Final Fantasy VII


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Name: Barret Wallace
Age: 35
Job: Leader of Avalanche
Weapon: Gunarm
Description: Barret is the leader of Avalanche. He leads the team to stop Shinra and their Mako reactors from destroying the planet. His motives are unclear, but it is believed that Shinra was somehow responsible for the death of his wife.

Notes: Barret is your second party member in the game, thus making them very powerful from early on. His strength in the begining overpowers others. His attacks are long range so you are better off placing him in the back row.

Limit Breaks

Level 1

Big Shot- As Barret gathers his ammo into a single shot a giant red fireball appears infront of his gun causing heavy direct damage against one opponent. This is best used for bosses.
Mind Blow- Its not for offense but in some cases its a highly affective attack. It'll drain about 100MP from an opponent making happy magic users into sad defenseless wimps.

Level 2

Gernade Bomb- As Barret throws a highly explosive bomb at opponents it causes a good amount of damage against a group of enemies. This is best used for groups, but you should also use this against a boss because the Hammerblow isn't a good choice(read below).
Hammerblow- As Barret punches the daylight out of an opponent the opponent is automatically out of battle and cannot return and you still gain the opponents expierience. The bad news is, is that it cause no damage and will not work on any bosses.

Level 3

Satalite Beam- Barret calls upon his friends at Avalanche to target a satellite against a group of enemies. Early on this will cause about 3000-4000 HP of damage, but as you progress his levels they can do twice as much damage if not more. This is best used against a group of enemies.
Ungarmax- Barret goes berserk with his gun as he empties his ammo against a groupor an opponent. This hits about 10x, but is best used against a boss. The strength of each hit is about the same as Barret's regular attacks so save it for a boss.

Level 4

Catastrophe- A super heated flare is unloaded against a group of enemies or a single boss causing an unbelievable amount of damage. This hits about 15x each hit doing 3000 HP of damage. If you can max out Barret's levels and give him about 20 power sources and have him equipped with his Missing Score you cause almost 50,000 damage.

