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It seems no matter how much is said, how many complaints are written and sent into authoraties all across the country, and how many children are on the streets or dead, The Catholic Children's Aid continues to try to put all information they don't like under a huge rug in the Vatican.

The Metro Children's Aid Society is just behind.

Seems that the public is keeping score but the Aids are totally out of touch.

We The Public, Parents and their children want answers and changes.
Our Child Protectors Need Re-Organizing Badly!!!
In the past few years many people have had great problems with Our Child Protectors. For some reason they are just taking over our families. We, the public, the parents and family members have no say, and still have to pay the taxes that give these people their pay checks.

Child Protectors do not have to have any formal kind of education other than Early Childhood Education or Social Working Courses designed by the system for the system and we all know what it is like to deal with these public workers, the gossip, put downs and disrespect they throw at us every time we contact them. In no way is that type of education going to help any child in emotional distress let alone a child who has been traumatized and abused. That is just not the kind of education needed to truly care for children in trouble.

Many times I have seen requests by parents and caregivers for proper medical and emotional care (such as Child Psychologist) rejected by The Children's Aid Society. The Children's Aid keep telling people the children do not need that kind of help. In fact we are being told that Psychological help will only hurt the child. We ask if there is anyone within the Children's Aid with Degrees or Diplomas in Child psychology, and are told, very strongly NO. So then just how are they helping these kids???

The foster families receive tax-free payment to take care of children for Children's Aid, and have little or no knowledge of how to even deal with kids that have emotional problems let alone know anything about abuse or how to treat someone that has been abused. No special education to help the children to understand what is happening. Nothing!!!

The Children have been let down to the point of many ending up on the streets, Abused in all forms or dead.

From the Justice System, (Police, Children's Lawyers, Judges, Justice's Of The Peace and Family Lawyers) to The Children's Aid Societies (All Branches), and Politicians who keep promising to help and change laws to have our Ombudsman free to help. Even the good Lawyers, who really want to help, are being trashed by our Child Protectors (Children's Aid), other Lawyers and the Justice system if they even try to help the families get through to and help The Children's Aid Society to understand the problem.

We keep finding children in trouble, hurt or homeless and no one to really turn to because of the red tape, hidden agenda's, lies in many reports and documents, withheld information, public defacing of many parents.

There are thousand of parents who have had their children taken away just because a child care worker was angry after the parent showed some sort of emotion. Who on this earth is totally calm and relaxed when their child is or may be in trouble? Of course if it were not your child you may be able to act without emotion but any good parent would be somewhat emotional if they learn that their child has been abused.

Parents would also want proper educated help to deal with the problem. I know quite a few parents who wanted and still want to get their children help from educated psychologists and were blocked from doing so by The Children's Aid Society with help from our Family Courts.

Children's Aid Society seems to think there is no education needed because they are after all JUST KIDS and if you listen to The Children's Aid Society they themselves are the Children's Voice.

Many parents find that the Children's Aid Society take their Children away when parents or care giver for reporting some form of abuse against their child. Canada Court Watch has thousands of cases, Fathers for Justice have as many, LoveCry's list is growing daily and I am sure there are other groups that I have not gotten to know as yet.

We are told to report abuse against any child no matter whom we may be. In fact for Counselors and Community Workers it is a $1,000.00 fine if we do not report abuse of children, but when we do we are defaced, slandered and laughed at by The Children's Aid Society, Police and The Family Court System.
The Catholic Children's Aid Society
Needs To Tell Us All!!!

You know what really gets under our skin is that the Catholic Children's Aid Society's do not take any responsibility for their actions. For one example, the Jeffrey Baldwin case where people chosen by The Catholic Children’s Aid Society to care for Jeffrey starved Jeffrey to death.

The Catholic Children's Aid Society refused to answer questions to the Fifth Estate and much worse they refused to co-operate with the Police Detective working to resolve the situation.

The only response from The Catholic Children's Aid Society was to write a letter of apology to express their concern.

Our belief is that if The Catholic Children's Aid Society actually were sorry for their mistakes n being partially responsible for the starvation of Jeffrey Baldwin, The Catholic Children's Aid would not be so deeply trenched in avoidance of the questions that so badly need answering for everyone’s peace of mind.

Why is Jeffrey's worker still working for the Catholic Children Aid Society? The incident proved itself that she does not have the capability to look after children. It's not like Jeffrey death was an accident. Jeffrey was starved to death over a period of years. The murders were even convicted and sentenced

Why is it that only this past February 2006, that The Catholic Children's Aid Society made it a law to do criminal background checks on the foster family?

So what about all the other children stuck in the system, who's workers and caregivers were hired before the background checks were in effect:

Are they going to be checked? Have they been?

What is going to be done about that?

Are any of those kids being or been: abused mentally, physically, emotionally, sexually?

Do we have to wait until some of them are dead or totally screwed up in many other degrading ways for life?

Does this mean that these children are not in trouble?

Or did they even check that out?

