Jaded Edge

Musician Fics
Open Challenge
Tit For Tat
The Dominatress
Of Saints & Sinners
Dirty Deeds
Don't Stand
I Could Fall
Taker X-mas poem
Road Rash
House on the Hill
A Vampire's Love
Dream Lover
Ghost of a Chance
Unexpected Revelations
What Goes Around...
Wanna Wrestle?
Evil In My Blood
Lincoln Park
Saving the Spirit
What Lies Within
Prop: Conf.
Four Against the World
Sister Joan
Sister Joan (cont.)
Kronik Passion
Favorite Links
Awards I Won
Fun Stuff
About Dom.
Contact Me
Proposition: Confidential

A new Round Robin featuring myself, Lady B, Dove, Lady Cat, Kaliegh, Taj, Anne, Fran and Sandra. 

chapter 1 - Jade

Twelve o'clock in the morning, and Mark barely got back to the hotel from the arena. He threw his gear on the bed, and set his beer on the table. He shrugged out of his sleeveless shirt, and sat down at the table. He was weary from the night's match, and ached to the bone, but, after the morning's conversation, he had to check his email.

You see, Mark Callaway had come across an email group called Anything-Undertaker. Naturally, with his character's name in the title, he became curious. He wanted to know what was so special about him that would make someone create, or join, a group about him. He joined the group, and had been watching it for over a month.

He became overloaded with reasons why these women liked him. Most of them boiled down to three; athleticism, his body, or his motorcycles. He quickly became aware, though, that the group was not your average chat crowd. These women seemed to have a fantasy group going as well.

They all had chosen men they would cheer for, and labeled them by "husband", "boyfriend", or "friend/lover". Some had even made it a family affair by taking some of the older wrestlers, and even Paul Bearer, as an uncle.

That's what he liked about this group. Between the fantasy side, and Lady B and Jade teasing Sandra, there was always a reason to laugh. Which leads us back to why he was checking his email, instead of going to bed. In the morning, Lady B had started another round of teasing Sandra about liking Kurt Angle enough to marry him. This time, though, there was some incriminating evidence that she already had married him; a wedding photo and marriage license. Not wanting to ask Lady B directly, in case she would go along with the story, and knowing that Jade would know about it (since her signature was on the license with Lady B's), he emailed her off list.

Hey, Jade, what do you know about the photo and license?

Dark Lover

Within moments of sending the email, he received one back, where she admitted to making both. Unfortunatly, his schedule didn't allow him to stick around long enough to read Sandra's reaction to them.

Once his email started rolling in, he noticed that the three trouble makers had been at it all day. He also noticed a short story by Lady Cat. He had been on the list long enough to figure out that he was the only man for her. He clicked on the subject line, and began to read.

Lady Cat had written a beautiful story about a poster she had on her wall, and how his figure would come out of the poster, and make love to her. He became hard by the end of the story. With a groan, he readjusted himself, and went on to his other emails. An hour and a half later, a smile was plastered on his face from the story and the constant teasing. He shut down his computer, and climbed into bed.

The next day, on the flight to Boston, he checked his email again. Duane Johnson leaned over, and looked at the screen. "What are you reading, Taker?" "I've been watching this group for awhile. They kinda take us as their own. It's pretty interesting how they see us." Duane finally looked up from the screen. "Yeah, especially when you're reading about having your dick down one of the members throat, huh?" They both laughed. "Well, they write stories about us, and make art about us. They're paying homage in their own way." Duane just smiled. "Say, Taker, do any of them like me?" "Not very many," he said with a grin. "But the group owner does."

Across the aisle, Adam Copeland heard the conversation, and had to find out. "Hey, Taker..." Before he could finish, Mark said, "yes, the same lady that has Rock." "You mean they can have more than one of us," Rock asked. "Yeah. The two with the most are Christian's and O'Haire's."

"How do we get in on watching them," Adam asked. He told them how, and said, "now, if you don't mind, can I get back to what I was doing?" They sat back, and were real quiet. "About damn time everyone minded their own business," he mumbled.


That night, when Lady B sat at her desk to check her email, she found two new potential members waiting for approval; pplchmp1 & UthnkUknwMe. She approved both of them, then went to the group's member page. 'All of these members, and only a handfull of them talk,' she thought to herself.

She went back to her email, and read through them. Before she got to the end, there was another member to approve; SxyBstChrstn. She approved the new member, then read five more emails, before getting another approval message. This one from SxyMongoose. 'Somebody must be talking about this group in another one,' she thought. After approving Mongoose, she shut down the computer, and headed for bed.

ch. 2 - Lady B

The next day, as was customary, Lady B sent out an e-mail welcoming all the new members to the list and asking them to introduce themselves and give some background about themselves. Some of the other members welcomed the newbys to the list and introduced themselves. "Wonder if they will answer?" Lady B thought to herself as she closed off her computer and left work


After the taping of his match, Taker had just gotten online in his dressing room when some of the guys entered. "Hey Taker, any news about us on the list?" Jericho asked. "Yeah. Lady B has welcomed you guys to the list and has asked you all to introduce yourselves" Taker replied with a laugh in his voice. "I wanna see how you guys are going to get out of that one" he added as he guffawed loudly.

"What? Holy shit!!!" Jericho said as they all crowded around Takers computer to read the message.

"Hey what gives?" Kane asked as he entered after hearing the guys talking from Takers room out in the hallway. "Cant a guy have any peace around here" Taker mumbled.

"We are checking up on a list that we joined that talks about us" Rock replied as they went back to reading the e-mails on Takers laptop. "Look guys. Enough" Taker said as he closed his computer. "You guys all joined so go check the messages out on your own puters and leave me alone" he added as he got up, put his computer into his bag and walked out of the room. "Touchy aint he" Adam said as he walked out from Takers locker room with Jericho.

"Come on Duane, what gives?" Kane asked again. "Look, just go into this site and sign up. Then youll know what is being said about you" Rock told him as he wrote down the address to the list and walked out after Jericho and headed for his dressing room and his own computer.


E-mails started coming to the list that evening. Such as:

Hi I'm a big Edge fan and I just love his blond hair. Lady B, I see he is one of your husbands. No offense but can we share him?



I just love Jericho and I have met him too. He is a sweetheart and Kal, I just want to know if we can share him, cause he just makes me all Fozzy inside.



Hi, Just wanted to let you all know that the Rock just rocks my world and I can't live without him. He has got to be the sexiest man around. Lady B if you ever let him go, I'll be there waiting for him . . . If You Smell What the Rock is Cooking. Just love that eyebrow.



What can I say about me? Just that Sandra better look out because I am ready to take that tempermental kid who is Christian and WHIP him into shape.



Throughout the night more people joined the list and e-mails like the ones above kept coming in.

MonsterKane was added to the list along with TheNxtBstThng. MattV1, 2Sexy and Cbnoit also joined. Rttlsnke, ManBeast and TXOwn entered the list that night. It got to the point where Lady B sent Jade an e-mail about all the new people.


"Hey Sis,

Is it my imagination or are we just flooded with new people? And some of them are talking to boot. Wonder where they are coming from? Must be a lot of talk going on about this list on the net to make so many new people join. Oh well, as long as they talk we have no problems.

Later Sis

Lady B"


Lady B went back to ribbing Sandra, along with Jade and a few of the other sisters about her wedding to Kurt Angle and about all the Olympic sperm that was seen in Sandra's hotel room during their WM18 outing. She also brought up the point that she had heard Kurt's heavy breathing from under the bed during those days at the hotel, along with the incriminating photo of Sandra in Kurt's Jersey with her hair a mess lying on the bed. After a while of laughing her butt off at the goings on on the list, Lady B signed off for the night and turned on the t.v. as she settled in for a night of Smackdown.


ch. 3 - Dove

Mark sat at his computer staring at the screen laughing. He looked at the time it was 5 AM, No one else was up yet he was sure so he sent a mass email to all of his co-workers that had joined the list.


You know A-U does let guys in. You all didn't have to pretend to be females LOL. Man I'm glad I let you guys in on the group. This is gonna be fun to watch lmao.


After sending the email he went finished reading the replies to the guy's introductions. Most of the girls from the list were willing to share their men. Some were willing to fight for them. Especially Sandra, "NO one whips MY Christian but me." Mark laughed and read a few more emails then there was a knock on his door. He opened the door. "Man, why didn't you tell me the group let guys in. I don't wanna be stuck pretending to be a chick for months."
Rob Van Dam was walking by and overheard part of the conversation. "What's this all about?" Mark groaned and took a piece of paper out of his pocket handing it to Rob. "Go to that site and sign up. Damn I should have business cards printed up or something."


That night as Lady B checked her email she had more new members to approve. ThWhlDmShw , RainbowSkittles, and BigRed were added.


ch. 4 - LC

"Three more new members. When is this going to end?" B puzzled as she sat
at her computer. "Something is going on. I've never had this many new
members - at least not all at once."

She decided to call Jade and tell that three more added and asked what she
thought of it and did she have any guesses as to who they were and
why. Jade replied, "Your guess is as good as mine." B called some others
on the list, each had pretty much the same response. Cat was the last one
she called, and like the others, Cat had no response at first. B was
signing off when Cat called back. "You know what would be the funniest,
and weirdest thing, if all these new additions were the wrestlers themselves."

"Cat, you don't mean....?"

"Well, after you called I went back over the emails and looked at the
names. pplchmpl could stand for the People's Champion 1. Now who uses that?"


"Okay, now look at UthinkUknwMe."



"No, No, it couldn't be them.Why?"

"Who knows. What I would like to know is who is going to be next?"

"Well, to think about it, it is a coincidence. I'll just have to wait and

Mark, in the mean time, was getting bombarded by more wrestlers as word had
spread like a forest fire throughout the locker room about the A-U
list. BigRed had asked him had he heard any more. Mark answered back,
"Like I told the others, get your own computer." Mark knew he had to say
something again or he was never going to get any peace. He called the guys
into the locker room. "Look, I didn't mind at first about this thing with
the A-U list, but this is getting way out of hand. I can't even go to the
john to take a dump without someone knocking on the damn door. Please, get
your own damn computer."


As B opened her emails, three more asked to join the list - 3HGame, LuchaM
and ChugALug. She thought she could guess the first one, but the other two
she would have to think about. She was beginning to wonder if perhaps it
wasn't them.

ch. 5 - Kal

Chris Jricho sat in front of his laptop, a disbelieving smirk on his face. After sending his initial emal, he'd finally gotten a reply back from Kal, who adamantly refused to share him with anyone. It made him feel good. He sat back in his chair, rubbing his chin thoughtfully as he pondered what to write back to her.

"S'up?" Adam greeted his friend as he strolled into the dressing room that they were sharing that night.

Chris grinned up at Adam. "Just catching up on the emails." He didn't say anything further, knowing Adam knew what he was talking about.

Adam chuckled humorously. "I see your 'wife' has got you quite whipped. Won't let you get around to the other girls...only over her dead body, I believe is what she wrote."

Chris laughed. "No, Christian is the one who is whipped. And as long as we're talking about it, your 'wife' has got her claws sunk pretty deep into you too."

Adam flipped him off and then joined Chris in laughing. "This group is interesting for sure. I can't wait to read more...find more out about these ladies. Everyone is so different..yet the same.I want to know everything...it's like a damn addiction." Adam stated once they'd stopped laughing.

"Definitly!" Chris agreed just as his computer alerted him to a new email. Adam came around to look at the screen as Chris opened it up. Within seconds they were laughing hysterically as they read another edition of the 'Sandra and Angle Chronicles' as many of the guys had begun calling it.

"Damn, someone should make a movie or something about this group. They'd make millions! And their stories and art...very talented ladies!" He'd spent most of the previous night browsing through a couple of the sites that a few of the ladies owned. He was very impressed.

Adam nodded in agreement as he glanced up at the clock. "Better close up shop for now. We gotta get ready for Raw tonight. Should be interesting to see what is written afterwards."

"You've got that right!" Chris shut down his computer and stood up. He was looking forward to the emails later almost as much as he was his match that night.


ch 6 - Taj

That day there was a heated argument in the list. According to the ladies of the list at yesterdays Smackdown, the writers once again screwed Taker out of the title. "Dont they realize that he is the best? What are they thinking?" Lady B Fumed in her post. "B, they said that they could write, not that they can think." Counseled LC, as furious as B, but with her anger in check. "Pweeze, bwe bwery bwery quiet, Im pwtying to hunt WWE pwriters." Taj answered all of the sudden answering the e-mail. "What she said?" Kals emoticon appeared scratching off its head. "Ok. So my impression of Elmer Fudd really sucks! Ok. But please bear with me; I want the heads of those twerps on a stick!" "Stick? Did someone say stick?" Jade popped up, a thousand and one images on her head. From that moment on the conversation turned from rage to lust. At his hotel room Taker chuckled when he saw the monitor of his computer. He couldnt believe that those girls thought that he was Gods gift to women. All of them with different backgrounds, from different states, from different walk of life. All of them so different, but at the same time so united, calling themselves sisters. When he saw Kals latest masterpiece, paying homage to him, he fully smiled. Five doors down Takers room, he sat down looking at his portable computer with a bottle of water on his hand. "So, they think that they can write better plots? I wonder do they have what it takes. I doubt it. Ill put them to the test. If they deliver Ill take the ideas to the table, if not Well who cares about a bunch of unknown horny women." He thought out loud, and began to write a thread to the list, using his handle not letting them know that in reality he was a man, not a woman. "What do you suggest girls?" "Lobotomies for the writers will be scheduled for tomorrow at 5 pm. It will be cheap, no anesthesia necessary." Taj answered. "I mean, what would you do to improve the plot?" "A belt with gold for him would be nice." Lady B wrote. "Can we take it away from HHH?" Willie asked. "You want him to jump from Smackdown to Raw?" He became serious but hid it behind the message. "Of course! Ill never have enough of him!" Lady B answered with heart emoticons. "At the very least he must have the belt, the same amount of time that HHH has!" "Its the very least that they can do for him." "The very least indeed!" He became serious. He had too much at stake, too much invested. Obviously those women didnt know a thing about WWE politics. However if he knew how to play his cards correctly, he would have a mine full of ideas and inventiveness, completely free.


Chapter 7- Anne

Later that day Taker was thinking about to see what the WWE Writers were writing and see what he could do about having them writing a whole new plot for him to get the title after being screwed out of it for millionth time in a row. Taker rubbed his goatee with his left hand while sitting in his hotel room and his green eyes just danced with pure mayhem.

"This is going to be good," He said to himself cracking a smile on his lips and starting to type something to Anything-Undertaker list


Meanwhile Matt sat on his bed in his hotel room with his laptop sitting on his lap and he just finished typing up the latest edition to his column on WWE.com called Matt attitude. Smiling he sent it to the webmaster and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I need to invest in a one of those neck pillows or something," Matt complained while he rubbed the back of his neck to relive some of stiff muscles there that had tensed up

After few minutes the pain and soreness in his neck went away Matt logged into his email account under the ID MattV1 and readied what was happening on the list. He noticed that everyone was talking about how Taker got screwed out of the title yet again and how it was unfair. Matt just shook his head at the comments being made and something got his eye. A email from a woman named Anne seemed to catch his total attention and he knew little bit this woman from seeing her artwork of him on Lady B's site and from reading her song fiction titled 'Please'. Yet something about her seemed to pull at Matt so he decided to email his introduction to the list as woman not a man.

Hey Anne,

I have it on good authority that Matt is yours and he's one of fine looking man isn't he. When Matt's on one of high horses maybe you can send him my way so I can knock him off it by using some persuasion *WEG*


Matt just laughed softly at his email while shaking his head and he still couldn't believe he was even portraying to be a woman just to find out more of these ladies or even better her.

'Glad I did listen to Taker when he said get your own laptop' Matt said to himself remembering what Taker said when him and the others were trying to read the emails from the Anything-Undertaker list off his laptop

Matt sent his email to the list when he heard a knock at his hotel room door and he didn't even bother to answer it.

"Hey Matt," Said a Minnesotan voice though the door

"Yeah Brock," Matt said not even getting off the bed "What do you want"

Brock waited for Matt to open the door so he could see this list called Anything-Undertaker that all the superstars were talking about.

"To see what's happening on that list all the boys are talking about," Brock said though the door

"Why don't you use your own laptop to see for yourself," Matt said to him being slightly annoyed with Brock always sing his laptop instead of Brock using his own

Hearing that Brock just walked away and murmured softly 'asshole' as he walked. Lately everyone was getting sick of Brock's attitude and granted he was the youngest the WWE champion in history but still he didn't need to act like an jackass to everyone either. Brock didn't want to do things about the book or by the storyline anymore what it was either his way or the highway these days. That way of thinking was starting to cause of allot of problems with him and everyone in the lockeroom. But Brock didn't care what of everyone was thinking about him and he just bushed him off like bug or moth in a light. He walked back to his hotel room and used his own laptop for change. Brock decided to play little mind games with a lady named Anne that seemed to favor him and Matt Hardy lately.

"MMMM this could prove to be very good in my favor," Brock thought to himself silently while he typed his email to the list

Hi there Anne,

I see that you like Brock Lesnar the next best thing and he's just sexist man alive. I was wondering if we could share Brock or trade him off now and again.

The Nxt Bst Thng

Brock smiled smugly just thinking about easy it might to fool someone into thinking you're someone else and how good it was going to be to lead her on until he got what he wanted him her.

ch. 8 - Fran

Sitting in a room in the same hotel a couple floors above where 'Taker is reading the newest post on AU list, is another new member. Giving a small laugh as he reads the latest about sledge hammers coming out of the closet, he sits & thinks, then types a message. "Okay, all my sisters in this group, I have a question for you. If you could see anything at all happen in the WWE what would it be & why. Now don't everyone say they want the man to get the belt. We all agree on that subject, he should have it, & keep it for at least 6 years. Now, I want other ideas. As bad as this may sound & it's gonna piss off some people, this isn't about 'Taker, lets just forget about him for a few, alrighty. So tell me what you want to happen to Jericho, Angle, HBK, HHH, & for the hell of it, what about the divas?

Now I'm gonna start the ball rolling, alright, but it's not what I want to see happen to one person, it's what I want to see happen to the shows, I want some surprises, I want some mystery, I want to turn on the show & have something happen that I didn't read about on the internet. I want to sit up & say, man did you seee that? Anyone with me on this?"

As he signs off he sits back with a smile & a sigh. He starts to laugh, "Let's see where this goes & what kind of ideas "My sisters" has" he thinks to himself. "Come on girls, tell Santa what you want for Christmas & if it's good enough you just may get it." He continues to read the posts that are coming in, really looking for his, but so far it hasn't shown up yet. He's wanting to see what kind of responce he'll get from everyone. He's looking farward to seeing what Jade will have to say & Lady B & Anne, just everyone. He's excited about the whole idea of these women coming up with ideas that can be used on RAW & SmackDown. He's gotten a lot of ideas since he joined the group & is looking for more.

Standing up he goes to the bed & gets a notebook out of his bag & sitting back down at the table he's prepared to start to take notes as soon as he starts getting any answers. He knows he could just save the messages until he needs them but it is better this way, to make notes in his own hand, who knows when someone may see them. As he's reading he notices his message has finally gotten to the group. Almost rubbing his hands together, in glee, he's so exicted he can't even sit back to wait.

About that time there is a knock on the door of his room, "shit", he thinks, as he shuts down his laptop & closing it up places it in his suitcase & zips it up. He leaves the notebook on the table as the knocking sounds again, "Give me a minute, I'm in the bathroom" he calls out, then going into it he gives the toilet a flush & goes to the door to open it.

Standing in the door, a smile pasted on her face is the last person he really wants to see right now. Giving her a smile, he steps back from the door, "come on in" he says as he walks back into the bathroom & washes his hands. Coming back into the room he sees her standing ast the table with the open notebook in her hands, open to where he's wrote across the top, "ideas". She looks up at him, "trying to think of something to happen over the next few weeks that we haven't already done," she asks with s amile at him. He just gives her a "get real"look as he takes the paper away from her & motions for her to sit down.

Mean while back a few floors down 'Taker has just read the message & giving a grunt, "forget about 'Taker for a few, what kind of nitwhit is this?" he thinks & then reading the message thinks, now let me see, what, other than me winning the belt do I really want to see happen, then he starts to laugh as he answers.


Chapter 9 - Sandra

"I really think they should give a shot to my hubby" Sandra answered back to the e-mail that was just received in your inbox.

A couple of seconds later, a reply from Jade came across.

"Not Angel again, he already had the belt, let Taker have it".

Taker sat back and started laughing thinking of the whole "Sandra and Angle Chronicle".

"Those girls have a lot of imagination. I wonder where that imagination can bring them" Taker asked himself.

"I thought she had the hots for me" Christian said to himself reading the e-mails.

"No, my husband is not Kurt Angle. My husband is Christian, the best dressed wrestler in the whole WWE!!!" Sandra replied back.

"Excuse me, but the best dressed wrestler is my People Champ, the Rock" Lady B replied.

"You tell her B, The Rock is the Most Electrifying Wrestler and the Best Dressed One" Duane replied to the list.

"Humm, I dont think so, Im siding with Sandra on that one" Christian replied.

"Thanks SxyBstChrstn, but dont think because you agree with me that I will be sharing him with you" Sandra replied.

"You guys got it all wrong, Jericho is the best dressed wrestler in the WWE!" Chris Jericho replied back.

"Maybe, they should have a fashion competition like they do with the Divas, and of course, we would have the guys strip down to their boxers for the final competition" Sandra said.

All the guys got stumped on that last e-mail said. It was hard for them now to replied, remembering that most of them signed in as girls.

"Now, I love that idea, they have it all the time with the Divas, so why not having the guys!" Jade replied and then, she added: "but I have to let you know, Sean will probably beat all of you men, hands down!"

The girls continue to talk about who was the best dressed wrestler and the guys continue to put their comments.


chapter 10 - Jade

"How the hell can you say that Sean is the best dressed," Lady B replied.

"Uh... Hello. Am I the only one that's seen the suits he wears? And that big leather jacket... And those tiny little wrestling trunks... *faints* Not only does he have a gorgeous bod, but he knows how to cover it up, and still look HOT!" Jade sent back.

"Oh, this is too good," Matt thought.

"Hey, how about Matt and those funky pants he wears?" he replied.

"He's so out of the loop, it would take Queer Eyes for the Straight Guy to get him back on track," Kal replied.

"How can you say that when your husband gets dressed in the dark?" Anne asked.

"Let's just agree that it takes a gay man to dress Matt and Chris. I bet they like it, too," Jade typed, trying to annoy Kal and Anne. "A list of good cadidates for this would be Sean O'Haire, Rocky, Christian (for the laugh factor), Taker (cause he looks good in anything), Shane McMahon, Edge, and Trips. I guess if they were to really do it, Jericho would be in it. And, Test, cause he looks good in leather."

Just after sending the message, she received an email about a potential member by the name of WldOHaire. "I wonder if B approved this one yet." She went into the group's page to see. After approving them, she went back to her email, and sent a welcome message.

"Ladies, we have another new member. This one is WldOHaire. I'd like to extend a welcome, and a warning. In this group, Sean is mine, and I don't share. Anyone touches my hubby, and I'll bust out the whip. Jade"

After a moment she got a reply.

"LOL Thank you for the welcome, but you don't have to worry about me taking Sean from you. First of all, I'm a man. Second, I'm not gay. I'm just a fan. WldOHaire"

"Oh! *blushes* Sorry. I'm used to nothing but women joining. *Well, except Dark Lover* Feel free to take a woman, and make her your own. Jade"

"Oh, I will," Sean thought to himself, as he clicked on the link to her site in her signature. Then, he went back to his email.

"In due time. I want to get a feel for the group first. WldOHaire"

On the top floor of the hotel, the spy of the group was taking notes on the women's conversation. "Hmm... A Mr. Universe competition! That would make the female fans happy." He jotted down names of the entrants. "Let's add Kane in, just for fun," he laughed. He based the men's categories on the Ms. America pageant; evening wear, swim suit, intelligence... Talent was seen everytime they wrestled, so he left it out.

The door opened to his room. "What are you doing?" "Getting ideas for the show. Why are you up here?" "I'm your wife. We can still share a room, can't we?" "Well, of course." With a muffled groan, he turned off his laptop, and closed it. "What kind of ideas do you have?" "A Mr. Universe competition. We've been catering to the male fans for so long, but we've been ignoring the female fans." "Not really ignoring. Remember? That's how you came up with Val Venus." "He's a porn star. How many women really watch porn?" "You're serious about thinking of the women. Good for you, dear. Bring it up with the writers at the next meeting."


Chapter 11 - Lady B

During the next writer's meeting a suggestion was made about doing a Mr. America type of competition with the male wrestlers. The writers thought it was a good idea, and they started hatching it around. Taker, HHH and Flair, who were the three main wrestlers involved in the writing and idea end of the shows, thought it might have some potential since the women were the ones that were starting to dominate in numbers when it came to buying wrestling stuff. It was left in the planning stages and everyone was asked to come up with ideas for it to be discussed at the next writer's meeting.

They also discussed the idea of having some of the female fans on Confidential. Just to see what they had to say about the wrestlers and what the topics would be. Hopefully they could have the Confidential showing in conjunction with the competition. This way they could show what the women really wanted. That too they would formalize at the next writer's meeting the following week.


That night Jade, Lady Cat, and Lady B were on an IM conference when Lady B got an email offlist from DarkLover stating that it was urgent that they speak. Lady B signed off from her conference and answered the email giving her IM address and asking the person to IM her immediately, that she would stay on to speak with them.

Taker saw her "taker123" tag name and had to laugh. "Damn, she is a die hard fan." he said with a smirk on his face.

A few minutes later Lady B received an IM Message.

"Hey, Lady B, sorry to send that urgent email to you, but it is important that I speak with you."

"Speak. What's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong. Darlin'. Just thought that you would like to hear some good news"

"Good news? I'm always up for good news"

Well, I got it from one of my informants at the WWE that one of the lists' ideas may be coming up in the near future on the WWE programming"

"Really and what idea would that be?"

"Oh, one that has been hatched on list about the male wrestlers"

"Hot DAMN!!! Does this mean that we may be seeing more male flesh soon?"

"Its a possibility. I wanted to let you know, but please keep it under your hat. I don't want everyone disappointed if it doesn't pan out"

"Will do. And please keep me posted"

When that conversation was over, it left Lady B with a lot of thoughts as to who DarkLover could be. This conversation also reinforced her suspicions of spies on the list.

Once she got back to her emails she had over a hundred.

"You all must be blind cause The Rock is the best dresser the WWE has ever had" was received from pplchmp1.

"Okay, I'll admit the Rock can dress but Edge sure does look mighty fine in those leather pants" replied UthnkUKnwMe .

"Shit. No one looks as good in leather as Nash does" 2Sexy countered.

"What? What? What?" Came in from Rattlsnke

"I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my pants, plain ole too sexy" SxyMongoose chipped in.

All Lady B could do was laugh at the banter going on because it appeared that the ones arguing over who was the best dressed weren't the veterans on the list but the newbies. She had all she could do to keep from peeing in her pants. 'Man this is getting good. We could write a story about this' she thought as she gave up after reading 50 of the e-mails.

She went to bed with a stomach ache from all the laughing she had done.


chapter 12 - Dove

Dove logged on the first time in over a week. She loved going back to Alabama for a visit every now and then but was glad to be home. She was attempting to catch up on the list and noticed the sudden growth in members so she send her usual "I'm back" email to the group.

Hey Sisters
I'm back what have I missed? Welcome to all the new members in the last few days.
oh and B can you send Rob back now please? He should be stretched out pretty well by now lmao.Lucky you, he's allergic to all the Pine trees in Alabama or I'd take him with me :)

Some of the sisters replied filling her in on the whole "best dressed" argument and idea for the Mr Universe idea.

Oh I love that Idea but you have to have Rob in it too, So what if he only wears those Unitard things most of the time. He still looks great in them. Who can say no to an ass like that?

Rob Van Dam sat back from his lap top laughing. He looked over at Shannon Moore "Dude, my ass isn't that great looking is it?" To which Shannon smacked him on the back of the head, "Man how should I know, I'm not gay." They both laughed and Shanny asked Rob to help him set up an email account. After making the name 3c0unt he submitted his request to join A-U. While they were waiting for B to approve him Rob told him. " You are still getting your own computer when you have time off next week. These ladies are like crack they're so addictive you just can't get enough and I'm not fighting you for my computer."
"Dude, I'm getting a Dell! No 'Lap Top on a Pole' matches for me."

chapter 13 - LC

Taker and the rest of the group were flying to the next city for a house
show. He was reading his emails, laughing at the girls and their comments
on who was the best dressed. After signing off he felt like checking Bs
website to see if anything new had been added. Finding nothing at the
present, he noticed some new reading material had been posted to the fan
fic section.

A story called "The Magazine" caught his eye. He clicked in and began
reading. "Whoa!" he thought after a few chapters. "I wonder what they
really think?"

Once again he signed on. "Hey, sisters, I just read a story called "The
Magazine." It was great but I have a question? Would you girls really
like a magazine which had the male wrestlers in it and how would you like
to see your men posed?" - Dark Lover

It didnt take long for a response. "Oh hell yeah!" Fran was the first.
"Especially the man himself as the centerfold in his birthday suit."

"Taker has back, side, top, bottom, front - especially the front!" LC
exclaimed, and sent in a pic of just his crotch to prove her point.

"Where did she get that?" Taker thought, squirming a bit in his seat.

A few rows back, Kane had signed on, catching up on his emails. He noticed
the topic of conversation.

"Have to include Kane," Jade said. "Baby got back."

"Yeah honey, he does have back," Willie said. "And front too."

A big grin spread across Kanes face as he typed. "Oh most certainly! I
could eat that man up!"

"Yeah, but you have to wait for Fran and I to get done with him first,"
Willie replied.

Trips had opened his laptop and was catching up, noticing the topic of
conversation. "Hey, dont any of you talk about the other guys? What
about my man - Trips?" 3HGame.

"Trips is included, along with RVD and those tight buns, Booker T."

RVD sat back and grinned.

On and on it went. Each wrestler asking would they like to see them in a
magazine. At a certain office back east, another interested person was
also reading the comments and taking notes. "Very interesting," he
thought, rubbing his chin. "Hadnt even thought of the possibility of
women even being interested in a calendar of wrestlers. Will have to think
on that." Thinking his office safe, he left his laptop on.

A pair of eyes watched him leave. Making sure no one else was around, the
person entered the office and sat at the desk and began reading, smiling
the whole time.

chapter 14 - Taj

"TAJ, WHERE ARE YOU MIJA!" Lady B bellowed in an e-mail.

"I am here! I am here!" Taj answered back, as always late.

"Where is what you said would do?"

"Here! Just keep scrolling."

"Alas, the mummy has awakened!" Jade wrote.

"Where have you been?"

"Did you steal Taker from LC?" Lady B teased.

"I wish! These withdrawals are killing me!"

"I miss his voice. Is strong and powerful, but at the same time soft. Am I making any sense?" Jade replied using a confused emoticon.

"Ah! The voice number 69 can do it for you every time." Taj responded preparing herself for the thread that she knew that would be coming up.

"Voice 69! OMG!" Jade wrote, a thousand and one ideas popping on her head.

At his hotel room, he kept close tabs on the threads of the list. Some of the ideas were sheer genius, others…well; in any case, he had already invested so much, that he didn’t even acknowledge the thoughts. With the smoke of the cigar, dancing diagonally upwards at his left, he kept writing the ideas. This was so easy! A laptop, an internet connection, and they there were like little pigeons to steal ideas from. It was just taking candy from a baby.

Receiving a call from one of his cell phones he stepped out of the room looking for a better signal, and left the door open. One minute later Taker knocked on the door. "Is anybody here? Hello?" Taker stepped on the empty room. "Hello? Is somebody here?" Looking at the desk, he saw the laptop still connected to the internet and at the right the notebook with ideas. Bringing his green gaze to the small monitor, he realized what was happening. "Vince, what the hell are you doing now?" Taker thought out loud, still reading the messages. Although he opened his eyes really big when he read the last message. "69?"

chapter 15 - Fran

As Mark stands there looking at Vince's computer he sees that others have jumped on the "69" so, sitting down in Vince's chair, he reads the incoming messages.

"Come on Jade, tell us what you are planning here, sis." says Stonewall.

"Yeah, girl, share with us" says MattV1.

3HGame responds, "I think I can see into your mind sis, & I can read every dirty thought."

"Hey, you guys, just hold on," says Jade. "I haven't gotten it figured out in my mind right now, but I'm working on it." she continues.

Lady B responds, "Dirty mind the girl means, I want you all to know!"

"Hey," says Fran, "Hold onto those thoughts for a few days. I'm going to Houston tonight & will be going no mail here shortly. I don't want to miss anything."

"Wait a minute, girl," says Taj. "Why you going to Houston? Come on, tell us all about it." she continues. "Is there something you not telling us?"

"Yeah," Fran laughs, "Why would you think I'm going to Houston, to spend the week end with 'Taker? What do you think I'll be doing, laying on a beach somewhere?"

TxOwn responds, "Why go to the cesspool, I can think of a lot better places in Texas to go than Houston."

LatinLuvr comes back with, "Hey, Holmes, talking about a cesspool reminds me of the swimmin' hole I used to go skinny dipping in at home."

Jade says, "Hey, Fran, when you get to Houston, give me a call, maybe we can go 'Taker hunting together."

Jade reads, "I'll give you a holler, if the deadman let's me come up for air." she reads & laughs.

Hearing a nosie, Mark looks up & not wanting to be caught at Vince's computer, he leaves the room & goes looking for a computer he can use, knowing this group is very habit forming.


chapter 16 - Jade

Throughout the coming days, Mark wondered what made Vince think of getting ideas from the ladies. It bothered him to know that Vince was using the sweet, yet misguided bunch. One day, it bothered him so much that he decided to confront him.

"Hey, Vince, we need to talk."

As he closed his laptop he said, "alright, Taker. What's on your mind?"

"It's about that little machine on your desk. I caught you on the group the other night. Why are you taking their ideas?"

"They are a gold mine of storylines. They're coming up with better stuff than our writers."

"What are you going to do for them?"

"What do you mean? Hell, I'm giving them what they want to see."

"True, but they deserve some credit, don't you think?"

"What do you want me to do? Put a credit at the end of the show that says 'storylines written by a bunch of horny women'?"

Taker leaned on Vince's desk, and stared him in the eyes. "Either you put that idea through for the ladies to be on Confidential, or you'll have to deal with me." With that said, he left Vince's office.

Vince shook his head. "Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed."


The list was quiet one day, so Jade decided to call Lady B, and bug her. By the tone of B's voice, she could tell she was excited about something.

"What's going on, B? You sound like a kid getting ready for a trip to Disneyland."

"DarkLover told me he has an insider, and gave me some news that I really liked."

"Well, what is it?"

"I can't tell you. I'm sworn to secrecy."

"Oh, come on. I'm one of your best buds. If you can't trust me, who can you trust?"

"Nope. I promised not to tell. I shouldn't have told you as much as I did."

"Yeah, but you did, so I'm going to bug DarkLover."

"Jade, don't you dare."

"Too late. Have to talk to a certain man. I'll email you later. Adios, mi hermana."

"Jade!" She hung up the phone. "Damn it."


Jade emailed DarkLover off list, so as not to spread the secret.

"Hey, Lover. B said you told her a secret, but she won't tell me what. Could you possibly tell me? I'm good at keeping secrets."

After a while she received a reply. "Do you swear not to tell anyone until I know it is for sure?"

"Cross my heart, darlin'. I'm a solid rock. Nobody would get it out of me."

Mark laughed as he read her email. "They may go through with the Mr. America idea you ladies thought of."

"Hold on. #1 Were any names mentioned? #2 This means we have a spy on the list."

"No names were mentioned yet. I'll let you know if any of your guys show up on that list. Yeah, there's atleast one person watching what you ladies say."

"Very cool. *blows a kiss* You are such a sweetie, DL. Like I said, no one will get it out of me."

Mark sat back and blushed, before going on to the rest of his messages.


chapter 17 - Lady B

"Who the hell does he think he is" Vince grumbled under his breath as he walked through the darkened hallway. "I’m the big boss around here and I can do just about anything I want to do" he continued" as he walked with the "McMahon" gait. As he turned a corner he came face to face with Kane.

"Vince. I’ve been talking to Taker and I agree with him. I think its about time you did something for those special ladies you have been stealing ideas from" he said as he stood in front of Vince with his head tilted to the side.

"Easy, but guy" Vince said as he backpedaled a few steps. "I’m not kidding" he said, advancing on Vince and making him cringe as Taker came around the corner. Vince backpedaled a few more steps and backed right into Taker.

Taker saw him stepping back and stood his ground with his arms crossed against his chest as Vince backed into him.

Vince noticed he had bumped into something and looked up slowly. He saw that he had bumped into Taker and said to him "Will you please rein this pit bull in and let me do what I have to do?" pointing at Kane.

"I’m not sure I can control him. You know what his temper is like when he doesn’t get what he wants" Taker replied with a mischievous look in his eyes.

Kane took one step closer to Vince and Vince cried out "Okay, Okay". Let me talk to JR and see how we can go about doing this "Mr. America " and "Confidential" thing for the ladies. Vince said.

"Kane. Let’s go get a beer" Taker said as they walked away talking.

"Damn them" Vince said with that maniacal, but beaten, look on his face


"Hey Jade" Lady B said into the phone. Did DarkLover answer your e-mail? "Yeah, he did and like you I promised I wouldn’t say anything" Jade replied. "Cool. I can’t wait to see what happens next" Lady B replied as she turned on her computer to read the e-mails on the list.

She had received an e-mail from DarkLover. She opened it and read.


My dearest Lady

It appears that what we have discussed will come to fruition shortly. Please, as before, do not say anything to the ladies on the list as I want it to be something really special. I will be in contact again as I get more details.

As always, I remain



"Wow" Lady B said to herself with a big smile. She leaned back and thought for a few minutes before answering.



My lips are sealed. Once again thank you for the information and please do keep me updated. I know the ladies are going to get a huge kick out of this when you put it through to the list. I can’t wait to see what they have to say.

I personally want to thank you for what you are doing and for what you are about to do. Wish I could give you a HUGE hug, but I guess I will have to settle for just a cyber one right now until we meet. Here’s a kiss on the cheek (placing a pix of lips on the e-mail) as a thank you. Hope to give that to you in person too when we meet. (Smiley face with tongue out inserted here)

Lady B


Lady B sat back once more. After a few minutes she started to read the e-mails with all the banter going on between the newbys and the vets on the list.

She had no choice but to laugh at the goings on.


Taker opened the e-mail from Lady B and read it. He gave a small laugh when he got to the smiley face picture on the e-mail. ‘Don’t worry B, you will. And sooner than you think’ he said to himself, still smiling.


chapter 18 - Lady Cat

Once Vince had gotten out of sight he scoffed. "Neither one of you are
going to stop me. I don't care who you are." He entered his office once
again and turned on his computer. Signing in he began reading through the
emails, copying down anything he thought his writers could use.

In the lobby Taker and Kane ran into Linda, who was heading out to her
limo. "Hey guys. Need a lift?" Taker and Kane nodded and followed her
out. She noticed a look of concern on their faces. "Anything wrong?"

The guys were silent for a bit. They looked at each other, each thinking
should they tell her. Taker's brows raised as if saying "Why not."

"Yes," Taker replied. "It concoerns something Vince is doing."

Linda knew when it concerned her husband, nothing was
impossible. "Okay. Tell me."

Both men explained what Vince had been doing, starting at the beginning
with their involvement with the A-U group and ending how they found out
Vince was stealing the women's ideas and taking credit. Linda sat back int
he seat. "You believe he'll do it?"

Both men shook their heads.

"I've already told a couple oof the ladies on the list and indirectly told
them that what we had talked about will ocme about shortly. But they were
not to let the rest of the list know about it. So far they've not said a
word," Taker said.

"I like the Mr. America idea," Linda nodded. "Now the Confidential thing
might take some doing as Vince oversees the taping, but it's not
impossible. Give me a few days to work on this."

Linda dropped them off at their hotel. "Keep in contact with the two
ladies, and tell them that what you've discussed is in the planning
stages," she said. "You two see me in about a week. We're going to fix
Vince's ass for sure."

Taker and Kane walked into the hotel. "I can't wait to see what Linda
comes up with," Kane said. "I think I saw a look of devilment in her eyes."

"So did I," Taker chuckled. "I just hope she can keep whatever she does
from Vince."



Linda notfied Taker and Kane she had worked out a plan and wanted to run it
past them. She told them to meet her at a small restaurant the next day at
8:00 p.m. She arrived a few minutes before hand and waited. Taker and
Kane came in shortly after. She asked what they liked and ordered. While
they waited, she took out the plans form ehr briefcase.

"I talked with the production staff and they agreed to help out. Now,
Vince is planning to air a special Confidential episode in about a month,
which hopefully will be enough time for us to get it together and pull it
off. The entire staff, including Okerlund, have sworn not to let on to Vince.

The girls on thel ist will be flown to a location, of hwich I have two in
mind, and which Vince will not know about, for the filming of our
episode. Gene will interview the women, basically asking them how did they
get interested in wrestling, why do they like the particular wrestlers they
do etc. Somewhere in the itnerview he'll tell the viewers they they also
like to write stories about their favorite wrestlers, and then ask how do
they come up with the ideas for those stories. He'll go on and ask if they
ever thought about the WWE using their ideas as storylines. I'm sure some
will answer no they hadn't, but I'm banking on a few saying that some of
their ideas have been used, to which Gene will ask which ones. He'll ask
them who they think may be reading them. The girls then will tell who they

If I know Vince, and he's watching, oh I can see his face turning red even
now. WhatI'd like to have from you two is a lsit of names you think are
WWE wrestlers. I'm going to need them in three days. By elimination, I'm
sure we can find out what name Vince is using."

"Well, how does our episode make it?" Taker askied.

"On the night of the special, the producer will see to it that our show
will be shown in place of Vince's, and in the process of the show, we
expose the identity of the person stealing their ideas. How does this
sound to you? 'The Real Truth Behind the Storylines' or something like
that. What do you think?"

Both men smiled. "Sounds good to me," Taker nodded.

Kane nodded in agreement.

"During the show, as a bonus, the girls will get to meet their favorite
wrestlers and then go out afterwards to a bar which will be rented just for
the occasion."

The guys were all smiles. "That sounds even better. We'll have the
information to you in three days."

By that time their drinks and orders were placed before them. All three
raised their glasses and toasted to their plan.

chapter 19 - Fran

Mark sends the Laby B a fast message, hoping she's on line. "Hey, girl" he says, "I have a question I want to put to ya. Give me a hollar when you get this, don't wantta just leave it floatin' around here on the net?" He sits back as he waits for her to answer & decides he'll read some of the messages on the SU site. In a few minutes he's laughing as he reads the latest.

In a few minutes he gets back an e mail, "Okay what are you wanting to talk to me about?" Lady B asks. "It better be inportant because it got me out a a hot tub with my mang to answer this." she says. Laughing Mark sends back the reply. "Yeah, what man are you messing around in a hot tub with, sister?"

While he's waiting he gets an e mail for Jade, "Hey, what's going on? Haven't seen you on line in a few days & then today here you are, not talking much but I know you are around." How does she know I'm around, he wonders as he answers her message. "how do you know I'm lurking on the background? Got the place rigged for lurkers, right?" he asks.

Then he gets the reply from B, "Now which one of my men do you think I'm on R & R with? But I'll never tell, who knows who's listening in at he door." she tells him. "Now what are you wanting to talk about? You have me very interested. Now spill all, dear one." she says.

"Okay, what would you say if I told you Linda McMahan is all for having some of the members from this group on Confidentila & talk about the story behind the story. How you girls are the ones who has came up with some of the storylines & where you think it should go from here." he tells her. "She's wanting to show that the stroylines that are going over with the fans are the ones wrote by the fans themselves. Give you girls the credit & not some high priced writers." he finishes.

Sitting back to wait he gets an e mail from Jade, "Nope girl" he reads & then laughs because she/they still think he's a she. "B told me you were on & had contacted her. So what's up?" she aks him. He nods to himself & sends her the same e mail he'd just sent B. As he waits for the reply's he reads some more of the messges, laughing to himself at some of the post.

He is also trying to figure out how to talk to B & Jade about the plans that Linda has about the group. Right now he doesn't want to let them know who he is, or even if he ever whats them to know. some of the things that has been said in the group might embarress them, the remarks about godzilla, well that kind of embarressed him at he time, so he'd hate for the friends he'd made to realize that the things they had said wan't as private as they thought.

"Okay, what do you mean?" he reads in the next message form B. As he gets ready to answer he gets a message from Jade, "Okay tell us all. How did you fix this to happen? WE all know you had something to do with it, & don't say you didn't." she tells him.

He sends a message to both, "Hey, don't even think about if I had something to do with this or not, okay, girls. Let's just say a little birdy put a bug in Linda's ear, & she likes the idea of some of the members on this group getting an all expence paid trip to somewhere & talking to her & maybe Gene about your ideas & where they should be going. Now this can't be talked about on the group, because the spy will know about it & that will really mess up plans. So you two put on your thinking caps & decide who needs to be involved in the show. Get me the names & I'll make sure they get to who they need to, oh, also where they live, their home phone numbers, if possible, so Linda can get in touch with them. Gotta make sure they get on the plane to where ever it is, now don't we? Oh, make sure you don't use any of the newer members, like me. I don't think any of us has contributed that much to the game." he says.

As B & Jade read this, Jade calls B. "Hey you reading this? Could this be Hunter that we are talking to here?" she asks her. "Man, I don't know, but I don't think it's him. But who do you think we should ask?" B says. As Jade thinks she's typing a message, "Hey, let's talk, okay. Here's my phone number, give me a call." she sends it to DarkLover. As Mark looks at the phone number he thinks, "Shit, she lives in Houston." Wondering how to answer because he doesn't want her, or anyone, to know who he is just yet, he types back, "Thanks Jade, but due to things I can't talk on a phone right now. But I'll make sure this number doesn't get out. Now, do you have any ideas yet? Linda is wanting to run with this now." sending the meassage he sits back to wait on their reply's.


chapter 20 - Jade

Lady B and Jade had a discussion, and both agreed that all of the longest running members had to be in. Then, they came up with the list of members that came in after, that raise hell like the first ones.

"Okay. So far we have the two of us, Cat, Kal, Sandra, Fran, Anne, Dove, Stonewall, Willie, Dville and Taj. Who are we missing?"

"That sounds about right to me. Do you have any of their phone numbers?"

"All except Fran and Dove," B replied.

"I'll get their numbers. You go ahead and start working on a list to send to DL."

Jade typed up an email to send to the two of them.

"Hey, ladies. I need your phone numbers."

Fran replied back with her's quickly. Dove, on the other hand, had to be difficult.

"Why do you want it?"

"Well, duh! So I can talk to you."

"Email me."

"Some things are too exciting to send through the internet. They need to be told over the phone."

"What is it?"

"Just give me your number. Trust me, you'll love it!"

She finally replied back with her number. Then, Jade sent them over to B. Once that was through, she sent an email to Dark Lover.

"Hey, DL, do you think maybe Taker could be there? I mean, he is the reason we all got together."

Mark chuckled as he read the email, then clicked reply.

"From what I understand, he's looking forward to meeting all of you. He's been walking around like the cock-of-the-walk since he found out about you girls. I'm sure he'd love to talk to you."

"Why me? Cat is the one that loves him exclusively."

"Oh, he'd like to meet her, too. But you're obviously from his hometown. I can tell by your phone number."

Jade sat confused by the last email. She emailed B, and sent her the chain of emails from DL.

"Hey, Sis. With the name Dark Lover, his contacts and the email he just sent me, we may be talking with the Deadman."

B read the emails, and laughed.

"Wouldn't the others love that. The way we talk about him, his body and what we want to do to it. The list would go dead. *sigh* You may be right, but you may be wrong. Just keep your suspicions between us, ok?"

"Got it."


Mark forwarded the list of names and phone numbers to Linda. As soon as she opened the email, she started making the necessary phone calls. As she was on the phone, Vince passed by her office. 'What is she all smiles about?' he asked himself. 'That woman is up to something. I can feel it.'


chapter 21 - Lady Cat

Mark met up with Glen a bit later. "I got the list of emails and the phone
numbers of the list from Jade and emailed them to Linda. She answered she
would be phoning them right away. I wish I could have been there to hear
their reaction," he chuckled. "Would you believe, one of the list is from
Houston," he shook his head. "I got to thinking once I emailed her and
told her I could tell she and Taker lived in the same town by the phone
number. I might have accidentally tipped her off. We’ll just have to see.
What about the other email list? Did you get them?"

"Yeah," Glen replied. "I didn’t tell them why, just that I needed them. I
just through sending them to Linda," he added. "You know, this is really
getting to be fun. I’m looking forward to meeting them."

"So am I," Mark added. "Let’s hope we can pull this off."

Linda looked out her door and saw a shadow standing just outside. It was
good thing this was the last phone call as she hung up as she knew whose it
was. As a precaution, she shut her screen off. "Is that you, Vince?" she

"Yes, dear."

"Come on in."

Vince stood in the doorway. "Perhaps later. You seem to be rather busy at
the present."

"Oh, I was just clearing some last minute work. Did you want to see me
about something?"

"No, No," he replied rather quickly. "It wasn’t important," he
said. "I’ll see you when you get home," and left.

"Hmm," she thought. "He left rather in a hurry." She tapped her desk. "I
wonder…." She turned on her screen and checked Glen’s message. She read
the list he had sent and was able to figure out most of them. Before
leaving for the day, Linda made sure to copy the emails to a floppy as well
as make a hard copy and locked the both of them in a safe only she knew
about. She then erased everything from her computer. If her hunch was
right, a certain someone just might decide to check her computer later.

She got up and closed her door and called Glen on his cell phone. "I got
your email. I was able to figure out who most of them were, and our spy
isn’t on the list. Keep checking for any others and let me know the minute
you have them. By the way, is Mark close by?"

Glen gave the phone to Mark. "I’ve contacted all the women. It’s a good
thing I finished when I did. Vince was outside my door. When I asked him
what he wanted, he said it could wait until later. I have a hunch he’ll
come snooping in my office later. So I’ve taken the precaution of making a
hard copy plus a disk copy, and then erased everything off the
computer. He won’t find a thing."

When she hung up, she thought maybe it would be good to stick around just
in case.

That same night, a lone figure stood in the darken hallways in front of
Linda’s door.

chapter 22 - Jade

Vince unlocked the door to Linda's office, and stepped into the room, closing the door behind himself. He aimed his flashlight at her desk, and clicked it on. He walked over to the desk, and turned on the computer. While it was warming up, he searched the drawers for any notes she may have left laying around. Finding nothing, he turned his attention to the computer. As he rumaged through the files on her hard drive, the lights came on in the room.

"Somehow, I knew you would be nosing through my files, Vince."

"Linda, I wasn't..."

"Save it. What are you looking for?"

"Whatever it was that had you all smiles today."

Thinking quick, she said, "I was making arrangements for your birthday."

"It's not for three months."

"It doesn't hurt to start early."

Vince smiled at her. He turned off the computer, then walked over to her. He kissed her forehead, and said, "I thought you were doing something with the company behind my back. I'm sorry I doubted you." He softly kissed her lips. "I'm going home now. Do you want a ride?"

"Let's go home."

'I'm going to find out, one way or another, what you're up to,' Vince said to himself.

Linda thought, 'he is so easy to manipulate.'


While the McMahon's turned in for the night, the night owls of the list were still going at it.

"Do you think Rocky should get a title shot when he returns," pplchmp1 sent.

"The man can't decide if he wants to wrestle or act. If he wants to stick with wrestling, I wouldn't have a problem with it, but if he's going to blow in, get the title, then blow out again, it wouldn't be fair to the others that stay around. Kane's been with the company for 6 years, working his ass off, and he's only held the title for 24 hours. That's just wrong," Jade sent. Rocky had always been a sore discussion to start with her.

"But you have to admit he has skill," pplchmp1 replied.

"So do a lot of the others, but they don't get the breaks that he does," MonsterKane replied.

"Some have more skill, but never get the chance to prove it," WldOHaire sent.

"O'Haire is on Smackdown. Raw is Rocky."

"Raw is Jericho, ass clown," SxyMongoose sent.

"Ladies (and WldOHaire), we can have a discussion without the name calling. Voice your opinion, without putting down the one you're replying to. Remember, opinions are like assholes; everybody has one," Jade sent.

For awhile after that, the list was pretty quiet. Jade was just about to sign off and go to bed, when she saw a message from WldOHaire.

"Hey, Jade, I was wondering if I could choose someone from the list for a bride."

She thought about it for a moment.

"There's a new question. LOL I guess it would be alright, but bring it up with your prospective bride off list before telling everyone on the list. I wouldn't want you to be embarassed if she turns you down. *wink*"

"*gets down on one knee* Will you be my bride?"

She giggled as she read the email.

"*blushes* Sure, hun. Would you mind telling me your real first name?"


"I'd like to know my "husband's" name. Don't worry. It will stay between us."

He debated on which name to give her. Ultimately, he decided to give her his own.

"My name is Sean. What's your's?"

"I got you now," Jade said to herself. She replied with her real name.

She quickly typed out an email to Lady B.

"Hey, Sis, I swear, I think WldOHaire is my Sean. If he's telling the truth, his name is Sean, and he just took me as his bride."

Not expecting a reply from B at one in the morning, she was going to sign out, when she found another message from Sean.

"This isn't a very intimate way to celebrate our engagement," he joked.

She giggled again.

"You've seen how I am. Use your imagination, and think of what I'm doing to you."

"Probably flogging me."

"I'm usually nice to my husbands. It's really late here. I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Sean."

"Goodnight, Jody. Sweet dreams."

Chapter 23

Lady B


Lady B received the e-mail from Jade and opened it. “It appears you may be right” Lady B replied as she tapped her fingers on the desk.  She went back and looked at all the newbys and their e-mail addys.  “Hmmm.  I wonder . . . ” she said to herself.  She started typing an e-mail to DarkLover.


Meanwhile Linda and Vince had settled in for the night and Vince still wasn’t convinced that what Linda had been doing was getting things set for his birthday party.  Once she was asleep he went to her briefcase and opened it.  He rummaged around in it and couldn’t find anything that would give him a clue as to what he thought was happening.


He quietly put everything back, closed her briefcase and tip toed back to bed.  He laid down and settled in.  Linda felt his side of the bed lower when he got in and just smiled as she knew that he would wait until he thought she had fallen asleep and would go look in her briefcase.  “Gotcha!!” she thought to herself as she smugly went to sleep.




I know that this may seem shocking to you, but I know who you really are.  It’s okay.  Your secret is safe with me.  It appears that when you joined the list I had quite an influx of new people join the AU List and I think I know why.  Just do me  a favor and tell the “Guys” not to give themselves away so easily on the list.  One of them has already given his identity to one of the ladies on this list and asked her to be his “Bride”.  I don’t want anyone on the list getting hurt so please keep them in check.  If you are who I think you are the girls are going to freak out when they find out who you really are.


Just know that I will never tell them who you are, I will leave that up to you.


Have a great evening.


Lady B



DarklLovers mouth fell open when he read Lady B’s e-mail.  “I’m going to kill whoever did that” he growled.


He got up and stomped around the room a bit before he sat down to reply to her e-mail.



Lady B


I hope I don’t disappoint you when we do meet and I will take care of the blabber mouth.  That will not happen again, that I can promise you.  Regarding “Brides”, you ladies have claimed certain of the WWE wrestlers.  Certain ladies on the list even have a “harem” as you all so nicely put it, so don’t be surprised if some of the “Guys” on the list claim you ladies in return.  Speaking of which, I would like to claim you as my “Bride”.  Would you mind?  We can keep it between you and I for now.


We will see each other soon and speak even sooner.


Good night to you my “Bride”




The next day when Lady B woke up she found a ton of new e-mails in her inbox.  Apparently a lot of people on the list were up very late the night before.


There was an e-mail from LM@wwe.com.  Lady B opened that one first and found that it was an invitation to appear on the Confidential show along with a plane ticket and reservations for the Sheraton Hotel in Stamford, Connecticut for a weeks stay starting that Friday.


She sat staring at the e-mail with her mouth opened.  “Wow.  That was quick” she said out loud.


She printed it and went on looking through her e-mails.  She opened the one from DarkLover and nearly fell out of her seat.


“Holy Shit!!!!  Now what am I going to do” Lady B said as she sat there reading DarkLover’s e-mail over and over. 


Her heart was pounding and her palms were sweaty.  She thought she was going to faint.  A few minutes later the shock had passed and she started screaming like a banshee as she dialed Jades home phone number.
chapter 24 - Lady Cat
When Cat opened her email and saw the surprise from Linda McMahon, she was
so ecstatic she couldn't believe what she had read and reread it
again.  She sent back her confirmation, shaking all the while she did
this.  Once she had sent it, she sat back.  A thought struck her.  How did
she know my email?  No one other that just a few on the list knew her
addy.  As she thought more about it, she had noticed that B had not sounded
her usual self last night.  She thought B sounded just a bit excited about
something.  Being curious like her nickname, she pondered over the events
of the past couple of weeks.  It wasn't until the addition of the newcomers
that a lot of things were happening, especially this.

She went to the group site and wrote down the emails of all the newcomers
to the list and sat back and looked them over.  She had guessed some of
them before but she went over them again.  She stopped and stared at Dark
Lover and MonsterKane.  They had been the first two to be added to the
list, and then it seemed like an onslaught of new ones appeared all at
once.  "Oh hell!" she said outloud, as it dawned on her on they were.   She
grinned.  "Alright, I'm going to find out for myself."

Glen was catching up on his emails when Lady Cat's popped up.  "Hi
MonsterKane, or  should I say, the real Kane. " The opening line had Glen
swallowing hard as he read on.  "It didn't dawn on me just now that the
whole time we on the list had been talking to you and Taker.  It just
seemed too coincidental to receive an email from the WWE office, signed by
Linda McMahon herself about an appearance on CONFIDENTIAL, since I never
gave my email out to any of the newcomers on the list."

At that moment Mark came in the room and saw the look of shock on Glen's
face.  "What's wrong?"

"We've been busted," Glen replied.


"Yeah."  Glen moved to the side a bit and let Mark read Cat's
email.  "Shit!" Mark exclaimed.  "I got an email from B saying she knew who
I was but wouldn't say a word to anyone.  And I'm pretty sure Jade knows as
well.  That makes three.  This isn't going at all like planned.    To make
it worse, one of the wrestlers asked Jade to be her 'bride.'  I think
that's what tipped her off. I sure would like to know who that was."

"Just out of curiosity," Glen said.  "Did you ask one of them to be your

Mark nodded sheepishly.  "I asked B.  She said she wouldn't tell anyone."

"This Lady Cat seems to catch on pretty well.  I might want to check her
out.  Judging from the emails on the list, she seems to be a real go
getter.  You wouldn't mind would you?"  Mark shook his head.  "And then
again, I might change my mind," he grinned.

"Hey, you've already got one.  No sense hogging all of them for yourself."

"One thing's for sure.  We have to let Linda know, but we'll have to be
careful how and where we tell her.  It seems she caught Vince rummaging
through her office last night.  She said he's been just a bit too curious
as to what she's been doing lately and has to be real careful how she
handles this from now until the show."  Mark saw there was more on Cat's
email.  "Looks like there's more."  They both turned back to the screen.

"You don't have to respond to this if you don't want to.  And be assured
that whatever is said will be kept strictly, and no pun intended,
confidential. No one, not even B and Jade, will know that I've found
out.  Maybe we can pull a surprise on the both of them. LOL  I hope to see
you soon." Lady Cat

"You going to answer her?" Mark asked.

Glen thought a bit and began typing.  "My dear Cat, I thought I should
respond to your email.  Yes, I am the real Kane, and you're right, we gave
the emails of the girls to Linda.  I take it you will be there.  I look
forward to meeting you when you arrive.  I'm sure we'll have a lot to talk
about. Kane"

chapter 25 - Jade

That night, at the Smackdown taping, Taker called a meeting with all of the wrestlers. They all sat in folding chairs in front of him, as he paced, and tried to calm himself. "Which one of you stupid mother fuckers gave yourself away?" Most of the guys voiced their confusion, but Sean just shrunk down in his chair. "On the list! Somebody took a bride and gave himself away. I want to know who."

Sean sighed, and slowly raised his hand. "O'Haire... I should have guessed, since you're one of Jade's. Thanks to you, Jade and Lady B know that all the new members are wrestlers. I'll admit that I slipped a little clue, but I didn't tell her my real name." "What's the big deal, Taker? So she knows that I'm really the guy she wanted. So they know who we are. So what? She said she wouldn't tell." "She told B. That's how they figured it out." He muttered a curse. "You guys that are on as chicks, keep it that way, atleast for awhile. We don't need all of them to get suspicious, and figure it out. Now, we can trust Lady B, Jade and Lady Cat with our secret, but the more that know, the more trouble it means for us." "Lady Cat?" "She figured it out on her own, and emailed Kane."


Jade went through her emails, and found one from Lady B.

 "Jade, I promised not to say anything, but DarkLover is upset with Sean."

"So I was right? My new husband is really O'Haire, and DarkLover is Taker?"

"Yes, but keep it between us. You may want to plead for your husband's life, though. LOL"

She clicked to compose a new email, and put in DarkLover and WldOHaire's email addresses.

"DarkLover, or should I say Taker? Please don't get upset with Sean. I had you figured out before him. You shouldn't have said anything about knowing I was from Houston by my number, or that you would like to meet me because I'm from your home town. ;-) According to your WMX7 speech, I live right near "Death Valley".

I'm sending this to both you and Sean for a reason. Lady B and I made a promise to both of you that we wouldn't say anything about who you are. By now, you both know we said something. You'll have to understand, we have been friends for a long time. We are closer than best friends, which is why the ladies call each other "sisters" on the list. We share almost every exciting or upsetting moment with each other. But since we made the promises to you two, and because of your celebrity status, it will stay between us. Taker, you would be hounded daily by every member on the list. And Sean, quite frankly, I don't want to have to fight for my man's attention. ;-)

But, Taker, I am begging you to take mercy on my "husband". Finding out that THE Sean O'Haire wanted to take me as his "bride" has brought joy to this little woman's heart. Jade"

 A short time later, she received a reply from DarkLover.

"I only yelled at him to make a point. I don't want all of the guys to come out at once. I want them to wait until the Confidential. It was meant to be a surprise. As long as the guys stay quiet, and you three don't say anything, the others will get their surprise. ;-) What part of "Death Valley" do you live in, darlin'? Your DarkLover"

She clicked reply.

"Three? I only told B. And, you have my word, hun. I live just a few miles down 610 off of Hardy Toll Road. And, as for how you signed your last email... I wish! LOL Your Dominatress"

After clciking send, she went to the next email, which was from WldOHaire.

"You didn't need to defend me, babe. I'm glad you stuck it to him, though; letting him know he screwed it up before me. LOL I don't mind you telling B. She is the head of the group, and we should have respected her enough to let her know. And, knowing I have one die-hard fan brought a lot of joy to me. That's why I took you as my "bride". Sean"

"Hunny, I've been defending your ass since you were in WCW, and I'm not about to stop now. Even if it is against the Undertaker. LOL I understand why you would want to be anonymous, but as you said, somebody should have let B know. *blushes* You're sweet. :-* Jade"


As Vince walked through the halls of WWE headquarters, he came across Mean Gene. "Hey, Gene. What are you doing here?" "Oh, I'm just going over the plans for the special Confidential. We're going to start recording it next week." "That's great. Really great. Say, would you happen to know what Linda has been up to lately?" Having already spoken to Linda, he smiled and said, "I'm not supposed to tell you, but it's about your birthday." "Oh, really?" "She seems to be planning quite a get together for you." Vince smiled at Gene. "I won't tell her you told me. Thanks. I'd like to stay and chat, bt I have to run." "Ok, boss."

Vince shook his head as he walked down the hall. "Maybe she isn't up to anything. Maybe she really is planning my birthday party," he thought.

Chapter 26 - Lady B As travel Friday approached the ladies kept on e-mailing each other off list to check out their itineraries and travel arrangements. It appeared that they all would be arriving within minutes of each other. ********** The guys were also very excited to finally be meeting the ladies from the list. They talked amongst themselves whenever Vince, Heyman and Bishop were not around. They had found out a long time ago that Heyman and Bishop were brownnosers of Vince. They were his "yes" men and they sure didn’t want to spoil the surprise that not only the ladies, but Vince had coming to him. *********** Without the guys knowing Vince had enlisted the help of his brownnosers to see if they could come up with any news of what was happening on both Raw and Smackdown and what Linda was up to. So far they had not been able to sniff out anything, but it wasn't for lack of trying. *********** At the airport, Willie and Dove were the first to arrive. There was a man walking around with a sign that said "AU Ladies" on it. Willie and Dove went up to him and asked him if he was there to meet the ladies from the Anything Undertaker List. He said yes and that his name was Karl. To please follow him. He escorted them to the First Class Lounge where they had snacks and beverages, along with fruits set up for the ladies. Willie and Dove were talking as Taj and Anne were ushered in. Kal, Dville Fran and Jade arrived next. Lady B entered as the ladies were all talking excited. "Hey Sisters. I’m here" she said as she went around the group and they hugged. As they greeted each other Stonewall and Sandra came storming through the door. "Are all the ladies here now?" Karl asked. "We’re just waiting for the elderly person on the list" Lady B said with a laugh as he exited again to go wait for Lady Cat. "Ohhhh. You’re in for it" Dville said. "Yeah, wait until Cat hears that you called her a member of the over the hill gang" Kal added. "Talking about me?" Cat asked as she sauntered in. "We sure were" Lady B said as Cat came over to the group and greeted everyone with a hug. "Now that should be everyone" Lady B said to Karl. "Ladies, if you will follow me I will escort you to your hotel" Karl said. He headed outside and parked right in front was a white stretch limo that Lady B could have sworn was a half a block long. He opened the door and ushered each of the ladies inside. Their luggage was put into a van that was to follow the limo to the hotel. Upon arrival at the hotel Karl told the ladies to wait for him in the foyer as he headed to the counter to check them in. He came back a few minutes later with 12 keys in his hands. He handed them out and walked with the ladies to the elevators. He instructed the bellhops as to what room each bag went to and then went upstairs with the ladies. "A meet and greet" dinner will be held at exactly 7:00 p.m. tonight. Your hostess will be Linda McMahon and she has a few surprise invited guests for you ladies to meet. She did tell me to inform you that you would also be meeting the host of "Confidential" because he wanted to get some insight on you ladies before the taping of the show. As to who the other invited surprise guests are, I’m not sure who they are, but I’m sure you ladies are in for a pleasant surprise. I will be back to escort all of you to the dinner so please be ready at 6:45 p.m. Until then you are free to go shopping or do as you please. Just remember, 6:45 p.m." he said again as he left towards the elevators. "I wonder who the guests will be" Anne asked as she opened the door to her room. "I bet its some of the wrestlers" Jade yelled down the hall as she too opened the door to her room. It appeared that they had the whole west wing of hotel on the 7th floor to themselves. As they had taken all the rooms on that side. Once 5:00 p.m. arrived that side of the hotel became a beehive of activity as the ladies went from room to room making sure everyone was ready on time and helping button buttons, pin hair and just help each other with whatever needed fixing. At 6:45 p.m they all exited their rooms and were talking in the hallway as Karl exited the elevator. "I see you ladies are ready" he said. "Shall we go then" he added as he held the elevator door open and the ladies entered. At the lobby they went down the main hallway and through swinging doors. They were in a restaurant/bar. Karl signaled for them to follow him and he led them to the back of the restaurant and through another set of swinging doors. As they entered they saw that this was a part of the restaurant used for catering of parties. Sitting at the head table was Linda with Gene and several of the wrestlers that the ladies recognized immediately. Some of the ones present were Kane, Christian, Edge, Matt, Rock, Jericho, O’Haire, Test, Eddie Guerrero, HHH, Bradshaw, Brock, Batista, Cena and several others. Linda came up to the ladies and greeted them all warmly. "Ladies, I know that this is something that you have all been looking forward to for a long time. And now is your opportunity to talk the wrestlers and get to know them. Some of the guys were unable to be here because of prior commitments but you will have the opportunity to meet with them tomorrow. I’m sure this will be an evening you won’t soon forget. How about you all just sit down at any of the tables and after dinner the guys will take turns going to the tables so that they can sit and talk to you" Linda said. As she spoke Lady B looked around and was a little disappointed that Taker wasn’t there. She sat down at one of the tables and both Rock and Edge came to sit with her. She talked with them, but every so often she would look around without them noticing to see if she saw the big man. Willie, Dove, Fran and Stonewall made a bee line to where Kane was sitting and they surrounded him as they sat down. Kal had Jericho all to herself and was loving every minute of it. Jade was surrounded by Eddie, O’Haire, Test, Batista and when you looked at her she was glowing. Cat looked over at Kane and smiled. She sat down with Dville and Taj and were soon surrounded by some of the other wrestlers. Matt and Brock were both trying to talk to Anne at the same time and she had this big smile plastered on her face. Dinner was about to be served when Lady B felt someone place a hand on her shoulder. She looked at the hand on her shoulder and followed it as she noticed tattoos running up the forearm and over the bicep, then further up to see the face of the man himself staring back at her. "Mind if I join you" he asked. "Not at all" she barely whispered. Taker pulled up a chair, looked at Edge and Edge moved his chair over so that Taker could sit down next to Lady B. "I’ve been looking forward to talking to you" he said as he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. ‘Am I dreaming’ Lady B said to herself as she felt his lips make contact with her face. She so wanted to turn her face until his lips were in contact with hers but didn’t dare for fear or waking up from the delicious dream that she was having (or thought she was having). Rock and Edge looked at each other and got up and went to join Cat’s table where everyone was talking and laughing.

chapter 27 - Lady Cat After dinner, every one went to the adjoining room for dancing and after dinner drinks. The band was setting up when they entered. Just as everyone sat at their tables the music began. Taker took B by the hand to the dance floor. "Have you thought over what I emailed you?' he asked. For a bit, B forgot about the email he had sent then she remembered. "Yes," she replied. Cat and Kane joined them on the floor. "O'Haire and Taker have asked Jade and B to each be their bride." "Oh?" Cat arched her brows. "Are you asking me the same thing?" "Would you?" he asked. Cat devilishly smiled. "You don't know me very well." "Well, if you became my bride, we'd have all the time to get very acquainted," he said, tilting his head just a bit. At the table, Matt and Brock were "discussing" which one was going to dance with Anne, who sat between them dreamy eyed. Kal and Jericho were in a world of their own. Edge had Fran laughing at some the antics he had done when he first came in to wrestling. Rock had Willie giggling as he whispered something in her ear. "Mamacita, would you care to dance?" Guerrero asked Dville who nodded. "Maam, would you care to dance with this Texan?" Bradshaw drawled, extending his hand to Dove. To Taj's surprise, Rey Mysterio asked her so one can imagine the conversation they had, all in Spanish. At the largest table, Jade would have reminded you of Scarlett O'Hara as she looked at each of her "harem." She pointed at each one, saying "eeny meeny, mineny, mo" till her finger stopped in front of O'Haire. The rest were disappointed but she assured them she would dance with each and every one of them before the night was over with. After a couple of hours the band took a break. Taker and Kane excused themselves as they motioned for Linda to speak to her. "Just to let you know, Linda, Heyman and Bischoff have been asking the guys a lot of questions. So far they've all kept their mouths shut." "Hmmph," Linda said. "That figures. The little shitheads. Mean Gene 's been asked a lot by Vince. He told Vince exactly what I told him to tell him; that I'm planning a surprise birthday party. It'll be a surprise alright," she snickered. "Everything seems to be going fine." The two smiled and nodded. Linda noticed them looking at B and Cat across the room. "Uh Huh," she nodded knowingly. "Just tell the guys to keep it quiet as long as they can. We have only a couple more weeks till the special. Tomorrow we have the girls going to the studio to sit and talk informally with Gene so he can get a feel for who they are and what they'll expect when the taping begins, which shouldn't take more than a couple of days." She turned to leave. "Oh, before I forget. They have to be there early, so don't keep them out too late," she added with a wink. "This should be an interesting two weeks," Kane commented as Linda left the room. "Yep, very interesting," Taker added. "Let's get back to the girls. After we've taken them back to the hotel, we'll need to speak to the guys again about keeping things quiet."

chapter 28 - Jade As their night came to an end, the guys walked the ladies to their rooms. Afterward, they were to meet in Taker's room. "Where are Edge and O'Haire?" Taker asked as he scanned the room. "I think Fran and Jade tied them to their beds," Kane laughed. "We're here," they said as they entered the room, and closed the door. "Now, guys, I can't stress it enough how top secret these ladies' visit is. Vince caught wind that something is up, but he doesn't know what. Now, he has his goons, Heyman and Bischoff, pumping people for information. Avoid them if it is possible, and if you are confronted by them, play dumb. It shouldn't be hard for some of you." He looked at Christian. "Now, that's not right..." "You don't want Sandra to go home, do you?" Taker cut in. "Hell no." "Ok, then. Keep your mouth shut. Same goes for the rest of you. "The ladies will be in town for two weeks. Don't let them make you forget your obligations, and don't make them forget their's. They have to meet Gene early in the morning, so there won't be any late night escapades tonight." "Wait. You're joking, right?" O'Haire asked. "Does it look like I am? Linda wants them rested for their meeting with Gene." "Alright, Taker." "Now, everyone go get some rest. We all have house shows tomorrow night. We'll come back to town Sunday." The guys all filed out of the room, and most headed to their own, with the exception of O'Haire, Christian and Edge. "Where the hell are you three going?" Kane asked. "We're going for a walk. Got a problem with that?" Edge said. "You heard Taker. Get some rest." "Last time I checked, Taker wasn't my momma. I'll go to bed when I'm ready," Sean said. "I'm not going to be held responsible for your asses." "We're old enough to take care of our own asses, Kane," Christian said. He shook his head. "Goodnight." As the three walked to the elevators, Edge asked, "are you two going to the west wing of the sixth floor?" "Yeah. I gotta get my coat back from Jade," O'Haire said. "I think I gave Sandra my cell phone, instead of my number," Christian said. Edge laughed. "I'm not going to make up an excuse. I want to go see Fran." They all laughed as they got on the elevator. *************************** Linda made it home just as Vince was preparing for bed. "Where have you been, my dear?" "Oh, I've been working on a few things with Taker and Kane. You know how they are. They're night-owls." "Since when? Kane's usually in bed by ten." "Since I asked them to come in after hours, and help me with something." She kissed Vince's cheek, then went to get ready for bed. After Linda started her shower, Vince went into his study, and locked the door. He made a three-way call to Paul Heyman and Eric Bischoff. "I want you two to keep a real close eye on your rosters. And, I want to know why Kane and Taker are meeting with my wife after hours." "You got it, boss," Heyman said. "Kane won't talk to me," Bischoff whined. "Make him. Linda said they were working on something. I want to know what it is." Eric sighed. "Alright, Vince." ****************************** The next morning, B went through the hall knocking on doors. "Wake your asses up, ladies. We have a meeting to get to." Sandra was the first one to answer the call. She stuck her head out the door. "Give me a chance to get dressed." She knocked on a few more doors, then she came to Fran's. As she went to knock, the door opened, and Edge stood in front of her. "Uh... Hi, Lady B." Her jaw fell. "Uh... Hi." "Excuse me. I'm running late." She stepped out of his way, and watched as he walked down the hall. "Oh, hell no..." She went into Fran's room, fully intent on tearing into Fran for messing with one of her husbands, when she found her fully dressed on the bed asleep. She looked at her sleeping friend, and softened. "Wake up, Fran." Her head lifted off of the pillow, and looked at B. "Mornin', Sis. Did Adam leave?" "He just left." "We were up most of the night talking." B's eyebrow lifted. As long as that was all you two were doing..." Fran laughed. "I swear, B." "Alright, get up and get dressed." B carried on down the hall, making sure everyone was getting up. When she got to Jade's door, she heard talking and movement coming from inside, just before the door opened. "I'm up, mi hermana." "Uh-huh. Why are you still wearing Sean's coat?" "Because it's warm and comfy, and..." "And Sean's in your room." Jade gave her a lazy grin. "Every new marriage deserves a honeymoon." "You claimed him as your husband two years ago. The honeymoon is over." Sean stepped up behind her, and wrapped her in his arms. "I didn't claim her until a few days ago. Let's call it a renewing of our vows." "Quit playing with your man, Jade, and get your ass in gear." "Yes, ma'am!"

chapter 29 - Lady B Once all the girls were ready they headed down to the lobby. Once they stepped out of the elevator, B pulled Fran to the side. "Excuse me, but what exactly were you and my husband doing all night in your room" B said as she placed her hands on her hips. "I swear B, we were just talking" Fran said. "If you were talking to him the way I would have been talking to him, there wasn’t much said" B said as she leaned in towards Fran. "Well . . . " Fran started. "I knew it. You just stole my husband" B said with murder in her eyes. "Really . . . B . . . I didn’t mean for anything to happen" Fran stammered. "It’s okay sis. B said with a smile on her face. He prefers you to me, so I guess I’ll just have to take him off of my husband’s list." "You . . . you . . . you . . . ugh" Fran said as they hugged. They joined the rest of the ladies as the limo pulled up to the hotel and Karl came into the lobby. If you ladies are ready, Gene and Mrs. McMahon are waiting for you at the studio. All the ladies followed him and piled into the limo. ********************* Meanwhile Kane had arrived at the arena for his house show and was approached by Bishoff. "Kane, got a minute?" Bishoff asked. Kane stopped and looked down at Bishoff. "What exactly is going on with you and Taker?" He asked. "What do you mean" Kane replied as he tilted his head and let his bag slip off of his shoulder onto the floor. "I didn’t mean anything. Just that the word is out that you two have been meeting with Linda until the wee hours of the morning" Bishoff said as he looked at Kane. Kane stepped closer to Bishoff, pinning him to the wall, and you could visibly see him flinch. "Nothing. But if you must know we are planning a surprise for Vince" Kane added. "Oh you mean a surprise for his birthday?" Bishoff jumped in and said. "You could say that" Kane added with that sly grin. "Oh, Okay" Bishoff said as he skirted along the wall until he was free from in front of Kane and running down the hall. Once Taker arrived at his arena for his house show he had a similar encounter with Heyman. "I don’t think that what I do on my time away from her is any of your concern" Taker said to Heyman as he adjusted the glove on his right hand and flexed the fingers. "I know that, its just that talk is going around that something is going on an I would like to be in on it" Heyman replied swallowing heavily and with his eyes bulging. Taker looked at him and slapped the wall with the palm of his gloved hand next to Heyman’s head. "Well little man. If you must know, we are planning the surprise of Vince’s life" Taker replied. "Is it for his birthday? Can I be in on it? Heyman asked. "Well there will be something you can do, but I’ll let you know what it is as soon as we lay the rest of the plan out. For now, not a word to Vince. You hear? Taker said. "Of Course" Heyman replied as Taker removed his hand from the wall and walked off towards his locker room trying not to laugh. He had just figured out how to get to Heyman and Bishoff at the same time. They were going to have them bring Vince to the studio for the showing of the special Confidential without him or them knowing exactly what was going on and Vince would be so pissed off at the two of them that he would fire them on the spot. ***************** The girls were ushered into the studio and there were bar stools set up in two rows for them to sit on. The second row was slightly higher than the one in front. B walked in first and she sat on the first stool on the first row. The rest of the girls followed suit until they were all sitting down. Gene came in with Linda and greeted them. “Ladies. I just have few questions to ask you, so that I can get a feel for which of the wrestlers are your favorites”. He went down the line asking them their names, what kind of work they did, where they lived and who were there favorites. He asked them to talk candidly and they did. What they didn’t know was that this was part of the show and they were being filmed.

chapter 30 - Lady Cat The show's producer had everyone take a short break. He informed the girls they did just fine. The girls were shown to a small lounged where drinks and snacks were laid out on a table. After helping themselves they sat and relaxed. B came over to Cat and Jade's table. "What was that between you and Fran about?" Cat asked. "Nothing," B shrugged. "I found out that Edge prefers her over me so he is off my husband list." Cat smiled. "I know how that is. Have you accepted to be Taker's bride?" B stopped, her drink in mid air. "What?" "Have you said yes to him?" B swallowed hard. "How did you know?" "I knew before we flew here. A certain little, or should I say, big red bird told me. I also know about you and O'Haire." Cat nodded at Jade. "How?" "Well, I figured out who Dark Lover and BigMonster was. I found his email and told him. He admitted to it and that's when he told me about you two." B and Jade looked at each other. "Don't worry," Cat said. "No one else knows. I told them it would be kept a secret. Besides, Kane asked me last night while we were dancing. I answered that he didn't know me very well. His reply was that we would have a lot of time to get acquainted." The assistant producer came in and said it was time to go back to the studio. The girls finished their drinks and headed back to the studio. Once the girls were comfortable, Gene began questioning them more about their favorite wrestlers. Vince was grilling Heyman and Bischoff. "Is that all they told you? That it's a surprise for me? Nothing else?" Both men nodded. "Kane was tight lipped as usual," Bischoff said. "I asked Taker if I could be in on it," Heyman added. "He responded that he would have something for me to do and he would let me know once the rest of the plan was laid out." "Good work," Vince told Heyman. "Linda, you're not quite as smart as you think you are," he chuckled to himself. Back at the studio "I understand from my sources that you women are part of a fan group." "Yes," Jade nodded. "We're called Anything-Undertaker. We're all Undertaker fans but we are fans of other wrestlers as well. B is the owner and moderator of the group. And she has her own web site." "It's called The Wrestling Crypt," B said. "Describe your site." "Well, it's about all the WWE wrestlers. It has pics of the wrestlers that were taken by me and some of the other girls. We have special sections for certain wrestlers such as Taker, Kane, Rock. The site has won quite a few awards already." "I see. I've already checked it out and noticed you have an area called Fan Fic." "That area is where stories that were written by members of our group are posted for everyone to read." "What kind of stories?" "Just about every kind," Anne said. "Of course, some of them are rather explicit, but we do give them a rating such as PG-17 etc." "How do you girls come up with your ideas?" "I know for me I sometimes use ideas that come from TV, books, movies, and redo them to fit. And I use things that I've experienced in real life for my ideas plus I do have quite a few originals," Cat said. "Interesting," Gene said. "Now, has it ever occurred to any of you that maybe your ideas would be read by someone that maybe would use your ideas as their own?" The girls looked at each other. "We have noticed from time to time that some of the storylines used on RAW and Smackdown are very similar to what some of us have written," Jade said. "What would you do if you found out that someone was using them?" "I'd call it stealing," B said.

chapter 31 - Jade "Isn't that a little severe, considering the talent used in your ideas are property of WWE?" Gene asked "I don't think so. The talent may belong to WWE, but our ideas belong to us individually, and they are being used without our knowledge or consent. That still counts as stealing," Dove answered. "What would you say if I told you that your ideas are being taken by none other than the head honcho himself, Vincent Kennedy McMahon?" "It wouldn't surprise me at all. He seems like he's just enough of a low down bottom feeder to sneak on to our group and do something like that," Lady Cat said. "Why, in your opinion, do you think he would?" "Because his ideas are starting to suck. The fans can only take so much of Triple H or JBL before we change the channel. Some, like me, change the channel as soon as they come out," Jade said. "Don't get me wrong. I used to be a big fan of both, but their over-exposure has grown tiresome." "Who do you view as the perfect wrestler?" The entire group said, "Undertaker." "Why?" "He comes out, takes care of business, and goes backstage. He doesn't take half an hour just talking trash," Fran said. "He's a very respectable man, a great wrestler, and he makes it short and sweet. He doesn't dance around a subject, just to get more time on tv, even though most of us would like to see more of him," Anne said. *************************** As Linda watched the taping behind a glass, her cell phone rang. "Hello." "Hello, dear. Where are you?" "I'm in a meeting with Gene at the studio." "I'm on my way there right now. I need to get started on the anniversary show." "I'll see you when you get here, Vince. How far away are you?" "Twenty minutes." "Alright. Bye." "Bye." Linda hung up the phone, and tapped on the glass. When she got Gene's attention, she gave him the signal to wrap it up. He got up from his stool, and went to the door. "We're far from done, Linda." "Vince is on his way here. We have two weeks to get the show together. Wrap it up for today." He nodded as he went back in to explain the situation to the ladies. "Vince is on his way here, so we have to get all of you out of here. Karl is waiting outside with the limo, to take you anywhere you want to go. We'll continue this later."

chapter 32 - Fran As the ladies leave the studio Linda walks into the room with Gene. "I told Vince we were in a meeting." she tells him. They go back into the office & have just sat down at the conference table when Vince & his two stoogies walk in. Linda looks at them, "Paul, Eric, what an unexpected, um, pleasure." she tells them with a slight snear in her voice. "Okay, Gene, I guess that will cover it for today. Do some checking on that problem that was being discussed & get back to me on it." she tells him as they stand up, ready to leave the room. Vince has walked over & picked up the papers in front of Linda, on it he's sees written 8/24, then he sees under it a list of names. Linda reaches for the paper & pulls it out of his hands, "Come on Vince, these are my private papers, & they contain things that you shouldn't see right now. It will ruin the surprise." sahe tells him as she sits back down at the table & opens her briefcase, putting the papers inside. Vince sits, motioning for the men to sit back down, "Gene," he says, "stay a while longer I have some ideas I want to run by you all. I'm just waiting on the kids to show up." he says as he looks around with an almost shit eating grin on his face. Linda nods as she pulls on her notebook, ready to make notes. The door opens & Shane comes in, followed closely by Stephanie & Paul. They all come over to kiss her cheek, as Stephanie says, "What have you been up to lately, Mom. I have been trying to get in touch with you a couple days." she tells her as she sits next to her. Linda looks at her daughter & smiles as she says, "I've been in the planning stages of your father's birthday party. It was going to be a surprise, but he found out about it." she says looking at Heyman & Bischoff. Vince chuckles as he gives them a smile, "Can't keep anything from the old man." he tells them. "Now, down to business. I've been doing some thinking & as you all know we have had a few of our Divas in Playboy over the past few years. They have made megabucks for ol' Hugh. Now, what I'm thinking about doing is putting out a magazine that will show the male superstars in, well, not nude pictures but semi nude ones. We have a lot of lady fans & I kind of theink they'd get a kick out of seeing the men like that." he says looking around a the table. A few jaws drop open & then Paul says, "Vince, what are you talking about? We do that now, in every issue of the RAW & Smackdown magazines you show us in our gear." "You don't get it, Paul." Vince says looking at his son in law, "the pictures won't be in your gear, I'll show you coming out of the shower, maybe even in the shower, maybe even some ass, naked ass. That's what I'm talking about." he tells them. "Where did this idea come from?" Linda asks looking at her husband. "Oh I dreamed it up. I guess you can say it came to me in my sleep one night. I've been thinking about it awhile & decided to go for it. I have a crew coming in to start the thing off next week." he says. "Man" he laughs, "I just got to figure out who to showcase first." he says with a laugh. "I was thinking that we'd just do one superstar per issue, oh have other small shots & then stories but one main centerfold, I guess you'd say. Now who do you think we should go with first?" he asks looking around at them. Stephanie looks at her mother & then at her father, "I can tell you who you won't ever use & that's Paul. I refuse to let him pose nude for some soft porn magazine so alot of overweight women can droll over him." she says, crossing her arms over her chest. Leaning over to pat her hand, "Don't worry, princess, I was thinking more along the lines of Mark or Glen for the first issue. What do you think about that?" he asks. As Bischoff & Heyman fall over themselves agreeing with him Linda looks at Gene, gives a small nod, that only he sees & then she looks back at her husband, "Vince, I don't know what to say. I guess it's true, you can top yourself with your ideas" she is saying as he beams at her, "Your bad ideas. How many of the guys do you really think will agree with this dreadful idea of yours?" she asks. Shane gives a laugh, "Dad, I have to agree with mom, I don't think any of the wives will go for it. Hell, Sara will come kick your ass if you try to put 'Taker in a nudie magazine, hell, he'll kick your ass." he says, shaking his head. Paul looks at them, "Hey, speaking of 'Taker I saw him at a hotel the other night, my parents are in town & they are staying at this hotel downtown & I saw him there with a woman & it wasn't Sara. Hell, come to think about it, I saw Adam at the same hotel, with some woman also, looked very cosy with her too. I almost went over to say hello, but they got in the elevator kind of fast, it was like he didn't wnat anyone to see him with her. Then I noticed that Mark had done the same thing too." he says with a look on his face that says he's wondering what they are up too. "Interesting" says Vince & Linda at the same time. She's thinking that she's going to have to have a talk with all the superstars about what they are doing with the AU ladies, while Vince is wondering how he can use this to convince them to pose for his magazine. Meanwhile across town, at said hotel, a few of the ladies are getting ready to meet in the lobby for a day spent shopping, while others are getting ready to spend some time with a few certain men, hoping no one will find out & then we have a couple who are already spending time with a couple of certain men, behind closed & locked doors.

chapter 33 - Lady B "Huh? You have got to be kidding!!!" Taker said when Linda told him what Vince was planning regarding the magazine. "There is no fucking way I’m going to sit on my bike with a thong and chaps on. My package will remain hidden until I decide to pull it out" He yelled as he paced the room. "Sit on a rock at the water’s edge with just a pair of red see through boxers? What am I, a Chippendale’s dancer? Nah Ha" Kane chirped in when Linda told him what Vince wanted him to wear for his photo shoot. "Vince has literally taken the idea from Lady Cat’s story The Magazine for his picture shoot ideas. He must think people don’t read what those ladies post on The Crypt or in their e-mails back and forth. Doesn’t he know that he can be sued if he steals that idea?" Taker added. "Apparently not. He thinks that since he owns the names to all you guys that he can do as he pleases and not have to worry about being sued" Linda replied. "I wouldn’t mind coming out in a magazine without my shirt on, but I will not pose in anything like that" Taker said as he turned and looked at Linda. "Taker, I have to agree with you on that. I don’t think any of the guys would agree to pose in those provocative outfits and poses, but its as the ladies say, there is eye candy for the men, but none for the women" Linda added. "First off, let’s see what happens with Vince’s ‘idea’ when the ladies find out that it is being tossed around as something that Vince has decided he wants to do" Linda stated. "You can count me out of that magazine" Kane said. "That would be like my standing in the sand wearing my mask and a red thong. There is no way I’m going to do that" Kane said as he turned to look at Linda and saw that she had a smile on her face and a faraway look in her eyes. "Linda, did you hear me?" Kane asked. "Um . . . yes I did" she replied coming back to the present. ************ Meanwhile Vince sat there with Heyman and Bishoff. "Now, let’s see how I’m going to approach the wrestlers to let them know what I want them to do" Vince said. "Well, you may be able to intimidate certain wrestlers like RVD, Jericho, Edge, Christian and the likes of them by telling them that if they don’t do as you say, they will wind up without a job, but when it comes to Taker and Kane, that will be another story" Bishoff stated. "Yeah, those two may pound you into the ground without thinking about it twice" Heyman added. "Well, I’ve got news for them. I’m Vincent K. McMahon and what I say is law" Vince yelled as he stood up and paced back and forth while his face got red and puffed up. "They will do as I say or I will make sure that they never wrestle again. Or I may make them join the famous ‘Kiss My Ass’ club just to come back" Vince yelled as he continued to strut across the room like a rooster with his chest puffed up. Heyman looked at Bishoff and stated "I guess we better start making funeral arrangements, cause if he tries that, he is a deadman. Literally". ************ Cat, Dove, B, Jade, Willie, Fran and some of the other ladies were sitting at one of the tables in the bar at the hotel having a cocktail. "What do you think of the way they shooed us out of the studio this afternoon" Willie said as she took a swig from her beer. "Something was definitely up" Jade added as she too, drank from her beer. "I just think that Vince was about to make an appearance and Linda didn’t want him to see us there" Cat piped in as she sipped on her Margarita. "That’s exactly what I think" Lady B said as she grabbed her pina colada and emptied the glass, as she signaled for the waitress. As the ladies sat there drinking they didn’t notice that the Coach had entered the bar and was sitting in a corner table looking them over and making notes. He wanted to make sure that he reported everything he observed and all of the conversations to his boss. "Man, Mr. McMahon is going to pay me handsomely when he finds out that the ladies he’s been stealing ideas from are here in Connecticut. I wonder what they are doing here? Maybe they came down for the taping of Summerslam which will be in a week" he thought to himself as he jotted something down in his pad. He did not have a clue that they were there for the special confidential, as even Vince did not know that it was being filmed.

chapter 34 - Lady Cat When Taker and Kane got back to the hotel, the first thing Taker did was meet with all the guys. “It has been reported that some of you were seen with some of the girls from the A-U group going around town and leaving their hotel. I don’t think I need mention who it was that told Vince. This is the last warning. You are not, repeat, not to be seen with those girls at any time or be staying at their hotel. The next one that does will get a one good ass-whoopin’ by me. Linda has gone through a lot to get them here and to keep Vince from finding out. One slip by any of you will fuck up the works, so keep the fly zipped or you’ll have a hard time explaining the bruises at the next house show. Another thing, Vince wants to do a magazine of men like he does the divas.” “What?” “One of the women wrote a story about a magazine of men posing in nothing more than thongs. Vince is seriously considering the idea and will do whatever it takes to make you guys do it. And we all know what he is capable of doing. ” The guys quietly left the room. Their days of fun brought to an abrupt end. “Think they’ll cool their jock straps?” Kane asked. “Let’s hope so. If not, all hell will break loose.” Kane nodded. “Have you read that story yet?” Taker shook his head. “Not yet, but I think the both of us need to right now. After that we need to see Cat and B as soon as we can.” “Did you see the look on Linda’s face though at the thought of us in practically nothing?” Kane shook his head. “You don’t think she would go along with that do you?” Taker shook his head as he booted his computer and went to B’s web site. “Holy Jesus!” Kane whistled.” Who would have thought….. Cat has a very active imagination!” “Whew! We have to talk to them before Vince goes any further.” Taker called Linda and asked if they could use her limo. After finding out what for, Linda said yes and added she would go along just in case. At the restaurant, B had excused herself to go to the restroom. As she got to the door, she looked back at the guy who was two tables behind them and doing his best to hide behind a newspaper and shook her head. “No, couldn’t be him,” and went on into the restroom. Coachman peeked from behind the paper and watched the girls at the table. Cat got up to go to the restroom. Coachman ducked behind the paper but not before Cat saw him from the corner of her eye. “What is he doing here?” She went on to the bathroom and entered just as B answered her cell phone. “Hello?” “B, this is Taker.” “Hi, Taker.” “Is Cat with you?” “Yeah, why?” “Kane and I need to see the both of you right now. We’re coming in Linda’s limo and she’ll be with us. Where are you at now?” “We’re in the hotel bar with the other girls.” “Well, make up something to get yourselves excused and go to the back of the hotel. We’ll pick you up there.” B hung up. “What’s going on?” Cat asked. “Taker said he needed to see the both of us right away. From the sound of his voice, it sounds like something is up.” “You know, I saw Coachman sitting two tables behind us. I bet he was spying on us.” “Hmm. Vince more than likely sent him. We’ll find out once the guys get here. We’re to excuse ourselves and go to the back of the hotel. They’ll be picking us up in Linda’s limo. She’ll be coming too.” When they got back to the table, B said she and Cat had something to look over and would be back in a couple of hours. The girls said okay, but before they left, Cat whispered for them to be careful about what they said. “Coachman is sitting a couple of tables behind you, watching everything you do. You know he’s one of Vince’s brown nosers. So button your lips.” B and Cat left the bar and headed through the lobby to an exit door that led to the back of the hotel. The limo arrived just as they exited the back door. They got in quickly and left. “Okay, what’s up?” B asked. “I just came from a meeting with Vince this morning. Gene, Steph, Paul, Eric, and Shane were there also. It seems he came with a new idea. His new idea is to do an actual magazine exactly as what you wrote about, Lady Cat.” The girls’ mouths dropped. “Oh my God!” Cat was able to say. Linda nodded. “So we have him dead to rights, but, I’ve heard that some of your girls were spotted by Vince’s two brown nosers with some of the guys around town and that the guys were seen coming out of the hotels. I don’t think I need to say more about what that could do if he ever catches wind of what they’re here for.” “The guys have been talked to already and have been informed of what will happen to them if they continue,” Taker added. “Cat spotted Coachman at the restaurant. He was watching our table very closely,” B said. Linda’s mouth set in a grim line. “That’s not good. So far the ploy of a surprise party has worked, but if Coachman catches wind of it and tells Vince, the whole thing will fall apart. B, you and Cat will have to tell your girls to cool it.” “Don’t worry, I’ll tell them. Cool it or go home,” B said. “I might suggest, Linda, that in case we’re spotted with you, you could always say that you were talking to the caterer about the party.” “Good idea,” Linda nodded. “What was just a simple come in tape and leave is now a game of who can hide from who.” “What I want to know is, what ever possessed you to write such a story?” Kane asked Cat. Cat shrugged. “I just took from what McMahon did with the Divas. It was merely to be entertaining, nothing to be taken seriously.” “Well, Vince has taken it very seriously,” Linda said. “And he will do whatever it takes to get that magazine published. Of course, Steph informed the group that her Trips will not be displayed for a bunch of overweight women to gawk at.” “Trust us, we wouldn’t want to look at him either,” Cat said. “Out of curiosity, would you two girls like to see these two as centerfolds?” Linda asked. “Linda!” Taker and Kane exclaimed together. B and Cat were quiet for a bit. “Well, Linda, a lot of women would,” B replied. ‘But we know they wouldn’t pose like that for real,” Cat added. Taker and Kane breathed a sigh of relief. “Even though they have the right stuff.” Both men put their heads in their hands and groaned at the same time while Linda put her hand over her mouth and snickered. “But the bottom line is, your husband stole my idea from B’s web site and used it as his own, and he needs to own up to it,” Cat said. “Personally, I’d kick him in the balls.” “Well,” Linda cleared her throat. “That’s why we have you here taping the show.” “Too bad you couldn’t make him admit on television,” B said. "And I promise, the girls will be told by the both of us as soon as we get back."

chapter 35 - Fran After Cat & B leave the hotel, the other women decide to have another drink, & knowing full well Coach is listening to them, start to talk. "Well," says Taj "I know I want to see Eddie, man he's a hunk." she says taking a sip of her drink. "I myself can't wait to see O'Haire" says Jade, "He's one of my favorite husbands." she continues. Getting groans back from the others she laughs, "You are all just jealious because you don't have him." she laughs. "Hell" says Willie, "you have the biggest harem in the group, girl, you didn't leave anyone for anyone else & when it comes to your husbands, you want to see them all." Dove looks at everyone & winks as she says, "Well, I want to see Coach, I think he's just about the best looking man in the WWE, even better than Rocky." a remark that is made with a perfectlyu stright face on her part but causes the other ladies to break out in laughter. On the other side of the row of plants where Coach is sitting, having moved closer to be able to hear better, he looks at the women he can just barely see through the plants. Dove continues, "I would love to meet him, he doesn't get what he deserves at all. Being on Heat, come on, put him back in JR's place." she says. Fran shakes her head, "Girlfriend, you slay me. How can you even sit there & say that with a stright face. I will tell you the truth, he is not better looking than the Rock & don't even say that again, you hear me." Jade, who can see Coach through the plants herself sees him almost puffing his chest out as they are talking & almost spits her drink out across the table, she is laughing so hard. They continue along that way for awhile, each ribbing the other about who they want to see at Summerslam. In a few minutes Jade gets up, saying, "Potty patrol" as she leans over to get her purse she says under her breath to Willie, "It's time to let Caoch know we know he's here, watch this." Getting a nod back she goes to the bathroom, knowong Willie will let the others know what she's up too. As she comes back she "sees" him sitting behind them, "Oh my God, Coach" she says almost at the top of her lungs. "This is so cool" she continues as all the ladies jump up from where they are sitting & rush around the divider to where he's sitting, trying to hide behin a newspaper. "Hello, how are you ladies today?" he asks as he tries to gather up the papers he's been writing on. As Fran sits down she knocks his drink over on them, "Oh God", she says, "I'm so sorry about that." she tells him as she try to clean up the mess before it covers all the papers, but getting them all soaked in the process. "I guess that this won't be a good time to ask for your autograph, would it?" says Willie. He looks at the mess all his notes has become & then at the women, all standing around him. "No, it's okay, they wasn't anything real important." he tells them, thinking maybe he can dry the out & can still use them. At that minute, the waitress has shown up & he watches as Fran picks up all his notes, dripping wet & hands them to the waitress, "Please throw this mess out." she says sweetly. All he can do is graon inwardly as he watches them being tossed into a garbage can & then he watches as a almost full pot of coffee is poured in on top of them. He looks back at the women & gives a small smile, "Okay, let's see, autographs, right." he says as he gets a pen shoved at him. Jade looks at Fran over his head & gives her a smile, as he starts to sign the papers that is givien to him. He finishes looks up at them & smiles, "Now what brings you ladies to this fair city?" he asks. Dove looks at him, "What else, silly, Summerslam." she tells him. He nods, "so you all have tickets for it?" he says. They nod, "Great ones too" says Jade, "we're on the first row, right behind where Tazz & Michael Cole sit." "Man, that's great, how did you ever score such great seats?" he asks. "I'm not real sure, a member of our group got them for us." Taj says. "Oh, what group is that?" he asks. "Oh," says Jade, "we are all the members of a, well, I guess you can say, fan club." At that minute Fran's cell phone rings, "Excuse me" she says as she steps aside, "Hello" she answers, then "Oh hi, no, this is okay,I'm just sitting in the bar here at the hotel talking to some of the girls & Coach." With a small laugh, "you heard me right, that's what I said." Then "yes, I was told the same thing earlier, we all were, I guess. Oh, okay, wait a minute," she says then looks at Jade, "Hey, sis, your cell phone is off, turn it on, okay." Jade nods as she reachs into her purse & gets her phone & turns it on. As she does it rings & she answers, saying, "excuse me, it's my husband." You hear her talking & everyone realizes, it is her husband, as she starts to talk to one of her children. As she hangs up it rings again & she looks at the ID, "Hey, it's Cat" she says, knowing she has to share what is going on. "Hey, sis, feeling better?" she asks as she answers. "Oh, we are all still together here in the bar & you'll never guess who we are talking too right now." she says with a laugh, "No silly, we're talking to Coach. He was sitting at the table right behind us & I saw him when I went to potty. Girl, this is so cool, who would have ever guessed we'd be having drinks with him, or well in Fran's case, wearing his drink, after she poured it all over the table, on him & all his papers, but he was so cool with that, didn't even get too upset & he gave us all his autograph." Laughing, "that's right, you heard it all right. Okay, we'll see you later. Hope you get to feeling better." she says. In a few minutes Fran looks down at her wet clothes, "well, I think I'll go change into something a little dryer." she says with a laugh. "Coach, I'm really sorry I did that, God, I'm so embaressed about it. My mother always said she was glad she didn't name me Grace because I'm anything but graceful." she tells him. "Don't worry about it, I'm not. They were just some mindless thoughts I'd wrote down but I think I can remember most of them" he tells her, praying it's the truth. After Fran leaves the other ladies decide to leave too, until Coach is again sitting by himself. He looks over at the garbage can, wondering if he can still read any of what he wrote down & watches as the same waitress is putting in a clean garbage bag. He shakes his head & leaves the hotel, pulling out his cell as he goes to call Vince to tell him what he can remember of the conversation he heard. As he walks away four different pairs of eyes watch him leave the hotel. Three sets are together in a limo that is parked on the corner & watch as he stops & talks on the phone. 'Taker looks over at Linda & Kane, "well, he's calling Vince, wonder what all happened in that bar." As they watch him, Kane's cell phone rings, "Hello," he says then looks at the other two, "It's Cat." he tells them. He listens & laughs, "okay I'll let them know." he says then hanging up he tells the other two what had happened in the bar. The other set of eyes is watching from a window in the front lobby, then the man they belong too turns & heads to the elevators hoping he doesn't run into anyone, not really sure how he can explain them how it came about that he's staying in the hotel. He knows that if 'Taker or Kane or Linda finds out what he's up too he'll be in trouble but he knows he can't stay away from a certain lady in the AU group.

chapter 36 - Cat "Is that all?" Vince asked in exasperation. "That's it, Vince," Coach replied after explaining what happened at the bar. "They said they were here for Summerslam." "Damn!" Vince gruffed. "Get back here. You've done enough." Vince shook his head as he hung up. "Incompetent idiot," he muttered angrily. His office door opened. He looked up to see it was Linda. "Where have you been? I've been trying to get you for an hour." "I had some things to take care of and they required me to leave the office." Vince eyed her dubiously. "I'll bet," he said to himself. Seeing him in somewhat of a foul mood, she wondered if the phone call from Coach had anything to do with it. "Anything wrong, dear? You don't look very happy." "It's nothing," he replied. "Just a little indigestion." "Dear, you know what the doctor said about taking your antacid medicine," she said, pretending to be concerned. "I have to get back to my office. There are a few things that need my attention." She opened the door. "Now remember, don't forget your antacid." Once she was gone, Vince emitted a low growl. "I'm not finished yet." He felt his stomach churn. He reached in the drawer and popped a couple of antacid tablets in his mouth. At the hotel, Betty and Cat had the girls meet in Betty's room. "This is the first and last warning you'll get from us," Betty chided them after informing them of what was talked about with Taker and Kane. "No more fooling around. If you can't keep your legs closed, go home." "Linda has gone through too much for this to be screwed up because you can't control your hormones," Cat added. "So keep the legs closed." The girls looked at each other. None of them wanted to go home. "She's right," Fran said. "We almost got caught today." With one last sigh the girls left the room, their fun over with. After Jade had returned to her room, she heard a soft knock. She opened the door. It was Sean, who immediately entered. "What are you doing here?" Jade whispered. "We've been told we can't see you guys anymore. If we're caught, I'll be sent home." "We guys were told we couldn't see you girls either, but I had to come see you," he said, taking her in his arms. She pushed him away. "We can't. Now leave before we're caught." At the office, Vice had swallowed his antacid tablets with disgust. He drummed his fingers on the desk thinking of what he would do next. The phone rang. "Hello? Oh, it's you. What now?" Vince's brows arched. "You saw my wife's car go behind the hotel where the women are staying. Hmmm," he wondered, then remembered her mentioning about going out of the office. "Go ask her chauffeur." Linda's office phone buzzed. "Yes?" Linda listened, then nodded. "Thank you," she said and hung up. Immediately she dialed her chauffeur. "Yes, Mrs. McMahon." "Jerry, I have just gotten word that you will be asked where you took me and who we picked up. You know what to say." "Yes, Mrs. McMahon. I will take care of it." "Good. Let me know who it was." Linda hung up and grinned. "Two can play your game, my dear."

chapter 37 - Jade "You can't tell me you didn't have a good time the other night," Sean said, trying to persuade Jade to let him stay. She leaned her head on his chest, and let out a low moan. "You know I did, hun, but I don't want to go home. Not until I see Vince eat some crow. Otherwise, show be damned! I'd be in that bed with you right now." She looked up at him. "You don't want me to go back to Houston, do you?" He slid his thumb over her cheek, and smiled at her. "No. I'd rather you went to Atlanta with me." She looked at him in shock. "Are you asking me to go home with you?" He nodded. "Once the show is done with, I'd love to. But I can't right now, and we can't jeopardize Linda's surprise. So, until the show is done with, I can't see you." He leaned down, and softly kissed her. "Goodbye for now, my bride." She walked him to the door, and opened it. They were surprised to find both Lady B and Taker on the other side. "Oh, fuck," Sean and Jade said together. "Before you get mad, we haven't had enough time to do anything, and we have already had a talk about not seeing each other until it's over. That's why he's leaving now." "Is that right?" Taker said. "I've told him on several occasions not to come to this room, yet he was caught coming to this room once, and now leaving it twice." "Need I point out that you did exactly what you told us not to do?" Sean said. Jade elbowed him. "Don't make it any worse for yourself." "You should listen to the little lady," Taker said. "Come on, boy. We need to have a talk about keeping your zipper shut." Once Sean was in the hall, Taker slapped him in the back of the head. He turned around, looked at Taker, then turned to Jade. "Bye, babe." "Bye, hun." As the men walked down the hall, Jade looked at B. "See? I can be a good girl when I want to." As she turned to go back to her room B said, "yeah, and I'm the queen of England." "Goodnight, your majesty." "Goodnight, smart ass." ************************************** As Jerry stood in front of the McMahon mansion, waxing the Rolls Royce, a lone figure approached him. He looked up from the car. "Good evening, Mr. Bischoff. Mr. McMahon has not arrived yet from the office." "I'm not here to see Vince. I'd like to talk to you. How have you been, uh..." "My name is Jerry, Sir." "Ah. That's it. So, Jerry, where all did you have to take the misses, today?" "If you promise not to tell Mr. McMahon, I'll tell you." Eric smiled. "You can trust me. You have my word." "I took her for a cake tasting, so she could order Mr. McMahon's birthday cake." Eric laughed. "I was told that her car was seen behind a hotel today." "Well, she asked me to take the back roads, and the bakery is down the block from that ritzy hotel downtown. That's probably where they saw us." Eric slid his hands into his pockets, and kicked at the ground. "A cake testing, huh? So, she didn't pick anyone up from the hotel?" "Well, no, Sir. Linda has too much respect for her husband to do anything scandalous." "Oh, no. I wasn't suggesting anything like that. You should always have a second opinion for a cake." He grinned. "Well, I've got to go. Your secret is safe with me." As soon as Eric was out of sight, Jerry called Linda. "It was Mr. Bischoff, Mrs. McMahon." "I should have known he'd send that rat. Do you think he believes you?" "No, ma'am. I don't think I've seen the last of him." ********************************************* As soon as Eric made it to his car, he dialed Vince's office number. "Vince, her chauffeur swears she went to a cake testing at a bakery down the block. I'm going to swing by and see if there really is one." Vince sighed. "Don't bother. It's called Le Chiffon. That's where we got Stephanie's wedding cake." "You don't really believe him do you? The car was parked! He was holding the door open for her to get out!" "Then why didn't you wait around to see if anyone got in with her?" "I'm sorry, Mr. McMahon, but I had to, uh... "drain the lizard"." "Next time leave a cup in the car, and piss in it!" Vince bellowed as he hung up the phone.

Confidential Chapter 38 - Lady B The following morning B’s phone was ringing off the hook as she stepped out of the shower. She wrapped a towel around herself and ran to pick it up. "Hello" "B. Did I wake you?" Taker asked. "No, I was just stepping out of the shower" she replied. "Interesting . . . anyway. Linda has rented the large ballroom at your hotel and it has been set up as the Confidential Studio and she wants you girls there at 10:00 a.m. to finish the taping. She wants to make sure that Vince doesn’t get wind of it, since he has so many spies and stooges running around bumping into each other" he said with laughter in his voice. "She stated Vince was getting a little too close and that this should be the final taping. This show will air on Saturday, a day before Summerslam. Can you get the girls to the Ballroom/Studio in time?" Taker asked. "Can do" B replied. "Okay. I’ll call you tonight and we’ll talk" Taker said as he hung up. B looked at the phone "Talk? Wonder about what". She shrugged her shoulders. Dressed in her jeans, boots and t-shirt. She ran a brush through her hair and pulled it into a pony tail then exited the room. She started at one end of the hall and ended at the other as she ran down the hallway banging on the doors to the rooms. The girls stepped out in all stages of undress and disarray. "B. What’s up?" Cat asked as she ran a hand through her hair. "Everyone, into my room" stated. They all piled into B’s room and B looked around outside before she closed the door. "Everyone gather around as I don’t want to talk too loud" she said. Everyone parked themselves close and listened. "Taker called this morning and said the rest of the Confidential taping will be this morning at 10:00 a.m., that’s exactly ½ hour from now. We will be taping in the big Ballroom here at the hotel. It’s located here" she said pointing to a floor plan. "We will have to go separately, since there are a lot of spies around and I don’t want to make any of them suspicious if they see us. Cat you will take Dove, Anne and Sandra and go outside. You are to walk a block down and then double back around the back where the guard will be waiting with the side door open. You are all to proceed to the Ballroom. Jade you will take Fran, Willie, and Dville and take the elevator down two levels below the Ballroom, walk along this hallway until you come to another small elevator at the end of the hallway. That is the service elevator it will stop only at the ballroom. You are to get on that and go directly to the ballroom. Taj, Kal and Stonewall will come with me. We’ll go up 5 floors past the ballroom and walk down this set of stairs that will put us right in the middle of the ballroom. If anyone should see any of the stooges or spies you know who they are: Coach, Bishoff or Paul Heyman, you are to continue going somewhere else until you can lose them. Then double back and take the routes that have been laid out for you. Any questions?’ B finished as she looked around the room. "Okay, so let’s move. "B added as they all ran to their rooms to get dressed. ******************* "What the hell do you mean they ladies have split up and are going in different directions?" Vince yelled into the phone. "Get Coach and Bishoff to help you follow them you idiot!!!! He spat. "But boss, I called Coach and he said he couldn’t come out cause he was busy with a lady he had picked up last night. And Bishoff is not answering his phone" Heyman stammered as he waited for the verbal tirade that he knew was coming. "What?!" Vince sputtered. His face getting all red and bloated. He took a deep breath as he looked around his office trying to find something to throw. "Boss, are you still there? Heyman asked into the phone. "I’m here. Follow the first group of ladies and I’ll take care of the rest" he said as he slammed down the phone. He grabbed his cell phone, as he walked out of his office. "Karen, get a hold of Bishoff and Coach and tell them to contact me on my cell phone. I’ll be back later" Vince said to his secretary as he walked out of the office suite. Karen made sure he was gone before she gave him the finger. She picked up her private line and dialed. "Mrs. McMahon. He just left" she said and then hung up with a smile on her face. Linda smiled and rubbed her hands together. "Now for a little interference so that the ladies can reach the ballroom" Linda said as she picked up her phone and dialed. "Stephanie, is Shane there with you?" I’m here Mom." "Okay, remember what we spoke about? Well . . . It’s showtime" Linda said "You mean Daddy’s Little Princess and Simba can come out and play?" Stephanie asked as she laughed. "What do you think?" Linda said with a smirk on her face.

chapter 39 - Fran As Stephanie hangs up the phone, Shane looks at her & nods as they head out the door. At an almost run he takes off one way down the hallway as Stephanie goes the other way, to intercept their father before he gets out of the building. As Shane comes around the corner he sees Vince getting into the elevator, he calls out to him, "Hey, dad, wait up, I need to talk to you for a minute." Vince stops the door from closing as Shane runs up, "Man, glad I caught you, I got a few things I want to talk over with you about this new project that you are so interested in." Shane says stepping into the doorway of the elevaote, holding the door open. Vince looks at Shane, "Son, I don't have time for the bull shit right now, I'll talk to you about this later, I have to be someplace" looking at his watch, "ten minutes ago. Now please move either in or out so I can leave." he tells him. "This will only take a minute dad, I've been thinking about this whole magazine thing & I have a few ideas that I want to bounce off you." he says, holding the door to the elevator open. Vince looks at his watch again, & then at Shane, "Son, come on in or get off, but I really do have an important meeting I have to get too." Vince snaps. "Come on, dad, this will only take a minute, & the meeting will wait, after all you are the boss." Shane tells his dad, hiding a smile. He isn't really sure why his mom whated him & Stephanie to stop theur dad from leaving the building but he'd do anything his mom asked of him, because next to his wife he knew she was the greatest lady in the world. "Okay, dad, i's like this," he says, "I've been really giving this magazine a lot of thought & I think you should put me in charge of the project. This is really something I want to do." he tells his dad. "I have some great ideas I want to bounce around with you, I think you'll like them alot." Shane tells his dad. Vince, distracted again while checking his watch, "Okay, son whatever you want." he tells him, thinking he'll get out of the door of the elevator so it can close. "just don't bother me with this shit anymore, I have something more important on my mind. I have got to go, there is somewhere very important I really have to be." he says looking at Shane pointedly. Shane looks back at his dad, "But I thought this magazine was really important to you, Dad. What has happened to change your mind about it?" he asks "What can be more important than getting this venture off the gorund? I really think we need to sit down & talk about all this right now." Shane says. At tht minute Stephanie comes around the corner, "I knew I'd find you two hiding somewhere together>" she says staring at her dad & brother who look at her. Vince says', "I'm not hiding anywhere I'm trying to get to a meeting that I'm already late for." he says to his daughter as she crosses her arms across her chest. "Right" she tells him, "then why is Shane holding the door if you are trying to leave? It's because you two are talking about this magazine & he wants to handle it when you both know it will need a woman's touch to make it come out right. You need to put me in charge of it, dad, you know you do. I know more about what women want to see than he will." She glares at Shane, "you think just because ypu are older you should get everything, so you si=uck up to dad to make it happen." she tells him. "It's not fair, dad, that you give Shane everything he wants & I can't do anything anymore. I want this magazine, daddy, I really want it bad." she says to Vince. He looks at his children & says, "you can have it, share the load between you, that's the way to do it, you are equal in this, 50/50." he tells them. "Now I have to go, I'm suppose to meet with Heyman 25 minutes ago. You two have held me up & have made me real late for this meeting, now either get in this fucking elevator or get off, but move NOW." he tells them Shane looks at his dad, knows he's really pissed but says anyway, "Come on, dad, Heyman will wait but we need to start to make some plans about the magazine. Now what I was thinking, what if we made this magazine kind of like how we did "Unscripted" a while back, very candid shots of the guys, we can get them around here, maybe some at home, working out, things like that. Now we know Michaels won't go for it, not with him on the religious kick but we can let him keep his clothes on, just do a article about him, show old pictures & new pictures alike in his part of it." Vince is looking at Shane & is nodding his head while Stephanie stands with her arms crossed over her chest. "I was also thinking," shane continues, "maybe we can get soem of the guys who aren't with us anymore to be in the magazine, some that the women really like, like Hall & Nask & Whitman. I'm pretty sure for the right amount of money we canget them signed for this, we can call the issue theya re in "Former Superstars of the WWE" or something like that." he says. Vince is still looking at Shane, forgetting Heyman, "You know, son, that just might work." he says. Looking at Stephanie,. "you get on that, have Paul call them up, they are all still best of friends, & see if they'd be interested. Let them know that we're picking up the tab for the time they'll be under contract with us, also let them know we are doing a magazien for teh women, that they'll be, well not completely naked, but almost so." he tells his daughter. At that minute his cell phone rings & he answers, "McMahan" Listens a half a minute, "You wait a minute, Hyeman, what do you mean Coach & Bisch never showed up? Didn't I tell you to tell them how important this was?" after another half a minute he explodes, "well, why couldn't you at least follow that one group, how in the hell did you let them get away?" Another heartbeat, "Well, you tell your two buddies that I have just laid a hugh ass fine on them for not doing their job. Now, you get your ass back in front of that store & wait on them & I don't care what they sale, you stand there until they come out & see where they go next, they are not simple shopping, we both know that." As Stephanie & Shane look at each other really wondering if this was why their mom had wanted them to stop their dad from leaving the building. They jump as Vince explodes again, "Well, look in the windows & see if you see them, go into the fucking store, stupid." he yells. After another minute when they can hear the whine from Heyman they almsot smile out right at his being the one getting it from their dad, after all the times he'd ran to Vince to tattle on them about something. As Stepahnie looks at Shane & winks Vince lets out a loud groan, "what do you mean 4 cops are walking toward you?" he yells. "God damn it, Heyman, what is going on?" he yells. Then a female voice he doesn't know says, "May I ask who this is?" "It doens't matter who I am, who the hell are you?" Vince yells. In the background he hears Heyman's whinning voice raise almost to a fever pitch as the female says, "This is Officer Crockett, we are arresting the man who owns this cell phone for being a peeping tom. WE have received complaints that he is lotering around peering in the shop windows & that he was seen earlier following three women into the place of business." she tells him right before she turns the phone off. Vince looks down at his phone & throws it across teh elevator & watches it shadder against the wall. He glares at them, "This is your fault, Shane, I told you how important this was & now it looks like Heyman has screwed it up so bad he's gotten hisself arrested." Vince says as he pushes past them out of the elevator. "now get busy on this magazine, I want it ready to be put to bed in a month" he tells them as he stomps down the hall toward his office.

chapter 40 - Lady Cat Vince slammed the door to his office, making everyone practically jump out of their chairs. Down the hall Linda couldn’t help but chuckle. “Boy, is he in a snit,” she said to herself. Steph and Shane came in. “Well, we kept him from leaving,” Steph said. “But why all this?” “Man, I’ve never seen dad’s face so red as when he got a call on his cell phone from Heyman. Sounded like he’s in a lot of trouble. Something about some cops arresting Heyman, and Bischoff and Coach not being there with him. Dad threw his cell phone against the wall and shattered it.” “That’s why he slammed the door,” Linda said smiling, knowing he would be there shortly to vent. “What is this all about?” Steph asked. “I can’t tell you now,” Linda replied. “But it will all come out soon. You might want to leave now as your father will be in here any minute.” “Yeah, I don’t want to have to listen to that again,” Steph rolled her eyes. The two went to leave but Shane turned. “Oh, we’ve come up with some ideas on that magazine dad said he wants to do.” “Tell me later,” Linda said, preparing mentally for the tirade.” Five minutes later, Vince stormed into Linda’s office, yelling about how he had a bunch of jackasses working for him. “Well, you hired them,” Linda shrugged. “What did you expect?” “You’re a big help!” he spat. “I could at least get a little sympathy or something.” “With those three, not on your life.” The door opened. “Mr. McMahon, you have a phone call. It’s Eric Bischoff.” “I’ll take it in my office,” he said. “What excuse does he have?” Vince left, Linda chuckling as soon as her door was closed. Her phone rang. It was Betty. “Mrs. McMahon, we just wanted to let you know that Heyman was arrested outside a clothing store just a few minutes ago. It seems he’s accused of being a peeping tom.” “Peeping tom?!” The next thing Betty heard was Linda laughing on the other end. After a minute or so she collected herself. “So that’s why Vince is in a snit,” she said. “I can just see that whining little weasel protesting on his way to jail.” “Fran, Jade, and Kal were in the store and happened to notice him peeking through the window. They told the store owner that he had been trailing them for a few blocks. The owner called the police.” “Tell the girls good for them,” she said. “Well, that’s one out of the way. Now to get rid of the other two.” Back in Vince’s office, things weren’t getting any better. “Why the hell didn’t you meet Heyman when you were supposed to?” He yelled at Bischoff. “Just maybe he wouldn’t have been arrested and taken to jail.” “Well, Vince, you’re not going to believe this but…” and related his sad tale. Vince slumped back in his chair, not believing what he heard. “You idiots!” he yelled. Linda hung up and immediately dialed Gene. “Is everything set at the hotel?” “Everything is set,” he replied. “Good. I’ve just told Betty to have all the girls meet back at the hotel. How long should it take?” “About 30 minutes to wrap it up.” “Good. The quicker we get this finished the better,” she said and hung up. She called Taker on his cell phone. Kane was with him. She explained what happened to Heyman. It was a couple of minutes before both of them could stop laughing. “We still have Coach and Bischoff yet.” “No need to worry. We took care of them,” Taker assured her. “How?” she asked. Once Taker started explaining, she was practically falling out of her chair to the floor from laughing so hard.

chapter 41 - Jade Minutes earlier... Eric turned to Coach. "How the hell are we going to get out of here?" Coach looked around. The only thing he saw were the two big green dumpsters that had smacked into the sides of the car. "Does the back seat fold down for access to the trunk?" "How the hell should I know? This is a rental." Coach climbed into the back seat, and found two levers for pulling down the seat. Once he got it down, he found a hole that went into the trunk. "Eric, I'm going to crawl into the trunk. I need you to pop the trunk so I can get out and move the dumpsters." Coach crawled through, but when Eric pressed the button to open the trunk, Coach found Taker and Kane standing in front of him. "Hey, Coach. Looks like you could use some help," Taker said. "Well, don't just stand there. Help me!" Taker turned to Kane, who was looking back at him. "Why don't you help him, Kane? I'll 'help' Bischoff." Kane slammed the trunk closed, then sat on top, so Eric couldn't open it again. Taker moved the dumpster blocking the driver's side door. "Alright, Eric. Come on out." Eric hurried out of the car. "Hey, thanks a lot, Taker." Eric smiled, and held out his hand to shake Taker's. Taker looked at his outstretched hand, then into his eyes. He slowly shook his head. "Boy, you should know better by now." He picked Eric up, and tossed him into the dumpster. "You should know better than to trust me." Taker looked back at Kane. "Hop off, bro." Taker ducked into the car, and pushed the trunk button. When it popped open, Kane reached in, and pulled Coach out. "What should we do with him?" Kane asked. "Throw him out with the rest of the garbage." As Kane tossed Coach in the dumpster with Bischoff, Taker went after a few mattresses that were stacked up. "Come give me a hand with these." They lifted up the three mattresses, and put them on top of the dumpster to weigh down the lids. Taker banged on the side of the dumpster. "Have fun getting out." "Oh, and watch out for the rats," Kane added. They could hear Eric and Coach screaming as they walked away. ********************************** Linda heard Vince's door slam again as he left his office. She continued speaking to Taker. "You need to get away from there. Eric had his cell phone on him, and he just got off of the phone with Vince. He just left his office. He's either coming to my office, or to get them out." "Alright. We're gone." Then Taker hung up. Linda's door burst open. "What has gotten into Undertaker and Kane?" "Why, dear? What happened?" "They just locked Bischoff and Coach in a dumpster!" "I don't know, Vince. But it is a good place for them." Vince growled at her lack of sympathy for his emprisoned goons. "I have to get them out. Do you know where Paul is?" "Probably with Stephanie." Vince left, slamming the door behind. Linda laughed until tears streamed from her eyes. ****************************************** Once the ladies all met at the hotel, Betty relayed the message to Jade, Fran and Kal from Linda. "The bastard deserves to rot in jail," Kal said "I'm sure somebody would enjoy making him their bitch," Jade laughed. "Well, let's get this over with. Gene is waiting for us. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can see the guys again." "Sooner for some. Look who just walked through the door," Dove said. They all turned to see Taker and Kane walking through the door. As they reached the group, Cat said, "why are you two here? You'll cause trouble if you're caught." "Seeing as Heyman is in jail, and Coach and Eric are busy trying to free themselves, we thought we'd come play security in case Vince has another snooper," Kane said. "We'll be in there with you, so no one will see us out here." As they started filing into the room, Sandra whispered to Jade, "I dare you to..." "Oh, come on. That's too easy." "Are you going to, or will you chicken out?" Jade stepped up behind Taker and Kane, and grabbed their asses. "Hey!" they both said. As she walked passed them, she turned around and said, "nice asses, guys." Then, she blew them a kiss. Taker turned to B. "How do you ladies put up with her?" B shook her head. "She keeps us on our toes."

Chapter 42 - Lady B The taping commenced with the girls sitting in the same seats as they had previously. They were asked all sorts of questions again and they ended with the one where they were asked "what would you do if you knew that someone at WWE was stealing your ideas that were circulated on the A-U list"? Lady Cat: "Well I think it would be nice to confront the person and ask them why they were doing that". Jade: "I would request that they put us on as writers and pay us for our ideas". Willie: "All I would want would be to be brought to a wrestling event and get to hang out with the guys for a while, especially the big Red Machine". Fran: "I think compensation for our ideas would be in order". Dove: "That’s right. Like money. A nice round number would be nice". Sandra: "I’d settle for $1,000.00 per idea". Kal: "But why would anyone want to steal our ideas. Doesn’t WWE have writers that come up with the ideas for the shows?" B: "Of course they do, but knowing that we are displeased with the storylines that they have going and knowing what we want to see, the person has no choice but to steal our ideas and put them down as our own. I’d say a lawsuit would be in the brewing. **************** Linda received a call from Vince’s chauffeur. "Ms. Linda. He is in the alley pulling Bishoff and Coach out of the dumpster. He is really upset and said that he will be heading towards the hotel to look for Taker and Kane and put a stop to whatever is happening. "Oh really!!! Okay. Thanks for letting me know" Linda said as she hung up. She immediately dialed Taker’s cell. Taker felt his phone vibrate against his hip and stepped outside to answer it once he saw who was calling on his caller I.D. "Taker. Vince is on his way to the hotel to find you and Kane. Make sure the girls are stashed away somewhere where he can’t find them cause he is going to search the hotel and have the hotel staff help him until he finds out exactly what is going on. "Don’t worry about anything. Gene was just wrapping up and I know exactly where to take the girls that Vince will never find them" Taker replied as he hung up the phone. ******************** "How did I wind up with two idiots like you" Vince yelled as he pushed the first mattress off of the dumpster. "Hurry up boss. It is hot in here and I think something just crawled up my leg" Bishoff whined from inside the dumpter. Vince got the other two mattresses off and lifted the cover. Coach stood up and climbed out of the dumpster. As he did so, a breeze came by and Vince had all he could do not to throw up as the smell hit him. "You idiots will go back to your homes, shower and met me at the hotel" Vince said. "But boss, how are we supposed to get home? Our car is gone" Coach stated. "I don’t care, but you are not riding in my limo. I don’t want your stench hanging around me" Vince stated as he got in the limo and rolled down the window. "You have exactly an hour to met me at the hotel. After that "YOU ARE FIRED!" Vince yelled as he closed the window. Bishoff and Coach looked at each other and started jogging out of the alley and down the street. ************************ "Gene. Linda called and said to wrap it up. There is trouble on the way" Taker said as he entered the studio again. "We are done" Gene said. "Ladies, thank you for your time" Gene said as he shook hands with all the ladies. The crew people started breaking the set down and taking it via the staff elevator to a truck waiting outside. Before Gene could finish his goodbyes, the studio was gone and in its place was a banquet hall with dining tables that would hold 10 people and chairs. "Now what buddy?" Kane asked Taker. "I know just where to take them that Vince will never find them. I just need to contact a few of the guys and have them come with their cars to help me transport the ladies. Taker called O’Haire who spread the word and within a few minutes the girls were being escorted out the building through the freight and staff elevators to cars waiting outside. As B was getting ready to get into one of the cars Taker came up to her and grabbed her arm. "You come with me" he said as he led her over to his bike and got on. B climbed on behind him and he started the engine. "Everyone knows where we are to met" Taker said to the guys. With a squeal of tires they were off. As the cars took off, they all went in separate directions. "Are you sure you want to do this" O’Haire asked Jade. "I’m sure" she said as she snuggled up to him. "They will never miss us." She said as she kissed him on the cheek. That brought a huge Koolaid smile to his face. He gunned the engine and off they went.

chapter 43 - Lady Cat Vince strode into the hotel, straight past the clerk to the banquet hall. Grabbing the handle he jerked the door open expecting to find the women there. All he found was an empty room. The hotel staff, having been warned by Linda, went about their usual business. The desk clerk saw Vince approach from the corner of her eye. "Achem," Vince cleared his throat. The clerk pretended she hadn't heard him. Again, Vince cleared his throat, only louder this time. The clerk still pretended not to hear. Vince drummed his fingers in frustration and waited. Finally he yelled, "Dammit, don't you hear me?!" The clerk looked up. "Yes," she replied calmly. "But I needed to finish the paperwork first so I could give you my undivided attention. Now, how may I help you?" Unknown to Vince, the wrestlers had a house outside of town they used for relaxation or when they needed to get away from one of Vince's tirades. Making sure they weren't all seen arriving at the same time, each of the wrestlers came with their lady from different directions at different times. The first to arrive were Taj and Rey Mysterio. They headed straight to the kitchen as Taj had mentioned she was hungry and both had found out they liked to cook. Dville and Eddie arrived next and went straight to the den. Eddie put on some of his favorite Latin music. Of course, he picked out some very slow, sensual music. Bradshaw, Dove, Edge and Fran arrived five minutes later, also going to the den. In the corner was a fully stocked bar. "Care for something?" Bradshaw asked Dove. "I'll take a beer," she replied. He handed her the open beer. Edge and Fran had joined Eddie and Dville, who were doing a slow grind. "You two need to go to a room," Fran snickered. She looked up at Edge. "That's not a bad idea," he said in a low, husky voice. "We can take up where we left off." Jericho and Kal came in. Seeing the den was occupied, Jericho took her to the game room and locked the door. "No one's going to interrupt us this time." Rock and Willie had gone to the pool. "I don't have a swim suit," she said. "So?" he cocked his brow. "We can swim in our underwear or nothing at all," he shrugged with a devilish grin. Willie sighed at the thought of water dripping from his naked body. Taker pulled in not long after. Helped B off his bike and pushed it inside the garage. "Shall we?" taking her by the arm and escorting her into the house. "Looks like everyone is here already," B said. "I don't see Kane's SUV. You can't miss it. It's a bright red," Taker said. "And I don't see O'Haire's either. Matt's not here either. He probably did the same thing." "Bet they've gone somewhere to resume their 'activities," she said. "Speaking of activities," Taker grinned. "What about you and I doing some of our own?" B didn't say a word as he led her down the hallway to one of the bedrooms. Kane and Cat were the last to arrive. "Guess we're the last ones," Kane observed, helping Cat from the SUV. "Does Mr. McMahon know about this place?" Kane shook his head. "We use this as our get away when we want to have some time to ourselves." They entered the house. Things were quiet, almost too quiet. "Would you like something?" he asked. "I would love something cold to drink," Cat replied. They headed to the kitchen. Just as they were about to enter, they heard a soft moan. "Whoops!" Kane grinned. Cat softly giggled. She looked up and saw a devilish twinkle in his hazel eyes. "I think it's time you and me get to know each other, and I do mean know each other." He took her hand and led her down the hallway, entering the room next to the one B and Taker were in. Kane locked the door, then turned and took Cat in his arms. AT THE HOTEL "Where are the women who were staying here?" "Excuse me?" the clerk acted surprised. "There were at least eight women staying here. I know because they were seen coming in and out." "Sir, we have people, especially women, coming in and out all the time." "Let me see the guest list!" "Sorry, sir. I can't let you do that. Company rules." Vince grew impatient. "DAMMIT! Do you know who you're talking to? I'm Vincent Kennedy McMahon! I'm the owner of WWE!" "Yes, sir. I know who you are." "Well, then. I demand to see the guest list!" The clerk shook her head. "I can't do that." "Then I'll look around, if that's okay with you!" he snapped. "I suppose," the clerk said. "Would you like some help?" "No!" he snapped. "I'll do it myself." Bischoff and Coach entered. "It's about damn time! A few minutes more and you two would have been unemployed!" "Did you find them?" Coach asked. "No! The clerk doesn't seem to know anything." "They were here," Coach said. "I saw them myself." "We're going to do some searching. We'll each take a floor." When they had gone, the clerk called Linda. "They're searching the hotel." "Everyone is gone?" "Yes. The women were gone at least ten minutes before your husband arrived. He and two other men are searching now. They won't find anything. The staff had the rooms clean in no time." Linda smiled. "Thanks. There'll be an extra bonus with the payment for everyone." "Thank you." Linda hung up. "Three days till the show. Wonder where they are?"

chapter 44 - Fran As Vince is wondering around the hotel searching for some sign of the ladies he asks a few different people if they have seen a group of 8/10 ladies wondering around that day. He finally asks an elderly gentleman if he has seen the ladies in question anywhere around the hotel that day, the old man looks at vince, "Yes I have sonny, but I really think there was 15 to 20 of theose girls in the group I saw.I was coming in & I saw them getting into one of theose small buses a couple hours ago.I asked the driver, who was standing off to the side smoking a cigar, smelly things I never understood how anyone could smoke those things. My older brother smoked them un p until the day he died. I told him everyday to stop or they'd kill him, sure enough they did, he died this past year & he was only 99." Vince looks at him & says, "I'm really sorry about your brother but where did those women go?" The man looks at Vince & says, "I'm sorry , I tend to get off the subject every now & then. My wife tells me I need to pay more attnetion ot what I'm talking about so I won't ramble on. I tell her it's just that I like to talk to people that makes me do it." Vince looks like he's about to bust a gasket, "Okay, well, I enjoy talking too, but where did they go?" he asks again. "Oh, sorry, the driver fellow said he was talking thme over to that new sports center that opened up a few years ago, you know the one?" Giving a hugh grin Vince thanks the old man & reaching into his coat pocket he pulls out 4 tickets to the show in a few days, "Here you go, old timer, invite a couple of your kids & come to see the show on me." he tells him as he takes off down the hall to the elevator. As he arrives it opens & Coach & Bischoff are on it, "Hey boss, you learn anything?" Coach asks. He gives him a look & pushes the button for the ground floor. As they go out his limo drives up & the three men jump in. "Get us to the Sports Complex on Hancock." vince tells his driver. Giving a chuckle, "I got them, wonder what's going on over there?" he says as they make good time across the city. As the limo pulls up in front of the building the three are out before it comes to a complete stop. As they run into the buliding each are wondering not only what they'll find but who they'll find in the building. On the inside of the building Vince comes to s stop & is almost knocked over by Bischoff as he plows into him. The three men stand there wiht open mouths as they look around the court at a practice section of the WNBA from Washingon who is in town for a game the next night. "Fuck" says Vince as he realizes what is going on & turns to leave. Coach, stands there looking around, "Hey, none of these are the women I talked to at the hotel. Nope, none of these are the women,not at all, vince." he says. Vince, stops & looks at coach, then slaps him up side the head, "You stupid shit." he says as he stomps out of the building. "I know they aren't the same women, idiot, these are basketball players not some, ohh" he says as he climbs into his limo. "ALL of this is your fault, both of you, you worthless pieces of humanity." he says. He is holding onto the door & Bischoff & Coach look at him & then finally Coach says, "Um, boss you gonna let us in?" Vince looks at them & slowly smiles, "Let you two into my limo? I don't think so, as a matter of fact, both of you are fired." he says as he slams the door & hollers at the driver, "Let's go." MEANWHILE ACROSS TOWN: At the house outside of town that the ladies in question have gone with Vince's employees things are happening. As the sun sets it casts long shadows across the pool where Rock is sitting talking to Willie. As the sun sinks behind the house he gives her his sexy smile & as he stands he holds out his hand to her, which she takes & as he pulls her up & into an embrace he kisses her a deep mind blowing kiss. "let's go check out the pool house & the hot tub." he says as he leads her inside & closes & locks the door behind them. In the den Eddie & D'ville have just came out of their daze & looking around the room realizes they are along. "Wonder where everyone went." he says & as another soft song starts on the tape player he looks at her & pulls her into his arms & as he lowershis head to capture her lips he mutters, "who cares." A few doors down,behind a locked door Edge, trying to catch his breath pulls Fran into his arms. He hugs her tight as she gives a small sigh & says, "These have been some of the best days of my entire life. Who would have thought that not only would I have met you but I'd be here with you." she says looking around the bedroom, then into his eyes with a smile. He lowers his mouth to her's, "Babe," he whispers, "I sure as hell didn't expect this to happen but when I fell into your sea green eyes & heard your oh so soft southern drawl I knew that you were for me." He kisses her again, "I can tel you that no one has ever make me feel like this." He takes her hand & laying it over his heart, he says, "here feel what you do to me." he says as he then gently moves against her as he captures her lips for anther mindblowing kiss. At that moment there is a knock on the door, & 'Taker's deep Texas drawl calls out, "Okay, meeting, in the den in 15 minutes, everyone & I do mean everyone has to be there." In a minute they hear another knock & the same message is repeated. Looking at each other, Edge says with a smile, "I promise we will contunue this later." he says as they again kiss & then with a laugh they get up & start to dress. "I wonder what the meeting is about this time." Fran says as they open the door & holding hands leave the room.

chapter 45 - Jade Vince's limo sped back to the headquarters. He wanted a chance to confront his wife, before she left. He stormed through the front doors, and up the stairs to her office. As he burst through the door, he saw Shane and Stephanie sitting in front of her desk. Linda looked up at him. "What's wrong, dear?" "Where are they?" "Where are what?" "Not what. Who. Where are the ladies from the Anything Undertaker group?" "I have no idea what you're..." "Don't bullshit me, woman! They've been spotted here in town. Your limo was spotted at their hotel." "Maybe they're here for the pay per view." "They're gone now, and the pay per view isn't until this weekend. I know you have something to do with them being here. I want to know why, and I want to know right now!" The fierce growl in their father's voice made Shane and Stephanie jump. But Linda kept her cool. "Vince, I don't know why they are here. I had lunch with Undertaker and Kane at their hotel the other day. I had no idea who these ladies are, or that they were even staying in the same hotel as the two men. Really, dear, you need to stop being so paranoid." Vince growled at her as he turned and stormed out of her office, slamming the door behind him. Stephanie caught on to what was happening. "You do have something to do with them being here, don't you, Mother?" "Yes, I do, but not a word to your father." "We promise," Shane and Stephanie said together. ************************************* Back at the safe house, the group had gathered in various states of dress. Taker, Kane, Lady B and Lady Cat stood before the group. "We seem to have a problem. We have a missing couple, and if any of you ladies leave, we'll be busted." "I can try Jade's cell phone with mine," Sandra suggested. "We tried that. She has it turned off," Lady B said. "What about Sean's?" Edge suggested. "His is off, too. It's been three hours. There's no way it could have taken them this long to get here," Taker said. "Give them a couple more hours, then try Sean's home number," Dove suggested. Taker looked at B. "You don't think they really would have gone to his place, do you?" "Think of who we are talking about. Anything is possible." Taker let out a sigh, as he turned back to the group. "Also, this house was not prepared for this many people. We need to make a small list of things we need. Kane and Mysterio, take out the contacts, and Mysterio take off the mask. You two are going shopping."

Chapter 45 - Lady B As Kane and Rey headed out the door, Eddie turned to Taker and said. "Let me send some of my hermanos over to O’Haire’s place. If they are there, they will bring them back. "Go ahead" Taker said as he paced back and forth. Eddie got on the phone and called some of his "compadres". "Orale. How are things, man. Bueno. I need a favor. I need you guys to go over to O’Haire’s place. Yeah that one. And bring him over to our hideout. Si. Of course mano. Even if you have to tie him up and bring him here. Also, la senorita with him is to be brought back unharmed. Orale" he said as he hung up. "They should be here in about ½ hour" he said to the group as he hung up the phone. *************** Jade and O’Haire were just coming down from the wild session they had just finished when there was a loud banging on the door. "O’Haire, if you are in there you better open up". "Stay here" O’Haire said to Jade as he got up from the bed, threw on his jeans and went to the door. "What the hell . . ." he said as he opened the door. "You are in big shit. You and the young lady better hurry up and get dressed and come with us. Or we will have to carry you in whatever stage of dress you are" Chavo said as he pushed his way into "O’Haire’s place, followed by some of his posse. "Shit. I thought it was something important" O’Haire said. "It is mano. Taker is highly pissed and if you guys get caught, the whole situation goes to pot. So hurry up." Chavo said. "We aren’t going anywhere" O’Haire said. "I hate to disagree" Chavo said as two of his guys grabbed O’Haire and dragged him to the car, tied him up and threw him in the trunk. They sped off before he could start fighting or make a fuss. Chavo walked to the bedroom and knocked on the door. "Senorita, I would suggest you get dressed and accompany me" he said. Jade jumped out of the bed and threw on her clothes quickly. "What is going on" she said as she opened the door. "Taker is highly upset that you two disappeared and might have blown the whole plan, and I was sent to fetch you both. O’Haire is already on his way and I must insist that you accompany me" he said. Jade did not resist. She walked with Chavo to the other car and got in. ***************** Vince was still fuming when he reached his office. He called his stooges on the phone. "What have you learned so far?" "It appears that they have fallen off the face of the Earth" Bishoff said into his phone. "I can’t seem to find them anywhere and every time we try to follow any of the wrestlers they give us the slip or walk into a restaurant or bar. We need more help in finding out what is going on" he added. "You three are worthless" Vince said and hung up the phone. ***************** "Shane, how about you and I go agitate Daddy a bit more" Stephanie said with that look on her face. "Might be fun" Shane said as they walked out of Linda’s office and headed to Vince’s office. Stephanie knocked on the door to Vince’s office and they entered before he answered. "Hi Daddy" Stephanie said as she came over, kissed him on the cheek and sat on the armchair of his seat. "You look stressed" Shane said. "Is there anything that we can help you with?" Shane added. "Not really. I’m kind of stressed due to the Confidential show that will be airing tomorrow. It is a special that I have produced and directed myself and I am slightly nervous about it" Vince added. "Daddy you shouldn’t worry about it. It will come out okay and I’m sure you will get the accolades that you deserve" Stephanie said as she ran her fingers through Vince’s hair and looked at Shane over her father’s head with a huge smile on her face. Shane had all he could and had to look away before he burst out laughing. "Dad, you have nothing to worry about. I’m sure there will be no surprises for you tomorrow" Shane added. "Daddy, we have to run, but we’ll see you tomorrow at the Confidential studio for the showing of the special Confidential" Stephanie said as she got off of her perch and walked towards the door with Shane by her side. Shane looked back at Vince who was sitting in his chair with his head resting on the back of the chair. "Later Dad" he said as they walked out. "Boy is he in for a shock tomorrow" Stephanie snickered as she put her arm around her brother and they walked down the hall laughing.

chapter 47 - Lady Cat A half hour later Chavo and his compadres were at the house with O'Haire and Jade. The look he saw on Taker's face made him cringe in his chair as it did Jade. "What the fuckin' hell got into you two!?" Taker yelled. "We're trying to keep these women hid from Vince and you can't keep your DAMN fly shut! Until this is over with, none of us gets 'intimate" or I'll snatch the balls off of everyone one of you!" he told the men. "As for the ladies, I'll personally see to it that you will be on the first plane home!" B added, looking at Jade. "From now on the sleeping arrangements here will be the women on the second floor and the men down here. Rock, you and Edge check out the camping gear we have in storage out back. Whatever we don't have, we'll just have to make do. There's only four bedrooms upstairs so the women will have to double up." "I'll have Jade in the room with me," B said. "One move and she won't be moving for a while. Cat, you'll keep Fran and Willie in the room with you." "No problem," Cat grinned. Taker's cell phone beeped. It was Kane. "Mysterio and I spotted Heyman as we went in the grocery store," Kane said, standing next to the dairy case. "Shit!" Taker growled. "What?" B asked. "Heyman saw Kane and Mysterio go in the grocery store." "I got an idea," Cat said. "Is there a party supply store around?" Taker nodded. "Well, have them leave the store as usual and head to the party place. Mrs. McMahon needs to be there so it looks like they're getting supplies for Vince's birthday party." Taker got back on the phone. "Kane, have Mysterio drop you off at the party supply store. You know the one. I'll get Linda to meet you there. Just be sure you're waiting in front so Heyman can see you." No sooner had Taker hung up when his phone rang again. This time it was Linda. "Where are you guys? Vince left out of here fit to be tied." Taker heard her snicker. "We're safe," Taker replied. "But we do have a bit of a problem. Kane just called and said he spotted Heyman watching them from across the street." "Where is he?" "He and Mysterio are in Kohl's grocery store getting supplies for the next couple of days." "Are the girls with you?" Yeah, safe for now. I need you to do something. You know where that party supply store is, right?" "I know the one you're talking about." "Kane will be waiting for you in front of it. You both will go in and get whatever, making sure to tell the clerk they're for Vince's surprise party. Make sure he sees you loading them. Kane will leave out the back door where Mysterio will be waiting." Linda giggled. "I know exactly what to get. I'll be there in 15 minutes." Taker hung up then called Kane and told him what to do. "Chavo, I need you to do something else." ************************************ Kane and Mysterio left the grocery store. Heyman followed and called Vince. "Vince, I just spotted Kane and Mysterio leaving a grocery store. They're now heading east on the main boulevard." Mysterio stopped in front of the party store and let Kane out, then drove down the street till he knew for sure he was out of sight, made a right and turned into an alley way till he reached the back of the store and waited. "Vince, Kane is standing in front of what looks to be a party supply store. He's just standing out front as if waiting for someone. Wait! There's a limo stopping. It's your wife." Vince smugly smiled. "Now I gotcha," he said aloud. "Keep watching," he told Heyman and hung up. Linda and Kane went in the store. As soon as they were inside, Kane took her to a window and pointed to across the street. "Let's not disappoint the weasel. Vince probably already knows I'm here." Linda had the clerk take them around the store. She picked out the appropriate decorations and had Kane take them to the limo, where he took his time loading them in the car. She deliberately told the clerk what they were for, knowing Heyman would ask and tell Vince. Kane went back in the store and headed to the rear exit and got in the waiting van. "Well?" Mysterio asked. "Worked like a charm. Now let's get back to the house."

chapter 48 - Jade Chavo rolled down the street, and parked a block away from Heyman's car. He and his compadres sat and waited for Heyman to go inside the store. After Linda's limo pulled out of the parking lot, Paul got out of his car, and went inside the store. "Hey, Chuey, go get it." Chuey got out of the car, and slunk his way down the block to Heyman's. Using a slim jim, he unlocked the doors, and got inside. A minute later, the car was running. Chuey took off like a bat out of hell down the road. Chavo and the other three sat and waited for Paul to come back out. After five minutes passed, he walked out of the store, and noticed his car was gone. He ran across the street, and threw a temper tantrum. Chavo and his buddies fell into a fit of laughter. "Hey, Chavo, let's go mess with his head." "Alright, Oscar, but you need to get up here first. I don't want him to think we're going to give him a ride." Once Oscar was in the front seat, they slowly pulled up next to Heyman. "Hey, vato loco. What's happening?" "What's happening!? My car was just stolen!" "You should sell that old hoopty, and get one of those new cars with the computer ignition." "That car is a classic Rolls Royce! It costs more than this bucket you're driving." "Maybe, but nobody can steal my car." Chavo made the car "hop" a few times, before pealing off down the road. ************************************** Back at the house, Kane and Mysterio had just returned with the supplies. "Did it work?" Taker asked as they walked through the door. "Like a charm," Kane answered. As the guys brought the bags inside, the ladies put everything away. Jade stayed quiet as she emptied the bags, still fuming about being kept away from Sean. Fran giggled to herself while stocking the fridge, as she mentally recalled the time she had spent with Edge. Taj hummed a tune as she stocked the cabinets. Dville smiled as she went about setting out the fixings for the night's dinner. Sandra and Dove had both been caught day dreaming. As Cat was cutting onions to go in the sauce, Kane entered the kitchen, laid his hands on her hips, and kissed her cheek. Jade didn't want to ruin everyone else's good mood, so she left the kitchen, and stormed up the stairs to the room she'd be sharing with Lady B. B watched her, as she stood talking to Taker. He turned as he heard her stomping on the stairs. "I'll go see what her deal is, before she tears down the house," B said. "Tell ya what... She said once that she doesn't get along with women well in person. Let me talk to her." "It's your funeral..." Taker followed her up the stairs, and knocked on the door. "What?" "Can I come in?" "Sure." As he opened the door, he said, "are you trying to tear down the house?" "No. I just can't put up with being surrounded by happy people when I'm upset." "About Sean, right?" "Not just me and Sean. All of us. You and B are treating us like we are kids. We are all consenting adults, and as long as Vince doesn't catch us, I don't see what the big deal is with us being together." "You seem to be the only one with a problem with the sleeping arrangements." "Look around that kitchen when you go back down there. They may be smiling, but they are thinking exactly what I'm telling you." "But, it's for everyone's good, and it's only for one more day. The show is tomorrow night." Jade sat silent for a moment, then sighed. "I can handle one day." "That a girl." "By the way, I'm sorry for grabbing your ass. Sandra dared me." She looked up at him and smiled. "But you do have a nice ass." He gave her a stern look. "Just an observation." Taker's cell phone rang. He took it off of his hip, and looked at the caller ID. "It's Vince." He pressed the button to answer the phone. "Yeah." "Where are you, Taker?" "At home." "Texas, Florida or the one here in Connecticut?" "What?" "I found out there is a house in your name here in town. It must be hard to fit all of those people in one house." "What are you talking about?" "I know you and the other guys are helping Linda hide those women." "What women?" Taker never got an answer, because Vince hung up the phone. "Goddammit!!" Taker bellowed. "What's wrong?" "Vince knows about the house, and that you ladies are here."

chapter 49 - Lady Cat "Get everyone into the living room! Now!" Taker yelled. It wasn't long before everyone was assembled. "Who snitched on us?" Taker angrily asked. "One of us ratted to Vince." The guys looked around at one another, then back at Taker, shrugging and shaking their heads. "We didn't," said Rock. "None of us told anyone." One of the guys sat slumped in his chair. "Damn!" he thought. "If Taker finds out it was me, he'll tear me apart." "What now?" Eddie asked. Taker ran his hands through his hair. "Looks like we'll have to move the girls again, only this time, Kane and I will be the only ones to know where they are." "Well, you heard," B said. "Let's get packing girls." "If I ever get my hands on that snitch, I'll tear his balls off myself," Cat hissed as she climbed the steps. "You're not the only one," Willie said. "Hell, I was just getting good and settled." "Make that three," Jade spat. "It's a good thing it's only one more day." The girls packed quickly and were downstairs in ten minutes. "Well, where to now?" B asked Taker. Taker shook his head. Glen went over and whispered in his ear. Taker arched his brows. "We'll wait till late tonight to move you. But, you'll all have to go in Kane's van." The girls finished cooking. Everyone ate in silence that evening. When ten o'clock rolled around, the bags were put in the back of Kane's van. It was a good thing each girl had brought only one. It was a tight squeeze with Cat basically ending up on Kane's lap, which he didn't mind, and B sitting beside her. In the back the girls were sitting on top of one another. "Everyone comfy?" Kane grinned. He heard groans from the back seat. "Hey, get your elbow out of my nose!" Fran said to Sandra. "Okay, we're gone." "Where are they going?" O'Haire asked. Taker got in his face. "In case you don't remember, Kane and I are the only ones that know." Back in the house, everyone began cleaning up and making sure no trace of the girls was ever there. Taker went up to one of the bedrooms and dialed Linda's cell phone, leaving a text message for her in code, saying the party has been moved, but not giving her the location, just in case Vince snooped. Taker hung up and took a deep breath. "One more day. Hell, I hope we can make it." Kane made sure he drove on side streets and alleys just in case and arrived at their destination twenty minutes later. He drove to the back. The girls exited the van and stretched. "Damn, I never want to ride like that again," Fran said. Kane helped them unload their luggage. "This is it, ladies. Hopefully we won't have to move you again." The guys were relaxing when they heard a car pull up. The door flung open. It was Vince, red-faced and angry. "Okay! Where are they?" he yelled.

chapter 50 - Jade The ladies grabbed their bags, and followed Kane into the building. Once the door was unlocked, and they all filed in, they stopped and gazed at the beautiful interior of the condo. "You ladies should be safe here. The neighbors have covered for me before when people came looking for me, even Vince," Kane said. "The only problem is there is just one bed." "I don't have a problem with sleeping on the floor," Jade said. "Speak for yourself. I'm getting too old for that shit," Cat said. "Crawl in bed with Kane," Fran said. Kane smiled at her. "You and B can take the bed. I'll stay up and keep watch over the others. I'll have to let Taker in when he gets here, anyways." "I call the couch," Dville said. "I got the recliner," Sandra said. As the other ladies staked their claim to a chair or spot on the floor, Fran and Jade walked up to Kane. "Do you have any coffee?" "Yeah. Why?" "Because you'll need it if you plan on staying up later than us." "Hey, a cup of coffee sounds good," Dville said. "I'll make a pot," Kane said. "You sit and relax. I'll make it." "That's sweet of you, Fran." "As much trouble as we've caused you guys, let us repay you, by helping you out," Jade said as she put an arm around Fran's neck. Kane tilted his head as he looked at them. 'I know they are up to something,' he told himself. ************************* Back at the house, Taker was staring down Vince. "What in the hell are you talking about?" "You know very damn well. You had about ten women here a little while ago." "Look, this isn't a place for the guys to bring ring rats to get laid. This is our private hang out." "I'm not talking about ring rats! I'm talking about the Anything-Undertaker ladies! I know you assholes know who they are. You are all on the list." Taker crossed his arms over his chest. "What we do in our off time is our business. Now, about this business of those ladies being here, I don't know what you are talking about. As far as I know, they are all at home. If you want to check out the house, you are more than welcome to. But you have to leave, so we can relax after you don't find anything." "I think I will have a look around." As he walked through the door, he looked around the room at the guys, who were watching a baseball game. He did a double take when he saw Sean. "O'Haire, where are your clothes, son?" "It's hot. There's nothing wrong with me running around in my boxers." Vince shrugged as he went to walk through the rest of the house. He went from room to room, looking for any sign of the ladies. As he was in the last room, he was about to turn and leave, when he saw a lacy red thong peaking out from under a bean bag chair. He picked it up, and carried it into the living room, where the guys were still hanging out. "Who's is this?" Edge stood motionless beside the couch, as he remembered taking them off of Fran. "Uh, that's part of my collection. It must have fallen out of my bag. I got those from one of my "conquests" on the road." Vince didn't beleive his story, but threw the thong at him anyways. "Well, that's all I found, so I'll leave you guys alone. Kurt, can I see you outside?" Angle followed Vince out the door, and to his car. "What happened to them?" "Kane left with them about thirty minutes before you got here. I don't know where he took them. Only Kane and Taker know where they are." "See if you can get any information out of Taker." "O'Haire already tried, and Taker almost bit his head off. Besides, if I go back in there, they'll know I'm the snitch." "Not necessarily. Tell them I tried to pump you for information, but you didn't tell me anything. Just hang out until you hear something. Now, what else do you know?" "They are going to be hiding out until after the Confidential tomorrow night." "Why wait until then?" "Because they are on it." ****************************** Sometime later, after most of the ladies were asleep, Kane began to doze off at the kitchen table. Jade, Fran and Dville still sat there with him drinking coffee. "Hey, big guy. Wake up," Jade yelled at him. "What?" "You're falling asleep," Fran explained. "Why don't you get some rest. We can let Taker in," Dville said. "Because I know you ladies are up to something." Kane ran his hand over his face, and stretched. "We'll be perfect angels," Fran said. "Yeah. Hell's angels." "Suit yourself. But, I swear we aren't up to anything. I've had enough hide-and-seek for the rest of my life. Do you have any idea what it's like to have one of your harem break up an intimate moment?" Dville laughed. "I thought it was pretty funny seeing you two pushed through the door." The ladies turned back to Kane, to find him dozing off again. "The poor man is so tired. He's going to fall out of that chair and bust his head," Fran said. "I have an idea," Jade said. She got up from the table, and moved the last empty arm chair over to block the only door leading in or out. "Kane, darlin', wake up." He slowly stirred. "Hey, why don't you come sit in this chair by the door? You can listen for Taker, and block our only means of escape." "Ok," he yawned. Dville and Fran helped him over to the chair. Once he was seated and comfortable, Jade covered him with a blanket. "Let's get some sleep, ladies."

chapter 51 - Fran As Kurt goes outside behind Vince Mark goes to the window & watches them for a minute, then turning to Edge, "Go out the back & around, stay low, see if you can hear what they are saying." he tells him. Edge looks at Mark & then is out the door & around the house, almost on his stomach, as he crawls along getting as close as he can. He hears, "Why wait for then?" Vince asks. "Because they are on it." Kurt answers back. As he listnes to their conversation he realizes that Kurt is a rat fink & if he'd keep his mouth shut he'd be upstairs wrapped in a warm cacoon with Fran right now. He almost stand to confront them but stops himself knowing 'Taker will handle it. He listens a few more minutes as Vince tells him, "Find out where they are, pump 'Taker, get him to talk to you, do whatever you have too but find out where Kane has taken those women & do it tonight." he tells Kurt. "How do I get 'Taker to talk to me?" he asks Vince. Vince looks at him & shakes his head, 'Who cares how you do it, just do it. You know what's in store for you when I get the information I want." Kurt smiles, "Yeah, I get the title Sunday night. Boy will 'Taker be surprised when he's counted out & I become champion." he says with a laugh. "Go on back inside, "Vince tells him, "and convince 'Taker you are on his side as soon as you know something, call me then leave here & lay low." Kurt nods & turns to go back inside. 'Taker is watching from the window & when he sees Angle turning to come back inside he moves back to his chair & sits down & grabs his beer, eyes on the TV. He looks up as Angle comes in the door, "what was all that about?" he asks. "Can you believe he was trying to pump me for information, I tild him that there hadn't been any ladies around here since we'd gottne the house. I don't know if he believed me or not." he says sitting down & grabbing his beer & drinking it. Then He says, "He asked if women hadn't been here why Edge had a red thong in his room. I told him that he has some kind of underwear after every trip, that I was beginning to wonder if he wasn't wearing them himself & just saying he got them from some girl." he says with a laugh looking around, "Where's Edge goten too?' he asks. Coming into the room from the kitchen with a beer in one hand Edge looks at him but doens't say anything. 'Taker looks at Edge, noticing his face & is up off the couch, "Hey I'm gonna get me another beer, anyone want another one?" he asks. As everyone syas yes he goes into the kitchen pushing Edge back in, he looks at him, places his finger on his lips & gets the ber, while hollering, "hey turn the TV up don't wantta miss any of the game." he says. When the valume of the TV goes up he looks at Edge, "what did you hear?" he asks. After Edge has given him a fast rundown he looks at 'Taker, "I want to take his ass out." he says. Looking at Edge, 'Taker shakes his head, "nope bro, we'll do it my way understand?" Looking into his face Edge nods & thinks to himself that he's really glad it's not him that 'Taker is gonna take care of. "Now" says 'Taker, "this is what I want you to do/" he tells him. Nodding his head as he finishes telling him what to do "Taker tells him, "just take it easy, ya hear, we'll take care of his ass." He looks at Edge & he nods, "Don't worry, I won't screw up & we'll take that lowlife own." Edge says. "I gotta go call Kane & tell him what's happening, now lets get the beer into the other room & you do your thing." As the walk back into the room Edge is saying, "We really thought we got everything cleaned up, I don't understand how we overlooked the thing but I think vince bought my story." he tells 'Taker. He glares at him. "Like I said boy, keep it in your pants from now on." 'Taker says sounding pissed. He hands the beer & then syas "gotta go piss, you can turn the TV down, it's on a commerical." as he walks from the room. Going upstairs he closes the door & turns the water on to cover the sound of his conversation with Kane. The other guys get up & leave the room, Kurt is stretched out on the couch looking for all the world like he's gone to sleep. Edge looks around the room & standing he pulls his cell phone out & dials a number. He walsk to the window while it rings then says, "Hey babe" he says in an almost whisper. "Is anyone listening?" he continues. Laughing, "Oh baby, I love it when you talk dirty to me. Hey, you'll never guess what I have in my pocket. Nope, it's bright red & lacy & smells like you." he says with a sigh. "Hey any idea where the big red machine took you guys?" he whispers. "Well, tell me about it & I may know where it is. With 'Taker thinking we don't know where you are I may be able to leave & come spring you from your jail & jailer." After a few seconds, "Shit girl, that sounds like the apartment Vince has put aside in the headwquarters for visitors. Man isn't taht great, here he is out running all over town looking for you all & you are right under his nose in his won building. Talk about mind games. I'll see you in a few, until later, okay & don't let anyone know I'm coming, you hear." he is laughing when he disconnects & turns & leaves the room, never looking at Kurt. As he leaves the room Kurt pulls out his cell, hits redial & listens to the ring & then Vince answers & he says, "They are hold up in the apartment you have in the Titan Building. Edge just called Fran & she told him where they were, he's on the way over now." Vince says, "good job, I'll see you sunday night, now get out of there." As Kurt lowers the phone he hears a noise & turning sees...................

chapter 52 - Lady Cat At the apartment, Fran had just hung up the phone when she felt someone tapping her shoulder. She turned to see Jade jerking her thumb behind her. She turned to see Lady Cat and B standing behind them. Fran swallowed hard. “That wouldn’t have been Edge you were talking to, now would it?” Cat asked with arched brows. She then looked at Kane. “Now what did you do to him?” “Looks like we’re going to take drastic measures with you two,” B said. “You just can’t seem to keep those legs closed can you? For your information, both Edge and O’Haire are married men. And I do believe Jade you have responsibilities as well.” Cat looked through the hall closet and found some rope. Jade looked at Cat and B. “What are you going to do with that?” “You two stand face to face,” B said. Cat gave one end to B while she wrapped the rope around the both of them, tying it good and tight, using several knots. The girls tried to move but couldn’t. “Now let’s see how you like facing each other all night,” B said. “Edge will be in for a big surprise when he gets here.” At the other place, Angle turned to see Taker and the rest of the guys looking at him. He swallowed hard and thought how was he going to get out of it. “Just who were you talking to?” Taker asked in a low menacing voice. “Uh no one,” Angle replied nervously, sweat breaking out on his bald head. Bradshaw grabbed the cell phone and hit a button which pulled up the last number called. “Seems he was calling Vince’s phone.” Taker bent low and got in Angle’s face. “Well?” Angle backed away but felt something behind him. It was Guerrero and Mysterio blocking his path. “Amigo, where do you think you’re going?” Guerrero asked, and pushed Angle back down into the chair. Taker called Mysterio over and whispered in his ear. Mysterio grinned and ran off. “I would suggest you not try to lie, Angle. Edge overheard you and told me everything.” Angle began to sweat even more. “All right!” he exclaimed. “Vince had me spy on you and in return promised I would win the title, making sure you were counted out.” Mysterio came back in with a pack of six duck tape rolls. “What’s that for?” Angle asked nervously. “Get his clothes off. I mean every stitch,” Taker ordered. In a couple of minutes the clothes were off, Angle standing naked in the room. Taker gave Guerrero, Mysterio, Bradshaw, and Rock each a roll of duck tape. “You guys know what to do.” Angle watched as he was being wrapped like a mummy. “Don’t cover his head, just everywhere else,” Taker said. The rest of the guys joined in and before long Angle was wrapped tightly. Taker took the last piece of tape and put it over Angle’s mouth. “Where should we put him?” Rock asked. Taker rubbed his chin. “The closet. But be sure everything is out of there.” The guys cleaned out the hallway closet and unceremoniously put Angle in there. “It might take a couple of days but you’ll be alright. One thing though,” Taker sneered. “It’s going to hurt like a bitch when they take that tape off you, especially in certain areas as it’s the kind of tape that when jerked off, takes whatever it was stuck to with it.” Angle looked down to between his legs and imagined the pain he was going to be in when it came to that area. “Hasta la vista, baby,” Taker growled and slammed the closet door. -------------------------------------------------- Back at the condo, Kane was beginning to wake up, and found himself wet and cold. “Hey, what the hell?” he exclaimed looking at himself. “You were drugged,” B said. “By two little imps.” Kane blinked his eyes. “All I remember is drinking coffee and feeling sleepy.” Kane looked over in the corner and saw Fran and Jade tied together, facing each other. Suddenly there was a bang on the door. B opened the door. It was Edge. “We have to get the girls out of here now. We found out how Vince knew about you. Angle had been telling Vince all along,” he said breathlessly, then looked over in the corner at Jade and Fran. “What the hell…?” “Here we go again,” Cat said, shaking her head and began waking the rest of the girls up. “Okay, everybody up. Time to move again.” Taker got on his cell phone and called Linda, informing her of everything that had gone on. “Take them to the one place Vince would never think of looking, the hotel the girls were originally at. Get them there as quick as you can.” Taker called Kane, who was still a bit groggy but okay, and told him what to do. Kane and Edge got the girls and their luggage loaded in their two cars and got them out fast, making sure everything was as it was before they got there. When Vince arrived at the apartment, he crept upstairs. Once at the door, he kicked it open. “Aha!” he yelled, only to find it empty. “Dammit! Where did they go now?” Vince tried calling Angle, but got no answer. At the house, Taker was sitting at the table enjoying the rest of his beer when Angle’s cell phone rang. He saw the number was Vince’s. “No more stooge for you, Vinny.” Kane and Edge drove to the back entrance of the hotel and quickly got the girls and their luggage inside. The hotel had been informed by Linda to expect them. The girls were settled in their rooms. Fran begged Edge to stay, but Edge said no, not tonight. After everything that had happened, he was going back to the house to sleep. He also told Jade that O’Haire wouldn’t be available either as he was the one that had to guard Angle. Kane gave Cat a quick kiss and left with Edge back to the house. Once back at the house, Kane and Edge told Taker, privately, where the girls were. Taker then took Kane to the closet and showed him Angle, explaining how they found out. Kane’s laughter was heard throughout the house. “Now let’s all get some sleep. Tomorrow night will be one night I won’t forget,” Taker said.

chapter 53 (The End) - Jade Once Vince finally drug himself into the office the next day, he sat at his desk, with his head in his hands. Linda walked in with a smile on her face. "Where have you been?" He dropped his hands, and stared up at her. "I give up. I swear those guys have me on some kind of wild goose chase. Everytime they tell me where the women are, they are gone before I get there." "What women?" "From the damn list." "I told you they weren't here. Why can't you listen to me for once?" He groaned. "Is everything set for the special viewing tonight?" "Every member of the board, staff, road crew, and talent has been invited. The caterers are setting up in the ball room, and they were testing the screen before I left them." "Great. What time is it?" "It's twelve fifteen." "I'm kinda tired. I'm going to catch a little nap before the show." "Alright, dear. I'll make sure everyone leaves you alone." Linda left the room, and went back to her office. She picked up the phone, and dialed Taker's cell phone. "Yeah?" "He gives up looking for the ladies. Now, I will have Show give you a call. Let him know how to get there. He can baby sit Kurt, so you guys can come with your dates." "Are you sure that's a good idea?" "Positive. The ladies deserve their moment in front of Vince." "Alright." ************************ After hanging up his cell phone, Taker looked at the guys. "Alright, guys. Take your showers, and get your suits on. We're taking the ladies to the special Confidential showing. Big Show is going to watch our prisoner." As the guys went their seperate ways to get ready, Taker called Lady B. "Hey, B. Me and the other guys will be there at seven to pick you ladies up. Make sure you are all ready." "The way the ladies have been running around in the hall, I think they are getting ready. We'll see you when you get here." Once she hung up the phone, there was a knock on her door. She got up to answer it. On the other side was Jade. "Can I talk to you for a sec, B?" "Come on in." Once the door was closed, Jade looked down, and fiddled with her thumbs. "I just wanted you to know that I didn't drug Kane last night. Whether Fran did or didn't, I don't know. And, I had no intentions of leaving, or inviting Sean to the condo. That's why I set Kane's chair in front of the door." B smiled. "I know. Dville told me that was your idea." "Then why the hell did you tie me up with Fran?" "So you could keep an eye on her, and make sure she and Edge couldn't have sex." "You are evil. I also came by to let you know I'm leaving. I'll see you ladies at the showing." "Where are you going?" "When Chavo went to pick me and Sean up, we left our bags at the hotel. We have to go back there to get dressed." "No hanky-panky," B said in a stern voice. "You have my word, Sis. Call my cell when you get ready to leave here, so we can meet you at the ball room." When Jade stepped out into the hall, she saw Lady Cat. "Cat." "Yeah?" "For your information, Sean is not married, nor has he ever been. Otherwise he wouldn't have invited me to his house. And, since I am now in the middle of a divorce, I can see him if I want to." Jade didn't want to argue with Cat at all, so she turned to head for the elevators, so she could meet Sean in the lobby. ******************************** At eight-thirty, the ladies stood outside the ball room with their respective dates. Everyone else had been seated inside for over an hour. They had all finished their dinners, and the show was about to begin. Taker faced the others. "Now, when we go in, not a peep until the show is over." The group nodded their agreement. Taker cracked the door open, and waited for the lights to go down. Once the room was darkened to just the glow from the screen, he lead them into the ball room, and against the back wall. Once the WWE Worldwide opening played, then the Confidential opening played, the image of Mean Gene filled the screen. "Hello, and welcome to this special episode of WWE Confidential. I am your host, Mean Gene Oakerland. "The WWE is coming up on its forty-sixth anniversary. Forty-six years of bringing all of you fans sports entertainment. Now, some of you may be wondering, "how do they keep their storylines so fresh, and in tune with what the fans want?" Well, it was recently discovered that the president and CEO of WWE, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, has been stealing ideas from a web-based group called Anything-Undertaker." Everyone heard Vince when he said, "what the hell..." He stood and looked around the room. "Turn this off! This isn't the show I made! What the hell is this?" Shane and Hunter stood and pushed Vince down in his seat. Linda turned to her husband. "Does the truth hurt, Vince?" He looked at her with wild eyes. Shane and Hunter stood there, and forced him to stay seated and watch the rest of the show. Once the show was over, and the lights were turned back on, Taker lead the ladies down to the McMahon's table. "Hey, Vince. I have some ladies here that I want you to meet." As Vince sat in his chair, he looked at the ladies one by one. "Damn you. Damn you all to hell." Fran leaned in closer. "We'll meet you there." Cat leaned in. "This same show went worldwide thirty minutes ago." "The world will see what kind of fraud you are as a writer," B said. Jade smiled and said, "Vinnie Mac comes under attack." "From what we understand, you never mentioned that you weren't the one coming up with these bright ideas," Sandra said. "Did you think we wouldn't find out?" Dville asked. "Or that we didn't care?" Dove added. "We enjoyed seeing our ideas on tv, but you should have said something to us, or asked us," Taj said. "Would you have ever owned up to it, if you weren't caught?" Kaleigh asked. "Shut up. all of you! It is my show, my characters. I am Vincent Kennedy McMahon, damn it! I don't have to ask anyone's permission to use the story ideas that you ladies wrote for my characters!" "Maybe not, Vince. But you should have given them credit, like I told you," Taker said. "Now, you have a bunch of angry women ready to bite your head off. Including your wife and daughter." Vince turned to look at Stephanie. "Princess?" "Don't you "princess" me, Dad," she said as she glared at him. Vince sighed, and slumped in his chair. "Alright, alright... You've already humiliated me, and made me admit it, so... full compensation for all ideas used, even the ones that have already aired." "Why should we trust you?" "Because he has a room full of witnesses, and I will make sure that accounting gets on it immediately," Linda said. ************************* After a while the room was almost emptied. The only ones left were the ladies, their dates, and the McMahons. Each of the ladies shook Linda's hand, and thanked her for everything. As they all got ready to leave, Taker noticed some of them were missing. "Anybody know where Jade, Fran, Sean and Edge got off to?" Eddie laughed. "I think they went to make the cars bounce without the hydralics, if you know what I mean, homes." Taker turned to go out to the parking lot, but Lady B grabbed his arm. "Leave them alone. It's over, now." THE END