Jaded Edge

Musician Fics
Open Challenge
Tit For Tat
The Dominatress
Of Saints & Sinners
Dirty Deeds
Don't Stand
I Could Fall
Taker X-mas poem
Road Rash
House on the Hill
A Vampire's Love
Dream Lover
Ghost of a Chance
Unexpected Revelations
What Goes Around...
Wanna Wrestle?
Evil In My Blood
Lincoln Park
Saving the Spirit
What Lies Within
Prop: Conf.
Four Against the World
Sister Joan
Sister Joan (cont.)
Kronik Passion
Favorite Links
Awards I Won
Fun Stuff
About Dom.
Contact Me
A Man for Sister Joan
Gotta love the Brothers of Destruction. Two lovers, Lucas (the town sheriff) and Dom (Dudley Ville's biggest trouble-maker), try to keep their relationship a secret in a small town. Their siblings are at wit's end with each other. Thomas is falling for Joan, but Joan thinks he's a Neanderthal. Will Joan come out of her shell, when Thomas saves her sister, Dom, from going to prison?  
If you can't tell, Thomas Callaway is Kane, and Lucas Callaway is Undertaker. This story is co-written with my "sister" Stonewall.

chapter 1 - Stonewall

Joan was struggling to get out of the shower without slipping and falling on the floor. She was completely covered in liquid soap when the phone began to ring like crazy. Although she was alone in the big old house she took the time to put on her robe. With a towel, she dried her feet and took the wireless phone near her bed.

"Hello?" she said out of breath.

"Joan? Its me, Dom, your little sister," says the voice on the other side of the line.

Joan exhales a sigh of resignation. Over the years her sister only called her when she was in trouble.

"What now, Dom?"

"Hey it's just a social call, nothing else. Jesus, anyone who hears you would think I only call you when Im in trouble," answered Dom, a little bit hurt by her sister's question.

Joan felt guilty. Very guilty. She didnt like to be mad at Dom. But her little sister, and only family, was a wild cat to tame. So much different from her.

"Im sorry, Dom. It's just I had a bad day at work, and, you know, Im a little bit tense thats all. So whats up?" replies Joan feeling bad.

"Ill forgive you, sis. Look I called you, because Im going to work late today. I finally got the inspiration for that tattoo that I told you about, and the parlor is the place. I just dont want you to worry about me."

Joan frowned a little. Dom never called her to say she was going to be late. Either she just disappears or just showed up before she went to work. Her sister was planning something else, she was sure about it.

"Did you have dinner?"

"Nope, but Im going to Cindy Maes café after the call and eat there. Then be back to the parlor," answered Dominic.

"Ok, then I hope you are ok. I just have to go finish my shower and go to sleep after my prayers. Dont stay till too late, ok sis?" says Joan sweetly.

"Ok sis. Bye" answers Dom.

Joan knew that her sister was up to something. Dominic Marie Saint Patrick was a little spitfire with all the armor included. Both sisters lost their parents when Joan was seven and Dominic three. They strangely survived the car accident but their parents did not. Since Dudley Ville, Texas was a very united town, the founders of the town decided to adopt the little girls. The family was composed of Aaron Dudley his wife Martha and the three sons: Bubba Ray, Devon and Spike. The girls were raised properly and with love. The brothers always looked out for them, and would punish anyone who would even make them sad. Joan, since she was a little bit older than Dominic, thought that she would have to look out for her sister any possible way. Also she felt in debt with the Dudleys for all the care and love they provided to both of them. Joan tried to be perfect in everything. Her grades at school were the highest and she always was teased for being too intelligent. She also behaves like a perfect lady. She didnt want to cause any troubles to the family. In some way Joan thought it was a test for her and her sister. Joan was a model for any girl. She never disobeyed any order, never complained about anything. This preoccupied the Dudleys because she even didnt bring any friends home. Everyone at school thought she was some kind of nun or novice. Thats when they began to call her Sister Joan. Since her goal was to not be a burden to the family, she just kept quiet and endured the mocks and laughs of everyone. Never let them see the hurt in her eyes for being rejected.

In high school things werent any better. The teasing was more hurtful. Joan then put all her efforts to finish high school and leave the place. When she won the scholarship to study in Boston she was torn apart. She didnt want to leave her sister alone at the same time she wanted to be out of the town. But Dom told her that she would fine.

Holding on to the promise that Dominic told her that she would call if she was in trouble, Joan went to Boston to study business administration. But her stay was a disaster. The pressure to be successful like in high school was too much. Also the fact that her fame of Sister Joan even reached her there. After 2 years she came back defeated and broken hearted. By a hit of pure luck she got the job as librarian in the public library of the town. It was while she was doing her job that she learned that her true passion was writing. But fearing that she would be mocked, like what happened in the city, Joan didnt write unless she was completely alone.

Meanwhile, Dominics life was completely different. She grew up surrounded by the three brothers doing any kind of mischief a kid proper of their age would do. Dom was more spontaneous and more open than Joan. She never was afraid to speak out her opinions even if this could get her in trouble. Which was all the time. But her three saviors were always behind her back backing her up in anything, even against the Calloway brothers. They arrived to the town when Joan was in her last year of high school. Lucas was the same age as Joan, while Thomas was only two years younger. Both brothers were huge and bulky. Lucas was always the serious one, and he never got into trouble. Thomas on the other hand, was the girls perdition in Dudley High. All the girls died to date him, or even spend some private moments. Thomas was gentle and nice; sometimes too nice which caused him to be teased by the others. Lucas was the bully only when someone commits the error to pick on his brother.

While Joan keeps remembering all her past days in the town, she felt nostalgic. Sometimes she regretted not staying out in the rain or skipping class to go to the lake. She even sometimes felt envy of her sister and how she could manage to be so much happier than her. Instantly she regretted that thought. Dominic was her sister her only family and she could not, should not be thinking like that. Maybe she just was turning into a bitter old woman. After finishing a light supper and wrote a couple of things in her computer she went to sleep. But the sleep never came. She was really worried about her sister. Dom was the owner of a tattoo parlor and bike shop. Being a very talented artist, Dominic could make a masterpiece on any surface and with any type of ink. She fell in love with tattoos when she saw one of the many Discovery Channel programs that sometimes Joan will force her to watch as a punishment for skipping class. Eventually Dominic graduated from high school and after working for a few weeks in the café she went to Houston while her sister was away and learned about Tattoos, Bikes and Rock n Roll.

With the help, and a little bribery, of the three brothers she bought the old barn near the town and mounts her parlor and shop. It wasnt easy. Joan was the first one to oppose and many town people agreed with her. But if it wasnt for Lucas, nobody would have supported her. He was a regular client and if that wouldnt make a difference, then being the towns new sheriff was the factor. After turning like a hot dog on the grill a thousand times Joan woke up and dressed. She needed to know that Dom wasnt causing anymore trouble. It took her some minutes to put on a big sweater and a pair of jeans. She tied her hair in a tight bun and put on her glasses. Since the town was small she went walking. The town was quiet although it was only 9 oclock in the night. She walked until she saw the old barn and a couple of cars parked in the front. One of them was the Lucas Calloway patrol. Joans heart dropped to her feet. She knew that something was going on. She sped up her pace and hurried to help her sister like she always did.


chapter 2 - Jade

Joan opened the door, and looked around the shop. Hard rock music blared from the speakers mounted on the wall. She saw a few bikes lined up against the side wall, that were drying from the custom airbrush work Dom had done to them. She walked over to the counter, in case she was behind it, but she wasn't there. "Dom? Where are you?" she called out. Joan walked down the back hall, until she found her. She saw Sheriff Callaway sitting in a chair with his shirt unbuttoned, and Dom was leaning over him. She turned her head away from them, not knowing what was really going on. Then, she heard the familiar buzz of the tattoo gun. "Hello, Sister Joan," Lucas said. "Hello, Sheriff Callaway."

"What are you doing out this late, Joan? I thought you were going to bed?" Joan sighed with relief. "I thought you were in trouble. You don't normally call me." "Well, you have Lucas to thank for that. I didn't tell you he was here, because I didn't want you to freak out. Guess that backfired." "If you would have told me he was here for a tattoo, I wouldn't have. And what about your tattoo?" "I drew it earlier. Jeff is going to do it for me tomorrow." Jeff Hardy was Dom's only employee. "Where is Jeff?" "I sent him home." Dom put down the tattoo gun, and turned to her sister. "Lucas hasn't had to put the cuffs on me yet, so don't worry about me. Just go home, and go back to bed."

Joan felt someone behind her. "Do you need me to carry her out, Dom?" "Bubba, will you take her home?" "Sure. Me and Devon will head home ourselves." "Alright. And, Joan, I'll be home when I get finished with Lucas." "That is, if I don't have to arrest her again," he laughed. "I'll behave until my probation is up," she said through clenched teeth. She turned back to Joan and Bubba. "Don't worry. I'll be here a little while, then I'll come straight home. Ok?" "Ok. But not too late. You know the neighbors hate your loud motorcycle at night." "Alright, alright. Wouldn't want them to get their granny panties in a bunch. I'll lock the door behind you guys, so I won't get another customer." Dom followed them to the door, and did as she promised.

"Is everyone gone," Lucas asked, peaking out from behind the wall. "Yep. Just the two of us." He walked over to her, and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Good. 'Cause there's something I've wanted to do since I got here." "What's that?" He bent down, and kissed her deeply. She moaned as it ended. "If you weren't hell bent on hiding our little relationship, you could do that anywhere, and in front of anyone." "I know, but I was lucky everyone elected me for this position. What would they think if I got involved with Dudley Ville's biggest trouble maker?" Dom smiled at him. "That you found a new use for your handcuffs." He smiled, and kissed her again.

