Final Fantasy VII


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Quistis Trepe
Age: 18
Height: 5' 6"
Birthdate: October 4
A top-notch member of SeeD who serves as Squall's Instructor
A SeeD cadet at the age of 15 Quistis now instructs Suall and his campanions at Balamb Garden. Contrary to her cool exterior, she occassionaly has a difficult time coping with frustration, and as a result can become become depressed over trival matters.

Weapons (Chain Whip)

Name Attk Hit% Cost Items Needed For Upgrade

Chain Whip 12 103 100g 2 M-Stone Pieces, 1 Spider Web

Slaying Tail 15 104 200g 2 M-Stone Pieces, 1 Sharp Spike

Red Scorpion 20 105 400g 2 Ochu Tentacles, 2 Dragon Skins

Save the Queen 25 107 800g 2 Malboro Tentacles, 4 Sharp Spikes, 4 Energy Crystals

Limit Breaks (Blue Magic)

Quistis's Limit Breaks are actually a form of magic called Blue Magic. It is basically an enemy skill, but it is not learned like in previous Final Fantasies. Quistis learns Blue Magic by finding items that will teach it to her, unlike in Final Fantasy V, VI, and VII where you had to be hit with the skill to learn it.

Blue Magic Items Required Effect

Laser Eye [already learned] Damage one enemy

Ultra Waves Spider Web Damage all enemies

Electrocute Coral Fragment Thunder damage to all enemies

LV? Death Curse Spike Death to certain enemies

Degenerator Black Hole Kill one enemy

Aqua Breath Water Crystal Water damage to all enemies

Micro Missile Missile Damage one enemy

Acid Mystery Fluid Status change on one enemy

Gatling Gun Running Fire Damage one enemy

Fire Breath Inferno Fang Fire damage to all enemies

Bad Breath Malboro Tentacle Status change to all enemies

White Wind Whisper

Homing Laser Laser Cannon Damage one enemy

Mighty Guard Barrier Defend all party members

Ray-Bomb Power Generator

Shockwave Pulsar Dark Matter Major damage to all enemies