Final Fantasy VII


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Name: Cloud Strife
Age: 21
Job: Mercenary
Weapon: Sword
Description: Cloud Strife is the main character in Final Fantasy 7. In the begining of the game, he starts out as a mercenary that just joined a resistance organization called Avalanche. Final Fantasy 7 mostly revolves around Cloud.

Notes: Cloud always stays in your party no matter what. He is also the strongest character in the game. Train him well early on to gain a boost later in the game.

Limit Breaks

Level 1

Braver- A highly powerful single slash that can be very damaging early on. This limit break is double the strength of Cloud's regular attacks. Good for bosses or a strong enemy.
Cross-slash- This limit break is the same as above, but this can cause paralysis except on most bosses.

Level 2

Blade Beam- This is a highly effective Limit Break against a group of enemies because the single slash will servere damage a targeted enemy while smaller waves do weaker damage on all other near by opponents.
Climhazzard- This limit break is best used against a boss or single strong enemy because it only hits once but that hit is stronger than the blade beam attack. Its probably wasted on a group.

Level 3

Meteorain- A highly powerful attack that can cause up to 20,000 HP of damage depending on the strength of your sword. This attack is great against a single opponent or groups because it hits 4x causing major damage.
Finishing Touch- In my opinion the weaker of the Level 3 limit break. This attack will blow away any weak enemies into oblivion and if the opponent is not automatically dead, then it takes severe damage. Its almost wasted on a boss because it'll never do as much damage to a boss as Meteorain because it only hits once.

Level 4

Omnislash- A highly powerful sword attack that hits probably 20 times that does serveral thousand points of damage each hit. If used against a boss it'll more than likely kill it. The stronger the sword, the stronger the slashes.