"I have to do something with Joan. She'll figure it out before long," Dom said. "Like what?" "I don't know. Something to preoccupy her." "I don't know. She might actually like the idea of us. She might think that I could make you behave." She laughed. "Yeah, right. You bring out the devil in me." "That's focused on the bedroom, not breaking the law." She growled at him. "If it wasn't for me breaking the law, you would be doing nothing but writing traffic tickets." "If it wasn't me that dragged your ass off that whore, you'd be in jail, instead of on probation." "Anyways... You mentioned a bedroom. Are you taking me to your's?" "Come on."

Bubba Ray and Devon had just parked in front of Joan and Dom's house. "Are you gonna be ok?" Devon asked. "Yeah. Will you guys keep an eye on Dominic? I have this feeling she's up to something." "Joan, she has behaved herself, as far as we know, since the fight a few weeks ago. Give her the benefit of doubt. Maybe she's learning to behave," Bubba Ray said. "Alright. Goodnight."

Joan went inside, and got ready for bed. She had finally started to drift off to sleep, when she heard four gun shots. She silently prayed, "please, Lord, don't let her be involved in that." Joan picked up the phone to call the shop, then thought that she could be on her way home. She tossed and turned the rest of the night, waiting for her to get home, but she never showed up.


Chapter 3

by Stonewall

Joan tried to sleep but when she watched the clock turn five oclock in the morning with no sign of Dom, she started to worry before saying that she was going to panic. Joan got up and dressed to go down to the police station. Something must have happened to her sister. She did her long black hair again in a tight bun with enough hair spray to let any kind of bug get stranded in her hair. With that amount of hair spray she made sure her hair stayed in place and look always presentable. As a librarian she must look serious, responsible and inspiring. She never used heavy make up only pressed power and a lip balm for her lips so they dont crack with the cold air conditioner of the library. Finally her fabulous wardrobe, that consisted of a white long sleeve blouse that she always buttoned from the neck till the end, a really long skirt with buttons in the front and along her black low heel shoes. To finish the touch some heavy black frame glasses. Her only jewel was a pendant with a cross and matching earrings. After she inspected herself she went to retrieve all the court documents and walked to the police station.

When Joan arrived five minutes later she saw that the station was still closed. Joan was intrigued; Lucas was always the first one to arrive at the station. She still could hear the four shots of last night. Again her heart began to race, and her eyes to water thinking about what horrible thing could have happened to her sister. Joan waited until she could no longer bear the panic and preoccupation for Dom. She was nearly on the verge of tears when she decided to go to the Dudleys house. Her vision was blurry and she crossed the street without seeing the SUV that was coming toward her.

Thomas Callaway was trying to reach Dudley Ville as soon as his SUV let him. He was tired, angry, bitter and broken hearted. It had been 20 years since he left to college to study and be a lawyer. Everything went great for him. He graduated with high honors, and married his college sweetheart. The first years went alright. He landed in a firm and with his skills and looks he made it in no time to one of the top members of the firm. He was the envy of the firm for having a beautiful wife and all that was left was bringing some kids to the world. He got everything, but as time went by he found that his carreer went up and his marriage was going down. He always suspected that something was going on behind his back, but he never thought that his wife would cheat on him with his own boss. He nearly beat the guy to death. His boss threatened to fire him and ruin his career but Thomas was clever. If his boss tried that he would let all the people know about his affair with his wife and more than that he would ruin his reputation and the firms reputation. His boss accepted his dismission as fast as he could. Meanwhile his wife, Marline, didnt give up that easily. She pleaded, begged, even threaten suicide, but Thomas never gave in. When she saw that she could not get him back, Marline insulted him attacking his pride and his bed skills. He didnt show her that she was hurting him deeply.

The divorce was on mutual agreement after he gave her a great sum of money. Thomas spent a couple of weeks cleaning the big house they or better said he bought in the west of Venice, California. During that cleaning he found some pictures of his high school years and old sweet memories came up to his mind. Back there he was a hero and although sometimes people had took advantage of his generosity, the people of Dudley Ville always treated him and his brother with a lot of love. Life in the city was faster and agitated. Not like in town. Feeling that he no longer fitted in the big city, Thomas thought it was time to go back home. Perhaps life in a small town would help him heal his wounds and find the peace that his life needed. He decided to not call Lucas. He wanted to surprise his brother. After packing and leaving the moving company to deliver his possessions a week after he arrived to Dudley Ville he decided to take the road instead of a plane. Maybe going in his SUV from California to Texas could help him lose all the tension the divorce and the whole situation did to him. The trip was long and a little bit tiresome but he enjoyed it. He reduced the velocity a little when he entered the town. Old memories came back to him as soon as he saw the town's name and welcome sign. "Welcome to Dudley Ville where wood is thicker than blood." Thomas smiled at the sign. He remembered that it was Bubba Rays idea for the towns motto. He then saught refuge in his old high school memories and how his parents were proud of he and Lucas. Thomas was so deep in his thoughts that he didnt see the figure that was crossing the street. When he was nearly a few feet to impact he snapped awake and hit the break as fast as he could. The figure disappeared in the cloud of dust that the SUV made.

"Shit this is not my time." He rapidly got out of the SUV and checked on the person.

He heard someone cough and since the cloud was still too dense to see, he used the cough as a guide but it was no use. While he was walking he trip into something and fell on the ground.

"Damn it. What the fuck was that?" said Thomas while he tried to stand up again.

"Will you be so kind to not use that foul language, Sir? That is not a proper way for a gentleman to talk," said a feminine voice.

Thomas turned to his left, and looked down. Since the dust finally settled he stood in shock looking at the woman that was still on the ground. It was an old woman maybe 40 or something, wearing or at least trying to wear a perfect bun. But her hair was a disaster. Her jacket and shirt were covered with dust and her skirt half open exposing her pale skin up to half her thighs. The sight of the woman in that position awoke something dormant inside of Thomas. Something that he thought wasnt going to happen after Marlines treason. His stomach felt suddenly empty and a strange sensation began to rise in his lower abdomen. He continued his inspection until he reached her face. She was all covered in dust, including her face. She was totally red and very embarrassed with his inspection. But also in her eyes were a look of anger and amusement. He shook his head and offered his big hand to help her stand up. The woman refused his help and stood up by herself. She looked very fragile and weak.

"Are you alright Mrs.?" asked Thomas. Mistake number one.

"Yeah Im alright but no thanks to you, mister. How careless of you driving like that. Did you know that you could kill someone?" she snapped at him.

"Excuse me, but it wasnt me who decided to jump in the middle of the street," said Thomas while he put his hands on his hips.

"Well then you should know that the limit to drive into town is 10 miles not 50. And I was crossing because I didnt see any cars until you entered like if this were Daytona Beach road. How could you not see me? Were you blind?" Joan didnt notice that her tone was higher than usual or that she sounded real upset.

"Wait a minute, Mary Poppins. I was driving under the law; you are the one who should be having more care when crossing the street. And by the way, what's an old lady like you doing at this time of the hour walking alone in front of the cars like that?" countered Thomas.

"Old lady? Who you are calling old? Didn't your parents teach you manners. And besides, I dont have to share my business with complete strangers, now if you excuse me, I have more important business to attend to than speaking with an irresponsible driver like you. Good Day, mister." With that Joan turned around and she felt a little bit dizzy.

"Hey easy, easy, maybe you hit your head and have a concussion. I didnt mean to insult you Mrs. Let me take you to the hospital." Thomas tried to take her arm but Joan jerked away before he could touch her.

"Dont you dare to touch me, mister. Im fine and as soon as I put some distance between us, I'll be much better. Thank you."

Thomas really had it. This woman treated him like if he were a low scum of the society. He didnt need anymore animosity of that kind. He watched her go on insecure steps while he was cursing in his mind in many ways. After he turned to go back to the SUV he stepped onto the folder that was still lying in the road. He took it and opened, inside were court documents and also an address.

"Dominic Saint Patrick. So the novice has a name." Thomas went back to the SUV. The name sounded familiar but he didnt put too much thought into it. Like the nun, he was covered in dust. His stomach was growling now of hunger, maybe he should go to his brothers house and later after he felt cleaned and rested he may pay her a visit to give her back her documents. He then continued the road to his brother, Lucas' house.

Joan was mortified, scared, all covered and nearly on the verge of a break down. Doms disappearance without a trace or a phone call. Then the disappearance of the Sheriff and now this Neanderthal in an SUV that nearly hit her. She went back home to clean up before she went to the Dudleys. She was again worried about her sisters whereabouts. When she was almost home she stopped in shock at the scene in front of her. There was her sister, Dominic, and Sheriff Lucas Callaway embracing and kissing each other so passionately that they could easily set a fire with it. Joan felt her cheeks burning. The headache came back with full vengeance and her anger rose atleast to maximum. With firm steps she went as close as she could get to them without letting them know she was there. When she was close enough she talks so soft, that it was nearly a whisper.

"What in heaven is going on?"

Dom and Lucas jumped and froze when they heard Joans soft voice. They looked at her and both were going to smile when both looked at Joans eyes. Dom knew that look and suddenly she felt her spine shiver.

"Sis, look it's not what you"

"Dominic Marie Saint Patrick. I was nearly death of sick and worry about you. Go into the house right now and prepare me a hot shower, please? We'll talk later, I and Sheriff Callaway need to have a little talk in private." Her voice sounded still soft but also with an edge of deadliness.

"Let me explain, Joanie, please"

"I said in the house. Now!" the last word was spoken a little higher than usual. Making Dom cringe when she heard it.

Dom didnt want to leave Lucas alone. But when he squeezed her and told her to go she didnt argue anymore. Lucas knew that they would come to an agreement, and he wished to do the things the right way, but bad luck. He stood in full height and looked seriously into the blue eyes of Joan. He could tell that she was really angry and hurt. Folding his arms over his chest he waited for Sister Joan to begin one of her lectures.

Joan was trying to not lose control of herself. She was literally seeing red. She saw how Lucas folded his arms in his front of him and waited for her to talk. Again the headache was drilling in her head. The pain was nearly blinding.

"Well Sheriff, right now Im not properly dressed to have a serious conversation with you but Ill be waiting for you tomorrow afternoon to join me and my sister for dinner. I hope you arrive dressed for the occasion and bring some dessert. Thank you, now if you excuse me." With that Joan turned around and entered the house.

Lucas stood a few more minutes trying to figure out what the hell was that all about before going back into his patrol and went back home.


chapter 4 - Jade

As soon as Joan walked in the house, Dominic laid into her. "What the hell did you say to him?" "Don't take that tone with me, young lady." "That's just it. I'm not a young lady anymore. I am a woman. I don't need you worrying about me like you are my mom." Joan rubbed her temples, trying to ease her headache. "You told me you would be home last night. Where were you?" "As if it isn't obvious... I was with Lucas all night. I fell asleep at his house." "Why were you at his house?" Dom let out a frustrated sigh. "Do I have to explain the 'birds and the bees' to you?" Joan gasped. "You didn't..." "Yeah, I did, and I enjoyed every minute of it. And we would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone." "I'm not a gossip, you know that."

In a much calmer tone, Dom asked again, "what did you say to him?" "I invited him to dinner tomorrow. We will discuss what is going on, then. Now, I need a shower. Some idiot almsot ran me over, and I have to get to the library." "Oh, my God... Are you ok?" "I'm fine. Would you please start my shower?" "Sure, Sis."


When Lucas arrived at the Sheriff's department, a couple of his deputies were waiting outside. "Did you have a late night, or something," Deputy Amy Dumas said. "You've never been late. Especially when we have a case to work on," Deputy Rob Van Dam said. "What case?" Lucas asked. "The shots last night. There was one witness. Didn't you have your radio on last night?" "No," he replied as he unlocked the door. "I'll start the coffee while you two get to work," Deputy Dumas said. "Fine."

Lucas lead Deputy Van Dam into his office. He sat in his chair, and said, "ok, Rob. Let me have it." "Four shots were fired out on Ridge Crest Road. Old Widow McMahon heard the shots, and went to the window. She saw a woman get on a motorcycle, and spead away. Her description fit Dominic St. Patrick." "What," Lucas said as he got up again. He paced the floor, while Rob continued. "Slender build, long black hair, the motorcycle was loud enough to shake the window panes... It sounds like her." "What time?" "Around 9:45." Lucas ran his hand over his face. "It wasn't her." "How do you know?" "Just trust me. It wasn't her."

"Look, Lucas, I know you made some kind of rehab pet out of Dom, but, let's face it, her track record doesn't help her here." Lucas lost his cool, and grabbed Rob by his throat. "It wasn't her. Do you understand me?" he said in a deathly calm voice. Rob nodded.

A shadowed figure filled the doorway to Lucas' office. "Is this a bad time, bro?" Thomas said. Lucas turned to look at him, then released Rob's throat. "Sorry, Rob. Can we talk about this later?" "Yeah. Sure. Would you like a chill pill with your coffee?" "Get out of here." "Yes, Sir!" Rob hurried out of the office, almost running into Thomas.

"What was that about?" Thomas asked. "Long story. One I don't care to share. What the hell are you doing here?" "Well, I thought since Marline and I were divorced, it was time to come home." "You're moving back to Dudley Ville?" "Yeah." "It'll be good to have you back, bro. If you need a job, I hear the Ross and Lawler firm are looking for a few good lawyers." Thomas looked at him, a bit confused as to why Lucas was worried about it. "I'll call them later."

Deputy Dumas came in. "I'm sorry to interrupt, Sheriff." "It's ok, Amy. What is it?" "Mr. Hogan's cleaning lady just called. She found him dead in the living room. Two shots to the chest." She paused a moment. "He's the one that lives across the street from Widow McMahon." "Shit." He looked up at Thomas. "Please call them now." "What?" "It has to do with that long story. We can talk about it over dinner tonight. I have to get out to the crime scene." "Alright. I'll see you tonight."


While Joan was in the shower, Dominic made her breakfast, and set the table. When Joan went into the kitchen, Dom said, "I'm sorry about last night, and getting mad at you earlier. Can you forgive me?" After a moments silence, Dom pouted at her big sister. "We shall see," Joan said with a sigh. "But you have to learn to be more responsible. And for heaven's sake will you curb your hormones around Lucas? The last thing you need is a child." "You don't have to worry about that. I don't suppose you have heard about birth control, or condoms?" "Oh, please. You are making me lose my appetite." Dom supressed a laugh. "Alright, go ahead and eat. I have to get ready for work." She kissed the top of Joan's head when she sat, then ran to her room.

Thirty minutes later, as Joan put her dirty dishes in the dishwasher, Dom came out, and said, "I'm heading to work." Joan looked at the clock. "I need to go, too." "Do you want a ride?" "No, thank you. I can't stand looking at your bike. Why would I want to ride it?" "Good point. See you later."


Having not found much at Terry Hogan's house, Lucas returned to the station with what little evidence they had; a few bullet casings and a shoe cast. An hour later, he sat at his desk, while Dr. Newinski (the closest thing to forensics they had) stood in front of him. "The shoe was a size eight, in women's, boot. I'll need some more time, or the weapon to get anything from the casings. I didn't find any prints on them." "Thank you. You've been a big help."

Once the doctor left the office, Lucas leaned back in his chair, and covered his face with his hands. 'Shit... Dom wears a size eight. The deputies will get suspicious if I don't bring her in for questioning.' As he sat up to reach for the phone, it rang. "Sheriff Callaway." "Hello, Lucas. I'm about to get my tattoo, and I have to take my shirt off for it. Do you want to come over, and make sure Jeff doesn't peek?" "Dom. I was just about to call you. Keep your shirt on. I'll be over there to get you in a few minutes." "What's going on?" "I'll explain on the way back."


Chapter 5

By Stonewall

Joan saw Dom leaving for work and let out a sigh of weariness. She couldnt sleep too much and the fall that she took in the street was making an impact on her. She considered staying home, but since Moolah and Trish were not suppose to work that Saturday, she couldnt possibly face the option of not open the library. Slowly she made her way to the town again. After passing Tommys barber shop and the Dudleys furniture show room, Joan took a look at the police station again. Amys Jeep and Robs bike where parked near the SUV that nearly hit her a couple of hours before. Her face turned grim when she reviewed her discussion with the stranger. She wished he would just leave the town and never see him again.

The towns library was located on the counter part of the town. The building was one of the few original ones that still were standing. Nearly built in the 1900's, the old building was a symbol of many things for the people of the town. For Joan it was her refuge, and her salvation when she needed to be alone. She'd always been a lonely girl. Joan found in books the friends and lovers that in real life she couldnt find. Slowly she opened the library and checked that it was in good condition in case some people would like to come and visit. After making her round she retired the lock and turned the sign to OPEN. After that, she sat at her desk and began to make the plan for the next three weeks.

After Thomas talked with Lucas he went straight to the only law firm in town, Ross, Lawler and Associates Inc. Walking into the firm brought back a lot of memories for Thomas. He used to go there in the afternoon straight after school and spent a couple of hours talking with Jim and Jerry about cases and law. For him they were role models to follow. Now 20 years later he walks in again, but like one of them. Stacy Keibler was apparently the new secretary, replacing Old Mae Young. Thomas looked at his old girlfriend from high school. She was still lean and beautiful; her blonde hair was now a little bit shorter than before. As always she still wore those minis that should make guys turn around twice and turn them hard when she bent to get something from the floor. Yep, she still looked beautiful, but a pair of blue eyes and dirty face appeared when he tried to remember his days with Stacy. Thomas shook his head to clear his thoughts. He cleared his throat and it was then that Stacy looks up to him.

"Hi Stacy, remember me?" says Thomas.

"Thomas, Thomas Calloway? I cant believe it. You look awesome. How long's it been?" she said while she stood up and went to hug him like nothing ever happened between them. Stacy and Thomas were an item in high school until she decided to take advantage of him, and cheat with anyone who would like to. The only one who never was in the list was Lucas. Thomas didnt forgive her for her treason, but that was in the past. Now, in the present, he was on the top and she was down. They talked for a few minutes before Thomas could talk with Jerry, since Jim was out of town on vacation. Jerry welcomed him with open arms, and after nearly an hour of talking, Jerry accepted him.

"Im sure Jim would be glad to see you again, and have you here. If you want, take your time and begin when you feel like it. Here, life is a little bit slow but everybody gets along fine," said Jerry with a laugh.

"Look, I have an appointment now. We can catch up later in the week ok? See you, around Tom," Jerry said, leaving the firm.

Thomas did the same, and went out to his SUV. He was about to leave for Lucas' house when he spotted her again. This time the Mary Poppins was wearing a long black dress with long sleeves and the same hair style and shoes. He was still mad for the way she treated him. 'Maybe it was the nerves,' he thought. She was nearly ran down, and the experience was a little bit traumatic for her. Besides he needed to give her back the documents she left on the street. He took the folder and went to the library.

"Lets see how this one goes," he muttered before entering the library.

Joan was sitting at her desk, massaging her temples. The headache was turning into a very molesting migraine. She reached into her purse for some mild painkillers, since the strongest one would put her to sleep for a couple of hours. She took two pills with a little glass of water. After that she heard the doorbell ring, announcing the first visitor of the day. She was smiling when she saw a huge man entering the place. He was wearing blue acid wash jeans with a pair of old sneekers and a black short sleeve t-shirt. His long hair was combed into a pony tail, and wearing an expensive gold watch. She then turned her eyes to his face, and her breath caught in her throat. A pair of hazel eyes were looking at her and making the same inspection. At first she didnt recognize him but when his face hit her memory she turned angry.

"What now? Havent you done enough damage for one day? Or is it just that you are looking for more trouble. Look Im a respectable person. I dont have time to waste on you. So please, leave at once," Joan said very upset.

She saw the surprise on his face, then it turned into anger. In two strides he was in front of her breathing heavy and hard.

"Look lady, I dont know what your problem is, but I didnt come here to pick a fight with a bitter old woman like you. I came here to apologize about this morning, but obviously that is not necessary since her almighty majesty thinks she is above everyone. Oh, maybe I know now lady. By the way you look at me, it looks like you need to get laid" Thomas stopped when he saw her reaction. He smiled broadly when he saw her face turning more than three shades red in less than five seconds. A record he thought.

