Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII Cheats


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I've been looking at some cheat sites recently and loads of them say that to get enemy skill aqualung you have you to fight a thing called a harpy in the desert surrounding the gold saucer. This realy hurts your party and may kill them so instead equip someone with a water ring. Now go to the lost city/ancient city and fight Jeovana-life.She should use aualung but it wont hurt the guy with the water ring.

Sent in by Freakshow


1. This is an answer to one of Ed's questions. The buggy can cross a river. Look for the green waters that are about two buggy widths wide. That's about all the buggy can do.

2. I tried the cheat to get Tifa's final limit, Final Heaven on disc 1. Go to her house in Nibelheim (with her in the part) and go to her piano. Press X, square, triangle, hold R1/L1+triangle, R1/L1+square, X, Sqaure, Triangle, R1/L1+X,O,X,sqaure,X. Afterwards, Tifa finds 1 gil in her piano. To get the Final Heaven, repeat the process on disc 2 or 3.

3. After returning to Nibelheim and discovering it not burnt down, go into Tifa's room and go to her desk. Press O, and it'll be explained why everyone is acting so strange.

Sent in by Ancient


To ressurect Aries, you dont have 2 get l.100 caracters or anything like that.
First u get 100 tissues. Then, go 2 aries house and go 2 her bedroom and use the tissues, and cloud would say 'why did she die', and cloud would kill himself!!! NOT! then, go to the church, and aries ghost will appear. she will say,take this and ressurect aries. SHE WILL GIVE U THE WHITE MATERIA! but u cant use it in battle otherwise u cant resurrect her. then go to the placewhere she died, and she will wake up! Then the ghost will appear and give aries 'THE WORD OF GOD!' this s her new 4th level limit break. But the ghost will take the white materia off you and say' this has to be used wisely' or something like that. Then, sephiroth will appear, and tries to trick you into killing aries. You nearly fall for it, until aries ghost appears and cloud gets to his senses.then, sephiroth kills the third member of your party(the one lowest down on the menu). then he runs off. cloud asks for the holy materia, THEN SHE TURNS INTO A DEVIL AND KILLS U ALL!not! she leaves, and the game carries on as normal.

Also, I KILLED RUBY IN ONE HIT! its nothing like omnislash or KTR. I was being stupid and equipping their worst weapons and limit breaks. I used barrets big shot, and no number came up for the damage. Then it died! But two tentacles appeared behind us. they killed my party. big shot didnt work on those.

Sent in by the rock


Before I go in to any cheats and tricks. Let me clear up some confusion and make belive tips.
No. 1, their are only 5 weapon monsters and only 4 that you can fight. One does get taken out by the sister Ray in JUNON ( not the Midger one ) that you never fight and to my knowladge, their is no known name for him but people call him Saphire weapon. The other 4 are Ultimate ( airborn ), Ruby ( Gold Saucer ), Diamond ( attacks Midger ), and Emrild ( underwater ) who LOOKS much like Diamond but is A totaley diferent monster.
Second off, Squaresoft themselves said that you CAN NOT get Aeris back in your party so let that sink in. Claims of it is make belive.
Now, on to tips.
As many already know, their are 3 master materia that can be abtained by defeating Emrild weapon. Their is another way though. First you have to get all 4 huge materia.
One will dish out Bahumat ZERO, and the other 3 resemble the colors of diferent materia types. If you abtain ALL of each materia type and master at least one of them and return to cosmo canion, you will be able to mold thoes materia types in to one master materia and have unlimited use of it pher battle given you have the MP on hand to cast the spells.
Better yet, you can repete the proccess as often as you want and gain all the master materia you can hold. I myself have 8 of each ( 1 pher charictorr ) not including the 3 you get from Emrid weapon. Warning: when you mold the master materia, you loose the mastered materia it takes to mold. You also have to master one of each materia every time you want to mold. Even in the Magic Pots area, this can take A verey long time.

It sounds kinda obvious but for just in case, if you attach an ALL to A master magic materia ( all magic spells in one materia ) it will all-affect every spell you cast giving you more magic firepower in 2 slot then you could hold all togather otherwize.

People think that Safer Sephiroth is just outright half amuned to Knights of the Round but that isn't so. Notice that his verey first move is to put up A wall shield. The trick is to use the debarrier spell on him to bring his wall down and cast KOTR on him and it will have the same affect on him as any other enamy.
KOTR does damage based on your charictors equipped weapon and attachments. For best affect ( 9999 hp dockings ) their are 3 verey reliable tricks. One, have cloud at 9999 HP, equip the Ultima Weapon and attach KOTR to Ultima wepon pared with MP Turbo. Another, Yuffies ultimate weapon does damage according to the enamys strength. This meanes that she will alwayse do 9999 in damage to Safer sephiroth and plus afects to any attached materia so you can just attach KOTR to her ultimate weapon and it will deal 9999 each time flawlessley. Last but not least, do A few houres of casuale fighting with Vincent and his ultimate weapon equipped, say, 20-30 battles after it is dealing 9999 and it will do the same as Yuffie.

Abtain yuffies ultimate weapon and any up to date sword of Clouds. Attach morph to Yuffies ultimate weapon.
Now, in battle, strike your enamy once with Cloud and then use the morph command from Yuffie. She will dock 9999 in damage and usualey will morph your enamy on the spot. Note. Depending on the weapon Cloud is using, some enamys may need to be hit more then once before using Yuffie to morph. Use your perferd weapon and do so. If you have to strike more then once before morphing, just have you're 3rd party member do that with A weapon similer to Clouds in power.

Sent in by Morning Dreamer


ok this is a stratagy

When your on the raid of the reactor(2nd mission)and your on the train.
In one of the cars a man is walking past slowly then runs when he passes you.
Go back and talk to find out that he stole a item from you.

After you jump off the train you go down the tunnel normaly.but if
you go the other way for about 6 screens you'll stumble upon a door
with gaurds in front off it. when it says to go the other way you chose the one
that says to stay and fight. you can do this for hours and its great
for leveling up.

Sent in by Cloud Strife


An even easier way to beat the Ruby Weapon:'re going to have to beat the Emerald Weapon. Have Mastered/4-leveled summons of Phoenix, Neo Bahamut, Bahamut ZERO...any heavy-loading damage dealer. Knights of the Round would work well too. It works better with W-Summon. Not really a strategy...just....beat him...sorry for lack of advice.

NOW...use the Earth Harp you get from Emerald Weapon and trade it for Master CMD, Summon and Magic. Equip all three on your main player (the one with the most HP and MP...mine was Cloud). Link Master Summon with HP Absorb. Also try and get 8500-9999 HP using HP plus, and at least 700 MP with MP plus. Get into a fight on the field and kill your other two players...use magic against your other players except for your heavily equipped materia-person. Now, save....and fight the Ruby Weapon. PLEASE make sure you have Master Command, Summon and W-Summon equipped. Have Master Summon linked with HP Absorb. When you attack the Rubny Weapon, use W-Summon Knights of the Round and Knights of the you'll be able to'll get at LEAST 9000 damage back to you by HP Absorb. When the Weapon uses Ultima, don't worry. As long as you're attacking his torso, NOT his claws...then you'll do fine. Mime the attack...and enjoy the time to whoop his kiester. After a while...he'll give up hope on using Ultima and result in using Comet2 to Big Swing.... Only doing 7000-8000 damage. Keep Mime-ing until you beat'll keep recovering HP as you go.

Sent in by Chris



Get in the highwind and go to Cosmo Canon then fly directly south till your over the sea at the bottom of the map and search around for a desert island.

Have morph materia on and walk around on desert area of the island till you find a cactaur morph it (they have 6,000 health) and you will get a tetra elemental which absorbes all fire, ice, lightning and earth damage.

Sent in by Vincent Fan


To date Tifa instead of Aeris:
Never talk to Aeris unless it is required for you to finish the game {or when you are forced to talk to her}and,never have Aeris on your team unless you are forced to have her on your team.And talk to her as mean as possible and make her think you like Tifa,{ for example,when she asks if Tifa is your girlfriend,then say yeah.}Then,at the Gold Saucer, you will date Tifa instead of Aeris.

Sent in by Daniel Peck


bronze weapon: this code only works on disk 3
fisrt you have to get 2 tissues and then go to aeirs house and sleep in her bed then when u wake up and cloud will kneel before the bed and say somthing like why did you have to die .then go to the church by her house and some kids will want to play with cait sith say yes. then they will give u a bronze amulet. the go back to where u got your dress and stay in the closet thing for about 3 mins and then the lady wants you to leave so she give you another broze amulet. to get the last amulet you must go to the golden saucer and the game place and talk to the guy on the motorcycle 5 time then he will get mad and tell you to go away .say no he will give u the last bronze amulet if you leave him alone. then with all of the bronze amulets fly over midgar the highwind will stop and cait sith accedently drop one into midgar and a ball of energy will rise around midgar (just like north crater) and then let cait sith accedenly drop it into midgar. then finnaly drop it on the island where you get KOTR. another force thing should be there. so you should have three force feild around midgar, the KOTR island, and golden saucer. then all of the force field should fly together in the air and come together as one. then it should form into bronze weopon.
you might want to be at level 99 because bronze is very strong and is invonurable to physical attacks

Sent in by Hiranobu Sakaguchi


Gold Chocobo

To receive the Golden chocobo, race a Black chocobo and another Black chocobo to CLASS A. Mate them with the Zeio Nut on Gremlin Island. Monsters have Zeio Nuts. I don't know how to get a Black chocobo, though.

Sent in by Kero_Buddy


Ok. let me tell you all some tips and hints about ff7. most of these cheats on here are so bs. like the bronze weapon and the other weapons. and how to keep aeris alive. total bs. i have had the game for more than 3 yrs. and i know all about it. now to the tips.

easy gp in gold suacer. just keep racing your chocobs and exchange everything (even the good prizes ) if u keep racing enough in a row u will get all the really good items like cats bell and other goodies.(the chick gives em all to you )

easy lvl up. just go to the crator ( how ever its spelt ) and go down far enough until you reach the part with waer. just battle in there and you will lvl up real fast ( lvl and materia )

item dup. equip w-item. go into battle. pick the item u want duped and select it once. the click again to where it wants u to chose who to use it on then press cancel. it should have gone up one. u can keep doing that until the item reaches 99.

easiest way to beat emerald. this is what i did and it was awesome. equip every one with hp plus, speed plus, cure, and mime ( mime has to be on everyone.) put w-summon, kotr attached with mp absorb on cloud. and some one with underwater. and what ever else want. o ya, final attack with pheonix. get cloud to cast w-summon kotr and have everyone mime it. i was lucky enough to pull it off. i had every one use w-kotr twice each ( 4 kotr for each guy ) in a row. it will kill him guarenteed. i still have to kill ruby. i have tried lots of materia combos' and nothing has worked. well those tips are legit and they work, so enjoy em and thats it.

Sent in by the real cloud strife



Ok befor i start i want you all to know one thing, anyone who says that you need two of an item you want to duplicate it talking a lot off rubbish
and i'll prove it to you here's how.

1)highlight the item that you want to copy.

2)press the confirm ( O ) button twice, but you must have the white hand to the left of the item you want to copy befor you do this ( your item will dissapper if you only have one, if it does then you know what youre doing is right)

2)Choose any other item and press confirm ONLY ONCE.

3)Now Press the cancel Button (O) and go back to the item you wanted to copy
you will now see that you have 1 more of that item.

Sent in by Michael Vincent


This isn't a real biggy but at tha gold saucer in tha battle area u can always attack fist all u gotta do is after u beat the first guy u quickly open the lid, it won't be able 2 load let ur time bar fill up full then close the lid 2 attack instantly.

If you have any tips for me please post on this site!

Sent in by cody


This one is for those people who have given up on reviving aeris.

First off you'll need the items posted below:
Buster Sword,
about 4 tissues,
and a mastered revive materia

Equip the mastered revive materia to the Buster Sword and go somewhere where you can gain alot of ap(ex.Magic Pot Room) you have to gain about 1,500,000 ap for the already mastered revive materia,what most players do not know is that the revive materia can reach a fourth secret level called "resurrect".

Once you've done this go to Aeris's house, enter her bedroom and use the tissues next to her bed until cloud says "Why did you have to die?" once he says that the other characters will come out and they start talking after their done go to the church.

On the way there stop at the save point and get Cait Sith in your party, when you go into the church talk to the kids, they'll want to play with Cait Sith.

Cait Sith and the kids will go outside and then a ghost of Aeris will appear and she'll say something about a resurrection spell(the fourth level on your revive materia), after that head for the Ancient City.

Go to where that big crystal surrounded by the waterfall is enter the waterfall and something will happen(I won't tell you what because that would spoil the moment)after all that is done go back to the church and you'll see Aeris.

I hope non-believers try this because it WORKS!!

Sent in by Dark Messenger


Okay, i don't have a cheat...but a question which can only be asked by a novice at these types of games, so no one who mastered this game ride my ass about this.

But how the hell do you get to the sleeping man (in order to acquire her limit four break) before aeris dies?

I mean the buggy cant cross the river, I've tried madly, for as much as at one time, 2 hours trying to figure a path across.

Secondly, I cant breed a chocobo, because the nut i need for a chocobo capable of crossing the river is on an island that the tiny bronco can't land on.

So how in the hell do you get There? Please, anyone someone?

Sent in by Ed


This isn't a CHEAT per se, nut it is an "almost" foolproof way to defeat Emerald and Ruby Weapon.

First of all, there are certain things you should have before you even THINK about attaking them...

1) At least three if the ultimate weapons, one of which MUST BE Cloud's Ultima Weapon
2) Knights of the Round materia
3) Final Attack materia
4) Phoenix materia
5) Counter materia (the one for COMMANDS!)
6) Mime materia
7) Cloud's Apocalypse sword from the Ancient Forest
8) At least one Ribbon
9) The best armor you can get your hands on - Mystiles and Aegis Armlets recommended
10) At least 3 Master-Level HP Plus materia
11) At least 1 Master-level Magic Plus materia
12) HP Absorb materia
13) W-Summon materia
14) Optional - Underwater materia (morph a Ghost Ship near the Junon Reactor and take the resulting Guidebook to the old guy in Kalm)

First off, take on RUBY first - she's a lot easier than Emerald.

Deliberately kill the other members of your party (NOT CLOUD). Equip Cloud with the Ribbon, a Mystile, and the Apocalypse. Put the Counter, Final Attack, and Mime on the Apocalypse and link KOTR with HP Absorb on your armor, then put the rest of the materia (only one HP Plus though) on the remaining slots on his armor. Heal him up, then attack Ruby. As soon as the fight starts, she'll put her tentacles out behind you. Cast KOTR once on the tentacles, and once on her. Keep miming it, and not only will you heal for about 26000 HP every round, her tentacles will retract every time she uses them and still hit her with both shots when the tentacles aren't out. If it's done fast enough, she'll never even be able to use her most devastating attacks - Shadow Flare and Ultima. Even if she does, there's still a 3 in 5 chance that they'll miss you because of the Mystile.

Following this, the materia on the Apocalypse will gain 150000 AP EACH, which will boost Final Attack to level 4 and should be enough to master both the Mime and Counter materias.

Heal your party, then equip Cloud with the Ultima Weapon and link Mime to Counter and Phoenix to Final Attack. Put your second strongest magic user into your party and give him/her the other Mime, his/her best weapon, an HP Plus, and your other Magic Plus. If you're lucky enough to have a third Mime, give it to your third best magician, but it's not really necessary (ditto for a third Magic Plus). Use more HP Plusses if their max HP isn't at least 9500. Fill any empty slots you have left with whatever materia you want to level up. Stick the Underwater materia on the third character.

Make ABSOLUTELY SURE that the Phoenix-Final Attack combo is placed to the LEFT of the Mime-Counter combo.

As soon as the fight against Emerald starts, switch to Cloud and double-cast KOTR. Have the other two mime it. Every time he attacks Cloud, depending on Counter's level, there's a decent chance (100% if it's mastered) that Cloud will immediately retaliate with the Mime attack, without waiting for his turn!

When Emerald uses Aire Tame Storm, there's a 99% chance that you WILL die, which is where Phoenix comes in. If you don't have the MP to use it, then you'll be glad of this little glitch - Cloud will then (probably) use the Mime command, which will not only double-cast KOTR again, it'll also cast Phoenix again, if the materia's in the right order on his equipment (yes, I HAVE seen this happen!!)!! This, of course, assumes that ATS actually HITS you, which is only a 50/50m shot 'cause of the Mystiles...

If you don't want to take the time to get KOTR, then you can try using Bahamut ZERO with Quadra Magic. However, you'll need twice as many copies of BZ to be able to use the HP Absorb with it.

Sent in by


SEPHIROTH: You need to get the Masamune Blade at the Speed Square in the Gold Saucer. Next you need to get Touph Ring and the Gold Amulet. The Gold Amulet can be brought in Rocket Town and the Touph Ring can be stoled off Reno during his third or fourth battle. Now remember that sick guy in Midgar outside Aeris' house? Go in his house and the sick man will enter saying he has came back from a long journeya dn has found a cure for his sickness. He will reveal he is a Sephiroth clone and will join your party if you give him the items you have found. His name is Deek and is equipped with the Bahamut Materia and Ultima with Quadra Magic. Note: he can also equip the Murasame from Wutai Weapon Shop. His limit breaks are Grand Lethal, Scoop Art, Megido Fountain and Jenova Special with does loads of 9,999 damage more then Omnislash!

AERIS: A secret way to save Aeris from Seaphiroth, just get her to level 99 and learn all her limit breaks plus get her ultimate weapon. Make sure she is equiped with the best armour, accesories and Materia you find which is all MASTERED. Now during a FMV sequance at the place where Sephiroth is about to kill her Aeris will cast Great Gospel to dodge the sword. Sephiroth will escape leaving Jenova to attack you.

RUFUS: Strange, huh? Master your Restore Materia and cast Cure3 on Rufus during his boss battle (espcially on Dark Nation). Rufus will be your friend, joining your party he can equip Vincent's Weapons and his limit break (theres only 1) is Dark Nation. Summoning Dark Nation will do 9,999 hp damage on whatever enemy your fighting.

DYNE: To save Dyne and make him join your party you must equip Barret with the Throw Materia and throw ALL the gunarms you have at Dyne during his boss battle. Dyne will run back into his senses and will join you. He equiped with a new weapon (and his only one) called Bazzokah Arm. Also his equipment is Silver Armlet and Star Pendant. The Materia is Shiva, Fire with All. They are mastered. His Limit Break is Molotev Cocktail doing 2,000 damage or more.

ZACK: (Note: do not use the Aeris save thing)To get Zack you must have always equiped Cloud with the Buster Sword, also get him to level 99. Now when Cloud wants to kill Aeris, Zack will come out of no where and kill Aeris instead. Zack will run away once he has realized what he has done and will come back to you by meeting him at the Shinra Mansion Library. He will join, Zack is exactly the same as Cloud.

Please note that it's impossible to get ALL of these new characters, you are only aloud 2 of them. Also you can not have Zack and Aeris at the same time. Even though I have not tried this out I would take Rufus and Deek (Sephiroth clone).

Sent in by Secret Man


-Easy way to get money,EXP, and AP-
for the money get 1,000 GP and get the 2nd to last ??????, it will be a matiria called Gil plus. Once you do that you could try to get 2,000 GP to get AP plus but i havent even goten that yet(to get a lot of GP race chocobos, i got 500 GP from one race) then go to the place with the magical pots in northern cave crater, when your party whants to know whitch way to go its on the left side when you go in their their are 2 other ways right and down, go to the right side and when you do thatyou need to jump down and go under water(press select to find the grren arrow thats where you go under water) you will jump out then go in the next room. then in their ther will be water spots and 2 hills if you look closely in between the hills you will see a pot shap figure run around that area and when you get into a fight if your derectly on the pots veiw their is a 99% chance you will get in a fight with a majical pot give the pot/pots an elixer then kill it 1 pot should give you 1000 AP with out AP plus!!!!! and should really boost you up(This cheat is how i bet the Emerald weapon get final attack,mime,KOR,and W-Sommon,and also try to get 9999 HP because when he hits you with a special move it dose the amount of matiria you have,1=1111,2=2222 etc... so i hope my cheat helps you. and if you kill the Emerald weapon you will get the Master Matirea that gives you about every thing!!!!

Sent in by Slash


I have many things to say:

1. The rumour about 'Octagon Weapon' and The 'Brown Chocobo' is a load of rubbish.

2. Yes, Sephiroth can come into your party, with one exception: you need a gameshark.

3. Yes, Aeris can also be revived, but you need a gameshark.

4. You can get Sephiroth's 'Masamune Blade' at the Speed Square at Golden Saucer. But you cannot use it because it is a replica.

5. The Chocobo with stripes on its wing is also bollocks, as is the 'You can destroy meteor without beating Sephy'.

6. It is possible to get Sephroth's Accessory, Touph Ring. Just steal it off one of the Turks when you fight in the Glenika-Type Airplane or on your raid on Midgar in disk 2.


Now the cheats.

1. Just before you're about to nick the Shin-Ra submarine, there is a box under the steps to the sub, and there is also an other box at the end of the platform with Leviathan Scales, (used in Wutai).

2. When you nare in the sub, go straight for the red sub, none of the others.

3. When fighting Bizzaro Sephiroth (the first one) put your main 3 characters (Cloud, Vincent and Cid for me) in the second position. In other words, when choosing your teams, choose Cait Sith, Red XIII and Yuffie first. Then put your main 3 in. Then put your remaining characters in the last troop. When fighting Bizzaro, destroy one part of him and it will say: Worried about the other partys? Say: Yeah...A little.

email me if you have any questions at
Yes, I have MSN Messanger. Add me if you wish. Ask me any qestion about FF7 and I will tell you the answer.

Sent in by Sephiroth


okay I just beat the emerald weapon for the very first time. The kicker is somehow during the game I accidently trashed the chocobo lure materia so i couldnt get to the materia caves. I want to thank everybody for the secret about the # of materia equals the amount of damaga you take.I equipped cloud,cid,barret,(74lvl,72lvl,65lvl)each with 1 hp plus materia. Cloud had the w-item,cid had underwater,and barret had phoenix. I had used the w-item tip to get 99 each mexalixers,stardust,t/s bomb,phoenix down.all you have to do is alternate between the megalixers and the stardust(if all lasers are showing) or t/s bombs(when its by itself).
It took me about 45 minutes to do it and I never cast a spell!!
email if you have any ?'s

Sent in by pugsley


Everyone keeps saying that the ultimate weapons of Tifa,Barret,
and Vincent suck. But all you have to do with those
weapons is equip them with master materias. Then it will be
fixed. O.K.?!

Sent in by Ultima Weapon


No cheats, but a few tips from a game freak....

First- go to the sunken cargo ship and find the conformer for Yuffie. It allows you to use the morph command without losing any of your attack. All creatures on board can be morphed into steroid items. HAPPY HUNTING!!!!

Second- I haven't been able to beat the ruby weapon any other way than to go to the Gelnika and spend hours morphing the creatures into steroids for cloud. I believe I created pretty unstoppable character. My strength was near 400 when I finally beat him.

Third- upon completing the Ancient Forest, you will recieve the apocolypse sword for cloud. It has triple AP gains for materia. Use it to master the speed plus, hp plus, double cut, and mp plus materias for a little extra boost against the weapons. The best place for AP is the Gelnika

Fourth- the double cut materia turns into the 4x cut materia upon level gain. When mastered, your character gets a strength boost as well. After clouds levels get high enough, he can do approx. 40,000 (4 times 9,999)damage with each turn. Use speed plus and speed source to make him unstoppable.

Good luck to all of my fellow Final Fantasy Freaks!!!! Using these tips, you should have no trouble dealing with Sephiroth and less trouble with the weapons. If anyone has good info on getting secret characters e-mail me @

Sent in by what a big sword you have!!!


Here's a helpful hint to defeat Emearal Weapon! This Weapon has a attack called "Aire Tam." It means MATERIA (spelled backwords). Here's the hint: The more materia you have, the more Aire Tam will have effect on you. So you should only equip a few materia only, so you won't die quickly cuz of Aire Tam!

Sent in by Sephiroth killa


This isn't a gheat, but it's prity cool.On the third disc go to the basement in the sinra mansion to see a flash back of Cloud and see what happened to Zack.

Sent in by Game Freek


This isn't a gheat, but it's prity cool.On the third disc go to the basement in the sinra mansion to see a flash back of Cloud and see what happened to Zack.

