Jaded Edge

Musician Fics
Open Challenge
Tit For Tat
The Dominatress
Of Saints & Sinners
Dirty Deeds
Don't Stand
I Could Fall
Taker X-mas poem
Road Rash
House on the Hill
A Vampire's Love
Dream Lover
Ghost of a Chance
Unexpected Revelations
What Goes Around...
Wanna Wrestle?
Evil In My Blood
Lincoln Park
Saving the Spirit
What Lies Within
Prop: Conf.
Four Against the World
Sister Joan
Sister Joan (cont.)
Kronik Passion
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Awards I Won
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Dirty Deeds

nWo as the mob... And Macho Man's (the boss) daughter was caught in bed with his hitman (Kevin Nash)... Will Kevin inherit the business through Jade? Or will she choose to run it alone?



Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

by AC/DC

If you're havin' trouble with your high school head
He's givin' you the blues
You wanna graduate but not in 'is bed
Here's what you gotta do -
Pick up the phone
I'm always home
Call me any time
Just dial
36 24 36 hey
I lead a life of crime

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
Dirty Deeds and they're Done Dirt Cheap

You got problems in your life of love
You got a broken heart
He's double dealin' with your best friend
That's when the teardrops start -
Pick up the phone
I'm here alone
Or make a social call
Come right in
Forget about him
We'll have ourselves a ball

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
Dirty Deeds and they're Done Dirt Cheap

If you got a lady and you want her gone
But you ain't got the guts
She keeps naggin' at you night and day
Enough to drive you nuts -
Pick up the phone
Leave her alone
It's time you made a stand
For a fee
I'm happy to be
Your back door man

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
Dirty Deeds and they're Done Dirt Cheap

Concrete shoes, cyanide, TNT
Done Dirt Cheap
Neckties, contracts, high voltage
Done Dirt Cheap

(Dirty deeds) Do anything you want me to

Done dirt cheap

(Dirty deeds) Dirty deeds, Dirty deeds

Done dirt cheap

"That's it!" Jade told herself as she walked out of Principle Flair's office. "I'm not going to sleep with him just to get my fucking diploma!" After school, she went home, and gathered all of the money she could get her hands on. She had overheard her father talking about a man that frequented a bar in the rough part of town, that would do anything for a price. She drove out to the bar, and asked the bartender, "I'm looking for a guy named Nash..." The bartender pointed at a huge man sitting alone in a darkened corner. She walked over to him, and said, "excuse me, Mr. Nash?"

"Who wants to know?" He turned his eyes up toward her, and her voice caught in her throat. He was the most handsome man she had ever laid eyes on.

"My name's Jade Savage."

He grinned. "Macho's girl."

"So, you know my father?"

"Very well. What can I do for you?"

"I have a job for you."

"Let's go back to my office, then." He stood from the table, towering almost two feet over her. "This way," he said. He turned and nodded at the bartender, letting him know not to send anyone to him. He led her out the back door, and to the small house in back. He opened the door for her. "Home sweet home... Have a seat." The only place to sit was on his bed.

He grabbed a box out of the closet, then pulled a joint out of it. "You smoke?"


He put the box back up, grabbed his lighter out of his pocket, then lit the joint. He took a big hit as he walked back over to her, and sat beside her. "What's the job?"

"I have a principle that won't let me graduate unless I sleep with him. I want him out of the picture."

He handed her the cigarette, then asked, "how much do you have?"

"Two grand." She took a big hit, then handed it back to him.

"Since your dad is a friend, I'll cut you a break. I'll do it for one grand."

"Thanks, Mr..."

He cut her off. "BUT, you have to do two things for me."


"One, call me Kevin."

"And what's two, Kevin?" she purred.

He quirked his eyebrow at her tone. He grinned as he said, "I'm going to take a wild guess, and say you like what you see."

"Very much."

"What if I came-on to you?"

"Try it, and see how far you get."

"Tell you what... We'll save that for after the job is done."

She grabbed his hand, and laid it on her breast. "Are you sure?"

"Positive. I'm supposed to meet your dad in about thirty minutes."

"Alright, then." She grabbed him through his slacks. "Tell me something before I go..."


"How do you like it, big sexy? Slow and gentle, or fast and rough?"

"Fast and rough."

She smiled at him. "I'm going to love this."


The next day, during school, there was a big commotion inside Principle Flair's office. A single gun shot had gone through his office window, and struck him in the heart. "Quick and effective," Jade thought to herself. "I'll have to go thank him tonight." She thought about the number tucked into her jeans pocket. "I better warn him first." She went into the cafeteria, and used the pay phone to call Kevin.


"You're very fast, and effective."

"I like to get it done quick."

"Should I come by tonight?"

"Don't go through the bar. Go straight back to the house."

"I'll be there around eight."

"Make it seven. And, could you wear that little skirt, or one like it?"

"As you wish." She hung up the phone, then went to talk to her boyfriend, John. When she found him, sitting at one of the lunch tables in the courtyard, he was talking to her friend, Maria. As she walked toward them, he leaned over, and kissed her. "Hey, John, what the fuck's going on here?"

"I, uh..."

"Fuck it. I was going to tell you that I'll be busy tonight, and won't be able to come over, but I'll tell you the truth. I'm going to the northside to fuck this huge man that puts your dick to shame." She turned to her friend. "Just so you know, Maria, he has a small dick. He stuffs his underwear with a roll of socks. Just like you stuff your bra with tissue." Jade left the school, and went home. Even though it was hours before their meeting, Jade got dressed for him. Then, she headed out for the northside. She pulled up to a stop light. Not a moment later, the car next to her started honking. She looked over, and saw Kevin.

She rolled down the passenger window, and he said, "follow me." The light turned green, and he sped ahead of her. She followed him until he pulled into his driveway. She pulled in behind him, and put the car in park. He got out of his car, and walked over to her door. "Are you looking for me?" he laughed.

"I know I'm early, but other than you taking care of Flair, my day has been shitty."

"Problem with a boyfriend?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. Caught the fucker cheating on me."

"Nothing to get stressed about. You were going to cheat on him with me."

"More like pay my debt to you."

"That's all you see it as?"

"That's all it is."

He chuckled. "Come on in."

He opened the door for her, then led her into his house. As soon as the door was closed, she began taking her clothes off. She got her shirt off and was working on her bra, when he turned around and saw her. Once she got the bra off, she tossed it at him. He caught it, then threw it aside as he walked back to her. As his arms went around her, he asked, "are you in a hurry?"

"Depends on how many times you want to do it."

With one hand on her ass, he pulled her flush against his body as he leaned down to roughly claim her lips. As Jade kissed Kevin, she worked on the buttons on his shirt, then pushed it off of his shoulders, and he let it fall to the ground. She slid her hands down his chest, letting his chest hairs scratch her palms, as they went down to his pants. While she undid his pants, he reached up and pinched her nipples. She let his slacks fall to the floor, as she reached inside his underwear, and wrapped her hand around his length. "Kevin, give it to me hard and deep."

He slid his hands in the waistband of her skirt, and pulled it down. "Give what to you?"

"Your dick."

He lifted her off of her feet, and laid her on the bed. As he leaned over her, he smiled and said, "I'm not one to disappoint a begging woman."

He pulled her panties down. She lifted her legs so he could take them off. As he did, he petted her moist heat. Once the panties were tossed aside, he slid a single finger inside her tunnel. As he caressed her inner walls, he moaned. "You may be too tight for me."

She moved her right leg to lay it on his shoulder. "You're not giving up, are you?"

"Hell no."

He slid another finger inside her, making her moan. "Kevin, please... I need you inside me." He smiled as he stood from the bed, and took off his underwear. As he got comfortable between her legs, he aligned himself for entry. She gasped as he began to slide inside her. "Oh, shit..." She wrapped her arms and legs around him, trying to find the best position for her hips.

He stopped once he was fully sheathed. "Let your muscles relax, or this won't last long," he said.

"Bad news, baby. They are." She clenched her muscles around his length. "That's what it's like when they're not."

He groaned. "Don't do that again."

He moved in slow short thrusts. He claimed her lips with a hot hard kiss. With her eyes still closed, she turned her face towards the warmth of the sun shining through the window by the bed. As her eyes slowly opened, the sight before her made them snap open. "Kevin, baby, do you have an appointment with my dad today?"

"Yeah, why?"

"He's here," she shreaked.

Blue eyes met brown as Randy Savage looked through the window and found his baby daughter.

Kevin kissed her neck as he continued to move within her. Her eyes drifted closed again. "Oh, shit, Kevin..."

"I'm there, too, baby." As they came together Jade loosened her grip on his neck, and buried her face in the crook.

There was a pounding on the door, so violent that it was almost knocked off its hinges. "Nash, open this damn door now," came her father's gravelly voice, in a strained calm tone.

"Somehow, I don't think your dad is happy," Kevin laughed.

She smiled. "I'd say he's mad at atleast one of us."

"That would be me. He's probably disappointed in you," he said with a smile.

Randy continued pounding on the door. She leaned up and kissed Kevin again. "That was well worth any punishment he can give me," she whispered.

He thrust inside her quickly one final time. "That's what I was thinking."

Kevin pulled out of her, and reached for his clothes. "Give us a couple minutes," he yelled at the door.

"Give me a couple more to escape," Jade laughed. His hazel eyes bore into her. "I was joking, Kevin. I'm not going to leave you to face him alone."

Kevin leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Put on my shirt. Your dad won't make you leave in that."

Once she had his shirt on and buttoned, and he had his pants back on, he opened the door. "Hey, Macho. What's the problem?"

"You were sleeping with my daughter!"

"We weren't sleeping, but... Wow... She's your daughter? Small world..."

Jade stepped up beside Kevin. "And you," he said as he pointed his finger at her.

"Oh, knock it off, Dad. It's not like you haven't caught me in bed with a man before."

"Yeah, John. He's atleast your age."

She smiled at her father. "They say bigger is better... I'd have to agree."

"Go home, Jade," Randy said. "You don't know what you're getting into with him." "I know what I need to know about your friend, Dad. I know what he does, and that he does it well. I know he gets what he wants." She looked up at Kevin. "And I know he is one hell of a lover."

Randy eyed the two of them. "I want to know, right now, how this came about."

Jade growled. "Principle Flair."

"Ric? He was shot..." It hit him hard. "You had Nash kill Flair, didn't you?"

She smiled at her dad. "It was either sleep with him to get my diploma, or have him killed."

It surprised her to see the smile growing on her father's lips. "There may be hope for you after all, little girl."

Kevin put his arms around her, and laced his fingers over her stomach. "I believe I just made your little girl a woman," Kevin laughed.

"Let's get down to business," Savage said. "I have five grand for a job that came to me. You'll need a driver." He smiled at Jade. "And guess who has the fastest car in town."

"Let me get this straight. You want your daughter to drive the get away car for one of my hits?"

"The guy wants his wife killed. He's going to leave the back door unlocked. You are to go through the back, up the stairs, turn left and it's the room at the end. Jade will have the car running out front, when you're done." Randy smiled at his daughter. "Jade wants to learn what it's like. You're going to show her."

"But, Mach..."

"Do this for a chance to take over," he whispered to Kevin.

"I, uh... Thanks, Macho."

"Don't let me down." He turned to his daughter. "Don't come back here. You and Kevin are to come to the house."

"Okay, Dad."

Randy kissed Jade's forehead. "Kevin, take care of my girl."

"I will."

Kevin and Jade waited until darkness fell, before leaving the house. She took it easy on the drive to the address, then parked a few houses down. "If you don't mind me asking, what goes through your head before doing a "hit"?"

He gave her his sexy grin. "What I'm going to do when I get done. Like tonight... I want to know why we're going to your house. Your dad knows I go to the safe house to be sure no one followed me back."

"Between me hauling ass and watching these mirrors, no one will follow us."

He screwed the silencer onto his pistol, then tucked it into his jeans. "Keep your eyes open, baby." He leaned over and kissed her before getting out of the car.

Her stomach felt like it was in knots as she watched Kevin make his way to the house in the shadows. "How the hell does that big man sneak around like that?" she asked herself aloud. She sunk down in her seat, and waited. After a few minutes a patrol car pulled up across the street from her. She peaked out the window at the car, as it died. She watched the officer get out of his car, and go inside the house. She breathed a sigh of relief. "Shit..." The passenger door opened, making her jump. When she saw it was Kevin she let out a whoosh of air. "Dammit! You scared the fuck out of me."

"Let's go, now." She took off. "I guess the cop just lives there. Nothing to worry about," Kevin said.

"That doesn't mean he didn't scare the hell out of me."

He laughed. "You'll learn to control your adrenaline."

She smiled. "It's actually a better high than that smoke you had last night."

He laid his hand on her bare thigh. "That's my girl."

"Your girl, huh?"

"Do you prefer woman?" he laughed.

"I'm trippin' on the your part."

"Oh, I get it," he said as he broke down the silencer and pistol. "You don't want me. I was just an "older man" adventure," he said as he put the combo in its case. "That's cool."

She suddenly felt her chest constrict. "I didn't say I didn't want to be your girl, woman..." She put her arm through his, and closed her hand around his bicep. "You can call me anything you want to, big daddy."

She checked her mirrors again. "Anybody behind us?" he asked.

"Nope." She pressed the gas a little harder, then headed toward home.

"If you don't slow back down, you'll see lights in the mirrors," he warned.

"Now that we're in the clear, I want to know what the hell my dad is up to."

As she went up the driveway sometime later, they saw a few cars parked out front. "What the hell..."

"I know a couple of these cars," Kevin said.

"So do I. Lex, Scott, Steve, Uncle Terry..."

"Uncle Terry?"

"He's my godfather." She pulled up behind Scott's car. "I'm not sure I like this, Kevin."

"Don't worry until they give us a reason to." She killed the engine, and they got out. Ever a gentleman, Kevin held his arm out for her. She took it with a smile, then he led her inside.

They found the group in the den with her father. "Hey, Mach... What's with the party?" Kevin asked.

"Kevin... You made it."

"I had no choice, with Jade driving." He looked at the others. "Lex... Sting... Hollywood... Hall..."

Jade walked over and gave her godfather a hug. "Hey, Uncle Terry."

Randy looked down at the amber liquid swirling in his glass. "About earlier... Who initiated it?"

"I did," Jade answered quickly.

"I knew there was a reason why I hadn't brought him around before," he mumbled.

"And bringing these guys around was a good idea?" She turned to look at Hall. She smiled as her voice dropped to say, "hi, Scott."

Randy and Terry looked at him.

He just grinned.

"You, too?" Randy asked. His smile widened. Randy smacked him in the back of the head. "I told you to keep her safe, because of guys like you."

"Hey, chico, she wanted to go skinny dipping while I watched, because John blew her off. She attacked me when she got out."

"Jade, you're barely eighteen..."

"Uncle Terry, I'll be ninteen in two months."

"Why these two?"

"If you were a woman, you'd understand." She walked back over to Kevin. "Now, did Steve and Lex have to be here while you attack my choice in men, Dad?"

"Actually, you're all here for an announcement."

Kev put his arms around Jade's shoulders. "What's going on, Macho?"

He let out a sigh. "I'm not getting any younger, and I want to make my wishes clear in case anything happens. As far as business goes, I have no son to pass it on to. All I have is my baby girl." He stared into Kevin's eyes as he said, "when I die, she is in charge. You guys are to help her until she is able to run things on her own, or until she takes a husband in the business."

Kevin grinned. "And you're giving me the eye, because you think she's going to choose me?"

"I'm giving you the eye, because I know you'll keep my baby safe." He turned his eyes to Scott. "Unlike her bodygaurd that let's her get away with murder."

"You underestimate your daughter, Macho," Scott said.

"Or overestimate," Jade broke in. "Kevin was right. You think just because you caught us having sex that I would automatically be head over heals for him, and would want to marry him. What if I chose Scott? Or, what if John and I got back together?"

"I don't want that punk back in this house."

"Or, what if I went off the wall, and chose Steve?" Randy glared at him.

"Hey, Mach..." He put his hands up. "I have never touched her."

"My point is, Dad, don't assume anything. Who knows... I may choose not to ever get married. You've raised me to be a strong enough woman in the absence of Mom to handle just about anything. Teach me what I need to know. The guys can help me with the rest. Don't assume I'll marry any one of them. While I will admit there's something between me and Kevin, that does not mean we will get married."

Randy smiled. "I didn't mean any time soon, baby girl. You're not even out of high school yet." His smile faded as he looked up at Kevin. "But, if my daughter gets pregnant..."

Jade looked up at Kevin. He smiled down at her, then softly kissed her. "I will make her an honest woman, if I am to blame."

chapter 2

Two years had passed since the day that Randy Savage had informed the "family" that Jade would take over for him. She had learned her lessons well, and even continued to drive the getaway cars for Kevin. As for them personally, they were on shakey ground. From one day to the next, they didn't know if they were together or not. It was while they were together one morning when she got the news.

There was a loud knock on her bedroom door, that roused her from her sleep. "What?"

"Jade, I need to speak to you now. It's about your dad," Scott said.

"Come in." She refused to open her eyes, or move her head from between Kevin's shoulders. Once the door closed she asked, "What is it, Scott?"

"Your dad... He... He's dead. I'm sorry, chica."

Her eyes snapped open, and she jumped out of bed, not caring that she was naked. "He's what!?"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Savage."

"Is there any idea who did it?"

"Konnan did some poking around. Some of the witnesses said they saw a couple blondes in the car that did the drive-by. They match a couple guys that work for an old enemy of your dad's, a guy damn near all of us worked for before."

"I need a name, Scott."

"Vince McMahon."

"Oh, shit," Kevin mumbled.

"And his hitmen?"

"They're called Edge and Christian."

"Gather the men in Dad's... my office." A tear slid down her cheek. "One hour."

"Yes, Ms. Savage."

"And, dammit, call me Jade. You never had a problem with it before."

"You're standing in front of me naked, chica... I'm trying to remind myself that you are the boss now."

Kevin sat up. "Get out of here, or I'll remind you."

"Yeah..." He left to gather the others.

"Come here, baby," Kevin said soothingly.

"I don't have time."

"Jade, he was your father. I think you can take a few minutes to cry on my shoulder, before you get down to business." She sat beside him and he wrapped her in his arms. Her body shook as she broke down on his chest. He lifted her onto his lap, then leaned back on the pillows. After a few minutes she lifted her head to look at him. "I'll need you more now than ever."

"I'm not going anywhere, baby."

She got out of bed, and got ready to meet with "the family". She dressed in her black business suit, then went down to her office, leaving Kevin to get ready. She locked the doors behind her, then went to the wall safe. After dialing the combination and opening it, she pulled out the blue velvet box. She closed the safe, locked it, and made sure the painting of her father covered it properly. She opened the box, then looked up at the painting. "As long as your men follow me, Daddy, I'm ready for anything." She took the gold ring with the family crest on it out of the box, and slid it on her finger. She unlocked the door, then took her seat at the desk.

Slowly, the men began to file in, each giving her their condolences. Giant, Brian Adams, Terry and Horace Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Lex Luger, Sting, Konnan, Stevie Ray, Buff Bagwell, Scott Norton, then, finally, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. "Kevin, would you close the doors, please?" He closed the doors, then took a spot behind her chair. "You all know why we are here. As per my father's wishes, I have control of the family now that he has passed on. I want to know what we are dealing with. Terry, as the elder of the group, you should know the most."

"He's the kind of guy that would smile to your face while his kronies stab you in the back. He set up some bad deals with a few of us. Your dad, God rest his soul, decided to bring us together against him."

"Why is this the first I'm hearing of it?"

"Because we haven't had any problems with him in a while."

"So why now?"

"I'm not sure."

She sighed. "I want Edge and Christian taken alive. Brian, Norton and Luger, you three are to get them. I want to know as soon as you have them. And, another thing... No one outside this room knows who is to take over for my father. Let's keep it that way until further notice." She stared at the three men a moment. "Why are you still here?"

"We're gone, boss," Adams said.

"Bischoff, check the beach report. Buff, Konnan, get a bag of concrete. One of them is getting a new pair of shoes. Giant, Horace and Stevie Ray, I need a nice deep hole dug on the beach. Terry, I need sodium chloride. I'm going to get some information from them before they die. Sting, I need you on the look out around here, in case he has enough balls to come here."

Everyone left to do their jobs. All that was left was Jade, Kevin and Scott. "What about me, boss?" Scott asked.

"I wanted to talk to you and Kevin alone. Have a seat, guys." They sat in the chairs across the desk from her. She looked down at her hands, then up at them. "The one thing my father stressed was to let men I trust watch over me. In this "family" you two are the ones I trust the most. All I ask of you two is to keep me safe. Kevin, your expertise will be called upon as needed. In those cases, I need to know that you trust Scott to take care of me in your absence."

He looked at Scott, then at her. "I do, Jade. We may argue, but he is my best friend."

"And Scott, I need to know that if you ever screw me a hard dick is involved." She smiled at him.

Kevin raised one brow at her, but Scott raised both. He rolled his toothpick to the other side of his mouth as he chuckled. "You have my word, Jade."

She winked at Kevin. "Lighten up, Big Daddy. He knew it was a joke." She sobered. "As for what we are going to do, we are going to prepare my father's funeral. I need to know where my father's body is, then I need to go to the church."

"His body is in the morgue at the police station," Scott said.

"Then, I need to claim it, and see Father Daniels."

They took her to the police station. Scott chose to stay in the car while Kevin helped her inside. She walked up to the bullpen. "Excuse me. I was told my father's body is here."


"His name is Randy Savage. I am Jade Savage."

The young officer looked up at her with wide eyes. As he looked at the man, who's arm she held, his eyes grew wider. "Right this way, Ms. Savage." The door buzzed to let her through. He led her to a desk. "Detective Austin, this is Mr. Savage's daughter, Jade."

The bald man turned his cold blue eyes up to look at her, then up at Kevin. "Is this your husband?"

"I'm not married, Detective Austin. This is..."

"Kevin Nash. I know who he is. Are you here to identify the body?"

"Yes. I would like to have him properly buried as soon as possible."

"I'll take you down there. As for Mr. Nash..."

"If you don't mind, I'd like to have him with me. I don't see this as being an easy task. I may need him for support."

He gave her a curt nod, before getting out of his chair, and taking her to the morgue. The man keeping watch over the bodies opened one of the stainless steel doors, and pulled the slab out. On it was a body bag. He unzipped the body bag, and pulled it open. Once the mist cleared, she saw the expressionless face of her father. She ran her hand over his face, then kissed his forehead. She stood and wrapped her arms around Kevin's waist. "That's him."

"Do you know who would want him dead, Ms. Savage?"

"No, I don't."

"Do you know who will take his place?"

"I don't know what you mean, detective."

Kevin kissed her forehead. "Go ahead, baby. I'll meet you in the hall."

She nodded, then walked out the doors. "So, does she know what you do for a living?"

Kevin grinned. "Yeah, Stone Cold. She knows what I do. Aside from being her personal bodygaurd, I do her." He left the room, and met with her in the hall.

"The guys found them. We need to go."

"Alright." Once back in the Hummer he asked, "where to?"

"Let's go to the beach. You know... A little fun in the sand and water."

Scott pulled out of the parking spot, and headed for the beach.

Kevin turned to look at her. "You're seriously going old school on these guys?"

"I'm making a name for myself before people know it's me. We go old school with these two, to show them that while my father is gone, "the family" is in good hands." She pulled her cell phone out of her purse, and dialed Eric.

"Yes, Ms. Savage?"

"Eric, I need you to find out everything you can on Detective Steve Austin- what cases he's worked, any dirt... Hell, I want to know about every traffic ticket he ever got."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Hall and Nash are with me. We have some business to tend to, then we'll be back at the house. I want it on my desk when I get there."

"I'm working on it now."

"What did you find out about those tides?"

"It comes in in about an hour."


When she hung up Kevin asked, "what's this about Austin?"

"I don't like him, I don't like that he knows you, and I don't like him asking me about business. Especially when I was there to identify my father's body. And, I really didn't like him asking if you are my husband."

"I love you, too," he said sarcastically.

"The way we argue, I doubt we'll ever be at the altar together."

"Can we talk about this later?"

"I'm only letting you know why it upset me."

"If he's too much of an asshole for you, I'll meet you at the altar, chica."

"You're a sweetheart, Scott." She looked at Kevin, who was shooting daggers at Scott with his eyes. She leaned forward, and turned Kevin's head to face her. "I'm not giving up on you yet, Big Daddy, but if we don't stop this petty bickering and running around on each other we might as well call it all the way off." She softly kissed him. "It's time to start acting like you want this, instead of just using me. I won't have time for bullshit anymore."

"Hey, lovebirds, we're being followed," Scott said.


"Three cars back. Black Silverado."

"Austin..." Kevin muttered.

"How do you know?" she asked.

"I've had the misfortune of being tailed by him before."

