Final Fantasy VII


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Name: Tifa Lockhart
Age: ?
Job: Bartender
Weapon: Gloves
Description: Tifa and Cloud have a long history. They grew up together in a town named Nibelheim. When they were young, Cloud vowed to protect Tifa whenever she needed him. Now, living in Midgar with the rest of Avalanche; she owns a bar called Seventh Heaven. She will tag along with Cloud wherever he goes.

Notes: Tifa is your third party member in the game. She is very lethal with her fists. In the begining of the game, she is very weak. Most people will choose Barret over her. However, if you allow her to stay in your party; she can get very strong. Especially with her multi-hit limit breaks. Tifa will pack in powerful punch by the end of the game.

Limit Breaks

Level 1

Beat Rush- A series of blazing fast attacks to a single opponent will most likely injure them.
Somersault- A powerful flip kick that causes alot of damage as she puts on hit number 2.

Level 2

Water Kick- Tifa sends the enemy down with a sweeping waterkick. Don't worry she won't gain any lives against a water base creature as she tacks on hit number 3.
Meteo Dive- Not only a martial arts expert but she can also deliver a painful backdrop causing a wave of damage.

Level 3

Dolphin Blow- As Tifa calls upon a Dolphin she tacks on hit number 5 causing huge damage.
Meteor Strike- A super version of the Meteordrive that sends the opponent high above then crushes the opponent with a devestating drop.

Level 4

Final Heaven- Summoning all the energy into her fist, Tifa delivers a nasty blow that's more than likely to destroy an opponent with ease.

*Instead of using one limit break at a time, she uses all of them as she earns them

