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*26 In-Vision

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Jedi Nights




Meanwhile back in “Dharm” Khand…


Stella <shiver> stares harshly at the Godfather (his only crime? he’s a man).  You see Stella <shive> had thought long and hard and decided that it’s men who are women’s *only* problem. “Think about it,” she had lectured to the newly formed die-section group - BUMS (Blackwidows United against Men Sistas) -  “Men are a problem for we women from the time we hatch from our egg sacs–men-tal stress, man-ipulation, men-opause; then having to be checked by a guy-necologist and if a gal is in really bad shape, has  to have a histerectomy. I, for one, am sick of nem!” 


Entry from the Merriam-Web-ster edition 3005

Main Entry:  Nem

Pronunciation: Men backwards
Function: Girlie Noun

1: Cave Dwellers

Related Topics:  Dinosaurs, Clueless

Origin: Nem was first used to describe a male human by Stella <shiver> in a speech to BUMS.  Historians generally agree that the speech was largely responsible for the collapse of Earth’s thousands-year rule by men.  Although several men have been sighted in mountains over the years, they can be more safely viewed in several metropolitan zoos around the world.


The Sistas had rallied together and made several plans to destroy the males of the world (since to-date there are (still) males in the Jedi Nights Series staff: we will not reveal those plans, lest they get picked up by some copy-cats (hmmmmm…. cats?  How come there are no cats in the series yet?).


Godfather’s hand unconsciously goes to the scar on his face that had been put there by a very vicious black cat (before our creative juices dry up, we will make up how the scar got there and how it profoundly affected young Godfather and made him the multi-dimensioned vicious person he is - … huh?  (Oh, you think our creative juices dried up 2 Ongs ago; very cute, very very cute… YOU WANT TO TRY WRITING THIS STUFF, HOTROD???!! YOU THINK IT’S EASY COMING UP WITH EVIL THINGS DAY IN AND DAY OUT??!! I didn’t think so…). 


The Peer <s.c.u.m> strokes Stella <shiver>’s cephalothorax – theoretically the Peer <s.c.u.m> is a man too- (spod save Stella <shiver>’s fovea when the sistas find out that she had been stroked by a man);- but for now, he is Stella <shiver>’s only hope of realizing a man-less world.


The Peer <s.c.u.m>: “Gosssh where are my mannersss? Godfather, this is Ssstella <ssshiver>;


 Ssstella <ssshiver>, thisss isss the Godfather.”  They eye each other dissstassstefully. 


She: “He reminds me of my third husband – I hope I wrapped him well”.


He: “She reminds me of my third wife – I hope the cement hasn’t broken.”


The Godfather, quite uneasy with all of Stella <shiver> eight eyes on him, takes out two small bags of gold coins and drops them on the carpet: “Will this be sufficient for your services?” 


At the sound of gold, Bheta Boa rises up from his slumber into striking position and greedily looks at the bags. (Yes, thank you alert readers, we do realize that boa do not strike the way Rattlers and Cobras do but that is beside the story - which side? whyThe Dark Side  of course)


The Peer <s.c.u.m> agrees: “This is sssatisfactory - although getting rid of the naamisss would itssself be my greatessst reward.”


The Godfather replies: “How come you hate the naamis so much?”


The Peer <s.c.u.m> opens up a locket hanging around his scaley neck – inside there is a small portrait of a hooded man:  “This is my grandfather’sss father’sss  grandfather - the well known hooded-Peer who had, ssshall we sssay, a run-in with the naamisss’s Gu – Gur… Guru… Nan… Nanak.”  All the snakes and the carpet gulp uncomfortably.  After saying this name with much difficulty (for light is very painful for darkness), he clutches his heart and changes the subject: “I hope you brought sssomething for my handsssome ssson here”.


The Godfather nods to the Golden Goon, who removes two very healthy rats from his pocket and drops them on the floor - <chomp> <chomp>  -That’s the sound of two very healthy rats meeting a very unhealthy Boa.


Snapshot of the past:

Time Frame: 3 minutes ago

Setting: Golden Goon’s pocket

Profiles:  (provided by the Dan Rather Not Investigation Company)



Name: Armando “Arnie” Ratznfinger

Occupation:  pumped up body builder

Aspiration: hit man in the underworld
Motto: scare a cat, make a hit on a dog, get out of the rat race, live the easy life and lie by the pool all day

(Fatal) Character Flaw: Believed he had been picked for being ‘pumped’ up by Golden Goon who misunderstood his accent and thought he heard him say ‘plumped’ up



Name: Crocodile Munchy

Occupation:  made famous by a ‘bit’ part posing as a fur hat in a Crocodile Dundee type down-under film starring Golden Goon

Aspiration: to be cast in a leading Goon role in Godfather Enterprises Filmmaking

Motto: hair today, goon tomorrow - g’day mate

(Fatal) Character Flaw: ultimate loser in a bet with the Golden Goon during filming in which the loser had to ‘eat his hat’


Back to the present:

Setting: Bheta Boa’s stomach

Rat1: “Hasta la <ARRRGgghh> Vista Baaaaaby”

Rat2:” “G’d <aaaarghhh> ay maaaate”


The Godfather gets up saying, “So I will leave everything in your able hands – contact me after….” 


< Start of PG13-something section >

“Asss you might know,”

< End of PG13-something section >


The Peer <s.c.u.m> interrupts him with a slightly embarrassed voice, “my … my … magic doesssn’t work near the naamisss.” (Of course the Godfather knew this – he didn’t become the Godfather by playing Solitaire).


“Oh, really?” says a smiling Godfather as he sits down again and, to the great annoyance of the Boa, pockets one of gold coins bag.


There is annoyance in the Peer <scum>’s scumy voice too: “Perhapsss we can make a deal.  Perhapsss you can lend me one of your men to do what I have in mind?  One of your more, ssshall we sssay.. dispensssable men?”


“Sure,” the Godfather says, “You can have him” he says, pointing to the Golden Goon.  A brief look of hurt crosses the Golden Goon’s face.  The Silver Goon and the Bronze Goon snicker at other.


The Peer <s.c.u.m> whispers into the Godfather’s ears: <whissper whissper> Gurudrawa <whissper whissper> Interssstellar elevator <whissper whisper> Gurdwara board of Directorsss <whissper whisper


The Godfather exclaims: “I love your evil mind! And oh my! I almost forgot my kids – you need to covert them…” proceeds to take out the Ridhi Sidhi Frog <psycho music> and the slimy toad with a wand in its mouth from his pocket. 


Bad move!:

<chomp> <chomp>  That’s the sound of a one psycho frog and one slimy toad meeting a very annoyed Boa!

<AARRGGHHH!!> That’s the sound of a magic wand getting stuck in a Boa’s mouth.

<bahadfadf!!> That’s the sound of a Golden Goon’s hand smashing into a Boa’s open mouth to retrieve a frog and a toad.

<iiieaaaa!!!> That’s the painful sound of a Boa painfully thrashing around with a magic wand stuck in its mouth.

<sparkle> <sparkle>  That’s the sound of magic sparkles shooting out of the magic wand.

<G-minor> <B-flat> That’s the sound of magic sparkles converting many Goons into Ballerinas (apparently the Ridhi Sidhi Frog <psycho music> had been experimenting with changing herself into a Frogallerina– her life long dream).

<Joy to the war-less world; click-click> That’s the sound of Ballerinas singing and dancing respectively.

<WHOOOSH> <WHOOOSH> <WHOOOSH> That’s the sound of golden, silver and bronze chains respectively express-shuttling the ballerinas to GoonKhand…ګ        ګ  ګ


Meanwhile back in the astral elevator…

Our sister began reading the 16th puaree of Jap Ji Shaib:

pMc prvwx pMc prDwnu ]
panch paravaan panch paradhhaan ||
The true elites (sants) are accepted (in the court of the True One).


She stopped.  Expectantly we all looked about for something to happen; but nothing did.  “Maybe we need to read the whole pauree before we see anything,” our sister suggested and started reading again…

pMcy sohih dir rwjwnu ] pMcy pwvih drgih mwnu ] pMcw kw guru eyku iDAwnu ]
panchae paavehi dharagehi maan ||  panchae sohehi dhar raajaan ||  panchaa kaa gur eaek dhhiaan ||
The accepted ones are honored and beauteous in the Court of the True One. The accepted ones’ guru is the single-minded focus of the True One.


Before she could read the next tukk, suddenly a light flashed, blinding us so completely. We could see even less than we had when in the dark. Though I’m certain we all shrieked at the tops of our lungs, no sound came out.


Gradually the light mellowed to deep golden and we could make out our surroundings. What we saw caused us to fall completely silent. (Not that we could make any noise anyhow, but we stopped trying.) We grabbed on to each other tightly.


We seemed to be suspended above a still blue lake from which rose a golden shimmering sheen. We could see the outline of a translucent golden inverted lotus blossom above our heads. Below us marble steps led into the water. We floated down until our feet touched one of the submerged steps. However what we stood on felt more like thick whipped cream then any stone surface. The water felt like cool oily silk only fresh and invigorating. Still clinging to each other we stepped up and out of the water. We couldn’t really see our feet because they seemed to have disappeared into a fog of light particles that shimmered and danced with every movement.


A scent like that of the Amritvela Rose permeated our senses making us feel quite light-headed.  A brightness drew us forward to it. We heard a sound like the buzzing of many insects or possibly high wire voltage. As our eyes adjusted, we could make out faint shapes glowing just a bit brighter than the surrounding light. As we grew even more accustomed, it became apparent that shapes had colored hues. We gasped collectively, although it was something I felt rather than heard, as it dawned on us that beings composed of colored light moved about us. With just a hint of neon bluish tint making them identifiable; at their centers a pinkish blush pulsated. They seemed unaware of our presence or at least took no notice of us. Sparkling energy traces glittered, trailing just behind them as they floated about. Our hearing apparently became tuned to the environment for the buzzing soon began to sound like singing, sung in high melodious voices.


At the very center of this incredible astonishing spectacle emanated an awesome energy so brilliant that we could hardly bear to look. At first I thought I saw a waxy white fragrant blossom. I had to turn away for a moment, and then when I looked back I perceived something entirely different - it seemed at once distinguishable and at the same time completely unrecognizable, the beauty of which overwhelmed me. Then I felt love, over-powering, maddening, intense, craving, satiating, exhausting, invigorating, compassion.


I became aware that all the beings made obeisance to the omni-farious magnificence of this indefinable radiance. I looked once more and a panorama of universes paraded before me. I felt faint, “WaheGuru” involuntarily escaped from my lips. Then I heard whisperings echoing my one audible word. The whispers became songs calling to me like sirens drowning my senses, pulling me into the bright golden brilliance. Tears of overwhelming wonder escaped me as my particles one by one began to obey, surrendering my separateness into the magnificent magnetic awe of inescapable allegiance due the elemental all pervading ONE.


Suddenly like a clap of thunder dividing the skies a voice rang out ordering “It's not time yet!”  Without warning, an energy wave of incredible force reversed direction sucking us into a tsunami sized tidal ethereal undertow and then spit us out unceremoniously into the shoreless ethers and our subtle bodies plummeted back into our Astral bodies.  To say we felt giddy would be the understatement of the e-on.


To be continued …

Read Next Part-27

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