Foot and Hand Reflexology is based on the premise that there are zones and reflex areas in the feet and hands which correspond
to all body parts.
The physical act of applying specific pressures using thumb, finger and hand techniques, performed without oils, lotions or
creams result in stress reduction causing a physiological change in the body.
Both patient and reflexologist must be positioned comfortably to ensure maximum relaxation. Usually, a reclining position
is preferred by the patient. A reflexologist will usually work on the bare feet, but if this is not possible, the treatment
can be given on the hands.
Beginning with the right foot, all reflex points on both feet are always stimulated as the body is considered to be a whole
unit, the pressure applied varying with each person.
No, it will not make any condition more acute. FOOT REFLEXOLOGY helps nature to normalize body functions. A Foot Reflexology
series relaxes the stress that can affect your health. It is a safe effective way to Better Health.
Stress cannot be avoided, we live with it every day. A days work, playing sports or giving a dinner party can be stressful
but also exhilarating and fun. Stress becomes a problem when we fail to manage it well, especially the stress that results
from problems, frustrations, overwork and worry. When we don't handle stress well, the body's defences breakdown and you become
more susceptible to illness. Reflexology reduces stress by generating deep tranquil relaxation.
We all know how important it is for blood to flow freely through the body carrying oxygen and nutrients to all the cells in
the body and removing waste products and toxins. Stress and tension tighten up the cardiovascular system and restrict blood
flow. Circulation becomes sluggish. By reducing stress and tension, Reflexology allows the cardiovascular vessels to conduct
the flow of blood naturally and easily.
When mankind went barefoot, walking on sand or uneven ground was a partial reflexology treatment.
India, China, Egypt, etc., practiced reflexology thousands of years ago.
When we put on shoes we lost direct contact with the earth and were no longer grounded to it. We lost the natural exchange
between the body's electrical currents and those of the earth.
Nervous people pace back and forth; wring their hands; rub hands together; bite their nails and some even handle worry beads
and/or rocks. Unknowingly they are relieving tensions by working the reflexes.
Disease is created by stress. Stress is removed with reflexology, thereby aiding optimal health.
What is Reike?
Reike is a hands on technique (with the person full clothed) for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.
Reike is a 3000 year old Tibetan healing system redscovered in Japan in 1914 by Mikao usui a spiritual healer who named it
Reike. Rei means Gods wisdom or the higher power and Ki is ''life force energy''
So reike is actually ''spiritually guided life force energy.
This healing modality is based on the idea that an unseen life force energy flows through us and it is what causes us to be
A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through you and arou d you. Reike treats the whole person,
including the body, emotions, mind & spirit.
This creates many beneficial effects including relaxation, and a feeling of peace, security and well being
It has been known to be effective in helping every known illness & condition. For example for the pain of arthritis, Parkinsons,
for post traumatic stress, Its very good for after an operation and for cancer pain, and high blood pressure, etc.
Click on picture! |

A Healing Advantage |
Jane DalingBSc - Bachelor of Science - PsychologyCCHt - Certified Clinical HypnotherapistRM - Reiki Master
Hypnosis is known to most of us through the world of entertainment. We've seen stage hypnotists in action making their
subjects bark like dogs and cluck like chickens. Even amazingly imaginative feats like becoming ridged like a board and being
hung on the back of a chair. The power of your imagination only needs to be harnessed to produce the impossible.
Have you ever daydreamed, or gone on a trip and all of a sudden you are at your destination? Where did the time go and
where did your mind go? In both cases you were in an informal trance state that is called self-hypnosis. Hypnosis is a normal
natural state of mind that happens many times every day. Another example of our daily trip into the alpha state is at night
in bed, just before falling asleep.
We can enter alpha in numerous ways: staring out the window while daydreaming, getting lost in a good book, sitting in
Church engrossed in a sermon, listening to music, or whenever we find our imaginations running freely.
What will I experience?
Your hypnotherapist will take you through a full body relaxation and hypnosis exercise. During this you may feel light
and airy as though you were floating, heavy like a lump of lead with arms or legs so heavy you don't want to move them, your
eyes may water, or your lids may flutter, and you will feel profoundly relaxed. Any or all of these physical signs accompany
hypnosis. Even your ability to imagine is enhanced, memory is enhanced, and creativity is enhanced.
Above all, the total relaxation of your whole experience will allow your major organs and glands to work in perfect harmony.
Just the way they were created to work. Your blood pressure will be lower. Your hormone levels will come back to normal. All
of these things will make you feel absolutely wonderful and mellow. Able to cope with anything that comes your way. And the
next few nights you may sleep like a baby, without a care in the world.
Since the re-introduction of hypnosis into Western Medicine they have discovered there are many varied uses that hypnosis
can be safely applied. Now, not only physical trauma but also emotional trauma can be handled with relative speed and ease.
Those of you who have been in counselling, for any sort of abuse, know how long some of this needs to be dealt with. With
hypnosis even severe sexual abuse as a youngster can be handled in a matter of weeks so the adult client can get on with their
Anger and/or Stress managements are two more areas that can be handled quickly and successfully with hypnosis. Many have
heard how the stresses in our lives affect not only blood pressure but the whole condition of our health. Learning a few simple
techniques for self-hypnosis you can relieve the stress instantly returning to a more calm state, handling situations with
intellect rather than reacting with emotion. This also works for phobias and fears.
Simply learning a few self-hypnosis techniques can reduce the stress of Childbirth, Medical & Dental procedures. Being
more relaxed will allow the pain control drugs to be more effective. You can even decrease the time it takes to heal.
Old habits have also benefitted from hypnosis. Any of you that have used hypnosis to quit smoking or lose weight will
know how successful this can be. Those who have tried it and have failed may need a small amount of help for the emotional
needs satisfied by either of the habits. The many Quick Fix Hypnoses programs that sail through town address mostly superficial
roots to these habits. If you are one of these persons who have tried a hypnosis program but need a little more, call and
in a session or two we can address the deeper needs.
Many professionals in sports, business and other walks of life have used hypnosis to improve performance - you can to!
A short hypnosis program, many times just a session or two, can also improve a student's grades and study habits. Find out
the reasons behind any of your self-sabotage and rewrite a new healthier script for your life. Self improvement of all types
lends itself well to the uses of hypnosis.
Chrystals help to change and balance your energies system. It is known for many years that Chrystals hold energy and some
even say they hold wisdom from ages ago. Many today speak of the healing powers of Chrystals and of the teaching they posess.
Below is some information as to how Chrystals work and what they do.
1. Sodalite helps to clear up both mental and emotional confusion which can prevent concentration.
2. Carnelian helps us to focus on the present, and our current needs.
3. Angelite helps us to be in touch with angels and animal guides, as well as assisting in distant communication with other
4. Citrine to manifest your ideas so that you can act on them.
Clear Calcite Clear calcite helps us to change our perspective.
5. Turquoise clarifies ideas and to express them creatively -- and to enroll others in helping to make them come true.
6. Clear quartz: Called the mirror of the soul. Clear quartz helps to see who we truly are, free of limiting ideas and beliefs.
7. Rose quartz is the stone for self-love, meaning appreciation of yourself, regardless of what you consider to be your shortcomings.
Rose quartz helps us to heal and balance our emotions.
8. Amazoniteis used for courage of personal expression.
9. All grounding (black/red) stones help to reestablish a loving connection with the earth dimension. These include smoky
quartz, hematite, tiger's eye, obsidian, black tourmaline, onyx, and red jasper.
10. Smoky quartz helps to establish the most gentle and loving connection with the body.
11. Citrine: for using one's individual and unique talents to create abundance.
Chrysoprase: Attracts abundance and helps in success with new ventures
12. Sugilite is especially effective in working on resentment and anger. It has a calming effect and helps to move us towards
13. Hawk's Eye helps to provide an "aerial" and more objective viewpoint of one's situation.
14. Hematite: In ancient times this stone was used as a mirror because of its reflective qualities. It can help you to deflect,
rather than absorb, the moods of others.
15. Chrysocolla: Its deep blue-green hue soothes and calms the heart. It is also considered to be a stone to program for world
16. Aquamarine, a stone which has been related to the sea, helps us to brave the unknown and experience the flow of creativity.
Clear calcite: Lacking imagination is often the inability to see beyond the (invisible) mental boundaries we've set for
ourselves. Clear calcite helps us to expand our vision.
17. Blue Agate and Malachite: Both of these stones assist in left/right-brain balance. Thus, those who feel stuck in their
logical, rational selves can rebalance so that they may hear their intuitive voices.
18. As Blue Agate and Malachite help those who are mostly logical to get in touch with intuition, so mostly intuitive people
can use these stones to experience their rational sides. Both stones relate to left/right-brain balance.
19. Rhodonite: Combining pink, the color for love, with black, for grounding, this stone promotes tolerance.
20. Amethyst: This stone is commonly referred to as nature's tranquilizer. It's also beneficial for those who suffer from
insomnia or nightmares.
:Amber This stone helps with any kind of emotional turmoil.
Chrysoprase: Helps to release emotional tension and stress which has lodged in the physical being.
Green Tourmaline: All tourmalines help to balance energy, and green is one of the most soothing.
21. Smoky quartz is the most widely-used stone for self-esteem.
Citrine is another good choice, as it balances both any tendency to have an inflated opinion of self as well as an inadequate
sense of self.
22. Rhodonite and Rose Quartz: Rhodonite is effective in dealing with intolerance of acquaintances and strangers; while Rose
Quartz addresses the intolerance we feel towards those people who mirror what we view as our own faults.
23. Rhodonite: This stone helps us to patient and to forgive.
24. Clear quartz: A pointed crystal has the most focused energy, and clear quartz is the most powerful crystal to program
for goals.
25. Hematite and black tourmaline both help to deflect negativity.
26. Green tourmaline for awakening one's creativity for the purpose of creating more abundance.
Citrine: for feeling confident about using those abilities.
Honey calcite: for manifesting abundance in work-related areas.
Pyrite: For awakening the creativity and discovering new ways of creating abundance.
27. Moss Agate helps one to understand the self improves ego and self esteem.
28. Malachite: for its ability to help balance the logical, practical and intuitive, visionary sides of the brain.
Carnelian: For helping creativity to flow.
Aqua Aura: Encourages self-expression in service to others.
29. Labradorite/spectrolite: This stone assists us in the wise use of psychic powers; thus we need not fear using them for
the wrong purposes.
30. Agate: This stone helps us to connect to nature and nature spirits.
31. Aventurine: Sorrow is stored in the heart, and aventurine is an ideal stone for soothing heartache.
32. Rhodochrosite: This stone assists in slow, deep breathing, which relaxes the solar plexus and sends needed oxygen to the
33. Moonstone: This stone assists you both when you're feeling over-emotional or out of touch with your feelings.
34. Amethyst: The most recommended stone for stress relief.
Aquamarine: This stone has the calming, soothing energy of the sea.
35. Rutilated Quartz: Its high vibrations speed in manifesting what you want.
36. Black Obsidian: This stone helps to bring to the surface the hidden and limiting beliefs which may blocking you.
Clear calcite has the same effect in a more gentle way.
37. Rose quartz: This stone teaches self-love and acceptance; when we feel this way about ourselves it's easier to have patience
with others.
Rhodonite: This stone helps with patience.
38. Sodalite: When you feel completely confused this stone can help with mental calmness.
39. Obsidian: This stone will tell you' be sure you want to know.
40. Amethyst: The stone for over stressed nerves.
Rhodochrosite: for relieving anxiety.
41. Moonstone: This stone helps us to get in touch with our feelings.
42. Hematite: Being over-sensitive usually means being over-affected by the opinions and/or feelings of others. Hematite helps
to shield us from this.
43. Rose quartz: This is the stone for loving ourselves, and trust naturally follows love.
44. Moonstone: This stone helps to bring balance to the emotions.
45. Obsidian: This stone will bring up anything which is hidden, and is best used with any of the quartzes (especially rose
quartz and aventurine) to soften its effect.
Charoite: Helps one to deal with both known and unknown fears.
46. Smoky Quartz: When we're depressed we feel both that we have no solid ground to stand on and that light is absent from
our lives. This stone, which is dark and light-filled, can help.
Amber: This helps to draw out depression.
47. Ruby: This is the traditional stone for sexual and emotional passion.
48. Amazonite and Turquoise: The first stone gives courage of self-expression; the second gives the ability to ask for help.
49. Amazonite: This stone helps us to say what we need to say.
50. Amethyst: This is the traditional stone for peaceful sleep.
51. Green calcite: This stone, formed in water, helps to bring flexibility to our perceptions of ourselves and others.
52. Clear calcite: This stone helps us to to draw on our higher or spiritual selves for creative solutions.
53. Moldavite: Some of us may; moldavite can helps us all to feel more comfortable on the earth plane.
Ametrine: Helps us to balance the spiritual and physical words.
54. Kyanite: I have found that this stone helps me to be grounded and calm so that I can meditate.
Hematite: This stone helps to calm and stabilize our energy.
55. Fluorite: Known as the genius stone, it can help stimulate intellectual powers.
56. Rose quartz: When we nurture ourselves with self-love other people's opinions of us will usually mirror our own.
57. Charoite: We often present false images because we're afraid that we won't be accepted for who we are. Charoite helps
to dissolve fear.
