Final Fantasy VII


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Name: Red XIII
Age: 100+
Job: None
Weapon: Comb
Description: Red XIII, a research specimen found in the Shinra Headquarters. Red XIII comes from his home town, Cosmo Canyon. He is above 100 years old but it is equivalent to a 15 year old in human years.

Notes: Red XIII is an excellent fighter. He is good in physical attack power as well as magic. Take advantage of his strengths. His attacks are short range but can deal heavy damage.

Limit Breaks

Level 1

Sled Fang- This attack is twice as strong as Red's physical attack and will hit and long range enemies.
Lunatic High- Until you have the Time materia, this should come in handy through many battles to come. With this limit break, Red will cast haste on the whole team.

Level 2

Blood Fang- Much like the Sled Fang but stronger and will absorb some HP and MP depending on how much the opponent has.
Stardust Ray- This can cause up to 30,000 HP of damage because it hits alot, and this works well against a group of enemies or a single opponent.

Level 3

Howling Moon- After he uses this limit break, he automatically casts Haste and Berserk on himself leaving him uncontrollable for the remainder of the battle.
Earth Rave- Using all elements of the Earth this causes a hugh amount of damage to all opponents. Be careful when using this against some enemies because you might gain them HP.

Level 4

Cosmo Memory- A giant fireball is summoned causing unbelievable damage to all enemies. Don't worry this isn't elemental. There is one problem though, it only hits once for a lousy 10,000 HP of damage. That just won't cut it against most enemies.