If you have a complaint against Catholic Children's Aid Society you have to follow there procedure which is, meet with your worker, then meet with your worker and supervisor, then the branch manager, then the executive director, then to board director then to the ministry of children and youth service but my main concern is that no one outside the agency has any jurisdiction over Catholic Children's Aid Society especially since they have proven to support there workers even if a child dies.

So how can we trust that are concerns for are children are really being heard, and if Catholic Children's Aid Society had nothing to hide and truly did not believe the children in there care are being abused why would they be so concerned with the ombudsman or anyone for that matter getting the Wright to investigate complaints against the Catholic Children's Aid Society.

We at LoveCry are presently building a Memorial site for Jeffrey and will disclose the address as soon as it is completed. This site will include some of the best articles written by our Media. Thank you all for any and all support during this hell.

Jeffrey Baldwin is Angel's cousin so this case and problem truly hits our heats at LoveCry.
Please Help Us Get Abuse Stopped!!!

Angel Femia
Jesse Wilson
Testimony about child being sexually and physically abused by Children's Aid Society
The Horrid Truth

Fri, 24 Mar 2006

Dear Members of the Ontario Legislature
Attached, please find an affidavit in pdf format involving the flagrant physical and sexual abuse of a young boy by CAS workers in Toronto and the subsequent cover-up by CAS workers and the Ontario Children’s Lawyer’s Office. This child has testified on videotape that he was threatened, coerced drugged and forcefully confined by the Toronto Jewish Children’s Aid Society and that this was covered up by his lawyer with Ontario’s Children’s Lawyer.

Yet, despite the cries for help by this child to those agencies responsible, the agency which the boy claimed was threatening and abusing him, were allowed to take him away and lock him up so that his friends and family could never see him again and to this date have never seen or heard of him again. Before being taken away, the boy testified on videotape that he was being threatened and coerced by his lawyer from the Ontario Children’s Lawyer’s Office and being denied his right to have someone sit with him at meetings. The Children’s Lawyer did not allow the boy to have any witnesses so that the Lawyer could threaten the boy without there being anyone present to witness the abuse of the boy. All of this paid for by the Province of Ontario taxpayers.

We hear of children being kidnapped and tortured in other countries and think that this sort of thing only happens in other countries. But in reality it is happening right here in Ontario and the Government of Ontario is funding this blatant abuse of children through children’s aid agencies and through Ontario’s Office of the Children’s Lawyer.
Recent attempts by CAS agencies and certain persons having influence over the Minister’s office to keep the Ombudsman from overseeing the CAS was for good reason – to keep the public and the elected representatives of the people of Ontario at Queen’s Park from finding out what is really going on behind the closed doors of the various CAS agencies.

It time for the elected officials of Ontario to wake up and to make sure that they don’t get the wool pulled over their eyes by the CAS and those who hold influence with the Minister. Its time to at least give kids half a chance by ensuring that the Ombudsman of Ontario, Andre Marin, is given the mandate to oversee the operation of Ontario’s CAS agencies.

Copies of videotapes of this boy’s testimony are available and other documentary evidence to show how the CAS have abused this child and then covered up their tracks so that the elected representatives within the Ontario Legislature would not know what is going on. If any elected Member of the Legislature wishes to view the tapes, then please contact Canada Court Watch at Representatives from Court Watch are also willing to meet to discuss the problems with children being sexually, physically and emotionally abused by CAS agencies and their workers.

Additional information about abuse of children and families by CAS agencies is also available on our website at;
Things Need To be Changed Now!!!
CCAS link in several deaths

The death of Jeffrey Baldwin isn't the only high-profile case that has involved the Catholic Children's Aid Society.

- The CCAS placed foster children in the care of Paul Blackwell, 64, who last month admitted to sexually abusing two wards of the CCAS between 1977 and 1992.

- In 1997, Jordan Heikamp, 5 weeks old, was left to starve to death. Heikamp slowly wasted away to skin and bones in a women's shelter while under the CCAS's watch, and died at 4 pounds, 2 ounces -- 4 ounces less than his birth weight.

- Afua Boateng, 4, was killed by her schizophrenic mother the day after a neighbour pleaded with CCAS to remove the child.

Rosina Boateng was found not criminally responsible for the 1995 death because of her mental disorder.


Afua suffered 47 injuries, which drained all the blood from her heart and killed her. The mother -- who believed her child was possessed by the devil -- cut her daughter's wrists and put hot pepper in the child's eyes.

Agency workers decided Afua showed no signs of any type of violence or injury.

- In 1994, Sara Podniewicz, 6 months old, was killed by her crack-addicted mother Lisa Olsen, who, six years earlier, had pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and endangering the life of her 10-week-old son Mikey in 1988. Sara suffered 24 broken bones, including 16 ribs, which led to fatal pneumonia. The CCAS had the legal responsibility to protect her. Olsen, and Sara's father Michael Podniewicz were found guilty of murdering the infant.

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