



“The letters of Thy Name”


Without Thee Waheguru i am the veriest wretch

drowning in myriads of sins

mired in realms of entrapments from within.


Only Your Name uplifts me from their catch

when You pry open

my closed heart then


cleanse me with the light of Thy manifold presence and etch

The letters of Thy name

in the remorse of my shame


Trembling, tentative, i turn to Thee and surrenderest

the barest iota of my trust

and am rewarded with a shimmering of gold illuminating this dust.



bwvn ACr lok qRY sBu kCu ien hI mwih ]
 ey AKr iKir jwihgy Eie AKr ien mih nwih ]

baavun ashur lok trai subh kach ein hee maahe
 eae akhar khir jaahige oe akhar ein meh naahe || <340>

Through the alphabet letters, all things are described.
These letters shall perish; (therefore) they cannot
 describe the Imperishable Lord. ||

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*29 Letters of Thy Name

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Jedi Nights


Letters of Thy Name


Our sister started her story…

“I woke up as a 10-year-old boy (“eeeoo, gross!” exclaimed the kaRtaal killa kid) in a tent in the Arabian Desert!   At first, as you can imagine, I felt very disoriented and thought that I was dreaming, but then decided that I had been dreaming about the InterStellar Elevator, my dummy brother and his even dummier friends - just kidding, I actually kinda missed you all. 


 We lived as nomads. My father, a well-known scholar and writer, lead a caravan of over 100 camels, 40 of them laden with just his collection of books!! (yes a virtual nomad library). A couple of the camels carried books penned by my father.  The books all had topics spiritual in nature. My father had engaged himself in writing another book which discussed interstellar life. He held the pen in his hand dipping it into the inkwell, when my pretty-self ‘popped’ in “there”.  Father believed Earth not to be the only heavenly body which had been graced with intelligent life; and in his book, he presented arguments for this theory.  Feeling naturally close to my father, I told him about my “interstellar dream”. He intently listened to me before shrugging it off as an interesting fantasy. 


Life was very good.  I was the darling of the caravan (besides being cute, I was also extremely intelligent … kinda like I am now)”


(<Astr-ouch!> “Hey, I haven’t even thought of saying anything”, I grumbled). 


 “My father was well-respected and wherever we went, large crowds of people gathered to listen to his ideas; which he would discuss passionately and convincingly. He was my hero and I could not have been prouder of him.


But over time, I noticed that he spoke less animatedly when giving his talks as though some spark  inside had gone out.  Oh, he would get the crowds worked up and cheering but I could see his taste for such fares waned and he increasingly found these discussions less palatable. 


Each night before putting me to bed, my father spent time with me; asking me questions about what I had learnt that day and also teaching me new things.  Concerned about his growing lassitude, I ventured to ask him one evening “Why are you sad these days?”


 He laughed it off that night, but the next evening he remarked, “Son, yesterday you asked me why I am sad – I thought about that all day long and I will tell you why tonight – you might not understand at this tender age, but I have no one else to confide in and perhaps this will help me better understand my sadness too!”  He became quite serious and said, “Over the years, I have become quite well-known and each of my discussions is closely listened to and analyzed by perhaps thousands of people.  I have relished that very much and I always thank Allah for bestowing such luck upon me.  But… but there is no peace within me – my mind is so shallow that I am ashamed of it.  For example, whenever someone praises me, I become happy and replay the praise in my mind for several days – repeating to anyone and everyone who listens.  In fact, I feel ashamed to confess this but, whenever no one comments on my speech, I go and seek comments from people who I know will praise my speech.  And of course they say it was great; and despite knowing they are saying it just to be polite, I still become happy from hearing their words. 


On the other hand, when someone criticizes my work, I feel angry and tell people how much of an ignorant and arrogant fool the criticizer is.  Oh, how fickle and vain I am! (he sneered scornfully) It never ceases to surprise me how much a single word can move my mind.  I might be on the top of the world and then someone says a single unkind word about my work and I fall down thinking I am worthless.  I am exhausted with the ups and downs; and I am tired of my vanity.  I want to remain in equipoise but it escapes me no matter how much more I learn.  I am a slave to other people and their words – and this is what makes me sad.”


