A young girl goes to school
She is upset and very hurt
While at school her Guidance Councilor asks her
What is so wrong?
The young girl tries to explain
As tears run down her face and every part of her shook
My grandfather touched me
Where the councilor asks?
The young girl points to her private parts
The this young girl fell apart
The guidance councilor calls the police
The grandfather is charged
During the search the police did not find
The grandfather’s heart medicine, that was in his pocket
Nitro Glycerin, (a full prescription)
The grandfather swallows every pill
Later the guards at the jail find him dead
Lying on the floor in his jail cell
At the funeral the young girl was sitting quietly
Her aunt comes towards her to talk
Suddenly there was yelling, angry words and blame
All this was benign directed towards this young girl
It got louder and louder
The young girl’s parents came to her rescue
Her aunt continued yelling
She began to throw the insults and blame at the parents
By this time the young girl was hysterically crying
The young girl had an emotional breakdown
The young girl was hospitalized for a long time
One weekend the young girl was given a pass
Glad to be going to see her parents and brother
When she got there the memories returned
The nightmares of her grandfather molesting her
The horrid scene in the funeral home
The young girl got so upset
Before the young girl left the hospital she was given her medicine
Enough to last the entire weekend
The young girl kept taking her pills but she was not following the prescript
The young girl took them all
Then the young girl went o the basement and found some liter fluid
The young girl poured the fluid all over the floors and furniture
Then lit a match
This young girl was only thirteen years old
Her mother and father were burned badly and almost died
They spent years in recovery
Her brother had a few burns but was ok
The young girl died!!!
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M4M 2E4
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