

Gustaf von Psilander : inledning

1669-1703 : uppväxt,
ungdom och tidiga karriär

Konvojerna : den historiska bakgrunden

Konvojerna 1703-1704


vägen mot toppen

1716-1734 : landshövding och riksdagsman

1734-1738 : president i

Den "private" Psilander

"Kuriosa- kabinettet"

Gustaf von Psilanders familj

Legenden skapas : 1700- och 1800-talen

12. Daily Courant 31 juli och 3 augusti 1704

Den första rapporten i Londontidningen "Daily Courant" såg ut så här. Det bör påpekas att den så kallade "svenska stilen" gjorde att man i Sverige låg en dag före den gamla stilen som tillämpades i England. Enligt den svenska stilen ägde striden rum 28 juli, enligt den gamla stilen 27 juli.

"London, July 31. Yesterday arriv'd an Express from Yarmouth, which we are inform'd brought an Account, that Rear Admiral Whetstone with his Squadron meeting a Swedish man of War of 50 Guns and 9 Merchant Ships under her Convoy, order'd a Gun to be fir'd to warn the Swede to strike to Her Majesty's Ships ; the Swede sent his Long-Boat to the Admiral to tell him he was resolv'd not to strike; whereupon the Admiral order'd a second Gun to be fir'd, which the Swede answer'd with a Broad-Side ; a Fight ensued, and after a sharp Dispute, in which the Swede suffer'd very much, and on our side about 70 Men were lost, the Swedish man of War was taken, as also the Merchant-men ; and are brought into Yarmouth."

Daily Courant, måndagen 31 juli 1704

Nästa, något mer utförliga rapport, var införd i tidningen den 3 augusti.
"Yarmouth, July 31. On Friday Night last came into these Roads Rear Admiral Whetstone in Her Majesty's Ship the Litchfield, with the Dover Captain Trevannion, the Winchelsea Captain Robert Hughes, the Dragon Captain Maynard, the Newcastle Captain Cutler, and the Assistance Captain Edwards ; by whom we are inform'd, that eight Leagues east and by South from this Place, they fell in with a Swedish Man of War of about 50 Guns, having under her Convoy 14 Sail of Merchant Ships ; the Worcester being nearest fir'd a Gun charg'd with Powder, only to warn the Swede to strike, who immediately sent his boat to acquaint the Commander of the Worcester, that his Orders were not to strike to the Ships of war of any Potentate whatsoever. Then the Worcester fir'd a Gun loaded with Ball ; and thereupon the Swede, before his Boat got on board him. fir'd a Broadside, which was return'd by by the Worcester, the Winchelsea, and the rest of our Men of War as they came up with him, he continuing to fire at them till he was so much disabled that he made a Weft with his Ensign to signifie his being in Distress, this Ensign was afterwards cut down by our Shot. Our Boats going on board him, found many men kill'd or wounded. Of our Men above 20 were kill'd, and 16 wounded are put on shore here out of the Winchester, and 7 out of the assistance; the rest of our wounded are gone to London in the Worcester and Chester, who were order'd by the Rear Admiral to go with the Swedish Man of War and Merchant Men to the River ; and in their Company went Her Majesty's Ship the Sorlings for Harwich..."

Daily Courant, torsdagen 3 augusti 1704

(Under arbete)

©Bengt Nilsson

Senast uppdaterad: juli 30, 2000.

Föregående sida: Nyhetens rapportering

Nästa sida: Ordinarie Stockholmiske Post-Tijender 23 augusti 1704