Sent in by Game Freek


This is an awesome way to beat emerald weapon without kinghts of the round or underwater materias.

Equip everyone in your party(mine was Cloud,Cid,and Vincent)with their ultamate weapons and for armor equip Mystiles.

Give cloud this combination,gravity-quadramagic(level over 3),w-magic,different plus materias,double cut(mastered if posible),enemy skill(having big guard),final attack- pheonix,and the rest with couter attacks.

For your #2 party member have them with mime.#3 patry member left with nothing.Now lets begin.Start the battle by casting big guard with Cloud.With party member #2 use attack.

Party member #3 use megaelixers.Once its Clouds turn use demi twice and it will be used 8 times totaling up to 79,992 damage on emerald.

As you progress use demi 2 and 3.Once those do less than 9,999 damage each time use Clouds double cut and mime it with party member #2.

Have party member #3 use megaelixers to keep your party at full health.Emerald will use his lazers on his arms 2 time so be prepared.

Don't use demi on the lazers.You can use the different demis however the level your quardramagic level is.

Keep this up and boom,Emerald is destroyed and you get the earth harp which can be traded for a master summon,master command,and master magic materias.

Sent in by da game masta


-Fight Crusher WEAPON-

First have Cait sith in your party at level 99 and have Sheild and the "X" materia at master level.

Then go to the sunken ship and enter. Go to the EXACT spot where you got Hades and fight Serpent. use sheild on him first then use X from Cait sith (in order to work) and Crusher will arise and kill Serpent.

Now fight him(he has 600000000 HP)Make shure your at VERY high levels.


Sent in by GoGo


Fighting the Bronze Weapon

This freaked the heck outta me!!! And yes I died. In Gongaga go to the place where you fight the Dinosaur things.

This cheat only works on Disc 3! Use the Sylkis greens on him. He should get confused and be in berserk.

Next use two hypers on him. He should get massive in size now and the confuseness should be gone on him. Morph him an d you'll get the Bronze Star. Take it too the Kalm Traveler.

He should say something like, "tis this the Bronze Star? This will be enough to start my journey now!" He'll walk out and proceed down the stairs with no thanks. Now leave Kalm.

Board the Highwind and heads torward Cosmo Canyon...when there fly directly South till you get to Cactuar Island.

In the sand you'll see somethin.Like'll see a head lookin thing but instead of red it will be bronze.

Proceed to it. This is a secret Weapon monster with extreme powers. It holds 1,000,000 HP and continuosly only uses Shadow Flare and Ultima magic.

He is invulnerable to physical attacks and can only be hurt with Ice magic. I wasn't able to beat him and if you find him tell me.


Sent in by Emerald


Here's a good way to beat the stuff in the battle arena!
(I cant help getting those gay handicaps... eg.assesory broken, summon broken)
Well.... First... if u have someones ultimate weapon, use it! Second u need odin linked with hp absorb
enemy skill with big guard
and ur usual stuff(slash-all/flash...2x/4x cut... etc)

In the first battle, cast big guard straight away. Then use odin.... in ur first battle, usually u'll use the ''steel bladed sword'' odin and not the ''gunge lance'' odin.
Ur Odin spell should cut them all in half straight away.

Then keep using mimic :)
Now u might ask... why do u need the hp absorb? It doesnt steal any life anyway!
Well. When u fight those semi-bosses or enemies with more than 10,000 basicly.

U'll use the ''gunge lance'' odin. If u just use odin and not with hp absorb. u'll be forced to heal and break the pattern.

Each time u use odin, if it does around 5000, u'll steal like 500. so it'll keep ur little cloud/tifa/barret or whoever ur char is happy ^^.

The only way to kill u when ur using this pattern is when........:
Ur command materias breaks, no mimic :(
Ur support materias breaks, no hp :(
Ur ribbon breaks and u get frog/mini/confu handicap.

Hope this helps u! :)

Sent in by AceProbe


To get Tifa's Final Limit Break.Go back
to Nibelbeim. Then go to Tifa's house.

Next, go upstairs to the piano. Then press these buttons in order or you wont get it press:

X,Square,Triangle, hold R1/L1+triangle,R1/L1+Square,X, Square,Triangle,R1/L1+X,O,X,Square,X.
Press start when you finished the tune, and Tifa will say she see something inside the sheet of music.

She finds a note from her father, and her final limit break "Final Heaven".

P.S. this is to be done on Disc 2 or
Disc 3.

Sent in by Tifa

I have a cheat and a question. (Cheat first)

I hate most people who try to explain how to use the w-item trick, they NEVER say you have to have TWO of that item.

(not mataria as one of the cheats I once read said, or weapons or accessories/armor).

You go into a battle with two of the items you want to duplicate, use the w-item command, select the item you want to duplicate use it, now select the same item and then cancel your selection you should have two now repeat as needed.

What happens if you have both the 4-cut materia and the slash all materia on the same person?

Sent in by Cloud,Squall,Laguna,Aeris and Rinoa


An easy way to get battle points in the battle arena is to try and get hard handicaps. The harder the handicap the more points.

Another easy way to get BPs is to have a limit when you go in (better if it attacks all and does big damage) and mime it until your heart content.

You can kill them quickly. (note-you must have a high hp because you can not heal- or in the begining of the battle cast regen on your self.)
Ribbons are also key!

A good way to keep up your HP is to have a load of "HP Plus" materias. Even if you are already max! The percentage still raises.

So if you get the handicap half HP, it will take from the actual HP and not the HP plus materias.

Example, if you have say, 2 mastered HP plus materias on, and you are at a high level.

Then you get a half HP handicap it would only take you down to around 7 or 8 thousand from 9999.

Sent in by Highwind


On your gameshark type in

Sent in by Ryan


When approaching to fight ruby weapon, kill two of your characters. Equip your remaining character with W-Summom.

Give him the master summom materia given to you previously (after beating emerald weapon).

When entering the fight with ruby weapon he will automatically bury his claws in behind you, making him vulnerable to attacks.

Open by attacking him with phoenix and then hades against the claws. this will revive your team and give you time to attack ruby.

Sent in by Patrick Durkin


In FF7 don't be fooled into believing that you can pair KOTR with quadra magic - that would make things far to easy wouldn't it?

To kill Emerald you need to have KOTR on a minimum of 2 Stars + you need to have 2 mime materia (you need to master the 1st to get another)

+ you have to have all 3 members of your party on 7777 fever (all lucky 7's) and at high levels + with their ultimate weapons.

You also have to have W-summon.

Sent in by Dixi - The FF7 Guru


this isn't really a cheat but it will help anyone that can't beat emerald weapon. When you fight emerald you should use a calculator to subtract the amount of damage you had just done to him from his HP (when i had fought him i used a calculator and found that the amount of his HP are 1,200,000) this estimate might not be correct but when i had killed him the amount of damage that i had done to him was 1,207,063 (also when you fight and if u use this method DO NOT and count the amount of damage done to the emeralds, those are the things that shoot little lasers at u to take u're MP and HP off). this is the method i used to defeat him and my estimate might not be correct.

Sent in by josh


1st Cheat - Equip HP Absorb with Master Command. Everything you do physically will absorb HP.

2nd Cheat - You don't need Knights of the Round to beat Emerald or Ruby WEAPON. (Although it is advised) Just get Clouds Omnislash and mime it with him.

3rd Cheat - Zack is a secret character. E-mail me ( to learn how to get him. It'll take you about 6 hours on the first disk.

Sent in by Nathaniel Raymond Fate


hint: defeating cactuar on cactuar island .
first you need lionheart for squall then a few meltdowns and leviathan.(meltdowns can also be drawn from cactuar)start the match by casting meltdown on cactuar and keep using leviathan .use aura on squall if ya have any or get him in a critical situation and use limit break as often as possible and eventually u should use lionheart. keep doing this and he should be yours
P.S have recover and revive and watch out for his 10.000 needles it kills u no matter wot

Sent in by aj lee the dan 1 who completed the game 6 times


In the Golden Saucer, at the Battle Square arena, fight, and win at least ten battles. Then go out to the station hub, and talk to everybody in battle square, and the hub. One of the people will give you the sprint shoes.

The sprint shoes automatically put you in haste, and are very handy for fighting the 3 weapons(emerald, ruby, onyx), because you can cast knights of the round, quadra magic, w-summon,before you take any damage at all.

Sent in by PyRo


How do you get that ugly Vincent guy? On disc 1. When you are in Niblehem, go in the mansion, up the stairs and a left turn.

Go in the room that looks like it has a refridgerator at the back. Press O infront of it and select still open the safe. Press O with
each number.

Enter 32 with the right directional button, 10 with the left, 59 with the right and 97 with the right. If you go over or under any of the numbers that aquire the O button to be press
ed you will fail.

Be level 35 and higher to beat the boss. After
you win get the key and materia and go to basment.

Go to locked door and enter,talk to coffin, say talk Seiphrioth, leave after 2nd time of making him flip the coffin and he follows.

After he joins you go into the lab at the back to see Sephrioth.

Sent in by Ultima weapon


There is a eiser way to get the gold choocobo. All you have to do is defeat the ruby weapon.

Then you take the desert rose to the man at kalm town. Then you go to the house near the starway that goes to the wepons,materia,item store.

Then you talk to him and then he will give you the gold choocobo.

Sent in by Cloud Strief99(Murray)



Get as much as you can of counter command materia and mime materia to every member mostly cloud he got the best limit break.

Then use megalixir to heal the party,while being hit, building up the limit breaks. one megalixir is enough.

Then unleash the force!!!!!!

Sent in by angono rizal philippines


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How to kiss that stupid emerald jerk goodbye:

First,have ALL your caracters in ''All lucky 7''.

Then have this:
2)2MIME MATERIAS(1star or more)
3)W-SUMMON(1star or more)

now equip Cloud with KNITES OF THE ROUND HP ABSORB AND W-SUMMON and equip your other two caracters with the MIME MATERIAS

Now go fight him!!!!!
When you start the fight your party will start atacking like crazy.
and mime and go drink some soda
and watch emerald sufer from KNITES OF THE ROUND!!!!!!!!!!!
when he is toasted,you will get an item
(EARTH HARP)now go to Kalm to the right side of the bar house.on the second floor there's a man that will trade that item for MASTER SUMMON,MASTER MAGIC AND MASTER COMMAND!!!!!!!!!!!


Sent in by Bugenhagen


get a bung-load of ap.

Make sure you have the folowing weapons and characters. 3 platinum bangles, 1 apocalyps sword, 1 plus barrette, 99 elixirs , and 1 black megaphone. equip these weapons and armor. equip the materia you want to level up. go to the left path with the natural looking terrain. and walk around until you run into a magic pot.(those annoying goblin like creatures in pots that are seemingly impossible to kill. to lower its defences use an elixir on it and attack it 2 or 3 times & it should die. on the next screen over where it says how much ap you gained there will be the number 1000. sometimes the next random battle is against 3 bouncing red fireballs. kill them just like any other creature and you will gain 2400 ap from the battle.

Sent in by gino


In Shinra HQ, first time:

The part where you need to cross the statues without getting get rid of the guards just keep getting caught! After 5 battles, each set, they will disappear! It may take longer to do then actually try and not get caught but its better to not get caught!

Materia Hint:

Make sure you DONT have too much materia in your inventory. if u do, when u go to get something you wont find the materia/magic in your inventory! then you cant get good summons! Thats how i missed KJATA and BAHAMUT ZERO and ALEXANDER! so beware people!

Sent in by S.o.S


I Have The Easyist Way To Beat The Weapons, Here It Is: Get Cait Sith On Your Team, Get His Second (And Final) Limit Break, Get Into A Fight With Weapon Rapidly Press Squ. If You do it right the slots should slow down, get Game Over and it will kill him instatly.

Sent in by BlackDragon2046


I've heard a lot of people say you cannot get Yuffie until the second disc.

Untrue. If you go to the forests near Gongaga, you should sight her on the first or second fight. She is very easy and after the fight you must anwser her questions correctly. When you take her to Wutai's pagoda to fight, first go north of Wutai and fight a small plant-like creature. Have Enemy-Skill equipped and Manipulate. Minupulate one and have it use "Magic Hammer" on the person with the Enemy-Skill.

Magic Hammer will drain 100 MP (Mind Power)from the Enemy to you. Use it on Godo in the pagoda in Wutai. If you win you get the Leviathan Summon Materia and her (super-sucky) final limit, All Creation.

Sent in by Whizkid950


(I also have questions listed below)

How to beat Emerald WEAPON easily:

Have Knights of Round on at least Level 3, 2 Mime materias, W-Summon, and 7777 fever on all (All Lucky 7s). Before trying the Lucky 7s, equip your materia accordingly: Give Cloud W-Summon and KoR, Equip your other two characters with the mime materias.

If you want to you can equip them with HP Plus also. Let the Lucky 7s run their course and use W-summon KoR, then mime it and mime it again with the other character. After the session is over Emerald WEAPON will be dead. Bling, Bling

How to beat Ruby WEAPON:

Ruby is difficult, and an extremely long battle, so sit back with a soda for this fight (I was able to finish a 2-Liter), as the summons run the show. Kill two members of your party before entering this fight, max out the living characters (Ill use Cloud) HP and MP using an elixir before entering this battle.

Have that character equipped with Master Summon (which you got from beating Emerald) linked to Quadra Magic. Also, have that character equipped with W-Summon. Have one of the other characters equipped with Mime, and let the other one have whatever you want. Cast Hades (It will be used 4x, so it paralyzes Ruby WEAPON and his claws.) on Ruby and Phoenix on the claws. Cast Hades and KoR on Ruby, and then Mime it.

Have the Non-Miming character give the other guys Megalixers. Ruby WEAPON will die if you keep repeating this pattern. Bling, Bling That psychotic slut is dead.

How to beat Onyx WEAPON:

Enter this fight equipped with the same stuff as you fought Emerald WEAPON with, including the Lucky 7s. He will attack you! You do need the Final Attack-Phoenix materia combination! If you dont, you will be destroyed! KoR, KoR, KoR! This fight should last a little longer than the Emerald fight. You might want to keep yer MP up.

How to beat Master Tonberry Without getting hit by Everyones Grudge:

Well yall, this ones rather easy. Master Tonberry moves throughout the fight toward your characters. Attack him with one person per movement. This will keep him form using Everyones Grudge on anyone in your party. Dont let him get too close though

My Questions:

1. How do you revive Aeris? I want the true way, no false ones please.

2. Whats up with Sapphire WEAPON? How can I find him and how hard is he?

Thanks yall for reading this and helping me with my questions. Hope I made your lives easier in FF7 with these. Keep me updated please.

Sent in by USMC Stickman


It is NOT impossible to kill the weapons without KOTR.

Ruby: Use quad-bahamutZERO W-Summon MIME

BahamutZERO-HP Absorb (if you have a second one) Hades Emerald: Well, you should know the gravity strategy by now (scroll down if you don't)

Sent in by Anon


well the actual easy way to kill emerald weapon is this:

1) have the 3 characters you wanna fight with have at least 2 hp up's (at least one mastered per character)

2) mix pheonix materia on a slot then put final Attack next to it..

3) have nights of the round materia on at least level two star. mix it with quadra magic and have it on level two star at least. have w-summon in there to but not mixed with those, but in the same character slot.

Have mime for every one else. make sure to pack a bahumhut zero to just in case. all characters your using have an average level of 73. and cloud should be able to summon nights of the round 4 times then summon again by using w-summon another 4 times so you should be able to use knights of the round 8 times in one turn.

Then mime it if the other characters are alive. so if ya get the other two characters to mime it. and all goes well. you'll be able to summon knights of the round 24 times in three tries. though i doubt emerald will live long enough to see it.

This really works i tried it but i hadn't got knights of the round on its second star level so i do it with bahumat zero instead. its a real pain to train knights of the round. but it pays off if your a game master like me..

Sent in by steve


I know an island that each battle you fight in and win,you get at least 1600 exp. and 200 ap. If you go south-east for a while,you will be at Mideel.

There is an island near there with easy enimeis for lots of exp.,ap,and gil.If you find this island,you should fight Sandworms on the beach, and on the land you should either fight Gryfindors,Silver Bugs,and Green bug type things.

Try to fight the Green Bug type things or the Silver bugs because they give you lots of exp.,ap,and gil.If this cheat satisfies you,e-mail me and tell me.

Sent in by gameguy316{Alex Mosher}


If u get anoyed like me, when you've got a super fast chocobo & you have to wait for ages untill they finish. Hold down x & the arrow poiting down.

Sent in by Red 13


How To Obtain

Yuffie Kisaragi

First go to any near forest,run around until you fight her(you'll know its her because when you sense her her name would be mysterious ninja)anyway after you defeat her it will go to a screen with a save point,DO NOT SAVE OR PRESS O because she will run away so be careful speak to her and she will say "you spikey headed jerk one more time one more time".

Choose not interested and talk to her again and she will say somthing reply petrified and talk to her again and she will say somthing quickly reply wait and she will if you need her help reply yes ando not ask for her name and she will automatically become in your party!

Sent in by yuffie


I don't know if any one knows this yet but you can race your chocobo with cid.

First make sure that you have a gold chocobo already. Next get another gold chocobo by mating the black and the wonderful "A" class chocos.

Try racing your second gold chocobo and in the first round of each class race Cid will ask to ride sometime. He must be in your party. In the class "A" race he'll ask the first two times. Just a heads up on that tip.

Sent in by TJ


This is the easiest way to defeat the Emerald Weapon.All you do is equip an ally with Gravity materia (3-4 stars) and Quadra Magic in joined slots.

Then enter the battle with Emerald and equip an ally with reflect. Then do demi 3 on the ally with reflect and it will reflect onto your opponent 3 times and because it is paired with quadra magic it will do 120000 damage. Cool or what!

Sent in by ?????????


After Aeris is dead, go to the church in Midgar. You will be able to see a quick flicker of Aeris' ghost by the flowers

Sent in by Man in tube.



It involves breeding two S class gold chocobo's that have beaten Tehio or whatever the black chocobo is called three times consecutivly and breding with a zeio nut...

Sent in by Cloud's Idle


when you fight sephoroph use the buster sword. Then when you beat him you will claim sephrophs might sword when you restart the game along with nigts of the round metearea

Sent in by andrew



I'm not really sure about this code, but I kind of think it is true. First of all, you need to start a new game. After that always have Cloud, Barret and Tifa in your party. Always say bad things to Tifa.(example: say Barret's snoring kept me up instead of "Next to you, who wouldn't?) Then, in the scene where Aeris gets killed, Tifa will jump in front of the sword.

Sent in by FF VII's biggest fan


To make cloud LOOK like he's having it away with aeries, then all you have to do is:

1. say that you will go for a date with aeries.

2. at the golden saucer(when she goes on the date with you) press x x triangle and then o(when on the train cabin thing.

Sent in by Philiphippa


When you defeat the midgar zolom in disc 1 you can grow 10-15 levels by doing this:

First, find the elemental materia forlorn and use it to destroy the emerald weapon then when you defeat any normal monster around midgar you will grow 10-15 levels(you also get all the special weapons,

Sent in by haha


If you cant get all the summon's, because they are to difficult for you to find, then i've made your day, firstly you must be up to the part where you can go underwater and fight EMERALD weapon.

If you fight EMERALD weapon and manage to defeat him like I did, then you will get a certain item, take this item to a certain man in Kalm and trade the item with him then he will give you all the summon's and not only that but they will all be mastered, cool or what hope i've made it easier for you, enjoy your game!!!

Sent in by Michael Lawry


This is not a cheat, just an answer to Aaron B.'s questions about chocobos. You can buy stables at Chocobo Billy's Ranch (remember from way back at the beginning of the game?) for 10,000 gil apiece.

You catch Chocobos the way you did at the beginning, but when you get off the Chocobo, you have an option to send it back to the stables. Go back to the stable and "Move Chocobos" and move it into your stable and then you may name it. I hope I helped you Aaron B.

Sent in by Aeris


if you raise you chocobos to a or b (to breed for a gold one)you MUST get your wondefrul and black chocobo to s class, also with that shortcut it may give you a yellow chocobo so save befor you do it so you can load it and try again...

midgar zolom morphs to a x-potion

cactuars morph to a tetra elemental

yuffies conformer still does alot of damage with morph!

Spend alot of time in midgar to get to level 65 or so and have simple battles rest of the game always buy as many potions,hi-potions,tents,and ethers as you possibly can!



When you are in the sleeping forest you con see a red materia that is running around. It dissapears quickly though and then it reapears. You must catch it and then you will have the materia kjata

Sent in by Morphias


Dont know if you already know this, but here is an easy way to get gold saucer points, when you come in on the tram, go into the gold saucer (make sure you have lifetime pass).

Come out, look in the back by the tree, every so often (10 times about) a guy will be standing there and he will trade gil for gp (really expensive tho, great for the lazy man),

Sent in by TigerHobs1


This is a groovy little trick, at the gold saucer on disc 3 when it reopens, get lots of GP then go to wonder square and to the chick that hands out prizes for GP, take the last prize (?????????)

Sent in by King Core




Sent in by Jordan


How to revive Aeris!

First you need to win 1999 battles! Then equip 16 revive materias on master,

And then go to midger at her house and sleep there. Now go to near by church and you will see some kids one of them will give you an item called "Love Rose" now go to the place where she died and bingo!

She will have a weapon called "Centra Staff"(which has holy element), all her limits, a minerva band, Level 80, and the materia- Full cure, Restore+all, Revive+all,and Sheild all of this on MASTER! Try it out!

Sent in by Surviver 1


Special Summon!

First get all summon materia on master level, five of them each (ex: Choco/mog

Five of them on master materia etc...)

and get master summon materia twice,

one from weapon and one at cosmo caynon,

now sell all other materia and then go to the room with the huge materia in cosmo canyon and look at the red once again, Enjoy!

Sent in by Beer Man 255


Brown Chocobo...!?!

Yes that's right a brown Chocobo...

This time it flies! Now this is the most powerful Chocobo!

How to get it-race a golden chocobo at Gold Saucer 999 times, and you must win everyone of them. After 999 wins go to the sleeping guy in the cave until you win EXACTLY 999 battles.

Next go back to midger and Honey Bees in will be open, now go in the one of the rooms (I can't remember which one though) and some chick will tell you there closing and give 99 of every green and nut.

Now go back to Gold Saucer and win one more race, then the one chick that registers you will give you the same nut you feed to the mog in the moghouse video game, (wonder square) and mate it with the same chocobo that won 999 races (any other chocobo will do) Presto!!!

Sent in by Billy Bob


To level up really quick go to junon and go into the tunnel that leads into the underwater reactor and on the left there is a red switch press it get into a few battles you will fight these wierd red dudes and they give you tons of xp and ap.

Sent in by Mr. Highwind to you


If u wanna defeat emmerald in a easy way, read this. 1st, you must kill 2 of your members in a single battle near midgar. Now, u must let live only 1 enemy and haste it, an let it attack you, you must kill him when it damages you until any 77, example, 5877, 3977.

When done, use potions and hipotions to get 7777. Now, use phs to change you 7777 member and remplace it with another member. Revive a member and repeat the operation. Revive the last member and repeat the operat the same operation.

Now, get the 3 7777 members in your party and do not change any materia, so if u wanna do it before the cheat, it's ok. Now, you mus have Knights of round level 3, w-summon and at least 2 mime materias.

Enter the battle, and when you choose a command, first use w-summon Knights of round, then mime and mime. If emmerald attacks u, it won't kill u, so repeat operation and before your party finishes the 2 attack season, emmerald will be defeated, dead, ho ho ho!!!!

Sent in by Omega Red


I have a cheat and a question. First off, the cheat.

At the very start of the game on disc 1, go to the place where you can contribute money to the people to fight the Shinra's enemies.

It is known as Fort Condor I think. Buy just 1 person to guard the people of Fort Condor, and make sure he is the cheapest person you can buy. The whole point is to make him die so you can fight them.

Wait for the enemies to come up to Fort Condor, and then the guy next to you goes nuts. Exit out the big door and be prepared to fight.

Make sure your characters are at level 25 or higher, and they should all know all of there level 2 limit breaks. When I played, I had with Cloud, Barrett, and Aeris. Make sure you have at least this amount of stuff with such as materia, accesories, and more. Have with:

1 Bolt2 (or more)

1 Cure2 All (or more)

1 Fire 2 (or more)

1 Ice 2 (or more)

Just make sure every character has some materia on them and not just having Cloud have it all. If you defeat him, depending on who it is, you should get about 2,100 EXP and a lot of money. This does come in handy if your characters can defeat the enemy.