"How dare you" she said when she found her voice.

"Oh no, no. You dont dare to insult me again. I've had enough of it. Here, the reason I came was to give you this" Thomas dropped the folder on the desk, then kept talking. "You left this on the street. I thought it could be important to you. I guess trying to be a good citizen with you is no use. And dont worry about talking with me again lady, for what I care I would be more than glad to never do it again in my life. But if you care for some advice, get your self a lover and get laid as soon as possible. I only pity the one who would do it." With that he left the library, and Joan trembling in shame, embarrassment and anger.

Thomas walked with long strides to the SUV, and went straight to the house. He was totally pissed off. How dare she treat him like that. She didnt even know him. It was just an accident. When he arrived to the house he took his bags, and left them in his old room. Changing his jeans for sweats he went to the outdoor gym near the house and hit the weights with vengeance.

Meanwhile, it took Joan a couple of minutes to realize her mistake. Her breath came in little gasps and tears began to run down her face. But not for long, when she heard his words again she instantly became even angrier than before.

"How dare he say what my problem is. He thinks because he's handsome and tall and big he can do anything? Lord have mercy on his soul." she said while she cleaned her face and tried to regain her cool.

Still, she recognized her mistake, and although she may never see him again... If God let her see him again then she would apologize for her rudeness. She was so beside herself that she didnt hear the bell until she saw Bubba Ray stop in front of her.

"Bubba? What a surprise. Is something wrong at the house?"

Bubba Ray smiled, but when he saw the trace of tears his face became serious.

"Hey, Sis, are you alright? Why the long face and the tears?" he asked concern in his voice.

"Oh, it's just that I tripped on my toes, and fell on the floor. You know that Im very sensitive. But what brings you here, especially on a Saturday morning." Answers Joan.

Bubba Ray heard the subtle change of subject and decided to leave it. Joan was very adamant to talk about her feelings and he knew that trying to make her talk about it would do more harm than good.

"Oh, it's just that Mom wants me to give you this big strawberry short cake. She thought you and Dom would enjoy something sweet since you two are too busy to cook pastries." he replied.

Bubba Ray had to smile when he saw Joans face of delight when he set the cake on the desk. Joans perdition was that cake. Just like Dom.

"Oh, Bubba Ray, tell Aunt Martha thank you very much. It should be perfect for tonights dinner."

"Who is coming?" asked Bubba.

"Just that since Sheriff Calloway is being a real gentleman with Dom and tried his best to tame my sister mischiefs, I thought the poor man could use a homemade dinner as a gratitude gesture from me and Dom." Joan crossed her fingers mentally for telling that lie. She didnt want the Dudleys to find out about the real reason for the dinner. If that happens, then Dudley Ville will start searching for the next Sheriff first thing in the morning.

"Well Ill guess I will be get going. D-Von and Spike are waiting for me in the car to go to the lake and have a picnic. I hope you have a nice day, sis." He turns to go but after a few steps and say: "Hey Joannie, take care. You know that if you need anything you can call me ok? Anything." With a wink and a smile he left.

"Thanks, brother, thanks," answered Joan in whisper.

The rest of the day went into a blur. Joan closed the library and went to the supermarket to buy some groceries for the dinner. While she was shopping, she heard the other ladies gossip about Lucas' brother's return. Since he was invited to dinner she decided to call Lucas and let him know that Thomas was invited, too. After leaving a message with Amy at the station, Joan went straight home and began to cook dinner. Todays menu was going to be lasagna with a green salad, some garlic cheese bread and for dessert, Aunt Marthas cake with a small scoop of vanilla ice cream. Since she was the most experienced cook, the dinner was nearly ready in no time. Dom arrived shortly after the lasagna was in the oven.

"Oh my God, Jo, is that smell what I think it is?" says Dom walking straight into the kitchen.

"Yes, but you will have to wait till it is ready. I dont want you to ruin your appetite for the dinner."

Doms face changed at the mention of the dinner.

"What are you going to tell him Jo?" her face was serious.

"Well Im your sister, Dom. I want to know where Lucas Isaac Callaways intentions are. Dont worry. I will talk with him in private while you talk with Thomas. Did you know he is back?"

"Really, when did you find out about it?" says Dom not surprised when she heard it.

"In the market all the ladies were too excited," answers Joan not paying too much attention to Dom.

"Look I need to clean up, and see if there is anything out of order around the house. Could you finish preparing the bread and your old fashion lemonade, please?" says Joan smiling.

"Ok." Dom replied.

Half an hour later, Lucas' Silverado parked in front of the sisters' house. Lucas was still worried about the case and also his brother. For some strange reason he found him doing a work out so savagely that he had to throw a bucket of water at him before approaching him. Thomas got surprised by the water and slowly began to regain is composure. Lucas tried to talk with him about what happened, but Thomas just mumbled about how much he wanted to teach a woman some manners. Lucas left him to cool off his temper, but not before telling him that they were going to eat at Doms house.

"That means that I will live another day without being poisoned by your cooking," Thomas said with a grin.

"Ha-ha, little bro. Wait till you eat Joans cooking. She may be a little bit stiff, but she sure is a great cook," Lucas said glaring at Thomas.

Both brothers dressed in black, white and red. Lucas put on a white short sleeve shirt with black jeans and cowboy boots. Thomas decides on biker boots, black jeans and a read tank top, which marked his well formed body. He tied his curly auburn hair in a loose pony tail. The trip to the house was short and they rode in silence. Lucas was still thinking about the case, but didnt want to break the news to Joan. Still, there was the issue about him and Dom.

'I just hope she cooperates and help us. We are going to need it,' he thought.

When they arrived to the porch, and pressed the button, the door opened automatically. Lucas breath was taken away when he saw Dom. She was dressed in a short purple dress with matching high heels, and her hair only held by a black ribbon. Her make up was simple but effective. Thomas saw the way they looked at each other. He had to clear his throat at least three times before they paid attention to him.

"Oh sorry, Tom. Look, this Dominic. You remember her. She used to be a typhoon at high school," Lucas said, trying not to blush.

"Hi, nice to meet you Dom. Now I remember, how is it going?"

"Hi, Thomas nice to see you again. Im fine. But where are my manners, come in Joan will be down in a minute."

Thomas noticed the tension in the environment. Something was not quite right. But he couldnt figure out what. After Lucas cooled off, Thomas tried to erase his two encounters with Mary Poppins, but he couldnt forget her. The vision of her all covered in dust, and with her legs visible really disturbed him. He shook his head, and sat on the sofa. Dom tried to make conversation with him about his life in California. Thomas answered a few questions, but he didnt talk about his divorce or Marline. The wounds were still fresh in his heart. They heard the steps of Joan coming down stairs.

"Here she is. Joan, here is Lucas and Thomas. I hope you remember Thomas. He was a high school heartbreaker."

Joan heard the voices and went to greet her guests. When Dom introduced her to Thomas she stopped dead. Mr. SUV was Thomas Calloway. Joan felt her knees weak. He was looking killer in that red tank top and his hair in that pony tail. She managed to smile a little before shaking his hand.

"How are you, Joan? It's nice to see you again. You look well for your age."

"You remember how everybody calls her at high, right, Tom?"

"Sister Joan?" he replied.

"Yup, and she still has Dudley Villes record of never dating or making out," says Dom.

"Dominic!" Joan was now really embarrassed and ashamed.

"Oh come on Jo, dont start with your lectures. Its true, and besides Thomas is like family. Right?"

With a big smile Thomas answered, "if you say so."

Joan saw that Thomas was absolutely serious and livid. He still was upset about her, but managed to not show it too openly. Joan tried to be as normal as possible. Her self control was at her max. Meanwhile, Dominic and Lucas, unaware of the past events began to tell stories about high school, and some funny stories of how Joan would scare all Doms possible candidates to be her boyfriend. Thomas was smiling, and looking from time to time at Joan, who was turning redder with each story. She was dressed again in black and white. She was wearing a long sleeve white cotton blouse perfectly ironed with a black southern skirt. She changed her shoes for black sandals, and wore her classical hair-do and glasses. Joan was looked tense, looking at the kitchen like she needed a break to collect her thoughts.

"Dom, stay with our guests. Ill be setting the table for dinner. It wont take long." With that she disappeared into the kitchen before Dom could reply.

"Dom, I'll help your sister setting the table, if there is no problem," Thomas said.

Seeing the opportunity, Dom said, "of course Joan wouldnt mind. Go straight down the hall."

"Thanks," Thomas said.

He went down the hall, and opened the door to the kitchen as quietly as possible. Joan was near the kitchen sink trying to drink a glass of water, but her hands were shaking so much that she could barely hold the glass without spilling the contents on the floor. Thomas knocked on the door, and Joan jumped when she heard the sound. He could have sworn that her face turned suddenly whiter than before. He rushed to her side when she stumbled to the table.

"Are you alright?" He felt that she was even colder.

Not trusting her voice, Joan shook her head in a no. Thomas sat her in the chair, and rubbed her hands to make her recover her heat.

"Ok, Mary Poppins, concentrate on breathing, come on. Inhale, exhale. Thats alright. Come on, keep it up, you are doing fine."

After a couple of minutes Joans breathing return to normal and got more color on her face. Joan left her head down, looking at the floor. She was waiting for some cruel comment from Thomas, but he didnt say anything. Instead, he put his fingers under her chin, and made her look directly at him.

"Where are the plates and the silverware?" he asked.

"The plates are in the cabinet near the microwave and the silverware in the drawer near the fridge," she answered.

Thomas set the table in no time. Joan was still trying to unclog her mind about the events that happened that day. She totally forgot about Thomas kneeling down in front of her again. They looked at each other until he took her in his arms, and placed a kiss on her lips. It took her a couple of seconds for her brain to realize the whole situation. She began to struggle to get free. Thomas tried to part her lips with his tongue while he pressed her body against his. Finally she opened her mouth only to bite his tongue.

