


            Homo heidelbergensis


              Homo neanderthalensis


                Homo sapiens
















Image result for The Similaun, a peak at 3,606 m. (11,831 ft) altitude in the Ötztal Alps in Tyrol on the Austrian-Italian border.

The Similaun, a peak at 3,606 m. (11,831 ft) altitude in the Ötztal Alps in Tyrol on the Austrian-Italian border.




Image result for Otzi found on glacier

The body found on the Similaun Glacier in 1991.




Related image

The body after excavation




Related image

Map of region




Related image




Related image

The body examined




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Facial reconstruction



Image result for otzi the hunter reconstruction in Bolzano museum -

Reconstruction in museum, Bolzano,




5,000-year-old hunter found in the Alps

Tyrolean Alps, 19 September 1991





Nova documentary (1992)







Who Killed the Iceman?


Documentary (c. 2002)


Part 1.





Death of the Iceman


2002 BBC documentary





Iceman Murder Mystery


PBS NOVA 2011 documentary









Ötzi the Iceman


Lecture by Thomas Tartaron from the Great Riddles in Archaeology lecture series at the Univeristy of Pennsylvania Museum (2012)





Iceman Reborn


PBS Nova documentary (2016)






Genetic research revealed that Ötzi had Neanderthal ancestry   -   and that he had more traces of Neanderthal than modern humans. 











The Ice Man

How did he Die?

In Focus



A study by the EURAC Institute for Mummy Studies in Bolzano, Italy published in the journal Cell Genomics in 2023 included new details about Ötzi the Iceman based on a new analysis of Ötzi' s DNA.

Ötzi was bald and had brown skin. His ancestors were from Anatolia.

Uploaded 18 August 2023


Uploaded 21 February 2024






Tracing Man's Ancestors



The Deep History within the Human Genome


John Hawks (2014)







Image result for Journey of Man (map)


Journey of Man


A Genetic Odyssey


2003 PBS-TV documentary with Spencer Wells


Tracing man's migrations over the Earth from his origins in Africa









Search for Adam


Geneticist Spencer Wells traces Adam and the Garden of Eden to a tribe in Kenya 60,000 years ago in 2005 National Geographic documentary









The Human Family Tree


2009 National Geographic documentary with Spencer Wells









Genographic Project

Spencer Wells

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmlVG_1wAa8


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYePOin87cw


Human Genetics


Spencer Wells


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxgS9RKwKbU&feature=related




3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQHX_MwhN80&feature=related










Out of Africa -


   into the Arabian Peninsula,

      the Indian Sub-Continent,

         Southeast Asia,

            Australia and




Related image


Map showing spread of modern humans out of East Africa


 Image result for Map charting the spread of modern humans out of Africa through linguistic and genetic research


Map charting the spread of modern humans out of Africa through linguistic and genetic research




Andaman Islands


Image result for andaman islands map




Image result for andaman islands - jarawa women 1926

Jarawa women in 1926



Related image

Jarawa women more recently (photo by Olivier Blaise)




History of the Andamans


Indian documentary





First Out of Africa


2001 documentary about the native Andaman Islanders


Migrated from Africa 50,000 years ago





Human Safari - Observing the Jarawa


2013 documentary by an Indian NGO





. . . Andamans,






                       Melanesia . . .



Image result for negroes of thailand - original inhabitants - Sakai

The Sakai in the Malay

Peninsula of southern



Malayan Peninsula, southern Thailand






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The Semangs in the

Malay Peninsula



Cameron Highlands of Malayan Peninsula, Malaysia






Image result for the aeta in luzon

The Aetas of Luzon


Luzon Island of the Philippines




with Kara David


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZThrau_siSE


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4mu7r9qNQs


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQqlb8Oq4kM


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5gBMkTWlLE



The Agtas


Episode from the documentary series Tribal Journeys










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Aborigines of Australia













Related image




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Malaitia, Solomon Islands





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New Caledonia





Image result for native people of fiji
























Theories about migrations to the Americas

Related image


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Related image

Image result for Theories about migrations to the Americas


The First Americans

1991 BBC Horizon documentary considers archeological evidence that man inhabited the Americas long before the last ice age retreat 11,000 years ago and possibly as long ago as 24,000 years ago

N. A.


 Related image

Image result for Yaghans

The Onas of Tierra del Fuego in 1939 

 Related image

Yanomami woman of the Amazon in 1995

Primitive Peoples of Matto Grosso


Documentary with Lowell Thomas about the Xingu people of the Xingu River, a tributary of the Amazon River (1941)





Did Negroids or Caucasoids inhabit the Americas before Mongoloids?


Tracking the First Americans

Episode from the 1999 BBC documentary series Ancient Voices considers evidence:

- man has inhabited the Americas for 50,000 years or more;

- Negroid peoples inhabited the Americas long before Mongoloids arrived from Asia;

- Australian aborigines, sailing across the South Pacific or wandering along the East Asian coastline and across the Bering Straights, were the first to inhabit the Americas more than 50,000 years ago.

N. A.

Image result for Are Yaghans really descendants of Australian aborigines?


Are Yaghans descendants of Australian aborigines?

At one time, the possibility was considered by explorers and anthropologists.

Links go here 


Are Solutreans Indigenous Americans? 

2004 documentary considers the possibility that the first humans in the Americas were Cro-Magnon Caucasoids, long before the arrival of the Mongoloids (1:26:17)



Colonization of the Americas

John Hawks considers the research of the archeological and genetic evidence of the first Americans

2014 (22:49)


N. A.










Austronesian migrations southward from Asia

followed African migrations eastward from Africa



Map showing the extent of Austronesian languages based on linguistic research, supported by archeological and genetic research. It is generally believed Austronesians spread out from the island of Taiwan (Formosa) into Southeast Asia (peninsula and islands), and the Indian and Pacific Oceans.  

However, a recent study of Austronesian DNA suggests an earlier origin in Southeast Asia.  

Regional maps   

Source: University of Huddersfield 2015



ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ austronesian

Some have suggested a wider expansion.

Crossing the Wallace Line


Documentary by J. Stephen Lansing (14:24)


Uploaded 2016







Trance and Dance in Bali


Filmed by Gregory Bateson in 1936


Written and narrated by Margaret Mead


Released in 1952








Malays spread to the Indian and Pacific Oceans from Taiwan (Formosa)



Map showing the spread of Austronesian languages based on linguistic research. Genetic research tends to support conclusions drawn from linguistic research.  



MAP goes here 


Map showing the Malay migrations based on genetic research




Polynesian Origins and Migrations





Taiwan (Formosa)







Austronesian Migrations


Crossroads - Civilizations


Brief documentary










History of Micronesia


Documentary by Micronesia Seminar Productions





An Introduction to Ethnobotany


Evolution of Pacific Cultures


Lecture by Will McClutchey, University of Hawaii-Manoa







Was Polynesia populated by American natives?


Kon -Tiki


Related image

The raft Kon-Tiki made of Balsa wood in Peru.  

Image result for Route of the 1947 Kon Tiki expedition

Route of the 1947 Kon-Tiki expedition



In 1947 Norwegian adventurer Thor Heyerdahl and five companions built a raft of balsa logs in Peru, on the Pacific coast of South America, and sailed to the Polynesian islands.

Heyerdahl wanted to demonstrate that people from pre-Columban South America could have sailed to Polynesia.

The crew sighted the Tuamoto Islands of French Polynesia after three months at sea.  

Advertisement for the 1950 documentary film Kon-Tiki


Kon-Tiki (1950)

1 hr. 8 min.


Movie - Norwegian version dubbed in English (1950)

A shorter version of the Norwegian version dubbed in English (58 min.)










Thor Heyerdahl and Kon-Tiki:

A Grand Experiment in Archeology

A lecture by Clark Erikson


Great Voyages Lecture series

University of Pennsylvania Museum

March 4, 2014 



Kon Tiki


1987 German documentary





Kon Tiki


Advertisement for 2012 movie





The Tangaroa Expedition


2012 documentary










Seven Little Sisters

In 1954, William Willis, an American sailor, built a raft of balsa logs, called Seven Little Sisters, in Peru and sailed it solo to American Samoa.


Did Polynesians sail to South America?


Radeau Tahiti nui d'Eric de bisschop.

A French yachtsman, Éric de Bisschop (1891 - 1958), built a Polynesian raft of bamboo, which he called Tahiti-Nui (Great Tahiti), and, with a crew of five, sailed eastward from Papete, on the island of Tahiti, in November 1956 for the coast of Chile. The raft fell apart near the Jaun Fernandez Islands, 382 nautical miles from the coast of Chile, in May 1957. The voyage was to demonstrate that in centuries past Polynesians could have sailed across the Pacific to South America on bamboo rafts.

In the following year, 1958, de Bisschop's crew built a second raft, the Tahiti-Nui II, of cyprus in Chile and reinforced with balsa in Peru. De Bisschop was very ill but the five-man crew sailed westward across the Pacific for Tahiti. The raft was blown off-course and missed Tahiti. The raft was falling apart and a smaller raft, Tahiti Nui III, and built at sea. The raft was wrecked in the Cook Islands on the reef of Rakahanga Atoll. De Bisschop was severely injured and died within hours.   



A French Polynesian postal stamp issued in 1988 commemorating the 30th anniversary of the death of Éric de Bisschop, showing his two voyages across the Pacific with Tahiti-Nui I, II and III from 1956 to 1958.


Polynesians sailed about the South Pacific.  


Image result for hokulea - first voyage 1971

Hōkūleʻa sailed from the Hawaiian island of Maui to Tahiti solely by traditional Polynesian sailing techniques without instruments in 1976.

Image result for Pius "Mau" Piailug

Pius "Mau" Piailug (1932 – 2010),

Micronesian navigator from Satawal,

a Caroline island; one of the few

surviving masters of non-instrument

ocean sailing, navigated the

Hōkūleʻa from Maui to Tahiti in 1976.

ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ path of the hokulea from hawaii to tahiti in 1976

Pius "Mau" Piailug navigated the Hōkūleʻa from Maui to Tahiti without instruments. The crew returned without him, using instruments.

Polynesian seafaring


Excerpt from the documentary Wayfinders: a Pacific Odyssey (1999)



The Navigators

Pathfinders of the Pacific

Documentary about the 1976 voyage of the Hōkūleʻa

from Maui to Tahiti (1983)





Papa Mau: The Wayfinder



Polynesian Discovery




In 2 clips:


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuJk_a4iWj0


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsfDY6OZjfQ 







Fiji and Samoa


1933 American travelogue




Upolu Island


Silent film from the 1930s







1949 New Zealand documentary





Life in Samoa


1950s documentary





United Nations visits Samoa


1956 New Zealand documentary





A New Day in Samoa


1959 New Zealand documentary





Samoan Family


1961 New Zealand documentary







1961 New Zealand documentary












Samoan songs 


Western Samoa Performance Singers


Released in 1976







The Samoan Way


Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu, Hawaii







American anthropologist Margaret Mead

(1901 - 1978) in Samoa

Margaret Mead and Samoa


1988 documentary  





Coming of Age


Episode about Margaret Mead from 1990s documentary series Strangers Abroad





Margaret Mead


Episode from the BBC documentary Tales from the Jungle


Samoan girls recounted tall tales to an American researcher


In 6 clips:


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOa3ftAKnzo


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9HNzhV0CjI


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFdaW1kZOaA


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDLyQb5Pd3w


5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQnfbAEg_uQ


6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrdTDbUIeKk



Rapa Nui

Isla de Pascua

Easter Island

ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ easter island






                          Recent Discoveries



Homo antecessor

800,000 to 1.2 million years ago

Believed by many to be an early Heidelberg Man


1994 - 1996; 2007


Image result for homo antecessor skull found in spain - 1994

Fossil maxilla found in Spain in 1994 - 1996



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Artist's conception of Homo antecessor

Many believe Homo antecessor to be a direct ancestor of modern man through Homo erectus and, later, Heidleberg Man.

Some believe Homo antecessor to be a direct ancestor of modern man through either Homo erectus or Heidleberg Man but not both.


Some believe Homo antecessor to be a direct ancestor of modern man but through neither Homo erectus nor Heidleberg Man.


Some believe Homo antecessor to be a close variation of Heidelberg Man and to have interbred with Heidelberg Man.

The Lost Evidence

Homo antecessor in Britain

800,000 - 1 million-year-old human footprints found in England in 2013 thought be of Homo antecessor


Image result for homo antecessor footprints found in norfolk
Footprints discovered in soft sediment by a museum curator at low tide in Happisburgh in Norfolk in February 2013 believed to be 800,000 years old. Photographed before the incoming tide destroyed them . . . 

1-Million-year-old human footprints found in England!
Removed from You Tube
British scientists discover 800,000 year old footprints
9 February 2014


Removed from You Tube



800,000-Year-Old Footprints Found in England





Earliest footprints outside Africa discovered in Norfolk

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Homo antecessor in Britain


Footprints left by early humans about 900,000 years ago

Found at Happisburgh in Norfolk in ancient estuary muds

Earliest known humans in northern Europe.




Was it an up-right bi-pedal ape?

Was it a small-scale isolated relic of Homo erectus?

Was it a small Homo sapiens?

Was it a pygmy?

Was it a unique species of man?  




Flores Man


Homo floresiensis






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The skull and parts of a skeleton of a 50-year-old female were found in a cave in Liang Bua on the island of Flores in Indonesia in 2003. The fossils are believed to be 80,000 years old. 




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Artist's conception of Homo floresienses




Image result for Homo floresiensis stood I metre   (3 1/2 feet) tall.

Homo floresiensis stood I metre (3 1/2 feet) tall.




Mystery of the Human Hobbit


BBC documentary


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Alien from Earth


NOVA documentary


Removed from You Tube

The Orang Pendek in Sumatra



Removed from You Tube








Skulls of children 1,500 to 3,000 years old found in the Palau Islands




Mystery Skulls of Palau

2012 National Geographic documentary about the discovery of small human skulls in caves on a Palau island in June 2006.

Initially, it was thought possible that the skulls could indicate the presence of Flores Man.

Palau is believed to have been inhabited for the past 3,000 to 4,000 years.

Eventually, it was determined that the skulls were those of Polynesian children, 1,500 to 3,000 years old, who died from disease.

The Lost Tribe of Palau


or in 5 clips:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuCvMCSyFDY


or the same in French:

Préhistoire -

L'homme de Palau, un nouveau cousin humain?

Removed from You Tube





Homo naledi


236,000 to 335,000 years old


Fossils found in South Africa in 2013 


Related image

The skull of Homo naledi, a bi-ped ape with many human features that walked upright.


Questions about Homo naledi after its discovery in 2013 and before its final dating in 2017: 

How old are the fossils of Homo naledi/?

Three thousand years old or three million years old?

Was Homo naledi an ancestor of modern man?

Was Homo naledi a link between Australopithecus and Homo erectus?

Did Homo naledi live at the same time as Australopithecus, Homo erectus, Heidleberg Man, Neanderthal Man and early Homo sapiens?

Are the fossils those of a new species of human?




Image result for Homo naledi

Lee Burger with a cast of the skull

of Homo naledi



Homo Naledi is 236,000 to 335,000 years old!


Lee Berger (2017)







Related image

Fossils of Homo naledi discovered in South Africa



Until its final dating in September 2017, it was assumed Homo naledi could be Man's ancestor.   



Lee Berger introduces Homo naledi


September 2015





Scientists discover new human ancestor

Homo naledi





Lee Berger on the discovery of the new species Homo naledi





Homo naledi


A new human-like species discovered in South Africa





How scientists found Homo naledi, the new human ancestor





Homo naledi


Ancient human relative discovered





How Homo naledi fits into the human family tree





Media Briefing


New fossil find unveiled in Johannesburg






Image result for Homo naledi



Dawn of Humanity


PBS NOVA Special National Geographic


Documentary (1:52:09)


September 10. 2015









The Earliest Human?


Replica on exhibit at the Natural History Museum in London (2017)





Did Homo Naledi Deliberately Dispose of Their Dead?


Darryl J de Ruiter


TEDxTAMU (2017)





Homo naledi


Lecture by John Hawks at the University of Wisconsin - Madison campus in 2017 (before September)








Prehistoric human remains discovered in Ngong forest  
"A new discovery of prehistoric human remains has been made on the outskirts of Nairobi County. The Kantis fossil site is believed to date back 3.5 million years." 
2016 upload from Kenya





Sufficient evidence?


A few small fossil fragments found in Siberia and Tibet suggest the possibility that another species of human, now extinct, may have inhabited the earth at the same time as the Neanderthal and Homo sapiens   -   and perhaps other species. It has been compared mostly to Neanderthals. It may have been a late Heidelberg Man or early Neanderthal or Homo sapiens. It may be too early to form any conclusions. 





