Final Fantasy VII


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Name: Aeris Gainsborough
Age: 22
Job: Flower Girl
Weapon: Staff
Description: Aeris looks like a typical flower girl in the streets of Midgar. She has an unknown past and lives with her foster mother in the slums. Aeris is a sweet and gentle young girl that is dedicated to help save the world.

Notes: Aeris is the magician of the group. Her attacks are relatively weak but her magic power isn't. She usually acts as the "supporter" of the team. Place her in the back row and let her help heal and cast magic.

Limit Breaks

Level 1

Healing Wind- Aeris calls upon the white wind to heal the party of any lost HP. Quite useful throughout the game but you could just use Restore.
Seal Evil- As Aeris uses her magic power she can stop the enemy from doing casting magic.

Level 2

Breath of Earth- This will not heal the party and if your party is not affected by anything negative this Limit Break will be completely wasted and this also takes away your Wall or Regen.
Fury Brand- Aeris will risk her limit break and instantly fill her party member's gauge.

Level 3

Planet Protector- As Aeris uses her limit break to to form a shield around her party members they are invincible for a few rounds.
Pulse of Life- Sorta like the Healing Wind and Breath of the Earth combined but comes with two added bonuses, it'll completely restore your MP and will cast Life2 on any pary member.

Level 4

Great Gospel- This is the combination of both Level 3 limit breaks but the barrier lasts longer. Extremely useful throughout the game.