58. Quartz cluster: Helps us to see the beauty of community.
59. Amethyst: Many people have successfully used this stone to help in releasing addictions.
60. Onyx: This is the stone for breaking unwanted ties to the past.
Information On Therapies That Help Heal Abuse Issues!
Information on Therapies to help Heal Abuse
Holistic Psychotherapy
Anger Managment Therapy
Abuse Therapy
Sexual Abuse Therapy
Drug Abuse Therapy
Psychic Abuse Thherapy
Rictual Abuse Therapy
Essential oils are the vital life essence of aromatic plants and flowers in a condensed form. Aromatherapy is the use of essential
oils for therapeutic effects. Essential oils have been revered for their fragrance and their restorative effects on the body,
mind, and spirit for thousands of years.
Pure essential oils are blended for harmonious, combined effect and fragrance. Skillful blending balances the therapeutic
effect and aromatic quality of individual essential oils. Ancient Healing Art creates balanced blends to promote:
·emotional and hormonal balance
·stress relief
·rejuvenation, and more.
The scent of essential oils is conveyed by the olfactory nerve to areas of the brain that can influence emotions and hormonal
When used in a bath or massage, the oils are absorbed through the skin and carried by body fluids to the main body systems;
such as the nervous and muscular systems for a healing effect.
·by breathing the aromatic vapors using an aroma diffuser or air freshener
·by absorbing diluted oils through the skin in a bath or massage
There are many ways to use essential oils for their fragrance and balancing properties. The proportions given for diluting
essential oils are a guideline and you can adjust them to your preference. The key is - a little goes a long way. One drop
of essential oil is often equal to one ounce of the plant.
Aromatic Effect
The simple, no frills way to use essential oils is to take the cap off the bottle and breathe deeply. It's most effective
and you can use it anytime and anywhere.
An aroma diffuser has a small container that is filled with water and heated usually by a candle. Add 6-10 drops of an essential
oil to water in the bowl of an aroma diffuser. The aromatic vapors of the essential oils are diffused as the water is heated.
Create a natural air freshener to enhance moods or freshen the air at home, work or in the car. Add 50-75 drops of an essential
oil to 2 ounces of pure water in a mist spray bottle. Shake well before spraying into the air.
Add 25 drops of an essential oil to a potpourri that has lost its scent. Or create your own potpourri by adding drops of an
essential oil to dried leaves, flowers, etc. Mix together in a container, cover tightly and store for several days to allow
the potpourri material to absorb the essential oils.
Direct inhalation of the aromatic vapors can be useful for quick effect of the essential oils and to help breathing Add 8
drops of an essential oil to a bowl of hot water, place a towel over your head, and breathe deeply for about 5 minutes.
A nebuliser type diffuser is a device which continuously disperses minute particles of essential oils into the air at high
pressure. Follow diffuser manufacturer instructions for adding essential oils.
Fill bath: Add 8-15 drops of an essential oil to the tub after the water has finished running. Stir the water to mix the oils
evenly. It is best not to use soap - simply the essential oils. Baths are very effective as you breathe the vapors and absorb
the oils through the skin.
Foot or hand bath: Add 4-5 drops of an essential oil to a container filled with warm water and stir the water to mix the oils.
Soak feet or hands and relax.
Jacuzzi: Add 3 drops per person (6 drops if only one person) of an essential oil to the Jacuzzi water before getting in.
Create your own massage oil by adding up to 18 drops of an essential oil to 1 oz of pure vegetable oil, such as jojoba, grapeseed
or almond. For children use only 6 drops of an essential oil per 1 oz of a carrier oil. The massage oil can be used for a
full massage or spot massage at pressure points for quick effect.
Add 6 drops of an essential oil to a bowl of hot or cold water. Submerse a cloth in the water, wring it out and place it on
the area needing healing. Hot compresses are useful for muscular pain and cramp relief and cold compresses are useful for
swelling or headache.
Add 4-8 drops of an essential oil to a wash cloth and rub briskly over your body after showering.
Create Your Own Perfume
Add 25 drops of an essential oil to 1 ounce of water in a mist spray bottle or to a carrier oil. Enjoy a rich fragrance and
harmonizing effects at the same time.
Pure, concentrated plant extracts have been used for centuries and knowledge of their special properties has been collected
throughout many ages. We do not recommend use of aromatherapy as a substitute for medical care. Ancient Healing Art makes
no therapeutic claims and accepts no liability. We simply suggest traditional uses based on the wisdom of those who lived
in harmony with nature.
Ancient Healing Art.