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*4 Errr-ly Morningz MaGik

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Read Previous Part-3

Jedi Nights
Errr-ly Morningz MaGik

Jedi Nights happin'

Yoda Singh was feeling more than his usual high today. Apparently he and some Singhs had gotten together in the early hours of the morning to do some serious
"WaheGuru WaheGuru". He smiled at me, all red and rosy. "So what questions does the young one have today?"

"Well," I started... still wondering ‘what is a sakhee’?

Yoda Singh, interjected , "Well, forget your Wells ... Enough knowledge, now I want you to experience Naam."

"Sure," I replied excitedly. "What do I do?"

Yoda Singh replied, "I want you to come to the Gurudwara at 2 o’clock tomorrow."

"Sure, I will come right after lunch."

"That's 2 in morning, as in 2 AM," He corrected me.

<<<<<<<<<< G U L P >>>>>>>>>>>
"Tw .. Tw... Two in the mor... mor...."

"Yes, early in the morning"

I protested out loud, "My favourite TV show finishes at 1:30AM .. and my Auntie said that naam can be done anytime, even while sleeping!" (Sleeping BTW is my favourite activity!, I will explore the spirituality of sleeping in another article).

"Your auntie must be well advanced on this path, but for beginners, early morning is a magical time with no distractions. That's the time they can focus and collect Naam inside them"

Before I could answer, he gave me a tight hug and starting saying "WaheGuru WaheGuru". It went straight to me-little-head. I saw lights inside and felt like I would never be sad again.

He released me - I looked at him with admiration; so that's why he was happy all the time; he had this WaheGuru WaheGuru light in his head all the time. WOW!!! Imagine if I had that light too...

For once in my little-life, I was tongue-tied. There was no questions floating around. My mind had kinda melted into me and I was experiencing things I had never experienced before. The noises around me of the birds, crickets and distant cars horns became fused into a one symphony. It felt good! I looked at Yoda Singh and whispered, "I want this to go on"

Yoda Singh was watching me with interest. "Yes," he said, "Yes, you do."

"I will see you at 2 tomorrow,"
I said figuring I could take a bath right after my show ended and then go straight over to the gurudwara no problem. This could work!  Hmmm but who was gonna drive me, there is a curfew in this town for kids my age, so I probably shouldn’t go walking around the streets. “Uuummm Yoda any idea how I could get a ride?” I heard some giggling behind me and some one made a remark about catching a ride on the ‘sachkhand express,’ but when I turned around to see who, every one looked very quiet and sober. When I turned back around Yoda was already gone.


I wandered off still puzzling how I was gonna get there, watching my chupples slap up little clouds of dust, “Ooomph” and bumped smack in to my auntie. I was just about to say “sorry sorry” when she patted my shoulder n whispered conspiratorially “Don’t worry beta, just be ready to go, I’ll make sure you get there on time.”


“Huh?- how did you know,” but she just pressed her fingers to my lips -

“.....See you in the AM….”

Read Next Part-5

To Be Continued…

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 Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru