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Warriors in Name
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"Warriors In Name"
by daaNdaas.

Featuring naam related stories about the The Realm of Truth, & Awakening Soul

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The real warriors of this age are the ones who have the flame of Lord's love in their hearts. One powerful way to ignite and sustain this flame is meditation on the Lord's name (WaheGuru, YahWeh, AllahHoo and others). The Lord's name (or Naam) is physical and metaphysical at the same time.
At first, Naam is a sound that can be physically heard. Upon intense meditation Naam transforms into unstruck sound ... then internal light... then the very essence of the Lord... eventually merging the one meditating with the ONE Lord.
Imagine climbing a sunray to merge with the sun. This is no easy task. To do so, the Naam warriors must overcome the many distractions the world has to offer and make Naam the primary focus on their path. Only truly committed warriors will succeed. This book is about such Naam Warriors.
The Guru’s Warrior

     He woke me up and said, “It is time.”

     Gently, he pulled my spirit out of my body and guided me in a flight across the sky. We flew side by side for a while until we came to a castle.
The castle looked formidable. There were three doors each on three sides of the castle. The fourth side had no door. Murky and dark waters surrounded the castle. Even darker were five creatures closely guarding the castle. These creatures looked big and strong. The whole sight was rather gloomy.
I felt frightened upon seeing all this and firmly held on to my guide...
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Available in Paperback only -Authors Note: "At least 10% of proceeds from this book will go to charity"

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 Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru