Love Is The True Healer
Once again we are witnessing the reasons that The LoveCry's Staff, The Toronto Street News Staff and Supporters keep on working
with barley any funds and more opposition thrown in our faces then most could tolerate. Many times I have been questioned
as to why we just don't give up trying to get our Medical and Political Authority Figures to open their eyes and minds to
the Issues of Abuse and Violence within our families and society. God knows we will all need great help in facing, realizing
and dealing with these problems and Greater Leaders to even admit this situation is far more grave then is being conveyed.
Every day we are confronted with many reasons to face this horrid disease yet barley anything is truly done about it. All
violence done by children is directly related to and a product of our violent and abusive society as well as the fact that
our authority figures flat our refuse to deal with the truth and damage done by this treatment of the human mind.
Below is yet another example of this truth and this time it hit home plate. Anita is a Street Kid that has left many in deep
sadness. She was tough and stubborn but in the wrong places. With a heart of gold and untamed trust, Anita fell into the hell
pits that ends a young kid, living on our streets life. CRACK!
Just another street Kid!
The story never ends,
One more abused kid hits the streets,
Got caught up in the lustful seediness,
Began to crack out and die,
Cold, alone, miles from home,
Feeling like no one cared anyway,
One more blast won't matter,
Before she returned to her,
Vancouver shelter bed forThe night,
This time to fall sleep,
For good,
No one noticed she was stoned,
Even what her name was
Just another street kid,
And from her soul
The screams are loud
No one wanted to listen!
Friday evening we at LoveCry, had a visit by two police officers. They had come to ask if we knew of a young girl, with the
sir-name of Markle. The Police in Vancouver British Columbia had found a young girl dead in a shelter in Vancouver. This young
girl had died during her sleep. The only information they could find in her belongings was
a business card I had given to her a few weeks before she left town.
There was no identification found, just this card with her last name {Markle} written on the back. Little did these officers
know but this deceased youth's sister lives in our home. Heather was working on some filing for the newspaper when the Police
arrived. With shock, horror and pain we received the news of Anita Markle's death.
Many of you know this young lady as she lived at LoveCry, from time to time and in the east end of Toronto for a few years.
She panhandled and sold papers on the Danforth, in the Beaches, Queen and John streets, as well as frequently visiting LoveCry,
The Evergreen for Youth, Youth Link, Mary's Home and Covenant House.
Anita left home four years ago due to unrecognisable differences she was having with her parents. Before Anita left her home
she came to talk to me because Heather, Anita's sister advised her to do so. I repeatedly advised Anita to finish school,
get a job and plan from that point. She only had one year to finish her grade twelve diploma.
Anita was showing many sings of major emotional problems so I spoke to both her family and teachers about this. They assured
me that they would see to it that Anita received proper help and attention for these problems.
Less then six months later Anita showed up at our door. She stayed for about one month, could not live with the rules and
went to live with her brother Paul. From there Anita began to drink alcohol and eventually smoke crack.
Anita began to hang around with the wrong crowed and disappeared for very long periods of time. She would pop up out of no-where
after being gone for months or call from jail after being charged with minor offences she committed to maintain her addiction
to crack cocaine.
The last time Anita came to LoveCry to get help quitting her addiction we spent two weeks searching for a re-habilitation
centre for her to get help coming down. We got no-where even with four people searching many days non-stop. Then she was found
beaten and raped in the parking lot near Leslie and Eastern. This beating, was done by a few well-known popcorn-pimps, recruiting
new hookers. We even received threatening calls, at LoveCry, from the perpetrators, letting us know Anita was in grave danger
but not telling us where she was or whom they were. They called us because Heather, Anita's sister works at LoveCry and we
were helping protect Anita from the harm these pimpse
had been threatening her with prior to her coming to us for help.
While in the hospital the officials did an Identity Check on Anita, because Anita was found with out any identification on
her. The officials found that Anita had an outstanding warrant for a theft done quite a while ago and Anita was arrested and
taken directly to jail as soon as the doctor had finished treating her.
At court both Anita's sister, Heather and myself tried to let the courts know that Anita should go into re-hab as soon as
possible. Heather and myself repeatedly told the Court Officials and Duty Council that Anita needed re-hab. Instead Anita
was let out of jail with orders from the Judge for her to work towards getting the help she needed. Well, as Crack Cocaine
user would do. Anita deceived
everyone making promises to our-selves, the Judge and Court Officials.
Directly after being released Anita did the exact opposite to what she was asked, and promised to do.
At nineteen years of age Anita Markle is gone. So young and in such emotional pain that drugging herself to her death was
the only way Anita could deal her life. There are thousands of kids out there on our Canadian Streets in the same situation
as Anita. Will they have to die too? These kids have been raised in a society filled with abuse and violence. There is almost
no place to go to avoid it's many
How many more children will we loose to crack or other dangerous substances before we look at the way we are living and teaching
our children to live. When are we, the adults going to realize what abuse is, what abuse dose and begin to work to get abuse
Please, before we loose another life, help stop ABUSE!!!
Dear Parents:
I have done what you requested regarding information from Child. I have kept you up to date {maybe in weird ways but never
the less I did this} through these past few years, done all I could to get you to take her home, and her to go home. At least
I have given you as much information as she would allow.
It is not my job to protect you from your own life or past, but I have until now. I can no longer protect some of the parents
as they refuse to co-operate. Those who do co-operate have their children back at home with them or are at least working towards
building relationships with their kids. They went or are going to therapy, {learning, growing and forgiving} with their kids
and on their own after speaking to me and with their kids.
The difference is remarkable.
Munchy, one of the hardest cases I had, left home at 12, vowing never to return, ran from C.A.S. {Children's Aid Society},
for over three years is now at home, happy with her mom and dad.
Judy ran at 13 from parents and C.A.S. {Children's Aid Society} She is now living at home and happy.
Chris is another. Left home at 12 and is now happily attending school daily.
Not all of them end up like your kids are but that is because there is a semblance of co-operation from the parents and caregivers.
Rich and others are off the streets, attending therapy, their parents are attending therapy and they are working on good,
healthy relationships.
Ce'was heavily on crack cocaine and on the hardest parts of our streets, now lives with her husband and child in New Jersey.
Has a great relationship with her parents today. When I met Ce' her mom would not let her in her home for any reason.
Jamie lives in Ottawa, spends most weekends with his parents, has a job, after a four-year crack cocaine addiction and street
These are just a few that went through LoveCry, we worked for years to get this to work. Most of these kids were completely
back balled in their families and were completely rage-filed toward their parents.
That is what I do. I do not do what the other organizations do. Their work is very important and needed but what I do goes
much deeper and I work hard to keep things between and within the families {confidential} as much as possible. If this is
just not possible and large trouble such as Death happens I feel I need to take other routes to the core of that particular
problem. So this is what I do.
I really wish people would see the difference, and deal with the rate of success but being the devil's advocate is never easy.
I am here to shed light on the truth. Not continue our human tradition of hiding the shame we all have in our lives. No ones
closet is empty and anyone who believes theirs is truly needs help in a deep way.
I work to get the kids home. Some of those who won't go home and wish to live here I let live here, if there is room. My father
taught me forgiveness above all, loyalty, and family values. Anyone that knew Carmelo {Mel} Femia {passed away in 1991}, or
of him knew that he was Clerk and Bailiff of The First Small Claims Court for Durham Region, Small Claims Court Judge {in
College Park, his room was the court room at the end of the corridor on the right}, Justice of the Peace, devoted family man
and deeply loyal to his family and friends.
My father's only real negative factor was that he had little anger control when he got emotional, and disciplined way too
harshly. However I let my mother and father raise my eldest daughter with stipulations that they never hit her, scream at
her, degrade her or try to emotionally control her. They listened and completely learned from their past mistakes. I respect
him more then any man I have ever met on this planet for that. My dad realized what he did wrong, dealt with his shame and
corrected his mistakes as opposed to hiding them under the rug.
This is what I feel all parents should be doing instead of the lies, hiding, manipulations, and guilt. My father made many
mistakes {ones that would come under the heading of abuse} but he learned from them and did not repeat them with my daughter.
In my eyes there is no guilt. Not only because parents do not have handbooks but because we the parents had no idea of abuse
in our generation, we had no idea what abuse of any form actually does to our minds, bodies and souls, and we truly believed
spare the rod, spoil the child.
With research and people like myself who actually have put their lives on the line to find the answers, we have learned that
these things, such as abuse in society and families have to be addressed, faced, dealt with, solutions found and forgiven.
This is true natural evolution of the human mind.
You see, the reason the kids don't always stay here at LoveCry is they want to party to kill their pain. I don't allow them
to party. The addicts come here when they want to clean up cause they know I will help, love and care for them over and over
as long as they behave under my roof.
What they do other places is just not my business. That is up to the people they are dealing with in those places. When they
are here they behave cause I refuse to deal any other way.
When they come to me they are already unruly. That is in no way my fault as you and many other parents tried to make it. It
is the Parents, Society etc. I can only deal with what you people gave me which is unruly, unmannered, sad, angry, rage filled
children, that deal the way their families taught them to deal life. Children learn what they live therefore what they put
out into society for the most part has been learned from home, school and friends.
I have been told of and felt your degradation towards me and as you see I just don't care. Christ, one of my friends says
Turn The Other Cheek, so I do.
Another thing among many of the things my father taught me is not to care about other's judgments as these judgers are only
projecting onto me what they truly believe about themselves as they do not see past themselves and most times know no one,
not even themselves therefore it is completely illogical to take that to heart, or they would not be judging anyone or anything.
All churches tell us that we are not to judge and that God is the only judge, therefore if God tells me through my soul that
I am in the wrong then I am but no one else gets that right as God is my only leader.
I do however listen to wise people of all ages, when they give me constructive criticism as I did Mayor Barbara Hall, Our
Toronto Media, Churches and Professionals of this city when they said "You Need To get Yourself Formal Educated In the Fields
You are Working'.
You see, I was and am A Rock Singer, writer and performer and had only personal experience to go on. This past six years I
have attended schools, done the courses and passed. I have now seven certificate on my wall One of which is Ministerial.
You can check all of this out from links on our web site: and
I will be sending you some writing from your child as soon as she completes it and we are continuing to look for a facilitator
for you and your child. I truly wish you to work things out but I will not do this work for you or in any form of manipulation
or hiding under rugs. Only in the light of the truth of God. I believe God above all Men
Love, Light and Peace

This young lady is now dead.
Angel Femia
If It Has Come This Far!
It's Gone Too Far! Edit Picture
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"Your Next Fix!"
by Angel Femia
Sliming up the dusty strip
You drag your ass around
The pain's a bitch,
You're scraping, sketching hard
Your brains hit bottom load
Screaming at the dealers
Spare a hit
They look at you
No mercy today
You get the denero boy?
Your eyes shine, turns grey
Just dies, a rusty glair
Bitching and nagging, grinding in pain
You drag your ass further
Heavier and harder it is, to take
The next few steps
You've got one goal
You need that fix
But nobody cares
Your desperation kicks in,
And you take out your blade,
Your knife slipped, as the blood drips! Edit Text
symbolli.gif Edit Picture
Love Is The True Healer
Edit Text
Once again we are witnessing the reasons that The LoveCry's Staff, The Toronto Street News Staff and Supporters keep on working
with barley any funds and more opposition thrown in our faces then most could tolerate. Many times I have been questioned
as to why we just don't give up trying to get our Medical and Political Authority Figures to open their eyes and minds to
the Issues of Abuse and Violence within our families and society. God knows we will all need great help in facing, realizing
and dealing with these problems and Greater Leaders to even admit this situation is far more grave then is being conveyed.
Every day we are confronted with many reasons to face this horrid disease yet barley anything is truly done about it. All
violence done by children is directly related to and a product of our violent and abusive society as well as the fact that
our authority figures flat our refuse to deal with the truth and damage done by this treatment of the human mind.
Below is yet another example of this truth and this time it hit home plate. Anita is a Street Kid that has left many in deep
sadness. She was tough and stubborn but in the wrong places. With a heart of gold and untamed trust, Anita fell into the hell
pits that ends a young kid, living on our streets life. CRACK!
Just another street Kid!
The story never ends,
One more abused kid hits the streets,
Got caught up in the lustful seediness,
Began to crack out and die,
Cold, alone, miles from home,
Feeling like no one cared anyway,
One more blast won't matter,
Before she returned to her,
Vancouver shelter bed forThe night,
This time to fall sleep,
For good,
No one noticed she was stoned,
Even what her name was
Just another street kid,
And from her soul
The screams are loud
No one wanted to listen!
Friday evening we at LoveCry, had a visit by two police officers. They had come to ask if we knew of a young girl, with the
sir-name of Markle. The Police in Vancouver British Columbia had found a young girl dead in a shelter in Vancouver. This young
girl had died during her sleep. The only information they could find in her belongings was
a business card I had given to her a few weeks before she left town.
There was no identification found, just this card with her last name {Markle} written on the back. Little did these officers
know but this deceased youth's sister lives in our home. Heather was working on some filing for the newspaper when the Police
arrived. With shock, horror and pain we received the news of Anita Markle's death.
Many of you know this young lady as she lived at LoveCry, from time to time and in the east end of Toronto for a few years.
She panhandled and sold papers on the Danforth, in the Beaches, Queen and John streets, as well as frequently visiting LoveCry,
The Evergreen for Youth, Youth Link, Mary's Home and Covenant House.
Anita left home four years ago due to unrecognisable differences she was having with her parents. Before Anita left her home
she came to talk to me because Heather, Anita's sister advised her to do so. I repeatedly advised Anita to finish school,
get a job and plan from that point. She only had one year to finish her grade twelve diploma.
Anita was showing many sings of major emotional problems so I spoke to both her family and teachers about this. They assured
me that they would see to it that Anita received proper help and attention for these problems.
Less then six months later Anita showed up at our door. She stayed for about one month, could not live with the rules and
went to live with her brother Paul. From there Anita began to drink alcohol and eventually smoke crack.
Anita began to hang around with the wrong crowed and disappeared for very long periods of time. She would pop up out of no-where
after being gone for months or call from jail after being charged with minor offences she committed to maintain her addiction
to crack cocaine.
The last time Anita came to LoveCry to get help quitting her addiction we spent two weeks searching for a re-habilitation
centre for her to get help coming down. We got no-where even with four people searching many days non-stop. Then she was found
beaten and raped in the parking lot near Leslie and Eastern. This beating, was done by a few well-known popcorn-pimps, recruiting
new hookers. We even received threatening calls, at LoveCry, from the perpetrators, letting us know Anita was in grave danger
but not telling us where she was or whom they were. They called us because Heather, Anita's sister works at LoveCry and we
were helping protect Anita from the harm these pimpse
had been threatening her with prior to her coming to us for help.
While in the hospital the officials did an Identity Check on Anita, because Anita was found with out any identification on
her. The officials found that Anita had an outstanding warrant for a theft done quite a while ago and Anita was arrested and
taken directly to jail as soon as the doctor had finished treating her.
At court both Anita's sister, Heather and myself tried to let the courts know that Anita should go into re-hab as soon as
possible. Heather and myself repeatedly told the Court Officials and Duty Council that Anita needed re-hab. Instead Anita
was let out of jail with orders from the Judge for her to work towards getting the help she needed. Well, as Crack Cocaine
user would do. Anita deceived
everyone making promises to our-selves, the Judge and Court Officials.
Directly after being released Anita did the exact opposite to what she was asked, and promised to do.
At nineteen years of age Anita Markle is gone. So young and in such emotional pain that drugging herself to her death was
the only way Anita could deal her life. There are thousands of kids out there on our Canadian Streets in the same situation
as Anita. Will they have to die too? These kids have been raised in a society filled with abuse and violence. There is almost
no place to go to avoid it's many
How many more children will we loose to crack or other dangerous substances before we look at the way we are living and teaching
our children to live. When are we, the adults going to realize what abuse is, what abuse dose and begin to work to get abuse
Please, before we loose another life, help stop ABUSE!!!
Dear Parents:
I have done what you requested regarding information from Child. I have kept you up to date {maybe in weird ways but never
the less I did this} through these past few years, done all I could to get you to take her home, and her to go home. At least
I have given you as much information as she would allow.
It is not my job to protect you from your own life or past, but I have until now. I can no longer protect some of the parents
as they refuse to co-operate. Those who do co-operate have their children back at home with them or are at least working towards
building relationships with their kids. They went or are going to therapy, {learning, growing and forgiving} with their kids
and on their own after speaking to me and with their kids.
The difference is remarkable.
Munchy, one of the hardest cases I had, left home at 12, vowing never to return, ran from C.A.S. {Children's Aid Society},
for over three years is now at home, happy with her mom and dad.
Judy ran at 13 from parents and C.A.S. {Children's Aid Society} She is now living at home and happy.
Chris is another. Left home at 12 and is now happily attending school daily.
Not all of them end up like your kids are but that is because there is a semblance of co-operation from the parents and caregivers.
Rich and others are off the streets, attending therapy, their parents are attending therapy and they are working on good,
healthy relationships.
Ce'was heavily on crack cocaine and on the hardest parts of our streets, now lives with her husband and child in New Jersey.
Has a great relationship with her parents today. When I met Ce' her mom would not let her in her home for any reason.
Jamie lives in Ottawa, spends most weekends with his parents, has a job, after a four-year crack cocaine addiction and street
These are just a few that went through LoveCry, we worked for years to get this to work. Most of these kids were completely
back balled in their families and were completely rage-filed toward their parents.
That is what I do. I do not do what the other organizations do. Their work is very important and needed but what I do goes
much deeper and I work hard to keep things between and within the families {confidential} as much as possible. If this is
just not possible and large trouble such as Death happens I feel I need to take other routes to the core of that particular
problem. So this is what I do.
I really wish people would see the difference, and deal with the rate of success but being the devil's advocate is never easy.
I am here to shed light on the truth. Not continue our human tradition of hiding the shame we all have in our lives. No ones
closet is empty and anyone who believes theirs is truly needs help in a deep way.
I work to get the kids home. Some of those who won't go home and wish to live here I let live here, if there is room. My father
taught me forgiveness above all, loyalty, and family values. Anyone that knew Carmelo {Mel} Femia {passed away in 1991}, or
of him knew that he was Clerk and Bailiff of The First Small Claims Court for Durham Region, Small Claims Court Judge {in
College Park, his room was the court room at the end of the corridor on the right}, Justice of the Peace, devoted family man
and deeply loyal to his family and friends.
My father's only real negative factor was that he had little anger control when he got emotional, and disciplined way too
harshly. However I let my mother and father raise my eldest daughter with stipulations that they never hit her, scream at
her, degrade her or try to emotionally control her. They listened and completely learned from their past mistakes. I respect
him more then any man I have ever met on this planet for that. My dad realized what he did wrong, dealt with his shame and
corrected his mistakes as opposed to hiding them under the rug.
This is what I feel all parents should be doing instead of the lies, hiding, manipulations, and guilt. My father made many
mistakes {ones that would come under the heading of abuse} but he learned from them and did not repeat them with my daughter.
In my eyes there is no guilt. Not only because parents do not have handbooks but because we the parents had no idea of abuse
in our generation, we had no idea what abuse of any form actually does to our minds, bodies and souls, and we truly believed
spare the rod, spoil the child.
With research and people like myself who actually have put their lives on the line to find the answers, we have learned that
these things, such as abuse in society and families have to be addressed, faced, dealt with, solutions found and forgiven.
This is true natural evolution of the human mind.
You see, the reason the kids don't always stay here at LoveCry is they want to party to kill their pain. I don't allow them
to party. The addicts come here when they want to clean up cause they know I will help, love and care for them over and over
as long as they behave under my roof.
What they do other places is just not my business. That is up to the people they are dealing with in those places. When they
are here they behave cause I refuse to deal any other way.
When they come to me they are already unruly. That is in no way my fault as you and many other parents tried to make it. It
is the Parents, Society etc. I can only deal with what you people gave me which is unruly, unmannered, sad, angry, rage filled
children, that deal the way their families taught them to deal life. Children learn what they live therefore what they put
out into society for the most part has been learned from home, school and friends.
I have been told of and felt your degradation towards me and as you see I just don't care. Christ, one of my friends says
Turn The Other Cheek, so I do.
Another thing among many of the things my father taught me is not to care about other's judgments as these judgers are only
projecting onto me what they truly believe about themselves as they do not see past themselves and most times know no one,
not even themselves therefore it is completely illogical to take that to heart, or they would not be judging anyone or anything.
All churches tell us that we are not to judge and that God is the only judge, therefore if God tells me through my soul that
I am in the wrong then I am but no one else gets that right as God is my only leader.
I do however listen to wise people of all ages, when they give me constructive criticism as I did Mayor Barbara Hall, Our
Toronto Media, Churches and Professionals of this city when they said "You Need To get Yourself Formal Educated In the Fields
You are Working'.
You see, I was and am A Rock Singer, writer and performer and had only personal experience to go on. This past six years I
have attended schools, done the courses and passed. I have now seven certificate on my wall One of which is Ministerial.
You can check all of this out from links on our web site: and
I will be sending you some writing from your child as soon as she completes it and we are continuing to look for a facilitator
for you and your child. I truly wish you to work things out but I will not do this work for you or in any form of manipulation
or hiding under rugs. Only in the light of the truth of God. I believe God above all Men
Love, Light and Peace
Angel Edit Text
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This young lady is now dead.
Angel Femia
Edit Text
At LoveCry we have endured loosing three people to death by street drugs {crack}, scams, robbery, improper and dangerous living
conditions and prositution in this past year. {This is not including the other homeless deaths of those whom do not frequent
our establishment as often}.
All of these kids had to change the format of their income due to the safe streets act that was placed into our lives with
much opposition.
Fox {24 years old} went from panhandling to squeeging to robbery, then to jail and now gone. Anita {eighteen years old} went
from panhandling and selling the paper to prostitution with crack and Amanda, {19 years old} went from squeeging to prostitution
and crack now gone.
The following story is about one of our kids. This hurts!!!
Way too young and one hell of a life. Amanda was a Street Kid. She hit the street of Toronto at the age of eleven. Learned
how to squeegee to keep herself alive. Then the Safe Streets Act was put into place. Amanda was still too young to be allowed
to enter the homeless establishments. She was not yet sixteen. With little choice that she could see and understand Amanda
opted for Prostition and then crack, as so many of our Street Kids do.
I personally knew Amanda as a child of 11 years until her death. She lived in the Twinkie Squat down by the Lakeshore with
hundreds of other LoveCry kids. Amanda was very well known to everyone, as she was the youngest child on the streets at that
time. When she would visit LoveCry we would watch movies. Amanda loved movies and would always sit by my feet on the floor
and hug my legs to feel safe and wanted. I would stroke her head and she would relax for a while. Amanda loved pizza so once
in a while we would all pull together to pay for her favorite food. She was our baby.
When Amanda was with the LoveCry kids she would Squeegee for her keep. Once the laws changed she, like many others was forced
to change ways of getting an income and chose prostituting.
Amanda did not give LoveCry her money, as she did not work for LoveCry. No one younger than nineteen is allowed to panhandle,
squeegee or sell the newspaper for LoveCry. Anyone under nineteen or did not reside at LoveCry, was keeping their money to
Many street kids would and to this day do not go into the organizations as the atmosphere, discipline, responsibility and
judgments [from both clients and staff}, are far too hard for them to handle and this type of abuse is what they originally
ran from. The anger, rage and hellish sadness {sitting deeply within their guts from their abuse issues} that just appears
within them is also a grave factor as to why kids stay out on the streets as opposed to going into the shelters for safety.
In Amanda's case, like many others she was just too young.
Amanda came to LoveCry to eat, get necessities, support, love and safety. She was loved and cared for by all who knew her
and will be missed. She was head strong and very determined to get by weather on the streets, in a squat or in a home. Amanda
would always fend for herself. Even at the ripe old age of eleven.
We are constantly being asked here at LoveCry and The Toronto Street news, why we support the homeless panning, squeeging
and selling papers. Well people, scenarios such as Amanda's death is what we have been trying to prevent. Learning how to
communicate, respect others and stop being afraid of people and all else is what LoveCry kids learn as well as good business
sense, math, manners, ethics and what ever our loving customers want to give us to help us heal.
LoveCry kids as well as myself have learned and grown greatly due to the people who give money for panning, squeeging and
sales of The Toronto Street News. When you take the time to stop, talk, give us food or gifts you are helping us to trust
and heal.
We thank you from our hearts and ask you to keep supporting so that no one else has to die like Amanda, Fox and Anita.

Editor of The Toronto Sun:
After reading very closely the story of Amanda we thought we needed to state our opinion. This opinion is comming from some
other street people who knew and loved Amanda for many years.
Amanda's death is one of the many horrid stories from our world. There are literally thousands and then some. Thank God not
all end up as Amanda's has.
We love her and will miss her deeply.
One of the issues we have with the story is the Father and Sexual Abuse. It was proven in court, {and he would not have taken
the plea bargain if there was not enough proof}, that this father is and was guilty of sexual abuse.
If there in fact was a Christmas Card that was stating differently, this Father would have kept at least a copy for proof.
Where is this proof?
It is an easy and a disgusting thing to do when a person uses another's unfortunate death to help clear his guilty name of
something this hidious.
The proof is in the pudding.
For many years now we {the abused street people}, have screamed that childhood sexual abuse is why kids come to the streets
and risk their lives hooking. It is the primary reason for addiction which in many cases leads to child prostitution.
Almost all street people have been sexually abused, if not before they come to the streets, it's for sure after we get here,
but any kid addicted to the hooker life, drugs or any other substance has been sexually abused as a child. This is already
common knowledge.
It is also very well known that Amanda's life, 100% fits the profile{that child advocates and the abused homeless have been
saying for almost a decade or more}, of a sexual abuse victim.
We need to get this type of thing stopped and the only way to even begin is with the truth.
Please stop disrespecting Amanda and all other victims by lying about their abuses after they have died.
Thank You
A group of Homeless Females
This Is Supposed To Be A Free Country!
Democracy Is Our Flag!
Ya! Ya! Ya!
In a truly Democratic Country there would be no gossip, lies, slander or hate crimes being committed during our elections,
especially by our politicians.
The east end of Toronto seems to be the seat of the Gossip. Tom Jacobek, one of our City Members tells more lies then he can
count. He was even caught lying during city meetings. Then he has the gull to pull up Barb Hall’s past and lie to the
media to bring her down. Friends of Barbara Hall may have started their work a little early but they are friends Not Barb.
Barb did nada and Tom needs to chill.
Second, everyone has known for many years that Barbara is married to a great guy with lots of money. Is bringing this situation
up during this time, not going a little far. It is no ones business but their own. Barbara did come from a poor background
as she was raised in Cabbagetown, {back then Cabbagetown was a slum area of Toronto} I know this as I was born there too in
This childish headspace shows in the city staff workers in social services office in the east end of Toronto. In the Coxwell
and Queen Welfare office workers believe they have the right to act like city councilors. They gossip about all their clients,
the smaller Non-Profits and anyone they can find dirt on. You hear it when you walk in the doors. They immediately start telling
clients lies and rumors about other clients and people they are connected to. Many of our clients will attest to this and
One woman {she asked us to leave out her name}, told her worker that her boyfriend was beating her and this worker told the
boyfriend and this woman was beaten again, that very night.
Jeremy MacDowell was beaten by other street people, due to a conversation that took place in the Coxwell and Queen welfare
office. Some workers told a few other street people that Jeremy was a child-molester, {without any proof of this as being
truth} and these people took this information back to the streets and Jeremy was beaten severely. Jeremy is quite willing
to attest to this fact.
One time Mayor Hall told the street kids they could stay in a certain park {Cloud Gardens} for a few nights. Barb was trying
to fix a very complicated situation. Tom Jacobek along with some friends complained until the police raided this park at 4am.
The kids were so angry that Ce” was beaten and raped, Jamie was beaten with a baseball bat and I was pepper-sprayed,
beaten and stabbed in this very park. All will attest to this happening in July of 1996.
At LoveCry we are unable to get food from Food For All Street Kids due to the grant Tom Jacobek gave the director, Billie
Weiver. Billie was bragging about this, to a large group of friends, in a small neighborhood bar in the east end near Pape
Ave. Stipulated with this grant was a promise to never give LoveCry food for the street kids. Tom’s only reason for
doing this was I along with a few other adults, had caught him telling some street kids to find bogus addresses to collect
welfare. This conversation took place after a media conference at City Hall in 1996.
This is where I learned that if one wishes to win any debate against these people one must first learn to be a great liar.
I decided to take a different route as I work very hard to be honest.
Not a good lesson to have to learn.
You, Our Leaders are supposed to be our Role Models but the role teaches us how to hate. Barb has given her best and Tom tries
to destroy her?????????????????
As for Social Services, You are paid by the taxes we pay. How does this give you the rights to treat people like crap and
put them into dangerous positions in life due to your words and thoughts about them? Is this why you get such nice pay-checks
and good job perks, Just so you can stab us in the back with it?
How then do we learn trust and decency?
I believe we should vote for the people who show us the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!