Jaded Edge

Musician Fics
Open Challenge
Tit For Tat
The Dominatress
Of Saints & Sinners
Dirty Deeds
Don't Stand
I Could Fall
Taker X-mas poem
Road Rash
House on the Hill
A Vampire's Love
Dream Lover
Ghost of a Chance
Unexpected Revelations
What Goes Around...
Wanna Wrestle?
Evil In My Blood
Lincoln Park
Saving the Spirit
What Lies Within
Prop: Conf.
Four Against the World
Sister Joan
Sister Joan (cont.)
Kronik Passion
Favorite Links
Awards I Won
Fun Stuff
About Dom.
Contact Me
Sister Joan (cont.)

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the rest of the story is by me alone.

chapter 13

As Thomas entered the library, he saw Joan sitting at the counter, with her head in her hands. He smiled as he walked over to her. "Hello, Joan," he whispered. She looked up at him. "Oh. Hello, Thomas. I didn't hear you come in." He chuckled. "How are you today?" She sighed. "To be honest, I've had a migraine since I saw Dom this morning. Lucas did something to her, and she won't tell me what." His smiled broadened. "You know what it is, don't you?" Joan accused. "Yes." "Tell me, please." He considered telling her about their neice or nephew, but found another way out.

"Dominic is moving in with Luke." Joan looked down as she sighed. "I'm not sure I approve of them living in sin." "Well, nothing can be done about it. It's court ordered." Joan's head snapped up. "What?" "You missed her hearing this morning. Jeff is bailing her out. Austin released her into Luke's custody." "I need to go see her." As Joan tried to leave the desk, Thomas grabbed her arm. "Hold on. She's still in the tank for now. I just left them at the courthouse. Give them a few hours before you go over there. In fact, I came here to do some research for the trial. Would you mind helping me?" A smile played at her lips. "Alright."


Once all of the paperwork was done, and Jeff was ready to return to the shop, he asked, "hey, Dom, what do you want me to do with Terry's bike?" "I guess lock it in a stall for now." "What bike?" Lucas asked. "Uncle Terry brought a bike in last week for some art. I was supposed to take it to him the day after... he..." The sadness filled her heart again. "It's ok, Dom. We can talk about it later." "Thanks, Lucas."

She turned to Jeff. "Just lock it up. Do you think you can handle things around there for a while?" "I can do the painting." "That's fine. I'll be back in as soon as possible to do the tats. Any of them willing to wait, put them on a list." "You got it. Later, Sheriff, Dom." After Jeff left, Lucas turned to Rob and Amy. "Where going to lunch. We'll be back in an hour."

Once they were out the door, Dom looked at Lucas. "Only an hour? You take longer than that." "We have to make it quick," he said with a grin. He opened the passenger door for her, and helped her in the truck. Once he was in the driver's seat, they rushed to his house. After they arrived, and were inside, Lucas carried Dominic to his bedroom, and made love to her.

Once they were spent, Luke laid his head on her belly. Dom lazily played with his hair. "Do you think we're ready to be parents?" she asked. "I don't know, but it's a challenge we'll face together." After a moment of silence, Dom asked, "who's last name will it have?" Luke stayed silent. "There are so many things we need to work out." "I don't want our child to grow up a St. Patrick, when he or she is a Callaway. Once your name is cleared, I want to change it." "What are you..." "Dominic Marie St. Patrick, will you do me the honor of being my wife?"

She laid there in stunned silence for a moment. "I can't. WE can't. You'd be fired in a heartbeat." "We can go a few counties over, and get married there. Better yet, we can go to Houston and get married. Nobody here would have to know." She sat up, and he did, too. "I can hide the fact that you are the father, but there is no way in hell we can hide an entire marriage." "Then, to hell with this job. I'm not going to let it stand in the way of me being a father and a husband." She sighed. "We can talk about it again once my name is cleared. I want to marry you, but I don't want to get you in trouble."

He wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her back against his chest. "Then just say yes," he whispered in her ear. "We can work out the details later." He kissed along her neck and shoulder. When he reached the end, she turned to look at him. "Yes, I will be your wife."


As Thomas and Joan wrapped up the research, he smiled at her. "Let me thank you." "There's no need. That's why I'm here." "No. Let me make you dinner tonight at Luke's. That way you still get to see Dom." She smiled back at him. "Alright. What time should I be there?" "I'll have Luke and Dom pick you up around six." "That would be fine."

Thomas looked around them, before slowly moving toward her. He softly kissed her. "I've wanted to do that since the last time we kissed." Joan averted her gaze and blushed. He stood, and picked up his briefcase. "I'll see you tonight, Joan. Make sure you are hungry." She looked up with a big smile on her face, and her cheeks still pink. "I will be, Thomas."


chapter 14

As promised, Luke and Dom were at the sisters' house at six o'clock. They were silent until they were all in the truck on their way to Luke's house. "Are you glad to see me out, sis?" "Momentarily. I will be a lot happier when I know you won't be going back in." "The trial starts in two weeks. Hopefully, it won't be a long one." "And for the next two weeks you have to live with Luke?" Dom sighed. "Until the trial is over. If everything goes right, maybe longer." Luke laid his arm on the seat behind her, and carressed her shoulder.

Joan looked at her hands in her lap, and sighed. "I apologize for the way I acted this morning. It was uncalled for." "Don't worry about it, Jo. We still need to finish that talk, though." Joan looked up at Dom. "There's something else, besides you moving in with Luke?" "I didn't know about that when you came in this morning. Tommy and Luke came up with that before the hearing." "If you don't stay calm and listen this time, I have a roll of duct tape at the house, to keep you calm," Lucas said. "Lucas, really!" Dominic giggled. "He's just joking. But this is important to us, to all four of us, really." "Well, I am here, now, and I can not go anywhere. Just tell me." "I'm..." Lucas cut her off. "Not in the truck. If you decide to go haywire on us, I'd rather it's when you can't make me have a wreck."

They pulled into the driveway, and filed out of the truck. Once they were inside, Joan said, "alright. There's no threat of a wreck. Now, will you tell me?" Dom waited until Thomas came to stand behind Joan. "Luke and I are going to be parents." "What?" "I'm pregnant!" Joan fainted, and fell back into Thomas' arms. "Damn... You couldn't wait until after dinner?" Thomas said. He picked her up, and carried her up to his room. He laid her in the bed, and took off her shoes. He looked at her as she lay there. He gently took her glasses off of her, and let her hair loose. He went into the bathroom, and wet a wash cloth. He took it into the room, and laid it on her forehead.

As he walked down the stairs, he heard Dom repeatedly saying "damn it". Lucas grabbed her, and wrapped her in his arms. "Well, atleast you told her." "When she gets up, we'll tell her it was a bad dream." "No, Dom, we can't." "You saw what happened, Luke. We may be happy about it, but she isn't. Otherwise she wouldn't have fainted." "She's right, Luke. I think everything coming down at once is putting Joan in a bad condition. Maybe we should wait awhile before confirming that Dom is pregnant." Lucas nodded. "Alright. Sorry for ruining your dinner." "Don't worry about it. It's ready if you want to eat." "We'll wait. I was going to take Dom by the shop, anyways. Hopefully, Joan will be awake when we get back." "I'll go keep watch over her." "Alright. Later, bro." "Later."

