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Tips on Introducing a Cat to a Dog
The safest way to introduce a new kitten/cat to a dog is in a secure pen, large enough to contain a bed & litter tray. Place the pen in a quiet room, and leave your new arrival for a few hours to settle. Stay with your kitten/cat and bring it out to explore the room. When it seems relaxed, replace the pen and allow your dog to investigate, on a lead if it is excitable. If it barks or moves toward the new arrival, don't punish it, remember the cat is protected. Encourage your dog to sit calmly and reward it. Focus your attention on the dog so that he associates the new kitten/cat with more attention, and repeat this frequently. When your dog seems more tolerant, move the pen and the cat to different rooms over a few days, to establish the kitten's presence there. In time, both should calm down to each other's company and, if all goes well, experiment with introductions.