"What the Damm it woman..." he said, while he shoved her away from him.

Joan tried to stabilize herself by holding onto the table. Her breathing was fast and her lips swollen from the rough kiss. Not wanting to create a scene she talked in a low voice.

"How dare you curse in this house? And with which right you tried to take advantage of me? If it wasnt because You truly are a pervert." With that she turned to the sink, and started taking gulps of water to then spit them like if she was trying to clean her mouth of the kiss they shared.

Thomas was enraged. But instead of shouting, he thought of something a little bit more hurtful.

"Afraid, Sister Joan? Think if I curse here your application for the convent will be revoked? Or is that because of the kiss? Dont have any notes to compare with? Maybe if we do it again you can at least have" Thomas never finished the sentence.

The slap was so strong that Joans hand went numb for a while. Thomas' left cheek had a soft red spot. He glared at her and was going to grab her again when Doms high heels were heard coming down the hall.

"Hey, guys, Im starving is everything set?"

"Yes, just give us one minute," Thomas answered.

Then he got near Joan until her back was against the fridge.

"Hear this, Sister Joan. If you ever do something like that again, you are going to regret it. Now, if you say something to your sister I will tell everyone what I did to you. Did I make myself clear?" his voice was so soft and filled with anger. His eyes were a deep green.

Joan was terrified. Slowly she nodded affirmatively.

"Good. Now, lets finish this." With that, his features changed like if he was enjoying the evening, and went to tell Dom that dinner was ready.

Joan took the time alone to collect herself. If he could act like nothing happened so can she. Finishing the last details, she served the food and put the wine out. After a couple of deep breaths, she put on her best controlled face, and prayed for the end of the evening.

Dinner was very tense and silent. Joan tried to be the perfect hostess while, Thomas for some reason let loose his hair and began to tease Joan in every opportunity he got. Lucas sensed something had happened between the two of them while they were in the kitchen. Dom was trying to figure out what the hell her sister was going to tell to Lucas. After dinner, Lucas offered to wash the dishes with Joan who wanted to prepare some tea for dessert. Joan gave her cue to Dom so she could disappear with Thomas into the living room, so they could talk in private. It passed a few minutes before Lucas asked Joan.

"Well are you going to tell me something?"

"Okay, Lucas, look, I know Im not a very easy person, but I think you should know that I love Dominic with all my heart, and that if you hurt her I would make your life a living hell," Joan answered, looking straight to his green eyes.

"I know that, Joan, and I am not going to lie to you. Ill take it that you approve that I date your sister right?"

"Lets just say that I will think about it. For now if you want to see her it will be here at my house. No more fornication until I see you truly care about her, and if you want to date you will have to tell me when, how, where and with whom you are going out. And if you take her you should arrive before 11 pm ok?"

Lucas' back stiffened a little bit. His face turned into a mask of calm anger. He knew about Joans moral code. He was about to reply when Joan said again.

"Look, Lucas, I know that I sound like an old bitter hag. But besides the love that I have for my sister, I consider you a good person. And I dont want to see your career going down the toilet, or worse, seeing the "boys" put you through a table. Between you and me I dont imagine anyone here in Dudley Ville being the sheriff besides you."

Lucas couldnt hide his surprise. He'd known Joan for several years, and he never saw her like that. All his bitter remarks died in his throat. Joan was not only interested in Dom's well being, but also in his. With a sigh he relaxed his posture and said," DamI mean I dont know what to say to that Joan, but I really care about your sister, I really do. I cant promise you all that you want, but I will try to do my best. You think you can work with that for the moment?"

Joan sighs and nods in agreement. "Okay, but we will talk again."

"Deal." With that they finished washing the dishes and served the dessert.

Thomas kept teasing Joan softly, but Joan didnt show him how annoyed she was. Joan tried to see a way to shut his mouth until Lucas smacked him in the back of the head.

"You know, bro, let her breathe. I know you like to tease people, but man you are acting like a spoiled kid."

"Ouch! Ok, okay. I apologize for being rude, Sister Joan." Making an emphasis on the last words.

Joan blushed lightly and clearing her throat a little bit, she said, "I know its been a wonderful evening, but Im really tired. This day has been a much moved one and well I want to retire early. Im glad you like the dinner, and again, Thomas welcome back home. Take care and good night. Oh Dom, please dont stay awake too late. Remember that tomorrow is church and father Daniels counts on us to be there. Good night, gentleman." Joan stood up, and the brothers did the same.

She could feel Thomas' eyes shooting daggers to her back. She tried with all her might not to run from them. After she reached her room, Joan stripped off her clothes, and took a long hot shower. She wrapped around her favorite pajamas and went to her bed. She took her red teddy bear, and pressed it against her face. She cried until she fell asleep.

chapter 6


As soon as Joan went up the stairs, Dom asked Lucas, "alright. What did she say?" "Dom, not now," Lucas warned, as he nodded toward Thomas. "I'll give you two a few minutes." After Thomas went into the living room, Lucas said, "she wanted to know my intentions with you." After a moment of silence, she said, "and..." "And, she mentioned only seeing each other here, and no sex, until she knows that I care about you." Dom's face contorted with anger. "She what!?" Dom stood to go up stairs, and confront her sister, but Lucas grabbed her, and held her back. Lucas turned her around in his arms. "Damn it! I know she's protective, and everything, but I am a grown woman. I don't have to ask her permission to see you, and I don't need her telling you we can't have sex. If I want to fuck you, I will. She should be happy that I want to be with someone on the right side of the law." Lucas chuckled. "I'm sure she'd be real happy with all of your cussing." "I don't give a damn."

Lucas took a moment to think about the new case, and how she could be viewed as a suspect. "Look, baby, let's humor her for awhile. At least she accepts our relationship. She's just trying to look out for both of us." Dom leaned her head on his chest, and sighed in frustration. "I know, but we are both adults. Just because she doesn't have a love life, it doesn't give her the right to mess up our's." He pulled her away, so he could look in her eyes. "She's not messing up what we have together. So we can't have sex... We'll enjoy it more the next time we do. So we can only see each other on a personal basis here at the house... That will keep the temptation at bay, and lower the risk of anyone finding out."

Dom looked down, and pouted. "This sucks," she muttered. Lucas made her look up at him with two fingers under her chin. "Just for a month or two, at the most." She slowly wrapped her arms around his neck. "Alright. I'll be a good girl." She stood on her toes, and he leaned down to kiss her. "Now, Thomas and I have a lot of catching up to do. We need to get home." "Ok. Why don't you two come over for lunch or something." "Stop by the office after church tomorrow, and we can plan something." "But we're not supposed to," she said with an evil grin. "There's business involved. Think of a story for where you were last night." "Why? What's going on?" "There's a new case, and right now, all signs are pointing to you. I know you aren't to blame, because you were with me. Just to ease everyone's mind, I'll question you." "How serious are the charges?" "Murder." Dom's jaw dropped in shock. "I know I've been a lot of trouble, but I'd never kill someone." "I know, baby. We'll talk about it tomorrow, okay?" "Alright."

Dom followed Lucas and Thomas to the door. "See you later, Dom. It was good to see you again." "Bye, Tom. It's good to have you back in town." Lucas stood on the porch, as Thomas walked to he truck. "I'll see you tomorrow, Dom. Don't worry about it too much. Ok?" "Alright. Bye, Luke." He bent down, and gently kissed her. "Bye, Dom." As they left, Dom went into the kitchen to clean up the dessert dishes, before taking a shower, and going to bed. She never could get to sleep, though. She was worried about what Lucas had said. 'What if I come up with a bad story, and find myself in more trouble,' she thought to herself.


Thomas broke the silence on the way back to Lucas' house. "That's the same leather-clad hell cat we went to school with?" "Yeah. Why?" "She didn't quite seem the same." "I've talked a bit of sense into her. Made her mellow out, some." "What's the deal with Joan? She seemed to be in a pissy mood." "You were teasing her, jack ass." "I mean before I started teasing her." "Joan is Joan. Nothing has changed about her since high school, except she became more bitter." "Maybe that old dog needs a bone," Thomas said. "First off, don't call her old. She's the same age as me. Second, who would want to sleep with her? You?" "If she'd let me get close to her, maybe. She'd be a knock-out if she were out of the Mary Poppins clothes, took off the glasses, and let down her hair." "Ok, boy. Wherever that flask of hooch is, hand it over. You've had enough." Thomas laughed as Lucas pulled into the driveway.

Once they were in the house, Thomas helped himself to the liquor cabinet. "Want one," he asked Lucas. "Yeah, a double." As he handed the whiskey to his brother, Thomas said, "now, how about that long story you were talking about this morning." "Did you talk to Jim or Jerry?" "I talked to Jerry. I'm in. Now, why did you want me to go today?" Lucas took a sip of his whiskey, before answering. "Dom could be in some serious shit. If she winds up behind bars, I can't think of anyone I'd rather have defend her." "What did she do now?" "A woman killed Terry Hogan. Four shots were fired through his window, and two hit him in the chest. Linda McMahon saw a woman, fitting Dom's description, get on a motorcycle, and leave the scene. We got a foot print left at the scene, and it's the same size she wears." "If she's guilty, why would you want me to defend her?" "I know she didn't do it. That's why I need your help. She wouldn't kill someone, especially not one of her few customers." "Customers?" "Remember the old make-out barn, on the edge of town? She bought it. It's her bike and tattoo shop. She's done art on at least three of Hogan's hogs."

Lucas gulped down the last of his drink, then stared into his brother's eyes. "I don't want to see her go to prison, because she won't tell where she really was." "And, where was she?" "In my bed." "You... and her?" "This is just between us, understand?" "Yeah. When did this happen?" "Almost a year ago. I had to arrest her almost on a bi-weekly basis. She was so hard-headed, so I locked her in the tank over night. I stayed with her, in case she decided to try something stupid. We got to talking, and before either of us knew what was going on, I had let her out, and... Well, you get the rest." "You screwed her in the tank?" "No. In my office." Thomas sighed. "You know there are laws against things like that." Ignoring his comment, Lucas said, "look, I'm on the verge of saying I love Dom. I don't want to lose her." "Alright. If anything happens, I'll defend her." "Thanks, bro. If you don't mind, I'm ready to go to bed. It's been a long day." "Sure. We can catch up later." "Goodnight, Tommy." "'Night, Luke."


The next morning, Joan got out of bed, and dressed in her Sunday best. She went to Dom's bedroom, and tried to wake her up. "Dominic, wake up," she said while shaking her. "I can't go this morning, Jo," she said when she finally came around. "I couldn't sleep last night, and I'm dog tired." With a disgusted grunt, Joan said, "this is the last time I make an excuse for you, Dom. It's the fourth week in a row that you missed services." "I'll put extra in the collection plate next time I go," she mumbled her reply. "I expect you to put a good sum in." Dom groaned, and covered her head with her pillow. "Shouldn't you be going? You wouldn't want to miss any of the serman." Joan stormed out of the room, and slammed the door behind her.

Dom couldn't go back to sleep after her sister had woke her up. After Joan left the house, she got out of bed, and slid into a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. She locked up the house, and went to the sheriff's office. Amy looked up from her desk when she heard the door open. Her eyes went wide when she saw their prime suspect in the murder case waltz in as if nothing happened. "Hey, Amy. Is Lucas around?" "Uh... Yeah, he's in his office." "Is it safe to go back there?" "I think so. Rob's just chewing his ear off." "Thanks."

She walked down the hall to his office. When she looked inside, she saw Lucas sitting at his desk, and Rob standing over him, going on about business. "Knock, knock." "Hey, Dom," Lucas said without looking up. When he did, he became concerned. "You look like hell." "I couldn't sleep." "Considering the circumstances, I can see why. Go ahead, go to the room. I'll be there in a minute." "Alright." After she left the room, Rob looked at Lucas. "What's she doing here?" "I asked her to voluntarily come in for questioning." "And she agreed? Dude..."

Rob walked out of the room, followed by Lucas. Lucas went in to interrogate Dom, while Rob went into a room with a two way mirror to watch. Lucas turned a chair around, and sat in it backwards. "Where were you Friday night between nine and ten-thirty?" "I stayed at the shop that night. I had some gas tanks that I needed to paint. I was too tired to go home, so I curled up on the couch in my office." "Was there anyone with you?" "You were the last one to leave that night. Nobody came in after you." "I left around nine-thirty. Did you get right to work on the tanks after I left?" "Yes. I was up until one, and didn't even get two done." "How long does it usually take to paint a tank?" "That depends on what I'm painting on it. Base coats take about fifteen minutes to put on, then it has to dry over night. Then, I can do the artwork, which can take anywhere from thirty minutes to a couple hours, minus the prep time. That's what I was doing Friday, was artwork." "What do you mean by 'prep time'?" "Sanding the tank, setting up the paints, cleaning the airbrush between colors... Stuff like that."

"Alright. Sit tight for a minute." Lucas left the interrogation room, and joined Rob in the next room. "Well?" "She's lying. I went to the shop after Mrs. McMahon gave me the description. I ran into Bubba Ray and Devon. Devon used his key to let me in, but we didn't find anybody inside." Lucas let out a heavy sigh. "Well, I guess we have to hold her. We can't keep her more than twenty-four hours, without some hard evidence." "I understand, sir."

Lucas left the room, and muttered a curse before joining Dom in the interrogation room. "Dom, I have some bad news. One of the deputies went to the shop that night, and your brothers let him in. They didn't find you." Lucas sighed again, mentally kicking himself in the ass for having to do it to her. "We have to put you in the tank." She looked at him, disbelief plain on her face. "You're joking, right?" "No, I'm not." He put the cuffs on her, then took her to the holding cell.

"I'm really sorry, Dom. Rob didn't tell me he went to the shop. I'll stay with you tonight, so you won't be alone." "It's ok. Don't let me get in the way of you spending time with your brother." "Right now, you're my main concern. I don't like seeing you in here, when I know you're innocent." "It's not like it's the first time." "No, but the charges are much more serious than a bar brawl, or a stupid prank. Luckily, there isn't enough proof to charge you." "Yeah, that's good," she mumbled.

"I have to get back to my office. I'll send Deputy Wight in to sit with you, ok?" Paul Wight was the biggest, meanest looking officer in the whole sheriff's department, but he had a heart of gold. "Alright, Luke.Will you ask him to bring the cards with him?" "Alright, baby. Behave, and I should be able to let you out in the morning." "I will."


Thomas decided he needed a spiritual uplift with all that had happened in his life as of late, so he went to the morning's services. He sat on one of the pews in back, and listened to the serman. The subject of which was lust. He, of all people, knew that subject well. Lust was why he dated Stacy in high school. Lust was why he married Marline. And, lust was why he didn't sleep well the night before. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw Joan. As he thought of her image, he slowly stripped her clothes. He growled at himself for thinking about it again. He tried paying attention to Father Daniels, but found himself looking around at the people sitting in the pews. Not surprisingly, he found Joan sitting near the front of the church.

Once the service ended, Joan stood, and walked over to Father Daniels to speak to him. Thomas decided to go to the confessional, and wait for him, or his understudy, Brother Michaels. A few moments later, someone stepped into the other side. He looked at the separating wall, and noticed he was on the wrong side. "Brother Michaels? Father Daniels said you were taking confessions today." 'Oh, hell," he thought. It was Joan on the other side. "I know someone is in there," she said.

He slid the door over the screen open. "I am here." "What happened to your voice?" "I have a bit of a sore throat. Please, go ahead." "Forgive me, for I have sinned. It has been two weeks since my last confession. I feel I have sinned enough in the past two days to keep you here all day." "Please continue," he said. "I was very rude to a gentleman that probably didn't deserve it. He almost ran me over with his vehicle, but instead of forgiving him, and being thankful that he didn't, I continued to be angry, and rude to him. I had invited he and his brother to dinner. While we were alone in the kitchen, he kissed me, and I bit him. Despite my violent return, I think I enjoyed the kiss." Thomas chuckled under his breath. "Three 'Hail Marys' for the unkind way you have treated him. Also, talk to the man, and seek his forgiveness." "Thank you, Brother Michaels." "You are welcome."

Thomas waited five minutes after Joan left the confessional to even peek outside the door. When he saw that she was no longer in the church, he came out, and walked to his SUV with his head held high, and a smile plastered on his face.


Chapter 7

By Stonewall

After the service Joan approached Father Daniels for confession. He told her that Brother Michaels was in charge of the confessions today, so she went to the confessionary and entered. Brother Michaels voice sounded familiar, but too low. But due that lately he was having some throat problems she dismissed her suspicions. She was feeling bad about the whole situation with Thomas. The poor man didnt deserve the treatment she gave him. It was a very strange way to welcome someone back. Joan took the advice of Brother Michaels and decided to talk with Lucas to see if he can call Thomas so she could personally apologize to him. Since she never spent too much time with him in high school, she didnt know if he would forgive her or not, but at least her conscience would be at ease. Besides who would want to be with a girl like her? She was labeled as a geek and a novice. Most of the people just like to ignore her or laugh at her. No one ever understood that she only wanted to be a good girl so the Dudleys wouldnt kick her out or be ashamed for taking them into the family and be a good support and example for Dom.

Joan walked to the station and sighed deeply. She was feeling really ashamed of her behavior, and she hated to apologize but she also didnt want to disobey Brother Michaels advice. She took two deep breaths before she entered. Seeing Amy working on her computer, she approached her. She was the only one in sight.

"Good morning, Amy," Joan said with a little smile.

"Joan? Hey! How are you? What can I do for you?" she said while she stopped working on the computer and paid full attention to Joan.

"Well I wanted to see if I can talk with Lucas for a minute. Would you mind telling him that Im here please?"

"Sure, no problem, I think he was going to call you in any moment."

Joan frowned slightly, but didnt ask why. She waited in one of the chairs near the entrance, while Amy was searching for Lucas. Five minutes later, Lucas came out, but his face was very serious. 'I hope Thomas didnt tell him about yesterday,' she thought. Trying to ease her nerves, Joan smiled and saluted him.

"Good morning, Lucas. Is everything alright? You look very serious."

Lucas was about to answer her question when Deputy Wight yelled from the back of the station. His voice was like a bear growl but clear enough so anyone including those who were passing outside near the station could hear him.

"Hey, Luke, where is the big fan we bought a couple of weeks ago. I cant find it, and Dom is complaining about the heat in the tank."

Joan froze. She looked from where the voice came to Lucas and back. A big lump formed in her throat and although she tried to talk her voice was gone. She also felt her breath leaving her lungs, and a sudden dizziness took over. She held on to the first thing she found, Lucas arm. Lucas took her by the arms, and helped Joan to sit in the chair near Robs desk. She was pale as a ghost, and her eyes had a blank expression. Lucas was going to curse out loud but restrained himself. He knew Joan would complain about his language, so he yelled to Amy for a glass of water. He winced when he touched Joans hands. They were suddenly very cold, like ice.

"Joan, can you hear me? Are you ok? Joan talk to me." He was starting to get worried.

Amy brought the water, and Lucas tried to make Joan drink a little. Amy brought a little fan from her desk, and located in front of Joan, so she could get some air. After a couple of minutes, Joans breathing became a little bit normal but her hands were still cold. Trying to step out of her shock, she looked at Lucas, who was still on one knee in front of her and asked, "I want to see my sister, Sheriff Calloway."

"Sorry, Joan, but I cant let you see her in that state. You are in no condition to see her now, maybe later."

"I want to see her now, please," she insisted again.

"No, Joan, and thats final. Amy will take you home and"

"I will not move from here until I see my sister, SHERIFF CALLOWAY. And I demand to know what she did to deserve being put in a jail cell." Joan emphasized his title and was looking at him very stubbornly, just like Dom.

Lucas was going to argue with Joan, when Thomas entered the station.

"Hey, Luke, how about" his words and smile faded when he saw Joan very pale, and with a very shocked expression.

Lucas was on one knee in front of her, and his expression wasnt much better than Joans.

"Tom, would you take Joan home. She is not feeling well" began Lucas.

"Im not going anywhere until I see my sister, Sheriff Calloway," Joan finished.

Lucas glared at Joan, and was beginning to get annoyed by the woman, when Thomas said, "can you leave me alone with her for a minute, bro?"

With a grunt he was turning to leave, when he asked Joan, "before I go what was it you wanted to talk with me about?"

It took Joan a couple of seconds to answer.

"I was going to ask you if you could call Thomas, but now that he is here I will talk with him. And by the way, Im not moving from here until I see my sister," she answered him with a stern look.

Lucas rolled his eyes, and muttered a curse that both Joan and Thomas couldnt hear clearly. After he left, Thomas sighed, trying to not smile. He was happy, because she was going to apologize to him. He took the chair next to Amys desk, and sat in front of Joan.

Thomas was aware of her completely, the little trembling in her hands, the soft blush in her cheeks. She looked lovely and so vulnerable. He sighed at the trail his thoughts were going to take. Before his thought and body betrayed him he spoke, "ok, Im here. Why do you want to talk with me?"

Joan again didnt say anything until she realized Thomas was talking to her.

"Im sorry, but can you repeat the question?"

"You told Lucas that you wanted to talk to me. Are you alright? You dont look so good."

"Well how would you feel if you heard that your brother is in jail? I just want to see my sister and see for myself if she is alright. Why cant Lucas see that?" Her last sentence was in a higher tone.

Thomas took her hands and noticed their coldness, and began to rub her hands. Joan didnt argue or try to take them away. After a minute of silence Thomas said, "my brother has his reasons. By your looks, he noticed that you didnt take the news too well. Why dont you go home, take a shower and try to calm down? I could talk to Lucas, and see if Dom needs something. Ill bet she hasnt eaten since breakfast."

Before she could reply he added, "if you try to be stubborn, you wont be able to help your sister, and she really needs you now, Joan. Come on Ill take you home, and then bring you back here. That way you can tell me what you wanted to say to me. Give me a second." With that, he left to find Lucas.

Joan looked at her hands. During the conversation, Thomas rubbed her hands to warm them up. It felt so natural for her. He acted like nothing bad happened between them. She touched her lips. She could still feel the sensation and the burning the kiss left in her. Joan felt how her breath left her, and a strange sensation swept over her whole body, making her feel warm and weak. She tried to regain her composure and cool, but the shock of finding out that Dom was again in jail, took her by surprise. Tears came to her eyes, and Joan tried not to let them roll down her cheeks. She took deep breaths until she controlled herself.

Meanwhile, Thomas went into Lucas' office to tell Lucas that he was going to take Joan home. Lucas was surprised to see how easily his brother handled Joan. He thought that maybe he was the one who should tell her about the charges, instead of him. Lucas filled Thomas in about what happened before he came to the station, and asked him to tell Joan about the charges. Thomas took the news apparently normally, but Lucas could see the look in his eyes. He was intrigued as to why he would take so much trouble for a woman like Joan.

"Hey, Luke, are you ok?" asked Thomas.

"Uh? Yeah, Im alright. Look, Thomas, make sure she stays in her home until she calms down. She still doesnt know about the charges, and I dont know how she will react. I thought she was going to be hysterical. Tell her that Dom is going to have to spend the night at the tank, and she will need some clothing and stuff. And, Thomas, good luck, cause if she reacts the way she did when she found out her sister was in the tank, it's not going to be pretty to be around her."

"I know, but I like challenges," Thomas said with a big grin.

Lucas bid Thomas a farewell before going to check on Dom. It looked like his brother was up to his old tricks again. He just hoped this time none of them got hurt.

Thomas left with Joan for the house. The trip was a quiet one. Joan was lost in thoughts and looking at the road. Thomas could see her body tense and stiff. Again, he began to fantasize about Joan. 'Damn... This is not the moment,' he thought. When he parked in front of the house, they stayed in silence until Thomas spoke.

"Are you ok, Joan?"

"Yes, thank you. I guess I better get into the house. I have to cook something for Dom and pack a few of her things. Thank you again." With that, she hopped out of the SUV, and went to the main door, not seeing Thomas following her.

"What are you doing?" she said, when she turned around to say goodbye, and found herself facing Thomas' chest.

"Making sure you arrive safe at home. Besides, you still didnt tell me what you want to talk to me about."

"I think we can talk about it later. Now is not a proper time. Maybe when this whole situation"

"Joan Im not going to lie to you, but Lucas told me the charges against Dom, and also he told me to look out for you. He doesnt think you should be alone right now, so Im staying with you, until I know you are ok. And I wont accept a negative, Sister Joan."

Joan was going to argue, after the last remark, but Brother Michaels words echoed in her mind again. With a weary sigh, she opened the door, and waited till Thomas entered to close it.

She guided him to the living room, and offered him a drink.

"Would you like something to drink, Thomas?"

"Why dont you take a shower, and get more comfortable, and we can talk later in the kitchen?" replied Thomas.

"I dont think it's proper that a man" Joan stopped talking when she saw Thomas roll his eyes, and look at the ceiling.

"Woman, you are hard to understand. Why can't you at least be reasonable for once? Im not going to do anything to you. If I want a woman, she will be the one to come to me, not the other way around. Jesus, no wonder none of the guys wanted to be with you." He regretted the moment the words came out of his mouth.

Thomas didnt turn to where Joan was standing, because he knew she was already gone. He smacked his forehead before going to look for her.

Joan felt her soul leaving her body as soon as she heard the remark. Tears flowed down her cheeks, as she went into the kitchen. She was wondering why Thomas was capable of making her feel good one minute, and, the next, like she was a monster. She tried to control the crying, but it was too much. She covered her face with her hands, and sobbed softly, so he could not hear her. But she deserved it right? She had been very rude to him, and made him feel unwelcome. Maybe he was right, if she at least was a little bit more "updated" and less strict maybe even Dom, wouldnt be in jail. It was her fault; all her fault. Joan was crying, and didnt hear when the door opened.

Thomas decided to search for Joan. He really didnt mean to make that comment, but Joan was really good at getting at his nerves, and making him upset. She was supposed to calm down, not the otherwise. Since he didnt hear her going upstairs, he went into the kitchen. There, he found her crying softly. He felt more like a scumbag than before. He combed his hair with his fingers, and called her name, "Joan?"

She suddenly stood from the chairs, and turned her back to him. She didnt talk to him.

'Good, now she is mad,' he thought.

"Look, I know that I shouldnt say that. Im so"

"No, its ok. You were right. It was my fault, like always. Im just an old, bitter hag that can not" she took a deep breath before she continued. "I appreciate the sincerity, Mr. Callaway. I also want to tell you that the reason I wanted to talk with you was to apologize for my behavior of yesterday. It wasnt proper on my part to treat you that way. Please accept my deepest apologies. Now, if you'll excuse me, can you leave please?" Her voice sounded hurt and shaky.

Thomas took the opportunity to walk near her. Without thinking of her reaction, he hugged her from behind, and said, "Its not ok, Joan. And its not your fault. Just because you areold fashioned in some ways, it's not acceptable that I talk to you like that. Look, I know we began on the wrong foot, but cant we try a new start? Right now, your sister needs you, and the last thing you need is a quarrel with a handsome guy like me."

Joan couldnt help it. She began to laugh and cry at Thomas' last remark. He really was confusing her. But he was right. Dom needed her right now. Joan tried to break the hug, but Thomas didnt allow her to. Instead he turned her around, and made her head rest on his chest. Joan's head was resting right near his heart. She could hear it. Also, Thomas began to caress her back, and press her body against his. She felt so good in his arms. For a couple of seconds, she forgot everything. She felt happy for the first time since she could remember. Joan concentrated on smelling his cologne mixed with his body essence. She snuggled closer to Thomas, and released a sigh.

Thomas didnt dare to do anymore than he already had done. He finally made Joan relax, and he didnt want to spoil the moment. At least he was able to fulfill one of his lusty thoughts. Having her pressed against him. When she did snuggle against him, Thomas had to summon all his self control, so Joan would not feel the reaction she was making in his body. He continued to caress her, while his chin was resting on her head. She fit so perfectly against his body. She was so soft and warm, with a wonderful smell of soft roses and lotion. Again, he was stripping her mentally when the doorbell rang. Joan jumped, and Thomas saw how she went back into her shell and was again "Sister Joan".

"Thomas, could you be a gentleman, and check the door while I collect myself please?"

"Not a problem. But" the doorbell rang again, and Thomas was making a mental note to kill the bastard who interrupted them.

While Joan went upstairs to wash the traces of tears away, Thomas was going to the main door. When he opened it up, he found himself face to face with the Dudley Boys; Bubba Ray, D-Von and Spike. The three brothers never expected to see a man in the house of Dom and Joan. Bubba Ray, thinking the worst, demanded, "where are Joan and Dom? And who the hell are you?"

Feeling offended, Thomas didnt give a second thought, and respond fire with fire.

"Dom is in the station, and Joan is upstairs, and who I am is none of your damn business." With that he slammed the door in their faces, and went toward the living room, to wait for Joan.

But Thomas couldnt walk two steps when he heard Bubbas fist slam against the door.

"Open it up, you big asshole. You dont mess with the Dudley Boys, and get away with it. Joan?! Sister, are you there?" shouted Bubba Ray out loud.

Thomas groaned, annoyed he was going to the door again, when he saw Joan coming downstairs. Her hair was loose, making her look younger. Thomas stopped to see her. He forgot about the Dudleys, until Bubba Ray shouted again.

"Joan, are you there? Talk to us, or we are going to tear down the door."

Joan was alarmed the neighbors were probably calling Lucas by now. She ignored Thomas, and opened the door.

