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Welcome to my page!
Hi! Welcome to my page! I love dogs and I decided to make pages on some dogs. Do you love dogs? I hope this is the right place for you. To those who hate dogs, you'll learn to love them. They say dogs are man's best friends. They make nice companions. And if you want to send me some pictures of dogs or graphics, please do. I want to say thanks to my sister, Pauline for helping me, and to those who provided me with pics of dogs. Most of them are in the links section. Click here. Go to Pauline's page, The Akazukin Cha Cha Club. If any of these pics are yours and you don't want me to use them, please e-mail me and I'll remove it/them right away. Thanks! Hope you have fun!
Canine Classic's Dog Lover's Ring

This Dog Lovers Ring site owned by
Jessica. [
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