Final Fantasy VII


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Name: Cid Highwind
Age: ?
Job: Pilot
Weapon: Spear
Description: Cid is an expert pilot and mechanic who dreams of being the first man in space. His dream would have been fulfilled, but seconds before the launch, he aborted it to save Shera, one of his crew. Now, he spends his days working on a rocket with hopes that Shinra will resurrect the space program to fullfil his dream.

Notes: His fighting skills are top-notch, so he will always be a powerful assist all through the game. Cid has some useful limit breaks like the Highwind. His stats are mainly average though.

Limit Breaks

Level 1

Boost Jump- Twice the damage of his normal attack Cid will literally destroy the opponent early on.
Dynamite- Cid will light a stick of dynamite with his cigar and throw it at the opponent. Great against a group of enemies but doesn't rely on his weapon to determine damage but his vitality.

Level 2

Hyper Jump- A stronger version of Dynamite and works well against a group of strong enemies. This causes death sometimes and if you use this against an undead monster, you'll heal it.
Dragon- As a Dragon appears it critically damages an opponent as Cid absorbs some MP and HP in the process.

Level 3

Dragon Dive- Practically the best Level 3 limit break in the game offensively. This hits 6x causing a load of damage. If each hit can do 9999 damage, this limit can cause up to 60,000 HP worth of damage.
Big Brawl- This will hit about 12 times of his regular attack strength. A great attack against a group or an enemy.

Level 4

Highwind- As Cid calls upon the Highwind and his crew unleashes 30+ missiles each causing up to 3000-6000 HP of damage each. Cid's best limit break.

