Who We Are!!!
The Toronto Street News and LoveCry, {a non-profit- registered charity} belong to the Street People. Both these companies
were put together after some of us got ourselves off the streets and realized that our brothers and sisters needed ways to
help themselves work towards healing, as well as help from others. We saw, clearly that our people needed something of our
own to be proud of and to work towards in order to save our own lives from those well meaning people who don't wish to listen
to us properly or deal with the actual problems we are suffering form.
For twelve years now, we have had to literally fight to stay alive. Some of our elected city officials, as well as soem of
the Government Funded Charitable Organizations working with Street Kids, within the city centre,{due to their fear of change,
loss of funding and deniel of the actual devistation from abuse and homelessness} have been trying everything they can think
of to shut us up or close usdown. We have been attacked physically, verbally and emotionally through the lies told to the
Media, City Meetings and private discussions between the other Charitiable Organizations for Street Kids. After one of their
attacks in 1996, I was pepper sprayed, beaten, stabbed, and left for dead in a park downtown Toronto. As this was happening,
I was hearing voices yelling words written about myself found in The Toronto Sun Newspaper.
Jamie Taller was beaten on the street with a baseball bat and left for dead, defending himself, Ce' and LoveCry. Catharine
Toth, {aka Ce'}, was raped and beaten in the west end of the city by some guys reciting the quotes from a news clipping. These
are just a few examples.
We were under the impression that every citizen was entitled to human rights. How very quickly we learned that this was not
very true in Toronto. We also believed that the media was given freedom of speech, and one of the responsibilities of these
reporters, editors and publishers was to make sure their information was true. Do you know of any child that can drive a car
over twenty miles, alone, at the age of six, being only three feet tall? Apparently I have done this, according to Heather
Bird of The Toronto Sun.
I, personally spent many years in Therapy for abuse, learned a great deal and one of the most important things I learned was
to break co-dependency and help myself as much as I was able. Not to say that help was or is turned down or not sought if
needed, {I attend therapy sessions many times throughout the year and will for the remainder of my life}. This help enables
me to move forward helping myself and shows the others that there is much I and all Abused Street People can do for themselves
as well as get the help required.
Some of our well-known establishments are working very hard to keep Street People co-dependant. This is in order to keep their
high paying jobs and money flowing into the non-profits in our city. Why should we, the abused and street people, remain ill,
in order to help others keep their jobs. Our quality of life sucks as long as we remain ill; your paycheck is just not a good
enough reason to allow this to go on. My life is worth more to me, than making sure you get more then the rest. {Remembering
there is only one Creator} and no healer, politician or media can take that position.
Co-Dependency is the worst of all the emotional illnesses we are left with from abuse. I had lived most of my life within
these illness so I have first hand experience as to how bad they truly are and what really needs to be done in order to maintain
a semblance of healing. It is by far no easy task.
I had the best Therapists, Teachers and Spiritual Healers, who taught me how to deal with my problems, stand up on my feet
and fight back in the name of Love and Peace. They taught me to help my family of Abuse Victims, Survivors, and Street People,
by helping them go to the proper places for help needed, know when it can be done without other's help, and stand on their
own two feet as opposed to mine or anyone else.
Sexual or harsh Physical abuses leave us so co-dependant that we become addicts and drunks unless this disease is treated
Psychic, Emotional and Ritual abuses leave us almost mindless, spaced out, and totally undisciplined until treated and thus
vulnerable to anyone who wishes to control our very lives, again co-dependant.
We, {LoveCry or The Toronto Street News} are not closing.
We run on a tight shoe string budget and work very hard for the love and satisfaction we get from helping ourselves.
If you ask any Street Person, selling our paper they will say the same. I, and many could understand why people did not like
kids wielding squeegee handles and interfering with road traffic but what is so wrong with selling papers. My father sold
papers (1941) on the streets, outside of the Keefe Centre {aka The Hummingbird Centre} as a kid and later became a Judge
at College Park Courts say it is a good job and got him into very high places.
I suggest that the people from all walks of life, City Officials and Street Kid Charities all take a good look across the
internet and check out the facts. Many of the cities and towns across North America and Europe have Street Based News Papers
these days.
Most sold by the Street People in their towns and cities. LoveCry and The Toronto Street News are linked up to many of the
others as well as the Toronto Street Kids who have been running a web ring, connected and members of many of the other abuse
and homeless web rings, where we get info on all street issues across the world.