"Hall, pull into the parking spot up here. Let's see if he stops, or keeps going. If he stops, I want to talk to him." Scott did as told, and soon after, Austin took a spot not far from them. "Alright, guys... Let's see what this is about." Scott and Kevin got out of the SUV, then helped Jade out. They followed her over to Austin's truck. She boldlyopened the passenger door, and stepped up into the truck, then closed the door.

"Detective Austin, why are you following me? I have done nothing wrong."

"No, you haven't, but your father and your boyfriend have."

"As I said before, I don't know what you are talking about. Kevin has been by my side for the past two years."

"Don't play games with me, woman. Your father was the head of the mob, and your boyfriend was his hitman."

"If that is so, why did my dad die a free man? And why is Kevin outside this door, instead of in a jail cell?"

"Not enough evidence to bring them in."

"Then I will ask you kindly to leave us alone. We have a funeral to plan. I will call you when the arrangements are made, so you may come, if you wish."

"You know, you're in pretty good shape for a woman who just saw her father's dead body."

She gave him a faint smile. "It's called shock, Detective..."

"Please, just Steve."

"Ok, Steve. It hasn't sunk in that he is gone, even though the proof was just in front of me. Now, if you don't mind, I need to meet with Father Daniels."

"What's the problem with me following you?"

"My father insisted that my bodygaurd follow me, and that Kevin take care of me upon his death. I am well taken care of. And, quite frankly, I don't like the reminder of my father's murder following me." She pulled a card out of her purse, and handed it to him. "If there is anything you need from me, please call."

"I will, Ms. Savage."

She laid her hand on his. "Please, call me Jade." When his blue eyes met her blue eyes, she smiled flirtatiously at him.

He gave her a sideways grin. "Alright, Jade. I will speak to you soon."

She got out of the truck, and the guys followed her back to the Hummer. "Let's get the fuck out of here. The tides coming in, and the guys need to go."

Austin's truck sped ahead of them, then turned on the next block. "Is he going to leave us alone?" Scott asked.

"For now. He knows too much to stay away for good."

"What did he tell you?" Kevin asked.

"He knows about the family, and he knows you were Dad's hitman. I want him taken out, Kev."

"I'll see what I can do."

"Don't 'see what you can do'. Kill him!" He turned to look at her. "I'm not asking you as your lover. I'm telling you as your boss, damn it. And I want his skull ring for proof."

"Yes, ma'am," he laughed. "As soon as we're done with Vince's guys."

chapter 3

As they walked up on the group of men, Jade saw that the men had carried out her wishes as asked. The shorter blonde had his feet buried in concrete. The other blonde had been buried up to his neck on the edge of the water. As Terry stepped up behind her she yelled, "Konnan..." She ran her thumb across her throat, giving him the signal to drop him off of the pier, into the water.

"This one has already been doped up."

"Thanks." She squatted in front of him. His head lolled as the water began to splash around his head. "What's your name?"

"Adam Copeland," he weazed.

"Why did Vince want my father dead?"

"He found out you were next in line. He wants his son to marry you, and combine the families."

"Who told him I was next?"

"He paid the cleaning lady to bug the house."

The water was coming in, and getting higher around Edge's head. He spit and gurgled as the water came up around his mouth. "You were working for the wrong person, Adam. Ashes to ashes, mother fucker." She stood. "Let's go, guys."

As they gathered at the vehicles Giant asked, "what now, boss?"

"Lay low for a while. Konnan, Norton... I have another job for you two." They followed her to the Hummer. "Konnan, see what you can find on the streets about any operations the McMahons have going. Also, I want to know any hits they have out. The enemy of my enemy is a friend, got it?"

"Yes, Ms. Savage."

"Norton, the maid, Stacy... Kill her. Dump her body outside the McMahon's gate."

"Yes, Ms. Savage."

"Scott, Kevin, let's go to the church."

"Yes, Ms. Savage," they said sarcastically.

She put her hands on her hips as she looked from one to the other. "You two can be replaced."

"Come on, baby... We're just playing," Kevin said as he opened the door for her.

They left, never noticing the two men watching them. "Shouldn't we have helped Edge and Christian?"

"Our orders were to watch, not interfere. I never liked them anyways." As the vehicles pulled away, he said, "I know about half of her crew. She was just a child when I knew her dad." He let out a low whistle. "Damn if she didn't fill out nice..."

"This is her first day in office, and look at what she's already done... I wouldn't go anywhere near her."

"Do you know why her father named her Jade, bro?"

"No, why?"

"He wanted her to be a vicious, savage, disreputable woman. Seems like he got his wish." He let out a sigh. "All of that evil packed into that little body..."

"You have atleast twenty years on her."

"Sixteen, to be exact."

"My point is Vince wants her for Shane. If you try anything, and her guys don't kill you, Vince will."

"Shane doesn't even know how to use his dick. He wouldn't know what to do with a woman like her."

"You don't need to talk bad about the boss' kid."

"You'll have to grow another set of balls, bro. I think Vince has your's in a vice."

"I swear I was happier before my dad found you..."

"And it was a lot quieter before you learned to talk again." He hit his brother in the arm. "Let's follow them."


They were almost to the church when Scott spotted the two men behind them. "Those two have some huevos."

"What is it?"

"Couple guys on motorcycles, chica." He turned to look at Kevin. "One of them is Taker."

"Under-taker?" she asked.

"How do you know him?" Kevin asked.

"He was friends with my dad when I was a kid. Roll on to the church."

"The church is going to cave in..." Scott muttered.

"You wouldn't have seen him if he didn't want you to," Kevin said.

"I know. That's what has me worried," Scott replied.

Jade just sat back, grinning. "What's the smile for, baby?"

"Nothing, Kev. It's just..." She bit her lip as her eyes landed on him. "I was six when I last saw him."

"Jade... I really don't like that look in your eyes."

She felt the heat creep into her cheeks.

"He works for the McMahons, Jade!"

Her smile faded. "Oh." She hung her head. "What does he do for them?"

"Pretty much anything they ask of him."

Scott parked the Hummer in front of the church. Undertaker and his brother, Kane, continued on down the road. "They're gone," Scott said.

"Wonder what that was about," Kevin said.

"He's trying to send a message," Scott said.

"Or his condolences. He was friends with my father," Jade said.

They both looked back at her. "Did you have a crush on him," Kevin asked.

She crossed her arms over her chest. "That's a stupid thing to ask."

"Didn't you learn the golden rule in this business? Don't trust anyone. No matter what relation there was before, he still works for the enemy. Don't expect it to be anything good."

"I'm going inside. Are you two coming?" She opened the door, and got out, slamming it behind her.

Kevin looked at Scott. "If you want that hard-headed woman, take her. I'm about to kill her myself."

"Oh, no... That problem is all your's, chico."

By the time they got out, Jade was almost through the door. As they walked through, they found her waiting for them. "Wait here."

As she walked over to light a candle, Kevin asked, "when was the last time she was in a church?"

Jade put her hand behind her back, and flipped him off. "That should tell you," Scott laughed.

She lit the candle, then walked down the aisle to meet Father Daniels without blessing herself. "It must have been a very long time, Ms. Savage," Christopher said.

"I'm sorry, Father." She took his left hand in both of her's, then went down on her knee to kiss his hand.

"It's alright. I heard about your dad. Who got him?"

"The McMahons."

"It's a dangerous business."

"But one that is in our blood."

"I suppose you are here about the funeral?"


"Leave everything to me. Your father left a list of wishes he wanted carried out upon his death."

She looked down. "Yeah, he left those all over the place."

He cradled her chin in his hand, and lifted until she looked him in the eyes. "If there was ever a woman strong enough to fill your father's shoes, it is you."

"You know?"

Father Daniels dropped his hand. "He came to me for guidance. From what I knew from seeing you in the neighborhood, and Lance's stories from school, I knew you were a perfect choice."

"Lance? Lance Hoyt? I haven't seen him since graduation day."

"Well, you will see a lot more of him, now. Your father left orders for him to join your entourage upon his death. I've already called him. He should be here soon."

"Why would Dad..."

"He mentioned one of your bodygaurds being your significant other. He was worried that he would double cross you."

The doors opened and a tall blonde walked through. Scott and Kevin both put a hand out to hold him back. "It's ok, guys. Let him through," she said. Jade and Lance met in the middle with an embrace. "You know you don't have to do this, Lance."

"But you know I will." He laughed. "Nobody wants to mess with this six foot-nine, 275 pound ticked off Texan."

She giggled. "Except maybe a six foot-ten three hundred pound jealous man." She tightened her arms around him. "It's so good to see you again."


She loosened her grip on Lance, letting her hands slide down his arms to his hands. "Kevin, go to..."

"Nuh-uh... Not in here," Father Daniels reprimanded.

"Sorry, Father. If you have everything under control, I have two obnoxious bodygaurds to set straight."

He took her hand, and kissed her knuckles. "I will see you at two on Friday for the funeral."

"Two on Friday... Got it. Thank you, Father Daniels." She unconsciously held Lance's hand as they walked to the doors.

Kevin grabbed her, and held her aside. "You first." Jade and Lance's laced fingers slid apart as he walked out, followed by Scott. Kevin turned Jade to face him. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" he said in a harsh whisper.

"We dated for two years before he moved back to Texas. We only broke it off, because we knew a long distance relationship wouldn't work." She laid her hands on his chest, and pushed him back. "Don't get deffensive on me. You haven't put a ring on my finger yet." She reached up, and slapped him. "And, I am your boss now. Don't question me. You are my lover in the bedroom, and no where else. Got it?"

"Yes, Ms. Savage," he said through gritted teeth.

She sighed. "I wish you were calling me Mrs. Nash, but until we get our shit straight, this is how it has to be."

"Today alone, two more roosters are circling my chickie. I don't like that."

She smiled as she took his hand. "But you're still my big cock." She stood on her toes and kissed him. "Lance is just a test. Taker will be, too, when we come face to face."

"I wasn't talking about Taker. I was talking about Shane."

"Oh..." She bit her lip. "Might want to make that two and a half." She stepped away, and pulled him by his hand. "Come on, Big Daddy. Let's go home."

They went out to the Hummer, where Lance was holding the door open for her. "Your carriage awaits, my lady," he teased.

"Thank you, Lance."

Once she was in, Kevin got in his face. "You're up front. I'll ride back here with my woman."

"Kevin... Really..." He sat beside her, and closed the door. "I swear, anything I tell you goes in one ear, and out the other."

Lance got in the passenger side, and turned to look at Jade. "I take it he's the jealous one?"

Kevin put his arm around her shoulders, as he glared at the other man. "Oh, please..." She looked at Lance. "Lance Hoyt, this is Kevin Nash. And, yes, he's the jealous one. The one beside you is Scott Hall."

"Do you know why your dad wanted me to look after you? You didn't put him up to it, did you?"

"I have no idea, Lance. He used to think you kept me out of trouble... Maybe that's why."

Lance laughed. "If he only knew... Skinny dipping in the school pool..."

She grinned. "Ridgecrest Road lookout..."

"The lookout tower in the park..."

"The back of your motorcycle..."

"If he gets a hard-on, I'll chop his dick off," Kevin said.

She leaned her head on Kevin's shoulder. "You worry too much, baby. That was our freshman and sophmore years in high school. For all I know he could be married."

"Not even a girlfriend," Lance said.

"She wasn't asking," Kevin said.

chapter 4

Once back at the house, Jade sat at her desk, while the guys milled about the house. She opened the file folder with the information on Detective Steve Austin enclosed. She looked over the list of cases he was working on, and several of them stuck out in her mind. She grabbed her phone, and pushed the button to direct-connect him. "Kevin, in my office, now."

"Be right there, babe." He came in, and stood before her. "Yeah?"

"Have a seat." When he did, she set the list of cases in front of him. "Recognize any of the names?"

He looked over the list. "A few. Why?"

"He's working the hits you did that I drove for! If I needed a good reason for you to kill him, which I don't, it's right there in front of you."

"Don't sweat it. Scott and I will take care of him tonight." He gave her a sideways grin. "If I can trust you to keep your hands off your ex."

"Damn it, Kevin... I'm trying to take care of business. I can't help it if my past is blowing up in my face now."

He chuckled. "Come here, baby." She was about to protest, but he cut her off. "We're behind closed doors, and it's just the two of us. Come here, sit on my lap." With a slight smile on her face, she went around the desk, and sat on his lap. He laid his hand on her cheek, and stared in her eyes. "I was only teasing you, Jade. I know I've been an ass today. Put yourself in my shoes; the woman I love just became the head of the mob, and my boss. Then, there's this ex that shows up out of nowhere that you apparently still have feelings for. It's enough to drive me nuts."

"I didn't plan any of this, Kevin. This was all my father's doing." She leaned into his touch, and her eyes drifted shut. "You have no idea how much I love you. If I didn't, I would have gotten rid of your sarcastic ass."

He smiled as he slid his hand down her neck, and inside her suit jacket to cup her breast. "You love my smart ass remarks. You just won't admit it."

"Timing is everything," she sighed. "Your's is bad."

The doors opened, and Scott and Lance came in. "Uh-oh..."

"Speaking of bad timing," Kevin said as he pulled his hand out and fixed her jacket.

She opened her eyes, and looked at him. The normally crystal blue orbs were darkened with desire. "We'll continue when you get back, Big Daddy." She leaned forward, and kissed him.

"We can come back later," Scott said.

"No, I need you and Kevin to do a job for me," Jade said. She stood, and picked up the file folder from her desk to fan herself. "It's fucking hot in here," she muttered.

"What's the job?" Scott asked.

"You're driving for Kev tonight. The detective working my father's case is also working some of the hits Kevin and I did." Kevin raised his brow at her. "Ok, you did, I drove. Either way, he has a description of my car in his files. That means he's after both of us." She looked up at Scott. "Needless to say, I don't want either of us behind bars."

"Is it a good idea to leave you with just one bodygaurd, chica? He's only been on the job an hour."

"Sting is still here, and Eric isn't much help, but he's here." She looked at Lance, and smiled. "And, I'm sure he can handle the job."

Kevin took the file from her as he stood, then threw it on the desk. He picked her up, and held her close. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist as her arms went around his neck. "We'll be back as soon as possible, baby."

"Be carefull, Kev. You know he's going to be packin'."

"I know. I won't let him see me, if I can help it." He kissed her slowly and deeply, then nibbled her lip as he ended it. "Remember what I told you."

"You need a huge chill pill. Now, put me down, and get to work."

He set her back on her feet. "Yes, ma'am."

She watched as they left, closing the doors behind them. She nibbled her lip as she realized she was worried about him. Lance broke her of her thoughts.

"He does this a lot, doesn't he?"

"Yeah. This is the first in two years that he's done without me."

"Let's sit down, and catch up. Maybe you won't worry as much."

They sat on the couch she had caught her dad sleeping on many nights. The couch held the faint scent of his cologne, and it comforted her. She leaned back in the corner opposite him. "Six years... That's a lot to catch up on."

"Did you meet him through your dad?" Lance asked as he nodded to the door.

She let out a tired laugh. "I paid him to kill principle Flair. The perv..."

"He was a dick..."

"All the way to the end..."

"What happened to you that made you the kind of girl that orders two hits?"
"Four. The guys that got my dad are gone." She slid her feet out of her heels, and drew them up onto the couch to rub them. "I don't know... It's in my blood." She laughed. "It's in my name."

"Give me those."

Her brows furrowed. "My feet?"

"Yeah. In my lap."

She giggled as she laid them in his lap. He wrapped his hands around one of her feet, and gently massaged it. She moaned as she laid back on the arm of the couch, and closed her eyes. "You still know how to touch a woman..."

"It's like riding a bike, you never forget."

"How long have you been back in town?"

"I came back after graduation. I tried to come see you."

"What happened? I would have loved to see you, and I'm sure Dad would have, too."

"This painted up freak wouldn't let me in."

She sighed. "Sting. He's a little off the wall, but he's a good guy." She tried to muffle a yawn.

"You look tired. Why don't you take a nap until Scott and Kevin get back?"

"I shouldn't... but I'm so tired."

"You've had a long day. Get some rest."

She slid down until her head was off the armrest, and on the pillow. "You've always been so good to me," she yawned.

Lance smiled. "Some things never change, Jade. That's one thing that won't."


She awoke some time later when the doors to her office opened. As her eyes opened, she saw Lance was in the same spot, with her feet in his lap. He was looking up at the reason for her waking. She turned to look, and saw Sting with two large men. She looked at the taller one. "Mark..."

"I caught these two sneaking around outside," Sting said.

"They weren't sneaking around. If they were, you never would have found Mark, and you sure as hell wouldn't have gotten them back here on your own." She sat up and slid her feet back in her shoes.

Undertaker grinned at her. "Hey, darlin'. It's been a long time."

"Yeah, it has."

"Come give me a hug. Hell, I don't bite that hard."

"I know who you work for, hun. I'd rather keep a safe distance."

"Your buddy here already patted me down. I'm unarmed."

"What about those guns hanging from your shoulders?" She smiled at him as she stood. He leaned down and wrapped his arms around her as her's went around his neck. "How've you been, Taker?"

"Can't complain." He held her at arm's length. "Puberty was good to you, darlin'. Last time I saw you up close you were in pigtails and missing a few teeth."

"It's been fourteen or fifteen years... A lot's changed."

"But you still blush at me," he chuckled. He let out a resigned sigh. "I'm sorry to hear about your dad."

"Then why didn't you try to stop it?" she whispered.

"There's nothing I could have done, Jade."

"Except what I did. And, I refuse to apologize for their deaths."

"You shouldn't. And, I like your style."

"You know I would die before I became a McMahon, right?"

"I know, but I don't plan to share that with Vince or Shane."

The evil grin on his lips let her know he had a plan. "What are you thinking?"

"A way to merge the families for your benefit."

"She's not interested," Kevin said as he and Scott entered the room.

"Actually, I am. Why don't you and your friend..."

"Brother. His name is Kane."

"Why don't you and Kane have a seat, and tell me your plan." She gave Kevin an evil glare. "And don't you ever speak for me. I have a mind of my own. Remember what I told you and Scott earlier. You can be replaced."

chapter 5

"I wish you would have listened to me," Kevin said as they went back to the limo, for the funeral procession.

"And, I wish you would zip it. Or do you enjoy sleeping alone?"

"It's not bad. You should try it sometime."

"I have been. Ask Scott and Lance."

"Why should I ask them?"

"Because in the last two years the only man I've slept with besides you was Scott. And, I'm sure Lance wouldn't mind taking up your side of the bed." She stopped and looked up at him. "Or, maybe I should see if Taker wants the spot."

"You can't trust him, Jade!"

"And the way you keep questioning my authority, I don't think I can trust you." She sighed. "Maybe you should leave."

"I knew your dad before I met you. I have every right to be here."

"Then stop actting like a jackass!" She looped her arms with Scott and Lance's.

"Ms. Savage," someone said from behind them. She turned to look and saw a shorter man being led out by Undertaker and Kane.

"I'm sorry. Do I know you?"

"We've never been introduced. My name is Shane McMahon." He stuck his hand out to her.

"Jade." She laid her hand in his. "Did you know my father?"

"When I was a kid. I had a lot of respect for him." Taker shook his head behind Shane. "I realize you are a busy woman, but if you need anything..." Shane pulled a card out of his pocket, and handed it to her, but held her hand. "...anything at all, don't hesitate to ask." He kissed her knuckles.

"Thank you, Mr. McMahon."

"Please, call me Shane. Mr. McMahon is my father."

"Jade, we need to go," Lance said gently.

"Thank you, Shane. And I'll be sure to call you." She took Kevin's arm this time. He and Scott led her to the car. Once they were all in, she said, "that man was just slimey, literally. Like his palms have been sweating for half of his life. Yuck!"

"Wait until you meet his dad," Scott said.

"She won't," Kevin cut in.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm not going to let you meet with Vince. Don't give me any shit on this. My job is to keep your ass safe. Nothing good could ever come from you meeting him. It's bad enough you just shook hands with satan's spawn."

"Alright. You can meet with him."

"Did you hear..." He looked at her, amazed. "Did you just agree with me?"

"It's not that strange of a concept. Besides, it would look like you were heading things instead of me. It would throw him off." He grinned at her. "That doesn't mean I forgive you for being an asshole, so you can wipe that smile off your face." She sighed. "I may not always listen to you, but I trust your judgement when it comes to business. You need some work in the relationship department, though."

"Why should I even try? It's obvious I'll never live up to the standards you set when you were with pretty boy over there," he said as he nodded toward Lance.

A tear rolled down her cheek. "Maybe you should stay at your own house tonight, Kevin," she whispered as she looked at her hands. "I think I've had enough heartache for one week."

"Today's not the day to be fighting," Lance said.

Kevin glared at him. "Shut it. This is between me and her."

"Maybe we should have just left it at paying my debt to you, Kevin."

He felt as if his heart had been ripped from his chest, but he wouldn't show the pain on his face. Instead, it contorted with anger. "Maybe we should have."

She let out a humorless laugh. "Now you're agreeing with me. It's an odd feeling."

He opened the door. "I'll continue to work for you, but don't ask me to crawl back in bed with you. I'm riding with Sting and Lex." He got out, and slammed the door.

"Are you ok, chica?"

"I'll be alright, Scott." She sniffled, and wiped at her tears. Lance pulled the red handkerchief out of his jacket pocket, and handed it to her. "Thank you, Lance." She dabbed at her eyes. "I don't know why I didn't do that sooner."

"You were blinded by lust," Lance said.

She giggled. "What would I do without you right now?"

"You probably would have had him killed. I sure as hell don't want to piss you off."

She smiled at him, and laid her hand on his thigh. "You have nothing to worry about, Lance." She let her fingers gently press into his muscular leg. "I want you to make a run with me after we bury Dad."



Once Randy "Macho Man" Savage was in the ground, the limo driver took Jade, Lance and Scott back to the house. "Scott, I want you to stay here while Lance and I make this run."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. We're taking the 'Vette."

"I can follow..."

"Scott, hun, I know you want to watch my every move, but Lance and I are just going to the club." She kissed his cheek. "I need to get away for a while."

"Alright, chica. You have your "lady finger"?" he asked, referring to the tiny pistol he had gotten her.

"In my purse, as always." She laid her shall over a nearby chair, then went out to the garage. She grabbed the Corvette keys off the hook, and fired it up. She turned to look at Lance, who was looking the car over. "Don't get any ideas. I'm driving."

"I wouldn't let anybody else drive her, if she was mine."

They got in, and took off. After a while, they finally pulled up in front of the old cathouse that had been turned into a bar with apartments up stairs. "This is it?"

"Yep. Dad liked the idea of owning an ex-whore house, and turning it into a bar."

"I come here quite a bit."

She smiled at him. "Well, now you get in for free."

A young girl sat on the steps drawing, but looked up as the car pulled up. Her blue-green eyes widened as a man taller than her uncle got out and opened the driver door for the lady. She scrampered to her feet and ran inside. "UNCA JIMMY, UNCA Chris. UNCA BRYBEAR. UNCA BRIAN..."

"Unca?" Jade echoed.

"I think she means uncle," Lance laughed. He held out his arm for her, and she took it.

"I guess I should have come by sooner."

As they walked inside, they were greeted by a blue-eyed monster of a man. "Ms Savage... To what do we owe the pleasure?"

She kissed his cheek. "Hey, Wrath. I just wanted to check up on the place. What's with the kid, Unca Bry-bear?" she teased.

Bryan grinned. "James' niece, Amara. Her folks died, and he's the only surviving family member, so..." He shrugged.

"A little girl... She probably has you four wrapped around her little finger."

"That she does."

"Hey, Jade," Adams said as he walked up to them.

"Hey, Brian. How are things going around here?"

"Pretty good. We have it shut down today, in memory of your father."

"Thank you, for the respect to myself, but I'm sure he'd want it open. Get the other two, and let's have a drink in his honor, before you open up."

Brian nodded and headed back to get the other two men who worked the bar. "Cowboy! Wildcat! We've got company!"

"Whoever he is, tell him we're closed," James yelled back.

"James Storm, get your ass out here now!" Jade yelled.

He ran down the stairs with the little girl in his arms, and Wildcat on his heels. "Ms. Savage... If you ain't a sight for sore eyes..."

"Cut the crap. One: call me Jade. Two: you should have told me about your niece. Three..." She smiled at him. "...we need some drinks."

"Yes, ma'am," he grinned and sat Amara down on one of the stools, giving her some paper before heading behind the bar. "Pick your poison."

"Six doubles of Jack." Chris filled the glasses with ice, while James poured the liquor. She stood at the bar, and smiled at the girl. "What's your name, hun?"

"Amara. You're not going to make me leave are you?"

Her smile widened. "No, I'm not. Just make sure you're in your room while the bar is open, ok?"


"James, get my new friend a coke, would you?"

"Yes, ma'am." He winked at Amara, and the little girl giggled. He looked over Jade's shoulder at Lance. "Amara, is he the one that scared you?"

"Yes, Unca Jimmy."

Jade followed James' line of vision, until her eyes landed on Lance. She turned back to the little girl. "His name is Lance, and he is nothing to be afraid of. He's just a big teddy bear."

Amara hopped off the stool and went over to him. Looking she asked softly, "can I poke you? Nice lady says you a teddy bear."

"Does she, now? Well, you can't poke me, but I may let you hug me."

"Another man falls victim to Amara's charm," James said.

"She's adorable." She took her drink from the bar. "Make sure she's out of sight when the bar is open, and I'll make sure she has a nice Christmas."

James nodded as he looked at his niece. "Jade, she's all I have and I won't let nuttin happen to her. Besides she stays in Cat's room more often than not."

"Alright." She turned to Adams, Clark and Lance. "Guys... A toast..." They joined Jade, James and Chris at the bar, Lance carrying the young girl. They took their drinks, as she raised her's in the air. "To my father, my reason for being here." She looked around at the guys. "And, to you guys, for without all of you, I would not be able to carry on the family business."

"SALUD," they yelled out as Amara buried her face into Lances neck yawning. James downed his drink and went over to Lance. "Let me take her. She's probably sleepy."


While Jade and Lance were having drinks at the bar, Kevin was just getting to the old house behind the bar on the northside. With his half empty bottle of Jim Beam in hand, he pushed the door open. He looked around, and immediately thought of her. He took another long drink out of the bottle, and said, "damn woman..."

He set the bottle down on the table, and went to the closet for his box of smoke. He opened it up, but it was empty. "Damn it!" He flung the box across the room, then punched the closet door. The door bounced off the wall behind it, and came back to hit him in the arm. He grabbed the door, and ripped it off its hinges.

He tossed the door aside, then went back to the table. He picked up the bottle, and took another long drink. He tipped the table over, then put his foot through the bathroom door, literally. "DAMN THAT WOMAN!" He limped over to the bed, where they had first made love. He pulled the box out of his pocket that held the engagement ring he bought for her. Kevin opened the box and stared at the diamonds surrounding the black onyx- her favorite gem. "Damn it, Jade... You're killing me, baby." He took another drink, then set the bottle on the floor. He laid back on the bed, and let his eyes drift shut. "God, I love that woman..."


Jade and Lance stayed at the bar until midnight. Once back at the house, she took a shower. As she came out of her personal bathroom, wrapped in a towel, she found Lance. "I thought I'd come check on you before I went to bed."

She looked him over. He wore nothing but sweatpants, just loose enough to hang low on his hips, and reveal the top of his pubic hairs. "I... uh... I'm ok." She went into the walk-in closet, and set out her clothes for the next day. She went to reach for a shoe box, but it was too high for her.

"Here, let me get that."

She watched his body as he reached for it, and saw the pants slide a little lower on his hips. "Here you go."

She stared into his eyes as she took the box from him. She grinned. "Maybe there is one thing I need..." She tossed the box aside, and took off the towel. She slid her hands up his torso. "I need you," she whispered.

He looked her over. "Dear, God..." He laid his hands on her hips and kissed her slowly at first, then more eagerly. He picked her up by her rear, and her legs wrapped around him.

Neither saw Scott watching as Lance carried her to the bed. He quietly closed the door. "Chinga... Where the hell is Kevin? It's not like him to give up," he said to himself. Seeing as Jade was in good hands, he went to find him.

chapter 6

Kevin was rudely awoken by a bucket of cold water being dumped on him. He jumped, and nearly fell out of bed. "What the fuck!?" He looked up, and saw Scott standing over him holding the bucket.

"Get up, Kev. We have a common problem."

"Where's Jade?"

"In bed with Lance."

Kevin chuckled as he ran his hand over his face. "I suppose, since she's not in bed with you, Lance is our common problem."


Kevin stood, and looked Scott in the eyes. "I'd still have you for a problem."

"Look, chico, you want her for ever. I don't. I don't mind her using me when you piss her off, though. But, with him in the mix..."

Kevin put his hand up. "I get it. You're pissed, because she's not in bed with you."

"I'm pissed because she's with a guy that has no clue what is going on in this business, and she loves him. If she marries him..."

"...he takes over the "family"," Kevin finished.

"Right. You and me... We were there when this "family" started. Do you want to see it go to someone who doesn't know what's going on?"

"I'm not worried about the "family", Scott. He's in bed with the woman I love."

"Why the hell do you think I came to you!? She loves you, too. You're both too hard-headed to see it!"

Kevin sighed as he rubbed is throbbing temples. "So, what should I do?"

"Go try to win her back."

"No shit... How?"

"I don't know! You're the one she's been with for two years... You should know."

"I've never had to work to get a woman! Hell, even she fell at my feet once."

"Do what comes naturally."

Kevin thought for a moment. He grabbed the little box off the bed and stuck it in his pocket. He grabbed the bottle of Jim Beam off the floor, and took a drink, before throwing it into the wall where it shattered. "You're driving."


At the house, Jade was still curled up in Lance's arms, asleep. As Kevin eased the door open Jade stirred. Lance tightened his arms around her, then kissed her bare shoulder. Kevin waited until all movement ceased before stepping into the room. He tip-toed around the bed, and set the tiny velvet box in her opened palm. He went over to the side Lance was sleeping on, and grabbed a handful of his hair. "Hey, blondie, you're on my side of the bed."

"Nash, what the hell are you..."

Kevin yanked him up by his hair, then threw him into the wall. "Did you not hear me? That is my side of the bed, and she is my woman!"

A small hand clamped onto Kevin's bicep. "What the hell are you doing here!?" Jade yelled at him. He turned toward her, and she gave him a right hook to the jaw.

He lightly touched his fingers to the corner of his mouth, and pulled them back to see if he was bleeding. He turned his eyes to her's. "Was that really necessary?"

She looked up at him wide-eyed. Her mouth moved, but no words would come out. Then, Lance attacked him from behind. Kevin turned around, and punched him, knocking him out. "Oh, hell... Lance!"

She bent over to check on him, but Kevin held her back. "He'll live, unfortunately." He wrapped his arms around her waist, lifted her off of her feet and kissed her hard on the lips. She pounded on his chest with her fists. As her punches lessened in strength and speed, he pressed her back to the wall, and wrapped her arms around his neck. When he ended the kiss, her eyes were closed, and she released a sigh. "The little box that was in your hand... Where is it?"

"On the bed. What is it?"

"Something I've had in my pocket for a month." He carried her to the bed, and sat her on the edge. He picked up the box, and went down on one knee. "I've been trying to find a good time to ask you, and I know I just fucked this up, but..."

"Kevin, would you spit it out."

He chuckled as he opened the box. "Would you marry me?"

"Kevin, I..." Her breathing became labored.

"I know I'm not the perfect man, but I would give up everything I have to wake up with you in my arms every morning."

She looked at the ring, then over her shoulder at Lance, who was still laid out. She turned back to Kevin, and softly kissed him. "You drive me mad, you know that?"

He smiled at her. "You started it. Jim Beam agged it on."

She raised her brow at him. "And I suppose your nasty temper crossed with the hangover, and you came to this?"

"That and the bucket of cold water Scott dumped on me." He gave her an innocent look. "My only good excuse is that I love you." She bit her lip, and looked over her shoulder again. "Baby, please..."

Her eyes locked onto his. "You were right, you know. I do still love him."

"But could he really be your everything? Your lover, friend, provider, protector? Before you answer, think about how easy it was for me to toss him around, and knock him out."

"Lance is more lover than fighter, Kev..."

Before she could finish her thought, Lance flew over the bed at Kevin, knocking him backward. Lance pinned him to the ground, and let his fists fly. He wrapped his hands around Kevin's throat. "She doesn't want to see you anymore!"

Kevin punched him again. "Fucking queer! Get your nut sack off me."

"Aye, chinga," Jade said, but she heard someone else say it with her. She looked over her shoulder, and saw Scott. "You started this!"

"Nuh-uh, chica. You did."

"I kicked Kevin out yesterday. You had to go and tell him I was sleeping with Lance." She got up, and wrapped her silk kimono around herself. "Lance, Kevin..." They looked up at her, as she walked over to Scott. She kissed him hard, then pushed him toward them. "Don't forget him. I don't have time for you guys' shit. I have a meeting with Taker."

As she went into the closet to get dressed the guys looked at each other. They scrambled to get up. Lance grabbed his pants from the floor. "Queer, huh? Just remember who I was fucking last night. It wasn't your butt-buddy there," he said as he pointed at Scott.

She came back out carrying her suit jacket, and buttoning her slacks. "Right now, you can all fuck each other for all I care. You're all actting like children!" She shook her head as she walked to the door. "They may look like gods, but they act like jackyls."

As she walked out, she nearly ran into Sting. "Whoa..." He covered his eyes. "Ms. Jade, is everything ok up here?"

She sighed. "They're tits. Act like you've seen a pair before." He uncovered his eyes. "And my SO CALLED BODYGAURDS are at each other's throats." She raised her brow when she noticed where his eyes landed. After a moment, she slapped him. "My eyes are up here, Steve!"

"Sorry, Ms. Jade, but you have a lovely pair..."

"Why are you up here?"

"Undertaker is waiting in your office."

"Thank you." She slid her arms in the jacket as she walked down the hall. "I'M SURROUNDED BY SEXIST FUCKING PIGS!!!"

Sting stuck his head in the bedroom door, and looked at the three of them. "I don't know what the hell's going on, but I don't suggest doing it again." All three of them began talking at once. Sting chuckled as he put his hand up. "Tell you what... I'll keep an eye on her, while you guys duke it out."


Down in the office, Taker asked Jade, "do you remember the plan?"

"Yeah." She sighed. "Give me a sec to get my head together."

"Long night?" he laughed.

"Bad wake-up call."

"I know how I'd wake you up, darlin'."

"Anything's better than waking up to my guys fighting in my bedroom..." She looked up at him. "Are you hitting on me?"

He shrugged. "Take it how you want to."

"I, uh... Let's get down to business. I'll call him." She grabbed the card out of her purse, and dialed the number.

"Shane-O Mac..."

She rolled her eyes. "Shane, hi. This is Jade..."

"Ms. Savage... You sound as lovely as you look."

She swallowed back the bile that rose in her throat. "Why thank you, Shane. I'm going out to lunch today, but I'm tired of looking at the same faces all the time. Would you care to join me?"

"Are you asking me out?"

She squeezed her eyes shut. "Just a simple lunch to get to know you..."

"Where would you like to meet?"

"Antonio's on 73rd, at noon."

"I'll be there."

"See you then."

As she hung up Taker started laughing. "I take it he's not your type."

"Kevin is my type... Lance is my type... Hell, you're my type... That weasel makes me sick, and I only met him yesterday." He opened his mouth to say something, but shut it when Kevin and Lance walked through the door. "Are you two done?"

"Not by a long shot," Kevin said.

Undertaker stood, and went to the door. Jade stood and followed. "Taker..." He turned to look at her. "Thank you for your help." She put her arms around his neck, but peeked over her arm at Lance and Kevin. She smiled to herself when she saw the jealousy in their eyes. She stood on her toes, and kissed Taker, deepening it when he responded.

He finally pushed her back, gently but firmly. "Don't use me to make your boys jealous. When you're ready for a real man, then you can come kiss me like that."

She grinned as he walked away. "What the hell was that?" Kevin asked.

"He was right. I was just trying to make you two jealous."

"Like you don't have enough problems with that between us?" Lance said.

"Look, I love you both. Kevin, you've been my everything, including enemy, in the past two years, but I never stopped loving Lance." She grinned. "And, I think he proved he can kick ass when he's not drug out of bed. Now, I need you two to shake hands and get along. Phase one of operation "take over" is in play. I need you guys to work together for phase two."

Lance and Kevin shook hands before Lance left the office. Kevin stepped up to her, and laid his hand on her hip. "You didn't answer me..."

"I'll let you know my answer, Big Daddy, when I figure out what it is."

chapter 7

Jade quickly changed into something sexier, both outer and under clothes. Kevin and Jade took the 'Vette to the restaurant, while Scott and Lance followed in the Hummer. She had given Lance the spare keys to the 'Vette with the warning, "if you hurt my car, you won't have to worry about Kevin."

Kevin and Jade were sitting at the table, waiting for Shane, when Kevin turned to her and said, "if he touches you, or tries to kiss you, I'll kill him here."

"Calm down, Kevin. I hate this part as much as you do." She laid her hand on his arm. "Just remember, no matter what I say or do, I love you."

He was about to say "I love you, too" when the bell on the door chimed. Shane walked in with Taker right behind him.

Jade stood as they were led back to the booth. "Well, now... I'm glad I let Kevin come with me."

"Doesn't he usually? I mean, he is your bodygaurd isn't he?"

"If you can see me, Kevin isn't far away."

Shane grinned. "Kind of like a well trained dog."

Kevin growled at the smaller man. Jade laid her hand on his arm. "Trust me, you don't want to feel his bite. Shall we?" she said as she motioned to the booth.

"Do you mind if I sit next to you?" Shane asked.

She giggled. "I don't think our guys will fit on the same bench together. Besides, he is here to keep me safe."

"But, I'd never..."

She grabbed his arm, and leaned close to him. "Just because I'm a woman, that doesn't make me an idiot. I know more than you think." As she pulled away, she winked at him.

He smiled as he took a seat. Jade sat on the inside against the wall, while Taker and Kevin got the outside seats. "So, I take it you know our families' history."

"My father told me a little about it. I'm hoping, since we are the next generation, that we can bury the hatchet."

"That's what I am hoping as well."

The waiter came over, and took Shane and Jade's drink orders. "Kevin, do you want anything?"

Shane looked at her in disbelief. "Why would you get him something? He's the help."

Kevin growled again, and Jade laid her hand on his arm to calm him. "He may be the help, but he is also human. And I have learned that if you are nice to those that work for you, they are more willing to carry out your wishes."

He looked at Undertaker. "Go ahead and order, too, Taker."

Once the waiter walked away she smiled at Shane. "You think I'm a fool, don't you?"

"For being "nice" to him? Not a fool, but it is awkward."

"To put it in another perspective, look at our guys, then look at us... If we aren't nice to them from time to time, and we piss them off, they could snap us like twigs," she laughed.

Shane laid his hand on Mark's shoulder and said, "Taker knows his place." This time Mark growled at him. Shane quickly moved his hand.

"Does he? By the sound of that growl, I'd say you need to be a lot nicer to him." The waiter came over and brought them their drinks, before taking their orders. Once he walked away, she continued. "By no means do I suggest letting the guys walk all over you, but let them know that they're more than just a fixture. Too much of this business is heartless. I believe we should care for those that are around us all the time."

"Interesting view on things... Deffinately a feminine view, but a lesson us guys should learn."

"So you think it is only because I am a woman that I think this way?" Shane nodded. "My father treated them the same way. That's why they are still around, and taking orders from me, now."

Once their food came, they hardly exchanged a word as they ate. Then, Shane gave her a look, as if trying to figure something out. "What?" she asked.

"If you don't mind me asking, exactly how nice are you to him?"

Kevin reached for Shane, but Mark's hand clamped around his wrist. "Release me," Kevin growled.

"Don't touch Mr. McMahon," Mark growled. He slowly let go of his wrist.

"That was uncalled for, Ms. Savage," Kevin said.

"I agree, Kevin. It was." She turned to look at Shane. "I make sure they are fed, clothed and have a roof over their heads. Nothing more."

"You just seem to be very close to him. The way you touch him, the way he growls and glares at me..."

She smiled. "In two years I have learned a gentle touch calms him faster than yelling at him. And, Kevin is human. You made him mad. If it wasn't for Taker, he probably would have ripped your throat out." She pushed her plate aside. "He is very protective. I don't suggest pissing him off again, or saying anything else inappropriate."

Once the guys were done she said, "why don't we cut to the chase."

"What do you mean?"

She slid her foot out of her shoe and ran it up his leg. She used her foot to massage him through his slacks. "We both know why we're here."

He smiled as he put his hand under the table and caressed her leg. "What do you have in mind?"

She grinned at him. "We can go to this little out of the way place I have and you can make me scream your name."

His smiled widened. "He has to come with us," he said as he pointed his thumb at Mark.

"So does Kevin, but they can wait outside the door."

The waiter came back to clear the table. "Are you ready for the check?"

"Tell Big Vito to take it out of what he owes me," she said. She turned to Shane as the waiter walked away. "I have to use the ladies' room first."

"Can I come watch?" he laughed.

"Not this time."

Kevin led her back to the restrooms. Once out of view she turned toward him. "That sick little prick!" she said in a harsh whisper.

Kevin laid his hand on her cheek. "It's ok, baby. You have him right where you want him."

She looked up into his hazel eyes. "I want to be the one who does it."

He grinned. "Yes, ma'am." He ran his thumb along her cheek bone. "And, I love you, too."


"Before they got here, you said you love me..."

She smiled at him. "Let's get this party going..." She pulled her phone out of her purse as she went in the ladies room. She pressed the connect button. "Lance, Scott, get the car. We'll take the Hummer. Time for phase two."

Once back at the table Mark and Shane stood. She asked, "are you ready?"

"Should we follow you?"

"He can follow us in the car. We can take the Hummer."

She took his arm, and they walked out to the SUV. "Taker, ride up front. Kane can bring the car." Shane nodded to the Rolls Royce that was parked between her Corvette and the Hummer. Once they were inside, and on their way Shane asked, "how far have you made it in a vehicle?"

She smiled at him. "All the way on a motorcycle once."

Kevin noticed Mark's brows shoot up, and cleared his throat. When Mark turned to look at him, Kevin glared at him.

"What about with other people around?" Shane asked.

"I try not to put on a show..."

"They won't watch..." She smiled at him before crawling over and stradling his lap. He ran his hands up from her knees, until he found the top of her stockings attached to garter belts. "What have we here?" As his hands went up, he discovered the bottom of her corset. He gave her a sly grin before moving his hands to the lapels of her suit jacket.

She let out a yelp as he pulled the jacket open, popping the buttons off. "Mmm... So you like it rough?"

"Oh, yeah."

"So do I." She pulled her fist back, and punched him, knocking him out. "Fucking pussy," she growled as she sat back and inspected her jacket. "He fucked up my best suit. Kevin, hurry before I kill him here."

"I wouldn't want you to wear that again anyways, baby. Not since his greasy hands have been on it."

She pulled the jacket off, and threw it in the back. "We can burn it before we take care of him." She worked on taking the skirt off. "Just press a little harder on the gas, will ya, Big Daddy?"

Once at the warehouse, they tied him to a chair in the middle. Jade threw her suit down about three feet away from him. "Somebody please burn those."

"That would be Kane's expertise," Mark laughed. "Hey, bro, bring the gas while your getting the C-4."

Once Kane set the clothes on fire, the heat eminating from the fire roused Shane. She stood in front of him in nothing but her corset, thong and stockings. "Glad you could join us, bitch-boy. Have a nice nap?"

He looked at her, then at the guys surrounding him. "Taker, Kane?"

"Remember that little discussion we had about how to treat your guys? I guess you should have been a little nicer to them." She took the Glock Kevin held out to her. "Besides, look at my guys... I know where the big boys like to play." She stepped over to him, and yanked his head back by his hair. "Now, with big, burly, handsome men like these around, why would I want your tiny dick?"

Shane spit in her face. As she wiped it away he said, "my father will have all of your heads."

"I'm shaking. I really am," Taker said.

Jade put the barrel of the gun to his shoulder, and fired. Shane screamed in pain. "You see, my dear, I'm going to make an example out of you for your father. You and your father assume that I'm just going to marry you, and let you control my family. The man I marry will control it with me, not take over." She stepped away from him. "Kevin, come help me, will you?"

Kevin stepped up behind her, wrapped an arm around her waist, and rested his chin on her shoulder. He reached his arm out, and helped her aim the gun. "Where do you want to shoot him this time?"

"I knew you were screwing him," Shane laughed through the pain.

"And he's a damn good lay. In the other shoulder, Kev." He aimed it, and she pulled the trigger. As Shane screamed again, she looked at Kevin. "I guess this counts as my first hit."

He smiled at her. "Where now?"

"Between the legs."

"That hurts just thinking about it, babe." He aimed it for his crotch, and she fired again.

After watching Shane wrythe and cry in pain for a few minutes she asked, "should I put him out of his misery, guys?"

"Let the fucker be alive when I blow him up," Kane said.

"Not a bad idea. What do the rest of you think?"

"He touched what is..." Kevin looked at Lance. "...our's. He deserves to suffer."

She handed the gun back to Kevin. "You're right. He does." She walked over to Taker and Kane, and kissed them on the cheek. "If there's anything you need..."

"I know how to find you," Taker finished.

"Have fun, guys." She looked at her guys. "Let's go."

As she turned to walk away, Taker popped her on the backside. She turned to look, and he grinned at her. "I've been wanting to do that."

She raised a brow, and grinned as she took Kevin and Lance's arms.

As they pulled away, Kane and Taker came out of the building. Not long after, there was a loud boom.


chapter 8

Vincent Kennedy McMahon was in his study, having his night cap, when he became worried about his son. He sat at his desk, and dialed Shane's cell phone, but there was no answer. Then, he tried Undertaker's cell phone, with the same result. His daughter, Stephanie walked into the study and poured herself a drink. "Hey, Steph, have you seen Shane?"

"Not since he left for his date, Daddy. Why?"

"Because I haven't heard from him yet, either."

Stephanie smiled at her father. "Maybe it went better than expected. They're probably cozied up in a hotel room."

"Undertaker isn't answering his cell phone, either."

"That is strange."

A tall, very built man came power walking in. "Mr. McMahon, one of the Savage warehouses was blown up a couple hours ago."

"Why should that concern me, Hunter?"

"Because they found body parts inside."

"Oh, shit..." Vince flopped down in his chair. "Fight fire with fire," he mumbled. "Hunter, remember that bar I showed you of her's?"


"Get Kane and torch it."

"Kane left with Taker and Shane."



Later that night, Amara laid on her bed curled up with the large teddy bear that her uncle gave her for her birthday. She smiled as she hugged it to her small body. The smile fell when she smelled smoke. She got out of her bed and crawled to the door with the bear firmly entrenched in her hand. She put her hand on the metal doorknob and screamed as the heat seared her small hand. "FIRE," she screamed as the smoke started to come from under the door causing her to cough. She grabbed the t-shirt on the floor and opened the door to see flames on the front stairs. She crawled to the next door which was Wildcats, "Unca.....*Cough* Chris." she cried, "Fire."

Amara continued down the hall but it hurt her hand as she crawled and now the fire was on the landing. She continued to cough until she was on the floor curled into a fetal position. She felt a large arm pick her up. She looked up into the blue eyes of Bryan. "Brybear," she whimpered, then coughed loudly.

"Shit, little girl," he said as he saw the other three. "Come on guys, this place is going up and we need to get out of here," he said.

"Where do we go?" Chris asked once they got outside and watched as their home and business went up in flames.

James, Bryan, Chris and Brian all looked at each other, then down at the girl in Clark's arms. "Jade's" they all said.

They got into Storm's truck with Bryan still holding Amara. She was now whimpering as she held her hand. "What's wrong kitten?" Wildcat said as he looked at the young girl.

"Hurts," she whimpered, then coughed holding her reddened and blistering palm out to her uncle.

The other three took a look. Adams had to bite back a curse as he got the first aid kit and did a quick job. "There you go, baby girl. That'll hold you until we get there," he whispered "hopefully".

Once there, James went around and grabbed his niece holding her in his arms as he walked up the front walk. Chris knocked on the door.

Lance opened the door. "Hey, guys..." He stopped as he looked them all over, and saw their soot covered clothes. "What happened?"

"The bar went up in flames," Chris said.

"Come in. Jade is in her office."

As they filed into the office, Jade looked them over. "What the hell..."

Brian turned to Jade. "The bar was torched. If it hadn't been for the kitten, we wouldn't have gotten out," he said reaching to pat Amara's hand. She whimpered in pain and tried to attach herself to her uncle.

"What happened, Amara?"

"I smelled smoke, so I go to the door. The doorknob burn my hand, but I had to get out..."

"Okay, hunny. Let's get you cleaned up, and take care of your hand." She turned to Lance as she took Amara and the bear from James' arms. "Show the guys where they can get cleaned up." She looked up into James' eyes. "You guys can stay here until we get this straightened out."

She carried the young girl upstairs to the bathroom in her room, cleaned her up, and doctored her hand. "Did you happen to see anything, hun? Anybody unusual around?"

"No, Ms. Jade."

"Ok. Are you ready to go see Uncle James?"

She nodded. "Is this your room?"

"Yes, it is."

Amara began to fidget. "Can I sleep with you tonight? The guys snore too loud." She turned her eyes down. "Momma never snored..."

Jade smiled at her. "On one condition." The girl returned the smile. "You have to tell Mr. Hoyt and Mr. Nash."

"Who they?"

"Remember the big teddy bear?" Amara nodded. "That's Mr. Hoyt. We'll find Mr. Nash."

Jade carried the girl back down the stairs, then set her down and led her to the office. She ran over to Lance. "Big teddy bear," she said while tugging his pant leg.

Lance smiled as he picked her up. "Hey, little one. How's your hand?"

"Ms. Jade fix it. I s'posed to tell you I sleep with her."

He chuckled. "Is that right?"

"Ms. Jade, you don't have to..."

"It's alright, James. We kinda have the same problem. You guys snore too loud." Jade winked at the girl.

"Ms. Jade, he Mr. Nash?" she asked as she pointed to the door.

Jade turned to look, and smiled. "Yes, he is."

The girl wiggled her way out of Lance's arms, and went over to him. She stood toe to toe with him, and looked up. "Whoa! You even bigger teddy bear!"

Kevin looked at Jade, and raised an eyebrow. "Since when do I qualify for teddy bear?"

"Since Ms. Amara called you one."

She turned to look at Jade. "I'm not miss Amara. Just Amara." She looked up at Kevin again. "I s'posed to tell you I sleep with Ms. Jade."

Kevin turned dangerous eyes on Jade. "Amara, will you show Uncle James where you will be sleeping, in case he gets worried?" Jade said.

"Yes, Ms. Jade."

"Thank you, sweetie." Amara led James out of the room, and up the stairs. "Don't give me any shit, Kevin. That little girl has been living with four men since her parents died. She needs a woman's touch."

"So do I," he growled.

"Look at it this way, Big Daddy, would you rather I was in bed with her, or Lance?" His features softened. "Besides, I need you guys to take turns watching the house. You two and Sting go in shifts with the others. If Taker or Kane come by, I don't want there to be any problems. I want to know ASAP."

"Why? We're done with them," Lance said.

"Actually, they are holed up somewhere, beating the hell out of each other to make it look like you guys beat the fuck out of them. That way, they can get back in the house, and spy for me."

"They're working for you now?" Kevin asked.

She nodded. "Out of Taker's respect for my father. So, if you don't mind, play nice unless he gives you a reason." She kissed Lance, then Kevin. "Goodnight."

She went up the stairs, and made it to her room just as James was tucking Amara in. He kissed her forehead, and told her goodnight. He stood and walked to the door. He grinned as he saw her standing there watching. "If she becomes a problem..."

Jade laid her hand on his arm. "Don't worry about her, Cowboy. We'll be fine. The only thing I ask in return for letting you all stay here is that you help the guys protect the house. Lance and Kevin have the orders. If there are any questions, ask one of them."

"No problem, Ms. Jade." He kissed her cheek. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, James."

Jade went into the room, but left the door cracked open. She went into the closet, and dressed in a nightgown. She crawled under the covers next to Amara, and the girl snuggled up to her. "I wish Unca Jimmy had a girlfriend like you."

A bittersweet smile formed on her lips as she thought of Kevin and Lance. "Sweet dreams, baby girl."


Kevin went up to the bedroom just before his turn for gaurd duty. He looked in and found the girls huddled together. He quietly walked over to the bed. Once he saw the protective hold Jade had on Amara, his heart began to melt. "One day, baby, that will be our child you're holding in that bed," he said to himself.


The next morning, when Jade awoke, she looked down at the girl stilled wrapped in her arms, with her bear between them. She smiled, and lightly pushed a few hairs out of her face. She felt someone watching them, but paid them no mind. "I hope you don't mind me sitting here. I just finished my shift, and I was worried about Amara."

"That doesn't surprise me, James. Your niece is very precious." She glanced at him over her shoulder. "She makes me want one of my own."

He smiled. "I wouldn't mind a cousin or two for her to play with." He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. "It's finding the right woman that is a problem."

Jade sighed. "Or the right man, in my case."

James nodded. "I see where you're coming from," he said then glanced over at Amara. "She's a perfect angel asleep, but when she wakes up, Oh holy Moses watch out."

Jade giggled. "I was hell on wheels, too."

"Well, you turned out alright. I guess I shouldn't worry too much."

Jade sighed again. "If you only knew, James..."

"Hey, darlin'," Lance said as he came into the room.

"Hey, hun. Who's on patrol?"

"Kevin and Bryan Clark." He walked up behind her, leaned over and kissed her. "How's little bit?"

"She's slept all night. I'll look at her hand when she wakes up."

"I hope I get one like her some day. Maybe with black hair and blue eyes. She'd be a little heartbreaker like her momma." With that, he kissed Jade's shoulder. "That is, if you're her momma."


"I know, I know... Just day dreaming out loud."

"One, I don't know if I ever want to get married. Two, now's not the time to get pregnant. And three, I'm a train wreck when it comes to men."

He smiled down at her. "Yet we still fall for you." He petted her cheek. "I'm going down stairs. Do you need anything?"

"Let the others know that I am talking to James, and we are not to be disturbed, please."

"As long as you're only talking..."

"I have Amara in my arms... What kind of woman do you take me for?"

"I'm only teasing, darlin'." He kissed her forehead and left.

She shook her head, then turned to James. "Between him, Kevin and every other man that hits on me, I'm going to go nuts."

"It's because of your beauty, Jade, it's not the fake beauty you see today. It's a classic beauty," he said, his blue green eyes flaming. James flicked his eyes from Jade to Amara. "You know, Amara's probably going to be the same way. Her momma was a beauty," he whispered as he rubbed his eyes.

"You look tired, Cowboy. Go hang your hat, and get some rest. I'll take care of Amara while you're sleeping."

He stood from the chair, and walked over to Jade's side of the bed. "Thank you, for everything." He leaned over to kiss her cheek, but she turned her head, and he caught her lips. She slowly responded to his lips.

"Sweet dreams, James."

"I'm sure they will be now," he whispered.

As James left the room Jade looked back down at Amara. The girl had a smile on her face. "Alright. No more playing possum. I need to look at your hand."

"Does this mean you are Unca Jimmy's girlfriend?"

"No, it doesn't. I don't think Mr. Hoyt or Mr. Nash would like that."

"Big teddy bears," she snorted then held out her hand. "It still hurts," the little girl whispered clutching her teddy bear with her good hand.

"I tell you what. We'll take you to the doctor, then go get you some pretty clothes. How does that sound?"

The girl smiled from ear to ear. "Okay."

They got out of bed, and she dressed Amara in a baby doll shirt, but let her stay in her sweats. Jade slid into a pair of jeans, and a t-shirt. As they went down the stairs Scott was coming out of the bathroom near the bottom. He was shirtless, and still wet from his shower. Amara ran down the last few steps, and attached herself to Scott's leg. "Fuzzy wuzzy!"

Scott looked at the girl, then up at Jade. "I seem to have a growth on my leg."

She smiled at him. "Seems I'm not the only one that likes your hairy chest." He smiled at her. "I need you to take us to the doctor. She has a bad burn."

Scott looked down, "First things first, who is she, and how bad of a burn?"

"Her name is Amara. She's James' niece, and they were in the fire last night. It's pretty bad."

Scott nodded then looked at the little girl, "mija, I need my leg back so we can go out."

"Amara, this is Mr. Hall. He's coming with us today. Would you like that?"

"Uh-huh! He's fuzzy like my teddy bear." She thought for a moment. "Is he another big teddy bear?"

"Yep. He's another big teddy bear."

Scott turned to Jade and raised an eyebrow. "Teddy bear?" He looked at the little girl, finally seeing the hand that was bandaged. "Come on then... Let me get dressed and we'll head out."


chapter 9

Once at the doctor's office, Doc Hendrix gave her a tired smile. "What is it this time, Jade?"

"This is a friend of mine. She burnt her hand."

"And she can't go into the hospital?"

"I'm sure her uncle will want her back. Besides, she needs protection."

"Alright. Let's get these bandages off, and have a look." He carefully took the bandage off. "Damn... Alright, I can handle this."


"Hey, Lance, do you think Jade would mind if I used her bathroom to take a shower? The guys occupied the other ones."

"Nah, man. I'll let her know when I see her."

Jade made it into the house, but didn't see anyone. "Amara, why don't you go show Wildcat and Uncle James your new toys."

"Okay, Ms. Jade."

As the girl ran off, she went up to her room, and stripped to take a shower, but found a man already in there. Tired from her shopping spree with the hyperactive six year old, she didn't notice it wasn't Kevin until she got in with him. She looked up into the blue-green eyes of James. She sighed. "Amara is very tiring."

"Is that why you're in here with me?"

"I'm tired. I didn't know, or really care who was in here." She looked him over. "The view isn't bad, though."

He smiled. "Why thank you, Ms. Jade..." She leaned forward and kissed his chest. He swallowed hard, and closed his eyes. "Where is Amara now?"

"Showing Wildcat what we got." She pressed her body to his. "Do you have something in mind?" She flicked his nipple with her tongue.

"I haven't had a woman in a while, and you're tempting me..."

"I could use a man that's not going to ask me to marry him afterward. Consider it an invitation."

He slid his fingers into her hair, and leaned down to claim her lips. She instantly responded, and the kiss grew more heated and passionate. He nibbled her lip as the kiss ended. "So, you won't mind me picking you up and doing you against the wall?"

"Please, James... Now..." she moaned.

In one swift move, he lifted her off her feet and spun to press her against the wall. He nibbled her neck as he aligned himself for entry. Electricity pulsed through her body as he thrust hard into her, then thrust again. As his hips pumped faster and harder, driving his manhood deeper inside her, she moaned out his name. As her muscles clenched around his length, they came together.

"I'm sorry, Jade, I said it had been a while..."

She softly kissed him. "Short, but sweet. Wouldn't mind having you again..." They got out of the shower, and dried off. Just for the fun of it, she grabbed his cowboy hat, and put it on. "How do I look?" she giggled.

"You'd look better in nothing."

"Come take it from me." She went to the door, and opened it to find Kevin and Lance on the other side. "Oh, shit..." She giggled as James pulled her back in the bathroom.

Kevin and Lance looked at each other. "Oh hell no," they said together.

As they reached for the door they heard the tiny girl's voice. "Big teddy bears, have you seen my unca?"

Lance looked at Kevin, then at her. "Which one, sweetie?"

"Unca Jimmy."

"He's in the shower, Amara."

"Where's Ms. Jade?"

"She's busy right now, hun. We'll tell her you're looking for her," Kevin said. He squatted down to whisper to her. "Right now, Lance and I have to take care of the boogey man in the bathroom. I need you to go sit with Wildcat."

"Okay, Mr. Nash."

Once Amara was out of the room, and had closed the door Kevin stood and looked at Lance. They both heard Jade giggle from within the bathroom. "I don't know about you, but I feel like kicking a cowboy's ass."

"Feeling's mutual." They both took a step back, then kicked the door in. They saw James laying on the tile floor, with Jade riding him, still wearing his hat.

"What the hell, Jade! I propose to you after dragging Lance's ass out of our bed, now you're fucking him!?" Kevin yelled.

She smiled at him, then down at James. "Save a horse, ride a cowboy." She closed her eyes as James leaned up and kissed her neck. As her eyes opened she saw a third man standing in the doorway. She froze. Her eyes grew as large as saucers, and her face went pale.

"Jade? What is it, baby?" Kevin asked.

"You look like you seen a ghost, Ms. Savage."

"Austin?" She looked at Kevin. "Kev, I thought..." Kevin ran his hands over his face, but said nothing.

"I guess I came at a bad time. What is this? A gang bang?"


"A little pay back on the old boss' daughter?"


"Or the new boss using what's between her legs to keep her guys around?"

Jade climbed off of James, and stood. She stepped around James, and looked at Austin with her hands on her hips. "My sexual appetite is none of your concern, Detective Austin. Why the hell are you in my house?"

He handed her some folded papers. As she looked them over he said, "love the hat. Never figured you for a cowgirl."

She disregarded his comment as she felt the sting of tears prick at her eyes. As the first spilled over the lid, she looked up into his cold blue eyes. "You can't take him, Austin. Please don't..."

"Sorry, Ms. Savage. Those papers say I have to." He grabbed the handcuffs off his hip, and snapped one around Kevin's wrist as he grabbed the other. Austin began reading him his Miranda rights.

Jade wrapped her arms around his neck. "Oh, God, no... Kevin..."

"It's okay, baby. We both knew it was a matter of time..." He whispered in her ear, "I planned ahead."

"I love you, Big Daddy."

"I love you, too, Jade. I need you to stay strong for me."

"I'll try." As she stepped away from him, Austin led him to the door. Jade started as if to go after Austin, but was held back by Lance. "You son of a bitch! If you harm my man in any way..."

"Bite your tongue Ms. Savage. There may be room in the back for you too."

"Go to hell!"

"Not today, hunny."

As Austin took Kevin down the stairs, Amara stood watching. "Big teddy bear, where are you going?"

He looked over his shoulder at Austin. "Can you give me just a sec, Stone Cold?"

"One minute."

Kevin squatted down to look Amara in the eyes. "I did some bad things, so he has to take me to jail, little bear. Will you do me a favor?"


"Take care of Ms. Jade, and keep my side of the bed warm until I get back?"

"Okay, Mr. Nash." She wrapped her tiny arms around his neck, then kissed his cheek. "Hurry back." Amara stood away from Nash then looked at the bald man. "You big meanie head," then she ran up stairs.

"Cute kid," Austin said sarcastically. He helped Kevin to stand, then led him out to the truck.

"That little girl was in a fire last night, Stone Cold. Or are you too blind to notice the bandage around her hand"

"Ms. Jade, why unca Jimmy's hat on your head?" she said coming to a stop behind Lance. Amara pulled on Lance's pant leg. "Teddy," she said looking up at him. "Hold me, please."

Jade ran back in the bathroom to get her robe on. "Amara's outside the door. She wants to know why I'm wearing your hat..."

"Oh shit," James said. "We can't let her see me nude. She'd ask all sorts of embrassing questions." James sighed as he rubbed his hand over his face, "Oh lordy, I thought Cat was watching her."

"I guess she got away from him." She looked around, and found Kevin's robe hanging on the hook. She took it down and handed it to him. He put it on, and tied the sash. Jade was about to walk back out of the bathroom, when James took his hat off her head.

"Sorry, darlin'. It belongs on my head." He put the hat on. "You might want to head out first, Ms. Jade, then take them away so Amara doesn't think anything about us," he said.

With a small nod, she stepped out. "You see, Amara, even big girls like to play dress-up sometimes. I found his hat, so I put it on."

"Oh. I'll take it to him, Ms. Jade."

She winked at the girl. "I think I should let him know I put it on. Now, how about if Lance takes you down stairs, and fixes you some ice cream?"

"YEY! Will you, big teddy?"

"Sure, baby girl." He gave Jade a tired look.

"I have to get my sh... stuff straight up here."

James waited until Amara and Lance were gone after Jade's little speech. "Thank you again for taking care of her. How much do I owe the doctor?"

She smiled at him. "I think you already paid me back for it."

James threw his smile at her and then kissed her soundly. "Thank you ma'am." Then, he left the room whistling "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy".

Wildcat looked at Storm as he strutted down the hallway. "Okay, pardon the pun but you look like the cat with a bowl full of cream."

"Guess I stepped into the right shower at the right time, Wildcat."

"Oy, you are just asking for an ass kicking," he murmered then looked at him. "Well, they doctored Amara's hand. She's got second degree burns on her palm, but she should be fine. Oh and you missed it..." Wildcat smirked.

"If you mean Nash, I watched the cop put the cuffs on him. Naked and on my back."

"No you imbecile! I swear you think with your cock more than with your brains," he said as his partner got dressed. "No you missed the fact that Amara was in A DRESS!"

"I didn't get to see her yet," he said thoughtfully. "My niece, Amara, in a dress?"

"For a second I thought it was someone else. I mean, growing up with four guys, you really can't blame her for not wanting to wear dresses. But I'm going to warn you, you're going to have to beat the guys off with a shot gun," he said then leaned back to finished reading his book.

"I already figured that much." He slid a shirt over his head, then grabbed the robe to take back to Jade. "Ms. Jade, are you in there getting dressed?" he asked from outside the closet door.

"Something like that," she sobbed.

He opened the door, and found her curled up naked on the floor, smoking a joint. "Are you alright?"

"No, I'm not. I just need some time alone."

He walked in and laid the robe over her body. "It's alright. He's going to be fine."

She laid her hand over his and smiled. "I know, James. I love the asshole, so I'm going to worry, anyways."

"You want me to send Lance up in a little bit to keep you company?"

"Would you, please?"

"No problem boss lady," he said then kissed her forehead. "If you ever need to talk," he said as he stood up.

"Thanks, Cowboy. You're a sweetheart."

"Hey, don't let that get around. I've got a rep to protect," he smirked. "Now let's see if I can't find my niece. I hear she's in a dress."

"It took some fighting, but she did it for you."

Amara sat at the table eating some ice cream and trying to stay clean. "Teddy, what did big teddy do?"

"Um... Uh... Hmm..." Lance wasn't sure how to answer her.

"Amara Christine Storm," James said from the doorway. "Don't be nosie."

She ducked her head. "Yes, Unca Jimmy." She then turned to Lance. "Sorry teddy."

James looked at the little girl sitting on the bar stool in her dark purple dress. "Well, aren't you pretty."

"Ms. Jade bought me some new clothes. She said I had to have one dress so I could look pretty for you."

"Well, that was nice of her."

"She got me some toys, too."

James nodded. "Well my little angel, you do look very pretty for me, but do you mind if I get a picture of you in it? I haven't seen you in a dress since before..." He trailed off. "Um, Lance, Jade needs some company after what just happened."

"Sure." Lance went up the stairs, and into the bedroom. "Where are you, darlin'?"

"In the closet." She was pulling the thick black terry cloth robe around her as he walked in.

He smiled down at her. "I should have known you were in here."

She sniffled as she sat up. "Why?"

He sat down beside her on the floor. "Remember how your dad would tell you we couldn't go out on a school night. You'd call, and tell me. I'd sneak over, and find you in here." He paused to enjoy the smile on her face. "Sometimes we'd talk for hours, and others we'd make out..."

Jade laid her head on his shoulder. "I remember." She closed her eyes, and let out a sigh. "A lot has changed since then. I wish we could go back to those days."

"Maybe we can for a little while. Sit between my knees." She moved to sit between his knees. Then, he wrapped his arms around her. "That better?"

She snuggled down into the warmth of his embrace. "I always seem to forget what's going on when I'm in your arms."

After a few minutes he said, "should I ask about Cowboy?"

"Nothing to talk about. He was a fling. He knows nothing will come of it."

"I'm not going to get upset, but... why?"

"I wanted to know if I could be happy without you or Kevin. I wouldn't be." Her body shook as she began to cry again. "I've made my life a mess, and I'm supposed to be in charge of all of these men?"

He was quiet for a moment. "Maybe you need both of us."

"In one way or another, besides physically, I do. But you guys wouldn't..."

After a moment he said, "Kevin isn't such a bad guy. If I have to share you with someone else, I can put up with it being him."

"I couldn't ask you guys to go through with that. You each deserve my full attention." She wiped at her eyes. "I just want to see him again."

"See who?"

She looked up, and her face brightened. "Kevin!? How the hell..."

"You can thank my friend here for my freedom. Come here, baby."

She stood, and went over to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him. "I was worried about what would happen to you if he got you to the station."

"Hey, I brought something back for you..." He reached into his pocket, and pulled out Austin's skull ring.

"Is he..."

"Dead. I checked his pulse." She kissed him again. "That doesn't mean we're in the clear. Somebody else could take over his cases."

"As long as I don't have to see his bald head again..."

He chuckled. "You're just too used to us long hairs around here. Ain't that right, Lance?" He looked up at Lance, then back down at Jade. "We can try this sharing idea of his, but I get you first."

"Wait a second... Introduce me to your friend first. I need to know who I'm thanking for saving your ass."

"Yeah, how rude, Kev. My name is Sean. He calls me Syxx."

"I don't know what you did, Syxx, but thank you for bringing him back to me."

Lance came up behind her, and kissed her neck. "I'll introduce him to the other guys." He slid the tip of his tongue around the outer rim of her ear. "We're not done in that closet, though," he whispered.

"You two are going to kill me."

As Lance and Syxx left the room, Lance asked, "how did you get him back so fast?"

"Shot out the tires on the truck as it passed me. Kev's had me stationed out in the trees down the road since he found out Stone Cold was on their asses."

They continued on down the stairs. As they reached the bottom, the door burst open. "Yo, blondie, where's the boss lady?" Konnan asked.

"Upstairs with Kevin. What's wrong?"

"Stephanie McMahon put a contract out on her ass."


chapter 10

Seeing no reason to interrupt, Lance waited an hour before going back up to the bedroom. He knocked on the door. "Jade?"

"Yeah, Lance?" she said from the other side.

"We need to talk. It's important. Konan came back with some info for you."

"You might as well come in. We're done and covered," Kevin said.

He opened the door, and stepped in, closing it behind him. "Stephanie has a contract on your life."

"On me?" Kevin asked.

"No. On Jade. We need to come up with a game plan."

"You're right, Lance." She grabbed her cell off the nightstand, and pressed the button to connect with the other guys. "I need everyone in my office in one hour. It's an emergency." She got out of bed, and dressed, before letting Lance lead her to the office. He sat in the chair across from her as she sat in her chair, and got on the phone.


"Mark, what do you know about this contract on my head?"

"Everything. She asked me to do it for three grand."

She swallowed hard. With a shakey voice she asked, "are you going to do it?"

"Three grand, baby... I don't break fingers for her for less than five."

She let out the breath she was holding. "You had me worried."

"I couldn't hurt you."

"I swear you have a sweet streak in you."

"Don't let anyone else know about it."

"I won't, hun. Thank you. Now, what can you tell me about her schedule?"

"When are you planning on going for her?"

"As soon as possible. With plotting and distributing orders tomorrow or the day after."

"Tomorrow is the spa from ten to two. Then, she meets with her fiance at three at Le Monte's on Main for a late lunch. She goes home. Around nine she goes to Club Atlantico."

"I owe you big time, Taker."

"We can work something out. Bye, Jade."

"Bye, Taker."

She hung up the phone and smiled at Lance. "That dumb bitch... She asked Undertaker to do it."


"She didn't offer him enough, and he said he couldn't hurt me. I'm safe for now."

"I don't trust him, Jade."

"I don't know what to make of him, but I believe him." She smiled at him. "Something about you big Texas men gets to me." She watched his cheeks turned red.

"Not every one is like me, though, darlin'. Watch your pretty little ass around him."

"That's why I have you, Kev and Scott. To watch my pretty little ass for me." She blew him a kiss.

"Why does he look like a beet?" Kevin asked.

"It's nothing, Big Daddy. We're just talking. I have some good news, but I'll wait to share it with everyone at once."

Once the entire extended family was in the office, she explained the situation, and told them what Undertaker had said, without telling them his name. "Now, we need get on this. Buff, Konan, you two are working the inside of the club. Lex, Adams, outside detail. Wait in the vehicles. Clark, Norton, you'll be outside as well as back up. Stevie Ray, James, the meat packing plant. Kevin, Lance and I will meet you all there. Everyone else is to stay here, and gaurd the house. Wildcat has a very special assignment taking care of Little Bear. If anything happens to that girl, I will kill you personally. Kevin, I want a "piece". Something that won't be too awkward for me to hide or hold. Until tomorrow, it's business as usual. Lex you have the deal tonight. Take a couple guys with you."

"Norton, Buff, wanna ride?"

"Sure," they answered, before they all left.

"Scott, front and center, babe." Hall stepped up to her desk. "Adams and Clark are picking up a shipment of rum. Will you go with them?"

"You got it, chica. You want a case brought back here?"

"One here, the rest goes with the guns, until we get a new bar or a new warehouse." Once they left, she addressed the rest of them. "With the exception of the guys that have been watching the house, until tomorrow night, go home and watch your asses. Tomorrow night will be an all nighter for some of you. Get some rest."

Everyone left the office but Jade, Kevin and Lance. "Baby, what do you have in mind for her?" Kevin asked.

She gave him an evil grin. "I hope you all have a strong stomach."

"I'm already hating this," Lance said.

"I'm going to let Mr. McMahon know my name."


The next night, Konan and Buff hit the dance floor in Club Atlantico. They both closed in on Stephanie as she danced in the middle. They sandwiched her between them, and danced with her until Hunter came up to them. "Get off my woman."

"It's cool, homes. We just wanted to get a little rowdy wit ya girl, here," Konan said.

Buff stepped over to the bar, and called Norton. "You two should check out the scene in here." That was their cue to come help. Clark and Norton found Buff at the bar. "You two get the big blonde. K-Dawg and I will get the princess." With a nod, they put the plan into motion. Clark and Norton pulled Hunter aside, and double teamed him, while Konan and Buff grabbed Stephanie, and carried her outside to the waiting Hummer.

"Let go of me! Let me out of here!" she shreiked.

"Somebody wants to see you, Ms. McMahon," Lex said.

"Lex? Lex Luger, is that you?" When she didn't get an answer, she looked at the man sitting in the passenger seat. "Brian Adams? My father fired you two."

"No shit, lady," Adams said. Not another word was said until they made it to the packing plant.

Konan dragged her out of the SUV. As Brian faced her, she slapped him. "Get this neanderthal off me NOW!"

He smiled at her. "I don't take orders from a McMahon anymore." He lurched at her, as if he was going to hit her. Her eyes went big, as she jumped. Brian sneered. "Bitch..."

Konan took her inside, and sat her in a chair in the middle of the slaughter house. Stevie Ray and James tied her hands behind her back, and her legs to the legs of the chair. That's when Jade stepped out of the shadows. "You must be Stephanie. I'm sorry Shane couldn't be here. I believe they are still scraping up pieces of him."

"My father will get you for this. He won't like that fact that you got both of his children."

"If you have a weak stomach, you may want to leave now," Jade said to the guys.

Most of the guys left, including Lance and Scott who promised to wait outside. James brought a tray over beside the chair and said, "the instruments you requested, Ms. Jade."

"Thank you, James."

With that, he left as well, leaving only Stephanie, Jade, Kevin and the lone figure in the shadows.

"Maybe your father should have invested in better men, then treated them as if they were human. As for the Undertaker..." Jade stepped closer to the bound woman. She leaned over and whispered, "Taker would rather fuck me than kill me." She stood back up. "Isn't that right, Big Evil?"

Undertaker stepped out of the shadows, and walked up behind Jade. One arm went around her as his other hand grabbed her hair, and forced her head to the side. He stuck out his long pointed tongue at Stephanie as his eyes rolled back in his head. Then he slid his tongue along her collar bone, then up her neck. "You smell good enough to eat."

She turned her head to look at him. "Do you have the camera ready?"

"Sure do, darlin'. Let me know when you're ready."

"Gag her, and get it." She uncovered the instruments on the tray James brought her. She looked them over before grabbing the scalpel, and looking at her reflection in it. "I hear you have a thing for plastic surgery... I think I'll try my hand at it."


The next day, a package was delivered to the McMahon household from the Midtown Meat Market. Bradshaw looked at the delivery man. "What the hell is this?"

"A couple legs of lamb, courtesy of Ms. Savage. She sent a message that it is in respects to the passing of the young Mr. McMahon."

"Respects my ass... She killed him," Bradshaw mumbled.

"Either way, sir, there are a couple nice legs of lamb in here. If you would take them to the house, please... Ms. Savage says she will understand if you check the package first."

Bradshaw took the package, and eased the lid off the foam cooler. He looked inside, and saw nothing but meat. He lifted the meat, then looked under. "Alright, it's clean. I'll take it up there."

Once Alex Wright was back in the van, he called Jade. "He took the "meat", Jade. Will there be anything else?"

"Nein, Wonderkid. Danke."

"Auf wiedersehen," was the reply before the line went dead.

She smiled like the cat that had eaten the canary as she sat back in the chair. "The first package has been delivered, Kev."

"You are a sick, sick woman, Jade."

"Ah, but you still love me."


Back at the McMahon house, Bradshaw delivered the package to Vince. "Jade Savage sent you some leg of lamb for Shane."

"I hope that bitch doesn't think that will take the place of my son."

"I dunno, boss, but it looks like good cuts."

Vince sighed. "Take them to JR. Tell him to cook them tonight. Then, find me an idiot to test it to be sure it isn't poisoned."

Later that night, Vince sat at the dinner table with his wife, Linda. Linda looked at the sliced meat on the plate before her. "Maybe she feels remorse for killing him."

"I doubt it, Linda. I'm surprised Mick didn't die on the spot."

"You worry too much, Vince."

"And usually for good reason. Just because she is a woman, doesn't mean she can't be a cold-blooded killer."

"Hey, Vince. I found this outside the door," Hunter said as he carried in a large ice chest. "It's full of meat, and there was a tape in a bubble envelope."

"What kind of meat?"

"Pork ribs, venison back-strap... I haven't made it to the bottom yet."

"Put the tape in." Vince cut off a piece of the meat, and put it in his mouth as Hunter set up the tv and vcr in the family dining room. Once the tape began to play, he saw Jade on the screen.

"Vincent Kennedy McMahon... I thought you would have gotten the hint with your son, Shane. He wasn't worth the C-4 used to blow him up with, or the bullets I put in him before hand. I feel I should explain why I killed Shane. You see, word got out on the streets about your little plan to have him marry me, and take over my family. Just so you know, I am taking care of things very well on my own."

Muffled cries could be heard in the background as she slowly slid the scalpel over her skin, an evil grin on her lips. "I hope you're enjoying the meat I had sent. I specially picked them for you." She set the scalpel down, and picked up the saw. "I slaughtered the lamb myself." She pulled the trigger on the saw a couple times, before going over to Stephanie. She cried, and shook her head as she looked at Jade. She lowered the saw to Stephanie's leg, and made two cuts; one below her hip, and one above the knee. She lifted the piece of leg to the camera. "Look familiar? Look at your plate, then at your daughters leg." Blood poured from the severed hunk of meat, and ran down Jade's arm.

Vince spit the piece of meat in his mouth across the room. "HOLY SHIT! That's Stephanie on our plates!"

Linda fainted.

Hunter sat at the table as he felt his heart in his throat, and his stomach turn.

Jade continued. "You'll especially like the chicken breasts and the cow head."

Hunter dug into the ice chest again, tossing pieces aside until he found the ones she spoke of. First were the "chicken breasts", which were actually the breast implants she got for him. Then, he dug out the "cow head". He looked into the face of the woman who was to be his bride.

"Now, as for why I killed Stephanie..." She laughed. "Well, you had my father killed. Not one to be out done, I thought you might like a last bite of her." She dropped the piece of meat, and counted off on her fingers, "Edge, Christian, Shane and Stephanie... Who's next, bitch?"

Vince watched as she spread his daughter's blood over her face and chest. "Shut it off, Hunter." Once the tape stopped, Vince said, "Get Undertaker and Kane in here."

"If you don't mind, sir... She not only killed your daughter, but she killed my bride-to-be. I would like to handle this on my own."

Vince nodded. "Take them with you. I want her head on my wall as a trophy."

"Yes, sir." Hunter stood to leave. He grabbed his cell phone out of his pocket, and called Undertaker. "Taker, meet me at the bar. We have work to do."


Jade had just gotten off the phone with Taker when the guys came in her office. "It worked, guys!"

James was following them, carrying a tray into the room with several glasses of rum on it. "Ms. Savage" he said holding out the tray.

"Thank you, James. Set them down. Everyone, grab a drink." She looked around at the guys. She raised her glass in the air. "To the greatest bunch of guys a girl could be surrounded with. I'd be nothing without you all."

Chris came in a moment later and took his glass of rum. "To our family," he said smiling.

"Where's Amara?" Jade and James asked at the same time.

Cat shook off the warmth of the liquor. "Taking a nap."

Jade smiled at Cat, then tapped her glass with his. "To our family."

After Chris finished his drink, he looked at James. "She's thinking about her parents, I mean its been two years today."

James looked into the bottom of his glass. "I know."

chapter 11

Chris thought back to the conversation he had with Amara the night before.

After everyone had left Chris sat down in the living room with a book as the littlest member of the family laid on the floor drawing. She'd look up from time to time at the picture on the wall, then at Chris and finally Sting. She stood up and went over to Chris, straightening her novelty shirt. "Unca Chris."

"Yes, kitten?"

"Can I sit in your lap," she questioned softly, tell tale tears in her eyes.

He placed the book down and gathered the little girl up. "Tell Uncle Chris what's going on in that pretty little head of yours," he whispered as he stroked her head.

"I miss Momma and Daddy. I just can't remember what happen," she whimpered as she gripped his tank top. "I was sick," she said as she looked up into his eyes before tucking her head underneath his chin.

"Ms Savage, James, she's been kinda quiet and I think I know why." He looked at Jade to explain, "two years ago her parents were murdered and she found the bodies."

Jade laid her hand on James' arm. "Why don't you and Amara take some flowers out to their grave?"

"Yeah, I suppose we should," James said.

They all sat and talked, as they assume Amara is taking a nap. But, Amara comes in sits on her Uncle Bryan's lap and takes a sip of the rum before anybody can stop her. Amara sat the glass down quickly then went, "YEACH that nasty!"

"Amara, you know better!"

"Sorry, Unca Jimmy."

"Well, atleast she'll stay away from the alcohol," Jade laughed.

"Go get dressed. We have to go somewhere." Amara ran up stairs, and changed. She came back down in jeans and a shirt that said "keep staring, I might do a trick" on it. He laughed as he read it. "Are you ready, kitten?"

"Yes, Unca Jimmy."

He picked her up, carried her to the truck, and buckled her in. Soon after they were off.

James held Amara's hand as they walked through the cemetary. "Unca James, I miss them bunches."
"I know, baby girl. So do I, but you know, when I look at you, I see your mommy and daddy looking back at me," he grinned as she looked ahead for the angel.
"There they are, Unca James."

James went ahead of her, and laid his flowers down on the graves. He turned to see Amara. He just stared as she gripped the flowers in her small hand. He took in her white face and large eyes. She started to scream loud and hard. She quickly dropped to her knee's and started to cry out "mommy".

James quickly picked the girl up and held her despite her fighting. "Shh, Kitten. It's okay." She kept fighting. "Fuck," he thought, "I've got to get her back to the house."

James placed the still screaming child in the back of the truck and he raced for the house. "Please, OH please be there," he thought. He needed someone who could calm Amara down.


Jade had laid back in the living room to try to relax. She looked over on the table, and picked up a stack of paper. The crayons that were on top rolled off, and back onto the table. She smiled as she looked at the picture. She looked up at Sting, who had retaken his post at the window. "Was someone drawing with Amara, Sting?"

"No, why?"

"Come look at this picture. Amara and I are in the chair, James, Chris, Adams and Clark are sitting in front of us. Kevin and Lance are standing behind the chair, and the rest of you guys are gathered around."

He chuckled as he looked at it. "She's a talented little six year old. She even put the lines on my face."

She switched to the picture behind it. Tears stung her eyes as she looked at the picture of her father. She looked up at the painting, then back at the exact replica. "She's really talented."

"Maybe you should go visit your dad," he whispered.

"The guys wouldn't let me out of the house without them."

Sting looked around. "Nobody's around right now. I won't tell if you don't."

She tried to find a place to kiss him without make-up. "Hmm..." She tilted his head down, and kissed the top. "Thank you, Sting. You're a sweetheart."

"Go on, before somebody sees you."

Jade went out to the sleek black Bentley her father loved, and drove to the cemetary. She wound her way through the paths, then parked just out of the way. She slowly walked up the hill to his grave site. She sat on the grass, the dirt still soft beneath. "You're probably sitting in a big easy chair up there laughing at me." She smiled. "Or you want to yell at me. I know you thought I was ready to take over. I'm doing my best, Daddy." She paused. "That, uh... That was a dirty trick you pulled, sending Lance to take care of me. You knew Kevin was going to propose, I bet. Well, if it makes you any happier, I'm not engaged. I'm not sure what to do with my peronal life."

She looked down and smiled. "An old friend of your's has been a big help with business. I suppose he isn't happy with the McMahons. I know you used to tell me that Undertaker is the most evil man you ever met, but I trust him."

She stopped as she heard the grass crunching behind her. "If you plan to kill me, atleast shoot me from the front."

"You almost sound like a woman ready to die."

"Why not? I'm already living in hell, Taker."

"Oh, it can't be that bad, darlin'." He sat down beside her. "You were pretty happy last night."

She grinned like the Cheshire Cat. "Vengeance is sweet."

He leaned toward her. "Your body covered in her blood was even sweeter."

She giggled. "You think I'm a sick woman, too, don't you?"

"No. I'm glad you let me be there for it. Very erotic."

"Maybe you're a man that's just as sick as I am."

"Or a little sicker." He leaned back, his big arms holding him up. "Why do you trust me?"

"Why do you help me?"

"Because I respected your dad."

"That's not why. If it was, you wouldn't have hit on me."

"If I didn't, I would have taken you. I'm still not totally against the idea." He turned to look at her, even though he already knew she was blushing.

"Well, as long as we're admitting attractions to each other..." She bit her lip before saying, "you don't know how turned on you had me last night." She looked up at him, and saw his brow raised, and a wicked half grin on his lips. "Mark, what are you..."

He kissed her hard, making her yelp. As he deepened the kiss, he leaned over her. He slowed, and softened his lips on her's before nibbling her lower lip. "You're the only one who still calls me that."

"What? Mark?"

"Nobody uses my name anymore. I'm surprised you even know it."

"Dad didn't like me calling you Undertaker when I was little. He said it brought out your demon."

"Saying my name could be worse."

"I'll take my chances... Mark."

He spun his hips, pinning her legs between his. He grabbed the collar of her shirt in both hands, and pulled it apart, popping the buttons off. "I warned you..."

"I'm not complaining, but do we have to on my father's grave?"

He looked around. "The mosoleum?"


Neither noticed the pair of eyes watching as he carried her down the hill, and into the mosoleum.


Amara continued to yell, but it was down several decibals from the time they left the cemetary. Storm carried her in and towards Jade's office, hoping that Lance was there. "Hello?"

"What happened, Cowboy?" he asked.

"I don't know. We went out to the cemetary, and she started freaking out."

"Hand her over." He took the small girl from James, and held her to him. He sat down on the couch, and stroked her hair. "It's ok, hun. Tell teddy bear what happened."

Amara stopped yelling, but continued to cry. James looked at the man holding his niece. "Geez how... I mean she... She fought me..." He rubbed his hand along his face.

Kevin walked in, and saw the tears in Amara's eyes. He looked at James, then at Lance. He grabbed James by the throat, and pushed him back into the wall. "What happened?"

"I dunno! She just freaked out on me."

"Amara, hunny, why don't you go fix a sandwich while I talk to Uncle James?"

She crawled off of Lance's lap, and headed for the kitchen.

Once she was out of the room, Kevin turned back to James. "What the hell did you do to my Little Bear!?"

James just gurgled, as he tried to pull Kevin's hand away.

"Um, Kevin, if you want answers you have to loosen your grip."

"I could kill his ass right now," Kevin growled.

Chris came in and took in the scene. "Oh, hell, he found out." He shook his head. "Nash, she likes to play the field. She comes back to you..."

"This isn't about my woman! My Little Bear was crying. I want to know why."

Lance looked up at Chris. "They went to the cemetary, and Amara freaked out. She won't tell us why."

"I'm telling you, I don't know! She wouldn't even step up to the grave. She stopped walking and started screaming," James said.

"Maybe she remembered the night her parents died," Chris suggested.

The front door slammed. A moment later, Chris saw Jade standing in the office door, her shirt hanging open and a dreamy smile on her face. She looked inside at them. "What's going on here?" she asked, her voice hoarse.

"James did something to Little Bear," Kevin said as he looked her over.

"He wouldn't do anything to hurt her. Let him go."

"What the hell happened to you?" he asked as he released James, and fully faced her.

She looked down at her wrinkled clothes and the opened shirt with the same smile. "I had a run in with a big tatooed biker."

Kevin snarled before leaving the office, pushing past her. Lance stood, and went over to her. "Are you ok? Do you know him?"

"A little sore, and my legs are wobbly... And, uh... Yeah, I know him. So does Kevin."

"Let's get you cleaned up. Maybe you can help us with Amara."


Amara had gone into the kitchen, and went to the fridge to get the jelly out. "Dammit!" she cried when she didn't find the grape jelly.

The large man in the corner looked up from his newspaper, but didn't see anyone. Then, he saw the pantry door open. "Double dammit," he heard a small voice say. Then, he saw two small hands reach for the shelves, then pull her body up. He smiled as he stood, and went over to the pantry. He lifted her off the shelves, then up until she was face to face with the jellies. She grabbed the jar of grape, and held it close as he set her down.

"Thank you, Big Teddy." She turned around and craned her head up. "You not Big Teddy. You extra large teddy."

Giant chuckled. "Or, you can call me Giant Teddy."

"Thank you, Giant Teddy." She went back to what she was doing. She grabbed the peanut butter, then the loaf of bread. She placed the items together on the island, then climbed up onto a barstool.

She went about making her sandwich, as Giant took one of the other barstools. "Were you the one that was crying earlier?"


"Why were you crying, Little Bear?"

She stopped what she was doing, and looked down. "I remembered my mommy and daddy. When they died."

"You wanna tell me about it?"

"I heard a bang, so I got out of bed. I look down from the stairs, and see a bad man."

"What does he look like?"

"I can't remember."

"What happened?"

"I saw fire, and heard a bang. Then, daddy fall down. Mommy was on the floor, and had a big owie. The bad man left, so I went down the stairs, and..." Her shoulders shook as she began to sob.

He lifted her off the barstool, and set her on his lap. She curled up, and cried on his chest. "It's ok, sweetheart. Go ahead and cry."

Jade turned from the doorway to the kitchen, and looked at Lance and James. "There you have it guys. Mystery solved." She smiled at James. "There's nothing you can do to hurt that child. She loves you. She just can't always talk to you." She turned, and headed for her office. "Now, I have to stop Kevin from killing Taker."


Kevin was in the bushes outside Taker's house when he felt his pocket vibrate. He was going to ignore it, until he saw the tall blonde at the door. He pulled the phone out, and flipped it open. "What?"

"Kev, where are you?"

"I'm outside Taker's, baby," he whispered.

She sighed. "Don't do anything to him. It takes two to tango."

"That was the original plan, baby, but one of my old friends is paying him a visit. It doesn't look like a friendly one." He watched as the two men began throwing punches. The blonde got Taker on the ground, then tied him up. He carried him to his SUV, and threw him in the back. "Looks like I won't get the chance. Hunter just took off with Taker."


chapter 12

Jade had gone out into the garden to think. Or more like chew her nails. She was genuinely worried for Taker's safety. She knew he was tough, but knew nothing about Hunter. She was staring off into space, when she saw Amara run by. She slowly smiled. She saw out of the corner of her eye that a body had filled the empty wicker chair.

"What's wrong? You look like you lost your best friend."

"No, Syxx. More like a very important person."


"How did you know?"

"Kev explained what happened. You think you're to blame?"

"Yeah. I mean, just a couple hours after we go at it in the cemetary the people he works for are going against him."

"Maybe a walk through the trees will help you clear your head. I'll come with you."

She smiled. "I haven't been through there in ages."

"Come on." He held his hand out to her, and she took it as she stood.

As they walked away, Amara ran up to them. "Can I come with you, Ms. Jade?"

"Sure, Little Bear. You have to watch out for snakes."


As they walked, it became darker because of the thickening canopy. She smiled to herself. "When I was about eight, I would come out here and pretend demons were watching me."

"So, you've always been a little dark?"

"I suppose so. I guess the darkness grew with age." She giggled. "My dad said he expected it, because of all the guys."

"What about your mom?"

"She died when she was in labor with me."

After a while, they saw the sunlight through the trees. "Well, I guess we found the other end," Syxx said.

As they got closer, she noticed that one of the trees didn't look right. It wasn't much over six feet tall, but was very thick. About five feet closer, and she made out the man's figure. "I... I think we should go back. There's a man up ahead."

"I know. It's ok. I know who he is."

She let him lead the way. "Are you Jade?" the man asked.

"Yeah. Who are you?"

"A friend. Kevin asked me to take you somewhere safe."

"I'm safe at my house, thank you."

He laughed as he reached behind his back. He drew out a 0.9 MM pistol, and pointed it at her head. "You and the girl, in the back, now."

Jade looked at Amara, who seemed to be frozen in place. "You can take me, but leave the girl."

"Nope. She's coming too. Get in."

"BAD MAN!" Amara screamed. She stomped his foot, then ran off.

Syxx went after her, then brought her back. "Put her in, X-Pac."

As Syxx opened the door, she heard, "YOU SON OF A BITCH! WAIT UNTIL I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!"

"Taker," Jade said under her breath. "You're Hunter."

He gave her a mock bow. "And you're the bitch that killed my woman."

"And I enjoyed it," she growled.

"Get in."

She walked over to the back of the SUV, and saw Amara sitting as far from Undertaker as she could. "Let me in, baby girl. I'll sit next to him." As she sat down next to him, she turned sad eyes up at him.

He leaned over and whispered, "Hunter saw us in the cemetary."

"This is my fault." She looked at Hunter as he got in, then locked eyes with him through the rear view mirror. "I'm the one you want. Let them go."

"You hear that, X?" he asked the other man as he got in the passenger side. "She's sticking up for the girl AND Taker."

"That has to be something new. Someone actually wants Taker to live."

"Yeah, I do. I also want to watch him tear you dickheads limb from limb."

"Ouch... Did you kiss your father with that mouth?" Syxx asked.

Hunter laughed. "I watched her kiss Taker with it. She's tainted, now."

"I was tainted before hand. I suppose you saw what I did to your woman. Maybe even had a bite..."

Hunter backhanded her. "Shut up, bitch."

With her eyes locked on his, she grinned and licked the blood from the corner of her mouth. Then, she felt Amara tugging at her shirt sleeve. "Ms. Jade," she whispered. "You okay?"

She put her arm around the child. "I'm alright, little bear." She slid her hand behind Taker, and worked on the knotted rope. When she got it undone, she whispered to him, "don't get us killed." She looked down at Amara to tell her to get down, but saw her staring at the back of Hunter's head, shivering. "Amara, are you okay, hun?"

Amara shook her head. "Bad man. He shot Mommy and Daddy," she said barely above a whisper.

"Are you sure?" The girl nodded her head frantically. "Okay. Get on the floor, and stay there."

Once the girl was in a ball on the floor board, Jade grabbed Syxx's head, and snapped his neck. She glared at Hunter. "Casey and Diane Storm... Why did you kill them?"

A half-grin appeared on his lips as he let out a humorless laugh. "You'll have to ask the boss when we get there. I was just following orders."

As Jade sat back, not wanting to risk killing Hunter, and harming the child, Taker looked at her wide eyed. "Where the hell did that come from?"

"He killed her parents. If she wasn't with us, I'd kill him." She looked down at the girl still on the floorboard. "Come here, little bear."

Amara crawled up into her lap. Tears sprang from her eyes. "Ms. Jade, is he gonna shoot us?"

Jade kissed her forehead, then held her tight. "I won't let anything happen to you."

"I want teddy bears," the little girl whispered holding to Jade.

"I do, too, hunny." Jade turned and looked at Taker, who had reached up to stroke the girl's hair. "But the demon beside us is just as good."

"He's scary," she whispered as she flinched from his large hand.

"Maybe a little, but he has a sweet spot for little girls."

She looked over at Taker, then crawled over into his lap and curled up. "He's comfy. Devil Bear."

Taker raised an eyebrow, "devil bear?"

"If I tell her someone is okay, she gives them a teddy bear name." She gave him a weak smile. "Hard to tell her no."

He watched as the little girl curled back up in Jade's lap. "I can see why. So Hunter killed her parents in front of her? Hmmm..."

Amara dozed off in her arms as they went along. Just as they began to slow down, Jade looked out the side window, and saw a familiar Hummer. "Kevin," she whispered.



Taker leaned over and whispered, "you saw something. What?"

"Kevin has been following Hunter since your house." When she pulled back, she saw the questioning look on his face. She leaned toward him. "He knows about the cemetary, too."

His brow raised. "And he thought he'd kick my ass?"

"Let's just say he has some issues when it comes to me."

"Case of blue balls, huh?" he laughed.

She smiled, but it faded fast. "I hope you have a plan."

"Well, you loosened the rope but we have to be carefull of the little one there," he whispered nodding at the sleeping child. "We're almost there."

Hunter pulled into the gates, then up to the house. He snuffed at X-pac then got out. "Home sweet home," he smirked then opened the door. "Come, Ms. Jade," he said as he grabbed the little girl by the arm.

Amara's eyes opened. When she saw Hunter, she let out a blood curdling scream, then kicked him in the teeth. "BAD MAN! BAD MAN! BAD MAN!"

Hunter backhanded the little girl causing her to fall to the ground. "Fucking brat..."

Jade lunged at him, but he grabbed his gun, and aimed it at her. "Go ahead. Try it. Taker will be wiping your brains off his face."

"Get out, Jade," Taker urged. "Do as he says."

She got out and went to Amara who was just now sitting up, a small trickle of blood was on her forehead. "Touch her again, and I'll rip your fucking arm off," she spat at him.

"I'm shaking in my boots. Move your ass."

Jade picked Amara up and hugged her close. "Little bear, you okay?" she whispered. Amara wrapped her arms tightly around her neck and sobbed.

A man with white hair and dressed in a business suit came out of the house. "Ha-ha!! You got her! Man, Vince has been worried." He watched as Taker got out. "You needed help? You could have asked me..."

"Ric, when have I ever needed help?"

"About thirty minutes ago when you had Syxx lead us through the woods," Jade said.

Hunter turned and looked at Jade and brandished his gun. "You don't want your self and that brat dead you'll shut your hole." Jade gave him the evil eye as she walked to the door. "Hold on... What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Going inside. Duh. I have to meet this Vince-character, I plan to meet him head on."

"Uh... He's not here right now, my dear," Ric said.

She spun on her heels. "He has this thug kidnap me, then can't even have the decency to be here? You two are taking orders from a moron."

She heard a car door slam from the side of the house. The man with salt and pepper hair was buttoning his jacket as he came around the house. "A moron, you say? We'll see if I'm a moron or not when Undertaker is covering you in dirt."

"Um... Boss, there's a problem with Taker," Hunter said.

His brows raised. "Oh?" Hunter leaned over and whispered in Vince's ear. He laughed as he looked at her. "Guess I should have used Taker instead of my son."

Taker snarled at Vince then heard Jades's growl as Hunter and Ric tried to take the little girl from her arms. Amara turned and bit Ric's hand. "OW! You little shit!"

Taker smirked then leaned to whisper in Jade's ear, "sure she's not your's?"

"Mr. McMahon, this could be a very volitile situation. Let the girl stay in my arms, and atleast the two of us will behave."

He thought for a moment. "I'm sorry, Jade, but since you killed my kids, I'm going to take this one."

Amara held on to Jade as the man came closer. "Over my dead body. Then, and only then will you have this child," she hissed.

"That can be arranged," Hunter growled.

Amara looked at Vince then whispered, "You were there. You talked to mommy and daddy." Then, she bit at Hunter's hand when he tried to take her away.

"Casey and Diane Storm... Why?"

"They wouldn't turn against your father and they threatened to go to him." Vince shrugged as he pushed Jade ahead of him. "Let's go inside."

As they went in Hunter grabbed a man as he was passing by. "Orton, there's a dead body in the Yukon. Get one of the guys to get it out."

"No problem, who's the stiff?"

"An old friend this bitch killed."


chapter 13

Kevin and Scott pulled through the gates in the Hummer, followed by a Silverado with steer horns on the grill carrying James and Chris.

James got out of the truck. "Kev if I die, I want to be buried on Deadwood Mountain, and Jade had better not be bringing me any flowers, 'cause all I want is a six gun smoking."

Kevin's brows drew together. "When you die, I'll make sure Jade doesn't bring you a damn thing."

"She'll get custody of Amara," James said then grabbed his shot gun and a six shooter from the truck. "You can atleast let her bring my niece up there."

Kevin was taken aback. "Well, you're not dying today."

"Let's hope," Chris said.

"Think positive, chico," Scott said.

"We're not exactly in friendly territory, Scott. It's a little hard to stay positive," James said.

Kevin pushed the barrel of his rifle in the center of his chest. "If it wasn't for Little Bear, your ass would have been dead when I caught you with my woman. If it wasn't for Little Bear, your ass would be at home right now, wondering what's going on. You need to try, or I'll shoot you right here."

He gave Kevin his killer smile. "You almost sound like you don't like me."

"Don't do it, Big Kev." Scott looked at James. "You'll let those inside know that we're here."

Kevin flipped him off. "Ride this, Cowboy."

"I'd rather be with..."

He was cut off when Chris smacked him in the back of the head, knocking his hat off. "He has a gun pointed at your heart... Shut up!"

"And you call us messed up..." a multi-colored man said as he walked up with an equally strange looking man.

"Who the hell... What the hell are you two supposed to be? This isn't Halloween," Kevin said.

"It's cool, Kevin. They're with us," Chris said. "Are you armed, Raven?"

"I've got two of them."

"I meant..."

"I know what you meant. I'm ready."

"Jeff, did you get your brother?"

"There's four with them- Vince, Hunter, Ric Jr. and Undertaker..."

"Three. Taker is a hostage, too," Kevin said. "Where are they?"

"In the basement. And, word got around that the woman killed a guy with her bare hands."

Kevin grinned. "Damn I love that woman."

"And the little one gave Hunter a fat lip."

James grinned like a proud poppa. "That's my kitten."

Kevin's brows drew together as he turned to James. "Little Bear."

James put his hands up. "Whatever you say. I'm gonna get hurt either way."

Kevin looked at Chris. "How the hell do you put up with him?"

"He hasn't given me the same problems he has you."

"What are we waiting for?" Raven asked.

"For it to get darker. They have to have a lookout. If we go in guns blazing right now, he'll alert the others," Kevin answered.


In the basement, Jade still held Amara as Vince was dealing with Undertaker. "How long?"

Taker grinned. "About ten inches, wouldn't you say, Jade?"

Vince touched the tazer to his bare chest. "How long have you known Jade?"

He was breathing hard as he recovered from the shock. "I knew Macho before she was born."

"And you've kept in contact?"

"No, I didn't see her for years after Macho left."

"When did you see her again?"

"When she took care of Edge and Christian. I followed her and her crew from the beach, and gave her my condolences."

"How did it turn into what happened today?"

He gave Vince a cocky grin. "I like her style of takin' care of business. You gotta admire a woman that hands on."

"What do you know about Shane and Stephanie?"

"I gave her the C-4 to stick down Shane's pants, and taped her cutting Steph up. What do you want to know?"

"C-4," Vince mumbled. He shocked Taker again with the tazer. "That's your brother's calling card. Where is he?"

"I don't know. He took off."

Vince shocked him again, holding it on him longer. Taker fell to the ground. "Mark!" she shouted.

"Hand over the girl, and I'll let him go."

"I promised her uncle nothing would happen to her. So, as I said, over my dead body."

Hunter took a step forward, but Vince stopped him. "We'll give you a few minutes to reconsider." Vince, Hunter and the one they called Ric Jr. walked out of the room, locking the door behind them.

"You have to get down for a minute, Amara. I have to check on Devil Bear, okay?" The girl nodded. Jade set her down, then went to Taker's side. She brushed his hair out of his face. "Are you ok, Mark?"

"When we get out of here, I'm gonna tape that trigger down, and shove the tazer up his ass."

"Sit up, hun." She tried to help him, but he still fell over on her. "Amara, hand me his shirt, hun."

"It won't help," he mumbled.

"I can wipe off the sweat, so it doesn't make matters worse." She took the shirt from the girl, and said, "thanks, Little Bear." She rolled the shirt up, and wiped at his chest, and face. "Mark, I can't take watching him do this to you. Gather your strength while you can, darlin'. We're getting out of here."

Taker leaned his head on her chest. "Remember what you said about Diesel and I breaking you and Shane in half?"


"Your man, Nash."


"Hunter can do it to you with one hand."

"It's still worth a try. I have to for that girl."

He looked over at Amara. "Come here, baby girl."

Amara sat next to Taker and rubbed her head. "My head hurts," she whispered.

"No matter what happens, stay behind me. I won't let anyone get to you."

"Let me see your head." Amara tried to climb in Taker's lap, but Jade stopped her. "No, Little Bear. He's hurting." She pushed the hair off of Amara's forehead. She found a scrape, with blood running from it. "Oh, baby girl..."

"Use my shirt," Taker said. "No child should ever be smacked."


Finally, the last vehicle pulled up. "Somebody called for a calvary?" Lance asked as he and Bryan got out.

"You'll need one if anything happens to that 'Vette," Nash said.

"I needed something to drive. You took off without us."

"Get over here." Everyone gathered around the hood of the Hummer. "Alright, Jeff's brother, Matt, has everyone but the gaurds gathered in the back house drinking and laughing it up. We're going through the front door, boys, so be ready to start shooting as soon as we get in. Now, Jeff gave me the directions to the basement. Follow me, keep your eyes open..."

"You may need some help with that door," a voice said from the darkness. "It's four inches of steel."

"Who's there?" James asked.

"My brother is down there with your girls, and I have plenty of explosives... I'm coming too," Kane said as he stepped closer.

Kevin nodded. "Alright. Let's go. Stick to the shadows."

They crept through the shadows until they made it to the door. "Eyes open, keep close, and if you get shot, it's your own damn fault," Kevin whispered.

As they walked through the door, a man walked by with light blonde hair. "Who the hell are you?"

"Who the hell are you?"


Kevin shot him in the chest. "We don't have time for introductions, James." They continued through the house. Kevin peeked around a corner, and found Vince and Hunter. He stepped around the corner as he aimed his gun, and fired one shot into Vince's leg. "I'll give you one chance, Hunter. Where's Jade?"


"That's my woman you're holding in the basement. I don't care if we were friends. I want her back."

"She killed my woman and Sean, and you want her back?"

Kevin swallowed hard, and closed his eyes. "You used Sean to get her, didn't you?"

"You're damn right I did."

James stepped forward, "now is not the time for discussions, Kevin." James turned to the large blond, "where the hell is my niece?"

"Safe. That damn woman won't let go of her."

"Well I see that you felt the Storm superkick," he hissed as he raised his colt .45. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY?"

"Storm?" Hunter sneered. "I seem to remember that name from somewhere." He smiled. "Oh yeah... Casey and Diane... Jade reminded me earlier. They should have just joined us."

James pulled back the hammer on the Colt. "You killed them?"

"I was supposed to kill the girl too." He licked his busted lip. "Too bad I didn't."

James growled at the threat to his niece. "She's just a child," he hissed as he thrust the gun in Hunter's direction. "I'll ask again, where the hell are they?"

"Go ahead and shoot me. Then, you'll never know."

James pulled the trigger. The bullet hit Hunter in his left lung. "We don't need him."

Kevin grabbed the front of his shirt. "Shoot one more person I'm talking to, and you'll go down."


Jade looked around for any kind of weapon they could use, but the room was practically barren. She managed to find a piece of wood that looked like it had once been a paddle. She gave it to Amara. "Here, if anyone comes near you hit them in the knees with this."

"Yes, Ms. Jade," she responded. Her head hurt, but if it was to protect Ms. Jade and Devil Bear, she'd do it.

They all looked at the door as the knob rattled. First to come through was Hunter, then Vince was pushed through. Jade's face brightened as she saw who came through next. "Where's my raven haired beauty?" he asked.

She ran to him, and jumped in his arms. "Kevin!" She looked behind him, and saw James. She reached out, and grabbed his chin. "Cowboy..." She turned to look at Amara over her shoulder. "Little Bear, Uncle Jimmy's here."

The girl looked up at James, then at Hunter, who was laid out on the floor. She looked at the board in her hand as she walked over to Hunter. She lifted it high above her head, and hit him over and over with the board. "BAD MAN! He killed Momma and Daddy."

James ran over to her, and went to pick her up, but got hit in the shin with the board. "OW! Damn it! Amara Christine!"

"Ooops..." She dropped the board. "Sorry, Unca Jimmy." She held her arms up for James to hold her.

As Jade ended her kiss with Kevin and stared back at Lance, she felt a third hand on her back. "I swear she's your's," Taker said. He turned to Kevin. "They were too wrapped up with me to mess with them. So, I guess, I kept them safe for you." He softly kissed Jade.

She put her hand on the back of his neck, then leaned her forehead on his. "Thank you, Mark."

He gave her a sideways grin. "You have to stop calling me that."

She laughed as she looked at Lance. She wiggled her way out of Kevin's arms. "You... Come here." She laced her fingers at the back of his neck, and pulled him down to kiss him. When she ended it she said, "I don't think I could have been happier to see you guys."

"So far, Kevin and James did all of the work. But we're not out of the woods yet, sweetie."

She looked over at James and Amara, and saw him looking back at her. "James, do you have a first aid kit?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Little Bear needs some attention."

"Again?" He looked her over, then noticed the blood soaked hair that stuck to her forehead. "Come on, kitten. We'll get you fixed up."

"I want Ms. Jade to come."

"I'll come with you."

"We have to get out of here, first, babe," Kevin said.

"No chance of that happening," a voice said from behind them.

Bryan and Wildcat turned around, and were face to face with Batista and Orton. "You know, Dave, a few of these guys look like the ones that work at that bar we burnt down," Randy said. Batista laughed.

Bryan and Wildcat wasted no time beating the hell out of them. Lance jumped in, literally pouncing on Batista. Scott helped Chris take care of Randy.

"Kane, do you have your "toys"?" Taker asked.

"Always do."

"Let's send this house to the moon." He turned to Jade. "Get the girl and your guys out of here. Kane and I will make sure the McMahons never bother you again."

She gave him a small nod. She turned to Cowboy. "Hand her over, sharp-shooter, or hand over a gun."

"Give her Little Bear. We'll cover them," Kevin said.

She took Amara, and carried her up the stairs. Kevin, James and Raven started down the hall in front of them, Lance walked beside her, and the rest brought up the rear. Kane set up the explosives as they went along. They were almost to the door when they heard her voice. "Ms. Savage..."

Jade looked up at the matriarch of the McMahon family that stood at the top of the staircase. "Your family has done countless unspeakable acts to my family. Bad business deals, killing a child's parents, burning down my bar..." Her eyes narrowed as she growled, "killing my father... You know, if your husband hadn't ordered my father dead, you would still have your children."

Linda sighed. "I won't deny that I morn them, but Shane and Stephanie were just as bad as Vince. Can we sit down, and discuss this as ladies?"

"I'll let you know when I find a lady on my side for you to talk to." She laughed. "'Cause I sure as hell ain't one." As she turned toward the door, a single shot rang out, and slammed into her shoulder blade.

"Jade!" Kevin yelled as he watched her go down.

James turned around, and emptied his six shooter into Batista. He handed the twelve gauge to Lance, and stashed his six shooter in his pants. He lifted Jade off the floor. "Bryan, get Amara."

Kevin looked at Batista, then saw Randy step into view. He aimed his .45, and fired a hollow point into his chest. Lance looked up at Linda, and saw the smile on her lips. He cocked the gun, putting a shell in the chamber. "What are you smiling about, bitch?" He took aim, and fired, hitting her in the face. He cocked it again, kicking out the used shell, and sliding another in the chamber. He got her in the chest this time.

chapter 14

They went out the door of the McMahon mansion, leaving Kane and Taker behind to take care of the house. "Scott, take Wrath, Wildcat and Amara to the house. Lance and I are following Cowboy to the hospital," Kevin said. He dug the Hummer keys out of his pocket, and tossed them to Scott once they reached the vehicles. He turned to Lance. "Hand over the keys."

"Fuck you. Who do you think taught her how to drive?" Lance smiled as he got in the driver's side. Kevin got in the passenger side as Lance started the car. "Until she chooses one of us, don't try to give me anymore orders."

James set Jade in the passenger seat, and tried to strap her in. "Hang on." She started to take her shirt off.

"Hang on? What are you doing?"

"I need pressure on the wound. Help me get my shirt off, so I can press it between me and the seat."

He helped her get it off. "Kevin's gonna kick my ass..."

"I'll kick his if he touches you," she moaned as he put the shirt between her and the seat. He strapped her in, closed the door, and went around to the driver's side. As he started the truck, she said, "play me some music, Cowboy. I need something to keep me alert." He turned it on, and took off. As they went down the drive way, with a flash of light and a loud BOOM the McMahon mansion went up into a huge mushroom cloud.

Before long, he heard her singing along with the old Garth Brooks song. He started singing with her. "If tomorrow never comes, will she know how much I loved her? Did I try in every way to show her every day that she's my only one?"

She let out a strained laugh as she looked at him. "I like Garth."

Her eyes started to drift closed. "Shit... If you die on me, they'll both kick my ass."

"I'm too tough to die." She opened her eyes, and looked at him. She reached for the hand resting beside her in the seat. "Just don't leave me alone there, James."

"I won't, hunny." He gave her hand a slight squeeze.

"And don't let them keep me."

"It's a gunshot wound... They're going to keep you, and make a report."

"Then take me home. I'm sure someone can get it out and sew me up."

"Yeah, me." He turned for the house. After a long moment he said, "you wanted to say something when you saw me behind Kevin. What was it?"

She closed her eyes and sighed. "It wasn't what I wanted to say. It's what I wanted to do." She slid her fingers between his. "I wanted to kiss you, but Amara comes first." She laughed. "She has everyone wrapped around her finger."

"I, uh... I told Kevin earlier that if anything happens to me, you get Amara. She needs a woman to look up to."

"I'm not a very good role model for a little girl, James."

"That may be, but you have the same passion for keeping her safe that I do. Besides, a woman needs to teach her all that feminine stuff."

She smiled. "Like how to shave her legs, and about her monthly..."

He cut her off. "Yes. A boy I could handle, and if anything happened to me he could go to Wildcat, but..."

"It's alright, James. I understand. As long as you know what she could be exposed to around me, I'm ok with taking care of her." She winced as the pain became unbearable. "Hurry, Cowboy. Kick the ponies, would ya."

"I don't want to lose Lance and Kevin."

"Lance is a speed demon, and he's driving a fast car. When he catches on to where we're going..." She didn't even get to finish before Kevin and Lance passed them. "...he'll pass us up."


Back at the house:

Amara sat there fidgeting under Cat's minstrations. "Amara hold still, will you" he said as he tried to put a bandage on the cut.

"NO! I want Ms. Jade."

"She's not here, and she may not be here for a while. She's hurt, Amara."

Just then, the front door burst open. Chris looked out the bathroom door, and saw Lance and Kevin coming in. "I thought you guys were going to the hospital."

"Cowboy turned back to the house," Lance said. "We're gonna have to take care of the round in her."

"Lance, get a bottle of that rum. I'll get the rest out of her bathroom, and set it up in her room," Kevin said. "Wildcat, when James and Jade get here, send them up to her room."

"Got it."

"How's Little Bear?"

"I'm ok, Big Teddy," she said from the counter.

"She wants Jade to fix her up. She won't let me," he whispered.

"Listen to your Uncle Chris, hun. Uncle James, Lance and I have to take care of Ms. Jade. She has a big owie."

Kevin looked at Scott as e came to a stop beside him. Scott raised a brow at him. "An owie?"

"Fuck off, Scott." He started up the stairs.

"Hey, big man..." Kevin stopped and looked down at him. "Calm down, or you'll be no good to her." He gave Scott a nod, then went up to her room.

After a few minutes, James came in carrying Jade like a child. "Go up to her room," Wildcat said. "Amara's taken care of."

"Thanks, Chris," he yelled as he carried her up the stairs.

As he went through the door Kevin said, "lay her on the bed."

"I've got this, Kevin. Pull a chair up to the edge of the bed, and sit." He set Jade on the end of the bed. "Tweezers, alcohol, bandages, needle and thread..."

Kevin set the tray he was holding next to her. On it was everything James asked for. "You sure you know what you're doing?"

"Positive." He sat behind her, and unhooked her bra. "Help her out of the bra, then let her lean against you."

Kevin sat in the chair he moved, pulled it off, then laid her head on his shoulder, and her chest against his. "I love you, Big Daddy," she sighed.

"I love you, too, baby. Hold on. James is going to fix you up."

As Lance came in, and took in the scene, he twisted off the cap on the rum bottle, and took a long drink. "Got the liquor."

He handed the bottle to James, who poured a little on the tweezers, then on the wound. She sucked in a sharp breath between clenched teeth. "Damn it," she moaned.

"Kevin, hold her still. Lance, hold her hand. She'll need something to squeeze."

As James dug for the bullet, she lifted her head off of Kevin's shoulder and yelled, "GOD DAMN!!! SON OF A BITCH!!!"

"OW! Fuck... She's got a hell of a grip," Lance said.

"Shhh... It's ok, baby," Kevin said. "Hey, he got it out."

"That doesn't mean it feels any better, Kev!"

"Remember that one you had to dig out of me?"


"Wait until he sews you up."

"Shit... Somebody knock me out."

"Not gonna happen, darlin'," James said. He looked at Kevin, then Lance. "No one is going to hit you." He grabbed one of the wash rags, and soaked it in rum.

"Give me that bottle." She slid her hand out of Lance's and took the bottle. She took a long drink as James cleaned around the hole. She handed the bottle to Lance, then laid her hand on James' thigh. "Be gentle, it's my first time." She tried to laugh.

Lance smiled and tipped the bottle her way. "When have I heard that before?" Then he took a drink.

"Almost 7 years ago," she said in barely a whisper. She grinned. "That was nice shooting back at the house."

"Okay, this is going to hurt like a son of a bitch," James said.

"I'm ready for it, hun." Once the needle pierced her skin she screamed, then went limp in Kevin's arms.

"Lance, did she pass out?" he asked.

"Out like a light," he confirmed.

Kevin chuckled. "I get to fuck with her about this. When she sewed me up, she said I wouldn't feel a thing."

"Fuck you, Kevin," she mumbled. Then she was out.

"Alright, if she's out, we can lay her down. It may be easier," James said. Kevin laid her on her stomach, and James finished sewing her up. When he was through, he bit off the thread, and kissed her back between her shoulders.

Once James was off the bed, Kevin shook his hand. "Thanks for taking care of her..." He jerked on James' hand, pulling him closer. "...but if you kiss her again, I'll rip your fucking lips off."

James stared him dead in the eyes. "Talk to her when she gets up. Let her know I gave her that kiss she wanted. I'm going to check on my niece."

As James walked out of the room Kevin looked at Lance. "I'll only share her with one hick, and that's you. You're atleast a little cool."

"Thanks, I think." Lance looked down at her. "Let's cover her up, and let her rest. We can take shifts watching her. I get first."

"Okay. Check her for fever every once in a while."

Lance gave him a nod, before following him to the door, and closing it behind him. He stripped down to his boxers, and slid in bed beside her. She moved until her head rested on his chest. She smiled and sighed his name. "You asked him for a kiss?" he asked.

"No. I told him I wanted to kiss him." She snuggled down into his arms. "You and Kevin are all I need."

"You know, normal women only have one man."

"I'm not exactly normal, baby." She sighed. "But you help me feel like it again."

"And Kevin?"

"He's my business man. You two are my good and evil. He makes me want to be Aeon Flux, you make me want to be Betty Crocker."

"Atleast I'm the good one," he laughed.

"But I love you both. If I had to push one of you away, it would be like pushing a part of me away."

They both heard the door creak open. Lance turned to look, and saw Amara stick her little face in. "Is she okay, teddy bear?"

"Hey, Little Bear," Jade said. "Uncle James fixed me up, and Lance is keeping me warm. I'll be okay, sweetie."

"Can I see?" she asked.

"Not right now, little one. Ms. Jade needs her rest," Lance said. "You can see her in the morning."

"Okay," she mumbled. "G'night."

"Goodnight, Little Bear. Sweet dreams," Jade said.

"Night-night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite," Lance said.

Amara giggled as she closed the door. "You'd make a great father," Jade said.

"Either the lack of blood or the rum is getting to you." He kissed the top of her head.

"Possibly," she yawned. "But I always thought you would be."

"Goodnight, babe."

"Goodnight, hun."


chapter 15

The next morning, Kevin helped her get dressed in her jeans, and one of his "beaters". He made a sling for her arm out of a couple of his bandanas. "I think you're set, baby. Need me to help you down stairs?"

She smiled at him. "As much as I love the idea of you carrying me, I think I can make it." She stood from the bed, and looked up into his eyes. She laid her hand on his cheek and smiled. "I guess I should thank you for going after Taker. I uh... I saw you following us."

He laid his hand on her cheek, and grinned. "I forgot all about that when I saw you with Hunter and Syxx. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"He said you were his friend... I trusted him and Syxx until he pulled the gun on me."

"We were friends a long time ago." Kevin sighed. "If I hadn't gone for Taker, none of this would have happened."

"But you did, and now the McMahons are gone."

Lance opened the door. "Hey, darlin'. How do you feel?"

"I'll make it," she said with a smile.

"Taker has a surprise for you down stairs."

"I have a surprise for him," Kevin growled.

"Hold on, Big Daddy. Let's see what it is before you try to kick his ass."

Kevin raised his brows. "Try?"

"What did I miss?" Lance asked.

"The biker yesterday, it was Taker," Jade answered as she looked in Kevin's eyes.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that," Lance mumbled. "It's a big surprise. You both may want to see this."

"Then lead the way, my dear."

Lance stepped out of the room and Kevin helped Jade follow. She was still shakey from all the blood she lost. Lance had stopped at the top of the stairs and looked down. She looked down, and all she could see was a sea of men. In front of them was Taker and Kane. "I found some guys that want to work for you," Taker said.

She leaned on the banister and looked them over. With an evil grin she said, "hello, boys." She held the banister as she went down the stairs. Kevin and Lance went after her as she began to wobble.

"Baby, you're in no shape for business today," Kevin said.

"Get me to my desk, and I'll be fine."

"Let Undertaker and I handle these guys. Between us, we can find something for them to do."

She laughed. "You and Mark? Working together? Just a few minutes ago, you still wanted to kick his ass."

"Feeling froggy, Diesel? Leap," Taker said.

"Don't call me that. My name is Kevin Nash. You started that whole mess yesterday."

"Damn right I did, and I'd do it, and her, again."

Jade rubbed her temples as they continued to go back and forth. "BOYS!" she finally said.

Kevin looked down at her. "I'm twice your age, hunny. Don't call me a boy."

"I'm still your boss. Don't call me hunny." She looked down at Taker. "If you two want to go at it so bad, take it outside. Before you go, Kevin, hand me your key to this house."

"You wouldn't," he sneered.

"Try me. As Lance put it last night, normal women only have one man. Want to continue fighting?"

His brows drew together. "No, Ms. Jade," he said through clenched teeth.

"Now, we owe both Mark and Kane a debt of gratitude for their help. We should all enjoy the fact that the McMahons are gone."

"Uh, darlin'."

"What, Mark?"

"Before we start partyin', you can start callin' me Taker again." He gave her a wink.

Her cheeks burned red. "Right. Sorry." She looked at the others, while putting all of her weight on the banister. "Bust out the booze and smoke, and turn on the music." With that, she fainted to the floor.

"Shit! Lance, get her up stairs. I'm going to call Doc Hendrix. Taker, the guys, do something with them."

"How about we bust out that booze, and wait around to see how our new boss is?"

"Whatever. Just get them out of the way for when Doc gets here."


An hour later, Doc looked up at Kevin and Lance. "There's no sign of infection, and the stitching is good, but her blood pressure is low, so is her temperature."

"She lost a lot of blood last night," Kevin said.

"Well, there aren't any arteries there to knick... If we can find two guys that match her blood type, we can get her back up to speed. You aren't a match, Kevin, so..."

"Shit... Lance, what are you?"

"B neg. What are we looking for?"

"I am, too. She's A positive."

"Well, there's the guys..."

"Stay with her." Kevin left the room, and went out to the back gardens, where the men were enjoying the alcohol and pool. "Listen up!" he yelled over the crowd. "Here's your first chance to prove loyalty to Jade. She needs blood, bad. I need two guys with A positive to step forward, and give her a couple pints."

James was the first to step up. "I owe her a lot. It's a small price."

Kevin gave him a nod. "Alright, one more. Are you scared of a fucking needle!?" He was tapped on the shoulder. He turned to find Taker standing behind him.

"Shut up and take me to the needle."

Kevin sneered at him. "Anybody else!?"

"The way she was lookin', you ain't got time to waste. Let's go."

He growled before turning away. "I'm gonna wait until he gets the blood, then fight you. It'll be easier to knock you out."

"Quit your bitching," Taker said. "I'm tired of hearing it."


Hours later, she awoke, and looked up into four sets of concerned eyes. "Hey, guys. What did I miss?"

"Doc had to give you some blood." Kevin looked at James, then Taker, and let out a sigh. "Lance and I weren't a match. Cowboy and Taker saved your life."

She gave them all a weak smile. "Thanks, guys." She closed her eyes, and swallowed hard. "I guess you were right, Kev. I'm in no shape for business today."

He smiled as he sat beside her. He held her hand in his, and brushed the hair from her face. "Maybe you should listen to me sometimes. I'm here to help you, remember?"

"I know, Big Daddy. I'm just too stubborn." She looked at the others. "You've all been great to me, and I can't thank you enough. I don't deserve guys like you."

"That depends on how you look at it," Taker laughed.

"Ok, maybe I deserve your evil ass," she laughed. She looked at James. "Come here, Cowboy." He sat on her other side. She grabbed his shirt, and pulled him down to kiss him. "I wanted it on the lips, hun, not my shoulder." She released him, and closed her eyes. "Kevin, Taker, you two are in charge until I am back on my feet. James, your only job is taking care of Amara. She's a handful."

"Let me take a guess," Lance said with a smile. "I'm your sexy nurse."

She laughed. "You are my sexy nurse."

"Jade, you have to stop babying Lance," Kevin said. "If he's going to be around, he has to learn."

She smiled, seeing her plan was falling into place. "What do you have in mind, Kev?"

"I teach him what I know. Teach him to be your hitman, a proper bodygaurd, and how to conduct business with our associates. If anything happens to me, he will have to take over my duties."

She looked at Lance. "Are you willing to learn, my dear?"

"It seems a bit awkward, but I am. But who's going to take care of you?"

"Well, I know a little one that doesn't like to stay away for long. Isn't that right, Amara?"

The little girl stepped in the room. "How did you know?"

"Hunny, that's how we stay alive. By knowing our surroundings. Come here." The girl walked over to the bed, and crawled up beside her and Kevin. "If she's going to stick around me, maybe James can take care of both of us."

"As long as you don't make me tie you to that bed," he said with a wink.

"She might like it," Taker mumbled.

Kevin gave him the evil eye. With a hand on his cheek, she turned him to face her. "Be patient, Big Daddy." Her eyes turned up to Lance momentarily. "Teach him, but don't abuse him."

"Why don't I teach your boy, Taker, some manners, first?"

"No hurting Devil Bear, Big Teddy," Amara scolded.

"Jade doesn't need that kind of stress," James said.

Jade laughed. "I think you have your answer."

Kevin looked up at him, and Taker smiled. "I have a way with women."


chapter 16

Christmas eve:

Most of the "family" was gone, visiting with family and friends. The only ones that stayed were Cowboy, Amara, Lance and Kevin. Taker and Kane had promised to visit, though they said they didn't celebrate Christmas.

With Amara tucked into bed, and the guys out of sight, Jade found some time to put presents under the tree. She looked at the line of teddy bears from the guys. One could tell who each was from, by the way they were dressed. The one from Lance had white leather pants on, and a skull cap. Taker's had black leathers and a bandana. James' had a long black coat and cowboy hat. Giant's was in a Tarzan looking outfit. Kevin's was the largest with leather pants, tank top, and leather gloves. Jade sat her's with the others, then piled the packages where they would fit.

She fixed herself a glass of egg nog, added more rum, then slowly made her way to her father's bedroom. Tears blurred her vision as she reached for the doorknob. Nobody had stepped inside since he died. She went in, and sat on the foot of the bed, next to the clothes he had sat out for the day he never saw. She took his cowboy hat off the post of the bed, and placed it on her head. She looked at herself in the mirror on his dresser, and raised her glass. "I hope you're proud of me, Daddy. I'm doing my best."

"Who are you talking to, baby?" Lance asked.

She smiled at him. "A ghost. Did you need something, hun?"

"The guys are looking for you. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." She stood, and went to the door. "Just thinking about maybe a..." She shrugged. "Randy the second."

He smiled as he laid his hand on her hip, and pulled her close. "Or, maybe a Jada Lynn?"

She laid her hand on his chest. "That's a nice name."

He leaned down, and kissed her. "Mmm... You taste like Christmas."

"Egg nog," she laughed.

He looked at the hat. "That isn't James', is it?"

"No. It was Dad's. I need to go through his things."

"I'll help you when you're ready. Until then, Kevin and James are waiting for you."


"You'll have to go down, and find out."

"Let me put this up, then I'll be down," she said as she pointed at the hat.

"Alright." He turned, and went back down the stairs.

She went back in, and put the hat back on the bedpost. "I don't know which one it will be, Daddy, but Lance or Kevin will give me a child..." She smiled. "...someday. Until then, I will live up to my name, like Taker said you wanted me to." A tear streaked down her cheek, and fell on her chest. "Merry Christmas, Daddy."

She left the room, quietly closing the door behind herself. She went down the stairs, and saw the three men waiting for her. "What did you guys need me for?" She came to a stop in the doorway to the living room. Kevin rushed her, took her in his arms, and lifted her off the ground. "Ok... What is this for?" she asked as she laughed.

He claimed her lips, roughly at first, then softly ended it. "You were under the mistletoe."

"Since when do we..." She looked up, and saw fresh mistletoe hanging above them.

"Since I found it out in the woods," James said. He pressed play on the stereo remote, and music flooded the room.

"Ok, was I just called down here to see the mistletoe?" she laughed.

"No, ma'am. We want our turns under it with you."

"And, I have something for you to open," Kevin said as he set her down.

"But it's not Christmas yet."

He handed her a box. "This one is just for us," he said with a grin.

She sat in a chair, and opened it. Inside was a sexy Mrs. Claus outfit. She smiled at him. "Maybe I should call you freak daddy."

"I have another piece for that," James said. He handed her a box.

She opened the box, and found a pair of knee high stilletto boots. "Thank you, guys. I love them."

"One more, darlin'." Lance gave her a small jewelry box. "It's not what you're thinking."

She opened the box, and inside were jeweled holly earrings. "Well, you guys are in the spirit," she laughed. "Thank you."

"Go put them on," they urged.

She went into her office, and changed into the short dress and boots, then put the earrings on. She placed the Santa hat on her head, then went back into the living room. "What do you think, guys?"

James whistled. Kevin gawked. Lance walked over to her, and softly kissed her. "You are beautiful, always. This just shows how far up it goes," he laughed.

James tapped Lance's shoulder. "May I dance with Mrs. Claus?"

Lance stepped away. James wrapped his arms around her waist, and her's went around his neck. They danced to the song that kept asking "why does everybody want to kick my ass?" He sang the final chorus to her. "Just because I kiss the prettiest girls, and drive my truck too fast..." He kissed her, softly yet deeply.

By the time the kiss ended, the song had taken a strange turn. Jade giggled. "I'm surprised they haven't tried to kick your ass yet."

He turned to look at Kevin, then dipped her. He said with the song, "shoot me, daddy. I'm Superman!"

"Don't tempt me," Kevin laughed.

Just then, the door opened. "Jade, where you at, darlin'?"

"Taker? What is it, hun?"

"I found this guy out on the front lawn. I thought you might like to see him."

Jade met Taker in the foyer, followed by the guys. A large man, dressed as Santa stood behind Taker. "Oh, Taker... I thought you didn't celebrate Christmas?"

"I don't. He's my surprise for you."

She looked at Kevin, James and Lance. "Were you guys in on this? Is that why I had to put this on now?"

They all shook their heads. "This is just between me and "Santa"," Taker said. "Why don't you take that costume off, Santa?"

He took off the suit, to reveal black jeans, and t-shirt. "Santa" took off the hat and wig to reveal long black hair. When the beard came off, Jade became dizzy. Too shocked to move, the men let her fall to the ground. "Big Kev, can you help her up? I've seen more than I ever wanted to of my daughter's body."

"Mr. Savage," Lance gasped. "But we all thought..."

"You were supposed to, my boy. The only ones that knew I wasn't dead were Taker and Kane."

She looked up at Taker. "Mark? Why didn't you tell me?"

"It was your father's wishes, darlin'."

She looked at her father as tears stung her eyes. "Daddy?"

He smiled at her. "Come here, baby girl." She rushed over, and hugged her father. After a few minutes he said, "I'm sorry, baby girl. I wanted to be sure you could handle things. I never could have dreamed how well you would do."

When he finally let go of her, she looked up at Mark. "How much does he know?"


"The cemetary?"

"I left that out for a reason," he said with a wink.

"Unca Jimmy? Ms. Jade?" Amara said from the bottom of the stairs, rubbing her eyes with one hand, her bear nestled in the other.

"Hey, Little Bear. I want you to meet somebody," Jade said.

Amara looked at Randy. "Grandpa Randy!!" she yelled as she dropped the bear, and ran to him.

"Hey, sweetheart," he said as he picked her up.

"Grandpa Randy?" Jade said.

"I knew about her when James came to work for me. She was our little secret."

Tears now streamed down her face. "Why?" she said in barely a whisper.

"I'm sorry, baby girl. I had to know I would leave "the family" in good hands."

She looked at Taker, then slapped him. "How could you, Mark!? How could you seduce me on what I thought was my father's grave, then make love to me while keeping this secret!?"

"Whoa! What the hell did you keep from me, Taker?" Randy said.

He reached out to pet her face as her cold blue eyes glared into his warm green pools. She slapped his hand away. "I'm sorry, Jade. I was taking orders from your father."

"Making love to me was not an order from me or my father. Don't give me any crap. He was right all those years ago. I can't trust you. No matter how much I wanted to." She ran off, up the stairs and into her bedroom.

"Kevin, would you..."

"No," he growled. "For almost a year, I've been taking orders from a woman that should have been my bride. I was all set to ask her to marry me, when you had Lance pop back in the picture. My loyalty lies with your daughter. What about you guys?" he asked Lance and James.

"I came back for Jade. Not to get sucked into some sick game," Lance said.

James stayed silent. "Cowboy?"

"Because of your games, Macho Man, Amara suffered second degree burns on her hand. If it hadn't been for Amara Chris, Adams, Clark and I would have died. Jade took us in without hesitation, took care of Amara, and gave us a home for as long as we want. I helped save her life, and I still feel like I owe her for all she's done for us."

Kevin never took his eyes off of Randy. "For all intents and purposes, Jade is still the boss around here."

Randy smiled. "Good. I never planned on taking the position back. I know I just screwed up everyone's trust in me." He looked down at the girl falling back asleep in his arms. "I want to watch my daughter handle things. Maybe be around when she has kids."

"Your daughter went a little man-crazy after you "died"," Kevin said. "I think it's safe to count out Taker, but she could be pregnant right now by any one of us three."

"We all love her," James said.

"And she loves all three of us," Lance said. "She may have been the head of "the family" for most of the year, but she is just like every other twenty-one year old woman. She's having her fun, as she looks for her true love."

"I'll go see to her," Taker said.

Kevin grabbed his arm as he tried to walk past. "I don't think you should. She may shoot you."

"She's hurt, not pissed. If she was pissed she would have punched me." Taker smiled. "I understand her better than you think, Diesel. Sick minds think alike."

chapter 17

As Taker walked through her bedroom door, Jade said, "go away."

"Not a chance, darlin'." He sat down next to her on the bed. He looked down at her laid out body, her face buried in the pillow. He ran his hand down her bare spine.

"Don't fucking touch me."

"Jade, look at me."

"Go to hell."

"Only if you'll come with me."

She sat up, and curled her feet under her. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at him. "I trusted you with my body, my heart and my soul, and you lied to me."

"I didn't lie to you. I just didn't tell you he was alive."

"Which is just as bad. How could I ever trust you, as one of the guys or as a lover, now that I know that you would keep things from me?"

"Until now, your father out-ranked you. I had to take orders from both of you until now."

"What do you mean until now?"

"Your father has handed over all control of "the family" to you. Which means, you control me and Kane as well."

"I don't want to control you, or Kevin, Lance, James... I am a woman. I want to fall in love, get married, have kids..."

"You are a strong woman. You can do all of that, and still control a mob." He laid his hand on her cheek. He smiled at her. "The three you turn down will still follow you around like a lost puppy."

"Three? You'd actually mar..."

She was cut off as his lips crashed down on her's. Her eyes drifted closed, as he deepened the kiss, seeking out every dark crevice with his tongue. When he ended the kiss he said, "I told you, back at the mosoleum, that I hadn't had my fill of you. I meant it."

"Oh, Mark... My decision was hard enough when it was just two. Now four..." She flopped back on the bed. She gave him her seductive grin. "Or, I can stay single, and enjoy the affections of four men."

He ran his hand up her thigh. "Until you drive one of us mad, and we kidnap you. Lock you in a house out in the woods, and keep you as a love slave."

"If you're trying to turn me on, it's working."

"I'm sure your daddy would like to see you again, before I do anything else to you."

She sighed. "I'm not sure I want to." She got up from the bed, and paced. "My own father made me think he was dead."

Taker stood and wrapped her in his arms. "He never stopped loving you, Jade. And I told him everything you did. He is so proud of you. Of everything. How you handled the McMahon kids, how you handled yourself when we were kidnapped..."

"He should have been here, Mark."

"But you proved to him that between you and us guys, you can handle anything." He softly kissed her. "You took down a family, and took their goons without your father."

She laid her head on his chest. "Did he plan to step in if things went wrong?"

"Yes, he did. He knew you would have to learn the hard way, but he brought me in for protection. If I couldn't handle it, he would call the guys in." He slid his hand down her back. "Now, Mrs. Claus, are you ready to go see your daddy?"

She smiled up at him with an evil glint in her eyes. "Can I call you Santa?"

His hand went to the back of her head, and pulled her hair. "Hunny, I ain't Santa. I'm the dirty little elf that makes the adult toys."

"Ooo... My favorite elf. Guess I should thank you for that "butterfly"." She looped her arm with his, and let him lead her back to the living room. One member was missing: Amara. "Where's Amara?"

"I put her back in bed," James said.

Jade came to stand in front of her father. "Randy Savage... Are you going to take the reins back?"

"No. And what happened to "daddy"?"

She looped her other arm with Kevin's. "I have one father, but I have four daddies."

Randy shifted in his chair. "This must be something Taker left out. Four?"

"Lance and Taker were your fault. Cowboy and Kevin are mine. But I wouldn't get rid of any of them. They are my lovers, my protectors, my inner sanctum. They take care of business, and take care of me."

He smiled at his daughter. "I'm impressed, Jade Marie. You chose some very powerful, very intelligent men." He chuckled. "And you can blame me all you want for Lance. Of all the guys you ever brought home, I liked him the best."

"Only because you didn't know everything we did."

"I blocked out certain things. Like when he took your innocence," he said with a wink.

"As long as we can all handle each other," she stressed as she looked up at Kevin, "then, there isn't a problem."

"Well, just one," Macho said. "I need help carrying in presents."

The guys helped Randy carry in the presents, and place them around the tree. Once that was done, Jade had convinced Taker to stay for the night, then dragged Kevin and Lance to bed. She waited, laying between them, until she could hear both of them snoring. She eased her way out of bed, and to the door. She turned to be sure they were still asleep, before going out the door. She tip-toed past James and Amara's room, and on down the hall to the room Taker was in.

She eased the door open, and quietly closed the door behind herself. She turned, expecting to see Taker in bed, but it was empty. She was grabbed, then slammed against the wall. Then, she heard his deep chuckle. "I knew there was a reason why you wanted me to stay."

"I'm not done with you, either, Mark."

He roughly claimed her lips, his fingers digging into her backside as he pulled her to him. She ran her nails down his bare chest and stomach, then undid his jeans. He pulled her lacy nightie off and tossed it to the ground. He picked her up, and threw her onto the bed. He pulled the matching thong off of her, then sniffed it. He held the thong between his teeth as he took off his pants. He dropped the thong before grabbing her ankles, and roughly spreading her legs. "Just because we're in a bed this time, don't expect me to be any gentler with you."

"Would I have come back for more if I didn't like it?"

He gave her an evil grin, before sliding his arms under her legs, and laying between them. He sucked and nibbled her clit, before dipping his tongue inside her wet tunnel. She ran her fingers through his long black hair as she moaned his name. As he drank from her, she reached her first peak. He raised up on his hands and knees. His normally pale green eyes darkened as he stalked his way up her body. "You're not worried about everybody hearing us?"

"Why should I?"

With one quick thrust of his hips, he entered her. His hips pumped fast and hard, making the headboard beat a rhythm against the wall. Too wrapped up in Taker, she didn't think that on the other side of the wall was her father's room. "Oh, damn, girl..."

"Shit... Mark... Damn, you're good!"

She screamed his name as she came again. He claimed her lips, his tongue matching the thrust of his hips. She reached out to grab the bed, but knocked the lamp off the nightstand. She wrapped her arms around his ribs, and dug her nails into his back. His eyes rolled back, until she could see nothing but white. "Claw my back. Make me bleed."

She did as asked, then heard his low, visceral growl. "Come for me, Mark." He bit into her collar bone, as he filled her with his seed. She kissed his neck, as he relaxed. "I would love to go for round two, but we would deffinately wake everyone up, then."

He chuckled. "Maybe sometime tomorrow, then."

He dismounted, and rolled onto his back to catch his breath. She leaned over, and kissed his chest. "You are an incredible lover." She got out of bed, and put the nightie back on. "Goodnight, Mark." She opened the door, and saw not only her father, but Kevin, Lance and James with their arms crossed over their chests. She gave them all a shy grin. "Uh, hi, guys."

Taker stepped up behind her in all his glory. "You forgot these," he said as he handed her the thong.

"Thanks, hun. Sweet dreams." She hung her head with a wide grin on her lips, and walked back to her room.


Amara slipped from her bed and pulled on her uncle's flannel shirt wrapping it around her like a robe. She clutched her teddy bear in her hand and crept from the room. She looked up and down the hall then headed to the room that was off limits. "Grandpa Randy," she called softly pushing the door open. She heard him continue snoring. She pushed the door closed and crept closer to the bed. "Grandpa Randy," she whispered again. When a snort and him rolling over greeted her request she climbed up on the bed and sat down beside him, her small hand stroking her teddy bear. She got an evil look on her face then she picked up her teddy bear and smacked Randy in the face.

"What the hell..." He looked up and saw her. "What was that for, baby bear?"

"I'm not baby bear. I'm little bear. And you wouldn't wake up."

"Since when are you little bear? You've always been my little sprite," he said as he sat up. "Is your uncle up yet?"

"I need cold water to get him up," she said with an evil grin.

"You've spent too much time with Jade," he mumbled remembering when she would do that to him.

"Grandpa Randy, why did you go bye-bye?" she asked as he got up. "Uncle Jimmy told me you had to go."

"Your Uncle Jimmy thought I was dead. So did everyone else. It's all very complicated for such a little one."

Her blue-green eyes twinkled with unshed tears. "I missed you, Grandpa," she said as she looked down at her teddy bear.

"Oh, hunny... I missed you, too." He picked her up, and hugged her. "Now, how about we get that water for you to toss on Uncle Jimmy?"

"Will you protect me? I'd blame Cat but he ran away," she smirked as she hugged him back.

"I sure will, Little Spr... Bear."

She wiggled out of his arms and headed to the bathroom where her cup was. She ran the cold water till it was almost like ice. She walked out and looked at her "grandpa". "I'm ready," she said with a smirk that would have put Taker to shame.

Randy followed her into the bedroom, and stood behind her as she poured the water on James. "WHAT THE HELL...."

Amara just smirked as she held the cup in her hand. "Morning, Unca Jimmy," she said giggling.

"AMARA CHRISTINE STORM!!!" He looked up and saw Randy.

"Mornin', sunshine," Randy said while laughing.

"It's Christmas morning, Unca Jimmy, and I WANT PRESENTS!"

He grumbled as he swung his legs over the side of the bed. "You have to wait for Jade and the teddy bears."

Amara took the flannel shirt off and held it to her uncle. "I borrowed your shirt," she said then smiled. "It smelled like you, made me feel loved and safe."

He smiled as he took the shirt from her. "Merry Christmas, kitten." He hugged her, making sure she felt the cold water, too.

"Merry Christmas, Unca Jimmy, Grandpa Randy," she giggled then ran to the closet to get dry clothes.

James looked up at Randy. "Thank you, Mr. Savage, for everything. The state would have taken her away if it hadn't been for you and Jade."

"That's what family's for, James. We have to stick together." He chuckled. "Now, get your ass moving. That girl wants presents. I'll go see if it's safe for her to go jump in bed with Jade and the guys."

"You know those two guys can never get mad at Amara. She's got them wrapped around her finger," James said as he grabbed a towel from the floor.

"I meant if they are all dressed. If she can make Taker's heart melt, I'm sure she has the rest of the house bowing to her."

"Oh yeah, all she had to do for Giant to fall on his knees was cuss and let her cry her little eyes out on his chest."

"He's a softy anyways. Get dressed. That's an order!"

"Yes, sir!"

Amara came out in a pair of jeans and a Santa sweatshirt and walked up to Randy. "I"m ready," she said.

"Okay, Little Bear. Let's go wake up Jade." He led her down the hall to Jade's room. He peeked inside, and saw all three were dressed, but still asleep. "Alright. Go wake them up. I'm going down stairs to start some coffee."

Amara ran and jumped on the bed. "Ms. Jade, why you sleeping between teddy and big teddy?"

"Because they are big and warm," she grumbled. "I suppose you want to open presents?"

"Uh-huh! Unca Jimmy said we have to wait for you guys."

"Okay, Little Bear. Go wake up Grandpa Randy."

"He downstairs. He said I could wake you up."

"Go down stairs, and pick out which one you're going to open first. We'll be down in a few minutes."

"Don't you go down there yet," Kevin said. "Remember, she has unwrapped presents. I want to see her with the big one."

Lance jumped out of bed. "Presents!"

Jade giggled. "Alright, kids. Let me get something warmer on." She went into the closet, and slipped into her sweats and Lance's Decepticon shirt. She grabbed her Santa hat, and put it on before going out of the closet. "Alright. Let's go open presents."

Lance carried Amara down the stairs. Kevin turned to her. "Should we wake up Taker?"

"I will." She went to his room, and knocked on the door. When she didn't get an answer, she went in. He was gone. She was about to leave the room, when she saw the note on the pillow. She picked it up, and read it. "Thanks for letting me stay, and the good time. I should be with my brother today. All we have is each other when it comes to family. Call me if you need anything. Love, Mark." She went back to her room, grabbed her cell phone, and called him.

"You need me already?" he laughed.

She smiled. "I wanted to invite you and Kane to dinner tonight. Ham, turkey, all the trimmings..."

"You know how to get to a man," he chuckled. "What time?"

"Let's say six."

"We'll be there."

"See you then."



"Merry Christmas."

She smiled. "Merry Christmas, hun."

She hung up, and went down stairs.


chapter 18

Amara had her arms wrapped around Lance's neck as they walked into the living room. "Are those for me?" she whispered seeing all the presents.

"I'm sure most of them are," he laughed.

"Merry Christmas, Teddy" she said kissing his cheek as they stood under the misletoe.

"Merry Christmas, Little Bear."

"How many times do I have to tell you? Her name is Kitten, not little bear," James said causing Amara to stick her tongue out at her uncle.

"Teddy can call me Little Bear." She stuck her tongue out again.

"One more time, missy, and I'll put hot sauce on that tongue," James warned.

"Kitty had done that and I like hot sauce," she said then wrapped her arms back around Lance's neck.

Randy walked up behind them with his coffee in hand. "Keep your tongue in your mouth, Little Bear. And you keep your hot sauce to yourself, James. It's Christmas. Behave."

"Ok, Grandpa Randy," Amara said.

Randy nudged James. "She's going to be just like Jade when she grows up," he laughed.

"Oh hell..."

Kevin waited at the bottom of the stairs for Jade. "He's gone," she said as she came down. "Taker and Kane will be here for dinner, though."

"Well, let's open some presents."

They all went in the living room, and started unwrapping presents. Amara surrounded herself with her bears, and opened presents until her hands were sore. Just when they thought they were out of presents, Jade pulled three boxes out, and handed one to James, one to Lance, and one to Kevin. She grabbed the camera, then said, "open them."

Under the wrapping paper was a gift box. When they lifted the lids off, they all gave her a questioning look. That's when she snapped the picture. "What the hell?" James started.

"What's this?" Kevin asked.

Lance looked at the other two's presents, and saw that it was the same as his. "They're baby rattles."

Their jaws dropped as they turned back to her. She snapped another picture. "Questions?"

James eyed her suspiciously. "Why did you give us these?"

"Can't you put two and two together?" Kevin asked.

"She's pregnant," Lance said. "How long have you known?"

"Four days. I thought it would be a nice Christmas surprise."

"How far along?" James asked.

"A little over a month."

"How long before we can find out which of us is the father?" Kevin asked.

"Next month."

"Do you plan to marry the father?" Randy asked his daughter.

"At the moment, no. But, between hormones and if the father asks... You never know."

Amara looked at the rattles. "Ms. Jade, why you give one to Unca Jimmy?"

Jade looked up at James. "Uh... You wanna take this one?"

"Come here, Kitten." The girl crawled up into his lap, hugging her "Unca Jimmy" bear. "There's a chance, probably a slim one, that I'm the daddy."

Amara smiled from ear to ear. "Ms. Jade your girlfriend?"

He gave Jade a sideways grin. "You could say that."

"But, the teddies..."

"Amara, hunny, do us all a favor. When you fall in love, stay with him, and no one else," Jade said.

James saw the look in Randy's eyes, then patted Amara's leg. "Come on. Let's get some of this up to the room."

"Okay, Unca Jimmy." She gathered an arm full of bears. Before she left the room, she looked up at James. "Can I call her Aunt Jade?"

"We'll see."

As they left, Randy asked Jade, "who do you want to be the father?"

"Daddy..." She sat back against the couch between Kevin and Lance.

"Oh, no... You're not getting out of this one."

She laid her head on Kevin's knee. He rubbed the side of her neck. "I promised I would take care of her, and would marry her if she got pregnant. I still stand by my word."

"I made the same promise to her, back in the day. I will stand by that promise as well," Lance said.

"I know you two are honorable men. That wasn't my question."

"To be honest, Dad, I don't care."

Randy smiled at his daughter. "You want it to be Kevin's."

Jade growled as she stood. "If I have to choose one, I want it to be Lance's. But I want a child with Lance, Kevin, James, and Taker. As I said, I love them all, and would gladly be a mother to their children. This family is already screwed up, and I am a grown woman, in charge of it. If that is what I choose to do, that is what I will do."

Kevin and Lance watched as she ran off out of the room, then heard her run up the stairs. "You know she will, too," Kevin said as he looked at Randy.

"Yeah, she has a bad habit of keeping her word," he said. "But, the only way to keep her from doing it is for the father to propose."

"Even if it's me?" James asked from the doorway.

"Yes, even if it's you. I want my daughter to be an honest crook," he laughed.

Amara smiled as she turned from the doorway. She went up the stairs, and slowly entered Jade's room. Amara pushed the door open and saw Jade on the bed. "Ms. Jade, you okay?"

"I'll be ok, Little Bear," she sobbed. "Why aren't you playing with your toys?"

"You need me more," the little girl said as she crawled up next to the woman who was like a second mother to her. She wrapped her arms around her and kissed her cheek. "Ms. Jade, don't cry please."

She gave the girl a weak smile. "Everything's a little complicated right now, hun. Sometimes I need to."

"Can I be your flower girl?"

"What? What are you talking about, hun?"

"Well.....I heard Unca Jimmy and the teddies talking," she said playing with the covers.


"And, Grandpa Randy wants the baby's daddy to marry you."

"Tell you what, sweetheart. Will you tell them all to go to hell?"

"Yes ma'am," she smirked like her uncle. "Ms. Jade, if you hear screaming then I'm probably getting a whooping."

"You run up here, and I'll protect you," Jade said with a wink.

Amara grinned then slid off the bed. "I'm going to go get devil bear. He's fluffy, you can hold him till I get back."

Jade just smiled as the girl ran off. "Devil bear... I could use him right about now."

The little girl did just that then went downstairs after dropping the teddy bear off in Jade's room. She walked into the living room and stood in the middle waiting for the men to notice her. After a moment she cleared her throat loudly.

Lance turned his eyes onto the little girl who had everybody's heart. "Yeah Little Bear, what can we do for you?"

"Ms. Jade said you can all go to hell." With that said, she took off running to Jade's room, before James caught her.

The four men just sat there. "Did she just tell us what I think she told us?" Randy said.

"If you think that Kitten just told us to all go to hell, then yeah, pretty much," James said.

"A message from Ms. Jade," Kevin said with a smirk. "Maybe we should go find out why."

Amara skidded into the room before falling on her rump. "I did it Ms. Jade, I told them all to go to hell."

"Thank you, Little Bear. Come here." Amara climbed onto the bed, and Jade wrapped her arms protectively around her. As the guys all walked in she said, "I see you got my message."

"Yes we did. A little devious, sending a seven year old to tell us to go to hell," Kevin said. "Don't you think?"

"A little devious for you three to be planning behind my back." She looked at her father. "Actually, four. Amara told me about the plan to propose. She said you told them the father had to. After the way you all just acted, the father would be turned down. Not a single one of you can be happy that I am pregnant?"

"I am," Amara said curling into Ms. Jade. "They're just being big meanie poo heads."

Jade kissed the top of her head. "Thank you, sweetheart." She looked up at James. "If you whip this girl for what I told her to say, I'll whoop on you."

Lance sat on the bed in front of them. "I'm happy for you. It's just... Let's face it. It's time you made a decision to marry one of us. The child needs one father. Not three or four."

"Either way, this is my child, and I will decide. It's not for you guys to talk about behind my back."

"That's rude," Amara said.

"Amara Christine Storm, go to your room. I'll be there in a moment to talk to you about butting into adult conversations," James said with a stern look on his face.

Jade held her back. "She's right. It amazes me that a seven year old girl has more manners than you three."

All four looked down at the reprimand from their boss. Amara held back a giggle at the look on their faces. They looked like they had been smacked in the back of the head with 2x4's. "I think that they need a whipping, Ms Jade," Amara said.

"And there are times I would like to, but I think they got the hint." She looked back up at them. "No one, and I mean NO ONE will decide my future, or the future of this baby but me. We will have the test done next month, but that does not mean I will marry the father. I am curious who's to blame," she said with a small smile.


chapter 19

One month later:

"Hey, Doc," Jade said as she and the guys entered the office. "We're ready for that test we set up."

"Alright. James, Kevin and Lance, go with the nurse. She'll take your blood. Jade, up on the table, and lay back with your belly showing."

As the guys left, Jade did as told. Doc closed the door. "Do you want me to fix the results?"

"No, I want to know who it is, and I want them to know, too."

Doc opened the package with the new needle in it. "Alright. This is going to hurt." He kept talking to her as he eased the needle into her stomach. "What about that other guy, Taker?"

"He doesn't even know I'm pregnant yet. I don't want to tell him until I know which is the father."

"And you thought by process of elimination, he didn't need to be here?"

"Pretty much. Those three think we've only been together twice. They will continue to think that, unless none of them match." She sighed. "How long does it usually take to get the results back?"

"A couple days. I can call you with them, if you want."

"Yes, please. I want to know as soon as you have them in hand."

"Are you going to settle down when you find out?" Doc asked with a grin.

She smiled. "Probably not."

His face went somber. "I uh... I looked at your chart after your last pap smear. She found tears on the walls."

"Two of them get a little rough with me. It doesn't surprise me."

"From a doctor's view, you are in no condition to be roughed up. Before long, a risk of losing the child will be involved. From a personal view, hun, I gave you your first set of shots... I don't like finding out that kind of stuff. Warn those two now."

"I guess I'll have to come clean with Taker, then."

"And the other?"

"Kevin is looking forward to being a dad, whether he is the father or not. He's already toned it down."

Doc pulled the needle back out. "Alright. You're done."

She pulled her shirt down, and sat up. "Uh... Don't say anything to them about Taker, will you?"

He smiled. "Doctor/patient confidentiality. I can't." He winked. "I'll send the ones that are done in here."

"Thanks, Doc."

After a few minutes, Kevin came in. "How'd it go, babe?"

"Easy as pie." She looked down at her hands, then at the door. "When you proposed..." she began. The door opened, cutting her off.

"James is getting hooked up now," Lance said.

Kevin pushed her hair back behind her ear. "What were you going to say?"

"Nevermind." She looked up into his eyes, as tears pricked at her's.

He watched them well up on her lower lashes, then spill over. He stepped back, and placed his hands on either side of her. "Everything will be alright, baby. No matter what, I am here for you. We've been through too much for me to walk away now."

She smiled as she laid her hand on his cheek. "I know, Big Daddy."

He wrapped his arms around her, and one hand up into her hair. "I love you, baby."

"I love you, too."

The door opened again. "Are we ready to go?" James asked.

"Yeah." Kevin stepped back, and looked her in the eyes. "We can talk when we get home, okay?"

She nodded as she slid off the table.


Once back the house, Taker was waiting in her office. "Where were you? I've been waiting for you for over an hour."

Lance and James were shocked at the tone he took with his boss. Kevin glared at him. "Go on, guys. I need to talk to Taker alone," Jade said. She went into the office, closed and locked the doors. "Have a seat, Mark."

His tone softened. "This sounds serious."

"It is." She sat in her chair, and looked at him. "We were just at Doc's office." She sighed. "I'm two months pregnant. We were there to do a paternity test."

"Two months? I could be... Why didn't you tell me, so I could be there?"

"Because the others think we have only been together twice. They've been on edge as it is, and I have to live with them. If they knew we've seen each other atleast once a week since the first time..."

"...your life would be hell," he finished. "If it's mine, I want to know."

"I will tell you. In the meantime, Doc said we have to tone down how rough we get."


"Now, why were you waiting for me?" she asked.

He chuckled. "I noticed something has been different. I wanted to know what. It's been eatting at me. Now I know why. How's Little Bear taking it?"

"She's excited. And, you're lucky she's at school. She would have yelled at you for raising your voice at me."

He stood up. "I'll leave you to get your rest. If you need anything, you know how to reach me."

She stood. "Actually..." She blushed as she walked over to him. She wrapped her arms around his waist, and laid her head on his chest. "Call it hormones if you want. I wanted to hug you."

"Anytime, darlin'." He kissed the top of her head. "But, if I'm the father, I want to be in the delivery room."

"If you're the father, I'll come clean with the guys, and, yes, you will be in the delivery room."

"I'm gonna get going, babe. If you need anything..."

"I know. Thanks, Mark." She stood on her toes and kissed him. "Bye."

Once Taker left, Kevin entered the office. "What did he want?"

"If I wanted you to know, I would have left the door open." She sat down on the couch. "I told him about the baby." She patted the seat next to her. "Close the door, and sit."

He did as told. He laid his hand over her stomach, and smiled. "I hope it's mine."

She laid her hand over his. "I do, too."

"What were you going to say in Doc's office?"

"When you proposed, I never gave you an answer."

His smile faded, and he sighed. "I know."

She leaned over, and kissed him. "If the baby is your's, I will marry you." He smiled at her again. "That is, if the offer still stands..."

"Hunny, I'd marry you even if the kid isn't mine." He pulled her onto his lap, and kissed her. "But, you would have to be faithful to me, and me to you."

"I can't think of a better man to be stuck with."


chapter 20

Jade, Kevin, Lance and James waited impatiently for the day the results would be in. They were in the middle of a "family" meeting, when the phone call came in. "Doc!?"

"Calm down, Jade. Stress isn't good for the baby," he said.

She took a deep breath to calm herself. "Well?"

"I have the results. None of them match."

Her jaw dropped. She looked up at Taker. "Uh... Thanks, Doc. I'll see you at the next appointment." She hung up the phone, and took a shakey breath. "I need to speak to you four alone," she said as she looked at them.

Everybody left the room except her four lovers, and Macho Man. Randy closed and locked the doors. She ran her hands over her face, trying to ease her tension.

"What did he say?" Kevin asked.

Jade locked her eyes on Taker's green pools. "None of you matched."

They replied with a resounding, "what!?"

"Don't tell me you've still been seeing Scott, too," Randy said.

"No. I haven't been with him since you pulled your disappearing act."

"If it's not us three, then who the hell is it? Taker was before and after the fact," Lance said.

"And all throughout. He's the only man I've been with besides you three." She let that sink in.

"So, Taker is the father," James said.

She looked at Kevin, and saw the angry scowl on his face. She looked down. "Yes, he is."

Kevin stood up fast, almost tipping the chair backwards. He went to the doors, and pulled them open, breaking the lock. He slammed the front door as he went out to the Hummer. The tires spewed rocks everywhere as he left.

"What was that about?" Randy asked.

"He doesn't like Taker." She swallowed back a sob. "And, I agreed to marry Kevin if the baby was his." She sat back in her chair as the first tear ran down her cheek. "I need some time alone."

Lance, James and Randy left. Taker walked over to her, brushed the hair from her face, and kissed her forehead. "I'll be right outside the door." She nodded.

She picked up her phone as Taker walked out, and closed the doors. She pressed the button to connect with Kevin. "I know you can hear me, Kev." She sighed. "I'm sorry."


As he heard her apology, he picked up the phone, and tossed it out the window on the freeway. He drove out to the beach, where they had spent a weekend the year before. He parked the SUV high on the cliffs. He went to the back, and pulled one of the bottles of rum out of the case.

He walked over to the edge, opened the bottle, and took a long drink. He kicked a few rocks over the edge as he looked down. He sat down, and looked out at the water. After a few minutes, he pulled the picture of them out of his wallet and stared at it. "The only woman I really loved," he thought to himself. "And she's having that bastard's baby." He took another long drink. "I should just jump," he said aloud.

"And that would cause two more deaths," a voice said from behind him.

"They're not my concern anymore. How did you know where to find me, Scott?"

"GPS on the Hummer. Jade had me put it on after the last time you ran off."

"If she was so worried about me, she'd stop doing this shit to me." He handed Scott the bottle. "She's driving me crazy, man."

Scott took a drink of the rum. "I know."

They were silent for a moment. "Did you know she agreed to marry me if the kid was mine? Faithfulness and all. I was so close to having everything I wanted, man." He shook his head. "If it was Lance's or James', I still would have. I love her that much. But to find out it's Taker's..."

Scott handed the bottle back to Kevin. "Did she make the same deal with the other two?" Kevin shook his head. "I've seen her alone with all four of you. She lights up the most with you." He sat beside Kevin. "That girl would put her life on the line for you. If you jumped off this cliff, Jade would take one of your guns, and kill herself just to be with you again."

Kevin stared at the picture again. "I'm getting too old for these games. I have twenty years on her. I want the whole 2.5 kids, beautiful wife, all of it... Nobody will understand what I do, and what I've done like she does. That woman..." He chuckled. "That woman is a female version of me. I guess that's why we fight so much."

"She was sitting in her office, alone, crying when I left. She doesn't want those other three near her right now. She wants you."

Kevin sighed. "Give me a little time out here to cool off. Then I'll come back."

"Alright, chico. Just as long as you come back..."

"I will."

Scott got up, and went to his Escalade. Kevin stayed there, and finished the bottle of rum. He tried to get up to leave, but slipped on the loose gravel. "Oh shit!" He fell down the side of the cliff, and landed on the sand below.


Hours later, Scott was pacing in Jade's office. "I don't know where the hell he could be. He said he would just be there a little bit..."

"Give me that damn thing," Jade said. Scott handed her the tracking device. "It hasn't moved since you left?"


"I'm going to find him." She grabbed the keys to the 'Vette, and left. She followed the blinking dot until she found his Hummer. She looked all around, but saw no trace of him. "DAMN YOU, KEVIN NASH!" She found the bottle laying on the ground. "Oh, God... Tell me he didn't..."

She looked over the side of the cliff. Fifty feet below her was Kevin. She grabbed her cell off her hip, and called 911. Once through with them, she "connected" with the guys. "James, bring Scott and Lance out here. Scott can give you directions. Scott, you have to take the Hummer back to the house. Lance, take the 'Vette. I'm going to the hospital with Kevin."

"What happened?" Scott said through the phone.

"It looks like he fell."

"Is he alright?"

"He's fifty feet below me! I don't know how he is! Hurry your asses up!" She tossed the phone aside, and looked down at him. "Kevin? Baby, can you hear me?"

She was grabbed from behind. "Don't get too close, or you'll be down there with him."

"I have to find some way down there, Mark."

He looked around. He found a gentle slope covered in brush. "Stay here. I'll go down and check on him." He ran down to Kevin, and saw the rise and fall of his chest. "He's breathing," he yelled up to her. He checked the strength of his pulse. "Strong pulse," he mumbled.

"If I die, tell her I love her," he mumbled.

"She ain't gonna take a message. She wants to hear it from you. She called an ambulance out for you." Taker looked up where she was standing, but she was gone. He looked around, but didn't see her. "Jade!?"

She stumbled to the edge. "Something's wrong," she yelled down to him.

chapter 21

By the time Lance, Scott and James arrived, two ambulances had been loaded with Kevin and Jade. "Where's Jade?" Lance asked.

"It's the baby," Taker said.

"What about it?"

"I don't know. They took her for testing."

"And Kevin?" Scott asked.

"He'll live. I asked that they be put in the same room." He sighed. "I thought she would be happy if she woke up next to him."

"Nothing would make either of them happier, chico."


Taker, Lance, James and Scott stood outside the doors to their room. The doctor asked them, "which of you is the father?"

"I am," Taker said.

"I'm sorry to inform you, but she lost the child. Apparently she was under a great deal of stress..."

"Yeah. She just found out I'm the father of her child. The man in the bed beside her is her fiance. He was upset, took off... Then, she found him."

"Fiance?" James and Lance said together. "Since when?" James asked.

"Since the test," Scott answered. "How is he?"

"Bruised spine, twisted knee, sprained ankle, but he'll be ok. Give them both a few hours, and they should be ready for visitors."


When Jade awoke, she felt the hand in her's. She turned, and saw Kevin. "Kev?"

"I'm here, baby."

"How are you?"

"I'll be ok. I'm worried about you."

"Did I lose the baby?"

He sighed. "Yeah, you did. Doc said it was from the stress."

"Well, we can try again once we're married," she whispered.

"It took both of us laying in hospital beds for you to agree?" he chuckled.

"It took you leaving again. I can't live without you."

He grinned. "When?"

"You're worse off than me... How about when you get out of here?"

"Sounds good to me."

There was a knock on the door just before it opened. "Ms. Jade?" the tiny voice said.

"Hey, Little Bear. Where's your Uncle Jimmy?"

"He behind me."

"Come here. You have to go around. Kevin is in bad shape."

Amara ran around to her side of the bed, and crawled up with her. "Ms. Jade, why you in here?"

Jade looked at James, who stood in the doorway. "You didn't tell her?"

"I couldn't."

She nodded. "Come in and close the door." Once the door was closed, she turned back to the girl. "Amara, hunny, I was so worried about Big Teddy, I lost the baby."

"Well, where were you when you lost it? I can help you find it."

"No, hunny. You don't understand." Jade tried to choose her words carefully. "Hunny, the baby is in heaven."

"In heaven? With Momma and Daddy?"

"Yeah. But, Big Teddy and I will try again after the wedding."

"Wedding? You marry Big Teddy?"

"Yeah." Amara's bottom lip stuck out, just before she looked down. "What's wrong, hun?"

"I wanted you to marry Unca Jimmy."

Jade smiled up at James. "Hunny, I love your Uncle Jimmy, I really do." She sighed. "I love Teddy and Devil Bear, too. But out of all of them... Let's just say I love Big Kev the most."


"Well... It's very hard to explain, sweetie."

"We're just a little too much alike, Little Bear," Kevin laughed.

"Will Unca Jimmy and I have to leave?"

Jade giggled. "No, hunny. You are still family, and I could never kick family out." She wrapped the little girl in her arms, and held her close. "Besides, I like having you around. You help me keep the guys in line." Jade kissed her forehead. "And, I may not marry your uncle, but you can still call me Aunt Jade if you want to. Ms. Jade is just too formal," she said with a wink.

The door opened, and Taker's large frame filled the doorway. "Hey, darlin'," he said softly.

"Hey, Taker." She looked down at Amara. "Hunny, I need to speak to Devil Bear. Why don't you and Uncle Jimmy get a candy bar from the machines?"


Once they were gone, Taker took a seat beside her. He gently petted her cheek as he saw the tears well up in her eyes. "Are you alright?" he whispered.

She slowly nodded. "Yeah. I'll be ok." She looked down. "I'm sorry, Mark."

He lifted her chin to look in her eyes. "You have no reason to apologize to me. The child you carry to term..." He looked at Kevin for a split second. "...should be his." He smiled. "You know, me and him, we're alike in a lot of ways. But he's capable of returning every ounce of love you give to him. My cold black heart forgot what love was a long time ago."

She gave him a small smile. "It knows. You choose to ignore it."

"Either way..." He kissed her forehead. "Marry him, have a bunch of rugrats... I hope they all look like you, 'cause he's one ugly son of a bitch."

Kevin laughed. "I don't see you winning Mr. Universe anytime soon."

Taker chuckled. As he sobered, he looked her in the eyes. "I just wanted to check on you. Scott and Lance are waiting to see you two. I'll still be around if you need me."

"Thank you, Mark."

He gave her a half grin. "You better stick with Taker, darlin'."

She blushed. "Right."

"Which do you want me to send in first?"


"Alright. See ya later."

A moment after he left, they came in. Lance stood at the foot of her bed, staring at her.

"How are the lovebirds feeling?" Scott asked.

"They have me doped up, so I can't feel much," Kevin laughed.

Lance's gaze made her uneasy. She looked down, and picked at her nails as she answered, "I'm alright, now."

"You can't look at me?" Lance said barely above a whisper.

She crossed her legs and patted the bed. "Come sit down, hun."

He sat, and took her hands in his. "Why didn't you tell me about the engagement?"

She felt the sting of tears in her eyes. "I couldn't. I just..." He laid his hand on her cheek, and she leaned into the touch. "I love you so much... I didn't want to hurt you."

He smiled. "As long as you're happy..."

"Don't hand me that bullshit line."

"As for the state of business," Kevin said, gathering everyone's attention.

Jade nodded. "Right. Scott, Lance, please inform my father that he is to be in charge until we are released. Lance, as Kevin's understudy, I want you to be my father's right hand man. Learn as much as you can from him. If this happens again, I want to be able to trust you. Scott, have Taker stationed outside this room. All I ask is that you bring my purse to me. If anyone gets past Taker, I want to have my gun with me." She looked at Kevin, then back at Scott. "Put his .45 in there, too."

"Yes, Ms. Jade," they both said.

Lance followed Scott to the door. As Lance was about to walk out, Kevin called him back. "Close the door." He closed the door, then went to stand between their beds. "Jade and I are in agreement that once we are married, she will still be in control of the "family". You are to be the only one to know that besides the two of us." Kevin took her hand, then kissed the back. "As my understudy, you may have to fill certain obligations that I won't be able to." He sighed. "Including obligations to my wife."

Both Jade and Lance turned a raised brow to him. "What kind of obligations?" Jade asked.

"You know what I'm talking about. Just don't flaunt it in front of everyone." He looked up at Lance. "And she is to do absolutely NOTHING without one of us with her. Got it?"

Lance nodded. "Got it." He gave Jade a wink and a smile before leaving.

Jade turned to Kevin. "That seems quite generous of you."

"I don't want to talk about it. I know it would happen anyways. I just get my say in the matter." He gave her a sideways grin. "Besides, every great crime boss has affairs. Your's should be discreet, and with someone we both trust."

She smiled. "You know, you really are a big teddy bear." She leaned over the space between their beds, and kissed him.