Now I need some help with a question for all the people who say that they know everything about Chocobo stuff. How do you name a chocobo? How do you buy stables?

Thanks a bunch all of you FF7 lovers!

Sent in by Aaron B.


When beating the guards at the start of the game check them and you should get some potions.

Sent in by Matty


If you are using the tip about 7777fever sent in by Malice805, try putting Catbell on players. It makes this cheat a lottle quicker.

Sent in by Dixi

To defeat the Emerald Weapons without the underwater materia:

1)Have Tifa,Yuffie,and Cloud in your party.
2)Have their Ultimate Limit Breaks and
3)Master these materias:Mime,Final Attack,Phoenix,and Gravity.
4)Have the Knights of the Round Master or at 3 stars.
5)Have there Levels no lower than 70.

Once this is done you're set to go fight
if done in the correct order the Emerald
Weapon will only get five hits on you.

Beware of ATS(Air Tame Storm) it 9999
to every member of party that's why you
need to master Final Attack and Phoenix
it will cast Life2 on all of the party.

Well good luck you'll need it.

Sent in by Weapons Crusher 9999


How to fight octagon weapon! first u have to get every materia in the game(that includes the master's) then u have to sell everything but the 6 masters(from emerald and bugenhiagen) and equip the masters to cloud, yuffie, and cid in that order.

Cid gets the commands and cloud gets the summons and yuffie (obviously) gets the magics. then u get a gold at s class and a wonderful yellow at b and mate them with a pepio nut, and u will get a dark blue mate the dark blue at c class with the gold and u will get a gold with a black stripe on it's wings.

Then u go outside and go onto a mountain and rapidly tap o, it will start to fly, keep tapping o and it will go higher and higher.

Keep tapping till it reaches high enough where u can't see the land, fly to the ocean while holding x, it will say kweehh! and fly into space go to meteor and u will see octagon weapon

(u can get off in spaceand save if u like just don't stop holding x while u're off or u will die and while on it don't stop holding x or u will apear back on the world map and the chocobo and weapon will dissapear).

He is very hard to beat and i used the idea with a calculator and the most my frind ever got was up to 3,897,021! but i had beaten him which was around 4,012,834.

He only has 3 attacks and there octagon rod(which does around 2,000) and the end is near( which does the amount of enemys u killed in the game). and finally apocolypse (which shows him shoot a beam down at meteor and it flys into earth and u are dead) he only uses that attack when he is about 1000 hp away from dying.

U can fight him more than once and if u defeat him 4 times u get a pearl chocobo which allows u to go anywhere(under water, on land, flying in space anywhere) the esiest way to win the game is to kill octagon weapon.

If u do u can destroy meteor with out killing sephiroth! and if u defeat him 5 or more times u can play the game after u beat it (so if u destroyed meteor without killing sephiroth u can head right back to earth and kill him.

U also can travel to other planets to fight new monsters) and remember my friends and i all tryed this and it worked!

Sent in by josh, joey,justin, and alex


Information about most of these "cheats":

Most of this is crap - first of all - there is no sapphire weapon - people just think that sapphire is the one that got shot by the sister ray. It's not - emerald was the one - if you look at it - you can tell that it's emerald.

Battle arena tips/cheats:
When your handicap choices are spinning, keep tapping square and the slots will slow down, allowing to choose your handicap.

When you get omnislash and W-Summon - you get to do a secret battle arena.

This one is quite a bit harder, so I reccomend you have cloud at 9999 hp and make sure he has haste, mime, hades, added effect, knights of round (optional), omnislash and the ultima weapon. Equip him with added affect and hades in a linked slot in the bracelet/armor section so that it works as a ribbon.

Equip him also with a champion belt to make his limit break a lot stronger. First, start off by casting haste. Then use his limit break (omnislash) and that should kill the first enemy. Keep using mime until you've whooped all enemies until proud clod (the big red guy that Scarlet used is midgar).

If you don't have knights of round, keep using omnislash and with luck, you'll beat the crap outta him. With knights of round though, the battle is no problem. When you win, you'll get the final attack materia - equip it with pheonix and there is no stopping you.

As your walking down the stairs of the battle arena, talk to the guy and he'll give you some sprint shoes.

Accquire Sephiroth
Use a gameshark, and even then, he still sucks.

I reccomend a party of Red XIII, Cloud, Cid...But whatever you do, don't use Vincent, his ultimate weapon sucks and you have to beat so many people to get his ultimate weapon to work.

Silver Chocobo
I'm testing this out right now, I'll post later whether or not it works.

Who in this world is onyx? Can somebody fill me in cuz I don't know anythinG about this weapon or person or whatever it is.

Email me at if you know what it is.

Sent in by gigas greg


Heres a good way to beat Emerald:
Use the GRAVITY materia combined with Quadra Magic and you can deal some major damage to Emerald!

GRAVITY can damage Emerald for 9,999 points of damage,so with Quadra,it can take 40,000 points of damage each turn,and you can have some mimes along and make it 120,000 points of damaged by each turn!!!

And if ya quick and skilled enuff,
you can easily defeat Emerald with less than 9-10 turns,if ya paid close attention to my strategy!
And it doesnt matter which level GRAVITY is in,both levels do the same amount.

Man,I got more FFVII knowledge than all these wack cats who think they got some knowledge!
And be on the lookout for the movie,too
All these people submitting cheats that I been knew!

I got cheats coming outta my ass!
and thats just a sample!

Sent in by Kjata a.k.a Akademiks


This isnt realy a cheat,but it is the fastest way to get Yuffy.

All's you have to do is on the first disk go to the forests between Fort Condor and Junion and get into battles and sooner or later you,ll run into her like any other battle.

Yuffy is way easy to defeat. Once youve defeated her you go to a little grass area with a save point and Yuffy's lying on the ground you have to talk to her answer her questions right, and as you leave the area she'll join the party.

P.S. dont use the save point, if you do Yuffy runs off with some of your gil.

Sent in by Clouds Stunt Doubble



Ok, first, Ruby. You will need W-item, one Megalixir, one phoenix down, Multiply them to 99, another cheat will tell you how.

Now, kill 2 people, leave one standing with w-item, when in battle, item, phoenix down (dead memeber) and megalixir, repeat.

If you have w-summon, then w-summon hades then KOTR and mime. (after 3 times wait for him to move again, then cast A.S.A.P.)

If you don't have those, then continually cure yourself with megallixirs, multiply 'em if u run low, and just keep attacking, it takes a long time...but eventually it will kill him.

Emerald. you need W-item, 99 megalixirs, 99 phoenix downs, have these materis, one person, w-item, 4x cut (optional), and mabye one summon, don't put more then 3 materia on one person, Aire tram storm takes 3333 for 3 materia, 5555 for 5 etc.,

But you go into battle (you can use 7777 fever, really effective way to take a big chunk of health out before you start fighting) and use w-item to continually keep your health up, attacking when u can, summoning if you can.

NOTE: Never let your health get too low, he can finish you all off with emerald shoot if you do. but just keep attacking, curing, and after a very LONG timee, you beat him, SLOW but effective, as i've found out that all the other cheats, don't work, and finally I found a way that does!

HOPE IT HELPS! if not, go to the message board and ask for help, it is an awesome message board, many new things posted everyday, join as soon as you can!

Sent in by Rob/Cloud


how to get a secret character.

1)if you find a summon materia dont pick it up.
2) never equip cloud with nothing but the buster sword.

3) when aeris dies, she wont, but cid dies from falling off of the highwind when cloud goes bogus.
4) in the underwater junon part, when you have controll of the sub, weapon will automaticly attack.

5) after doin 100,000 damage, you will see a fmv of a long spear goin through him or her???

6) he will admit he is cids son, and shera is his mom.

7) his name is Lloyd. he will only join you on 1 condition, you agree to avenge cid.(i forgot to mention sephiroth knocked him off)

8) he has 1 of each of the summon materia

Sent in by Anon


I have a code for you people with a gameshark.It allows you to start the game with the master summon.Here it is 3009ce60 005a
3009ce61 00ff
3009ce62 ffff
After your first mission when you get the materia option it will be avalible.

Sent in by Brent


This is not actually a cheat -_-

but to kill ruby weapon easier without those super strong summons and limit breaks!
All you need is the:
Hades or Choco/mog (to strun ruby weapon)
3 enemy skills-with magic hammer
pheonix-final attack(final attack optional)

Before the ramming into ruby weapon with highwind, equip ur 3 strongest characters with their 2nd strongest weapon(not the ultimate my cloud uses ragnok-something sword and not ultima) cuz they'll lose the super AP after killing ruby weapon. Then kill 2 of ur characters and leave the highest character with pheonix(basic knowledge :D)

In the battle, wait until ruby weapon burys its claws into the sand. Then use pheonix to revive ur characters and heal ruby weapon a bit.
then use hades or choco/mog on body of ruby weapon(not the wavy tentacles)
then ruby weapon should be frozen/stopped.
then keep using magic hammer on the tentacles until all its MP runs out.
if ruby weapon comes back to life after being stunned, then stun it again.
after all its MP has run out, it wont counter with ultima or use that draining mana attack or anything.
Like i tried it with ultimate weapon as well.
it just keep saying that every turn.
then just use normal attack or anything u got against it.
I wish choco/mog + hades' stun works against emerald as well.

PS ruby weapon got lots of mp so its better to have hades or choco/mog more than level 1..............
choco/mog easier to level cuz u get it near start of the game (where chocobofarm is)

ok I hope this helps those weaker ppl :(

Sent in by AceProbe


When you arive the Gi Tribe ghost, start by giving it a Phoenix down. It will kill it instantly.

And another cheat: To kill Ruby weapon as fast as possible equip w-summon and hades. Cast it at ruby and it will freeze for some time. Then use Knights of the round table on it.

Then use mime whit the other characters, which you have to kill before going into this battle.

If you have two men killed then ruby wont use Whirlsand. Remember to use phoenix flame before hitting it with hades.

If you want to kill Sephiroth fast use the omnislash by Cloud on him and then KOTR. Then he will die.

And if someone really know the way to save Aeris. Then PLEASE write it to my e-mail adress.

Sent in by Aeris lover


An easy way to beat savior sephroth is to get cloud close to limit ( make sure he has omnislash ) and do a fair amount of damage to him (about 30,000) and when he does super nova you will limit and kill him easy.

One Item you will need is ribbon.

Sent in by astrotaurus


Defeat Savior Sephiroth.

This is pretty easy, just use Knights of Round on him. if you get him before he gets his barrier up it should take him out with one dose of it.

If his barrier is up, either de-barrier him, or i'm sure w-summon KOR will take care of him.

Sent in by Andy


How to fight Bizzaro Sephirtoh with three parties.

To fight Bizzaro Sephiroth with three parties all you have to do is destroy Jenova really quickly. The way i did it was i used KOR on her and it killed her with one dose.

Sent in by Andy


I found this out by a reliable source. You can kill Barret instead Airies.

All you have to do is when Sepheroth is about to kill Airies press X,R1=O,triangle,sqaure, and x and they will switch places.

Sent in by Ruby Weapon


Easy way to beat matireia keeper you will need all the stuff listed below (exept the limit breaks) For that guy that says he cant beat matireia keeper heres a tip, dont use vincint because his limit only cures the monster.

Another tip is dont use bolt or fire because they only cure him.

An easy way to beat him is to have cloud, barret, and red XIII. have clouds climhazzerd limit, barrets satilite beam, and red XIIIs lutanic high.

Have everyone close to there limit and everyone on level 25 or higher. also have armor on that reduces lightning damages because he uses trine.

Take this time to get it because you,ll not get another chance until much later in the game. use clouds climhazzerd and barrets satilite beam. redXIIIs lunitic high is to cast haste on your intire party.

Also use regen to constintly recharge hp. (trine does around 800 to 900 points of damage

Sent in by astrotaurus


for that guy that says he cant beat matireia keeper heres a tip, dont use vincint because his limit only cures the monster.

Another tip is dont use bolt or fire because they only cure him.

An easy way to beat him is to have cloud, barret, and red XIII.

Have clouds climhazzerd limit, barrets satilite beam, and red XIIIs lutanic high. have everyone close to there limit and everyone on level 25 or higher.

Also have armor on that reduces lightning damages because he uses trine. take this time to get it because you,ll not get another chance until much later in the game.

Use clouds climhazzerd and barrets satilite beam. redXIIIs lunitic high is to cast haste on your intire party.

Also use regen to constintly recharge hp. (trine does around 800 to 900 points of damage

Sent in by astrotaurus


Easy Gil: If you go to Cactar Island (an uncharted island in the Southwest Ocean) get in a fight with a Cactar and defeat it.You will get 10,000 Gil

Easy way to get Gold Chocobo: Defeat Ruby Weapon and take the Desert Rose to the Kalm Traveler.He will reward you with a Gold Chocobo

Easy Way to get all the Master Materia: Beat Emerald Weapon and then take the Earth Harp to the Kalm Traveler.He will reward you with all three Master Materias.

Sent in by The Great Sephiroth


To fight Bizzaro Sephiroth with your entire party all you have to do is use Knight of Roundon Jenova which will kill her instantly,if not use w-summon and use KOR twice on her and you should be able to fight Sephiroth with two parties of three and one party of two.

Sent in by Drew


Call Tifa a kind of fruit and Aeris a kind of flower. When you go into the Forgotten City, You'll actually see Aeris going into the thingymajig and dropping the white materia.

Pick it up and procede forward when Aeris is praying she will be killed then defeat Jenova .When the battle finishes Cloud will pick up Aeris and drop her the white materia will fall into her gub.

It will disappear and Aeris will be revived.
Then Seperoth will come back and attemp to kill Aeris when a secret character will appear called Scareye.

His arm will fall off and he will join your party but Aeris will take a deep dive to get the White Materia back and will be killed in the proceed

Sent in by GRD


At the Gold Saucer when Cait Sith steals the Keystone go to the Chocobo Square instead of the one Cait Sith goes down, you'll find another Keystone then go to the stairs where Tseng is and Cait Sith will be caught.

He'll give you everything in the game in return for the Keystone. Now in the FMV where Aeris dies she will turn around and dodge the sword.

The game will procede as usual except Tifa will fall of the Highwind in the last FMV and will be killed instantly.

Sent in by Death


Everyone who talks as if the emerald is immposible is a dumbass. You don't need KotR, or mime, or anything else.

Just make sure you are at a high levle and have ultimate weapons, and have ultimate limit breaks.

I beat him way before I beat Sephiroth, I actually beat him right after invasion on midgar.

I accidentally got into a battle, so I wasn't even prepared!!!!!!! If you can't beat em, then you just suck, thats about all.

The real hard enemy is teh onyx, that guy is tough, and with him you do need KotR and mine and so forth.

Sent in by Anon


THE EASIEST WAY 2 GET ZACK- I dont know if diz works or not but try it out anyway- to get ZACK go to the entrance of Gold Saucer & stay there 4 exactly 1 hour then some bloke will come over 2 ya.

Get talking to him & he should tell ya his name(ZACK of curse). And there ya have it the easiest way 2 get ZACK. Good Luck!!!!!

(Oh & another thing you know that cheat for the Brown Choccobo I tried it and it's the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard & If it works give me a HELL YEAH!!!!) once again good luck with my cheat. See ya!!!!



If your one of those people who like hard battles, I've got one for you.

If you walk out side and around the bone village, you might get into a battle with what looks like a dinosaur!

You can't sense it for some reason. If you've been to the Temple of the Ancients and battled the red dragon you would think it was hard wouldn't you?

Not if you battle the dinosaur like monster. But if you like to battle big bad monsters to get lots of $$ and EXP.

You won't want to fight this guy. He's only worth about 200 to 300 EXP.(for me) and a bit over 100 gil :~(

Sent in by Sephiroth,Cloud Strife,Barret Wallace , Tifa Lockhart and the Gi Tribe Ghost: < )


Easy XP and AP: To get easy XP and AP, equip Cloud's Apocalypse(found in Ancient Forest) and Rune Armlet(bought in Bone Village), Cid's Scimitar(found in Downed Shinra Plane, Gelnika) and Rune Armlet, and the last person is your choice, just equip them with their double AP weapon with the most slots and a Rune Armlet. Go down into the Crater to the room where the party splits up, take the left-up route, and walk around on the yellow vines until you run into Movers or Magic Pots.

Movers look like little red balls with two smaller orangish-red balls inside and come in packs of three. Magic Pots look like golden pots with purple heads sticking out.

It's best to have W-Item equipped to throw an elixer to each one. They are invincible unless you feed them one. You get 8000 XP and 1000 AP for each Magic Pot, and 0 XP and 800 AP for each Mover, but are always in packs of three, so you get 2400 AP.

This is the best place in the game for XP and AP. This is how I got 4 Master Magic, 3 Master Command, and 2 Master Summon in a little bit over an hour. To get Master Materia, get every Materia of that color (only green, red or yellow), master all of them once, go to Cosmo Canyon and go to Bugenhagen's room.

Go up to the Huge Materia of the color of the materia that you mastered. Choose get closer, and it will say ask you if you want to perform Materia Blend. Say yes, and you will have it.

For getting Master Command, you only have to master Morph, Deathblow, Mime, Sense, Manipulate, Throw, and Steal.

Sent in by David McBee


Okay, I'm at mt.Nibel in the main cavern.I have Vincent at level 30, Cloud at level 30 and Barret at level 30, and I still can't defeat the big monster that blocks the path in the main cavern of mt.Nibel.

I have all the good materia's on my players such as Revive, Shiva, Ifrit, Ramhu, and Odin. Bolt 2, Fire 2, Ice 2, Cure 2, and best of all, my enemy skill Aqualung. If anyone has any tips to defeat the monster, send them in PLEASE!!!!!!!

Sent in by Sephiroth and Jenova


Any cheat for getting sepheroth or zack or a silver chocobo if totaly BOGUS! anybody who submits these cheats is just trying to make fools out of you.

Also by naming aries EASY only signifies how easy you are. the only sure way to defeat emerald weapon is w-summon K.O.T.R. triple mine.

Ruby weapon will not go down unless you start the fight with 2 members dead and revive them after he plants those hands.

Then create a chain of hades K.O.T.R. triple mime. there are no short cuts for the week like luck 7's. lucky 7's is a waste of time getting it the fight your charecters HP fall to one.

Ultimate materia (that materia that gives all spells summons and commands) is a joke. have fun waisting your time on these completely BOGUS cheats.

And who ever piontlessly started them i hope your having fun never witnessing the results. also aries connot be revived.

I for one know that its tough to get over but we're gonna have to. any other cheat i knoticed you would have to be real dumb and real bad at the game not to realize.

Although i do recomend regen while the lid is open on the playstation.

It could save lives. in closing zack and aries are dead and sepheroth is the bad guy. dont expect anything else.

Sent in by Your Name (Optional)


Zack Code:

On the second mission with Avalanche after jumping off of the train go in the oppisite direction of the shaft you have to climb into.After going back long enough you will see two Shinra guards standing in front of a open doorway.You will have the option of RUN or FIGHT.Chose FIGHT and you will go into a battle with three Shinra guards.After each battle you will have to chose RUN or FIGHT allways chose FIGHT.You will have to battle for a long time and if you want the trick to work you can only Heal Cloud.I never confirmed this cheat to work.I only made through 55 battles then i quite,but after you battle for a bout 4 hours Zack will come out of the open doorway ready to battle untill he remembers Cloud.When he notices cloud he will run away.Then carry on with your mission untill you reach the town of Kalm(the first town out of Midgar).There you will se Zack and he will join you party.Zack supposedly has Master magic,and Mater summon materia,and can only equip the buster sword.
NOTICE:Even if this trick doesn't work all the battles will have you at level 41 and all limit breaks except level 4 limits.LIke i said before i only made it through 55 battles so if it doesn't work,don't $*%#! me out.Its also a good way to level up because you can battle as many times as you want by chosing the RUN option after you have battled enough.Then just go back to the screen and battle some more

Hail Sephiroth

Sent in by


Here's yet another little helpful hint: In Battle Square,get hard handicaps. Your points at the end will soar. I get a regular of 11000. Make sure you can beat everyone.

Another: Go into the battle with a very powerful and hurts-all limit break with mime. Do the limit break and MIME!!!! Also, I would have a ribbon on the guy.

P.S.: Make sure you have a high HP, because you can't cure or you'll break the pattern. To do this, go to the room where a guy is snoozin' and he will sell HP plus materias(also MP plus).

Sent in by Vincent Valentine (AGAIN)


I have a couple of things. First off, a thing for beating Ruby:Use the BAHAMUT family. It doesn't do as much as Knights of the Round, but a good 4000-5000. And use Hades summon and dazers to stun him.

Just to make sure, on the last cheat I sent in about getting Vincent, don't forget Cosmo Memory (Red's final limit break).

If you missed the W-Item thing in Midgar, just excavate at the Bone Village on the X by the ladder.

Here's how to get everyone's best weapon:











Sent in by Vincent Valentine


Some cheats-

1- The R-E-A-L way to save Aeris. Tried and true, here's what you have to do. To save Aeris, you must have the BLACK MATERIA BEFORE you actually get it at the Temple! Here's how- At the beginning of the game, name cloud Storm. Progress through the game, making sure you have Aeris at level 99, with ALL her limit breaks, before it's time to go to the Temple of Ancients. Instead, head through the ice places and the glacier (where you would normally have gone AFTER Aeris died) Up to the crator in the north. Walk around the crator pressing search ( O ) to find the BLACK MAETERIA. Progress as normal from there, and at the battle with Sephiroth, where Aeris usually dies, you instead enter into battle with Sephiroth right away, and she doesn't die! This frees up more dialogue and such between Storm (cloud) and Aeris for the rest of the game. Have fun!

2- Zack's Stash- If you name Cloud Zack in the beginning of the game, and search the first box you find during the first mission 50 times, you get a bunch of stuff include K.O.T.R! (my friend got this from his Japanese ff7 guide, and swears it works on his english version of the game, but i tried with no luck, but i thought i'd include it here anyway)

3- White Materia (Aeris's Materia) Can be found by golden chocobo on the beach of an island just west of the crator.

Sent in by x Shadows x


i dont know if this was a glitch when i was playing but i found out how to get the tiny bronco back.its more of a trade for the highwind so its up to you
Exchange the Highwind for the Tiny Bronco:
Get the item Super Sweeper from the roller coaster game in the Gold Saucer. Note: You must do this before you lose Cloud temporarily. Go to Fort Condor, and give the Super Sweeper to the old man there. He will then give you the Tiny Bronco.
Dont worry it does fly

Sent in by Romeo the Dragon


This isn't a cheat, just information on how to get an Enemy skill called "Shadow Flare." To accomplish this, you must have one of your party members equiped with "Reflect" materia paired with All materia, and all of your party members equiped with "Enemy Skill" materia. Get in the last fight with the Ultimate Weapon(When he is near Cosmo Canyon)and cast Reflect on all of your allies, now summon Bahamut(any one)multiple times. When you take away enough damage, he should cast "shadow Flare" on one of your allies.(You MUST cast Reflect, or Shadow Flare has a VERY good chance of killing you if your energy is not high enough!)If you did everything correctly, Shadow Flare will bounce off of you and hit the Ultimate Weapon, it should say "Learned Enemy Skill Shadow Flare."

NOTE:He dies right after he casts it, and you also recieve Cloud's Ultima Weapon.

Sent in by


This code is actually quit easily. The move where the Emerald Splits into 2 and hits you with a beam can be weaken dramatically. The damage done to it is the number of Materia Equiped X 1,100. So if you have 1 Materia equiped, 1,100. 2 is 2,200 and so on. That's all.

This is another "rumor" that is true.
Travel on the World Map, constantly tapping your button as if you were really climbing a chocobo. If you're lucky, you'll accidentally climb on top of the Invisible Chocobo. This one is actualy true. If you dont want to try that long method just pop the PSX lid with a Chocobo right next to you. I know this sounds wierd, but it's. I've done it before. You usually have to have the lid open, though. Later!

