We Are All Victims of Love
and Love Is Our Victim
Love is within our souls when we are borne but our minds are not cultivated, (grown in loving thought) therefore we can only
give what we know and if we are not taught how to think loving thoughts we do not give the Love we have within.
To give Love takes usage of our minds. We must learn to think Love to give Love. Even when we do things like work, date, clean
the house, cook, these actions are work but without loving thoughts while doing the actions Love is not part of the sinario.
Loving thoughts create the emotions we know as Love.
We are all victims of Love and Love is our victim until we realize that Love is something we are not borne knowing how to
do, and begin to learn how to Love.
We as humans have always thought ourselves to be Loving because we are human but the truth is Animals Love more simply because
they are pure in their thought. A great example of this is children. Animals have children and raise them. Then they let them
go to live their own lives. We humans try to grasp at our children and keep them to ourselves. The hardest part of Love is
learning to let go with Love and grace. There is nothing wrong with wanting our children around but we must also Love them,
teach them to Love and let them move on to live their own lives, grow, make mistakes and Love others.
Another great example is in our world relationships are very hard to maintain. When it is time to let go we suffer and anguish
at the very thought of goodbye. Even harder is realizing that our partner is most likely going to have another relationship
given time and space. Knowing this we grasp even tighter.
Love is free and grasping is possession. We need to learn how to love and let go. I found that if I wish the best for those
I let go of the suffering is lessened a great deal. If I ever want to have a true loving relationship, I must wish others
especially the ones I love deeply to find the same.
We react to Love with instinct but unless we cultivate it and grow with it within our minds, (Loving thoughts), we are Love’s
victims and Love is our victim.
Below is a song written by John Lennon
This piece says it all
Love is real
Real is Love
Love is feeling
Feeling Love
Love is wanting
To be Loved
Love is touch
Touch is love
Love is reaching
Reaching Love
Love is asking
To be Loved
Love is you
You and me
Love is knowing
We can be
Love is free
Free is Love
Love is living
Living Love
Love is needing
To be Loved
We hope to use this page to keep members updated on each other and on the latest happenings within the organization.
Just a Few of the Kids,
Now Off The Streets
With LoveCry's Help:
Jeremy McDowell - Owan Sound
Elva James - Owan Sound
Rebecca Rochon - Toronto
Heather Markle - Toronto
Janet MacPherson - Tornoto
Michelle Callahand -Scarborough
Barbara Anne Bristo - Brooklyn
Shaun Gozeky - Hamilton
Jennifer Hollings - Unknown
Suzie Burns(Anarky) - Swastika
Erica Kelly(Peaches} - London
Shaun Winders (Trippy) - Vancover
Douglas Delowie (Junior) - Vancover
Alicia Brashier(Munchie) - Brampton
Danny LeGrand (Joker) - Kalona
Judy Guylas (Speedy) - Toronto
Alicia LaGrand (Pinky) - Toronto
Shaun McGorman - Toronto
Jeremy Frost(Q) - Vancover
Chris Hudson - Dundas
Shannon Pass - Toronto
Andreas Palmer - Montreal
Steve Wakeman - Oshawa
Katharine Butt - Lindsay
Angel Annes - Oshawa
Jason (Scarcrow) - Scarborough
Rich VanDenKerkoff - Toronto
Cory Whitecap - Montreal
Allie Walsh - North York
James Potter (Pitt) - North York
Kim Bennett - Wasaga Beach
John Down - Calgary
Shelly Budreau (Little Angel) - Toronto
Eves Markette (Fox) (Deciesed) - Montreal
Shaun Keoghan (Junior, Deciesed)- Deseronto
Eric Taylor (Shanna) - Peterborough
Toni Anne Bennett - Toronto
Christopher Jones - Unknown
David Choffie - North York
Jeffery House - Unknown
Nathan Roagers (Chaos) - Toronto