Once Dominic and Lucas were gone, Thomas locked the door, and went up stairs. He laid down next to her, and watched her. Slowly, she began to come around. "Where am I?" "You're in my bed." "Thomas?" "Yeah." "What happened?" "You fell asleep on the way over here. I carried you in from the truck." "But Dominic told me she was pregnant." He chuckled. "You must have been dreaming." "I guess so." "Just lay here and rest. I'll stay here with you." "What about dinner?" "We can warm it up." She closed her eyes. "Thank you, Thomas."

Once Dom and Lucas were in the truck, she asked, "why were you going to take me to the shop?" "I want another tattoo." He started the truck, and they were on their way. "What do you want this time?" "It's a surprise," he said with a big grin. "What kind of surprise?" "What's your favorite color?" "Black. Why?" "Besides black." "Purple. I can't do it, if you don't tell me what I'm doing." "I'll tell you when we get in the room."

When they arrived at the shop. no one was there except Jeff. When they went in, she told Lucas, "go on in. I'm just going to let Jeff know we're here." "Ok." She knocked on his paint stall door, before opening it. "Hey, Jeff. I have the sheriff in the chair." "Alright. I'm kinda busy in here." "I'll let you know when I get ready to leave." "Ok." She closed the door, and went into the "gun stall". Lucas was laying back in the chair, with his shirt off.

"I don't know what you're getting, but I'm loving it already." "Come here." She walked over to him, and stood beside him. "On my lap." She sat facing him. He grabbed her hand, and laid it on his chest. "I want your name in purple right here." "Oh, Luke..." "I can show you that I mean it when I say I love you, but we're the only ones that will see it." "What about when you go in for a physical? Dr. Newinski will see it." He pulled her close. "I'll tell him you did it as a drunken prank. Slowly, people are finding out about us and so far no one has a real problem with it." "Because the only ones that know are family."

The stall door opened, and someone cleared his throat. "The only ones that know what?" Devon asked. "Nothing, bro." "Is Lucas giving you a hard time?" Bubba Ray asked. "We can put him through a table for you." "No, we can't," Spike said. "He's the sheriff. He could have us arrested." "That's never stopped us before," Bubba said. "It's assaulting an officer," Spike replied. "Guys, really, I'm fine. I was just getting ready to do some work on Lucas." "Don't let us stop you." "You don't need to be in here." "It's alright, Dom," Lucas said. "No, it's not," she said with a stern look.

"We'll let you finish your lovers' spat. We just wanted to know where Joan is," Spike said. Dom turned dagger eyes on him, and Bubba and Devon looked at him questioningly. Bubba started laughing. "Them two? Lovers?" He laughed so hard it echoed through the building. Devon saw the way Dominic looked at Spike. "Hey, Bubba, I think Spike's right." He looked at Dom, as he laughed. He slowly sobered. "Dom, are you really... You've been sleeping with..." Dom turned from them, and looked down, apologeticly, at Lucas. He smiled. "They are your family..." "No, I haven't been sleeping with Lucas." "Then, tell them who the baby's father is," Spike challenged. "What?" Bubba and Devon said in unison.

Dominic climbed off of Lucas' lap, and turned toward her brothers. With a running start she jumped toward Spike. Bubba and Devon caught her before she connected. They carried her over to the stool she worked from, and sat her down. "Close the door, Spike," Devon said. Dom sighed. "I might as well start his tat while we talk." Since the transfer machine, and all of the supplies were in the room, they allowed her to. She waited to speak until she was done making the two transfers.

"Yes, yes, and yes. Yes, I've been seeing Lucas. Yes, I'm pregnant, and yes, he is the father. So help me if any one of you say a word to Aunt Martha, Dad or Joan, I will kill you! In fact, don't let it leave this room. I don't want there to even be a chance that they find out." "Is he the one you're protecting during this murder case?" Devon asked. She sat on Lucas' lap to start on him. She looked him in the eyes, and said, "no." She put the jelly on his chest, and applied the transfer. She peeled away the paper, and the guys looked at it. "It's that serious, huh?" Bubba asked. "I wouldn't get her name permanantly on my skin if it wasn't," Lucas said.

Dom set out her colors, then picked up the gun. She pressed the button a few times, before dipping it into the black for the outline. "How did you get out of jail?" Bubba asked. "That was thanks to Thomas and Lucas. Thomas worked out a deal so that I could be released into Lucas' custody." "Who's the judge for your trial?" Spike asked. "Good ol' Stone Cold." "Shit," all three said. "Is there anything we can do to help?" "Find out who really killed Uncle Terry. The only person I've ever heard him speak badly about was Trish. He gave her a loan, and she stiffed him." "Why didn't you tell me about that?" Lucas asked. "I don't know. I guess I didn't think about it before." He grabbed his radio off of his hip. Dom took it from him. "These three would have better luck than you, Amy or Rob. Trish has a thing for Bubba."

"Anything else you might want to let me know?" "She would be the perfect suspect. She owed Terry some money, she hates me, which gives her a reason to set me up, and she has access to my house, since Joan has her over sometimes." "We'll see what we can do, Sis. Do you know where Joan is?" "She's asleep at Luke's. Thomas is watching over her." "You left her alone with Thomas!?" "What's your problem, Bubba? He's not gonna hurt her." "I'm not worried about him hurting her. I'm worried about him trying to get in her panties." "She can take care of that herself. She's turned down many men before him." "We'll just go check on her," Spike said.


chapter 15

Back at the house, Thomas had snuggled up to Joan. Joan slowly woke up. When she opened her eyes, she laid her hand on her forehead. "Thomas?" "Yeah?" "I ran out of my pain killers this morning. Do you have any?" "Yeah. Give me a minute." He got out of bed, went into the bathroom, and got one out of the bottle for her. He filled a glass with water, and brought it to her. Once she took the pill, she set the glass on the night stand. "Thank you, Thomas. These migraines just won't stop." "That's alright. Do you want to take a bath, and relax?" "I should go home. I apologize for ruining the evening." "Joan, stay here tonight. You can have the bed. I'll sleep on the couch. That way, you don't have to be alone."

She sighed as she laid back. "I appreciate the offer, but it's not a good idea." "I insist. Luke and Dom would love to have you here." He paused for a moment. "And so would I." She sat up, and swung her legs over the side. "I... I should leave." Thomas grabbed her shoulders, to keep her still. "Joan, you don't need to go anywhere, unless you're hungry. Then, you can go down stairs and eat." "I don't think so. I have nauzea from the migraine."

After a few minutes, the pill took effect. Joan fell back on the bed, asleep. "Well, I don't suppose she's going anywhere now." He helped her out of the skirt, and draped it over the back of the chair in the corner. He twisted her around so her head was on the pillow. He stood for a moment, and gazed down at her. He covered her with the blankets, then kissed her forehead. "I wish you would let me make love to you. You don't know what you've been missing."