I did not fully understand much of what he said but wrapped my arms around him and said, “For me, you are the greatest and I will pray tonight that you get what you want.”


Perhaps my prayers were heard because the very next day, a sense of excitement filled the air as the news spread that the great Scholar Guru Nanak would be coming to the city towards which our caravan headed.  My father was overjoyed (and a little worried) about this. He, along with all the scholars of the time, had heard of this Guru and how his revolutionary ideas affected the thoughts of devotees and scholars alike.  My father confessed to me that he was looking forward to meeting with the Guru for 2 reasons: one good and one bad.  Good being that he might learn something from him; bad because he wanted to defeat the famous Guru in an open debate. 


Soon the day came when our caravan arrived at the city.  My father and I walked to the dwelling that housed the Guru.  My father felt quite nervous - I squeezed his hand mentioning that I had heard the Guru to be gentle and kind.  But even I had no idea he would be so amazing. We knocked on the door and a man with beautifully deep eyes and an astonishingly clear radiant face opened the door.  “Ahh, welcome my scholarly friends!” he uttered with utmost sincerity and humility.  He took my hand and led me in.  I could feel my father relaxing, responding to the simplicity in the radiant man’s voice and the soothing atmosphere permeating everything around him.  I could tell that my father was quite taken with this man by his refusal to sit at the same level as our host, choosing instead to sit on the floor.  The man insisted that we sit with him on the divan; but after we did not comply, he came and sat with us.


 This radiant man made us feel so comfortable with his familiar way that soon we chattered about little things such as the weather and our travels.   My father told the radiant man about the writing of his current book and asked him for ideas. The man laughed heartily declaring, “I’m just a simple musician ,you should ask the Guru about such things!”


My father stared at him open-mouthed and stuttered, “The Guru?  Aren’t you the Guru?” 


Mirth bubbled up from the man and he chuckled, “No, no… I am the Guru’s servant.  I am so sorry, I should have introduced myself – I am Mardana, the rabaabi.”


Just then the Guru walked in. Wonder-struck, my father completely forgot to get up from the floor.  He just stared at the Guru in amazement repeating, “Dhan Guru Nanak, Dhan Guru Nanak.”  The Guru came and touched his shoulder and my father put his head on the Guru’s feet and started softly sobbing. 


 I didn’t know what to think of the situation. I loved the Guru beyond words.  I felt such a delight when  beholding him. However, I failed to understand my father’s bewildering behavior.  Soon though, I too understood. For  after my father’s sobbing subsided, he looked at me and instructed me, “Son, lay on your head here, on Dhan Guru Nanak’s feet – the fountain of all understanding and wisdom!”  I did as I was told. When my head touched the Guru’s feet, a shock went through my body – (the body of me as a young boy - that is akin to what I experienced when I partook amrit a few years ago in this body as your  extremely outstanding sister.)


The Guru requested both of us to sit up.  The radiant rabaabi told the Guru about  my father being a scholar (my father silently shook his head – he later told me he wanted to refute that but he felt so inconsequential that he didn’t even want to make a sound) interested in interstellar life. The Guru signaled the radiant rabaabi to start playing his rabaab.  With a clear angelic voice, the Guru sang this shabad  (which I now know to be the 19th pauree of Jap Ji Sahib). 


AsMK nwv AsMK Qwv ] AgMm AgMm AsMK loA ]

asankh naav asankh thhaav || aganm aganm asankh loa ||

There are countless life forms in countless places with countless names that are inaccessible and unapproachable to our mind.

 AsMK khih isir Bwru hoie ]

asankh kehehi sir bhaar hoe ||

There are countless who say they know (all of creation) and are weighed down by this delusion.