Sent in by ultras17gozita


I have a cheat but first I need to correct my last cheat I submitted.So heres the correction. On my last cheat I said that you had to defeat Emrald weapon without K.O.R but you can.Now for my second correction Emrald does not leave the Zack materia behind you have to the place where Aries got sliced and go up to those blue light ball things and there you have it. Now for my cheat. This is how to get Dyne (you must have Barret in your team) all you do is go back the place where he dies on disc 3 you can do this by breeding a gold chocobo.Then get into a fight morph it and it will turn into a gun arm now go to where he jumped off.You will see Dyne hanging on the edge. It will now go into a FMH movie of Barret useing the gunarm to save him.When you have saved him he will say I will join you for Marleen.And you will have him

Sent in by Emrald weapon


How to get the awesome Vincent

Can't find the Nibelheim safe combonation? Look no more! The combonation is: Right 36, Left 10, Right 59, Right 97. Make sure not to pass a number. The door will open. You will fight an easy monster (lost number). Grab the materia (Odin) and the key. Go to the basement. There is a door (NOT THE DOOR SEPHIROTH IS IN!). Look at the purple coffin. Talk to Vincent until he says "Let me sleep" Leave the room. On the way down the corrider, he will say "Wait!"Then talk some, and voila!!!! There's Vincent!

Sent in by Vincent Valentine


To get a date with Barrett do not talk with Tifa or Aires unless it is for vital progression. At the Gold Saucer Barrett will ask you for a date instead of Aires or Tifa!

Sent in by Squall Lionheart


To kill both the weapons (the one under water and the one in the sand.)

Simply get Knights of the Round Pair it with HP absorb, then put mime and counter on, then pair Final Attack with Revive.

If all of these are on there master level then you should have no problem killing them, also if you get all three if your main characters with all of this materia in that order then they will be dead in 15 minutes.

Sent in by Little Al


To get the turks first go to fortcondor. You have to get into a battle lose the battle then you will enconter another battle win this battle.

[make sure you do not go to the T.O.A. before you do the fights]Then go to the T.O.A. follow the old men and they will ask you to save say no to all three of them, there is a red dragon it has 3000hp after you beat it go out of there then go back to the clock.

Walk across it there is a wall with a door walk up to it then you will be in another battle beat it then go back to were you had a fight with the 3000hp boss then get the B.L.A.C.K M.A.T.I.E.R.A then save and then you will have them...!

Sent in by jenova death


I found this by accident it is how to get Zack as a summon.First you must go to Costa de sol and buy the hotel.

Then breed a gold chocobo and race it to S class and beat that black chocobo 10 times in a row now dont get KOR or this cheat wont work now go to your sub and attack Emerald weapon.

Do not equip zero bahamut and use the buster sword now defeat him and he will leave the Zack summon mataria .

Zack does the omnislash attack 4 times and takes off around 120000hp and equiped with quadra it does 480000hp.

Sent in by Emrald Weapon


If you miss the w-item in sector 8 undeground go to the bone village and ask to escavate normal treasure from the guy standing outside the cave.

But instead of hiring a digger just go to done and click on the big 'x' marked on the ground and someone will still dig for it,voila.

This may also work with the lunar harp but im not to sure.

Sent in by rusty crutch

I've been looking at some cheat sites recently and loads of them say that to get enemy skill aqualung you have you to fight a thing called a harpy in the desert surrounding the gold saucer. This realy hurts your party and may kill them so instead equip someone with a water ring. Now go to the lost city/ancient city and fight Jeovana-life.She should use aualung but it wont hurt the guy with the water ring.

To defeat the Emerald Weapons without the underwater materia:

1)Have Tifa,Yuffie,and Cloud in your party.
2)Have their Ultimate Limit Breaks and
3)Master these materias:Mime,Final Attack,Phoenix,and Gravity.
4)Have the Knights of the Round Master or at 3 stars.
5)Have there Levels no lower than 70.

Once this is done you're set to go fight
if done in the correct order the Emerald
Weapon will only get five hits on you.

Beware of ATS(Air Tame Storm) it 9999
to every member of party that's why you
need to master Final Attack and Phoenix
it will cast Life2 on all of the party.

Well good luck you'll need it.

Sent in by Weapons Crusher 9999


How to fight octagon weapon! first u have to get every materia in the game(that includes the master's) then u have to sell everything but the 6 masters(from emerald and bugenhiagen) and equip the masters to cloud, yuffie, and cid in that order.

Cid gets the commands and cloud gets the summons and yuffie (obviously) gets the magics. then u get a gold at s class and a wonderful yellow at b and mate them with a pepio nut, and u will get a dark blue mate the dark blue at c class with the gold and u will get a gold with a black stripe on it's wings.

Then u go outside and go onto a mountain and rapidly tap o, it will start to fly, keep tapping o and it will go higher and higher.

Keep tapping till it reaches high enough where u can't see the land, fly to the ocean while holding x, it will say kweehh! and fly into space go to meteor and u will see octagon weapon

(u can get off in spaceand save if u like just don't stop holding x while u're off or u will die and while on it don't stop holding x or u will apear back on the world map and the chocobo and weapon will dissapear).

He is very hard to beat and i used the idea with a calculator and the most my frind ever got was up to 3,897,021! but i had beaten him which was around 4,012,834.

He only has 3 attacks and there octagon rod(which does around 2,000) and the end is near( which does the amount of enemys u killed in the game). and finally apocolypse (which shows him shoot a beam down at meteor and it flys into earth and u are dead) he only uses that attack when he is about 1000 hp away from dying.

U can fight him more than once and if u defeat him 4 times u get a pearl chocobo which allows u to go anywhere(under water, on land, flying in space anywhere) the esiest way to win the game is to kill octagon weapon.

If u do u can destroy meteor with out killing sephiroth! and if u defeat him 5 or more times u can play the game after u beat it (so if u destroyed meteor without killing sephiroth u can head right back to earth and kill him.

U also can travel to other planets to fight new monsters) and remember my friends and i all tryed this and it worked!

Sent in by josh, joey,justin, and alex


Information about most of these "cheats":

Most of this is crap - first of all - there is no sapphire weapon - people just think that sapphire is the one that got shot by the sister ray. It's not - emerald was the one - if you look at it - you can tell that it's emerald.

Battle arena tips/cheats:
When your handicap choices are spinning, keep tapping square and the slots will slow down, allowing to choose your handicap.

When you get omnislash and W-Summon - you get to do a secret battle arena.

This one is quite a bit harder, so I reccomend you have cloud at 9999 hp and make sure he has haste, mime, hades, added effect, knights of round (optional), omnislash and the ultima weapon. Equip him with added affect and hades in a linked slot in the bracelet/armor section so that it works as a ribbon.

Equip him also with a champion belt to make his limit break a lot stronger. First, start off by casting haste. Then use his limit break (omnislash) and that should kill the first enemy. Keep using mime until you've whooped all enemies until proud clod (the big red guy that Scarlet used is midgar).

If you don't have knights of round, keep using omnislash and with luck, you'll beat the crap outta him. With knights of round though, the battle is no problem. When you win, you'll get the final attack materia - equip it with pheonix and there is no stopping you.

As your walking down the stairs of the battle arena, talk to the guy and he'll give you some sprint shoes.

Accquire Sephiroth
Use a gameshark, and even then, he still sucks.

I reccomend a party of Red XIII, Cloud, Cid...But whatever you do, don't use Vincent, his ultimate weapon sucks and you have to beat so many people to get his ultimate weapon to work.

Silver Chocobo
I'm testing this out right now, I'll post later whether or not it works.

Who in this world is onyx? Can somebody fill me in cuz I don't know anythinG about this weapon or person or whatever it is.

Email me at if you know what it is.

Sent in by gigas greg


Heres a good way to beat Emerald:
Use the GRAVITY materia combined with Quadra Magic and you can deal some major damage to Emerald!

GRAVITY can damage Emerald for 9,999 points of damage,so with Quadra,it can take 40,000 points of damage each turn,and you can have some mimes along and make it 120,000 points of damaged by each turn!!!

And if ya quick and skilled enuff,
you can easily defeat Emerald with less than 9-10 turns,if ya paid close attention to my strategy!
And it doesnt matter which level GRAVITY is in,both levels do the same amount.

Man,I got more FFVII knowledge than all these wack cats who think they got some knowledge!
And be on the lookout for the movie,too
All these people submitting cheats that I been knew!

I got cheats coming outta my ass!
and thats just a sample!

Sent in by Kjata a.k.a Akademiks


This isnt realy a cheat,but it is the fastest way to get Yuffy.

All's you have to do is on the first disk go to the forests between Fort Condor and Junion and get into battles and sooner or later you,ll run into her like any other battle.

Yuffy is way easy to defeat. Once youve defeated her you go to a little grass area with a save point and Yuffy's lying on the ground you have to talk to her answer her questions right, and as you leave the area she'll join the party.

P.S. dont use the save point, if you do Yuffy runs off with some of your gil.

Sent in by Clouds Stunt Doubble



Ok, first, Ruby. You will need W-item, one Megalixir, one phoenix down, Multiply them to 99, another cheat will tell you how.

Now, kill 2 people, leave one standing with w-item, when in battle, item, phoenix down (dead memeber) and megalixir, repeat.

If you have w-summon, then w-summon hades then KOTR and mime. (after 3 times wait for him to move again, then cast A.S.A.P.)

If you don't have those, then continually cure yourself with megallixirs, multiply 'em if u run low, and just keep attacking, it takes a long time...but eventually it will kill him.

Emerald. you need W-item, 99 megalixirs, 99 phoenix downs, have these materis, one person, w-item, 4x cut (optional), and mabye one summon, don't put more then 3 materia on one person, Aire tram storm takes 3333 for 3 materia, 5555 for 5 etc.,

But you go into battle (you can use 7777 fever, really effective way to take a big chunk of health out before you start fighting) and use w-item to continually keep your health up, attacking when u can, summoning if you can.

NOTE: Never let your health get too low, he can finish you all off with emerald shoot if you do. but just keep attacking, curing, and after a very LONG timee, you beat him, SLOW but effective, as i've found out that all the other cheats, don't work, and finally I found a way that does!

HOPE IT HELPS! if not, go to the message board and ask for help, it is an awesome message board, many new things posted everyday, join as soon as you can!

Sent in by Rob/Cloud


how to get a secret character.

1)if you find a summon materia dont pick it up.
2) never equip cloud with nothing but the buster sword.

3) when aeris dies, she wont, but cid dies from falling off of the highwind when cloud goes bogus.
4) in the underwater junon part, when you have controll of the sub, weapon will automaticly attack.

5) after doin 100,000 damage, you will see a fmv of a long spear goin through him or her???

6) he will admit he is cids son, and shera is his mom.

7) his name is Lloyd. he will only join you on 1 condition, you agree to avenge cid.(i forgot to mention sephiroth knocked him off)

8) he has 1 of each of the summon materia

Sent in by Anon


I have a code for you people with a gameshark.It allows you to start the game with the master summon.Here it is 3009ce60 005a
3009ce61 00ff
3009ce62 ffff
After your first mission when you get the materia option it will be avalible.

Sent in by Brent


This is not actually a cheat -_-

but to kill ruby weapon easier without those super strong summons and limit breaks!
All you need is the:
Hades or Choco/mog (to strun ruby weapon)
3 enemy skills-with magic hammer
pheonix-final attack(final attack optional)

Before the ramming into ruby weapon with highwind, equip ur 3 strongest characters with their 2nd strongest weapon(not the ultimate my cloud uses ragnok-something sword and not ultima) cuz they'll lose the super AP after killing ruby weapon. Then kill 2 of ur characters and leave the highest character with pheonix(basic knowledge :D)

In the battle, wait until ruby weapon burys its claws into the sand. Then use pheonix to revive ur characters and heal ruby weapon a bit.
then use hades or choco/mog on body of ruby weapon(not the wavy tentacles)
then ruby weapon should be frozen/stopped.
then keep using magic hammer on the tentacles until all its MP runs out.
if ruby weapon comes back to life after being stunned, then stun it again.
after all its MP has run out, it wont counter with ultima or use that draining mana attack or anything.
Like i tried it with ultimate weapon as well.
it just keep saying that every turn.
then just use normal attack or anything u got against it.
I wish choco/mog + hades' stun works against emerald as well.

PS ruby weapon got lots of mp so its better to have hades or choco/mog more than level 1..............
choco/mog easier to level cuz u get it near start of the game (where chocobofarm is)

ok I hope this helps those weaker ppl :(

Sent in by AceProbe


When you arive the Gi Tribe ghost, start by giving it a Phoenix down. It will kill it instantly.

And another cheat: To kill Ruby weapon as fast as possible equip w-summon and hades. Cast it at ruby and it will freeze for some time. Then use Knights of the round table on it.

Then use mime whit the other characters, which you have to kill before going into this battle.

If you have two men killed then ruby wont use Whirlsand. Remember to use phoenix flame before hitting it with hades.

If you want to kill Sephiroth fast use the omnislash by Cloud on him and then KOTR. Then he will die.

And if someone really know the way to save Aeris. Then PLEASE write it to my e-mail adress.

Sent in by Aeris lover


An easy way to beat savior sephroth is to get cloud close to limit ( make sure he has omnislash ) and do a fair amount of damage to him (about 30,000) and when he does super nova you will limit and kill him easy.

One Item you will need is ribbon.

Sent in by astrotaurus


Defeat Savior Sephiroth.

This is pretty easy, just use Knights of Round on him. if you get him before he gets his barrier up it should take him out with one dose of it.

If his barrier is up, either de-barrier him, or i'm sure w-summon KOR will take care of him.

Sent in by Andy


How to fight Bizzaro Sephirtoh with three parties.

To fight Bizzaro Sephiroth with three parties all you have to do is destroy Jenova really quickly. The way i did it was i used KOR on her and it killed her with one dose.

Sent in by Andy


I found this out by a reliable source. You can kill Barret instead Airies.

All you have to do is when Sepheroth is about to kill Airies press X,R1=O,triangle,sqaure, and x and they will switch places.

Sent in by Ruby Weapon


Easy way to beat matireia keeper you will need all the stuff listed below (exept the limit breaks) For that guy that says he cant beat matireia keeper heres a tip, dont use vincint because his limit only cures the monster.

Another tip is dont use bolt or fire because they only cure him.

An easy way to beat him is to have cloud, barret, and red XIII. have clouds climhazzerd limit, barrets satilite beam, and red XIIIs lutanic high.

Have everyone close to there limit and everyone on level 25 or higher. also have armor on that reduces lightning damages because he uses trine.

Take this time to get it because you,ll not get another chance until much later in the game. use clouds climhazzerd and barrets satilite beam. redXIIIs lunitic high is to cast haste on your intire party.

Also use regen to constintly recharge hp. (trine does around 800 to 900 points of damage

Sent in by astrotaurus


for that guy that says he cant beat matireia keeper heres a tip, dont use vincint because his limit only cures the monster.

Another tip is dont use bolt or fire because they only cure him.

An easy way to beat him is to have cloud, barret, and red XIII.

Have clouds climhazzerd limit, barrets satilite beam, and red XIIIs lutanic high. have everyone close to there limit and everyone on level 25 or higher.

Also have armor on that reduces lightning damages because he uses trine. take this time to get it because you,ll not get another chance until much later in the game.

Use clouds climhazzerd and barrets satilite beam. redXIIIs lunitic high is to cast haste on your intire party.

Also use regen to constintly recharge hp. (trine does around 800 to 900 points of damage

Sent in by astrotaurus


Easy Gil: If you go to Cactar Island (an uncharted island in the Southwest Ocean) get in a fight with a Cactar and defeat it.You will get 10,000 Gil

Easy way to get Gold Chocobo: Defeat Ruby Weapon and take the Desert Rose to the Kalm Traveler.He will reward you with a Gold Chocobo

Easy Way to get all the Master Materia: Beat Emerald Weapon and then take the Earth Harp to the Kalm Traveler.He will reward you with all three Master Materias.

Sent in by The Great Sephiroth


To fight Bizzaro Sephiroth with your entire party all you have to do is use Knight of Roundon Jenova which will kill her instantly,if not use w-summon and use KOR twice on her and you should be able to fight Sephiroth with two parties of three and one party of two.

Sent in by Drew


Call Tifa a kind of fruit and Aeris a kind of flower. When you go into the Forgotten City, You'll actually see Aeris going into the thingymajig and dropping the white materia.

Pick it up and procede forward when Aeris is praying she will be killed then defeat Jenova .When the battle finishes Cloud will pick up Aeris and drop her the white materia will fall into her gub.

It will disappear and Aeris will be revived.
Then Seperoth will come back and attemp to kill Aeris when a secret character will appear called Scareye.

His arm will fall off and he will join your party but Aeris will take a deep dive to get the White Materia back and will be killed in the proceed

Sent in by GRD


At the Gold Saucer when Cait Sith steals the Keystone go to the Chocobo Square instead of the one Cait Sith goes down, you'll find another Keystone then go to the stairs where Tseng is and Cait Sith will be caught.

He'll give you everything in the game in return for the Keystone. Now in the FMV where Aeris dies she will turn around and dodge the sword.

The game will procede as usual except Tifa will fall of the Highwind in the last FMV and will be killed instantly.

Sent in by Death


Everyone who talks as if the emerald is immposible is a dumbass. You don't need KotR, or mime, or anything else.

Just make sure you are at a high levle and have ultimate weapons, and have ultimate limit breaks.

I beat him way before I beat Sephiroth, I actually beat him right after invasion on midgar.

I accidentally got into a battle, so I wasn't even prepared!!!!!!! If you can't beat em, then you just suck, thats about all.

The real hard enemy is teh onyx, that guy is tough, and with him you do need KotR and mine and so forth.

Sent in by Anon


THE EASIEST WAY 2 GET ZACK- I dont know if diz works or not but try it out anyway- to get ZACK go to the entrance of Gold Saucer & stay there 4 exactly 1 hour then some bloke will come over 2 ya.

Get talking to him & he should tell ya his name(ZACK of curse). And there ya have it the easiest way 2 get ZACK. Good Luck!!!!!

(Oh & another thing you know that cheat for the Brown Choccobo I tried it and it's the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard & If it works give me a HELL YEAH!!!!) once again good luck with my cheat. See ya!!!!



If your one of those people who like hard battles, I've got one for you.

If you walk out side and around the bone village, you might get into a battle with what looks like a dinosaur!

You can't sense it for some reason. If you've been to the Temple of the Ancients and battled the red dragon you would think it was hard wouldn't you?

Not if you battle the dinosaur like monster. But if you like to battle big bad monsters to get lots of $$ and EXP.

You won't want to fight this guy. He's only worth about 200 to 300 EXP.(for me) and a bit over 100 gil :~(

Sent in by Sephiroth,Cloud Strife,Barret Wallace , Tifa Lockhart and the Gi Tribe Ghost: < )


Easy XP and AP: To get easy XP and AP, equip Cloud's Apocalypse(found in Ancient Forest) and Rune Armlet(bought in Bone Village), Cid's Scimitar(found in Downed Shinra Plane, Gelnika) and Rune Armlet, and the last person is your choice, just equip them with their double AP weapon with the most slots and a Rune Armlet. Go down into the Crater to the room where the party splits up, take the left-up route, and walk around on the yellow vines until you run into Movers or Magic Pots.

Movers look like little red balls with two smaller orangish-red balls inside and come in packs of three. Magic Pots look like golden pots with purple heads sticking out.

It's best to have W-Item equipped to throw an elixer to each one. They are invincible unless you feed them one. You get 8000 XP and 1000 AP for each Magic Pot, and 0 XP and 800 AP for each Mover, but are always in packs of three, so you get 2400 AP.

This is the best place in the game for XP and AP. This is how I got 4 Master Magic, 3 Master Command, and 2 Master Summon in a little bit over an hour. To get Master Materia, get every Materia of that color (only green, red or yellow), master all of them once, go to Cosmo Canyon and go to Bugenhagen's room.

Go up to the Huge Materia of the color of the materia that you mastered. Choose get closer, and it will say ask you if you want to perform Materia Blend. Say yes, and you will have it.

For getting Master Command, you only have to master Morph, Deathblow, Mime, Sense, Manipulate, Throw, and Steal.

Sent in by David McBee


Okay, I'm at mt.Nibel in the main cavern.I have Vincent at level 30, Cloud at level 30 and Barret at level 30, and I still can't defeat the big monster that blocks the path in the main cavern of mt.Nibel.

I have all the good materia's on my players such as Revive, Shiva, Ifrit, Ramhu, and Odin. Bolt 2, Fire 2, Ice 2, Cure 2, and best of all, my enemy skill Aqualung. If anyone has any tips to defeat the monster, send them in PLEASE!!!!!!!

Sent in by Sephiroth and Jenova


Any cheat for getting sepheroth or zack or a silver chocobo if totaly BOGUS! anybody who submits these cheats is just trying to make fools out of you.

Also by naming aries EASY only signifies how easy you are. the only sure way to defeat emerald weapon is w-summon K.O.T.R. triple mine.

Ruby weapon will not go down unless you start the fight with 2 members dead and revive them after he plants those hands.

Then create a chain of hades K.O.T.R. triple mime. there are no short cuts for the week like luck 7's. lucky 7's is a waste of time getting it the fight your charecters HP fall to one.

Ultimate materia (that materia that gives all spells summons and commands) is a joke. have fun waisting your time on these completely BOGUS cheats.

And who ever piontlessly started them i hope your having fun never witnessing the results. also aries connot be revived.

I for one know that its tough to get over but we're gonna have to. any other cheat i knoticed you would have to be real dumb and real bad at the game not to realize.

Although i do recomend regen while the lid is open on the playstation.

It could save lives. in closing zack and aries are dead and sepheroth is the bad guy. dont expect anything else.

Sent in by Your Name (Optional)


Zack Code:

On the second mission with Avalanche after jumping off of the train go in the oppisite direction of the shaft you have to climb into.After going back long enough you will see two Shinra guards standing in front of a open doorway.You will have the option of RUN or FIGHT.Chose FIGHT and you will go into a battle with three Shinra guards.After each battle you will have to chose RUN or FIGHT allways chose FIGHT.You will have to battle for a long time and if you want the trick to work you can only Heal Cloud.I never confirmed this cheat to work.I only made through 55 battles then i quite,but after you battle for a bout 4 hours Zack will come out of the open doorway ready to battle untill he remembers Cloud.When he notices cloud he will run away.Then carry on with your mission untill you reach the town of Kalm(the first town out of Midgar).There you will se Zack and he will join you party.Zack supposedly has Master magic,and Mater summon materia,and can only equip the buster sword.
NOTICE:Even if this trick doesn't work all the battles will have you at level 41 and all limit breaks except level 4 limits.LIke i said before i only made it through 55 battles so if it doesn't work,don't $*%#! me out.Its also a good way to level up because you can battle as many times as you want by chosing the RUN option after you have battled enough.Then just go back to the screen and battle some more

Hail Sephiroth

Sent in by


Here's yet another little helpful hint: In Battle Square,get hard handicaps. Your points at the end will soar. I get a regular of 11000. Make sure you can beat everyone.

Another: Go into the battle with a very powerful and hurts-all limit break with mime. Do the limit break and MIME!!!! Also, I would have a ribbon on the guy.

P.S.: Make sure you have a high HP, because you can't cure or you'll break the pattern. To do this, go to the room where a guy is snoozin' and he will sell HP plus materias(also MP plus).

Sent in by Vincent Valentine (AGAIN)


I have a couple of things. First off, a thing for beating Ruby:Use the BAHAMUT family. It doesn't do as much as Knights of the Round, but a good 4000-5000. And use Hades summon and dazers to stun him.

Just to make sure, on the last cheat I sent in about getting Vincent, don't forget Cosmo Memory (Red's final limit break).

If you missed the W-Item thing in Midgar, just excavate at the Bone Village on the X by the ladder.

Here's how to get everyone's best weapon:











Sent in by Vincent Valentine


Some cheats-

1- The R-E-A-L way to save Aeris. Tried and true, here's what you have to do. To save Aeris, you must have the BLACK MATERIA BEFORE you actually get it at the Temple! Here's how- At the beginning of the game, name cloud Storm. Progress through the game, making sure you have Aeris at level 99, with ALL her limit breaks, before it's time to go to the Temple of Ancients. Instead, head through the ice places and the glacier (where you would normally have gone AFTER Aeris died) Up to the crator in the north. Walk around the crator pressing search ( O ) to find the BLACK MAETERIA. Progress as normal from there, and at the battle with Sephiroth, where Aeris usually dies, you instead enter into battle with Sephiroth right away, and she doesn't die! This frees up more dialogue and such between Storm (cloud) and Aeris for the rest of the game. Have fun!

2- Zack's Stash- If you name Cloud Zack in the beginning of the game, and search the first box you find during the first mission 50 times, you get a bunch of stuff include K.O.T.R! (my friend got this from his Japanese ff7 guide, and swears it works on his english version of the game, but i tried with no luck, but i thought i'd include it here anyway)

3- White Materia (Aeris's Materia) Can be found by golden chocobo on the beach of an island just west of the crator.

Sent in by x Shadows x


i dont know if this was a glitch when i was playing but i found out how to get the tiny bronco back.its more of a trade for the highwind so its up to you
Exchange the Highwind for the Tiny Bronco:
Get the item Super Sweeper from the roller coaster game in the Gold Saucer. Note: You must do this before you lose Cloud temporarily. Go to Fort Condor, and give the Super Sweeper to the old man there. He will then give you the Tiny Bronco.
Dont worry it does fly

Sent in by Romeo the Dragon


This isn't a cheat, just information on how to get an Enemy skill called "Shadow Flare." To accomplish this, you must have one of your party members equiped with "Reflect" materia paired with All materia, and all of your party members equiped with "Enemy Skill" materia. Get in the last fight with the Ultimate Weapon(When he is near Cosmo Canyon)and cast Reflect on all of your allies, now summon Bahamut(any one)multiple times. When you take away enough damage, he should cast "shadow Flare" on one of your allies.(You MUST cast Reflect, or Shadow Flare has a VERY good chance of killing you if your energy is not high enough!)If you did everything correctly, Shadow Flare will bounce off of you and hit the Ultimate Weapon, it should say "Learned Enemy Skill Shadow Flare."

NOTE:He dies right after he casts it, and you also recieve Cloud's Ultima Weapon.

Sent in by


This code is actually quit easily. The move where the Emerald Splits into 2 and hits you with a beam can be weaken dramatically. The damage done to it is the number of Materia Equiped X 1,100. So if you have 1 Materia equiped, 1,100. 2 is 2,200 and so on. That's all.

This is another "rumor" that is true.
Travel on the World Map, constantly tapping your button as if you were really climbing a chocobo. If you're lucky, you'll accidentally climb on top of the Invisible Chocobo. This one is actualy true. If you dont want to try that long method just pop the PSX lid with a Chocobo right next to you. I know this sounds wierd, but it's. I've done it before. You usually have to have the lid open, though. Later!

Sent in by ultras17gozita


I have a cheat but first I need to correct my last cheat I submitted.So heres the correction. On my last cheat I said that you had to defeat Emrald weapon without K.O.R but you can.Now for my second correction Emrald does not leave the Zack materia behind you have to the place where Aries got sliced and go up to those blue light ball things and there you have it. Now for my cheat. This is how to get Dyne (you must have Barret in your team) all you do is go back the place where he dies on disc 3 you can do this by breeding a gold chocobo.Then get into a fight morph it and it will turn into a gun arm now go to where he jumped off.You will see Dyne hanging on the edge. It will now go into a FMH movie of Barret useing the gunarm to save him.When you have saved him he will say I will join you for Marleen.And you will have him

Sent in by Emrald weapon


How to get the awesome Vincent

Can't find the Nibelheim safe combonation? Look no more! The combonation is: Right 36, Left 10, Right 59, Right 97. Make sure not to pass a number. The door will open. You will fight an easy monster (lost number). Grab the materia (Odin) and the key. Go to the basement. There is a door (NOT THE DOOR SEPHIROTH IS IN!). Look at the purple coffin. Talk to Vincent until he says "Let me sleep" Leave the room. On the way down the corrider, he will say "Wait!"Then talk some, and voila!!!! There's Vincent!

Sent in by Vincent Valentine


To get a date with Barrett do not talk with Tifa or Aires unless it is for vital progression. At the Gold Saucer Barrett will ask you for a date instead of Aires or Tifa!

Sent in by Squall Lionheart


To kill both the weapons (the one under water and the one in the sand.)

Simply get Knights of the Round Pair it with HP absorb, then put mime and counter on, then pair Final Attack with Revive.

If all of these are on there master level then you should have no problem killing them, also if you get all three if your main characters with all of this materia in that order then they will be dead in 15 minutes.

Sent in by Little Al


To get the turks first go to fortcondor. You have to get into a battle lose the battle then you will enconter another battle win this battle.

[make sure you do not go to the T.O.A. before you do the fights]Then go to the T.O.A. follow the old men and they will ask you to save say no to all three of them, there is a red dragon it has 3000hp after you beat it go out of there then go back to the clock.

Walk across it there is a wall with a door walk up to it then you will be in another battle beat it then go back to were you had a fight with the 3000hp boss then get the B.L.A.C.K M.A.T.I.E.R.A then save and then you will have them...!

Sent in by jenova death


I found this by accident it is how to get Zack as a summon.First you must go to Costa de sol and buy the hotel.

Then breed a gold chocobo and race it to S class and beat that black chocobo 10 times in a row now dont get KOR or this cheat wont work now go to your sub and attack Emerald weapon.

Do not equip zero bahamut and use the buster sword now defeat him and he will leave the Zack summon mataria .

Zack does the omnislash attack 4 times and takes off around 120000hp and equiped with quadra it does 480000hp.

Sent in by Emrald Weapon


If you miss the w-item in sector 8 undeground go to the bone village and ask to escavate normal treasure from the guy standing outside the cave.

But instead of hiring a digger just go to done and click on the big 'x' marked on the ground and someone will still dig for it,voila.

This may also work with the lunar harp but im not to sure.

Sent in by rusty crutch

Sent in by Freakshow


1. This is an answer to one of Ed's questions. The buggy can cross a river. Look for the green waters that are about two buggy widths wide. That's about all the buggy can do.

2. I tried the cheat to get Tifa's final limit, Final Heaven on disc 1. Go to her house in Nibelheim (with her in the part) and go to her piano. Press X, square, triangle, hold R1/L1+triangle, R1/L1+square, X, Sqaure, Triangle, R1/L1+X,O,X,sqaure,X. Afterwards, Tifa finds 1 gil in her piano. To get the Final Heaven, repeat the process on disc 2 or 3.

3. After returning to Nibelheim and discovering it not burnt down, go into Tifa's room and go to her desk. Press O, and it'll be explained why everyone is acting so strange.

Sent in by Ancient


To ressurect Aries, you dont have 2 get l.100 caracters or anything like that.
First u get 100 tissues. Then, go 2 aries house and go 2 her bedroom and use the tissues, and cloud would say 'why did she die', and cloud would kill himself!!! NOT! then, go to the church, and aries ghost will appear. she will say,take this and ressurect aries. SHE WILL GIVE U THE WHITE MATERIA! but u cant use it in battle otherwise u cant resurrect her. then go to the placewhere she died, and she will wake up! Then the ghost will appear and give aries 'THE WORD OF GOD!' this s her new 4th level limit break. But the ghost will take the white materia off you and say' this has to be used wisely' or something like that. Then, sephiroth will appear, and tries to trick you into killing aries. You nearly fall for it, until aries ghost appears and cloud gets to his senses.then, sephiroth kills the third member of your party(the one lowest down on the menu). then he runs off. cloud asks for the holy materia, THEN SHE TURNS INTO A DEVIL AND KILLS U ALL!not! she leaves, and the game carries on as normal.

Also, I KILLED RUBY IN ONE HIT! its nothing like omnislash or KTR. I was being stupid and equipping their worst weapons and limit breaks. I used barrets big shot, and no number came up for the damage. Then it died! But two tentacles appeared behind us. they killed my party. big shot didnt work on those.

Sent in by the rock


Before I go in to any cheats and tricks. Let me clear up some confusion and make belive tips.
No. 1, their are only 5 weapon monsters and only 4 that you can fight. One does get taken out by the sister Ray in JUNON ( not the Midger one ) that you never fight and to my knowladge, their is no known name for him but people call him Saphire weapon. The other 4 are Ultimate ( airborn ), Ruby ( Gold Saucer ), Diamond ( attacks Midger ), and Emrild ( underwater ) who LOOKS much like Diamond but is A totaley diferent monster.
Second off, Squaresoft themselves said that you CAN NOT get Aeris back in your party so let that sink in. Claims of it is make belive.
Now, on to tips.
As many already know, their are 3 master materia that can be abtained by defeating Emrild weapon. Their is another way though. First you have to get all 4 huge materia.
One will dish out Bahumat ZERO, and the other 3 resemble the colors of diferent materia types. If you abtain ALL of each materia type and master at least one of them and return to cosmo canion, you will be able to mold thoes materia types in to one master materia and have unlimited use of it pher battle given you have the MP on hand to cast the spells.
Better yet, you can repete the proccess as often as you want and gain all the master materia you can hold. I myself have 8 of each ( 1 pher charictorr ) not including the 3 you get from Emrid weapon. Warning: when you mold the master materia, you loose the mastered materia it takes to mold. You also have to master one of each materia every time you want to mold. Even in the Magic Pots area, this can take A verey long time.

It sounds kinda obvious but for just in case, if you attach an ALL to A master magic materia ( all magic spells in one materia ) it will all-affect every spell you cast giving you more magic firepower in 2 slot then you could hold all togather otherwize.

People think that Safer Sephiroth is just outright half amuned to Knights of the Round but that isn't so. Notice that his verey first move is to put up A wall shield. The trick is to use the debarrier spell on him to bring his wall down and cast KOTR on him and it will have the same affect on him as any other enamy.
KOTR does damage based on your charictors equipped weapon and attachments. For best affect ( 9999 hp dockings ) their are 3 verey reliable tricks. One, have cloud at 9999 HP, equip the Ultima Weapon and attach KOTR to Ultima wepon pared with MP Turbo. Another, Yuffies ultimate weapon does damage according to the enamys strength. This meanes that she will alwayse do 9999 in damage to Safer sephiroth and plus afects to any attached materia so you can just attach KOTR to her ultimate weapon and it will deal 9999 each time flawlessley. Last but not least, do A few houres of casuale fighting with Vincent and his ultimate weapon equipped, say, 20-30 battles after it is dealing 9999 and it will do the same as Yuffie.

Abtain yuffies ultimate weapon and any up to date sword of Clouds. Attach morph to Yuffies ultimate weapon.
Now, in battle, strike your enamy once with Cloud and then use the morph command from Yuffie. She will dock 9999 in damage and usualey will morph your enamy on the spot. Note. Depending on the weapon Cloud is using, some enamys may need to be hit more then once before using Yuffie to morph. Use your perferd weapon and do so. If you have to strike more then once before morphing, just have you're 3rd party member do that with A weapon similer to Clouds in power.

Sent in by Morning Dreamer


ok this is a stratagy

When your on the raid of the reactor(2nd mission)and your on the train.
In one of the cars a man is walking past slowly then runs when he passes you.
Go back and talk to find out that he stole a item from you.

After you jump off the train you go down the tunnel normaly.but if
you go the other way for about 6 screens you'll stumble upon a door
with gaurds in front off it. when it says to go the other way you chose the one
that says to stay and fight. you can do this for hours and its great
for leveling up.

Sent in by Cloud Strife


An even easier way to beat the Ruby Weapon:'re going to have to beat the Emerald Weapon. Have Mastered/4-leveled summons of Phoenix, Neo Bahamut, Bahamut ZERO...any heavy-loading damage dealer. Knights of the Round would work well too. It works better with W-Summon. Not really a strategy...just....beat him...sorry for lack of advice.

NOW...use the Earth Harp you get from Emerald Weapon and trade it for Master CMD, Summon and Magic. Equip all three on your main player (the one with the most HP and MP...mine was Cloud). Link Master Summon with HP Absorb. Also try and get 8500-9999 HP using HP plus, and at least 700 MP with MP plus. Get into a fight on the field and kill your other two players...use magic against your other players except for your heavily equipped materia-person. Now, save....and fight the Ruby Weapon. PLEASE make sure you have Master Command, Summon and W-Summon equipped. Have Master Summon linked with HP Absorb. When you attack the Rubny Weapon, use W-Summon Knights of the Round and Knights of the you'll be able to'll get at LEAST 9000 damage back to you by HP Absorb. When the Weapon uses Ultima, don't worry. As long as you're attacking his torso, NOT his claws...then you'll do fine. Mime the attack...and enjoy the time to whoop his kiester. After a while...he'll give up hope on using Ultima and result in using Comet2 to Big Swing.... Only doing 7000-8000 damage. Keep Mime-ing until you beat'll keep recovering HP as you go.

Sent in by Chris



Get in the highwind and go to Cosmo Canon then fly directly south till your over the sea at the bottom of the map and search around for a desert island.

Have morph materia on and walk around on desert area of the island till you find a cactaur morph it (they have 6,000 health) and you will get a tetra elemental which absorbes all fire, ice, lightning and earth damage.

Sent in by Vincent Fan


To date Tifa instead of Aeris:
Never talk to Aeris unless it is required for you to finish the game {or when you are forced to talk to her}and,never have Aeris on your team unless you are forced to have her on your team.And talk to her as mean as possible and make her think you like Tifa,{ for example,when she asks if Tifa is your girlfriend,then say yeah.}Then,at the Gold Saucer, you will date Tifa instead of Aeris.

Sent in by Daniel Peck


bronze weapon: this code only works on disk 3
fisrt you have to get 2 tissues and then go to aeirs house and sleep in her bed then when u wake up and cloud will kneel before the bed and say somthing like why did you have to die .then go to the church by her house and some kids will want to play with cait sith say yes. then they will give u a bronze amulet. the go back to where u got your dress and stay in the closet thing for about 3 mins and then the lady wants you to leave so she give you another broze amulet. to get the last amulet you must go to the golden saucer and the game place and talk to the guy on the motorcycle 5 time then he will get mad and tell you to go away .say no he will give u the last bronze amulet if you leave him alone. then with all of the bronze amulets fly over midgar the highwind will stop and cait sith accedently drop one into midgar and a ball of energy will rise around midgar (just like north crater) and then let cait sith accedenly drop it into midgar. then finnaly drop it on the island where you get KOTR. another force thing should be there. so you should have three force feild around midgar, the KOTR island, and golden saucer. then all of the force field should fly together in the air and come together as one. then it should form into bronze weopon.
you might want to be at level 99 because bronze is very strong and is invonurable to physical attacks

Sent in by Hiranobu Sakaguchi


Gold Chocobo

To receive the Golden chocobo, race a Black chocobo and another Black chocobo to CLASS A. Mate them with the Zeio Nut on Gremlin Island. Monsters have Zeio Nuts. I don't know how to get a Black chocobo, though.

Sent in by Kero_Buddy


Ok. let me tell you all some tips and hints about ff7. most of these cheats on here are so bs. like the bronze weapon and the other weapons. and how to keep aeris alive. total bs. i have had the game for more than 3 yrs. and i know all about it. now to the tips.

easy gp in gold suacer. just keep racing your chocobs and exchange everything (even the good prizes ) if u keep racing enough in a row u will get all the really good items like cats bell and other goodies.(the chick gives em all to you )

easy lvl up. just go to the crator ( how ever its spelt ) and go down far enough until you reach the part with waer. just battle in there and you will lvl up real fast ( lvl and materia )

item dup. equip w-item. go into battle. pick the item u want duped and select it once. the click again to where it wants u to chose who to use it on then press cancel. it should have gone up one. u can keep doing that until the item reaches 99.

easiest way to beat emerald. this is what i did and it was awesome. equip every one with hp plus, speed plus, cure, and mime ( mime has to be on everyone.) put w-summon, kotr attached with mp absorb on cloud. and some one with underwater. and what ever else want. o ya, final attack with pheonix. get cloud to cast w-summon kotr and have everyone mime it. i was lucky enough to pull it off. i had every one use w-kotr twice each ( 4 kotr for each guy ) in a row. it will kill him guarenteed. i still have to kill ruby. i have tried lots of materia combos' and nothing has worked. well those tips are legit and they work, so enjoy em and thats it.

Sent in by the real cloud strife



Ok befor i start i want you all to know one thing, anyone who says that you need two of an item you want to duplicate it talking a lot off rubbish
and i'll prove it to you here's how.

1)highlight the item that you want to copy.

2)press the confirm ( O ) button twice, but you must have the white hand to the left of the item you want to copy befor you do this ( your item will dissapper if you only have one, if it does then you know what youre doing is right)

2)Choose any other item and press confirm ONLY ONCE.

3)Now Press the cancel Button (O) and go back to the item you wanted to copy
you will now see that you have 1 more of that item.

Sent in by Michael Vincent


This isn't a real biggy but at tha gold saucer in tha battle area u can always attack fist all u gotta do is after u beat the first guy u quickly open the lid, it won't be able 2 load let ur time bar fill up full then close the lid 2 attack instantly.

If you have any tips for me please post on this site!

Sent in by cody


This one is for those people who have given up on reviving aeris.

First off you'll need the items posted below:
Buster Sword,
about 4 tissues,
and a mastered revive materia

Equip the mastered revive materia to the Buster Sword and go somewhere where you can gain alot of ap(ex.Magic Pot Room) you have to gain about 1,500,000 ap for the already mastered revive materia,what most players do not know is that the revive materia can reach a fourth secret level called "resurrect".

Once you've done this go to Aeris's house, enter her bedroom and use the tissues next to her bed until cloud says "Why did you have to die?" once he says that the other characters will come out and they start talking after their done go to the church.

On the way there stop at the save point and get Cait Sith in your party, when you go into the church talk to the kids, they'll want to play with Cait Sith.

Cait Sith and the kids will go outside and then a ghost of Aeris will appear and she'll say something about a resurrection spell(the fourth level on your revive materia), after that head for the Ancient City.

Go to where that big crystal surrounded by the waterfall is enter the waterfall and something will happen(I won't tell you what because that would spoil the moment)after all that is done go back to the church and you'll see Aeris.

I hope non-believers try this because it WORKS!!

Sent in by Dark Messenger


Okay, i don't have a cheat...but a question which can only be asked by a novice at these types of games, so no one who mastered this game ride my ass about this.

But how the hell do you get to the sleeping man (in order to acquire her limit four break) before aeris dies?

I mean the buggy cant cross the river, I've tried madly, for as much as at one time, 2 hours trying to figure a path across.

Secondly, I cant breed a chocobo, because the nut i need for a chocobo capable of crossing the river is on an island that the tiny bronco can't land on.

So how in the hell do you get There? Please, anyone someone?

Sent in by Ed


This isn't a CHEAT per se, nut it is an "almost" foolproof way to defeat Emerald and Ruby Weapon.

First of all, there are certain things you should have before you even THINK about attaking them...

1) At least three if the ultimate weapons, one of which MUST BE Cloud's Ultima Weapon
2) Knights of the Round materia
3) Final Attack materia
4) Phoenix materia
5) Counter materia (the one for COMMANDS!)
6) Mime materia
7) Cloud's Apocalypse sword from the Ancient Forest
8) At least one Ribbon
9) The best armor you can get your hands on - Mystiles and Aegis Armlets recommended
10) At least 3 Master-Level HP Plus materia
11) At least 1 Master-level Magic Plus materia
12) HP Absorb materia
13) W-Summon materia
14) Optional - Underwater materia (morph a Ghost Ship near the Junon Reactor and take the resulting Guidebook to the old guy in Kalm)

First off, take on RUBY first - she's a lot easier than Emerald.

Deliberately kill the other members of your party (NOT CLOUD). Equip Cloud with the Ribbon, a Mystile, and the Apocalypse. Put the Counter, Final Attack, and Mime on the Apocalypse and link KOTR with HP Absorb on your armor, then put the rest of the materia (only one HP Plus though) on the remaining slots on his armor. Heal him up, then attack Ruby. As soon as the fight starts, she'll put her tentacles out behind you. Cast KOTR once on the tentacles, and once on her. Keep miming it, and not only will you heal for about 26000 HP every round, her tentacles will retract every time she uses them and still hit her with both shots when the tentacles aren't out. If it's done fast enough, she'll never even be able to use her most devastating attacks - Shadow Flare and Ultima. Even if she does, there's still a 3 in 5 chance that they'll miss you because of the Mystile.

Following this, the materia on the Apocalypse will gain 150000 AP EACH, which will boost Final Attack to level 4 and should be enough to master both the Mime and Counter materias.

Heal your party, then equip Cloud with the Ultima Weapon and link Mime to Counter and Phoenix to Final Attack. Put your second strongest magic user into your party and give him/her the other Mime, his/her best weapon, an HP Plus, and your other Magic Plus. If you're lucky enough to have a third Mime, give it to your third best magician, but it's not really necessary (ditto for a third Magic Plus). Use more HP Plusses if their max HP isn't at least 9500. Fill any empty slots you have left with whatever materia you want to level up. Stick the Underwater materia on the third character.

Make ABSOLUTELY SURE that the Phoenix-Final Attack combo is placed to the LEFT of the Mime-Counter combo.

As soon as the fight against Emerald starts, switch to Cloud and double-cast KOTR. Have the other two mime it. Every time he attacks Cloud, depending on Counter's level, there's a decent chance (100% if it's mastered) that Cloud will immediately retaliate with the Mime attack, without waiting for his turn!

When Emerald uses Aire Tame Storm, there's a 99% chance that you WILL die, which is where Phoenix comes in. If you don't have the MP to use it, then you'll be glad of this little glitch - Cloud will then (probably) use the Mime command, which will not only double-cast KOTR again, it'll also cast Phoenix again, if the materia's in the right order on his equipment (yes, I HAVE seen this happen!!)!! This, of course, assumes that ATS actually HITS you, which is only a 50/50m shot 'cause of the Mystiles...

If you don't want to take the time to get KOTR, then you can try using Bahamut ZERO with Quadra Magic. However, you'll need twice as many copies of BZ to be able to use the HP Absorb with it.

Sent in by


SEPHIROTH: You need to get the Masamune Blade at the Speed Square in the Gold Saucer. Next you need to get Touph Ring and the Gold Amulet. The Gold Amulet can be brought in Rocket Town and the Touph Ring can be stoled off Reno during his third or fourth battle. Now remember that sick guy in Midgar outside Aeris' house? Go in his house and the sick man will enter saying he has came back from a long journeya dn has found a cure for his sickness. He will reveal he is a Sephiroth clone and will join your party if you give him the items you have found. His name is Deek and is equipped with the Bahamut Materia and Ultima with Quadra Magic. Note: he can also equip the Murasame from Wutai Weapon Shop. His limit breaks are Grand Lethal, Scoop Art, Megido Fountain and Jenova Special with does loads of 9,999 damage more then Omnislash!

AERIS: A secret way to save Aeris from Seaphiroth, just get her to level 99 and learn all her limit breaks plus get her ultimate weapon. Make sure she is equiped with the best armour, accesories and Materia you find which is all MASTERED. Now during a FMV sequance at the place where Sephiroth is about to kill her Aeris will cast Great Gospel to dodge the sword. Sephiroth will escape leaving Jenova to attack you.

RUFUS: Strange, huh? Master your Restore Materia and cast Cure3 on Rufus during his boss battle (espcially on Dark Nation). Rufus will be your friend, joining your party he can equip Vincent's Weapons and his limit break (theres only 1) is Dark Nation. Summoning Dark Nation will do 9,999 hp damage on whatever enemy your fighting.

DYNE: To save Dyne and make him join your party you must equip Barret with the Throw Materia and throw ALL the gunarms you have at Dyne during his boss battle. Dyne will run back into his senses and will join you. He equiped with a new weapon (and his only one) called Bazzokah Arm. Also his equipment is Silver Armlet and Star Pendant. The Materia is Shiva, Fire with All. They are mastered. His Limit Break is Molotev Cocktail doing 2,000 damage or more.

ZACK: (Note: do not use the Aeris save thing)To get Zack you must have always equiped Cloud with the Buster Sword, also get him to level 99. Now when Cloud wants to kill Aeris, Zack will come out of no where and kill Aeris instead. Zack will run away once he has realized what he has done and will come back to you by meeting him at the Shinra Mansion Library. He will join, Zack is exactly the same as Cloud.

Please note that it's impossible to get ALL of these new characters, you are only aloud 2 of them. Also you can not have Zack and Aeris at the same time. Even though I have not tried this out I would take Rufus and Deek (Sephiroth clone).

Sent in by Secret Man


-Easy way to get money,EXP, and AP-
for the money get 1,000 GP and get the 2nd to last ??????, it will be a matiria called Gil plus. Once you do that you could try to get 2,000 GP to get AP plus but i havent even goten that yet(to get a lot of GP race chocobos, i got 500 GP from one race) then go to the place with the magical pots in northern cave crater, when your party whants to know whitch way to go its on the left side when you go in their their are 2 other ways right and down, go to the right side and when you do thatyou need to jump down and go under water(press select to find the grren arrow thats where you go under water) you will jump out then go in the next room. then in their ther will be water spots and 2 hills if you look closely in between the hills you will see a pot shap figure run around that area and when you get into a fight if your derectly on the pots veiw their is a 99% chance you will get in a fight with a majical pot give the pot/pots an elixer then kill it 1 pot should give you 1000 AP with out AP plus!!!!! and should really boost you up(This cheat is how i bet the Emerald weapon get final attack,mime,KOR,and W-Sommon,and also try to get 9999 HP because when he hits you with a special move it dose the amount of matiria you have,1=1111,2=2222 etc... so i hope my cheat helps you. and if you kill the Emerald weapon you will get the Master Matirea that gives you about every thing!!!!

Sent in by Slash


I have many things to say:

1. The rumour about 'Octagon Weapon' and The 'Brown Chocobo' is a load of rubbish.

2. Yes, Sephiroth can come into your party, with one exception: you need a gameshark.

3. Yes, Aeris can also be revived, but you need a gameshark.

4. You can get Sephiroth's 'Masamune Blade' at the Speed Square at Golden Saucer. But you cannot use it because it is a replica.

5. The Chocobo with stripes on its wing is also bollocks, as is the 'You can destroy meteor without beating Sephy'.

6. It is possible to get Sephroth's Accessory, Touph Ring. Just steal it off one of the Turks when you fight in the Glenika-Type Airplane or on your raid on Midgar in disk 2.


Now the cheats.

1. Just before you're about to nick the Shin-Ra submarine, there is a box under the steps to the sub, and there is also an other box at the end of the platform with Leviathan Scales, (used in Wutai).

2. When you nare in the sub, go straight for the red sub, none of the others.

3. When fighting Bizzaro Sephiroth (the first one) put your main 3 characters (Cloud, Vincent and Cid for me) in the second position. In other words, when choosing your teams, choose Cait Sith, Red XIII and Yuffie first. Then put your main 3 in. Then put your remaining characters in the last troop. When fighting Bizzaro, destroy one part of him and it will say: Worried about the other partys? Say: Yeah...A little.

email me if you have any questions at
Yes, I have MSN Messanger. Add me if you wish. Ask me any qestion about FF7 and I will tell you the answer.

Sent in by Sephiroth


okay I just beat the emerald weapon for the very first time. The kicker is somehow during the game I accidently trashed the chocobo lure materia so i couldnt get to the materia caves. I want to thank everybody for the secret about the # of materia equals the amount of damaga you take.I equipped cloud,cid,barret,(74lvl,72lvl,65lvl)each with 1 hp plus materia. Cloud had the w-item,cid had underwater,and barret had phoenix. I had used the w-item tip to get 99 each mexalixers,stardust,t/s bomb,phoenix down.all you have to do is alternate between the megalixers and the stardust(if all lasers are showing) or t/s bombs(when its by itself).
It took me about 45 minutes to do it and I never cast a spell!!
email if you have any ?'s

Sent in by pugsley


Everyone keeps saying that the ultimate weapons of Tifa,Barret,
and Vincent suck. But all you have to do with those
weapons is equip them with master materias. Then it will be
fixed. O.K.?!

Sent in by Ultima Weapon


No cheats, but a few tips from a game freak....

First- go to the sunken cargo ship and find the conformer for Yuffie. It allows you to use the morph command without losing any of your attack. All creatures on board can be morphed into steroid items. HAPPY HUNTING!!!!

Second- I haven't been able to beat the ruby weapon any other way than to go to the Gelnika and spend hours morphing the creatures into steroids for cloud. I believe I created pretty unstoppable character. My strength was near 400 when I finally beat him.

Third- upon completing the Ancient Forest, you will recieve the apocolypse sword for cloud. It has triple AP gains for materia. Use it to master the speed plus, hp plus, double cut, and mp plus materias for a little extra boost against the weapons. The best place for AP is the Gelnika

Fourth- the double cut materia turns into the 4x cut materia upon level gain. When mastered, your character gets a strength boost as well. After clouds levels get high enough, he can do approx. 40,000 (4 times 9,999)damage with each turn. Use speed plus and speed source to make him unstoppable.

Good luck to all of my fellow Final Fantasy Freaks!!!! Using these tips, you should have no trouble dealing with Sephiroth and less trouble with the weapons. If anyone has good info on getting secret characters e-mail me @

Sent in by what a big sword you have!!!


Here's a helpful hint to defeat Emearal Weapon! This Weapon has a attack called "Aire Tam." It means MATERIA (spelled backwords). Here's the hint: The more materia you have, the more Aire Tam will have effect on you. So you should only equip a few materia only, so you won't die quickly cuz of Aire Tam!

Sent in by Sephiroth killa


This isn't a gheat, but it's prity cool.On the third disc go to the basement in the sinra mansion to see a flash back of Cloud and see what happened to Zack.

Sent in by Game Freek


This isn't a gheat, but it's prity cool.On the third disc go to the basement in the sinra mansion to see a flash back of Cloud and see what happened to Zack.

Sent in by Game Freek


This is an awesome way to beat emerald weapon without kinghts of the round or underwater materias.

Equip everyone in your party(mine was Cloud,Cid,and Vincent)with their ultamate weapons and for armor equip Mystiles.

Give cloud this combination,gravity-quadramagic(level over 3),w-magic,different plus materias,double cut(mastered if posible),enemy skill(having big guard),final attack- pheonix,and the rest with couter attacks.

For your #2 party member have them with mime.#3 patry member left with nothing.Now lets begin.Start the battle by casting big guard with Cloud.With party member #2 use attack.

Party member #3 use megaelixers.Once its Clouds turn use demi twice and it will be used 8 times totaling up to 79,992 damage on emerald.

As you progress use demi 2 and 3.Once those do less than 9,999 damage each time use Clouds double cut and mime it with party member #2.

Have party member #3 use megaelixers to keep your party at full health.Emerald will use his lazers on his arms 2 time so be prepared.

Don't use demi on the lazers.You can use the different demis however the level your quardramagic level is.

Keep this up and boom,Emerald is destroyed and you get the earth harp which can be traded for a master summon,master command,and master magic materias.

Sent in by da game masta


-Fight Crusher WEAPON-

First have Cait sith in your party at level 99 and have Sheild and the "X" materia at master level.

Then go to the sunken ship and enter. Go to the EXACT spot where you got Hades and fight Serpent. use sheild on him first then use X from Cait sith (in order to work) and Crusher will arise and kill Serpent.

Now fight him(he has 600000000 HP)Make shure your at VERY high levels.


Sent in by GoGo


Fighting the Bronze Weapon

This freaked the heck outta me!!! And yes I died. In Gongaga go to the place where you fight the Dinosaur things.

This cheat only works on Disc 3! Use the Sylkis greens on him. He should get confused and be in berserk.

Next use two hypers on him. He should get massive in size now and the confuseness should be gone on him. Morph him an d you'll get the Bronze Star. Take it too the Kalm Traveler.

He should say something like, "tis this the Bronze Star? This will be enough to start my journey now!" He'll walk out and proceed down the stairs with no thanks. Now leave Kalm.

Board the Highwind and heads torward Cosmo Canyon...when there fly directly South till you get to Cactuar Island.

In the sand you'll see somethin.Like'll see a head lookin thing but instead of red it will be bronze.

Proceed to it. This is a secret Weapon monster with extreme powers. It holds 1,000,000 HP and continuosly only uses Shadow Flare and Ultima magic.

He is invulnerable to physical attacks and can only be hurt with Ice magic. I wasn't able to beat him and if you find him tell me.


Sent in by Emerald


Here's a good way to beat the stuff in the battle arena!
(I cant help getting those gay handicaps... eg.assesory broken, summon broken)
Well.... First... if u have someones ultimate weapon, use it! Second u need odin linked with hp absorb
enemy skill with big guard
and ur usual stuff(slash-all/flash...2x/4x cut... etc)

In the first battle, cast big guard straight away. Then use odin.... in ur first battle, usually u'll use the ''steel bladed sword'' odin and not the ''gunge lance'' odin.
Ur Odin spell should cut them all in half straight away.

Then keep using mimic :)
Now u might ask... why do u need the hp absorb? It doesnt steal any life anyway!
Well. When u fight those semi-bosses or enemies with more than 10,000 basicly.

U'll use the ''gunge lance'' odin. If u just use odin and not with hp absorb. u'll be forced to heal and break the pattern.

Each time u use odin, if it does around 5000, u'll steal like 500. so it'll keep ur little cloud/tifa/barret or whoever ur char is happy ^^.

The only way to kill u when ur using this pattern is when........:
Ur command materias breaks, no mimic :(
Ur support materias breaks, no hp :(
Ur ribbon breaks and u get frog/mini/confu handicap.

Hope this helps u! :)

Sent in by AceProbe


To get Tifa's Final Limit Break.Go back
to Nibelbeim. Then go to Tifa's house.

Next, go upstairs to the piano. Then press these buttons in order or you wont get it press:

X,Square,Triangle, hold R1/L1+triangle,R1/L1+Square,X, Square,Triangle,R1/L1+X,O,X,Square,X.
Press start when you finished the tune, and Tifa will say she see something inside the sheet of music.

She finds a note from her father, and her final limit break "Final Heaven".

P.S. this is to be done on Disc 2 or
Disc 3.

Sent in by Tifa

You might not think this works ,but it does. at the very beginning of the game where cloud is getting out of the train

Check the first dead body twice and you'll get both potions,/p>

Sent in by sepiroths angel


Every one probably already knows this, but that's okay. Anyways; the Emerald weapon is VERY weak against gravity. So, you pull Demi (1,2, or 3) on him and it does 9999 damage (Only on the main body, not the 'eyes')

Sent in by Silent Bear


This a special little treat I figured out, progress in the game until you reach junon for the first time, do NOT enter the town, some where near junon is a small forest, run around in it and keep fighting until you encounter yuffie say the right stuff and she is yours...

When you get her insted of going into junon go all the way back to midger and go back to the shinra headquarters (make sure yuffie is in your party when you do this) now go up to the floor with the mayor, talk to him...AND SEE THE RESULTS!!!

Sent in by Cureous Goerge


This is a cheat to get infinate items that you can use during battle. In midgar, get W-Item and equip it to one of the characters. Click W-Item and select the item you want to become infiniate. Then select another item and press X, the O and X, repeat the process until you have enough items. Very handy to usew on megalixers on Emerald and Ruby weapon!

Sent in by Ganon


how to get the limit breaks

1)to get 2nd in lv.1 use the 1st in lv.1 8 times.**

2)to get 1st in lv.2 kill 80 enemies.*

3)to get 2nd in lv.2 use the 1st in lv.2 8 times.**

4)to get 1st in lv.3 kill 80 enemies.*

5)to get 2nd in lv.3 use the 1st in lv.3 8 times.**
*vincent only need to kill 60 enemies
**vincent only need to use it 6 times

How to get the ultimate limit breaks:

get 32,000 bp at the battle square then trade them for Omnislash.

after you have get the huge materia from Corel, go talk to the women that have lost her husband(in Corel).

REDXIII:Cosmo memory
defeat lost number in the safe at shinra mansion,the combination is:right36,left10,right59 and right97.

TIFA:Final heaven
go to nibelheim with Tifa in the party then play the follwing notes on the piano in her room:

AERIS:great gospel
get mithril,then go to the weapon seller near Gongaga he will offer you a small or small or a large box select the small one,then look in the box that is upstairs.

YUFFIE:All Creation (it sucks!!)
Win all the battles in the pagoda in Wutai.

Found in the sunken air plane near gold Saucer(under water).

found in lucresias cave.

Sent in by The final masters


This is how to get ZACK!!!
At the VERY begining after the first mission buy 99 potions and 99 antidotes, then on the second mission right after you jump off the train, then go the opposite direction you were supossed to, you will see some red guards...fight, after you win a siren will go off and more will just keep coming, you will always have the option to run, DONT!!!

Keep fighting. the enemys are fairly tough so equip cloud with ice and all and someone with restore materia. dont cure any one but cloud also save your ethers (the few that you get) when cloud casts ice it will kill all 3 enemies. keep on fighting without running away, to kill all the shinra guards you will have to non stop fight for 3-4 HOURS!! it will be long and hard. then when you killed them all go into the room they came out of, take the stuff, now finish the mission as usual. go through the game until you get to aires's home DONT go in, insted go to the guy in the sewer pipe, you will talk then leave. sleep at aires's house and when you get to wall market for the first time go strait to the resturant and buy food and say "it was all right, then you will get a coupon, take it to the item store and he will offer you one of three items, take the disenfectant. now go back to the guy in the sewer pipe with everything i said and talk to him, now go to the materia store near you (not wall market) and sell ALL of your materia, now go back to the guy in the sewer pipe, ZACK is him, he will stand up and run out.

Then keep progressing in the game until you reach kalm ZACK will be there... he will join your party!!! He has all clouds level one and two limits, a buster sword, a fire armlet, and a water ring, NOTE: you cant equip him with any other sword but his buster sword. he will have deathblow, counter, speed plus and destruct, all on master as materia, he will also be on lv30!!!

PS. he is worth the trouble.

Sent in by ????


how to get many tetra elemental! you will need the higwind. Fly to an island that is not on the map shout of(under)Cosmo Canyon go to the desert then fight a small cactus man morph him and you will get a tetra elemental. Just keep doing this untill you get as many as you want.

Sent in by Zack


First off items like... 1/32 soilder, tissue, masumune blade, dio's diary and autograph MUST be used for something every day i study materia and rumours and of course the following items... theory 1-get masumune blade, key item mythril, and enough tissues then go to the weapons maker near corel theory 2-get 12 1/32 soilder, and 1 super sweeper go to fort condor (im not sure at what point in the game to do it though) theory 3-silver chocobo does exsist!you know the green chocobo at chocobo sages house, well, one time playing through it was white insted! so actual prof! this was NOT a bull crap code, but to have you try it out yourself... GOOD LUCK!

Sent in by Forgala


how to kill the BIG UFO at speed square.
do not hold the O button just tap it rapidly untill it dies.
you will get 1000 pts
P.S. at the end when you see the lights
hold the sight at the bottom right corner and hold O you will hit a light then get 250pts

Sent in by final mastrers


First off I'd like to say that I just LOVE all Final Fantasy games. My first cheat is that if you have Cloud's ultimate weapon and ultimate limit break, and if Cloud is at a pretty high level (level 60 or higher) his Omnislash does indeed take off more than even the Knights of the Round!

My Second cheat is that, you know the big greenish/blueish Huge materia that doesn't seem to give you and Master Materia? Well it does! If you happen to master every single materia in the game, and collect the master materia from the man in Kalm and the use all the other Huge Materia at Cosmo Canyon to get 3 more master Materia for a total of 6 master materia and all other materia in the game, then you can approach the greenish/blueish Huge materia and get the Mega materia. It gives you ever materia, commond and summon in the entire game all in one piece of materia.

Sent in by Brandon "The Beaver"


how to beat emerald weapon without kotr and final attack

all u need is 3 mastered magic counters 3 mastered ultimas and loads of megalixers. just pound with 4cut away and u can't do nothin back cause once the emeralds appear they quickly vanish cause once it hits all ur characters they counter and destroy all the emeralds and he can't do much without it.

Sent in by ff7 master 2 da max!!


Summon Emarld Weapon

This is hard but it is probably one of the best codes for the game.Follow these steps to get summon materia Emarld.

1.Go to Junon and talk to the old man who talks about the fish three times.

2.Then go to fort condor and rest in their beds 10 times.

3.Then go to Mideel(when its destroyed)and talk to the woman in the blue dress.She will mention her husband.

4.Then go to The Iciclle Inn town and talk to the boy who u got the snowboard from.Then talk to the man inside the same building.He will mention Mideel.

5.Now go to the man in the cave who tells you how many battles you've been in.Get your battles up to any number that ends in 99.(example:799)

6.Now go to Cosmo Canyon and talk to the man at the front gate.

7.Now go to Mount Nibel and go to the reactor.Go to the door that goes into the jenova room(NOTE:The door will not open just run into and that will finish this step)

8.Go to Cactuar Island and kill five cactuars.

9.Then lose all the money u make by using it all up by buying potions(NOTE:You will probably win 5000 gil so buy 5000 gil worth of potions)

10.Now your close.Go to Gongaga and talk to Zacks parents.

11.Now go back to the reactor and get into 20 battles outside the reactor.

End each battle with one person dead and the others with all their mp(hp can be on any amount)

12.Now go back into the reactor and go into the jenova room.The door will now open.Zack will be in the tube where jenova was.Cloud will run up to the tube and crack it open.

13.You will now have a choice:Save Zack or go for the materia:go for the materia(NOTE:If you choose go for Zack Sephiroth will come in and kill him anyway:If you go for the materia Zack will still die,Cloud will go into a trance and kill Zack)

(NOTE:Emarld summon does its air tram stam attack 8 times when summoned:If equipped with quad magic it will do its attack 32 times,it is easily the best summon:Dont do this attack to The first of the three final sephiroth's(it will make the next one three times as strong)

Sent in by Anonymous


How to get Vincent;
First go to the top floor of the Shinra house in Nibelheim.Go left at the top of the stairs and you'll see a room with a safe in it.The combination for the safe is right36, left10,right56 and right 97(Be careful though,you get 20 seconds to do it and if you go past the number desired you'll fail).

Once you have done it correctly you will fight a boss called Lost Number(If your party's levels are over 30 you shouldn't have any problem.Once the boss is defeated pick up the key in the safe and the Odin materia.

Go down to the basement and go through the door on the left.Press "O"in front of the coffin and Vincent pops up.Keep talking to him until he says"let me sleep" then go back down the corridor.Vincent will stop you and decides to go with you.Vincent is a formidable ally and has great limit break moves

Sent in by Hawk15


I don't know if this is a code or just a regular in-game command but I've experienced the effects of this cheat myself so you can trust me...


I don't know if this is how to do it but it's what I did:

1) Cloud at level 63 with ultimate weapon, Yuffie at level 52 with ultimate weapon, & Cid at level 62 with Scimitar. (this may or may not matter)

2) These are your party members when you go down into the crater to meat Sephiroth.

3) When you are at the scene where the whole crew is floating in pain before Sephiroth choose the same party you already have, Cloud, Yuffie, and Cid. (At the top of the screne the game should be telling you to split your characters into two parties)

4) Hit the cancel button until you come to a second character select screen. Here you will select three other characters for your second party. (this may or may not matter but I chose, Nanoki, Tifa, and Vincent)

5) Hit the cancel button until you come to the main screen and enter battle. Only 2 characters will be knocked away and the rest will enter the fight.

6) If done right (and if this is what your really supposed to do) Sephiroth will be oddly to the right of the screen and you will be in the presence of your first chosen party.

7) After you kill off a portion of Sephiroth, the game should ask you if you are worried about the others or not. Say that you are and you will be taken to another battle screen with Sephhiroth on the left of the screen. Now your party will be your second batch.

--I hope I have really discovered something. If not, I SURE feel stupid!--

Have fun!

Sent in by Michelle (Cloud, Yuffie, & Cid)


This may or may not be a cheat. I stumbled accross it when preparing for the battle against the first Sephiroth. Please tell me if this is just a regular in-game command:


You can trust me on this info because I've experienced the results myself unlike many others on this board.

1) When working your way to the bottom of the crater, have Cloud, Yuffie, and Cid in your party.

2) When you reach the meating with Sephiroth and you are to choose who will be in your party, the game will tell you to choose two parties.

3) First choose the party you already have: Cloud, Yuffie, and Cid.

4) hit the cancel button until you come to another caracter select screen. Cloud should not be present. choose three characters of your choice for the second party. Hit the cancel button and and enter battle.

5) If I'm right, when you enter the battle, Sephiroth will be oddly to the right of the screen. Once you kill off a portion of him, the game should ask you if you are worried about the others or not. Choose that you are, and you should be brought to another screen with your second party and Sephiroth on the left of the screen.

Sent in by Michelle (Cloud, Yuffie, & Cid)


TO get a Golden Chocobo.

Get a great Choco from the Southern Continent and a good one from the Junon area. Race them to B class at the Golden saucer and mate them with a Carob Nut. You should get a green choco. Race all 3 chocos to A class and then mate the two u used to get the green one with a Carob NUt. U should get a Blue chocobo. Race him/her up to A class and mate him/her with the green Choco with a Carob Nut to get a black chocobo. Now get a wonderful chocobo from the northern snowy continent. Most of them are pathetic, but there are some wonderful ones. Race the black and new Chocobo up to A class. Get a Zeio nut from the GOblins on goblin Island, shaped like a turtle in the North East area of the map. Voila.

Sent in by Tom Saunders


How To unlock Vincent Valentine
To Unlock Vincent Valentine one of the secret characters in the game you must go into the Shinra Mansion in Nehbleheim and open the safe on the second floor which contains the basement key and the Odin materia. Then open the safe and beat the boss whos name is Lost Number. Then run down to the basement to open up a door and run inside, there go to the highlighted coffin and press X on it. Vincent will pop out and keeps talking to him about 10 times. Then when you start to leave the basement Vincent will run up to you and he will now the be officialy in your party.

Sent in by The FF7 Man


To get the masumune: First, get mythril from the sleeping man near junon. Do not trade it for the great gospel or gold armlet. Then, on the second disc, when cloud is in mideel, use tifa to get another mythril from the sleeping man. Do the same with cid. Then on the third disc, defeat emerald and ruby and onyx(you need a white chocobo). Take these items, along with the three mythril to the weapon maker near gongaga. He will ask you to give him these items. If u say yes, he will take them and begin to make the masamune. He will ask you if you want to rest there. Say 'yes' and in the morning he will be gone. Look in the wooden box(the one that would normally have the gold armlet) and you will recieve the masamune. The masamune has 8 slots and has double materia growth. Also, I dont know what happens if you open the box with great gospel in it, so try it if you want.

Sent in by Master of CoCloud


You can change discs in the middle of gameplay and whenever a cutcene comes up, it will show one from that disc. one time, for a finale, I got weapon smashing into Junon, kinda anti-climactic huh?

also, here is how to kill emerald and ruby

enter battle with one of your characters on 7777 fever, and here's the hard one have two mastered KoTr, (mimeing it doesn't work, because they will just mime the attack of the 7777 person) put these on the other two characters. let the 7777 character do thier thing and cast KoTr like crazy. the only other thing needed is a lit of turbo ethers and a few mega elixers.

you have to have KoTr, or it is just about impossible to defeat him. put whatever materia you want on your people, but don't forget 3 sets of mime, final attack-revive, mega all, and dont forget KoTr. before the battle, kill two of your charecters, enter the battle, and revive them with life2 or cast phoenix on the claws. like the Emerald weapon battle, just cast KoTr like a maniac, and ruby will soon fade away shakily.

Sent in by Dortz


The general store in Cosmo Canyon has a backroom thats roped off when the team first arrives. Once you get the Highwind go back to the general store press select, when you see the green arrow go in there and behind the store you can find a "Full Cure" Materia an Elixir and a Guard Source.

Sent in by Master of Final Fantasy 7


to VERY EASILY kill the emerald weapon you must have:

1. A Quadra Magic materia
2.A Gravity materia
3.A Barrier materia
4.A All materia

**all of these materias must be mastered. Put quadra magic and gravity together in one linked slot and put barrier and all in any slot. put this preferably on Cloud as he probably does the most magic damage. when you enter battle cast reflect immediately, then cast demi 3 on all using quadra magic, after all of this goes on the damage total should be upwards of 100,000 damage!!! WOW!!!

Sent in by John



First before you can get a silver chcocbo you need to get a gold one.First you need to two a-s class great and good(when you catch a chocobo just go to the chocobo ranch and talk to chocobo Billy.You should be able to tell if they are poor,weak,average,good,great, or excellent by the comment he makes.Then mate the choccbos(they have to be male and female!).You should get either a green-mountain choccbo or a blue-shallow water choccbo.Then go to the gold saucer and get the male and female chocobos to class a-s.You will have to wait a while before you can mate them so go to the materia caves and get the quadramagic and the mimic materia.By the time you get back you should mate them with a carob nut.A carob nut is located near Bone Village.You will fight a huge and strong red monster.You must steal the nut from the monster.After you mate the two chocobos you should get a black chocob.That`s right your work isn`t over yet!Get the black chocobo to level a-s.Since you shouldn`t mate choccbos that were just born or just mated you should save your game and just work your charecter`s level up to atleast lv.60.Yuo will need to be strong for the upcoming fights after all you are on the third and last cd.After you have worked up levels go catch a wonderful chocobo.The black chocobo probably nin`t ready yet anyway.Like before go to the gold saucer and get the chocobo to class a-s.Now go get a zeio nut south-east from the ranch.Steal the nut from atroll.Now its time to get your golden choccbo!MATE THE CHOCOBOS AND YOU SHOULD HAVE A GOLD CHOCOBO!Now get the chocobo to -as and repeat the steps to get another golden.Now Ive never saw a silver chocobo but iheard about it.I heard you would mate two golden chocobos with a carob or zeio nut.

Sent in by The RPG Freak


For this code you MUST have a gameshark. To raise your attack points afteer every battle,Type in 8009d7dce0ff or 8009d7e05f5. PLEASE NOTE: These may take you to a different screen if you start new game. If so, talk to the guy there and mess around. He should give you almost every materia and full materia slots.

Sent in by Neoroki


Added Cut Materia:
To get this helpful materia go to the geat galcier, go to the place on the map where you see the 4 trails cross (upper right hand side) keep going past the chick that gives you the Alexander Materia for about 5 or 6 frames on the side near the rocks (its a genaric frame)there should be a blue peice of materia lying on the ground thats it. it is very heplful when you pair it with a comand materia like steal or a summon like Bhuhamet ZERO it will automaticly hit the enimie without using a turn.

For the person that talked about the other wepons if you have any more info i would like it -

Sent in by Govego


This is how you get Sephiroth.(This is the version that WORKS!)

You need 12 1/34 inch soldiers.
1 Masmune Blade(Gold Sauer)
2 Elixirs
1 Masamune Cape(Need to shoot all the enemies in the Fun Ride in Gold Saucer)

After you`ve got all that go to the Temple of ancients and there will be a man in a Black Cape outside.
Talk to him and he will say "Sephiroth has finnaly died"
If he says that you`ll enter the Temple.
Tseng will be there, but he is not hurt.
You`ll have to fight him, he is pretty easy.
Now go down until you get to the falling rock part.
Go to the pond on the left side, there you will see a flashback.
When the flash back is over Sephiroth will rise from the pond.
Run around the pond and talk to him(you gotta be quick)
He will come out of the pond and say "You are a true SOLDIER"
Ande he will join you!

Sent in by The real CLOUD


I'm not much for rumors so I'll use somthing I learned from playing. Materia will get you killed while fighting emerald I kept gettingkilled by his tam arie storm, but once I forgot to fully equip one of my characters with materia. The attack didnt damage him much. The way it works is the attack does damage based on how much materia you have equipped. If you have 5 it will do 5555 damage.

Sent in by Magus


If you don't want to waste too much time looking for the key to Midgar here's the best directions as far as I know. The key is in the same place as you found the lunar harp(left of the tent).

Sent in by Magus


Sirlancelot (thats all im gonna give as to his name...tough) E-mailed me one day about the Saphire weapon rumor to paraphrase you find the tiny bronco and on occasion Saphire pops up on occasion near the shores of a continent

my question
can anyone find the tiny bronco after aquiring the highwind?

Sent in by Drew


Have mp absorb. hp absorb materia. place ultima on each. Then have a masterd counter, not counter attack just counter, and place a masterd nights of the round on the countered materia. Go in the battle with just cloud alive and cast kor. ruby will atomaticly attack with ultima wich will cure and refill your mp. cool isnt it.

Sent in by sephiroth_2008


To beat Ruby with ease:
Set your ATB to wait. Put Cait Sith in your party as person three. Go to the forest outside Mideal and fight some Head hunters. During the fight, give Cait Sith a hyper and make him manipulate one of the Head hunters. Cast Regen-all and make the Manipulated Head hunter do his second move on Cait Sith untill he gets a limit break. The other two must kill all the other Head hunters then kill themselves. Finish off the last Head hunter then fly to Ruby. Start the fight and he puts his claws in the ground immediatly. Use the limit break and while the slots are spinning he can't attack you (because of the ATB) tap square a lot which slows down the reels and makes it easier to get all the parts of Cait Sith's face (Game Over [kills all enemies]) Ruby dies and you can get your Gold Chocobo off the man in Kalm.

(Also works for Emerald)

Sent in by Wistis


this isn't a cheat but a correction to my last post i posted the proceeding four rumors id like to correct in the normal plotline diamond kills rufus (i was thinking odd) also, id like to thank a friend mark for the first and last rumors

Sent in by Drew


lemme start by saying these are four RUMORS i havent had the time yet to see if they are justified.

1. obtaining Sepiroth???
ok, here's what i heard and what i have done. Supposedly before you go to Aeris' death scene you must have...
all lvl 99 characters
a full limit meter for cloud
and omni-slash for cloud
and something else (figuring out what that something else is as i post this. when i do i will post again)
i dont know what to do with the last unknown factor but as for the rest.
all characters are lvl 99. go to sephy, sephy kills Aeris. says stuff. enter fight with jenova.

BEFORE ANYONE DOES ANYTHING (including being attacked or counter attacking) use OMNISLASH. this kills jenova instantly. NO ONE BUT CLOUD, including Jenova, can attack. then that last factor goes into effect and sephiroth comes down and says "i bow to you" and joins party.

What about the plot you say?

Rufus doesn't die by emerald weapon, but infact lives. he takes on Sepiroth's goal to merge with the planet.

What supports this theory:
During an FMV switch CD's (im getting to it) and you will find you can play the game on any CD, so long as there isn't an upcoming FMV. this supports it because it shows that the entire game is on each disk, which means that there must be two different plot lines.

What denigrates this theory:
Use the game shark to get sephy. whenever a normal event pops up and the cast says a sentance about an occourance the game freezes. THIS MAY BE BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT ON THE SEPERATE PLOTLINE THOUGH.

End of rumor one

Rumor two... the elusive silver chocobo( or platinum for some i guess)
get two opposite sexed (duh) golden S-Class full stats chocobos. get either a Carob or Zieo (haven't had time to test it yet) nut and breed them. tah dah, a silver chocobo. supposedly it can do what the submarine can do as well as a gold chocobo's traits.

NOTE: it wasn't mentioned but it only makes sense that you have the underwater materia to submerge in the ocean (give a guidebook to the Kalm traveler)


Fighting the Onix (or Onyx) weapon
1. get a silver/platinum chocobo (see above)
2. go to the swamp where the midgar zaloom (that giant snakey thing with the E-skill Beta)resides.
3. submerge yourself in the swamp
4. fight

NOTE: the Onyx weapon was the weapon that got wasted at junon by the cannon.
ALSO NOTE: i heard this thing has more HP than the emerald weapon. i do not know the benifits of killing it yet as i haven't tested this one yet.
ALSO ALSO NOTE: this may be for the Jap version only (why wont those square guys just translate and not cut stuff? *sigh*)'
Final rumor of the day
(so far)

The Saphire weapon
This one im not sure of folks, i have merely heard it exists. if you know of it toss me an E-mail at

subject: saphire weapon
i DO believe it works as its existance came to me from a reliable source AND it is shown in the FMV. i dont remember it getting killed either (im on disc three again (7th time or so playing it agian)).

toss me info about either of these if they are false or not and ill post again with your names guys/gals

P.S. Hey...could that sick guy in the sewer pipe be Zack...?

Sent in by Drew

Go to the area below rocket town and fight a Valron. (blue and flying)To get a limit break. if you are desperate for it. Manipulate him and attack your allies with his last attack, That should do about +1000 damage. heal yourself and do it again. after 3 or 4 times you have a l-break

Sent in by scotsjman


In FF7 to get 7777 fever whenever you want, you only need a HP in excess of 7777 and the ability to cast MINI(or SHRIVEL item).

First, go to the beach right next to Yuffie's hometown. You should encounter a large turtle. Ignore him. He will not attack you if you don't attack him.

Cast MINI(or use SHRIVEL) on at least one of your party. Now they should only hit for 1 damage. Attack each member of your party until they reach any HP ending in 77(for example:3577, or 4677). Then un-MINI your party members, and ESCAPE the battle, by running away. Enter the menu, and By use of POTIONs and HIGH-POTIONS, raise all their HP to 7777.

A few warnings:

--->Do not raise their HP to 7777 while still in battle with the turtle, as this will make them immediately attack and ruin it.

--->Have a Chocobo or Highwind nearby, as if you randomly encounter any enemy, it will use up your 7777 fever, and drop all HP to 1.

--->Make sure you have all your materia set right to fight Emerald Weapon before you try this, as any change may affect your HP.

Now if you enter battle with Emerald Weapon with three members at 7777, then use W-SUMMON to cast KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND twice, then have the other two members mime it, you will kill him without a problem. He will only get off one or two hits at most.

Sent in by Malice805(thanx 2 Devuez)*805 CLICK*


Rumor about Cait Sith:
There is a rumor going on that if you kill 960 enemies with Caith Sith you will gain his third limit break.Also,the rumor says it works only for the Japanese version.

Sent in by Daniel Peck


it aint really a cheat but would ya like to know how to get 13 ribbons its simple really all ya have to do is morph master torbeny ya know the mole with the star above his head he aint easy to defeat but he is when your guys are all on level 99

Sent in by weskerinvivalamull


Heres some places where you will find summon materia 1 Titan- in the ruined reactor at gongaga 2 Rahmth- When you go to corel prisen and go up that lift look around there will be like a red materia some where thats it.

Sent in by Cid


to get better limit breaks faster
in order to do so you will need to take some time away from the walkthrough and fight a bunch of times if you have some hypers that will help what you do is let the enemy hit you until your limit break is able to be used then use the limit break keep doing so after about 5-12 times you should get another limit break (it depends on which limit breakyou are getting)

Sent in by final fantasy master


To get a replica of Sepiroths sword go to the speed square in the gold saucer and get 3000 - 4000 points.

Sent in by Andrew (the champ) Ransom


at the gold saucer when on the rollercoaster type ride getting first place on the score board will get you an item through this you can get a weapon with more attack power than cids normal weapon but less materia slots.

Sent in by Jimbo James Mc Millan


To gain the control of Sephiroth you can go back to Junon and find 10 of the soilder dolls then go to the gold saucer there will be a man that will ask you if you want to see Sephiroth reply "yes" then Sephiroth will be in youre party he do things by himself and he will be at a high level.

P.S. After you enter the 3rd disk Sephiroth will no longer be in you're party.

Sent in by Allan Tamajka also known as Cloud Strife


In Final Fantasy 7, I wanted to beat the weapons, and found that all the internet solutions were too complicated, needed things that I missed, so here's the lazy persons way to beat them:

RUBY: get hades, mime, knights of the round and w-summon,(they only have to be at level one, but i recommend level 2 in case you screw up) then cast hades THEN the knights (has to be in that order!), then mime until he dies. hades will paralize him, then the knights will hurt him severely. Mime until he dies, DO NOT BREAK THE PATTERN!

EMERALD:You probably got a whole heap of level ups from beating RUBY, so think you're ready...YOU'RE NOT!!! First things first, get 3 mimes, w-summon, final attack, pheonix, (both at level 3 or higher) knights of the round, level 2, and 3 hp absorbs. In your materia screen,slect one person to have all the goos stuff on, i recommend cloud, then on him pair final attack with pheonix (DUH!), then pair hp absorb with the knights, on the others, just put a mime paired with a hp absorb THAT'S IT NOTHING ELSE! Too much materia brings down yer hp, now most people say that you need an UNDERWATER materia, I say that it's a waste of time, if you fight him my way, then you will beat him in about 5 minutes. Once in battle, w-summon the knights, and MIME MIME MIME! do not break the pattern. If he hurts you, jst mime and yer hp will refill. Easy as that! the best part is, if he does somehow manage to kill you, pheonix will back you up! and, even if the the knights summon power is used up, you can w-summon them anyway! I know it sounds stupis, but if you w-summon them after thier summon power is used up, it will say so. the if you mime it, the summon will be used! snaeky hunh. Well thats all you need to know.

Sent in by Krillin69


If you didn't get the ULTIMA matiara or the huge matiara at corel mountain then you can evacute it out of bone village. Just ask the man to dig for normal tresure and after a few times they should both pop up.


To see Aeris's ghost on the 2nd disk you can go back to MIDGAR by getting the man's key and giving it to him, afterwards go back to the church and there will be a blinking image of Aeris.



At the Gold Saucer,in Wonder Square go to the lady where you can exchange you GP. You will see that the bottom 2 are marked ?????? These are actualy Gil plus which doubles your gil after a battle and the other is EXP Plus which doubles your EXP you gain after a battle. These 2 items will make your quest far easier , but there is the small task of getting 3000GP.

Sent in by Paul Bartoli


If u missed w-item in midgar. Go to bone village and tell them u want to dig on normal item (i think try them all).Look for an X in the dirt on the right of the man(look for an x ok) in the chair. Dig on the X in the dirt and u should get the w-item. i think this works with bahamut zero but i dont know where it is and what u have to look it under. The w-item could be under good item so try them all.

Sent in by TIM and tyler the man


If you did not get the w-item in midgar you can still get it. Go to bone village and get as many guys you can to dig. Then dig near the bottom of the ladder. There is a x near the bottom of the ladder. It is on the left at the bottom of the ladder when you are facing it. I don't remember what item to find it under (the normal or good or the other one) though. Try every thing to get it then you can get 99 of almost any item. it is realy easy to get your guys to 99.

Sent in by Tyler McCullough


To easily beat the boss of the Gi tribe in Cosmo Canyon, simply throw a phonix down over him and he will die instantly. (This may take more than one attempt but it works)

Sent in by Carl


TIP:when fighting Rufus put some good MATERIA on Cloud DO NOT change(remove)Cloud or Tifa's.

Sent in by cloud


To gain the use of Sephiroth, Rufus, or the Turks use the ability Morph on a cactuar, if done correctly then the cactuar will morph in to a "hyper-drive", then take this into the great Glacier and find the ice woman who you get Alexander from. Fight her and use the Hyper drive in the battle. She will drop "X" materia as well as Alexander (this will not work if you have already obtained Alexander). Equip the "X" materia to one of your party except Cloud. Then fight a battle. The command X will appear on the battle menu. Use this command and the character will be instantly killed along with the enemy. When the battle is over chexk the menu and instead of the character there will be the enermy you fought. Use this on bosses to get a realy powerful charracter in exchange for a realy bad one (e.g.-Cait Sith). If you do use this cheat on cloud then the game will crash as soon as the battle is over.

Sent in by Biscuit


Just a hint,the place to catch the best chocobos is near wear you find Zoop in a weel chair, its on the same island right next to the forest surrounding that town.This is on the 2nd ands 3rd disk.

Sent in by Zoop


Go to the sleeping man in the cave until you get five pieces of mythril then take it to the weapon seller above Gongaga Village and he will give you Sephiroths weapon but Cloud can use it.

Sent in by Sephiroth


You might want to know this. This is how to beat the last Sephiroth. This isnt the one they give you omnislash for the one before that. First Have the guy in the middle cast MBarrier (Better to be Big Guard) on the guy to his left. Then have that guy take down his wall. That will make sephiroth use Shadows Flare. Then have the guy on the far right cast Knights Of the round and have the guy in the middle mime it. If done correctly Sephiroth will perish.

Sent in by Vincent56


To get a source of each kind and a Megaelixr in the bar at Wutai, read all the Turtle Paradise flyers at these places:

1.Sector 5 slums, the house where you find a man watching TV on the first floor and a boy sleeping on the 2 floor

2.Shinra HQ Floor 1 near the lifts

3.Gold Saucer Ghost Hotel in the shop

4.Tiger Lily arms Shop in Cosmo Canyon

5.Gold Paper Beside the Inn keeper at Cosmo Canyon

6.Yuffie's house basement (The place where your other 2 party members get trapped by a cage)

To get each charcter's limit Break Level 4 do these things:

Cloud: Omnislash
Get 32,000 BP at Gold Saucer and exchange for the Omnislash.

Barett: Catasrothpie
After the Train Crash at North Corel (Or after you stop the Shinra Train ), talk to the woman who is sitting in one of huts at Level 2 in the town.

Tifa:Final Heaven
Go to Tifa's house with Tifa in your PArty and play: X ,Square, Triangle, R1+Triangle, R1+Square,X ,Square ,Triangle , R1+X, Circle, X, Square, X

Aeris: Great Gospel
Go to the Sleeping Man's cave in Junon area and he will tel you how many battles you've been in. To get a piece of Mythril, the last 2 numbers of the battles you have been in must be the same( Example 399, 588, 55, 5,654,044), then go to the Weaponsmith's house near Gongaga and give him the Mythril. Take the small box.

Red 13: Cosmo Memory
Go to Shinra Mansion in any disc and open the safe using this combination: Right 39, Left 10, Right 59, Right 97, then kill the boss.

Yuffie: All creation
Defeat all bosses in the Pagoda of Five Strong in Wutai

Cid: Highwind
It is found in the Shinra sunken plane Gelinka

Vincent: Chaos
Visit Lucrecia's cave at a waterfall in the Nibel area twice in Disc 2 and 3. On your second visit, you will recieve Vincent's Utimate Weapon and the Limit Break

The location and contents of four Materia Caves are as follows:

Materia Cave #1, Knights of the Round
This cave is located far north of the Chocobo Farm and can only be reached by a Gold Chocobo.

Materia Cave #2, Quadra Magic
This cave is located south-east of the Chocobo Farm and can be reached with the Highwind and a Green Chocobo.

Materia Cave #3, HP and MP conversion (Pretty Useless, IMHO)
This cave is located far West of Rocket Town use a blue chocobo to get there.

Materia Cave #4, Mimic
This cave is located north of Corel and can be reached with a Blue Chocobo

Choco Mog
Talk to the Chocobo at the front of the farm and reply "Waaark".

At the Junon coast after saving Priscilla.

On the Cargo boat after beating Jenova-BIRTH.

Lying on the floor in the Chocobo Jockey waiting room.

In the wreckage of the Gongaga reactor.

Defeat the Lost Number boss inside the Shinra mansion safe.

Defeat everyone in the Pagoda in Wutai.

Walk to the second area in the Sleeping Forest and it will be floating around. Wait in the spot where it is first seen, then tap the Action button to take it. Do not use against fire, lighting, ice absorbing enemies.

After the snowboarding sequence, find the hot spring and touch it. Then find the area where you leave markers and keep to a straight path. Find the hut there and enter. Leave through the downward facing door. Go right, find the cave and talk to the person inside. Defeat her and the materia will fall from the sky.

Defeat the red dragon at the Cetra shrine.

Defeat the Ultimate Weapon a few times until it dies. A crater will remain. Go to the jelly object on top of the mountain,enter the Ancient Forest and its at the end.

Neo Bahamut
After Gaea's cliff; just pick it up.

Found while collecting the Huge Materia at Fort Condor. After defeating the enemies and the man sends you out to check on the condor egg, it can be found on the ground.

On the wreckage in the Gelinka.

Bahamut ZERO
Collect the four Huge Materia. Store them in the Observatory, then look closely at the blue Huge Materia.

Knights Of The Round
Found on the island only on the final disc. It is unmarked at the top right of the map, and requires a Gold Chocobo to reach it.

To damage Emerald Weapon without KOR easily, use Demi 1,2 or 3 and it will hit Emerald for 9999 damage. Pair this with Quadra Materia and it will cost Emerald 40000 Hp

Sent in by Chua Family


At battlesquare tap box repeaditly[and fast]to slow down the slot machine, and choose a easier handicap![this works on CaitSiths maximum limit too!].

Sent in by Neil E. [quote vincent from ff7 is cool!!]


To duplicate items,you must be able to use the item in battle,and have W-Item Materia.Equip W-Item,then get in a battle.Select W-item and select the item you want to duplicate.use it on someone and you'll be able to select the second item.Select and item so you can pick someone to use it on,then push X.You'll have one more of the first item!Just keep pushing O,X,O,X,O,X,etc until you have as many of that item you want!

Sent in by Scorpe


To beat Sephiroth you must have the Barrier and destruct materia maxed out. But the biggest problem is not having a higher enough hp level, so go to cosmo canyon and buy as many as you can affofd of HP plus materia.It works a treat.

To get Clouds ultimate weapon, beat ultimate weapon

To get Barrets, the missing score, its on the steps late on up to hojo but you must have barret with you

To get Tifas go to bone village on disc 3, dig up a key, go back to midgar and to the wall market vending machine

To get Aeris go down number 6 on the clock in the temple

To get Red13 go to his grandfater after youve taken him to the ancient city

To get Cait siths Vist the 64th floor loakers on the second vist to shinras HQ

To get Yuffies use the submarine the vist the crased plane

To get Cids talk to the old man at rocet town after its gone

To get Vincents go to Lucrecias cave in the nibel area

Sent in by Roger Thrush


Now here's a really cool cheat.When in battle use reflect on all your allies.Then use any magic spell (except Ultima) on all your allies too.It will reflect 3 times onto the enemy!I suggest you use Bolt 3, Fire 3 or Ice 3.

Sent in by Red XIII , Vincent , Cid & Tifa.With the help of Bugenhagen


RE-ENTER MIDGAR, On disk 2-3 there will be a man outside the gate to Sector 5 slums to open it you must: 1.Go to bone village and ask for NORMAL TREASURE 2.Up the top part of the village set about 3-6 villagers to search around the ENTRANCE of the tent. 3.In the treasure box there should be KEY TO SECTOR 5 SLUMS! Now You Will be In Midgar. Thanks to Deano Cloud!!

Sent in by Deano Cloud James SOLDIER 1st class HOPKINSTOWN


In the Southwestern Ocean, below Cosmo Canyon, there is an unmapped desert island. Equip the Morph Materia and run around the desert. When a battle happens, the enemy will be a small cactus called a "Cactuer". Hurt it a few thousand HP's before morphing it. It morphs into a Tetra Elemental. This is a rare relic that you wear. It absorbs lots of elements!

Sent in by Wesley Vate


Having a hard time beating Ruby Weapon? Here's a little strategy that will help. First, kill of two members of your team, then equip everyone with the final attack/revive combo. (Don't use Phoenix. Fire spells heal the Ruby Weapon). Enter the battle with only one person alive, and Ruby Weapon will immediately put it's hands in the sand. Now continually cast Knights of the Round on Ruby Weapon. Ruby retialiates with Ultima, but with the final attack/revive combo, it's nothing to worry about. Just be sure to keep your magic points up by using megalixers or turbo ether. It takes 6 casts of Knights of the Round, so be patient.

Sent in by John


You need a GameShark for this weird code. You must have the code 'Save Anywhere'. The code is:8009D2A6 0000

Now anyone who is reading this cheat should try this cheat on other people, because I 'accidentally' found this on Aeris. Save just before the part you're gonna name Aeris. Name her anything you want. Let the game progress, until Reno gets done with the 'stepping on flowers' part. Now reset the game (I mean push the L1+R1+L2+R2 thingie). Now load the game you just saved. Surprisingly, it continues at the part where Reno is stepping on the flowers. Play the game until Cloud gets ready to jump the hole in the floor. Notice when Aeris talks, her name isn't what you named her, it's "Aerith". Tell her to fight once, and look at her HP. Notice how weak her hits are. Now when the battle's over, look at her level. Like I said, please try this with other people.

Sent in by David Henson


On the first cd when you meet the flower girl for the second time when you name her name her EASY in capital letters and read the dialogue and she will say a hooker speech for you

Sent in by chris valentine


Restore health during battle.
this trick only works during a battle with anyone in your party,cast regen spell and after it takes effect castany other spell,then open the playstation door,instant health.when you open the door the music may slow just a bit don't worry about that,just close the door after your health is normal.

Sent in by Alex Beede


Save as much as you can(Classic RPG Tip)

Ed: Thanks for that highly informative piece

Sent in by Chris


Let me start off by saying if there is anyway that you can get your hands on the Japanese version of FF7 it's very cool. In this version,if you are extremely nice to Aries and mean to the other girls, than she will come back to life at the end. Of course, it's pretty hard to understand how to be nice to her if you can't read what she's saying.

Here's a cool little secret. If you go back into the Shinra Mansion on the 3rd CD, you will have a weird flashback explaining what ever happened to Zack after the Niblehiem incedent.

So, you want to know how to get the ultimate summon KNITES OF THE ROUND. Well it's not easy. First you must search around for 2 opposite sexed chocobos. They need to be in wonderful condition so I suggest you look around the snow area. After you find them you must race them up to atleast B class. Although if you want a really great chocobo to come oyt than A is always the best way to go. Make them in a stable using the certain nut that can only be obtained by stealing it from the red dragon on the small strip of green in the snow area.

Here's a tip that should always be used. Before mating ALWAYS save your game. Sometimes the baby won't turn out right and instead of gowing through the whole proccess again you can just reset and try again. This should create the River chocobo (blue)(you can use this chocobo to find the hiden materia cave on a small island next to Mideel) or the mountain chocobo (green)(you can use this chocobo to find a hiden materia cave in Wutia). You will have to wait for the original chocobos to rest and then mate them again to make the other colored chocobo. Now if the first time they mated a green chocobo was made than the blue is harder to mate, if the blue was first made than it's the other way around, so remember to save your game before mating again because it usually takes a long time for you to get the opposite sex and color chocobo. After this is done you must race these 2 to the B class. Mate them with the nut found in the Goblin Forrest in the upper right corner of the world. You must steal it from a Gobli n.

Use the nut to mate and this should create the mountain-river cocobo (black)(you can use this chocobo to find the materia cave on the large island of corel). Here comes the real challenge, you must find another wonderful chocobo and race them to the S class which is the highest and hardest race level to be in. You must get the black one to atleast A class. Mate them with the most expensive nut that you can buy from Chcobo Sage. (Chocobo Sage can be found in a small patch of green in the snow area. You can only get there by using your green chocobo or the Highwind) Mate them and you will get the Golden Chocobo. This chocobo can cover any area of land on the entire world map! Use him/her to get to the small materia cave on the very right hand corner of the world map. Inside you will find KNITES OF THE ROUND.

Without this materia there is NO WAY that you can beat the Ruby or Emerald Weapon.

Sent in by Reno, Rude, Tseng & Elana


HP restore:
When in a battle use regen magic on all allies then open the lid on your playstation and your life will fill up when you push the lid down the music will stall for a moment then your back in battling

To go on a date whith tifa you must ignore aries and be nice to tifa to go on a date whith barret you must keep him in your party and be nice to him and ignore the girls to get sephiroths sword you must go to battle arena in the gold suacer and get the second ???????? prize

To get knights of the round summon you must earn a gold chocobo the ride it to the top left of the map look around and youll find a island go in the materia cave and recive knights of the round

To watch a video in the shinra building right when you enter the front door climb the stairs and on the right there will be an items store enter it and youll see two people watching a video talk to them and thell run away then push the talk button on the screen and youll watch a video

Sent in by Devon Wintoniak


On chocobo races hold L1 and R1 to restore energy qicker

To kill the last weaopon in the middle of the ocean, you must first collect final attack materia from the cocobo races. if you add this with summon 'phonix, once he releases the ataack that always klls you, no matter how strong you are, you will just get back up and cure your self automatically

Sent in by Johnny


Easy Chocobo Races
Hold L1, L2, R1 and R2 while racing a Chocobo - this will slowly restore your energy bar

Duplicate items
NB This will only duplicate items that are selectable during a battle and can not be used to duplicate the various Sources, Materia, Weapons or Armour

This trick requires the W-item Materia which is obtained after your party parachutes back into Midgar while playing Disc 3. After entering the subway tunnels in Sector 8, go towards the screen and you'll soon come to a dead-end with the W-item Materia. Equip the Materia on the character with the item you wish to duplicated.

When a battle begins, select the W-item entry on the battle menu then select an unimportant item and use it on any character. On the second item choice, select the item to be duplicated by pressing circle then pressing X to cancel your selection and increase the number of that item in your inventory. Repeatedly press Circle followed by X to continually duplicate that item.

Easy Battle Square handicaps
Rapidly press Square during the 'slot machine' handicap sequence in the Battle Square section at Gold Saucer. This will slow the slots down, allowing you to choose an easier handicap. this trick will also work during Cait Sith's Limit Breaks.


You need to get a Great Chocobo from the southern continent. You also need to get a Good Chocobo from the Gold Saucer area.Breed these with a Carub Nut to get a Blue Chocobo. You can get a Carub Nut by killing the Red Dragons which are to be found in the green patches of the Northern Continent.

Next race your Good Chocobo and Great Chocobo in the Chocobo Races. When they're up to A Class, breed them again with a Carub Nut and guess what? You now have a Green Chocobo.

Get back to the races and this time race the Blue and Green Chocobos to get them up to A Class. Breed them with a Carub Nut and you'll get a Black Chocobo. Find out whether it's male or female then go to the Northern Continent. You now need to catch a Wonderful Chocobo that is the opposite sex to the one you've bred. Once you have one, take them both to the races and get them up to A Class. Now breed them with a Zeio Nut and you will get the elusive Gold Chocobo.

To get Cloud you must be pretty far into the game. (The trick starts in Chapter 4). In Machinery City you will find an ancient robot, even though you can't activate it, it is important, so remember it. From there go to the Royal Capital and enter the bar. Ask for some information; you should learn about the Saint Dragon, and a hunter will request to join your party. Recruit him and go to the Mining City.

When you get there, help the Saint Dragon. You should be able to get the Aquarius Zodiac Stone there. Take that back to Machinery City and use the stone on the robot. Once it becomes functional, you should leave. On your way out, you should find another machine, but you can't do any thing with it yet again.

Leave the city and head for Nerubes Temple. After fighting Worker #7, the Saint Dragon will transform into a young girl and you will receive the Cancer Zodiac Stone. Head back to Machinery City again. Use the Cancer Zodiac Stone to activate the ancient machine. It will bring Cloud back from the future and he will join you.

Now what you need to do is to find Aeris. She is in one of the towns, and you'll find her and buy some flowers from her. She will be attacked and Cloud will rush to the rescue. Some story will go by, and at the end of it, Cloud will join you officially.


The saved game picture changes according to slot saved in.

File 1 : cloud
File 2 : BARRET
File 3 : AERIS
File 4 : CAIT SITH
File 5 : RED XIII
File 6 : CID
File 7 : TIFA
File 8 : VINCENT
File 9 : YUFFIE
File 10: RUFUS
File 11: TSENG
File 13: RUDE
File 14: DAIN

Sent in by Craig
Unlimited items
This trick requires the W-Item materia. The materia is obtained after your party parachutes back into Midgar in Disc 3. After entering the subway tunnels in Sector 8, your party may walk away from the screen and encounter the Turks, or walk towards the screen to reach another subway section. Select the second choice and follow the subway tunnel until it ends at a dead end with the W-Item materia.

Equip the materia on the character with the item to be duplicated. When a battle begins, select the W-Item entry on the battle menu, select an unimportant item and use it on any character. On the second item choice, select the item to be duplicated by pressing Circle, then press X to cancel your selection and increase the number of that item in inventory. Repeatedly press Circle followed by X to accumulate 99 of the duplicated item. Note: This will only duplicate item selectable in battle and can not be used to duplicate the various sources, materia, weapons, or armor.

Refill HP
Cast Regen-All on your party, then quickly open the PlayStation lid when all opponents have been defeated. The game will be unable to load the victory screen, and may glitch while the HP for each party member fills. After everyone is at full health, close the lid to resume the game.

Easy Battle Square handicaps
During the "slot machine" handicap sequence, rapidly tap Square in the Battle Square section at Gold Saucer. The slots will slow down, allowing an easier selection of your handicap. Note: This trick will also work in a similar manner with Cait Sith's limit break.

Easy Chocobo races
While racing a Chocobo, hold R1 + R2 to slowly restore energy.

Cast magic three times at an opponent
Have all characters with Reflect status. Then, cast any attack spell on all three of your characters. The spell will bounce three times into the enemy, each with the attack power of a full spell.

Extra money
Sell a Master level All materia to get 1.4 million Gil. Since another All materia will appear when the original reaches master level, there will be no loss in usefulness.

Prevent back attacks
If a battle begins with a "Back Attack", press L1 + R1 to turn your character around before your opponents get a shot.

Nibelheim safe combination
The combination to the safe in the old mansion in Nibelheim that contains the key to enter the basement (and get Vincent) is Right 36, Left 10, Right 59, Right 97. Note: Push the button used to talk to people to select each number. After opening the safe and fighting the monster inside, a key to the other part of the mansion and Odin summon materia will be found.

Finding Vincent
Take the key from the safe that contained the Odin summoning materia in Nibelheim. After defeating the Boss, Lost Number, walk down into the basement. Open the door that was previously locked (right before enter the room with Sephiroth). Talk with Vincent, after finding him inside the purple coffin. When leaving the room, he will offer to join the party.

Turtle's Paradise prizes
The Turtle's Paradise restaurant in Wutai has hidden six flyers with their advertisement in various locations. Collect all six flyers and return them to the restaurant owner to receive a prize consisting of a Power Source, Guard Source, Magic Source, Mind Source, Speed Source, Luck Source, and a Megalixer. The flyers are located in the following places:

Sector 5 slums, on the wall upstairs in a house on the east side of town.
Posted on the bulletin board of the lobby of Shinra HQ.
On the wall next to the item shop in the Ghost Hotel at Gold Saucer.
Attached to the wall at the Tiger Lily Arms Shop in Cosmo Canyon.
On the wall next to the inn keeper's desk.
In Yuffie's basement (next to Turtle's Paradise), check the banner on the wall outside the trap room.
Materia to beat Weapons
Use the following steps to make the battle with the Emerald and Ruby Weapons easier. Note: This must be done after Meteor is summoned and the Highwind is in your possession.

1. Before fighting either Weapons, find and equip the Morph Matera before returning to the Undersea Reactor in Junon. Go through the sight-seeing tunnel (where the ocean can be viewed) and enter battles until the Ghost Ship appears. Use Morph when the enemy is low on HP to change them into an item called "Guide Book".

2. Leave Junon and return to Kalm. Go to the last house on the right, next to the bar. Go upstairs, where an old man will be encountered. He will explain how he wants to understand the afterlife, and ask you to find three items: Guide Book, Earth Harp, and Desert Rose. He will notice that you already have Guide Book and give you the Underwater Materia.

3. Equip the Underwater Materia. It does not gain AP and will not duplicate. This Materia removes the time limit when Emerald Weapon is encountered.

4. Defeat Emerald Weapon (a few mastered Mime and Knights of the Round will be helpful) to receive Earth Harp. Take it back to Kalm and give it to the old man to receive Master Summon (Red), Master Magic (Green), and Master Command (Yellow) Materia. These Materia can not level up or duplicate, but have all the abilities of their single counterparts. Master Summon grants all Summons for as long as MP are available. A similar effect is also used by Master Magic. Master Command is a little difficult to work with, but is still worth it.

5. Equip the new Materia and ram into Ruby, who is minding its own business in Gold Saucer. With luck, the single character Ruby allows to stay and fight will be ready to deal with this massacre.

6. Defeat Ruby and take Desert Rose to the man in Kalm to receive a Gold Chocobo. You probably will already have one, as Knights Of The Round is required for the Weapons battles. A good combo to use against the Weapons is HP Absorb + Knights (mega damage and mega boost in HP).

Easier Ruby Weapon battle
Kill two members of your party before fighting Ruby Weapon. Have the Summon Phoenix materia equipped on the remaining character, then run into Ruby Weapon. When fighting, Ruby will only attack the live character, and therefore not use the Quicksand attack. Wait until the Weapon sticks his claws in the ground. Then, use Summon Phoenix to attack it and revive the dead party members. All three party members are now available for the battle.

Another strategy is to have all characters equipped with the Final Attack + Revive or Phoenix materia combination. Have one character equipped with a weapon or armor containing Knights Of The Round + MP Turbo. Also have a Mastered Magic Plus materia (not MP Plus) somewhere else in the weapon or armor of each character. Have all three people wear the Mystile armor (first from Midgar Raid, second from North Cave, third from Ultimate Weapon when it is over Midgar). This will prevent Ruby's Ultima attack from injuring your characters. Kill two characters, then enter the battle with Ruby Weapon. When the Weapon's claws are in the ground, revive the two dead characters, and have W-Summon cast Knights Of The Round and have the other two characters Mime. This will hit Ruby Weapon for 9999 damage each time. It should be defeated after eight to ten rounds of this type of attack.

Another strategy is to kill two of your characters, then equip the following materia combination: HP Absorb + Knights Of The Round, W-Summon, Mime. Use a hero drink, then summon the Knights Of The Round. Each time he/she will gain over 9,000 HP points. Then, simply Mime this attack until the Weapon is defeated.

Another strategy is to use Mime in addition to the Final Attack + Phoenix materia combination. Get Cloud's limit bar full, and start the battle. Ruby will take your other two characters away with Quicksand. Attack with Omnislash. At Cloud's next turn, select Mimic and Cloud will use the Omnislash again. Repeat this attack. The only drawback to this strategy, is the need for a little bit in the limit meter. Without it, Cloud will jump forward after a brief flash, and Ruby Weapon will attack. When Cloud does the limit, the game will act as though you had a full limit bar, and delete all that remains in it. To effectively make this trick work, make sure Ruby Weapon hits Cloud before doing the Omnislash again.

Easier Emerald Weapon battle
Equip a member of your party with a Gravity materia, at any level. It will hit the Emerald Weapon for 9,999 damage. Using this and the Quad-Magic combo can take almost 40,000 hit points from one attack round alone.

Another strategy is to equip the following materia combination: HP Absorb + Knights Of The Round, W-Summon, Mime, Underwater (and nothing else). Use a hero drink, then summon the Knights Of The Round. Each time he/she will gain over 9,000 HP points. Then, simply Mime this attack until the Weapon is defeated. Keep your materia number as low as possible, the more materia equipped, the more the Weapon's Air Tam Stomp will effect the party. For example, if four materia are equipped the Air Tam Stomp will take off 4444 HP points, five materia will result in 5555 HP points and so on.

Extra Gil
When at the Gold Saucer Prison, go out in the desert and fight a enemy called Cactuar. Defeat him to get 10,000 Gil. This creature can also be found at Cactuar Island on the south-east area of the map, or south of Cosmo Canyon.

Exchange Gil for GP
When at Gold Saucer go through the welcome sign then come back out again. Keep on doing this until a man appears in the far background, near the save location. Approach him, and he will ask if you want to change Gil into GP. Answer yes to trade up to 10,00 Gil into 100 GP.

Key to Sector 5
Late in the game, go to the Number 7 gate at Midgar. A man outside the door will say that he lost his key to the city at an excavation site. The only excavation site is at Bone Village. Go there and talk to the man that asks about what you are searching. Reply "normal treasure" and place your excavators on the upper area. Eventually, a box will turn up after multiple digs. Search it in the morning to find the key.

Cloud mercenary flashback
After Cloud has had his coma, go to the basement at the Shinra Mansion. Enter the library and Cloud have a flashback and remember how he became a mercenary.

Back room of Cosmo Canyon General Store
The General store in Cosmo Canyon has a back room that is roped off when your characters first arrive. Check back after Meteor has been summoned. The rope will be gone, allowing your characters to walk back in the room and get an Elixir, Magic Source, and the "Full Cure" Materia.

Sleeping old man
Directly East of Junon is a small cave that is only accessible using the Highwind or riding on a blue/gold Chocobo. The old man in the cave can tell you how many times your party has fought or escaped. You can also get helpful items from him, but the last two digits in the times you have fought must be the same. For instance, speaking to him after you have fought 699 times may get you the Bolt Ring.

Date with Tifa
Never talk to Aeris unless it is vital for progression of the game. Then, Cloud will get a date with Tifa after Aeris dies.

Date with Barret
Never talk to Aeris or Tifa unless it is vital for progression for the game. Then, once Kalm has entered for the first time, Barret will ask Cloud for a date.

Bahamnant ZERO Summon Materia details
Walk around after boarding the Shinra No. 26 spaceship on disc two. Your party will be able to go down to the space pod or up the ladder to the right to the huge materia. Go to the huge materia and use the talk button at the tall glass to speak with Cid. He will explain the controls in this part of the game. Talk again at the case and enter the password Circle, Square, X, X to collect the Key Item "Huge Materia". After travelling to Cosmo Canyon later in the game, talk to Bugenhagen. He will take your party up to his observatory. Approach to the Blue huge materia and get closer. Your party will receive the Bahamnant ZERO summon materia.

Easy Power Source for super strength
Go to the meltdown reactor at Gonganga town. Then, get into a battle with a Heavy Tank. Morph it to get a Power Source to build your strength up by a point. Repeat this as needed to build as much strength as needed.

Status display
The highest number shown on the status menu is 255. However the game will allow items on that screen to be built higher, but will not display anything greater than that number.

Extra Ribbons
Go to Geas Cliff. In the first cave after wrapping around to the bridge overlooking the door that was used to enter, walk straight to enter a cave with a box. Open it to find a ribbon. For a third ribbon, go to North Cave and morph a Master Tonbury. It is helpful if it is stopped first.

Extra Tetra elemental
Go to Cactuar Island in the south-west portion of the map. Explore until a Cactuar appears. Then, morph it to get the Tetra elemental.

Maneuvering the Highwind
The Highwind can be turned sideways or flown backwards without turning around. Hold Square and press the D-pad in the desired direction while flying.

Cosmo Canyon song
You can play the Cosmo Canyon song on your own by going to Tifa's house in Nibelheim. Then, press Square, Square, Square, X, Square, Circle, Circle, R1 + X, Circle, R1 + Square, R1 + Square, R1 + Square, R1 + X, Circle, R1 + X, R1 + Square, R1 + X, Circle, R1 + X, R1 + Square, Circle, Square, X, Circle, Square, X, Square. Note: This serves no purpose in the game.

Getting a Gold Chocobo
Get a Green Chocobo by mating two Great Chocobos or two Good Chocobos. Obtain Carob nuts by buying some the Gold Saucer Wonder Square for 500 GP or by stealing them from the Vlakarados creatures found near the Bone Village. Get the Chocobos to the S class, then give them a Carob nut. Race the Green Chocobo until it is in S class. Then, use a Carob nut and mate the same or different Chocobos. Then, race the Blue Chocobo until it is in S class. Use a Carob nut and mate the Blue and Green Chocobos. You will get a Black Chocobo. Race it until it is a S class Chocobo. Then, go to the Chocobo Tracks around the Icicle Inn area and get a Wonderful Chocobo. Race it until it is a S class Chocobo. Find the Zeio Nut on an island north of the Chocobo Farm. You can steal it from a Goblin that your party fights. If you do not steal anything at first, try a few more times then kill them and try again. Mate the Black Chocobo with the Wonderful Chocobo using a Zeio Nut. You should now have a Gold Chocobo that can go anywhere on the map.

Chocobo quality
Different Chocobo ranks can be found in various areas of the game:

Chocobo Ranch area: Poor/Weak
Junon area: Fair/Poor
Gold Saucer area: Good/Average
Rocket Town area: Mediocre
Wutai area: Average/Fair
Icicle Inn area: Wonderful/Weak
Mideel area: Great/Fair

Ancient forest
Ride up the hill with a black, gold, or green Chocobo to reach the Ancient Forest before disc 3.

Getting Yuffie in the party
Yuffie can found in a random encounter in one of the forest areas. After fighting her, do not pause or use the save point. Talk to her and answer her questions with the following responses:

Yuffie: "You spikey-headed jerk! One more time, let's go one more time!"
Answer: Not interested.

Yuffie: "You're pretty scared of me, huh?"
Answer: ......petrified

Yuffie: "I'm really gonna leave! REALLY!"
Answer: Wait a second!

Yuffie: "You want me to go with you?"
Answer: ......That's right.

Yuffie: "All right! I'll go with you!"
Answer: ......Let's hurry on.

Finding the best weapons
Each character has an ultimate weapon that must be found using the following instructions:

Found after killing Ultimate Weapon (not in Mideel).

Found before fighting Hojo on Mako Cannon. Note: Barret must be in your party for it to appear.

Found behind door four in the clock room at the Temple of the Ancients.

Use the key to reach sector 5. Go to Wall Market and use the broken item machine.

Found in the downed Shinra Plane in the ocean.

Take Bugenhagen to the ancient city, then return to Cosmo Canyon on Disc 3 with Red XIII in your party. He will receive the weapon from Bugenhagen.

After the rocket in Rocket Town has been launched, talk to the man outside the item shop several times.

Cait Sith
When in Midgar for the second time, go to the Shinra Tower. Go to floor 64 and enter the locker room. Search one of the lockers in the third row on the left side.

After getting a Gold Chocobo or the Submarine, find the cave behind the waterfall in the middle of a continent. Vincent must be in your party.

Level 4 limit breaks

Cloud: Omnislash
Get 32,000 battle points in Battle Square at the Gold Saucer, then trade them in at the machine. This is worth getting, as it does more damage than Knights Of The Round when used at a high level with the Ultima weapon.

Barret: Catastrophe
Once Meteor has been summoned, go to North Corel and speak to the woman whose husband died. She may be found in the first hut on the second level in the town.

Red XIII: Cosmo Memory
Defeat the Lost Number monster found in the safe at the Shinra mansion.

Tifa: Final Heaven
Go to Nibelheim with Tifa in the party. Then play the following notes on the piano in her room by pressing X, Square, Triangle, R1 + Triangle, R1 + Square, X, Square, Triangle, R1 + X, Circle, X, Square, Triangle.

Aeris: Great Gospel
Find the sleeping man on the first continent that can tell you how many fights you have had. He is in a cave near Condor Fort, across a river. The buggy (hitch a ride from Costa Del Sol) is needed to reach that location. Once you find him, wander outside and keep getting in fights until the last two digits of your fight total are the same (e.g. 688,133). Return to the may to receive some mithril. Go to the weapons shop near Gongaga and talk to the man inside. He will offer you a small or large box. Select the small box, then look in the box that is upstairs.

Yuffie: All Creation
Win all the battles in the pagoda in Wutei.

Cid: Highwind
Found in the Gelinka (the sunken Shinra plane).

Vincent: Chaos
Using the submarine or a Gold Chocobo, go to the circular lake on the second island on disc 3. Vincent only has one break per level.

Summon Materia locations

Choco Mog
Talk to the Chocobo at the front of the farm and reply "Waaark".

At the Junon coast after saving Pricilla.

On the boat after beating Jenova-BIRTH.

Lying on the floor in the Chocobo Jockey waiting room.

In the wreckage of the Gongaga reactor.

Defeat the Lost Number enemy inside the Shinra mansion safe.

Defeat everyone in the Pagoda in Wutai.

Walk to the second area in the Sleeping Forest and it will be floating around. Wait in the spot where it is first seen, then tap the Action button to take it. Do not use against fire absorbing enemies.

After the snowboarding sequence, find the hot spring and touch it. Then find the area where you leave markers and keep to a straight path. Find the hut there and enter. Leave through the downward facing door. Go right, find the cave and talk to the person inside. Defeat her and the materia will fall from the sky.

Defeat the red dragon at the Cetra shrine.

Defeat the Ultimate Weapon a few times until it dies. A crate will remain. Go to the jelly object on top of the mountain and its at the end.

Neo Bahamut
After Geas cliff; just pick it up.

Found while collecting the Huge Materia at Mount Condor. After defeating the enemies and the man sends you out to check on the condor egg, it can be found on the ground.

On the wreckage in the Gelinka.

Bahamut ZERO
Collect the four Huge Materia. Store them in the Observatory, then look closely at the blue Huge Materia.

Knights Of The Round
Found on the island only on the final disc. It is unmarked at the top right of the map, and requires a Gold Chocobo to reach it.

Materia Caves
The location and contents of four Materia Caves are as follows:

Materia Cave #1, Knights of the Round
This cave is located far north of the Chocobo Farm and can only be reached by a Gold Chocobo.

Materia Cave #2, Quadra Magic
This cave is located south-east of the Chocobo Farm and can be reached with the Highwind and a Green Chocobo.

Materia Cave #3, HP and MP conversion
This cave is located far West of Rocket Town use a blue chocobo to get there.

Materia Cave #4, Mimic
This cave is located north of Corel and can be reached with a Blue Chocobo.

Good Materia combinations
Cover + Counter + Elemental with either Fire, Ice, Bolt, or Earth. Effect: Character covers for teammate and counter-attacks with an elemental attack.

Quadra magic + Bahamaut ZERO. Note: This does work with Knights Of The Round. Effect: Casts a summon four times in one turn.

Final Attack + Phoenix summon. Effect: When character dies he immediately casts Phoenix and is revived.

MP Turbo + Knights Of The Round. Effect: Increases damage from 80,000 to 129,987 AP.

Sneak Attack + any Barrier or Haste. Start battle by immediately casting whatever you linked it with.

Mime. Effect: Mimics attack preceding it. Especially useful when it follows Bahamaut ZERO or Knights Of The Round.

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