Final Fantasy VII


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Name: Yuffie Kisaragi
Age: ?
Job: Materia Hunter
Weapon: Shuriken
Description: Yuffie is an optional character in the game. To get her, you have to search any forest area and get into a fight and defeat her. After you beat her, you go to an area with a save point and you start a dialogue with her. If you say or do anything wrong she will run away.

Notes: Yuffie is sorta an average character. Her attacks are ok and her magic is ok as well. Nothing is too special about her. I perfer Red XIII over Yuffie.

Limit Breaks

Level 1

Greased Lighting- Even though the title may fool you, its not an elemental attack. It's a real quick attack that causes up to twice the normal damage.
Clear Tranquil- This is extremely useful throguhout the entire game. If you can max out her levels she can gain the party up 7000 HP.

Level 2

Landscraper- This is a powerful attack that does heavy damage on a group of enemies as she summons an earthquake that rises against the opposition. Best against groups.
Bloodfest- A series of 12 damaging blows each 1/2 the normal attack strength. Great against a group of 3 or a strong lone attacker.

Level 3

Gauntlet- A giant blue light is summoned beaneath the opponent causing a ton of damage against a group of a single opponent.
Doom of the Living- This will do a ton of damage depending on which weapon is equipped. Same as Bloodfest but she attacks at normal strength.

Level 4

All Creation- This might actually be the most useless Level 4 limit break in the game. This will cause up to a mere 10,000 HP of damage. This only hits once but hits all enemies.

