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Jedi Nightz

Jedi Nights


"A Jedi master, you want to be?" Yoda Singh quipped, his head cocked sorta side ways, a glint of piercing light gleaming in his eyes. The way he said it sounded like more of a statement than a question, like he knew something about me no one else knew, maybe not even me.


All us kids loved Yoda. In fact Yoda was just the coolest Singh around. I was completely awed after watching him in a demonstration, whirling around while he was blindfolded, using a sword to cut a banana in half, that was sitting on another Singhs nose. Yeah it was like He was always high on something, (no, it wasn't M&Ms), and was always ready to give high-fives to any kid like me around. (ok, ok, I am only a kid mentally - physically I am thirty-something, mentally twelve-something and spiritually, barely a dot on some ultra-sound result - but that's another article).


Yoda Singh was a master of Jedi warriors, so I had just got up the courage and asked him how I could become a Jedi warrior myself. He looked sternly at me (my hand unconsciously went to feel whether my zipper was open). He announced, "To be a Jedi master, you have to give your HEAD!"


Yipes!!! As far as I know, no one yet has managed grow another head when one head is taken away. Maybe because of my big head, Yoda Singh thought I had 2 heads. I felt a little like that banana. Maybe I could get a clone of me-self to do the head-giving. Where is Rael when you need him most?


Looking at the concern in my eyes, Yoda Singh burst out laughing. "Afraid, you must be."


No, afraid I must not be. I squared my shoulders. I had already decided to become a Jedi warrior no matter how high the price, but this head-taking business was tad bit expensive – I couldn’t help wondering how much for just the sword. "But", I squeaked, "I.. I..really just want the cool double-edged sword..."


"Do with sword, what will you?"


"I..I will blast away my enemies" (of course)


Yoda turned all serious (uh-oh, here it comes, I thought). "Well, there are two kinds of enemies, internal and external. Internal ones are the dark forces within you. External ones are the oppressors and bullies of the world. The double-edged sword that you inquire about is the Khanda of Naam. The master of all masters gives that sword to only the ones who promise, with their head, to fight the dark forces both within and without. When your head is given to the master of all masters, your will becomes in tune with the will of the great WAH! Whose will is pure light!"


WoW, this was turning really cool now. Yoda Singh saw the excitement in my eyes and said, "It's a lot cooler than you can imagine, boy! Its absolutely is the coolest thing around."


"So, Sir, when can I get this sword?" I asked. I wanted to start kicking some dark-force-butt ASAP.


"Well, funny you should ask, usually heads are taken and Khandas of Naam are given right around this time of the year. So go on and get yours now and start kickin'!"


"Um…What exactly is a Khanda of Naam?"


Yoda Singh, replied rather unsatisfactorily, "Ahh, not too fast, my boy, you’ll have to wait for the next installment of Jedi Nights..."


Yucks, I hate cliff-hangers... but now the Naamnet Daily Flyer editor has no choice but to give me more space in the next issue - hee hee.  Or else, I see a mob of twelve-somethings surrounding the Naamnet administrators house and shouting out my name ...demanding satisfaction… Maybe I will start getting paid for this stuff ... today NC, - tomorrow the world!!!!  HA HA HA (evil laughter)...

Read Next-Part 2

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To Be Continued…

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