Researchers in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary have found that a nutritional supplement has significant
benefits for people with a psychiatric condition known as bipolar disorder. Mental health researchers Bonnie Kaplan, PhD,
Dr. Steve Simpson presented the results of a small-scale study to the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychiatric Association
yesterday in Victoria, B.C.
“The initial research looks at a small group of people with bipolar disorder, and our early results are extremely encouraging,”
says Bonnie Kaplan, PhD. “Our study shows that on average, people taking the supplements find their symptoms are reduced
by more than 50% compared with the symptoms they experienced while taking their usual medications.”
The open label study includes 10 men aged 20 – 46 years old who, thus far, have been taking the broad-based nutritional
supplement for an average of more than 6 months. Symptoms usually improve within a month.
Study results show that once the participants start taking the supplement, their need for traditional medications is reduced
two-thirds. “For some patients, the supplement has entirely replaced their psychotropic medication and they have remained
well,” says Kaplan. People who previously needed an average of 2.8 psychotropic medications are now taking only 1.0
psychotropic medications along with the supplement. The study also finds that side effects from the supplement are minor
(nausea) and temporary.
The supplement has 36 ingredients, 34 of which are natural dietary vitamins and minerals including Vitamins A, C, D, E, various
B vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper and potassium. The other two ingredients are antioxidants.
“I was skeptical at the outset of this study,” says Kaplan. “However, the results are quite striking. The
findings certainly warrant
further exploration of this supplement as a new treatment for bipolar disorder.”
The Alberta Science and Research Authority has given the research team a grant for a half million dollars to conduct a
randomized, placebo-controlled trial of about 100 people with bipolar disorder. It was launched this July, with results expected
in 2002.
“I’m very encouraged by the initial results of the doctors’ research,” says Alberta Innovation and
Science Minister Lorne
Taylor, PhD. “Innovation and Science is all about finding new ways to treat old problems – and we shouldn’t
be afraid to look
for ways to complement the excellent work being done in pharmaceutical research.”
The supplement, known as E.M. Power, was developed by The Synergy Group of Canada Inc., an Alberta-based organization
dedicated to researching and overcoming disorders of the Central Nervous System.
Kaplan’s work is funded by the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation.
For more information or interviews contact: Karen Thomas (403) 220-2945.
Information From:
A Natural Cure for Bipolar Disorder
The daily Seafood diet is a highly effective natural cure for bipolar disorder.
Information From:
Here is the real life story of a man who cured his Bipolar Disorder with the daily seafood diet in four months, after suffering
from this terrible disorder for 20 years.
Original Story:
A. P's. Story
To Whom it May Concern: I am an immense proponent of the 72 trace elements in one's diet because, just as you have stated,
the results can be nothing less than miraculous.
I just wanted to pass onto you, my own personal story of my miraculous cure from a lifelong bout with Bipolar II Depression,
as well as the late onset of a heart arrhythmia.
I had suffered for more than 20 years with a "serious and incurable" case of Bipolar II Depression (with a strong hereditary
link) as diagnosed by one of the leading Psychiatrists here on the East Coast of the US. In short, when this horrible and
debilitating illness finally reached its pinnacle two years ago, my Psychiatrist had ultimately prescribed twenty different
medications over a one year period of time, and I was actually taking a combination of eight different medications at one
given time. I missed months of work and my wife and children, as well as the rest of my family, were absolutely devastated.
I tried every possible alternative; acupuncture, exercise, chiropractic, homeopathy, talk therapy, colon cleansing, just to
name a few. I even went to the area's top nutritionist, who placed me on a special diet with the inclusion of a multitude
of supplements. In short, nothing worked.
I spent days at the library and on the Internet and finally stumbled onto several articles (including your's), about the
simple and effective cure of so many diseases by introducing the full spectrum of trace minerals into our daily routines.
I started adding seafood and the full spectrum of trace minerals (from Utah's inland sea) into my daily diet. Within four
months, and to the absolute disbelief of my doctors, I was able to stop taking all medications, and have been quite fine for
well over a year now.
What's even more amazing is the fact that I had been seeing an electro-physiologist (heart specialist) for the late onset
of an arrhythmia problem that he even tried to surgically correct (by ablating the problematic nerve in my heart). This problem
became almost uncontrollable (even on high doses of beta blockers) and I was hospitalized on three separate occasions within
a six month period of time. Within one month of adding the seafood and trace minerals into my daily routine, the problem went
away and has never come back. My doctor was insistent that I continue to take the beta-blockers, but I weaned myself off of
them very cautiously and I finally have his full blessing. He claims he "can't explain what happened".
I hope so many others can be as blessed and fortunate as I am to have found your information. You are truly helping others
by taking the time to share your success.
Sincerest Regards,
A.P. Delaware USA
Also, it is fine for you to post my testimonial on your pages. I have also set up a new E-Mail account if anyone wants to
ask me about my individual experiences, and you have my permission to share it. The E-Mail address is
[ADDENDUM MAR. 23, 2006] "You're right about the e-mails Peter... I'm loving this so much... I have been e-mailed with the
most astonishing stories of people with so many mental ailments (and I feel such sorrow for their children). I am responding
to every one and I'll help them however I can. The message is "There is hope... you can be cured!"
A. P. Delaware, US.
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