 AKrI nwmu AKrI swlwh ] AKrI igAwnu gIq gux gwh ] AKrI ilKxu bolxu bwix ] AKrw isir sMjogu vKwix ]

akharee naam akharee saalaah || akharee giaan geeth gun gaah || akharee likhan bolan baan || akharaa sir sanjog vakhaan ||

(We are bound by words) - we use words to describe Naam and to praise the Creator; we use words to sing and write the glories (of the True One); we use words to describe the destiny on one’s forehead.

ijin eyih ilKy iqsu isir nwih ] ijv Purmwey iqv iqv pwih ] jyqw kIqw qyqw nwau ] ivxu nwvY nwhI ko Qwau ]

jin eaehi likhae this sir naahi || jiv furamaaeae thiv thiv paahi || jaethaa keethaa thaethaa naao || vin naavai naahee ko thhaao ||

But the Creator of words (and destiny) is not bound by anything - as the True One ordains, so do we receive.  (There is one Word which created all other words) - whatever was created was created by this One Word (Naam), thus there is no place without it.

 kudriq kvx khw vIcwru ] vwirAw n jwvw eyk vwr ] jo quDu BwvY sweI BlI kwr ] qU sdw slwmiq inrMkwr ] 19 ]

kudharath kavan kehaa veechaar || vaariaa n jaavaa eaek vaar || jo thudhh bhaavai saaee bhalee kaar || thoo sadhaa salaamath nirankaar ||

How can I describe the Creator’s creation? I cannot even once be a sacrifice to the Creator. O Eternal and Formless One., whatever pleases you is the best (course of action). 


Following the recital of the shabad; my father humbly murmered, “O great and wise Guru, I have but one request; these unapproachable worlds you sing about - is there any way that a lowly creature like me can see these?”  


The Guru smiled and lo and behold, I left my body through the top of my head!! I was once again disoriented as I found myself hovering about three feet above my body.  I did not understand what was happening but then I heard a subtle voice say, “look at your father’s soul”.  I did and saw the light of my father’s soul covered over with words of all sorts. I comprehended then that my father’s soul had been trapped because of these words.  I also understood my soul to be unhampered and free and that it could go anywhere – just as this thought crossed through my consciousness I felt a jolt, and traveled upwards. 


I had no fear - it felt as though I had done this thousand of times before –I felt immense joy as I left Earth very quickly. 


I traveled to other planets with highly evolved life - yet they looked so different from the way humans live that I had difficultly at first even recognizing the life forms to be living. 


One place I went to had huge mountain-sized “people”.  Side by side, they lay, covering the whole planet – they did not move (there was no place to go) but their thoughts would do work for them. I could see their thoughts conjuring up things as big as cities right in front of me. 


On another planet, the beings utilized time as we utilize space – time travel was as common (and essential) as is space travel for us.  Like earth people get into cars to go to work - if someone asks where they work, they might say "3 miles from here", the time travelers too would get into their time-machines everyday to go to work and if someone asked them when they work, they might answer "3 centuries from now"!


It was truly amazing and (even) I didn’t understand much of it.  After what appeared to be years of travel (and I had seen things that most of the dummies here wouldn’t have a clue about), I became fatigued and homesick..


I thought of my father and the Guru; and I landed in one place where I saw a man wearing a white robe sitting on a hillside in a valley full of wildflowers.  He reminded me of you actually” (she said pointing to the man in white).   “He welcomed me and motioned me to extend my hands.  When  I did, he put some prashad in them. As soon as the prashad touched my hands, I found myself back home with my father.  As it turned out, He hadn’t noticed that I’d been gone, only thought that I’d blinked my eyes.  We ate the celestial (literally) prashad and my father became the Guru’s Sikh soon after.  My father then  gave away most of his books .  We still traveled and my father still gave speeches and still won (and lost) debates, but the words people said to and about him (praises or criticism) did not move him from his equipoise – Dhan Guru Nanak had graced him with the One Word that moves all other words.”


والإثيوبيين الأسبوع الماضي أثناء محاولتهم الوصول إلى اليمن، ?من الصومال، على متن قوارب يديرها مهربون. ومن ضمن القتلى نساء وأطفال صغار، وفقا للشهود. والكارثة هي الأحدث في سلسلة حوادث تسببت في مصرع !لمئات في


Subtitles by Ze Subtitle Artizts:

“Hi, eeetz Ackhmed fvrom Zze tomb zat vaz a goot sdorree-I juz haff von kweztion- I hope ju don mieend maee azkeenk. Vat dit jur faddeer do vit da 40 cameelz dat uzed to carree hiz bookz. I know xome fieene cameel deealerz who are alvayz lookeenk vor intelleeegent cameelz” 


Subtitles of Subtitles by The Subtitle Artists: 

“Hi! it’s Ackhmed from the tomb; that was a good story – I just have one question, I hope you don’t mind me asking.  What did your father do with the 40 camels that used to carry his books?  I know some fine camels dealers who are always looking for intelligent camels.”


I was hoping not to end this tale tragically, but Ackhmed leaves me no choice. For some reason, the 40 book carrying camels thought they were more learned and superior  to the other camels (perhaps the words from the books got into their blood stream; there you go, words doing more damage). And so they started their own publishing company.  Their first book, a kafee-table book listing all the book titles they had been laden with, became a bestseller. Based on that one bestseller, their company went public.


It IPO-ed at a good price (15 desert goats) but plummeted to 3.15 goatees a few days later.  They tried several other titles (“Moby Dick and the Camel”, “Cameo and Juliet”); all of them flops.  Their agent gave them a last chance and tried to get them to publish a tell-all tale about their travels (“Humping it!”) but they raised their intellectual noses and passed water in his direction. Eventually they faded from limelight and most of them passed away from over-drinking water - sad, very sad.)


Meanwhile back in “Dharm” khand…


Godfather held the paper that the Peer <s.c.u.m> had given him reading over the list of things that were needed to revert Godfather’s son, the slimy toad and his daughter, the Ridhi-Sidhi Girl <psycho music> back to humans; and Godfather was secretly wondering if it was worth the trouble. 


 Now don’t get me wrong, he was a good father and all (he spent quality time with them – in fact they were usually the first ones to know who was about to get whacked), but since his kids had become non-humans the atmosphere in his house had become incredibly peaceful. On long humid afternoons rather than stressing over who needed whaking- he found himself lulled by the quiet call of sultry croakings and response of velvety ribbitings. He had begun contemplating putting in a permanent pond in the back yard, for this amphibious symphony enabled him to really focus on work calmly. After all it’s hard to make hit lists when your daughter is buisily turning your gardeners into skunks (and vice-versa) and your son is playing noisy ratt-a-tat-tat-shoot-‘em-up video games all friggin’ day long (some of which are based on you).  One day he … nay, forget it, I don’t wanna digress. 


Back to the list - a list is worth a thousand trips, so I’ll just cut and paste it directly from Godfather’s hand, (“ouch! You bozo, you almost cut my finger, you wanna sleep with the fishes tonight?”).  Please forgive my shaking hand while I paste it here:


A wart of a lazy, un-licked toad

A chicken that hasn’t crossed the road;

Two wedding rings of men not afraid of wives

With these, I will give back your children human lives.


The last one in particular gave him mega-headaches.  He sent out the Silver Goon (his new favorite goon) with 2 diamonds – one black and one white and said to him, “Go get me 2 married men who are not afraid of their wives.  Tell them I sent you (tell them no lying unless they want to lie with the fishes) and ask them if they are afraid of their wives.  If they say “no”, give them the diamond in exchange for their wedding ring.”


The Silver Goon stared at him and said, “Dat’s easy, boss.” 


The Godfather turned to him and said with much sadness in his voice, “Son, you’ve never been married!”


The Silver Goon went around the whole city asking everybody he knew (his big burly Goon buddies mostly) – but was always disappointed.  No matter how big the guy was, he would always cower down and say a measly “yes” before darting back into his house.  Finally, after 3 weeks, one rather small-looking Goon came out and boldly said, “No, I’m not afraid of my wife!”  The Silver Goon went nuts with excitement and offered the little man the choice of either black or white diamond – the man looked at both and said, “Excuse me, I have to go ask my wife which one I should pick – she’ll be really mad if I pick the one she doesn’t like!” 


The Silver Goon cried out, “But you just told me you are not afraid of her?!” 


The little Goon responded, “Oh, as long as I do exactly what she says, she doesn’t hit me!”


Needless to say, that was tough item to get. Finally Godfather hit (no pun intended) upon an idea after he attended one of his goon’s marriage; he asked the groom, right after the marriage whether he was afraid of the bride – of course the groom wasn’t (he was still in the honeymoon phase of the honeymoon); this way he got 2 wedding rings fairly easily. 


Then he called the Peer <s.c.u.m> to come over to his house (minus the Bheta Boa – since “our children don’t get along that well” he expained diplomatically).


Soon the Peer <s.c.u.m> was admiring the vastness of Godfather’s house.  He looked at all the decorations in the living room with interest while the Godfather made him a special drink (you don’t want to know what it was made of – but snakes and Goon parts would be a good guess).  The Peer <s.c.u.m> came across a long box which smelt wonderfully evil.  “What might the Peer <sss.c.u.m> sssee in thisss box?” he called out. 


“Oh, that’s the Voodoo Baseball Bat,” the Godfather told him, “I picked it up from Haiti – here, watch this.  Head, neighbor’s black cat” – the long voodoo box sprang open! The voodoo baseball bat flew out over the fence to the neighbor’s house and they heard a cat repeatedly shrieking; Godfather laughed and called out, “Box, inside” and the bat came flying back into the box.  (I know a lot of you cat-huggers are going to shriek with the mistreatment of the cats just for entertainment’s sake; but that’s only because you don’ t know that very black cat had put a scratch on Godfather's face - you don't live a peaceful life (no matter how many you have) after you mess with Godfather).


Anyhow, the Peer <s.c.u.m> wasss impresssed – he sssaid,


<Start of PG13-something section>

“Asss the Peer <sss.c.u.m> sssometimesss sssaysss….”
<End of PG13-something section/Start of PG18-something section>

The long voodoo box sprang open! “AAAArrssss”, the Peer <s.c.u.m.> ssscreeeammmed, “AAAAArrsssss”

< End of PG18-something section>


“Box, inside!”, “Box, inside!”  Godfather shouted! As you can imagine, the Peer <s.c.u.m> wasss not pleasssed.  In fact, he almost turned Godfather into FrogFather but sssince his long-term plansss would be jeopardized without Godfather in his “human” form, he bit his forked tongue.  Godfather, on his part, was extremely apologetic and after his Goons had massaged the Peer <s.c.u.m> from head to butt, <r.e.d> <s.c.u.m> he had the Peer <s.c.u.m> sit in his Jacuzzi for an extended time. 


While the Peer <s.c.u.m> was soaking his bottom <r.e.d> <s.c.u.m> in the Jacuzzi – it finally happened – the house shook, the wind and the neighbor’s black cat howled,  the ssswimming pool water turned murky; the Goons shrieked with terror and the Peer <s.c.u.m> sssmiled! - at long last, his would meet hisss ancessstor, hisss hero, hisss role-model – the hooded Peer.  The Peer <s.c.u.m>’s voice deepened ssssinisterly as he sssmugly called out to the Godfather, “Now we can destroy the naamisss!”


The Godfather in turn, delighted with his new guests, shouted out to the Golden Goon, “Get ready for your trip to the Gurudwara!”


To be continued…


PS:  I have, since the last episode, received a lot of c-mail from the various saints at the various khands (no, I don’t mean e-mail, I mean c-mail as in celestial-mail; e-mail is soooo Earthly).   Herez a snapshot of my cinbox (as you can see, most of the sts didn’t like the episode – except St.Dopey who likes everything). 


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 Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru