Final Fantasy VII


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Selphie Tilmitt
Age: 17
Height: 5' 1 1/2"
Birthdate: July 16
A spunky young woman with a carefree spirit.
Selphie seems out of place in military academy beacuse of her innocent appearance and light-hearted personality. Her happy-go-lucky disposition and laid-back attitude tend to catch others off gaurd.

Weapons (Nunchaku)

Name Attk Hit% Cost Items Needed For Upgrade

Flail 12 98 100g 2 M-Stone Pieces, 1 Bomb Fragment

Morning Star 15 99 200g 2 Steel Orbs, 2 Sharp Spikes

Crescent Wish 20 100 400g 1 Inferno Fang, 1 Life Ring, 4 Sharp Spikes

Strange Vision 25 255 800g 1 Adamantine, 3 Star Fragments, 2 Curse Spikes

Limit Breaks (Slot)

Selphie's Slot picks a magic spell at random for her to use. These magic spells do not come out of her magic inventory, so it won't waste anything. Many times, advanced magic that won't appear until later in the game will show up in the Slot. Also, Selphie has a few spells that don't appear anywhere else in the game at all.

If you don't like the spell that Slot picks, you can always use Do Over to have her pick another one. This gives you a very good chance of finding the magic spell that you want to use, but be aware that the time bars are still active while in this menu, so don't take so long that the enemy ends up killing her.

Some Good Spells
FullCure - better than the regular FullCure, it works on all party members.
Wall - casts Protect and Shell on party members.
Rapture - puts wings on an enemy and removes it from battle. Won't work on bosses or undead.
The End - instantly kills any enemy, including bosses. (exception: X-ATM092) Very rare, but appears more frequently at higher levels.