Read and Hear the truth of Genocide in Canada, past and present, at this website: , and watch Kevin's
award-winning documentary film UNREPENTANT on the same website.
UNREPENTANT: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide
- Winner, Best Foreign Documentary Film, Los Angeles Independent Film Festival, March 2007
- Winner, Best Canadian Film, Creation Aboriginal Film Festival, Edmonton, 2009
Soon to be released feature film, THE DIARY, based on Kevin Annett's epic struggle to bring to light genocide in Canada -
see the trailer below or at
Published by The Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada, a public investigative body continuing the work of previous Tribunals
into native residential schools:
The Justice in the Valley Coalition’s Inquiry into Crimes Against Aboriginal People, convened in Port Alberni, British
Columbia on December 9, 1994, and The International Human Rights Association of American Minorities Tribunal into Canadian
Residential Schools, held in Vancouver from June 12-14, 1998.
Copyright @ The Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada, 2001
The Untold Story of the Genocide of Aboriginal Peoples by Church and State in Canada
A Summary of an Ongoing, Independent Inquiry into Canadian
Native “Residential Schools” and their Legacy
By Rev. Kevin D. Annett, M.A., M.Div.
Kevin Annett, beaten, exposes role of Canada's police and churches in sex crimes and child trafficking
By Brenda Norrell
Kevin Annett, human rights activist beaten in Vancouver on Wednesday, released a new article today exposing the role of Canada's
police and churches in sex crimes and child trafficking, including the abuse of Native women and children.
Kevin Annett, a community minister, was assaulted by two men in Vancouver's downtown eastside on Wednesday, Jan. Jan. 6, 2010,
just two days after he published an article on church and government complicity in child trafficking on Canada's west coast.
Annett suffered cuts, bruises, and at least one broken rib as a result of the unprovoked beating by two men, one of whom is
linked to a downtown church agency.
Today, after being beaten, Annett released a new article on the role of Vancouver police in sex crimes
Annett begins the article with this quote: "Ten of the last dozen women to be taken to the killing site at Piggy's Palace
were accompanied by Mounties or regular cops. You think it was just Willie Picton who was killing them?"
The article continues, "She told me the man's name, a senior RCMP officer, and then said, 'Who doesn't matter. They're all
doing it. It's called the ‘hooker game'. The Vancouver cops will pick up girls off the street, drug them with scopolamine
and film them as they f--k them, in a cop club downtown on Georgia street . Then sometimes they kill the girls and film that
too, and sell it for $25,000 as a snuff film."
Annett has exposed the rape, torture and murder of Native children in Canada's residential schools, through church documents
and interviews. In one case, a Native girl was raped and the infant she gave birth to was thrown into the furnace. The abuse
of Native children in Canada's residential schools mirrored the abuse in aboriginal boarding schools in Australia and BIA
boarding schools in the United States.
Annett is now exposing the role of the church and Canadian government in sex crimes, including the disappearance of Native
children in child trafficking and murder of Native women.
Annett also released a statement today about the attack.
"I have waited to comment on the attack because of my need to rest and recover, but concerns from many people have prompted
me to go public with what happened to me.
"Last Wednesday, January 6, at around 9 am, I was assisting a woman facing eviction collect her belongings at a rooming house
at 566 Powell street in Vancouver's downtown eastside. Two men suddenly burst into the room, and one of them, a tall, strongly
built Caucasian man named Dave who apparently is the manager of the building and a former employee of the Union Gospel Mission,
began punching and kicking me. I received severe bruises on my neck and back, and a bruised and possibly broken rib because
of this attack.
"At no time did he or his accomplice, another strongly built Caucasian man who witnessed the beating, say why they were attacking
me. The woman who I was assisting is a former sex trade worker who is now homeless, and who in the past has provided me with
information concerning the disappearance of women in the downtown eastside.
"This assault occurred just two days after an article I wrote entitled 'Child Trafficking in Beautiful British Columbia' in
The Agora newspaper was widely disseminated in the downtown eastside of Vancouver. The article describes the documented complicity
of churches, the police and the government in the trafficking of children in protected pedophile networks in B.C. I therefore
believe there is a connection between the publicizing of this story and the attack made on me. This incident represents yet
another case of repression aimed at community activists by the 2010 Olympic security forces and police, and other unknown
parties," Annett said.
