Final Fantasy VII


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Squall Leonhart
Age: 17
Height: 5' 8"
Birthdate: August 23
The Taciturn And Reluctant Hero
A cadet in SeeD, the special combat unit of Balamb Garden Milatary Academy. Hid aloof and anti-social behavior makes him apear selfish and lacking a sense of team inity Squall dislikes having others involved in his affairs, and is best described Lone Wolf.

Weapons (Gunblade)

Name Attk Hit% Cost Items Needed For Upgrade

Revolver 11 255 100g 2 M-Stone Pieces, 2 Screws

Shear Trigger 14 255 200g 1 Steel Pipe, 4 Screws

Cutting Trigger 18 255 400g 1 Mesmerize Blade, 8 Screws

Flame Saber 20 255 600g 1 Betrayal Sword, 1 Turtle Shell, 4 Screws

Twin Lance 22 255 800g 1 Dino Bone, 1 Red Fang, 12 Screws

Punishment 24 255 1000g 1 Chef's Knife, 2 Star Fragments, 1 Turtle Shell, 8 Screws

Lion Heart 30 255 2000g 1 Adamantine, 4 Dragon Fangs, 12 Pulse Ammos

Limit Breaks (Renzokuken)

Squall's limit break, Renzokuken, attacks an enemy continuously with his gunblade. If you tap the R1 button at exactly the right times (watch the indicator at the bottom of the screen - tap the button as soon as the white line enters the box on the left) it will do extra damage. If you do it correctly every time, you get a Perfect - which has an added bonus.

At the end of the attacks, a special finishing blow is used. Squall learns a new one when his weapon is upgraded, but will also keep the old ones, so that there is a total of four finishing blows. One is chosen randomly to use at the end of the limit.

Limit Break Weapons Required

Rough Divide Revolver

Fated Circle Shear Trigger, Cutting Trigger

Blasting Zone Flame Saber, Twin Lance, Punishment

Lion Heart Lion Heart