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*30 Goodle

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Read Previous Part-29

Jedi Nights



When our sister had completed her story, the man in white turned to the kaRtaal killa kid, who had been very quiet since she had returned, and instructed , “Now your story tell”. 


The kid looked up, her eyes big with wonder, “I was totally, totally humbled by what I saw.  I could have never imagined my life this way.  Both your stories,” she said, pointing to me and our sister, “were fascinating!  Mine is dull in comparison –


I “woke up” in my own bed in my own house as, yes, my-own-self.  It was amrit vela and my mother, as is her custom, knocked on my door and told me to wake up for simran.  Most days, I fall right back to sleep and wake up with only about ten minutes to spare for naam simran (my mum knows this but she still insists on waking me up – she says she's doing her duty and whether I do my part is up to me); but that day (I guess it was today) I woke up because I remembered this “dream” so vividly. 


Well, actually I am not sure anymore whether this is a real dream or a dream dream!” 


 We all laughed and man in white started singing, “dream, dream, dream” (with a wah-twist, of course).  We all joined in, dancing in a circle, improvising along the way…

“I need you so, Gurrrr, that I could die

I love Gurrr so, that I could fly”

“I love this elevatorrr, no say bye bye(man in white improvising here)

“Brrro’s a dummy, but I love him so much I wanna crrrry” (our sister – way too many words, as usual)

“Oh how I wish, I had a vajaye” (yup, you guessed right)

“Oh what I would give, to break a tablaye” (jori Phar at his best here)

“Gurrrr, and whenever I want WaheGurrru, all I have to do is drrrream

drrrream, drrrream, drrrreaaaammmmm


We got completely lost in the song about Guru and dreams and Guru’s love.  It was very magical (to this day whenever I hear that song I feel that magic).   Finally, we ran out of words to make up and man in white signaled to the kaRtaal killa kid to continue, which she eagerly did,


 “My mum walked into my room saying, “You are going to be late for…”  She stopped midway after seeing my blown-away look.  “What’s wrong?!” she inquired worriedly.  


Well, the reason I appeared so shocked was because I didn’t see my mum exactly, instead I perceived an old, old friend who had decided to become my mother in this life!!  Yes, I could see her soul and I recognized her from a thousand lifetimes of being together – sometimes I had even been her mother!  For  an instant, I had a flash of the two of us meeting each other when we had just started off as humans and in time becoming such good friends that we decided to hang out with each other eternally. 


My “mum”, didn’t remember any of this and of so course, looked quite bewildered, (as you can all imagine).  I hugged her tightly and started babbling nonsense (conversation pieces like “Remember the time when we were Egyptian princesses…”, “Mom, you were a wikkid Dad!” would scare any mom!).  To top it all off, our pet cat saunters in and I see all her past lives too. When I started jabbering to the cat about the pyramids, my mum completely flipped.  She insisted that I should stay home that day.  I love her lots but nothing could have kept me from going out.  I wanted to investigate my intriguing new-found ability. I kinda took a deep breath and walked off to bathe.  I could barely get through my daily routine of combing my hair, brushing my teeth and all because I was so excited!  But I calmed myself down realizing I could be deep trouble if I told anyone about this. I walked out trying to appear normal. Both my dad and mom looked me with concern. I’m glad I took drama classes, because all my acting ability came in to use when I saw that my dad had been my brother in my last life and he and my mom had been romantically involved since humans first started walking upright! In fact, my mom had first dragged him off, kicking and screaming “But I want to watch FootRock!”, into a cave to have her way with him a very, very long time ago…


But lets not go there!” she stopped, a little flushed and then quickly continued.


“So using all my theatrical talents, I fooled them enough to let me go off to school.  Boy oh boy did wonders await me.  Whoever I looked at, I saw their past and how it affected the present.  For instance, my neighbor’s son had to have his leg amputated after an accident. I saw him in battle in a previous life actually severing his opponents arm, who in this lifetime collided with him causing the accident leading to the amputation.


 Amazingly I could see every little thing to be the effect of a previous cause.  It seems as though most of our habits, our likes and dislikes are actually a result of past actions.  Some of our so-called irrational fears are actually quite rational when you take previous life circumstances into account.  What we sow, we definitely reap.  You know the term “Garbage in, Garbage out” – it’s not just for computers, it’s for us too!  Sow Naam and Naam will sprout up making your life (and of others around you) meaningful and joyful!”  She suddenly stopped; thinking she had got carried away with her speech.  We all applauded and the light of her astral body blushed turning slightly pink. (As with the physical body, blushing is hard to hide). She resumed her story


“I had an awesome morning, but the incident with the homeless man completely blew me away.  Let me step back for a minute – There is this homeless guy who hangs outside my school all the time.  He’s dressed shabbily but he’s pretty cool. He plays wikkid flute and seems really content. Like once I tried to give him a week’s worth of my lunch money, but he refused half of it insisting he didn’t need that much!  I told him, “Just save the rest.”


He gave it back replying, “The One inside does the saving!” 


I know that sounds weird, but the truth is that I started japping naam (what little I do) because of him.


One day I saw him waking up on a cold winter morning all wet and shivering.  I asked my mom how come some people end up like that.  My mom replied, “It’s really WaheGuru’s hukam that’s he’s homeless.  You should thank WaheGuru that you are not!” 


Well, I decided there and then that I needed to get serious about naam simran; as a way of thanking WaheGuru and (buying some insurance against homelessness!  I sure didn’t want to wake up shivering and wet!! )


Anyway, so I see this homeless guy and unbelievably I know him too from many, many previous lives!  I see that he is a highly evolved spiritual master and had been my own spiritual master for many lifestimes!.  So the burning question in my little mind asks, “why is he a homeless guy while I’m riding around in a BMW?  (Ok, it’s a YUGO, but at least it’s foreign!) Lo and behold, I get the answer - many lifetimes ago, he ran this monastery which attracted a lot of guys who gave up their homes to go live there.  One boy joined him leaving his mother who had no other means of support. She became enraged and cursed the master with these words, “May you be homeless, just like you have made me homeless!”


(Well, actually her exact words were α×ÀΠ • ȸ¿ø°¡ÀÔ but let’s not go there)

Words spoken so deeply and passionately are potent creators and things can happen because of them like spells (unless you are a great naami and can deflect them). 


It just blew me away completely. This guy had the choice technically to be a homeless person by living in some monastery with a degree of comfort and shelter. Instead he had decided to be homeless in order to be close to where I lived!!


Why? So that he could inspire me to walk on a spiritual path!!  Now isnt’ that just awesome – some person being cold, wet and so uncomfortable just so that he could inspire me (and pay me back for the seva I did in his monastery).  That truly, truly humbled me.


I ran up to him.  Mostly he ignored me but that morning we looked into each other’s eyes for a long time.  He smiled at me and nodded.  I started to hug him, but he sharply shook his head and indicated I should go into class. So I went to my algebra. Sure enough the teacher had been tormenting me for many lifetimes!  I, of course, as I had done in many previous lifetimes, dozed off.  (What do you expect?  When your mom wakes you up at amrit vela and you don’t go back to sleep)


“Next thing I know I was up here with you guys.” Nobody said anything for a little while.  We just all kind of looked around at each other, a little more closely then usually, sort of squinting to see if we could detect any past life connections. <Oww Astral Pinch> I’m pretty sure my sisters been pinching me for many lifetimes ‘cuz it sure seems like she’s had plenty of practice.


PS:  Anybody wanna guess what horrible things kaRtaals did to the kaRtaal killa kid in a previous life?  Send your answers to  If your answer is funny, we will use it and credit you for it (if you don’t want to be credited, let us know – we’ll credit ourselves, as usual :).

Now my dear gentle readers, let’s shift to the future… 50 years from now to be exact… 


What?... ahhh, very clever, reader 1 of 2 – if you read this episode in 51 years, then the time I am going to write about will be in the past.  Where can I find another observant reader like you?… oh, forget reader 2 of 2; he’s almost non-existent.  Look, I’ll call him a moron and he won’t even bat an eyelid.


Reader 2 of 2, you are the world’s biggest moron!!!


See! Nothing.  He’s just smiling and continues posting his comments on the 3752 forums he’s subscribed to (in fact, he just posted his 453 message (of the day) onto the Fourth-Century-American-Literature-Review newsgroup.  OK, it’s true that all his messages are one-liners like “kool i beta haf nuff luv” but still 453 is a lot! 