Lea Giaville - Owan Sound
Chatharine Toth (Ce") - New Jersey
Jamie Taller (Rooster) -Ottawa
Jennifer McDermitt - Ottawa
Charles Ridge (Chuck) - Toronto
Scott Goode - Scarborough
Dawn Stewart - Unknown
Terry Burgstrum - Mississauga
Lorrell Trottier - Toronto
Graham Woods (Space) - Barrie
Michelle and MacKenzie Woods - North York
Michelle Taylor - Edmonton
Anita Markel (Deciesed) - North York
Darrel Appelby - Toronto
Jody Green - Scarborough
Melisa Blackwell (Missy) - North York
Chrystal - North York
Jody Buckingham - Oshawa
Perry Latour - Richmond Hill
Christine Gravelle - Windsor
Allan Hill - Newmarket
Arron Prunkel - Richmond HIll
Ashely Keenan - Toronto
Amber Black - Newcastle
Amy Corrigan - Hamilton
Anthony grey (Chief)(deciesed) - Calgary
Angela Forbs - Unknown
Andy Cummer - Toronto
Al Kogy (decised) - Toronto
Brian Parton - Unknown
Bill Anderson (deciesed) - Toronto
Bill Mills (Deciesed) - Toronto
Nick Rosart (Bones) - Niagara Falls
Bret Jason P. Markie - Toronto
William Wells (Boomer)Buzz - Toronto
Cindy Venita Kohut (Katt) - Toronto
Carolynn Jaye (Caroline) - Oshawa
Chris Farmer (Native) - Toronto
Christina Caverly - Mississauga
Corey Thompson - Whitby
Carl James Ridder - Toronto
Carla L. Thom - Toronto
Cary Anne MacDougal - Toronto
Christine Anderson - Toronto
Charlene McFadden - North YOrk
Chris Phillips - North York
Cameron Matherson (Draven) - Brampton
Cameron Wells - Oshawa
Brian Woods - Oshawa
Douglas Dlouhy AKA Junior - Toronto
George Homer AKA Harley - Toronto
Dave Nawasige - Whitby
Dave Parks (Buzz-Casper) - Mississauga
David Choffie (BamBam) - North York
Dogan James Sainsbury - Toronto
Damian Jones - Toronto
Dara-Lynne Osborne (Screetch) - North York
Colin Spencer Osborne (Ozzie) - Scarborough
Cassandra Lynne Osborne (Cassie)- North York
Kelly Hussey (Dragon) - Toronto
Donita Taylor - Hamilton
Debraha Kerr - Georgian Bay
Eddie (Cowboy) - Brampton
Eldon Painter (Deciesed) - Toronto
Ernest (Shadow) - Calgary
Steve Gram (Gumby) - Edmonton
Geretie Sater - Unknown
Genevieve Dennis Beabie - Montreal
Heather Dunn - Toronto
Isabelle MacDonald - Toronto
John Ceaser - North York
John Bernard - Toronto
John Vankooten (Ice) - Calgary
Jason McDougal - Vancover
James Weatherbee - Nova Scotia
Jamine Helen Lauzon - Toronto
Jasmyne Odette (Pebbles) - Toronto
Jenifer Hoffman - North York
Jesica Grant - Scarborough
Joseph Conrad Meissner - North York
John Cummer (Animal-Deciesed) - Calgary
John Hessey - Toronto
Jessie Delaine - Toronto
Jason West (Homey) - Toronto
Jay B. Ronaud (Radar) - Toronto
Janelle Anne Alter (Screamer) - Toronto
Kyla James - Toronto
Kelly Bradford - Toronto
Jessy Taylor (Kuckles) - Kitchener
Laura Cooke - Toronto
Lucky Troll - Toronto
Michelle Connors - Calgary
Mike Spiers - Kitchener
Amber Eden Scott - Kitchener
Nicki Pike - Brampton
Napen Michael Stevens - Toronto
Natalie Sharron (Star) - Nova Scotia
Perie Luke - Montreal
Patrick Chard - Toronto
Paul Caldwell - Stoufville
Roger Scott Torrance (Rusty) - Edmonton
Rebecca Dempsey - Toronto
Robert Allen Smith - Scarborough
Richard Raymond Brown - West Hill
Rick Vickerson - Oshawa
Simon Callegan - Toronto
Sherry Smoskie - North York
Steve Ruijork - North York
Scott Barns - Toronto
Shaun Saives - Ottawa
Sandy Hamblin - Whitby
Sandy Fletcher - Aura
Nickie Taylor - London
Susan D. Vontrevenfels - Calgary
Stephen Melson Rideot (Spunkie) - Toronto
Tanya Peterson - Toronto
Tersa Powless - Oshawa
Thomas Munroe - Toronto
Teresa Garant - Scarborough
Terry Roberts - Toronto
Vince Forbs - Toronto
Carmela Cimicata - Richmond Hill
Siva Sandirakasan - Toronto
Christine Heerebout
Christopher Heerebout
Jesse Wilson
Nesha Mohamed
Carl George
Samantha Brown
Melony Brown
Richie VanDenKerkoff
James Down
Kenneth Down
Roxanne Carey
Pamela Herron
Derek Rudd
Melessa Burgess
Kim Bennett
Tonie Anne Bennett
Rosa Lampkin
Dave Brown