Thomas went down stairs, and made up the couch for his bed. He slid out of his slacks, and laid them in the chair. He laid down to watch tv for awhile. Then, the doorbell rang. He went to the door to answer it. When he saw Bubba Ray on the other side, he sighed. "What do you want, Bubba Ray?" Bubba looked him over. Upon noticing Thomas was in his boxer shorts, he became upset. "Where is Joan?" "She's asleep in my bed. If you want to talk to her come back in the morning." "What the hell did you do to my sister?" "I haven't done anything to her." "Why is she in your bed, and why are your pants off?" "Come on, man..."

Bubba pushed his way inside, followed by Devon and Spike. "Joan?" "I told you, she's asleep. She had a migraine, and I gave her a pain killer. It knocked her out." "I'm gonna knock you out if I don't get to see Joan." Thomas laughed. "You and what army?" Bubba ignored him. "I don't know what it is with you Callaway boys and our sisters. We just found Dom tattooing her name on your brother's chest, now your half naked with our other sister." "Dom's doing what?" "You heard me." Thomas growled. "They were supposed to check on the shop, then come back here," he said more to himself than the Boys. "Where is Joan? I'm not going to ask you again. I'll tear the house apart looking for her." "Up the stairs, to the left, at the end of the hall."

The Boys went up the stairs, and turned to the right. "Your other left," Thomas called out. "What the hell!?" Spike said. "Hey, that's Luke's room. Get out of there." When he didn't see them turn around, he went up the stairs after them. "Hey, I said the other..." As he looked at the wall in the room, he had to stop, as well. One wall was covered with Poloroid pictures of Dom and Lucas in suggestive positions. "That sick bastard..." Devon said. "She posed for him. Now, what they do in this bedroom is their business. Joan is the other way," Thomas said as he reached for the door knob, and closed the door.

Bubba Ray looked at Thomas. "Asleep, or not, we're taking Joan with us." "No, you're not. She's staying here to see Dom." Bubba pushed Thomas out of the way, and went to the other bedroom. He went in, and shook her. "Joan, wake up, Sis. Let's get you out of here." "Bubba? What are you doing here?" "Getting you away from Thomas." "Why?" "Because the Callaway brothers are perverts." Thomas went in, and grabbed Bubba. "What did you say?" "I said you and your brother are perverts." "I've had enough attitude out of you." He reared back, and punched Bubba. Joan gasped. "Thomas!" "I would never do anything disrespectful to Joan. I promised a truce, and I meant to keep it. But I will not have you disrespecting my brother in his home. What he and Dom do is their business, and what Joan does is her business. If she wants to stay here with me, she is more than welcomed to. If she doesn't, I'll know that she doesn't trust me."

Devon looked at Joan. "Hey, Sis, do you want to stay here?" She was quiet for a moment, trying to take it all in. "Yes. I'm staying here to be close to Dominic." "Bang up job of that, sis. She's at the shop putting her name on Lucas." "They will be back soon, I'm sure," Joan said as she yawned. "Now, if you boys don't mind, I need some rest." "I'll gladly show you to the door." Thomas pushed Bubba Ray out of the bedroom door, and toward the stairs. Once they were all out on the front porch, Thomas said, "maybe you should respect your sisters a little more. Let them grow up. Stop babying them. They are strong women, now. They will do what they want." With that said, Thomas slammed the door shut.

Thomas laid on the couch, to wait for Lucas and Dominic to get there. As he was watching tv, Joan came down the stairs. "Are they gone?" He looked up at her. "Yes." He looked her over, and laughed. "I see you found my underwear drawer." She looked down at the boxers she had put on. "I'm sorry. I couldn't find my skirt." "It's alright. Hey, we match." She smiled. "May I join you?" "Sure." He sat up, and moved the blanket. She sat down beside him. "Would you like to cover up? We can share the blanket." She thought, 'either I can share a blanket with Thomas, or risk Lucas and Dominic seeing me in his underwear and getting ideas.' "Alright." He covered her lap with the blanket.

"I'm sorry I hit Bubba Ray. He was being a pain in the... neck since I opened the door." She laid her hand on his. "Don't worry about it. Sometimes I want to." She looked into his eyes. She wanted to kiss him, but wasn't sure if it was proper for a woman to make the first move. She slowly leaned toward him. "If you kiss me now, there's no telling what may happen," he warned. She laid her hand on his cheek, and kissed him. He slowly slid his tongue along her lips. She opened for him, unsure of what was to come. He gently swept his tongue over her's, inviting it to dance with his. As she moved her tongue with his, he wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled her onto his lap. He slid his hand up, under her shirt. She laid her hand on his to stop him. "Thomas..." "It's ok, Joan," he whispered. "I don't know if I'm ready to..." His length jumped, and hit her leg. "Sorry, it has a mind of its own." "That's your..." He waited for her to say it. "...penis?" "Yeah."

She closed her eyes, and swallowed. Thomas turned his attention to her neck, sucking and nibbling below her ear. She laid her hand on his shoulder, as her breath seemed to catch in her throat. Then, a light shined through the living room window. She pushed away from him. "What's wrong?" "They're back.""Damn..." He grinned at her. "Sorry." She smiled at him. "Why don't you go up stairs? I want to see Lucas and Dominic before I go to bed." His jaw fell open. "You... want me... in bed?" "We'll see what happens when I get up there." He gave her a quick kiss, then went up the stairs two at a time.

Two seconds later, they walked through the door. "Hey, Joan. Where's Tommy?" "He's up stairs." Joan sighed. "Let me see it." "See what?" "Lucas' new tattoo." Lucas laughed. "Are you sure? I have to take off my shirt to show you." "Just show me." He unbuttoned his shirt half way, and pulled his shirt aside. On his left pec, in script, was her sister's name. Joan shook her head. "There's more," Dom said. She pushed her dress strap off of her shoulder. On her left breast, in purple script, was Lucas' name. "He's not bad. Maybe if he does lose his job, he can be my new artist." "I love you, babe, but I won't work for you. My hand is still numb." "Do the Boys know about your's, Dom?" "No, why?" "They were here trying to drag me home, saying something about Lucas and Thomas being perverts. Thomas has been a perfect gentleman since your case came up. Now, Lucas, if he's seeing you, anything is possible." Dom gave her a sideways grin. "Pervert or not, I can handle him."

Lucas wrapped Dom in his arms. "What are you doing still up, Joan? It's late." "The Boys were just here not long ago. I thought I'd wait up until you got in." "Well, we're here now. Get some rest." Joan was about to toss back the blanket on her lap, then remembered she was wearing Thomas' underwear. "I will. Don't worry about me." Dom raised her brow as she eyed her sister. "What are you hiding?" "I'm not hiding anything." "You were about to move that blanket, but stopped. Why?" "Oh. No reason." Dom walked over to her sister. "Bull shit." "Dominic!" "Uh-uh... No lectures," Lucas broke in.

Dominic pulled the blanket off of Joan. Dom looked down, and saw the blue striped boxers. Her smile went from ear to ear. "Well, well... What did we miss?" Lucas cleared his throat. "If we want her to stay out of our business, we need to stay out of her's. If she wants to wear Tommy's boxers, that's between her and Tommy." "What makes you think they are his? Maybe they are mine, or some I got out of your drawer." "He doesn't wear any..." Lucas' hand clamped over Dom's mouth. "Because if you took one look in my room, you would be chewing my ass out right now. And she'd know if you wore boxers." Joan looked at her hands in her lap. "I couldn't find my skirt," she mumbled. Dom laughed, as she moved Lucas' hand. "Did you and Tommy..." Lucas covered her mouth again. "Not our business. You need to eat. Go in the kitchen." "But..." "Now, Dom." With a groan, she stepped away from him. He slapped her ass before she got too far away.

Once they were alone, Lucas spoke. "Look, Joan, no matter what's going on between you and Tom, you are welcomed to stay here while Dom is here. I just have two rules. Leave your lectures at the door, and stay out of our bedroom." "I will certainly try. Thank you, Lucas." He started off to the kitchen, then stopped. "One other thing, whatever happens in this house, stays in this house." "What is that supposed to mean?" He grinned at her. "I'll let you figure that out with Tommy." He winked before going into the kitchen. She got an unsettling feeling from it. But, seeing her opportunity, she went up the stairs to Thomas' room.

chapter 16

She tip-toed over to the bed. "Are you still awake?" "I was starting to think you weren't going to come up here." "Thomas, I still don't think I'm ready to..." "It's ok. Lay down with me." He held back the covers for her. She laid down with her back to him. She knew that if he kissed her again, she would lose her already failing grip on reason. She laid her head on his arm, while the other covered her, then snaked around her waist. She grinned as she closed her eyes. "Do women always feel safe in your arms?" "I don't know, but I hope you do." "I do." "Good. The only big bad monster you have to worry about right now is me," he chuckled. She was thankful that he couldn't see the redness creeping into her cheeks.

After a moment of silence, Thomas asked, "has anyone ever told you that you are beautiful?" "Once." "You deserve to be told every day." "That's very sweet of you, Thomas." He kissed her neck, moving her collar out of the way, so he could move down. "Mmm... Thomas?" "Yes?" "This feels so... intoxicating," she sighed. "It only gets better." "I don't see how anything could feel better." He moved his hands to the buttons on her blouse. "May I?" "That would be... indecent." "Joan, it's just the two of us. No one knows what is happening in here, and no one will see you but me." He nuzzled her neck. "I'm not going to hurt you," he whispered. "Alright."

He slowly unbuttoned her blouse. Joan was so nervous that she could hardly breathe. "Thomas, I..." "Relax, Joan." When he got the last button undone, he moved his arm out from under her, and held himself up on his elbow. She turned onto her back, and her shirt fell open. His breath caught in his throat. He slowly peeled it open all the way, as if unwrapping a treasure, gone unseen for centuries. "Oh, Joan... You are so beautiful." He leaned over, and placed soft kisses across her chest. As he moved down to the valley of her breasts, her mind flashed back to a time she had tried so hard to forget. "Thomas, please stop," she moaned. Not thinking that she really meant it, he reached for her bra straps, and pulled them off of her shoulders. She pushed at his shoulders. "I said stop!" As he pulled away from her, she sat up, and pulled her knees up under her chin. She pulled her shirt together as she stared at him.

"Joan? Are you ok?" "I... I should go home." She moved to get out of bed, but Thomas grabbed her arm. "Joan, I won't do anything else to you tonight. Just... don't run away from me." The pleading in his voice, and the sadness in his eyes made her give in. She laid back down in his arms. She laid there rigidly. "You might be able to go to sleep if you relax," Thomas said. She relaxed against him and quickly fell asleep.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Dom was making plates of food for her and Lucas. "Are you feeling ok, babe?" "I'm fine, Luke. Why do you ask?" "I just worry about you and the baby with everything that's going on." "I'm doing everything I can to not let the stress get to me. I'm not going to let anything happen to our child." He smiled as he watched her. "It won't be long before you start showing." "I know." "About six months, your belly will be out to your knees when you sit. You'll hardly be able to walk..." "Are you trying to make me feel better? If so, it's not working." He laughed. "I'm just trying to picture it. You've been so thin since we met in high school. Now you're getting ready to have our child."

She had to smile because of the happiness in his voice. "The only thing missing will be a couple rings on your left hand." She frowned. "Not this again." "Dom, half of this town knows something is going on between us. We just haven't admitted it to them." "And I don't plan to. To hell with what they think." "What are you going to tell Martha when she finds out?" "That I was drunk when it happened and don't remember who I slept with. She would expect that." "Dom..." "No, Luke. I don't give a damn about my reputation in this one horse town. You have a good one with the people. Let's keep it that way." "Damn it, you are carrying a Callaway in your belly. In seven or eight months, everyone is going to know about us, because that child will have the Callaway name."

Dominic began to sob. "Come here, baby." She walked over to the table where he sat. He pulled her onto his lap and petted her hair away from her face. "Dominic, look at me." She looked up into his green eyes. "What matters to me, more than anything else in this world, is my family. That's you, our baby, Tommy and, yes, even Joan. I want to make you an honest woman. That's what a true man should do." "I want to marry you, Luke, but..." He pressed his finger to her lips. "Just say you'll marry me." "Alright, Luke. I'll marry you." He softly kissed her.


chapter 17

It was two days before the trial. Joan sat at the library, feeling the pressures of work and the trial bearing down on her. She laid her elbows on the desk, and leaned her head into them to massage her temples. "Excuse me, could you help me?" She looked up at the man in front of her. Her jaw dropped, and her eyes were filled with terror. "You know, you look very familiar," the man said. "I just can't remember where I've seen you."

"You, uh... You've probably seen me around town. How may I help you?" "I need to know where your law books are." "Right this way, mister..." She knew his name. She just wanted to be certain it was him. "Helmsley. Hunter Helmsley." She sighed as she got out of her seat, and directed him to the books in question. "Here they are, Mr. Helmsley." "Thank you." He thought for a moment. "Marie? Marie St. James?" "I'm sorry. My name is Joan." He gave her his killer grin. "Sorry. You look like a girl I knew in college." 'Oh, good Lord... He remembers me...' she thought to herself.

She gave him a weak smile. "If that was all you needed..." "Yes. Thank you." She went back to her desk, and reached for her bottle of pain killers. She pulled it out of the drawer, but it was empty. Then, she remembered she had been using Thomas' prescription. "Trish?" "Yeah, Joan?" she said looking up from the computer. "Can you keep an eye on the library, so I can refill this?" she asked as she shook her bottle. "Sure. Take your time." "Thanks."

Joan left the library and walked down the street toward Dr. Newinski's office. As she did, she thought about how things had been going with Thomas. She knew she was falling in love with him. How could she not, when she spent every night pressed against his hard body? But, she was afraid to take the next step in showing him. She wasn't sure why. He had made it very clear that he wanted her, in every sense of the word. The thought of sex terrified her. The thought of sex with Thomas thrilled her, but she still wasn't sure if she was ready.

She cleared her thoughts out of her head as she turned to go into Dr. Newinski's office. He looked up from his desk. "Hi, Joan. Can I help you?" "My migraines have been really bad. I need some more pain killers." "Alright." He took the bottle from her, carried it behind the counter, and went about refilling it. "So, how is Dominic?" "Worried about the trial. It starts in two days." "Has her morning sickness gone away yet?" "Morning sickness?" she echoed. "She had a stomach virus, but she seems to be doing better." Chris stopped what he was doing and looked at her. "Dom didn't tell you?" "Tell me what?" "She's pregnant. Anywhere from one and a half months to two months."

Joan was about to faint, but Chris said, "take deep breaths, and lean this way." She leaned on the counter, as he went back to filling her bottle. "I'm sorry, Joan. I thought she would have told you." "Apparently she didn't want me to worry," she mumbled. Once the bottle was filled, he handed it to her. "Do you want to lay down for a moment?" Joan gave him a weak smile. "I'll be fine. Thank you." "No problem."

She took the bottle and paid him, then left. She headed straight for the sheriff's office. Once she was through the door she yelled, "Lucas Isaac Calloway! Dominic Marie St. Patrick!" Amy, Rob and Paul looked at her, shocked that she would yell for the sheriff using his full name. "What!?" they yelled back from his office. She ignored the others as she walked into his office, and slammed the door. "Why didn't you two tell me?" she said in a deathly tone as she looked back and forth from Luke to Dom. "Tell you what?" Dom asked nervously. "The baby..."

They shared a look, before Dom answered. "When we tried to tell you, you fainted. Luke, Tommy and I thought it would be best if we waited." "Thomas knows, too?" "We asked him not to tell you," Luke said. "The child is our's, and we plan to do things our way." Joan shook her finger at him. "YouWILL make my sister an honest woman." "I will, once her name is cleared." "BEFORE she starts to show." Luke nodded. "Alright. There's nothing for you to worry about, Joan. If the circumstances would have been better, I would have married her as soon as we found out. Dom didn't want to."

Joan looked at her sister. "All I needed to know was that Luke is by my side-- in my pregnancy, in the trial... The only difference between that and marriage is a ring," Dom said. "I can only imagine how the town is going to look at you between the trial and your pregnancy..." "I've made it clear that I don't care what this town thinks of me, Jo. The only thing that matters to me is my family-- you, the Dudleys, Luke, Tommy and the baby."

There was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" "It's me, Luke," Tom said from the other side. "Come on in." Once the door opened, Luke said, "close the door behind you." Tommy closed the door, and looked at the three of them. "Um... What did I interrupt?" "Joan just found out our little secret," Luke said. Tommy smiled. "Oh. Our niece or nephew?" "Yeah."

"So help me, Dominic, if it wasn't for that baby I would beat some sense into you. You told me you two were using protection..." "I was on the pill. I guess the last time he arrested me, I went too long without my pill..." Joan put up her hand. "Stop there. I don't want to hear the rest." She put her hand down, and glared at Dom. "All three of you need to know right now, that if I'm put on the stand in this trial, I will tell the court and the whole town where you were the night Terry was killed." "Then, we won't put you on the stand," Tommy said. Luke leaned back in his chair. "Nah. Go ahead and put her on the stand. That would solve all of our problems. The jury would know where she was, I'll vouch for her testimony. Once her name's cleared, I'll tell the town about the baby, that I'm the father, and that I'm marrying her, and if they don't like it, they can all kiss my ass."

There was another knock on the door. "What?" "Hey, Luke... This just came for you," Rob said as he entered and laid the envelope on his desk. "Thanks," he said as he looked at it. When he saw that Rob still stood there, he looked up. "What are you waiting for? A tip?" "I'm going." Once the door was closed behind Rob, he picked it up. "It's from the court house." He opened it, and read the paper inside. "Helmsley is calling me for the State."


chapter 18

The first day of the trial, and Dominic was out of her mind with worry. Once they were seated, Judge Austin looked at her. "I hope there won't be any medical reason for you to leave the courtroom this time, Ms. St. Patrick." "I should be fine, your honor." "Good. Mr. Callway, you may begin your opening arguements."

Thomas stood, and stepped out in front of the table. "Some of you have known Dominic since she was born. I've known her since high school. We all know that she is a wild cat to be tamed, but murder? Shooting one of the few people in this town that supported her when she opened her shop in cold blood? Dominic St. Patrick saw Terry "Hulk" Hogan as her uncle, a part of her family. She could no more kill Terry than she could her brothers or her only sister. I will help her to prove beyond reasonable doubt, that she is innocent of this heinous crime."

As Thomas took his seat, Hunter stood. "This woman has been charged with public lewdness, assault and battery, disturbing the peace, public intoxication on multiple occassions among other charges, and has received no more than a slap on the wrist. In the following days and weeks, I, as a representative for the State of Texas, will prove that Dominic St. Patrick had motive and the opportunity to kill Terry Hogan. It is true that Mr. Hogan was one of her few supporters. Her only other supporter, besides family, is your great Sheriff Lucas Callaway." He eyed the jurors. "She lied to him about her whereabouts on the night of the murder. It is clear that she has no regard for those that try to help her, and cares nothing for this town."

"Go to hell," she said under her breath. Thomas laid his hand on her's. "Behave. We'll have our chance." A hand laid on her shoulder. She looked over her shoulder, and saw Spike. He grinned at her, silently giving her his support. "Where'd they find this guy? Assholes R Us?" he laughed, quietly. She patted his hand, then turned back to Judge Austin.

"Helmsley, call your first witness." "I call Deputy Rob Van Dam to the stand." Dominic turned to watch Rob come into the courtroom, and saw Lucas looking through the glass on the door at her. His smile put her at ease. She smiled back at him, before turning back to the stand. Once he had taken the oath, he sat in the chair.

"Mr. Van Dam, you were the first on the scene the night Mr. Hogan was shot, weren't you?" "Yes, I was." "Why you, and not Sheriff Callaway?" "Deputy Dumas and I couldn't get him, so I went out there." "And what happened?" "I spoke to Linda McMahon, who said she heard four gun shots, and witnessed a woman fitting Dominic's description getting onto a motorcycle, and speeding away."

"Did you check on Mr. Hogan at this time?" "No, I did not. The shots could have come from anywhere, and it was common knowledge that Dominic spent a good deal of time with Terry." "So, what did you do when you left Mrs. McMahon?" "I went by Dominic's shop, to see if she was there. Bubba Ray and Devon Dudley let me inside to look for her, but she was gone."

"When did you find out that Terry was dead?" "The next day, when his cleaning lady found his body." "And so you searched the property for evidence, correct?" "Yes." "And what did you find?" "A foot print which matches Dominic's shoe size, four casings, her class ring, and the chain she wears it on." "Thank you. No further questions."

As Hunter took his seat, Thomas stood. "You said it is common knowledge that Ms. St. Patrick and Mr. Hogan spent a lot of time together." "That is correct." "Could you tell the jury how this could be common knowledge?" "Well, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday they had lunch together at Cindy Mae's. When one of Hogan's motorcycles wasn't parked outside her shop, she usually had one parked at his house. It's been that way for years." "He never visited her at her home?" "Not that I know of. I assumed Joan didn't get along with Terry." "At any time did you see that she was upset with Terry?" "Never." "No further questions, your honor."

As Thomas sat, he whispered, "he did well for both sides." "That doesn't make me like him any more than I did before." As Rob stepped down from the stand, Hunter called Lucas to the stand. "Oh, God... Tommy..." "It'll be ok. You know Luke won't do anything to hurt you." "But I can't stand seeing him up there against me, either." "It will be fine, Dom."

Albert held the bible out to Lucas. "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" Lucas looked at the bible, then at Albert. "I'm atheist." "Just say I do, damn it," Austin said. "I do, damn it." "I'll warn you right now, Sheriff, don't get smart with me." "Am I supposed to arrest myself?" "Helmsley, get started. I want this asshole out of my courtroom."

"What the hell is he doing!?" Dom whispered. "You don't piss off Stone Cold!" "He knows he can get away with it."

"Sheriff, where were you the night Terry Hogan was shot?" "I was at the shop with Dom for a few hours." "Why were you there?" "She was recoloring a tattoo for me." "Would you mind showing the court?" He stood from the chair, pulled his shirt out of his jeans, and unbuttoned it just enough to show everyone. "B.S.K... What does that stand for?" "Objection. It's meaning is irrelevent to this case," Thomas said. "Over ruled. I wouldn't mind knowing the meaning," Austin said. "Brothers Stay Kin," he said, knowing they'd never understand the true meaning.

"It's funny... Most people unbutton a shirt from the top to the bottom." "I'm not like most people." "Are there others that she has done for you lately, that you don't want us to see?" Dom looked down and shook her head. Lucas looked at her and smiled. "No, but then again, what I have on my body is my business." "So, you wouldn't mind showing us your chest?" "I would, actually." "Show us what you're hiding, Lucas," Austin said. Luke unbuttoned the last four, and pulled his shirt off.

Gasps filled the room, as they all looked at his tattoos, but mainly the one on his chest. "Sheriff, should I ask why you have Ms. St. Patrick's name on your chest?" Hunter asked. "We were at the shop drinking the night she was let out. I told her to put whatever she wanted on my chest. It took a few hours of talking her into it, but she finally agreed, and put her name on my chest." "And you didn't mind it?" "No. We've been close for a long time." "Did she agree to have your name put on her body?"

Dom turned to look at Spike. "We didn't say anything, Sis," he whispered.

"Yes, she did. Same place, as a matter of fact." "Ms. St. Patrick, would you mind showing the court?" Austin asked. She stood, and unbuttoned enough buttons to show the tattoo. "Her's doesn't look very professional. Did you do that?" Lucas slid his arms back in the sleeves. "Yeah, I did." "Why would a professional tattoo artist let someone who has probably never held a tattoo gun put ink in her skin?" "Why don't you tell me. You seem to know what happens around that shop..." "I think you two are lovers, and you're hiding it from the townspeople that just elected you sheriff." "So what if we are?"

"After you left the shop the night Mr. Hogan was killed, where did you go?" "I went home." "Were you alone?" Lucas looked at Dominic, and noticed her hand was over her mouth. "Dom, are you ok?" he asked. "Albert, take her to the bathroom, quick," Austin said. Once she was gone, Austin said, "I thought I told you Callaway boys to make sure she was better before she came back in my courtroom?"

Lucas had been trying hard to keep his cool, but he finally exploded. "She's not sick, you idiot! She's pregnant! Two months along to be exact." He turned his deadly green stare on Hunter. "And, no, I wasn't alone. Dominic was with me all night. Thomas knows it, and so does Joan." He turned to look at Spike. "And, yes, Spike, I am the one she was trying to protect. She didn't think the people of this town would let me stay sheriff if they found out that I love the craziest woman to ever come out of this town. At this point, I couldn't care less. I'm not going to let this trial continue and jeopordize the life and health of the Callaway your sister is carrying."

Lucas looked at the doors, and saw that Dom was standing there. "Luke, you didn't..." "I did. I told them everything." "But..." "It's too late to take it all back." He smiled at her. "Come here, baby." "Thomas?" He grinned and nodded. "He spilled his guts." She went to Lucas, and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you, Luke." "I love you, too, Dom." He leaned down and kissed her deeply as the crowd around them erupted in a loud murmur. Steve slammed his gavel down repeatedly. "Order! Order in this court!"

"I hate to break up this love-fest," Hunter said. "But there's still the matter of her ring and necklace being found at the scene of the crime." Dom looked in Luke's eyes as she said, "I lost them both in a fight with Rena Mero." "I can vouch for her story. It was the first time her ring didn't hit me during sex." As Hunter walked away, Luke grabbed a handful of her hair. "You didn't have to throw up, did you?" "No. I was trying to motion for you to keep quiet." Luke laughed. "Ooops..." "We'll take a five minute break so you folks could stop squawkin'," Austin said. "And, Sheriff, fix your shirt."

Dominic pulled Lucas out into the hall, then pushed him against the wall. "Lucas Callaway, I don't know if I want to fuck you, or beat the hell out of you!" He laughed. "I could go for the first one tonight." "What in the world is going on?" Joan asked as she joined them. "Luke told them everything; about us, about the baby, where I was when Uncle Terry was shot..." "So, where were you, then?" Devon asked as he and Bubba Ray joined them. "In bed..." She stood on her toes, and softly kissed Lucas. "...with Luke." "Right where I want you until we die."

"Dominic Marie!" She turned her head, and saw Aaron Dudley holding his wife up. "Uncle Aaron, Aunt Martha... Come, we have a few things to talk about, and not much time." As Lucas, Dominic, Aaron and Martha walked away, Thomas came out of the courtroom. "Thomas, what did I miss?" Joan asked him. He laughed. "Judge Austin pissed Lucas off. Austin jumped on us, because Dom had a neasious spell. Lucas informed him that she's not sick, then told Hunter that she was with him, then told Spike that she was protecting Luke."

Joan saw Hunter come out of the courtroom. She grabbed the lapels of Thomas' suit jacket, and pulled him towards her. "I, uh... I'm not sure what you're doing, Joan, but I believe this counts as a public show of affection." "Still into breaking hearts, I see," Hunter said. "Still into breaking noses, too. Wanna try me?" "Is that... That wouldn't happen to be the little librarian, would it?" Thomas wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "That's none of your business." Hunter laughed. "That librarian reminds me of a woman that actually turned me down in college. The only one. I don't know what her problem was..."

Joan let go of Thomas' jacket, and glared at Hunter. "You want to know what my problem was, Hunter Hearst Helmsley?" she said, poking him in the chest with each name. "I was going to give my virginity to you, and you practically mauled me. You didn't want to make love. You didn't even want to have sex. You would have raped me if I hadn't escaped you."

"So, you are Marie St. James." "My name is Joan St. Patrick, and you are nothing but the scum of the earth. You wouldn't have looked at me twice if you would have known that I was the one everyone called Sister Joan. Ms. Too afraid to kiss a guy. Well, you know what!?"

She pulled Thomas down, and kissed him full and hard on the lips, right in the middle of the hall, for all to see. With adrenaline pumping through her veins, she ended the kiss quickly, and turned on Hunter. In a deathly tone, she said, "you could only aspire to be half the man Thomas Callaway is." He sneered at her. "Is that right? Tell me something, Sister Joan, have you lost your virginity yet?" She swallowed hard. "No. Because of you, I'm too afraid to let a man get that close to me." He laughed. "If he were a real man, he would have taken you by now."

Thomas had had enough. He pulled back, and punched Hunter in the nose. "A gentleman waits until his woman is ready. He doesn't force himself on her." Joan buried her face in Thomas' chest. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, then placed a kiss on top of her head.

Albert stepped out of the courtroom. "We're ready to proceed." He looked down at Hunter. "What happened to him?" "He ran into my fist." "Austin's not going to like this." "I don't care." "For your client's sake, you should." Thomas looked over her head, at Bubba Ray and Devon, as he leaned down to kiss her head again.

"Come on. Let's get Dom and Luke." "The trial isn't over? But..." "There's still the matter of her ring and chain being there. Luke has to go back on the stand. The rest of you probably will, as well." As they turned toward them, Martha was hugging Lucas, then he shook Aaron's hand.

"Well, I think they approve of Dom's choice in men," Thomas said. "It's a first." She looked up at Thomas. "I wonder what they would think if they knew how..." She paused as he looked down at her. "...how I feel about you," she nearly whispered. He grinned at her. "Well, if nothing else, I approve of your choice in men. After that kiss a minute ago, I'd follow you around like a lost puppy." She bit her lip and looked down as she felt the heat creep into her cheeks.

chapter 19

Once Lucas was back on the stand, and the courtroom had settled, Hunter continued his interrogation. "The night in question, you said Dominic St. Patrick was with you, correct?" "Yes, she was." "And what were you doing?" "Objection!" Thomas yelled. "Sustained. Hunter, you saw the display they put on a few minutes ago. I think we all know what they were doing." Dom blushed. Lucas grinned.

"Is it possible that the necklace, found at the murder scene, had been put away when you arrested her the night she got into a fight with Rena Mero?" "It would be, if she had worn it again. She takes a lot of pride in the fact that she graduated, so she wore it all the time. Since that fight, I haven't seen it."

"Now, there was something that you found, which is why I called you to the stand." Lucas sighed. "You did some research with probate." "Yes, I did." "And what did you find?" "Terry left her all of his motorcycles, and ten thousand dollars." "Nice chunk of change." "Yes it is." "How many motorcycles?" "The will doesn't specify, but I have seen atleast seven go through Dom's shop." "And, speaking of her business, you took a look at her books, correct?" "Yes, I did." "And what did you find?" "She's not hurting for money, but after supplies and payroll, it's barely making a profit." "No further questions."

Thomas stood. Both brothers felt the urge to laugh, but supressed it. "Luke, how long have you been with Dominic?" "Over a year. About a year and a half." "And in that time, have you seen a change in her behavior?" "Yeah. Before we were together, I had to arrest her three, four times a month. Since then, I've only had to arrest her twice." "And what were those charges?" "Criminal mischief for toilet papering Jonathan Coachman's house, and assault & battery for the fight with Rena Mero."

"With the fact that she is carrying a child, and her fiance' is the sheriff, do you really expect her to go back to her old ways?" Luke stroked his goatee. "How did you know we're engaged?" Tom grinned. "I overheard you two talking." Luke sighed. "No, I don't expect her to go back to her old ways. Dom may be a little crazy, but she's not stupid." "No further questions."

Steve looked around as Lucas took a seat behind Dominic. Those cold blue eyes that gave him the nickname "Stone Cold" bore into Dominic. "I think we've had an eventful day today. I want everyone back in here at nine in the morning." He slammed down his gavel, then added, "Ms. St. Patrick, if you must, bring some damn soda crackers for your stomach." "Yes, your honor." As everyone stood for Austin to leave, Lucas leaned forward. "Stay in here, when everyone leaves." She nodded.

As the others began to leave, Thomas turned to them. "Well, want to go to Cindy Mae's for a bite?" "You and Joan go ahead. We'll meet you there," Lucas said. "Alright." Once the room was cleared, Dominic said, "your eyes are sparkling. What are you up to?" "Well, there's no reason to hide anymore, so let's talk to Steve." "About getting married?" "You still want to, right?" "Of course."

"Albert." The baliff turned to look at them. "Can we get a word with Steve?" "I'll check." "Thanks." Albert went into the chamber. After a moment, and a bit of muffled yelling, he came back out. "He said you have five minutes." Lucas grabbed Dom's hand, and half dragged her into the chamber. Steve eyed them. "I've about had enough of you two today." "Stone Cold, this isn't about the trial," Dom said. "Your time is ticking away." "We want to get married," Lucas said.

Steve laughed as he took off his robe. He hung it up on the coat rack, then sat behind his desk. "How am I supposed to know this isn't a trick?" "She really is pregnant with my child. You can ask Nowinski, if you don't believe me. I want to make her an honest woman." "I believe that she's pregnant. I don't believe it's your's. I doubt anyone in this town will." "We can go to the hospital, and get a paternity test." "You do that. Bring me back the results, file for your license, and I'll do it, as long as the child is your's." "No problem."

They left the courthouse, and met Tom and Joan at the diner. As they walked in, Lucas said, "Cindy Mae, we'll take two of whatever you have ready, and a piece of your famous pie." "Comin' up, Sheriff." As they sat down at the table, Thomas noticed Luke was grinning from ear to ear. "I know you're not smiling because of the trial. What's up, bro?" "We had a talk with Austin. He agreed to marry us, as long as the paternity test says the baby is mine." "You have to wait until the baby is born?" Joan asked. "No. The doctors can do it now, without hurting the baby."

"So, who's having the baby?" Rena asked as she stepped up to them. "That's none of your damn business," Dominic said. "Ooo... Those are fighting words. Want to continue from our last meeting?" Lucas stood, and towered over Rena. "You touch one hair on her head, and I'll pop your plastic boobs." "You scare me so badly," she said sarcastically. Hunter walked up behind her. "Dominic is the one having a kid," he answered. "Is that right? Well, now... I wonder who the daddy is." "The sheriff." Thomas stood, and looked down at Hunter. "My family's business is none of your's." Hunter sneered as he walked away.

"By tonight, the whole town will know about you two," Joan said. "We don't care anymore, Sis," Dom said. As if to back her up, Lucas laid his arm behind her as he sat back down. "We're getting married, Joan. Everyone is going to find out eventually," Lucas said. "It's not like it's a big shock, Sheriff," Cindy Mae said as she set their orders on the table. "As much time as you two spend together, I'm surprised no one figured it out sooner. Congratulations." "Thank you, Cindy Mae," they both said.

Dominic turned to the door, when the bells chimed. "Uh-oh..." "What?" Joan asked. "The Boyz, and they look pissed." "Watch your language, Dom." "Bubba, Devon, Spike... To what do we owe the pleasure?" Thomas said. "What did you do to our sister?" Bubba asked. "What do you mean? I haven't done anything to either of them." "Joan would never kiss someone in public. Let alone you." Thomas grinned as he remembered the kiss. "Maybe you don't know your sister as well as you thought."

Joan just sat there, her cheeks as red as a cherry. "Joan?" "Yes, Bubba Ray?" "Do Devon and I have to put him through a table to get some answers?" "First of all, I'd like to see you two try. Second, he has done nothing to me. I just never wanted to kiss someone in public before." "Ok... Why Thomas, and why in front of Helmsley?" "Bubba Ray, leave her alone. What she does, and when she does it is her business. And, you will not put my future brother-in-law through a table," Dominic said. "A ray of sunshine beamed down on me in the middle of my crappy life, and I'm trying to enjoy it with them. So, if you don't mind..." "Yeah, I do mind. If you want to get in the middle of this, I'll kick your ass too."

Lucas pushed the food around on his plate with his fork, not bothering to look up at Bubba. "I know you're not a stupid man, Bubba Ray. So why the hell would you threaten the woman carrying my child, when I could be out of this seat, and kicking your ass, before you could blink?" "Stay out of this, Lucas. This is a family matter." He turned his cold green eyes up to look at his future brothers-in-law. "I'm about to marry your little sister, and Thomas is my brother. I have no choice but to be in this family matter."

"Guys, I realize this is a new concept for you to take in, but Joan is in love for once. Don't screw it up for her and Thomas," Dominic said. Bubba Ray went slack-jawed as he turned to look at Joan. "Are you, Joan? Are you in love with Thomas Callaway?" She smiled as she looked at Thomas. He just grinned and wriggled his eyebrows. "I think I am." Bubba grabbed her arm. "Come on, Joan. We need to have a talk." "No, we don't. He's not the boy we knew in high school. He has become a very respectable man. Besides, I think it's time I loosened up a bit." Devon laid his hand on Bubba's shoulder. "Leave her alone, bro. If something was wrong, Joan would let us know. Right, Sis?" "Right." Bubba looked at Thomas. "If you break her heart, I'll break your neck."


chapter 20

While Lucas and Dominic went to have the paternity test done, Thomas and Joan went back to Luke's house. "Give me just a moment, so I can get comfortable." "Thomas, I..." He looked down at her, and noticed her cheeks growing redder by the second. "I want to try..." He smiled down at her. "Are you sure? I don't want you to feel pressured, or do it just because Helmsley was an ass today." "That's not why. I... I want you to be my first."

Thomas leaned down, and softly kissed her lips. "Are you sure?" "I'm positive," she whispered. He swept her off her feet, and carried her up the stairs to his room. He set her on her feet, and kissed her again. As it ended he said, "if I scare you, or get too rough let me know. I want you to enjoy this as much as I do." "Okay." He shrugged his jacket off, and dropped it on the floor. Not long after, his shirt and tie joined the jacket. He slowly, softly kissed her as he undid the buttons on her shirt.

He stopped halfway through the buttons, and looked at her hair. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Your hair." He reached up, and took the pins out, then shook it loose with his fingers. He grinned at her. "You are so beautiful with your hair down." She smiled up at him, before standing on her toes, and kissing him. Her arms went around his neck, and her hands gently pulled the band out of his hair.

He finished undressing her, then finished taking off his own clothes. Joan let out a shuddering breath as she looked at his naked form. Thomas laid his hand on her cheek, and made her look him in the eyes. "Don't be afraid. It will only hurt for a moment." "Hurt?" "It usually does hurt a woman the first time. I'll help you through it." He laid her down in the bed they had been sharing, then positioned himself over her.

As he aligned himself for entry, he said, "take a deep breath, and hold it." She did as told. He introduced the head of his length to her opening, then said, "let it out." As she did, he pushed his way inside her. She cried out in pain as he pushed through her hymen. Once in to the hilt, he stopped to let her adjust to his size. He kissed her forehead. "It's ok, Joan. Tell me when it stops hurting." She looked up at him. "I'll be ok. It's not that bad, now."

He lifted her leg to wrap it around his waist, and the other instinctively did the same. He slowly slid in and out of her, not just so he wouldn't hurt her, but so it wouldn't end too soon. Her tightness was almost too much for him to bear. He smiled as she closed her eyes, and released a low moan. "Oh, Thomas... This is..." She moaned again, this time louder than before. "It gets better." "How could it possibly..."

Just then, a tingling sensation went through her body. It grew to feel like lightning coursing through her veins. "Oh, Tom..." He leaned down, and claimed her lips, swallowing her screams of passion. Her clenching muscles were no help in controlling his own climax. Soon after, he reached his peak, and spilled his seed within her. He laid down beside her, gathered her in his arms, and they both fell asleep.


When Lucas and Dom made it back to the house, all of the lights were off, and it was quiet. "Hmm... Wonder where Tom and Joan are," Lucas said. "They probably went for a walk." He wrapped his arms around her waist. "Want to take advantage of this time alone?" "What do you have in mind, Luke?" "You, me, hot sex..." "Oh, my..." Dom giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He slid his hands down her back to her bottom, then easily lifted her off of her feet.

Once in their room, Lucas pressed play on the cd player, hoping it would drowned out any sounds. They quickly stripped out of their clothes, and got in bed. Not wasting any time, she took his length into her mouth, and slid her lips down his shaft. She bobbed her head faster and harder until he was as hard as a rock. Dom stradled his hips, then slid down his hard male flesh. She rode him like a race horse, until her orgasm hit. Then, Lucas flipped her onto her back, and took control. With her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, Dom held Lucas as he drove himself deep inside her.

As one song ended on the cd, Dominic heard someone cry out from another room. "Lucas, did you hear that?" "You moaning and whimpering?" "Besides me." She grabbed the remote for the cd player off of the night stand, and paused it. They heard Thomas and Joan's cries of passion, and the bed squeaking. Lucas chuckled, then kissed her neck. "Press play, baby. Your sister lost her virginity. That's all it is." Dominic laughed as she pressed play.


Minutes later, both men were spent. Dominic put her clothes on, and left the bedroom. She walked down to Thomas' room, and knocked on the door. "Joan, will you help me with dinner?" "I'll be down in a few minutes." "You may want to brush your hair, first," she yelled through the door. "The way that bed was squeaking, your hair is probably a mess," she laughed.

Inside the room: as Dominic went down stairs, Thomas laughed. "That's not funny. It's rude to eavesdrop," Joan said. "One, she was only teasing. Two, you were screaming like a banshee, and the bed was pretty loud. So she knows we had sex. So what? She was just doing the same thing with Lucas. That's why they turn on the music. So we can't hear them."

He leaned over, and kissed her, then moved down to her chest. "As long as it is with someone you love, sex can be something beautiful. You shouldn't worry about them hearing us. But, if you are, we can go to your house next time." "Next time? We've had sex twice today. How often do people usually... do it?" "As often as you want. It is the most physical way of showing someone that you love them. I love you, Joan, but saying it isn't enough. I want to show you." He gently sucked on her nipple before saying, "besides, you seem to like it." She smiled as she pushed a few of his hairs behind his ear. "Only because it's with you."