Hey! I’ve an idea, maybe I should teen-speak:

Yooo wagwan reada, yowww momma gonna take ya pc away blud!


Subtitles by Youth-speak: Heey reeadaaa #2 ur mammaa goona tayk eway ur compooter!


Subtitles by Dino-speak: Hey reader 2 of 2, your mother is going to take away your computer!


AAARGGHHH… somebody…help…me…reader 2 of 2… is strangling … me… <phew> thank you reader 1 of 2; I didn’t know reader 2 of 2 could reach across the internet to my throat.  Well, at least we know reader 2 of 2 does pay attention; just not to my stuff --- nehoo das da story of ma life, nuff sed.


OK, back to the future…


A young reporter entered the Gurdwara and asked the gatekeeper, “Where may I find the Golden Guide?”  The gatekeeper pointed to a towering old man, adorned with golden clothes, walking slowly towards them.  The Reporter watched as the Golden Guide approached the gate with a few chairs and placed them just outside the Gurdwara gate and turned to get some more. 


The Gurdwara had been moved to another location down the road and everybody was helping out.  It had become somewhat of a big news-story that one of the Gurdwara Sevadaars, “the Golden Guide”, had decided not to leave the old Gurdwara grounds, even though the old Gurdwara property had been sold and was scheduled to be demolished in a week’s time.  The Reporter had been sent to get an interview with this rather peculiar man.  Although the Reporter had first balked at the idea, he now felt glad that he had come. He stretched his arms out wide breathing deeply in some of the fine fall morning air and noticing a lot of happy, smiling people around him.


He approached the Golden Guide and addressed him, “Sir, I am a reporter and I’m hoping you could spare a few moments to talk to me.”


The Golden Guide grinned, showing some of his golden teeth, “Sure, I need a break anyway.  When you get to be over eighty, you really should be on a permanent break!” he chuckled in an open and warm way. The Reporter took a liking to him as he followed him to the old Weeping Willow tree.  The Golden Guide slowly sat down on one of the many chairs there and pointed to a nearby chair indicating the Reporter should sit.  “So,” he started, “What do you want to know from this old and foolish man?”


The Reporter queried, “Sir, a lot of people are curious about your decision to not leave the old Gurdwara premises.  I guess my first question would be why?”


The Golden Guide’s face turned a little serious and he closed his eyes for a moment.  “Ahh,” he said, “That, my young man, is a good question.  However I must warn you the answer is a long one and might bore you if not to death, at least to old age!”


“No, no,” the Reporter protested politely, “I have the whole morning reserved just for you, so please take your time.”


The Golden Guide began his story: “About seventy years ago, a few decades before you showed up on Earth, I grew up in one of the orphanages on the outskirts of the City. I became a famous kid because my height and physical strength. I would pick up cars, crush watermelons and stuff like that for the crowd’s entertainment.  I enjoyed the attention and picked up a bit of pocket-money that way.  One day a man came and told the Orphanage Director that he wanted to adopt me.  Delighted, the Director agreed as the orphanage aimed to find good parents for its orphans. Although this particular man did not qualify exactly as the perfect parent; on the contrary, he was known as one of the top gangsters in the area, I had passed the cute little adoptive age years before and this prospect seemed to be my last, if not only chance for a family.  Anyhow, to cut a long story short, this man took me to his house and I lived there till about double your age.  I loved this man as a father and he spared nothing for my needs.  I used to live in one of his guest rooms behind his mansion and life was great.  In my late teens, I started working for him and quickly became one of the most trusted people in his organization, known then as the Golden Goon”.


The Reporter, who had been suppressing yawns, suddenly looked up in surprise, “Wait a minute, you are the Golden Goon?”


“Was”, the Golden Guide corrected him. “I was the Golden Goon.”


The Reporter, quite excited he had hit upon a splash of story asked, “But  .. but how did you end up here, in a Gurdwara of all the places?  My father used to tell me stories about you; scary stories I might add.”


The Golden Goon smiled, “Yes, in times past I presented quite the terrifying spectacle.  I did a lot of things that scare even me to this day!  But let me continue with the story… Well, as I said, I loved this man, Godfather, as you have probably guessed by now, like a father.  I did in fact save his life with my very own body a few times. 


But my love was not returned; he treated me like an ordinary servant and quite cruelly too.  One instance that stands out in my mind took place at a dark magician’s house when the sorcerer asked if Godfather could spare one of his “dispensable men” and he pointed to me. That hurt me a lot.


So anyway, this magician had a plot that I played an integral part in.  The plan involved coming to this very Gurdwara and sending members of the board of Directors, or G-BOD, as they were known, to the astral world.  I know, I know that sounds a little way over the top, but take it for what it is. 


G-BOD had been elected every year since the inception of the Gurdwara to run it;  G-BOD consisted of five very nice well-meaning people who always listened to the naamis here and planned everything according to the Guru’s way.  I am sorry I am boring you with all this detail but the truth is that the answer to your question needs this background otherwise it will make no sense for you or your readers; besides I love to talk!”


The Reporter responded, “No, Sir, please don’t worry about boring me. This is very, very interesting.  I have, of course, heard the story about G-BOD several times – but this is the first time I am hearing it from one of the insiders.  Please continue and fill in as many details as possible.”


Golden Guide continued, “Well, where was I? – ah, yes, the astral plan.  I went into the Gurdwara one evening and headed straight to the G-BOD’s office (I had inside information that they would be meeting there at that time) and I ran in there faking excited agitation, pleading for help. “A kid has fallen sick in the Interstellar Elevator”, I told them. They rushed out and I took them to the first floor of the elevator. After pushing them in, I hit the buttons in the sequence that Godfather’s magician accomplice had given me and raced back out before the elevator door slammed shut. (I used to just simply follow instructions without asking any questions. Believe me, that was the right thing to do in my business- Not only did I not want to know, but there could be unpleasant consequences otherwise for indulging in ‘impertinence’. 

So I didn’t know it at the time, but the five people shot out of their earthly bodies into their astral bodies where they were immediately captured by the magician’s ancestors. Then the ancestors possessing the G-BOD’s physical bodies stepped out of the elevator and took over running the Gurdwara! 


The magician had determined that the best way to destroy the house of Guru Nanak was from the inside.  Little did he know, but a house built personally by WaheGuru may never be destroyed.  The reason I’m boring you with all these details is because at that very moment something happened that did not go according to plan.  Well, actually two things:  First a very disturbed soul, by the name of Goodle, also slipped through the astral elevator portal hole and gained powers which astral bodies normally do not have – more about this in minute.  Secondly, as I ran out of the Gurdwara, I heard this shabad coming from the keertan hall...


swihbu inqwixAw kw qwxu ] Awie n jweI iQru sdw gur sbdI scu jwxu ]

saahib nithaaniaa kaa thaan || aae n jaaee thhir sadhaa gur sabadhee sach jaan||

The True Lord is the strength of the meek. Through the Guru's Word, the eternal Truth can be experienced.


Although I was in a great hurry to get out of the Gurdwara, I still could not resist stopping to admire the beauty of this shabad - the shabad continued…


jw kau musklu Aiq bxY FoeI koie n dyie ] lwgU hoey dusmnw swk iB Bij Kly ] sBo BjY Awsrw cukY sBu Asrwau ] iciq AwvY Esu pwrbRhmu lgY n qqI vwau ]

jaa ko musakal ath banai dtoee koe n dhaee || laagoo hoeae dhusamanaa saak bh bhaj khalae || sabho bhajai aasaraa chukai sabh asaraao || chith aavai ous paarabreham lagai n thathee vaao || <70>

When you are confronted with terrible hardships, and your family and friends have deserted you, and you have no other support or hope; then if you remember the True One, the True One will protect you (like a mother protects her baby).


To tell you the truth, I had become quite unhappy with my life in those days. I had passed my 40th birthday (without a party) and found myself suffering most likely from midlife crises. “Is this it?” I used to ask myself.   The beauty I felt when hearing this shabad was something entirely new to me. I felt a desire to explore this further. Maybe that’s why I went back over it again and again long after I returned home. 


But then real trouble started. You see, Goodle (the tortured soul I mentioned before) began bothering me in my dreams. He would wrap himself around me and squeeeeze (like Boa Constrictors do) until I woke up gasping for air.   At first I shrugged it off as merely a nightmare. In my line of work, I had plenty of those, let me tell you.   But this continued for several nights. It kept happening until I was so tired and bewildered (lack of sleep can do wonders for you!) that I would even see Goodle in broad daylight.  He tormented me at all hours whispering terrible things in my ears.  I became terrified. People started noticing my erratic behavior. As you can imagine in my predator-based world, my paranoid behavior caused me to lose respect and credibility…”


The Reporter interrupted, “But why did Goodle start tormenting you?”


The Golden Guide fell silent for a moment; looking down at his hands he said, “I … I was responsible for his … his death.   Actually… who I am kidding?… I killed him!  Don’t look so shocked. In my line of business, I killed quite a lot of people in those days – some deserved it, but others didn’t – Goodle didn’t.  I did things I am ashamed of…” he trailed off.


There was an awkward silence for a moment, then the Golden Guide admonished sprightly, “But that is all water under bridge now.  Let me continue.


Godfather suggested I go relax at his beach house for a few days.  Goodle came along with me (of course). He became increasingly more and more powerful. When I swam out in the waves, attempting to clear my head, Goodle nearly drowned me, all the while assuring me he waited for me on the other side.  That truly terrified me.


I went back and told him everything about Goodle to Godfather the man I thought of as my own father. While comforting me, he secretly gave the “finish” signal to the Silver Goon (the second in line after me). I recognized it having had received this same signal several times before myself from him when doing his dirty business.  It meant “kill this person”! (of course)


I pretended not to notice, walking out calmly. However I did not go back to my room (I wasn’t ready to meet Goodle in the astral world just yet!) but ran outside along the road. Goodle wound around me, squeezing and hissing abusive torments into my ears.  I didn’t know how to get away, for there really was nowhere safe. Exhausted after running several miles, I stumbled in the road and lay hopeless where I fell.”


The Golden Guide paused for a moment from telling his tale. “Let me tell you, young man, hopeless despair is truly the dark night of the soul.  Unless you have experienced it yourself, it’s impossible to fully understand. I can’t impress upon you its devastation on your being.  In this state only suicide seems hopeful.” He looked intently at the Reporter, “I can tell that you have never experienced such desolation and I pray you never do.  Anyway...I had lain there for a few moments in absolute wretchedness when I heard a speeding car approaching. Utterly depleted, I had no desire to get out of the way.  I kind of had lost the will to carry on. I thought forlornly perhaps I could fight Goodle better on the other side for I had been completely unsuccessful on this side. 


The car screeched to a halt. A young man, quite jolted I might add, jumped out of the car to check on me.  As he bent over me I saw that he wore a turban and had just the beginnings of a beard. Coming from CD player in the Sikh boy’s car, I could hear the very same shabad that I heard earlier at the Gurdwara.  The strains drifted towards me. I listened intently focusing on the sound. Everything went black. Nothing else existed for me but the shabad pouring into my ears, flooding my heart, saturating my soul.  Goodle suddenly let go of me and backed off. He remained distantly hovering, but terrified and writhing in obvious pain.  I sat up. It didn’t take me long to realize that the shabad had loosened Goodle’s hold on me.


To this day I remember clearly the look of terror in the young boy’s face when he recognized me. He very nearly wet himself in shock when I spoke. I asked him, “Whose Shabad is that?”


 He shakily replied, “Dhan Guru Nanak!” 


I commanded him, “Take me to Dhan Guru Nanak right NOW!” I got up purposefully and strode to his car. I got in on the passenger side and turned up the volume so high it sounded like the very voice of god himself singing. The boy drove me to the Gurdwara so fast the wheels squealed around the turns smoking. The car lurched crazily fish-tailing around the bends in the road. I laughed aloud heartily, a little of my spirit returning. The boy stomped the gas putting petal to the metal and I saw tread flying off the tires behind us.


When we arrived I took off one of my golden chains and gave it to the Young man as a reward for his trouble. My preferred method of killing by strangulation was well-known and my “parting” gift rattled the young boy to no end. But he was far too frightened to refuse. I grinned, my golden teeth gleaming and winked as I told him, “The chain will pay for a new set of tires to replace the rubber we burned on the way!”


I staggered into the Gurdwara. I saw could see Goodle pacing helplessly around just outside the Gurdwara wall. He couldn’t come in without losing all of his evil powers immediately should he set foot over the threshold of the gate. I saw a bunch of people sitting under this very tree facing a lady. I didn’t know her then, but today she is my very good Naami friend, AMrit Aunty Jee. I wasn't sure what to do except not to go outside the Gurdwara grounds!  I noticed several boxes around each with an abundant pile of scarves.  So I took several of these and covering myself discreetly; then I went over and sat with the other people. As it turned out, Amrit Aunty Aunty Jee had just begun explaining the meaning of the 20th pauree of Jap Ji Sahib.  I will briefly tell you about it too since my story would not be complete without this pauree's meaning and how it affected me.


BrIAY hQu pYru qnu dyh ] pwxI DoqY auqrsu Kyh ] mUq plIqI kpVu hoie ] dy swbUxu leIAY Ehu Doie ] BrIAY miq pwpw kY sMig ] Ehu DopY nwvY kY rMig ] puMnI pwpI AwKxu nwih ] kir kir krxw iliK lY jwhu ] Awpy bIij Awpy hI Kwhu ] nwnk hukmI Awvhu jwhu ]20]

bhareeai hathh pair than dhaeh || paanee dhhothai outharas khaeh || mooth paleethee kaparr hoe || dhae saaboon leeai ouhu dhhoe || bhareeai math paapaa kai sang || ouhu dhhopai naavai kai rang || punnee paapee aakhan naahi || kar kar karanaa likh lai jaahu || aapae beej aapae hee khaahu || naanak hukamee aavahu jaahu ||

When our body and clothes get dirty, we clean them with water or soap. But when our mind is polluted by darkness, it can only be cleansed by the Love of the Naam.  Nanak says it is the will of the True One that we reap whatever we sow.


These words struck my heart, piercing it like arrows.  I looked around and saw such wholesome clean-looking people. I felt so dirty in comparison.  I can never forget the sight of Amrit Aunty Jee that day. She radiated goodness and holiness.  I felt so impure next to the folks sitting there. Realizing the filthiness of my sin-stained condition, I nearly sank in to despair again. I sat still for a long time wondering about this “Naam”. Could it possibly cleanse even one so deeply soiled as me? 


The others gradually dispersed, leaving me to my thoughts, alone with my self-contempt.  After a long time, I decided I needed to confess everything to "Dhan Guru Nanak" and ask him about this “Naam” deal!


Quite amusingly, I walked up to this royal-looking old man who had come out from the langar hall and I asked him if he was, get this, “Mr. DhanGuru Nanak!!"  The Golden Guide chuckled at this memory.  "Fortunately the old man didn't understand me and pointed me to the keertan hall.  I walked over and looked inside. I saw people bowing to yet another royal-looking old man. He held something that looked rather like a scepter with a beard waiving it deliberately over a velvet and gold embroidered sort of throne.  I decided he must be “Dhan Guru Nanak!”  So I went and placed my head at this altar.  


As soon as my forehead touched the ground in front of the Guru, I became aware of an incredible peace. It permeated me and I felt as though I had once again found my long lost mother’s lap. I had never ever before had such sensations.”


 The Golden Guide’s eyes moistened up and he barely contained himself, “You know, it’s really hard to explain this to a person with a normal family and a normal childhood.  To feel unconditionally loved is one of the greatest joys of life but I felt that for the very first time that day. Like jumping into a fresh clean lake after traveling, thirsty, hungry and filthy, for miles in a scorching desert; my mind and my body simply melted into this lake and refused to get up!  It had been nearly three weeks since Goodle had begun troubling me and in all this time I had been unable to sleep. I decided what better place to sleep than my mother’s lap and off I went to lalaland - right there in the sangat!  When I woke up (next day!), I found myself in a room with Nihung Jee looking down at me...”


Just then the gatekeeper interrupted the Golden Guide, “Dear Guide Jee, langar is ready - come and bring your friend too - the poor man probably needs it after listening to your babble!”


The Golden Guide wiped his eyes and said, “Oh my! It’s already lunch time. I am sorry I’m got so emotional and so long-winded; it’s hard to keep my balance in this old age. To top it all off, I haven’t even gotten to the part which I really wanted to tell you. Well, I did warn you.  That’s what you get when you are dealing with an old man, I’m afraid.  My apologies...”


Very much moved and totally absorbed in the story up to this point, the Reporter replied, “Sir, please don’t apology, I have thoroughly enjoyed this.  Perhaps you can continue after lunch?”


The Golden Guide nodded and they both headed towards the langar hall….


To be continued…

Read Next Part-31

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