team of Monash University researchers has released the findings of a study, which indicates child sexual abuse may be a trigger
for the onset of psychotic illness later in life.
study suggested that children, who were sexually abused, appeared to be at higher risk of developing schizophrenia and other
psychotic disorders.
research was led by Margaret Cutajar and included research by Professor Paul Mullen, Professor James Ogloff, Dr Stuart Thomas,
Associate Professor David Wells and Josie Spataro.
findings of the study were reported in the November issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.
studies established that abused children were more likely to develop depression, anxiety, substance abuse, borderline personality
disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder and suicidal behavior, according to background information in the article.
authors found that "the possibility of a link between childhood sexual abuse and later psychotic disorders, however, remains
unresolved despite the claims of some that a causal link has been established to schizophrenia."
research data from police and medical examinations of sexual abuse cases was compared to a statewide register of psychiatric
cases. Rates of psychiatric disorders among 2,759 individuals who had been sexually abused when younger than age 16 were compared
with those among 4,938 individuals in a comparison group drawn from electoral records.
a 30-year period, individuals who had experienced childhood sexual abuse had double the rate of those in the comparison group
of psychosis overall (2.8 percent vs. 1.4 percent) and schizophrenia disorders (1.9 percent vs. 0.7 percent).
authors concluded that "the risks of subsequently developing a schizophrenic syndrome were greatest in victims subjected to
penetrative abuse in the peripubertal and postpubertal years from 12 to 16 years and among those abused by more than one perpetrator."
results establish childhood sexual abuse as a risk factor for psychotic illness, but do not necessarily translate into abuse
causing or increasing the risk of developing such a disease. Many cases of childhood sexual abuse never come to light and
the overall population of abused children maybe significantly different from those whose abuse is detected by officials.
who come to attention following childhood sexual abuse should receive ongoing clinical and social support in the knowledge
that they are at greater risk of developing a psychotic illness."
authors recommend that "such treatment, in our opinion, should focus on improving the current functioning and adaptation to
the demands of the transition from adolescent to adult roles rather than primarily on the abuse experience itself. Such an
approach should benefit all victims, irrespective of whether they have the potential to develop a psychotic illness."
more information, or to arrange an interview with Professor James Ogloff, contact Samantha Blair, Media and Communications
+ 61 3 9903 4841 or 0439 013 951.