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Transcending The Divide... PM

Transcending The Divide
Let me add my sincere words of welcome to this Second World Knowledge Conference.
he organisers have asked me to speak on "Transcending The Divide. In thinking about what to say, I was immediately reminded of two things. First, the story of Prophet Moses and the Red Sea. Second, some words of Bertrand Russell. As you all know, Prophet Moses parted the Red Sea in order to safeguard his people and to eventually ensure their freedom and prosperity. It required a miracle to pull off that feat.
I believe that it will require a miracle, indeed a series of such miracles - to pull off the feat of transcending the present global divide between the richest developed and the poorest developing, between those at the cutting edge of advancement and those being crushed by the weight of poverty, between those who have so much and those who have practically nothing at all. I would be completely surprised if the gap will actually be transcended in any meaningful way. To be sure, a handful of middle income countries can make the quantum leap to the informatised society, thus to become developed countries. But it would take a miracle to prevent a massive widening of the knowledge and the economic gap between the rich and the poor in the years ahead.
s for the words of Bertrand Russell, in his autobiography he writes: "Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.
I do think I have a similar longing for love from my wife and family. I cannot claim a similar thirst for knowledge like this great philosopher of the 20th century. But I do share his third passion, his unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind, for the wretched of the earth.
I make no apologies for stressing before you one of the great atrocities of the 20th century - which must not be perpetrated in the 21st.
Despite all the progress made by mankind, the massive advances in the liberation and empowerment of mankind, there is no denying that never before in the history of man do we see so many living in abject and absolute poverty. It might not be out of place to remind ourselves, even as we ponder the wondrous information instruments and knowledge machines of today and next year, that vast numbers of mankind have never opened the pages of the humblest book, although the technology of printing is more than a thousand years old. Vast numbers of mankind are yet to make or receive their first telephone call or enjoy the blessing of the electric bulb.
This morning, this afternoon and tonight, more than three thousand million human beings on this planet have to survive and get by on two US Dollars a day. This is less than what you paid for your cup of coffee in the hotel where you are staying.
Many statistics show that over the last decade especially, the developing have begun to catch up with the developed. In many ways, the development gap has indeed been narrowed. In many ways, quite dramatically. But take the so-called miracle economies of East Asia out of the equation and you will get a different picture.
As a human being who has journeyed far and wide over highways bustling with traffic as well as on the roads less traveled, I have never ceased to be amazed by how very generous poor people can be in their daily lives. I have never ceased to be amazed by how often the poor are willing to share what little they have. I have, at the same time, never ceased to be amazed by how very little some of the very rich can spare for the impoverished. I have never ceased to be amazed by how selfish, self-centred, greedy, avaricious, grasping and rapacious some of the very rich are.
Unfortunately, in our world of reality, generosity is something that no society had a right to expect in the past. It is not something that any society can expect in the present. No generosity can be expected in the future. Unfortunately for the poor and the backward, in the days ahead the cards are even more stacked against them.
This is because the information and knowledge gap between the economic haves and have-nots is even greater than the income and economic gaps between the backward and the developed world. The poorest societies on earth are even more starved of knowledge than they are of food. Those who need it most have the least. Herein lies the present tragedy and the making of a future catastrophe.
I am not, in the humorous words of Oscar Wilde, young enough to know everything; but I have no doubt whatsoever that in the years ahead, knowledge will be, dramatically, a much, much greater determinant of human performance in every area than at any time in the long history of mankind.
Knowledge has always been important, of course. The ancient Egyptians did not raise the stones for the pyramids relying on the incantations of their gods. The waters in the irrigation canals of the great Indus Civilisation did not flow according to the laws of ignorance. Knowledge has always been power and wealth.
written 400 years ago. Obviously, this great playwright was the first multimedia master. Shakespeare wrote: "Of his bones are coral made; those are pearls that were his eyes; nothing of him that doth fade but doth suffer a sea change.
If bones have turned to coral, if eyes have turned to pearls, if we have already seen a sea change, we must now prepare ourselves for an ocean change. Those who are strong enough and empowered enough to sail on this vast new ocean will reach shores never before dreamt of. Those who are weak and infirm, who cannot safely sail on this tumultuous ocean, will simply be left behind if they are lucky. They will be dragged under if they are not.
