Angel Femia
As I have written many times my family abuse goes back to the Catholic Church as my Grandfather was sexually abused by a Priest
when he was an altar boy, my Uncle was sexually abused by my Grandfather and a Priest when he was an altar boy and thus my
Mother, Aunt, Myself, my Sister, some of my Cousins (male and female) and Second Cousins have been sexually abused by my Uncle
or Grandfather.
The Churches or Religions themselves are not to blame. I have studied enough to see clearly that in none of the Churches Dogma
condone sexually abusing children or anyone for that matter.
The Catholic Church is the largest global organization and thus first to be confronted. There are many more to come to light.
I do not think the Catholic Church or any Church should be brought down. All do great work that is truly needed in many ways.
The largest is always brought to light first so that the rest can follow and come out with less fear and belief from those
who have not been hearing us.
Sexual abuse is everywhere and in all Organizations Globally. This will come into the light when the Catholic Church handles
this problem with honesty, in the open and with love.
Forgiveness is not just Christian. Christ is a Profit and The Master Meta-Physician in the eyes of many Non-Christians such
as myself. Christians believes in Savors, (Christ being one) and that is good for them but I believe we have to listen to
what our Prophets are saying and use the information and self discipline to save ourselves.
If I did not believe in forgiveness I would have gone after those who abused me (I could have laid charges and sued my doctors,
church, schools and family members (there are files of proof) and I did not as I do not believe fighting over who is wrong
and money will heal me or anyone else. It just causes more pain that we bring to ourselves. There is enough pain in life and
making unnecessary pain and sadness for oneself is a sickness not a healing. I choose to heal.
I chose forgiveness, (as I believe it is the key to Love and Love is the True Healer) without any church or belief other than
love! Rather than sinking into that kid of hate I want the truth to come out, all to be dealt with properly, honestly and
in the open and healing to begin.
I believe that there should be no law suits or money grubbing in the courts for any of the abused. Fighting for Money does
not help the problem; many times it only makes things worse. This is a Global problem and has to be handled properly for the
betterment of our children, ourselves, future generations, and humanity. Fighting for years over money can only cause more
destruction and pain. We have all have enough of that so we should not bother making more, with unnecessary actions.
I believe the churches should put together a plan to find all the preps. Deal with them properly and get them away from children
or anyone they can hurt.
Get them on the road to healing, (this may take generations but can be done).
Put any money they can into getting the children, their families from all the generations that were damaged the proper help
to heal to the best of their abilities.
No brain washing and changing their beliefs (to make everyone Catholic or Christian) as many are not Christian now but let
them believe what they do and heal their minds and bodies. Have people from all beliefs helping and doing the healing so that
all beliefs are respected.
Any faith in any Positive Loving God or Goddess helps strengthen.