Jaded Edge

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Unexpected Revelations
What Goes Around...
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Four Against the World
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Sister Joan (cont.)
Kronik Passion
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Kronik Passion

Sandra and Jade get a couple special guests (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark) at their hotel that turn their lives upside down. A fic written with my buddy, Jay Reso Gurl.

chapter 1 - Jade

A few years ago, Sandra and Jade opened a hotel. One night, two gorgeous men came in. As they walked through the door, they were arguing over who would pay for the rooms. As they neared the counter, one of them said," why don't we pay for our own rooms?" The other, sounding disgruntled, said, "fine, whatever." Sandra elbowed Jade. "Jade, look at who's here!" She looked up from her WOW magazine, and saw Brian Adams and Brian Clark from WCW. "Oh, God. They look even hotter in person," Jade replied. Sandra came to her senses first and stepped up to the counter. "Welcome to the Yellow Rose. How may I help you?" Brian Adams eyed Sandra up and down, then said," I'd like a room, and I would like to know what time you get off." "I have a room for you, and whenever I want to." Jade grabbed the keys to the rooms across the hall from their own. She handed one to Sandra, then stepped up in front of Brian Clark. "How may I help you?" He was thinking of what she could do for him, but decided to say the obvious. "I need a room, also." They checked the men in, and showed them to their rooms. Before Brian Adams opened the door to his room, he asked Sandra,"would you join me for dinner?" "I'd love to." "I'll meet you down stairs around 7. Is that alright with you?" "Fine," Sandra replied, barely able to contain her excitement.


chapter 2 - Sandra

Brian Clarke opened the door of his room and wanted to ask Jade for a date too, but he was just too shy, and he just thanked her for showing them the way. As soon as both guys closed the door of their rooms, Sandra and Jade went back to front desk and to talk about the guys. Jade looked at Sandra with a big smile and told her: "Youre so lucky, you got a date with your Brian" Sandra looked at Jade and told her that she could also have a date with her Brian, but the only thing to do would be to be the stronger one and to ask him. Maybe he was a bit too shy to ask you and if you make the first steps, maybe it would help. Jade thought about it and didnt know if it was a good idea or not, being shy herself. Sandra looked at her with two big brown eyes and told her that if she doesnt do it, she will regret it afterwards. Jade knew that Sandra was right, but still was not too sure. Her emotion were so confused, not about what she was feeling for her Brian, but just for the fact that she didnt wanted to get rejected or get a no as an answer. Sandra looked at her and knew what was going thru her mind and told her about one idea that could work. "Why dont we do it a double date ? I will call Brian and ask him if Brian would come with you and then, from there on, you guys can plan something for after, what do you think ???" Jade liked the idea and accepted. Sandra went to the phone and called her Brian.

"Brian, this is Sandra" she said.

"Hi, how you doin ?" Brian answered in a happy mood.

"Good, listen, I was wondering what your friend Brian was going to do tonight when we will be having dinner ?" with hopes in her voice.

"Nothing, why ?" with a big question mark on his head.

"Because I was thinking that we could make it a double date. Jade really wanted to get to know Brian but shes really shy, so if we put them together, maybe something can happen ?? What do you think ?" Sandra said wishing for a positive answer

"I think its a pretty good idea, "Bomb" is really shy too, hes afraid of rejection. Thats why he never ask anybody out." Brian explained to Sandra.

"Great, so you will talk to you little friend and I will tell Jade about our date tonight, so we will be waiting at 7:00 pm in the lobby." Sandra said.

"Sounds great" Brian replied.

As soon as Sandra hung up the phone, she looked at Jade with a big smile and told her: "You better get ready girlfriend, cause you have a date with "Bomb"." Jade looked at her with a big question mark not knowing about the nickname. Sandra started laughing and told her that it was how Brian called the other Brian.

While then, Adams called "Bomb" to his room and told him that he had a date for tonight. Clark didnt understand what was going on and Adams had to explain to him that he knows how he is with girls and that he doesnt want to be rejected, but that tonight, he would have a date with somebody that he might be interested in and that shes interested in you. Clarks face just light up and was all excited, but then started asking question about what will he do when he meets her and how to entertain her for the rest of the night. Adams told him that after dinner, they will go out to a bar and from then on, he hopes that it will be enough for him to find some ideas on his own.

