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Fics by type
Hello ^_~ This is the newest section to the page! Sorted by category, below are all my stories put into their main 'type' (i.e. angst, humor, romance). For some things, I may put them in more than one spot and will make note of that. For now... enjoy what I have! Jya~!
Oh, and if you wonder why the 'action' stories have notes -- it's to inform you a bit about the type of action.
my first actual bloody story ;;^^ kinda odd and not usually what I write, but it started me off.
lots of senshi action after the first chapter or two. chpt 5 on really are focusing on the battles.
eh, I'm working on this still but battles are definately going to be a main focus
I think there's more senshi action in here than regular (if I'm remembering right... ;;U_U)
same note as above
Yes. senshi action. plus a lotta setting up of romance...
eh.... I'd say no. but then again I know some weird qualifications for categories. this is more romance focused than anything.
<This link's target cannot be found> -original
<This link's target cannot be found> - original
Death Fic
The Ending Truth - SM (Stars) ... kinda talks about death more than actually being a deathfic.
Together - RW (goes with NAWIA and Day & Night)
Trieze's View - GW shonen-ai not very romantic. just has some of his feelings, tho'.
Nichibotsu - YYH shonen-ai-ish (more of a romantic style than actually romance) (after series)
Zetsumei no Yochimu <-- in all technicality it is. - GW after series, yaoi implications, shonen-ai
Crystal Eyes <-- nother poem ficcy - GW very very smild shonen-ai
I Grieve - GW shonen-ai/yaoi implications
I Know - GW very little shonen-ai
no category
Duo POV - GW shonen-ai very mildly.
Duet <-- this is hardly humor filled but it's probably the most like hearted of anything I have. GW
GW not quite humor, but all of it's light-hearted Complete