

Gustaf von Psilander : inledning

1669-1703 : uppväxt,
ungdom och tidiga karriär

Konvojerna : den historiska bakgrunden

Konvojerna 1703-1704


vägen mot toppen

1716-1734 : landshövding och riksdagsman

1734-1738 : president i

Den "private" Psilander

"Kuriosa- kabinettet"

Gustaf von Psilanders familj

Legenden skapas : 1700- och 1800-talen

12. De uppbringade handelsfartygen

I konvojen ingick vid tidpunkten för uppbringningen nedanstående handelsfartyg. Förteckningen finns i British Library, Add MSS 70,037 f. 291.
An Account of the merchant Ships lately taken in fight under a Swedish Convoy, by Admirall Whetston, and brought into the River of Thames
Ships names Masters names From what place
bound out
Where to deliver
as is pretended
With what severall Goods
laden as appears by the bills of lading sent up
Crowned Hope Daniel Frock Gottenbourg Bourdeaux 2 barrells of Blew, one barrell of Quicksilver, 3 packs of Ox hides, 4 packs of Whalebone, 2 barrells of China Roots, 80 barrells of Lamb Black, and 24 barrells of Beer, 712 barrs of Iron, weight 120 Ship:pounds and 400 dozen of Deales.
Mermaid Cornelis Petersen Gottenbourg Roanz 50 barrells of Blew, 148 barrells of Lattin, 52 barrells of Allome, 2 casks of Iron Wire, 2 casks of Brass Wire, 12 casks of Wax, 2 casks of Arsnick, 53 bundles Steel, 5 sacks of Wool, 265 Copper plates, and 20 dozen of Deales.
Salvator Henry Rodenburgh Westerwick St Malo 3 casks with brass kettles, 27 casks of Blew, 25 Chests with course Linnen, 5 packs of Ox hides, and 307 dozen of Deales.
St John Swen Nielson Saltkeel near Uddewalt London 1832 Barrs of Iron, weight 400 ship:pounds. 800 dozen of Deales.
Maria Hans Wolfe Gottenbourg Bristol 464 Barrs of Iron, weight 50 Ship:pounds. 866 Ditto... weight 150 Ship:pounds. 150 balks, 400 dozen of Deales, 24 Spires. 6000 Barrell Staves.
Maria Jacob Fischer Riga London 8 sacks of flaxen Thread, 140 bundles of Hemp. 17 bundles of hemp, 6 sacks of Flax, 22 matts of Flax, 84 parcells of hempen Cordage, 31 bundles of Hemp, 11 bundles Ditto, 60 Matts of Flax, 36 Bundles of Hemp, 570 Bundles of Flax, 10 Shock of Pipestaves, 50 Shock of hogshead Staves & 2 Shock of Oaves.
North Starr Zacharia Angerman Stockholm London 6306 Barrs of Iron, 380 Rings of brasswire, 5 Chests of brass plates, 840 barrs of Iron, 1040 barrs of iron, one Cask of Merchandize, 903 barrs of Iron, 1670 barrs of Iron, 100 Rings of brass wire, 1719 barrs of Iron and 65 dozen of Deales.
St Andrew Olaus Andersen Gevall London 50 dozen of Deales, 5436 barrs of Iron, 2966 barrs of Iron, 2 Cases of Cloath
Ridderhuyse Swen Westering Stockholm London 1802 barrs of Iron
1950 Ditto
3180 Ditto
2450 Ditto
2351 Ditto
911 Ditto
4200 Ditto
8389 Ditto
852 dozen of Deales
This account was made from the Bills of lading Sent up to the Court of Admiralty this 8 Aug 1704 by me Richard Crawley.

British Library, Add MSS 70,037 f. 291


Bengt Nilsson

Senast uppdaterad: juli 30, 2000.

Föregående sida: De uppbringade fartygen

Nästa sida: Vistelsen i England