Around 6:00 pm, Sandras and Jades employees arrived for their shift, they got in back of the counter and wished the two owners to have a nice evening. When they got back to their rooms, Sandra was looking thru her wardrobe to see what she would wear. She decided to wear her black leather pants with a nice top to go with it. The black of her outfit would bring out the red in her hair. All of sudden, the phone rang. It was Jade asking what she should wear tonight for the date. Sandra thought about Jades wardrobe and told her that she should go with her black suede outfit that she has. Jade wasnt too sure if it was too sexy for her date and when Sandra heard her hesitation on the phone, told her right away that it would be perfect and they would be wearing almost the same thing. That after the dinner, she was pretty sure that they would be going out to the bar. Jade listened to Sandra and took her outfit and layed it on her bed. Both of the girls were getting ready to their big date that was coming sooner than they realised.


chapter 3 - Jade

As the women finished getting ready, the Brians sat in the lobby talking.

"I'm worried screwing this up. I haven't been on a date in a while," Clark told Adams.

"Just be yourself, man. It's obvious she likes you. Otherwise, it would just be me and Sandra."

"I hope you're right. So, what's the plan?"

"I figured we could go to that fancy restaurant down the street and split up from there," Adams replied.

"You're going to leave me alone with Jade?"

"Quit being a baby. It's not like she'll bite you. Even if she did, you might like it," Adams laughed.

They hadn't noticed that Sandra and Jade had come downstairs and were standing right behind them.

"I promise I won't bite you," Jade whispered into Brian Clark's ear. "I usually wait to do that on the second date."

"Are we ready to go," Adams asked the ladies.

"Ready when you are," Sandra replied.

Adams held the door open. "Ladies first."

Sandra and Adams lead the way, while Jade and Clark stayed a few steps behind.

"So, what's it like traveling all the time," Jade asked Clark, trying to break the ice.

"It's not as cool as I thought it would be. I'm usually only home a day or two out of the week. What's it like running a hotel?"

"To make a long story short, I'm glad I live there. It saves people from my rage."

"It can't be that bad," Brian replied.

"All of the orders to make, pushy guests, and this guy came in today and made me crazy."

"You want me to take care of him for you," Clark asked, very seriously.

"I meant you," Jade said laughing.

Sandra looked at Adams and they smiled at each other. They both knew that their friends would come out of their shells.

They stepped into the restaurant, and most of the people turned to look at them. They found a booth in the back that was dark and away from everyone else. The waiter came and gave them the menus and asked what they wanted to drink.

"Strawberry Daiquiri," Sandra answered.

"Pina Colada," Jade answered.

"Budweiser," the Brians said in unison.

They enjoyed a quiet meal until someone recognized the men. They signed a few autographs, then went back to their dinner.

"Is it always like this," Sandra asked.

"You mean the fans," Adams asked. At Sandra's nod he continued. "Not always. It gets worse at times. We've had guys challenge us at signings."

They chatted as they ate. After the meal, Jade sat back and asked if anyone objected to her having a cigarette. She lit one and asked, "So, what do we do now?"

"What's fun to do around here," Clark asked her.

"There's a pool hall down the street. They know me as the one who can't shoot."

They all laughed. "Maybe I should give you some lessons," Clark told her.

"What about you, Sandra? What do you like to do," Adams asked her.

"Why don't we go back to the hotel and get a car. I'll think of something on the way."

Adams paid the tab and they left the restaurant. Jade and Clark going one way. Sandra and Adams going the other.

chapter 4 - Sandra

When Jade and Clark arrived to the pool hall, they looked around and the place was packed. They signed up for a table as soon as one would be available at the cash bar. While they were waiting, they went to the little closed in area to sit down and relax a bit. When they enter the room, there was nobody, so they would be able to talk without anybody interrupting them. They both sat on the couch and Clark asked Jade if she wanted something from the bar. She looked at him and told him that she would get another Pina Colada. He stood up, went to the bar and came back with her drink and a beer for himself. When they sat down, Clark looked at Jade and wanted to ask her if she was seeing somebody, but he decided not to a took a drink of his bottle of beer. Jade knew that he was going to ask her something and she asked him what he was going to ask her. He took a deep breath and asked her the question. "Are you with somebody right now ?" She got a smile in her face and told him that she was not seeing anybody at the moment. Then, she decided to return the question to him in which he told her that he was single and that it was hard for him to find somebody who would understand long distance relationship with somebody whos on the road almost 11 months out of the year. Jade looked at him, now that the shyness has left her after two drinks, and told him that it was funny because she was looking for a long distance relationship with somebody who would be out of the city for about 11 months too She started laughing which brought a big smile to Brians face With that thought, he knew that he had found the understanding girl who he has been looking for. After the laughter, they were getting closer and closer and as they were almost ready to kiss, the boy who worked the cash bar for the pool table came to let them know that their table was ready. They both looked at each other and stood up to go and play some pool.

Sandra and her Brian at gotten to the hotel and Sandra got the keys of her truck and they left for a little ride around the city. The wanted to see the city at night, so they went to the Mount-Royal. There was a parking where all the couple would go and see the whole city light up. When they got to the parking lot, there was one spot left and Sandra took it. She stopped the car and they were both amazed by the beauty of the city all lighted up. Then, they started talking about their own ways to see life. Brian was telling Sandra how the travelling that he has been doing since he was younger help him to see life and how lucky he was. But that he was to a point that he wanted to have a stable life, like being able to be home every night and to have a family. Sandra told him that she did a lot of traveling when she was younger and she took advantage while she was single. And now, we the business that Jade and her had started, they were half way down to be living the perfect life. Brian looked at Sandra and asked her what other half was it that was missing and Sandra told him that the half missing was to find somebody to share her life with and to start a family. Brian looked down with a grin before saying to Sandra that they might be able to help each other in their ways to make life better. Brian came closer to Sandra to kiss her until they heard a big noise from the windshield. It was a teenager cleaning all the windshields of all the cars to get some money. When they realized what it was, Brian sat back to his seat and both started laughing.

chapter 5 - Jade

Once Jade and "Bomb" got to the pool table, she turned to him and asked," now, how about those lessons?"

Brian took a drink from his beer, set it down, and found a cue. Meanwhile, Jade racked the balls. He went back over to her, and trapped her between himself and the cue. She molded her body to his, and they got in position to break. Ideas came to both of them, mostly having to do with the position they were in. Neither would tell the other, though.

They took the shot together. Clark's lips were mere inches away from her neck. He inhaled the mixture of her shampoo and perfume. The temptation took over. He kissed her neck, then gently scraped his teeth across her flesh. His brain came back up from the other 'head', and realized that he shouldn't have done that ina public place.

All thoughts escaped Jade's mind except one; 'If I'm dreaming, don't ever wake me up!' Her knees became weak, and she almost fell onto the table.

Clark and Jade had just finished their 4th game when they decided to leave. She started walking toward the hotel, but Brian grabbed her arm. "Let's walk around the block before we go back. It's too nice of a night to be inside."

"Alright." They headed in the opposite direction. "You know, this is really cool. Sandra's had a thing for Adams for a long time, and so have I for you." Her tongue had gotten very "loose" from the drinks. She normally wouldn't have just came out and told him.

Brian raised an eyebrow. "How long," he asked with a mischeivious grin.

"Since you were "Adam Bomb"." She thought for a moment. "That's where that nick name came from," she whispered.

"What nick name?"

"Sandra called you "Bomb" earlier. It didn't hit me then what she meant." "That's what Adams calls me," he laughed. "I've started calling him "Crush". It's a little confusing for everyone when we're both Brian."

Jade decided to change the subject. "How long are you staying?"

"A couple days. We're on a mini-vacation between shows."

"Oh." She looked down as they walked. She knew it would be a short time for them to be together, but she found herself not wanting him to leave.

Brian had noticed her sudden mood change, and stopped her. He tilted her chin up, with two fingers, until they were eye to eye. "I don't want to leave," he whispered. He kissed her tenderly, then wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and they walked back to the hotel.

After the teenager finished with the windshield, Sandra gave him a couple bucks. 'The kid was probably just a peeker,' she thought. She could have killed him for coming at that exact moment.

"Now, where were we," Adams asked with a wide grin.

"I think we were about to kiss," she replied.

He wrapped his arms around her, and claimed her lips with a tender kiss. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, exploring every crevice. When the kiss ended, they sat holding each other, staring at the lights a few minutes longer.

She slid her hand over his chest, feeling the hard muscles twitch under her touch. Adams leaned his head against the seat, and let a small moan escape. He hadn't been with a woman in so long, that her touch alone was arousing him. He claimed her lips again, this time with more urgency. He tried to lay her back, but the truck was too small for that.

"I think we need some more room," Brian said.

"Are you ready to go back to the hotel," Sandra asked.

He trailed kisses from her shoulder to her ear. "Aren't you," he whispered.

Rather than answer, she started the truck and drove back to the hotel like a bat out of hell.

chapter 6 - Sandra


When, Brian open the door of his room, he let Jade go in, but forgot that everything was a mess in the room, which got him a bit uncomfortable in front of Jade. She started laughing, and it didnt take her too much, as she was already gigly from the drinks that she had. After throwing everything under the bed, Brian approached Jade and put his had under her hair and brought her face closer to hers to kiss her gently, and then, changing to passiontely As the kiss was growing their bodies were heating up and they were to the point that they needed each other now. As Brian broke the kiss, he layed Jade on the bed and went to luck the door, so that way, "Crush" would get the message to not enter or bring Sandra to the room. After locking the door, he came back to the bed where Jade was laying on, and got down on his knees. He took Jades shoes off and started kissing her feet. Jade had her eyes closed and was just enjoying the moment. Brian continued kissing her and following her legs He then unbutton her pants and removed it really slowly. He then got to her upper legs and started kissing her every where. When he got to her panty, he removed it with his teeth gently and that was just getting Jade more horny. After dropping Jade's panty on the floor, he laid next to her in bed and opened her top and removed it and then, removed her bra. After throwing it on the floor, he started messaging her left breast and sucking on her right nipple Jade was enjoying it so much that she was releasing little sounds of moaning that was turning Brian even horny. Jade started playing with Brians hair while he still sucking on her nipple. Then, he started kissing the trail down to her belly down to her hot spot. She was more then ready for him, but he wanted to satisfy her a little bit more before the ultimate satisfaction. He started to excite her more with his tongue which made Jade come as a fountain. He stayed there to enjoy her honey drops and then, he was ready to penetrate her. He started by inserting his huge member to her entrance and slowly introducing it. Jade was moaning louder and louder every time he would go further, but after hearing her hurting moaning to enjoying one, he got his pace faster and faster until he got into a rhythm that both of them were enjoying. Whey they both reached their climax, Brian released his seams into Jade and they both felt so good. Brian collapsed on Jade and stayed there for a couple minutes more until he redrew himself and laid next to Jade. She turned on her side and with her soft hand, pushed Brians hair from his face and whispered to him that she loved him so much and she wished that night would never end. That saying brought a smile on Brians face and told her that if its what she wants, her wish might just come true.

chapter 7 - Jade

Sandra and Adams rushed into the hotel, and up the stairs. Once the door was closed and locked behind them, his arms were around her, and urgently kissing her lips. He picked her up and took her to the bed, where Brian laid her down. He slowly stripped her of her clothes, kissing every inch that was covered. Once she was completely undressed, he came back up to claim her lips. She pulled his shirt over his head, and threw it on the floor. Sandra pushed him onto his back, and spread kisses across his chest and stomach. She unfastened his pants, and pulled them and his underwear off of him.

She slid back up his body, stopping at his waist. She took his enormous length into her hand, and stroked him before sliding the head past her lips. Sandra felt his rumbling moan travel through his body, as he thoroughly enjoyed the sweet torture her mouth offered.

Sandra finished her journey up his body, ending it as their lips touched. They rolled together until Adams was on top. He kissed her jaw, then her neck, as he traveled down her body. He nibbled on her breasts, while petting her soft hidden curls. The tip of his tongue teased her flesh as he went further down to her moist tunnel.

He slowly slid his tongue inside her, gently closing his lips around her

swollen clit. Her climax came fast and furious, leaving her body convulsing.

Brian lapped up every last drop, before moving back up.

Brian baried his face in her neck as he entered her. A soft moan escaped

Sandra's lips, when he was fully sheathed. He began with a slow pace, but it

quickened as she bucked in time with him.

"You are so beautiful," he told her. Her smile was all the thanks he needed. They climaxed together, Brian spilling his seed deep inside Sandra. He brushed the loose hairs from her face, and kissed her before separating himself from her. He wrapped his arms around her, and they molded their bodies together.

"I could stay like this forever," Sandra sighed.

"I think we will," was his reply.

chapter 8 - Sandra

The next morning, Jade woke up and looked at the time. It was 10:30 am, and she had to start her shift at 10:00 am. She called down to tell her employee that shes so sorry and that she will be there in about 15 minutes. Then, she called Brians room to wake Sandra up. The phone rang, rang, and rang again, with no answers. Then, Jade decided to get dress and go knock at the door. She found Brys t-shirt on the floor and put it on. It felt like a pj for her. She got in front of Brians room and knocked at the door, then, started screaming Sandras name to wake up. Then, the door open and Sandra was there, hair all over the place and one eye open and the other one closed. Sandra looked at Jade and asked her what did she wanted ? Jade looked at Sandra and asked her if she knew what time it was ? Sandra, still trying to wake up, told Jade that it was probably around 7:30 am. Jade started laughing and told Sandra that it was 10:30 am and they were 30 minutes late. Sandra woke up suddenly and told Jade that she would get into the shower and be ready in about 15 minutes. Jade told her that she would be back to get her in 15 minutes on the dot.

Sandra closed the door and went back to bed with Brian, but she knew she had to get ready to go downstairs and work. She didnt want to leave Brian there, she wanted to spend the rest of her life, laying down next to him. She decided to give him a kiss on the forehead and to get into the shower. She turned the water on and got out of her t-shirt and got under the water. All of sudden, she felt two hands on her hips, and she layed her head back. She knew that it was Brian and that she will stay with him for the rest of her life. She had been in other relationship before but nothing that she really felt like the real one, but this time, she could feel it in her heart and soul that she had found it and she didnt want to jeopardize it in any way. She turned to face him and he was there, all soaking wet facing Sandra with that killer smile of his..

In the other room, Jade was almost ready to go to work, and she was watching Bryan still sleeping like a baby. She couldnt believe it that Bryan was there, in her bed and that he was with her. She event pinched herself to be sure that she wasnt dreaming or anything like that. Then, as she turned to her make up table to fix her make up, he stood up in back of her and started to kiss her neck. She was enjoying that moment very much and she was loosing it too. She didnt want to go to work, she just wanted to stay there and cuddle with her man, the one that she was looking for all these years. The one that would make her so happy that wouldnt need anything else in life. The one that she really hoped that one day, they would be Mr. And Mrs. Bryan Clark.

chapter 9 - Jade

"Are you leaving me," Bryan asked Jade.

"I wish I wasn't, but I have to work."

He pulled the collar of her shirt away fom her shoulder, and placed kisses where he could. "You can't 'play hooky' today?"

"No, I can't. Mmmmm, you're making it very hard to get ready."

"Alright. Will you have dinner with me tonight? Just the two of us?"

"Sure. I get off at five today. You can come down and bug me if you get bored."

"Ok. I love you."

"I love you, too."

They shared a passionate kiss, before he went in the bathroom and got in the shower.

Meanwhile, Sandra and Brian finished steaming up the bathroom with their shower and lovemaking. When she stepped out of the bathroom, Sandra looked at the clock on the bedside table. It was 10:50. She rushed around the room, getting dressed and putting on her make up.

"Slow down, baby. You're making me dizzy," Brian laughed.

"Sorry, hun, but I'm really late for work."

He grabbed her as she tried to walk passed him. He held her close to his body, and kissed her. When the kiss ended, he said," that got you to slow down."

With a wide grin on her face, Sandra, "Mmm, hmmm."

Jade knocked on the door, and interrupted their moment. "I'm almost ready. I'll meet you down there."

Minutes later, Sandra joined Jade behind the front desk. "Oh, God. I think I'm in heaven," Sandra said.

"Not if we're working," Jade laughed.

"I mean with Brian. He's more than I ever expected."

"I know what you mean."

Just then, the guys came down the stairs, and over to them. "We'll be back in a little while, ladies. There's something we have to do," Brian Adams said.

"See you later," Sandra said.

Bryan Clark just winked at Jade, making her blush. Then, the guys turned to leave. "I don't want him to leave, but I love to watch him go," Jade said while watching Bry's ass.

They both laughed at her comment, until a customer stepped in front of them.

chapter 10 - Sandra

Around 5:00 PM, the two girls were almost sleeping on the counter when the two guys got back from their shopping spree. They tip toed to the counter and started coughing. Both Sandra and Jade jumped up and got scared. The guys started laughing at the reaction of the girls. Jade told Bryan that it wasnt funny and Sandra looked at her Brian with guns in her eyes. Bryan who was watching her reaction told Brian that he better get out of here before he dies, which made Jade loose it and starting to laugh. Then, whenever Jade would laugh, Sandra wouldnt be able to handle it and would start laughing too. The guys went behind the counter and gave the girls big hug and to apologize about scaring them. The girls asked them where they went and what they brought back, but they didnt want to say or show anything to the girls. They told them that it was a surprise Bryan looked at Jade and asked her when she would be ready to let him know, and that he would bring her to eat dinner somewhere really special. Sandra looked at Jade with a big grin and told her that she wished she would be a little bird to be able to follow them and see what is going to happen. Brian grabbed Sandra by her side and told her that the little bird will be busy tonight and wont have time to wonder what is going on between the two others.

Because they were so late in the morning, Jade and Sandra gave their employee a little break and told her to come in for 6:00 pm. As soon as she arrived, they both ran upstairs to refresh and get ready for their nights. Jade didnt know what to where, like usual. She asked Sandra for her opinion and with a really serious face, she told her: "Nothing". Jade looked at her and didnt find the joke really funny. Sandra was laughing and rolling on her bed.. then, with more seriousness, told her to wear something really dressy and classy. Jade looked at her closet and found this really nice Black dress, sleeveless and with a V collar. Sandra gave her to two thumbs up and that was what she was going to wear. Sandra was just laying in bed and watching the TV. Jade asked her if she was going to get ready, but Sandra told her that she was not going anywhere, Brian told her that they were staying in, but he had something plan. Jade looked at her with a big grin and with a lot of sarcasm, like she never does, told Sandra to be careful, that when two people play together like that, they become three nine months later Sandra grabbed her pillow and threw it to Jade with a laughter that only them can have..

chapter 11 - Jade

Jade called over to Bomb's room. "Are you ready?"

"Just about. I'll meet you in the hall."


Once in the hall, he wrapped his arms around her waist, and looked in her


"You look great, Jade."

"Thanks, hun. You look very handsome."

He wore a black shirt with a zipper, black jeans, and his hair was pulled back

in a pony tail. His blue eyes were filled with love, as they stared at each other. "I think we should leave, before we decide to stay in," Bry said.

Meanwhile, in Crush's room, he was preparing everything for the night. It hit him that he forgot about dinner. He opened the door to leave, and Sandra almost knocked on his shoulder. He quickly closed the door behind him, so she couldn't see inside. He took her into his arms, and kissed her.

"I have to go out for a few minutes. I forgot something. Don't go in there,

until I tell you, ok?"

Sandra wondered what he was up to. "Alright. I'll be in my room."

They kissed again. Then, he rushed out of the hotel.

"Bryan, where are we going," Jade asked after seeing the city limits sign.

He gave her a wide grin, and said, "you'll see."

She sat back and enjoyed the ride. She closed her eyes, and day-dreamed about their wedding, what their children would look like, and growing old with him.

Then, she started thinking how surreal it still was to her that they were


Before long, salty sea air filled her nostrils. She opened her eyes, and

looked out the side window. They were stopping on the beach. "Do you want to go for a swim before it gets dark," Bomb asked.

"I can't go swimming in my dress."

He pulled a bag out of the back seat. Out of the bag, he pulled a plain black

bikini, and a pair of swimming trunks for him. She heard something rattling

around as he tried to get the bag in the backseat again. "What else are you

hiding in your little bag," she asked with a wide grin.

"I was going to save that for dinner, but..." He set the bag back in his lap,

and pulled out a little black box. "Will you marry me?"

Jade pinched herself. She was definitely awake. "Yes!"

Adams had returned from picking up food, and finished setting everything the way he wanted it. He called over to Sandra's room, and told her he was ready for her. She knocked on the door soon after.

When he opened the door for her, she stood in awe. The room was bathed in

candle light. Their Chinese dinner sat on the table, an ice bucket with a

bottle of Champaign sitting in the middle. A bouquet of roses sat in a vase on

the dresser, a card sitting in the middle. He took her hand, and lead her to

the table. He pulled out her chair for her, and helped her push it in once she

sat. Brian opened the Champaign, and poured some in their glasses. He seated himself, and they began to eat, feeding each other more than themselves.

When they finished eating, Brian retrieved the flowers and set them in front of her. "Read the card, please."

She pulled the card out. It felt heavier than such a tiny card should. She

opened it up, and inside it said, "be mine forever." Also inside, was an

engagement ring.

chapter 12 - Sandra

Jade couldnt believe it, she was so excited about the fact that was going to become Mrs. Bryan Clark. While then, they had changed into their swimming suits and ran into the water They were playing in the water like two kids. They were so in love with each other than nothing would be able to change that. When they came out of the water to dry themselves, Bryan realized that he had missed 5 calls on his cell and his beeper was flashing too. Jade looked at him and asked him if everything was fine. Bryan looked at her and told her that something must have happened when both of his cell and pager go off at the same time. As he was going to dial to listen to his voice mail, the phone rang again. Bryan answers. As Bryan listen to the other person talking, hes loosing his smile and the only words that he said was that they were on their way. Jade started to be concerned and asked him what was wrong. Bryan looked at Jade and told her that it was Sandra. Brian and Sandra were at the hospital after Brian started screaming with pain in his stomach area. Sandra told Bryan that she had tried to call Jade, but she always got the answering machine. Jade looked at Bryan and told him that she had left her phone in her room. So, Bryan and Jade jumped in Bryans car and drove to the hospital.

Sandra was still with no answers from the doctors about what happened to Brian. She was still waiting impatiently for the doctors to give her the news. They were there for almost an hour, and still nothing. She was bent over and tears were falling down her cheeks. Then, she would look at her hand and see the ring that Brian had just gave her prior to. Her engagement ring that was the commitment for their relationship to go on step ahead. Their commitment to be faithful to each other and being exclusive to each other. But what did happened for this beautiful moment to turn as black as a board and bring them to the hospital. About 30 minutes later, Bryan and Jade arrived to the hospital and asked where was Brian and Sandra. The nurse checked and told the couple that they were on the 3rd floor waiting to get the results of the test. They got into the elevator, close the doors and pushed the number 3 button on the wall. When the doors opened, Bryan and Jade looked left and right until they spotted Sandra sitting on the chair, rocking back and forth. Jade ran to Sandra, got on her knees and hugged Sandra. Jade asked Sandra if she had any news about Brian. Sandra was crying hysterically and the only thing she was able to answer was a shake of the head from left to right. Then, Bryan decided to try one of the nurse that was walking around, but not more luck.

Another hour past by and still no answer, until the door of the examination room opened. One doctor came out, and was looking for any sibling to Mr. Brian Adams. Sandra stood up and walked up to the doctor. The doctor asked her who she was and she told him that she was his fiancée. Then, the doctor took Sandra aside and told her what had happened. The doctor told Sandra everything that he did and that everything will be okay. When he was done talking to Sandra, she came over Bryan and Jade to tell them what happened. Sandra told both of them that Brian had suffered an appendicitis attack and they are lucky that they got here in time, because if he would have waited more, he might be going to his own funeral instead of his wedding. Apparently, he was really near the internal rupture that could have cause for him to die. But now, he was resting in his room and he would take a couple of hours before he wakes up. Sandra was relieved to know that Brian was okay, and told the happy couple that they can go home if they want, that she will be staying there until he wakes up. Also, Sandra told Jade and Bryan that if there is anything that changes, that she would call them. Bryan and Jade made sure that it was what Sandra wanted to do and she told them that she was going to be okay.