A central part of the radical transformation that has begun is the result of the ICT revolution, the dramatic impact of information and communication technologies. A critical reason is also the breaking down of barriers and borders and the opening of all societies to the fierce force of global competition and global penetration. The first revolution, the ICT revolution, is irreversible.
As for the globalisation revolution, it is, of course, not new. The first globalisation revolution started more than a hundred years ago. It culminated in what was called La Belle Epoch. It ended with the First World War. The globalisation revolution took six decades to make a comeback. But the comeback has been made. The second globalisation revolution came into force by the end of the eighties.
about "globalisation, a word we so often use because we don't quite know what we are talking about. I have no doubt that it will be brought to an abrupt end by the multitudes of the world if rapacious, unbridled and unconscionable capitalism bereft of ethics, morality and caring rides roughshod over the welfare of people.
was the first dramatic "wake-up call to us all. Especially those in the globalised fairy-land would do well to wake up. Globalisation is not inevitable. But I do believe that with cycles of ebb and flow, with the arrival of greater sanity, balance and consideration, globalisation will find a way to not only forge forward but also to fast forward.
Equally clearly, in grasping the opportunities of the Information Age and dealing with the dangers of the Information Age, we can expect no assistance, no real helping hand from anyone. The only helping hand we can rely on will be the one at the end of our own arm. If we are to transcend the great divides, we must do it ourselves.
Just as no one can do anything to us worse than what we can do to ourselves, no one can do for us anything better than what we can do for ourselves. This does not mean that we turn away from the world or that we turn the world away from us. But it means that we understand fully that God will help those who help themselves.
What do we need to do to help ourselves?
We must be prepared to examine every sacred cow, to give up every pre-conceived notion. In the pursuit of information, knowledge and wisdom, we must be prepared to face reality. We must embrace change, pursue novelty, crave innovation. We must learn. Even harder still, we must unlearn. We must remember to forget old ways. We must force ourselves into new habits. We must build the new processes, institutions and organisations that are necessary for the Information Age.
We understood fully that "our people are our greatest resource.
Great Information Hoard" which operates within the corporation, the university, the civil service quite understandable in an information and accessibility poor environment, which makes knowledge that extra important and therefore that extra valuable, to be coveted, hidden and hoarded, must be killed. The private and public sector will need to operate according to new rules of transparency, new regulations for disclosure, new processes of corporate and public sector governance. All the while, we must make sure that the short and long-term social effects are fully understood and proactively responded to and that equity and social justice are never neglected. All this has of course to take place within a context of massive technological innovation and expansion. At the beginning of this address, I talked about two great divides. The great divide between the economically rich and the materially poor of this earth and the great divide between the information and knowledge rich and the information and knowledge poor of the world. Please let me end with a few words on the third great divide: the great divide within all our societies between those who are information and knowledge empowered and those who are information and knowledge disenfranchised. In many countries this is the most urgent issue to address, the most difficult and the most critical for no society can move forward as a cohesive social community if the vast majority are left behind. A country that cannot advance the vast majority cannot sustain the welfare of the vanguard minority, no matter how talented that minority, no matter how brilliant their capabilities and how great their accomplishments. We cannot afford and we must not afford the shameful waste of the talents and the contribution of a disenfranchised underclass. We cannot afford and we must not afford the rage and the social disharmony. We cannot afford and we must not afford the political costs. In all our societies, we must ensure not only that as many as possible get onto the information super-highway but also that none are left by the wayside, to throw stones or hand grenades at the vehicles speeding past. The Information Age that is upon us holds out the promise of a new world of shared prosperity, a global renaissance. At the same time, it also holds out the danger of economic exploitation, societal devastation and a new era of imperialism and colonialism. For the sake of the world, I pray that we truly can bridge the economic and development gap, the information and knowledge gap and the great divide within. I pray that we can summon not only the information, not only the knowledge, but also the wisdom to choose the right road. I hope that this conference and you who are in the forefront of our Information age will be able to help us all to find that road and to inspire us all into making that journey. Prime Minister's Office PUTRAJAYA 1