Sexual Abuse & Political & Legal Conspiracy. RCMP Incompetence & Cover up. Priors Of Grand Bank NFLD Canada
How do I get a corrupt legal system to investigate, charge and convict itself?
If T. Alex Hickman, Justice Minister, 1966 to 1979 also Health Minister 1968 to 1969 and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
of Newfoundland 1979 to 2000, Freemason Grand Master, 34 YEARS OF COMPLETE LEGAL SYSTEMS CONTROL,at 41 years of age, rapes
and impregnates your younger sister Susan, at 12 years old, what would you do? Ex Liberal MP Bill Matthews & his friends,
raped the same child repeatedly, for more than 3 Yrs. At 14 ,she had a second baby, Aaron, she said she was 80% sure he is
Matthews son.
A third baby, Harriett, at 18 & 3 miscarriages also, by this time, what abuse of a child. Matthews & his lawyer, Ed Roberts,
pressured me to sign papers, saying Matthews had nothing to do with my family & I imagined it all. NOT SO. I have copies of
their letters. 2 weeks after I signed these papers, MR ED ROBERTS was made LT. Govenor of NFLD. & LAB. by MR JEAN CHRETIEN,
soon to be known as Canada's most CORRUPT Prime Minister. After the Justice Minister, Rapes & Impregnates a 12 Yr. old child,
in a small town & everyone knows, who will stop or charge anyone else, for Raping & Abusing that same child??
MR. Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, you say you want to clean up Government Corruption, start here, DO SOMETHING NOW PLEASE,
I am willing to take any tests and answer all questions regarding my entire life. All they have to do is take one blood test.
It's time for them to stop manipulating our legal system and face the truth, which I have be telling anyone else who would
listen, all of my life.I didn't just awake one morning and decide to accuse the most powerful and most corrupt legal animal
in this province.
Please listen to this information:
Brian's Issue
Sexual Assault to A Twelve Year Old Girl
Left Pregnant
No Legal Help due To Her Prpatrator's
High Position In Our Society
When I along with my family believe and have to face daily that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is alleged to have
sexually assaulted and raped a twelve year old child and left her pregnant. This child is now my niece, who can my family
tell or report this situation to in order to get proper legal advice or help?
Where can we get Justice?
My family has been destroyed by this Corruption and we’ve (the remainder of my family) has been left without even basic
human rights.
We are not the only ones that is has happened to and would like others to come forward to help us fight this problem.
People in authority should not get special treatment for the abuses and hell they have done to others. These authority figures
should not have friends in high places watching their backs.
But they do and we would like to know why.
When the Government & Legal system are the Organized CRIME, when they honor CHILD RAPEST, or any child abuser within their
rank of society.
The Federal Government is allowing the Credibility & Reputation of the
Police & The Legal System, to be destroyed to protect This particularCorrupt Lawyer,
Politician, Judge, member of the ORDER OF CANADA or any abusing perpatrator or any authority figure within our social system.
This man and many others have broken every law he swore to protect.
Because this X-Justice Minister and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, raped and impregnated my 12 year old sister, and covered
it up his entire career, no one will help us.
To this day, no lawyer will represent me and the legal system will do nothing to help.
The last lawyer I asked to represent me told me, if any lawyer tried to represent you, it would mean the end of their career.
Visit my web site at:
Ask all your friends to e-mail;
Our Prime Minister, Stephen Harper at:
Ask him for Justice.
Our Premier, Mr Danny Williams at;
Thank You
Byron Prior
Tele# 709-834-9822
66 Readers Hill Crescent
Conception Bay South
NL., Canada