Part 1 of 2 of Ancient Genomes


John Hawks (2014)






รูปภาพที่เกี่ยวข้อง300,000 to 60,000 years ago.

Out of Africa into Siberia and Melanesia



Denisova  - 
Melanesians and Australoids Ancestor
2013 documentary
Removed from You Tube
or, the same, in French:
Denisova  -  Ancetre des Melanesiens et des Australoides



Modern humans may have interbred with Neanderthals and Denisovans







Sex in the Stone Age
National Geographic documentary




Three New Facts about Denisovans

Sci Show with Hank Green




A trip to Denisova Cave

Max Planck, Leipzig




Who were the ancestors of Neanderthals?

John Hawks


September 2018







A tiny fragment (the size of an ant) of a fingerbone of a girl was found in a cave in Siberia in 2008.

The cave was once inhabited by Neanderthals.

The DNA of the fingerbone differed from the DNA of Neanderthals.

The cave is in the Bashelaksky Range of the Altai mountains.

The cave was called Denis after a hermit who inhabited it in the 1700s - Denisova Cave.

Svante Pääbo

Swedish biologist, Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, Germany



About Neanderthals

Early modern humans mixed with Neanderthals



About the fingerbone found in the Denisova Cave


Distribution, interbreeding with modern humans, and physical appearance.


First Peoples: Asia

Third episode of five of the 2015 TV documentary series First Peoples about the first people on the Earth.

For Denisova, go to the 28:10 mark in the uploaded video


Svante Pääbo, Swedish biologist specialising in evolutionary genetics

Director at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany

The field of Paleo-genetics

The Neandertal Genome Project sequenced the complete genome of a Neandertal

Neandertals and modern human mixed

San Francisco, California



Svante Pääbo

The Future of Ancient DNA

Nov. 20, 2018

Pääbo is the director of the Department of Genetics at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany

In 1997 - sequenced Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from a specimen found in the Feldhofer grotto in the Neander valley.


Svante Pääbo

Nobel Prize for Medicine







An old controversy 




The Tasaday


Mindanao Island, Philippines




A local trader led a prominent Filipino politician, Manuel ("Soda") Elizalde, to a small primitive tribe of cave dwellers in the remote forests of South Cotabato on Mindanao Island in 1971.


Elizalde publicized the tribe and accompanied famous celebrities, including the aviator Charles Lindbergh and the movie star Gina Lollabrigida, on visits to the cave.


He was later accused of concocting a hoax.



Image result for charles lindbergh with the tasaday

Manuel Elizalde with the Tasaday


Image result for charles lindbergh with the tasaday

Charles Lindbergh with the Tasaday



Were they cavemen in the modern age?


Or were they former cavemen reenacting life in their previous home?


Or were they local inhabitants pretending to be cavemen?





Image result for the tasaday story 

Tasaday Story
1984 documentary film short by American journalist John Nance about the Tasaday from 1971 and 1974 

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8BGW-HwHzA


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td3G9Yb73Xg




The Lost Tribe


1993 NOVA documentary about the controversy surrounding the Tasaday


(6 clips)


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpBg7zNDsTM&feature=related


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LnHBHfQdk8


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmoXH6qg1wo


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9d9SoLc8NE&feature=relmfu


5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVdCVj4KBEE&feature=relmfu


6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oodckf6SHyQ&feature=relmfu




Feature from a weekly Filipino television program with journalist Kara David (2001)


(In Filipino)


(3 clips)


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fP81Vk1hoVQ


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6DhK4nKXz4


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w14ifcNWxRE






The Missing Link






Miracle Planet

Christopher Plummer


Part 1

The Violent Past



Part 2

Snowball Earth



Part 3

New Frontiers



Part 4

Extinction and Rebirth



Part 5

Survival of the Fittest



Part 6

Special Episode / A summary

Life Indestructible



David Attenborough

Charles Darwin

The Galapagos


Tortuses, Finches, Orchids


David Attenborough


S01 E01


S01 E02




Komodo Dragon

Komodo Island, Indonesia

Biggest lizard on Earth


January 2023


The Last Kingdom of Dragons

Komodo Island



Continue to next page, 3. Civilisation

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