Meanwhile, the oppression in Canada toward those who speak out against the 2010 Olympics was exposed when border guards recently
detained and interrogated Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! Although Goodman had not planned to speak out about the Olympics,
the harassment at the border backfired and exposed the ongoing oppression of those in the movement: "No Olympics on Stolen
Annett, who for fifteen years has led the campaign to bring to justice the churches and government responsible for genocide
in Canada's Indian Residential Schools, made international news in October 2009 when he held the first memorial service for
missing native children outside the Vatican in Rome.
Rev. Annett, school survivors and native elders have also led high profile protests and occupations of churches in Vancouver
and Toronto since 2005, and on many occasions Annett has been threatened by church officials and police, according to a statement
from Hidden From History.
Annett said he will be returning to Rome and Europe in April with residential school survivors to confront Pope Benedict over
the fate and buried location of thousands of children who died in Catholic Indian schools in Canada.
William Annett, Kevin Annett's father, wrote to the Prime Minister of Canada to demand justice.
"You are fully aware who Reverend Kevin Annett is. In case you've forgotten, I remind you that more than any other individual,
it was his work and sacrifice over 17 years that made inevitable your 'apology' to the victims and survivors of the Indian
Residential Schools, which you delivered in the House of Commons in June, 2008.
Annett's father described the attack and said, "I cannot accuse, because we cannot identify the source of this brutality.
But I do know -- and you have the means of discovering -- who those responsible are. Certainly, the perpetrators exist somewhere
within the following organizations, these sanctimonious Canadian institutions (still shielded by your government) who have
ostracized, vilified and persecuted Kevin Annett, trashing his life since 1992, and aided in default by the gutless Canadian
media who have known the truth since 1907: The Canadian Government/ the Department of Indian Affairs; The United Church of
Canada; The Anglican Church of Canada; The Roman Catholic Church; The RCMP; The Vancouver Police Department; Certain Tribal
Councils and Chiefs (establishment Indians.)"
"This will not happen again," William Annett said in his letter to the Prime Minister.
Annett's website is Hidden From History:
Jasper Joseph is a sixty-four year old native man from Port Hardy, British Columbia. His eyes still fill with tears when he
remembers his cousins who were killed with lethal injections by staff at the Nanaimo Indian Hospital, in 1944.
“I was just eight, and they’d shipped us down from the Anglican residential school in Alert Bay to the Nanaimo
Indian Hospital, the one run by the United Church. They kept me isolated in a tiny room there for more than three years, like
I was a lab rat, feeding me these pills, giving me shots that made me sick. Two of my cousins made a big fuss, screaming and
fighting back all the time, so the nurses gave them shots, and they both died right away. It was done to silence them.”
(November 10, 2000)
Unlike post-war Germans, Canadians have yet to acknowledge, let alone repent from, the genocide that we inflicted on millions
of conquered people: the aboriginal men, women and children who were deliberately exterminated by our racially supremacist
churches and state.
As early as November, 1907, the Canadian press was acknowledging that the death rate within Indian residential schools exceeded
50% (aee Appendix, “Key Newspaper Articles”). And yet the reality of such a massacre has been wiped clean from
public record and consciousness in Canada over the past decades. Small wonder; for that hidden history reveals a system whose
aim was to destroy most native people by disease, relocation and outright murder, while “assimilating” a minority
of collaborators who were trained to serve the genocidal system.
This history of purposeful genocide implicates every level of government in Canada, the RCMP, every mainline church, large
corporations, and local police, doctors, and judges. The web of complicity in this killing machine was, and remains, so vast
that its concealment has required an equally elaborate campaign of cover-up that has been engineered at the highest levels
of power in our country; a cover-up that is continuing, especially now that eyewitnesses to murders and atrocities at the
church-run native residential “schools” have come forward for the first time. For it was the residential “schools”
that constituted the death camps of the Canadian Holocaust, and within their walls nearly one-half of all aboriginal children
sent there by law died, or disappeared, according to the government’s own statistics.
These 50,000 victims have vanished, as have their corpses, “like they never existed,” according to one survivor.
But they did exist; they were innocent children, and they were killed by beatings and torture, and after being deliberately
exposed to tuberculosis and other diseases by paid employees of the churches and government, according to a “Final Solution”
master plan devised by the Department of Indian Affairs and the Catholic and Protestant churches.
The term “Final Solution” was not coined by the Nazis, but by Indian Affairs Superintendent Duncan Campbell Scott
in April of 1910 when he referred to how he envisioned the “Indian Problem” in Canada being resolved. Scott was
describing planned murder when he came up with the expression, since he first used it in response to a concern raised by a
west coast Indian Agent about the high level of deaths in the coastal residential schools. On April 12, 1910, Scott wrote,
“It is readily acknowledged that Indian children lose their natural resistance to illness by habitating so closely in
these schools, and that they die at a much higher rate than in their villages. But this alone does not justify a change in
the policy of this Department, which is geared towards the final solution of our Indian Problem.” (Department of Indian
Affairs Superintendent D.C. Scott to B.C. Indian Agent-General Major D. McKay, DIA Archives, RG 10 series).
With such official consent for manslaughter emanating from Ottawa, the churches responsible for annihilating natives on the
ground felt emboldened and protected enough to declare full-scale war on non-Christian native peoples through the twentieth
century. The casualties of that war were not only the 50,000 dead children of the residential schools, but the survivors,
whose social condition today has been described by United Nations human rights groups as that of “a colonized people
barely on the edge of survival, with all the trappings of a third-world society.” (November 12, 1999). The Holocaust
is continuing.
This report is the child of a six-year independent investigation into the hidden history of genocide against aboriginal peoples
in Canada. It summarizes the testimonies, documents and other evidence that proves that Canadian churches, corporations, and
the government are guilty of intentional genocide, in violation of the United Nations Convention on Genocide, which Canada
ratified in 1952, and under which it is bound by international law.
This report is a collaborative effort of nearly thirty people. And yet some of its authors must remain anonymous, particularly
its aboriginal contributors, whose lives have been threatened and who have been assaulted, denied jobs and evicted from their
homes on Indian reserves because of their involvement in this investigation. As a former minister in one of the guilty institutions
named in our inquiry-the United Church of Canada-I have been fired, blacklisted, threatened and publicly maligned by its officers
for my attempts to uncover the story of the deaths of children at that church’s Alberni residential school. But, as
they should know, lies and crucifixions have never stopped the truth from surviving.
Many people have sacrificed to produce this report, so that the world can learn of the Canadian Holocaust, and ensure that
those responsible for it are brought to justice before the International Criminal Court. Beginning among native and low-income
activists in Port Alberni, British Columbia, in the fall of 1994, this inquiry into crimes against humanity has continued
in the face of death threats, assaults, and the resources of church and state in Canada. It is within the power of the reader
to honour our sacrifice by sharing this story with others, and refusing to participate in the institutions which deliberately
killed many thousands of children.
The only ethical response to having blood on one’s collective hands is to say no to the habit of condoning genocide,
and to the lies that have concealed it in our country. Such a step is a form of moral cleansing that we, the heirs of a murderous
system, must practice if we are to honestly claim the mantle of a “civilized nation.”
This is an ongoing story, for the murder of native people continues. The standard of living of Canadian Indians today ranks
sixty-fourth in the world, below that of Mexico and Thailand (Globe and Mail, Oct. 12, 1998) In my former parish of Port Alberni,
infant mortality among native families is as high as in Guatemala. On many occasions between the years 1992 and 1995, when
I ministered there, I presided at the funerals of aboriginal babies who had died of malnutrition, pneumonia and other illnesses
caused by poverty and substandard housing. It was common for me to deliver food to Port Alberni native families who had not
eaten in days, and whose children could not even stand up because of hunger-induced exhaustion.
Such miserable conditions in one of the world’s richest nations are primarily caused by the systematic theft of native
lands and resources by multinational corporations like the U.S. logging giant Weyerhauser, and corporate fishing monopolies
like the Weston and Pattison groups. Sadly, this theft is enabled by governments, churches, and privileged native leaders
on state-funded reserves.
The pattern for this oppression was in many ways laid in the native residential schools, where death and torture was the norm.
Then, as now, the government of Canada deliberately concealed crimes committed by the churches. Typical in this sense is the
statement of Indian Agent P.B. Ashbridge in his January, 1940 report concerning a fire at the United Church’s Ahousat
residential school that was “probably deliberately set”. Ashbridge wrote, “As this school was the property
of, and conducted by, the Church, care was taken to avoid too close an inquiry.” (P.D.Ashbridge to Indian Affairs Commissioner
Major M. McKay, Jan. 26, 1940)
This history of official endorsement of, and collusion in, a century or more of crimes against Canada’s first peoples
must not discourage us from uncovering the truth and bringing the perpetrators to justice. It is for this reason that we invite
you to remember not only the 50,000 children who died in the residential school death camps, but the silent victims today
who suffer in our midst for bread and justice. Let us stand with them, come what may. For as peace activist Phil Berrigan
has said,
“If the powers of death need not step on your bodies to reach their intended victims, then a curse on your lives, and
a curse on your religion.”
(Rev.) Kevin D. Annett
The Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada (Vancouver)
February 1, 2001
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