"May I know what in heaven's name is going on here? Bubba Ray what explanation do you have? What do you think you are doing?" While she was talking, she grabbed Bubba Ray and the other two, and made them enter the house. Mentally, she prayed that no one had thought of calling the police.

"Well, Im waiting." She folded her arms, and waited.

The Dudleys were glaring at Thomas, and vice versa, not paying attention to her. They were like soldiers waiting for the first strike to begin the war. Joan tried talking one more time, but they werent paying attention to her.

"Okay, guys, Im going outside, and stripping naked in the middle of the street." Joan gulped down hard after saying that.

The four men looked at her in shock. Bubba Ray was looking like a fish, opening and shutting his mouth, and D-von and Spike tried not to laugh. But Thomas was praying, for the first time in a long time, for that to happen. She saw the expression of the four guys, but it was Thomas' eyes that made her turn redder than before. She couldnt believe that she said that. Only the Lord knew why she said it. But at least they were paying attention to her now.

"Look, you know me well enough to know that I would never do that. Is just that you are about to cut each others throats at any moment. Whats going on?"

"Mom received a called from Stacy saying that Dom was in jail, is that true?" D-Von said since Bubba Ray was still glaring at Thomas.

"Yes, it's true, but how did she know about it?" Joan said.

"Rob told her when she went to the station, asking for Thomas. Rob explained what happened, and she called mom, saying that you were nearly hysterical," replied Spike.

"I see. And where is Aunt Martha now?"

"She is at the station now with pops. He told us to come and see if you were ok," responded D-Von.

"Look, I was a little bit shaken, but nothing too bad. Did you remember Lucas' little brother, Thomas?" asked Joan.

"Thomas, this is Bubba Ray, D-Von and Spike. Ill bet you remember them."

"Of course," he said, his tone implying that he didnt give a damn about it.

"Oh, high school heartbreaker, trying to elevate the score?" Bubba Ray said.

"BUBBA RAY DUDLEY! How dare you? How could you think of something so despicable? Ill be right back when you are calmer." Joan walked past the guys and went upstairs.

"Nice going, Bubba" Thomas said.

"Now you" Bubba began.

"Okay, you two, that's enough. We didnt come here to have a fight. Thomas, Im sorry, but normally Joan doesnt allow men to stay in the house with her alone. Can we talk in the backyard? In case Joan needs us. Please," Spike said.

Thomas looked at Spike, and nodded in agreement. He followed the boys, and when they were a little bit further from the house, Thomas explained the situation to them. Of course, he omitted the part of Dom and Lucas being together. After talking a couple of minutes, they heard Joan calling them to come, and have lunch. For them, it seemed like Joan had regained her composure, and was her old self again, the tight bun and all. Thomas felt disappointed to see her inside her armor again. She managed to prepare quite a banquet on short notice. In silent agreement, everybody ate. Joan just managed to eat a bit of toast and a cup of coffee. She wasnt that hungry, and still was thinking about how chaotic her life was turning, since she met Thomas. She felt as if she was in a Twilight Zone chapter.

The Dudley Boys didnt say anything. Bubba Ray, from time to time, stole glances at Thomas and Joan, wondering what the hell was going on. After dinner, the boys offered to take Joan to the station. She gladly accepted, thinking that she may need some time to collect her thoughts about Thomas. He, on the contrary, didnt like it one bit.

"Fine then. Good afternoon." With that he left, slamming the door.

Joan fought the urge to go after him, and insult him. God Lord, why he had to be a bonehead? Couldnt he see the way he was affecting her? Or was it that he didnt have any consideration for her situation?

The boys and Joan went to the station a half hour later. Martha and Aaron were already there, talking with Lucas.

"Aunt Martha. Uncle Aaron."

"Oh, my sweet girl is here. How are you doing? I told Lucas that you must be devastated with the entire situation," Martha Dudley said, while she hugged Joan.

"Well yes but she only has to be in, until tomorrow morning," replied Joan.

"I know, dear, but the trial and"

"Trial? Aunt, what you are talking about? Why does Dom have to be on trial for a prank? Because, it was a prank, right?" asked Joan, suddenly feeling her stomach tied in a knot.

Lucas, who had been quiet all the time, asked, "Did Thomas talk with you?"

"About?" replied Joan.

Lucas kicked himself mentally, and swore to kill his brother the first chance he would get. With a heavy sigh Lucas told Joan, "Thomas was supposed to tell you, but Dom was put in the tank, because she is the first suspect in the homicide of Terry Hogan."

The last thing Joan heard, before she fainted, and lost consciousness, was Martha Dudley telling the boys to catch her, before she hit her head on the floor.

chapter 8 by Jade

Bubba Ray caught Joan. "There's a couch in the lunch room. Take her in there," Lucas said. Spike grabbed her feet, and they took her to lay her down. Bubba stood watch over Joan. Spike joined his parents.

Devon turned to Lucas, and asked, "can I see Dom?" "Yeah. I'll take you back there. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley, please have a seat in my office. I will be right back." As Lucas and Devon passed Rob, Lucas said, "I could kill you for this." "What? They would have found out anyways." "They didn't need to find out from Stacy Keibler." He continued walking unil he had lead Devon to the tank. "Luke..." "I brought your brother in to see you." "Devon!" She tried to hug him through the bars. "Why are you here, bro?" "Mom told me you were in here. I wanted to see why." "Shit. How did Aunt Martha find out?" "Stacy." "I'll get her ass later."

"I heard you're being held for murder." "Just over night. I haven't been charged." "I wouldn't want to be here that long for a charge like that." "If you guys hadn't let Rob in the shop the other night, I wouldn't." "Huh?" "When Lucas interrogated me, he asked where I was. I told him I was at the shop, working. After that, Rob told him that you guys let him in." "Where were you really at?" "I can't tell you that, now, bro. What I can tell you is that I'm innocent." "I believe you, but it doesn't look good that you lied to Lucas. He's been sticking up for you since he became sheriff." "I know, Devon, but what can I do?" "Tell him where you really were?" "I can't do that." "Why? What are you hiding from them?" Dom just shook her head. "I've been your brother since you were four years old. If you can't trust me with a dirty little secret, who can you trust?" "Look, three people know where I was, and that's two too many. We've all made a promise not to tell anyone." "Why, Dom? Did you join some satanic cult, or something?" Dom laughed. "No. You know if I could tell you, I would."

"Can you tell me?" Spike asked as he entered the room. Dom trembled slightly. She'd never been able to lie to Spike. They had practically been raised as twins, since they were the same age. There was an almost instant bond between them, when the Dudleys adopted the girls. "No, Spike. I can't tell you, either." "You're protecting someone, aren't you?" Spike asked. Dom just nodded. "I'm willing to go to the grave for this person." She looked up, when she saw someone move behind Spike. "Is it Joan?" Devon asked. "No," she answered, as she stared into Lucas' eyes. "It's not the real murderer, is it," Spike asked. "No. I wouldn't keep anything like that to myself. I do have a few morals." "I hope it isn't a man. Buh Buh and I would have to put him through a table," Devon said. "Aren't I a little old for you to be protecting me from men?" "You'll never be too old for us to watch out for you," Spike said. "Don't worry about it, guys. Just know that I've been a good girl since I was put on probation."

"I'm gonna have to ask you guys to leave. Joan came to, and she wants a private word with Dom." Joan stepped around behind Lucas, and looked at Paul. "If someone has to be here to watch us, can it be you instead of Paul?" Joan asked. "If you want..." "I do. I want you to hear what I'm going to say to her." "Alright, everyone out." Devon, Spike and Paul left slowly, and Lucas closed the door behind them. "Go for it." "Dominic, you know I'm not a gossip, but if it comes to you going to prison, or me telling everyone your secret, I will tell it." "No, you won't, and that is final," Dom growled. Lucas stood there, unmoved by either comment. "Yes, I will. I will do anything in my power to protect you, even if it hurts his carreer. I don't want Lucas to lose his job, either, but it's not worth going to prison, or dying for." "Like I just told Spike, I will go to the grave to protect him. Even though I've never said it, and he just put me in jail, I love Lucas," she said in a whisper, that Joan barely heard. Lucas read her lips.

He ran his hand over his face, and stepped beside Joan at the bars. "Damn it, Dom... I love you, too." "Lucas..." Joan said. She was going to warn him about his language, when he interrupted. "I'm ruler of the roost, here, and I'll say what I want to. And, she's heard me say more cuss words in one night of sex, than you've heard in your entire life." Joan blushed at his admission. "Now, Dom, we'll do what we can to get you out of this, without telling everyone. We'll get you a lawyer, just in case." "We?" Joan said. "Yeah, we. I'm the reason she's in this mess."

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation. "What," Lucas barked. "Sheriff, I found something you might want to take a look at," Rob said from the door. "I'll be out in a minute. Close the door." He ducked back out of the door, and shut it. Lucas reached through the bars, and caressed Dom's cheek. "I'll be back as soon as I can." He kissed her, then left to see Rob.

Lucas found Rob waiting in the hall. "What did you find?" "Found this by the window," Rob said, as he held up a plastic bag, with a ring in it. Lucas took the bag, and looked at the ring. It was a Dudley Ville High School class ring. He looked at the name on the side of the gem. The three letters he saw made his heart sink. "Dom's class ring," he mumbled. "Yeah. I think we have that hard evidence you needed to charge her." "Shit." "What?" Rob asked. "Nothing." Rob sighed. "Look, I know you thought Dom was going straight, but you have to admit, it looks really bad for her." "I know it does, but I also know she didn't do it." "How do you know, though?" "Intuition. It's too cut and dry. Dom may be a troube maker, but she's not an idiot. She would have known if she lost her ring. Did you find a chain with this?" "No, why?" "Because she wears it on a chain. Go back out there, and search the yard for the chain. File this, for now." "Yes, sir." After Rob walked off, Lucas rubbed his temples as his head began to throb. 'I'm going to have a long talk with her after everyone leaves tonight,' he thought to himself.

Lucas went back out to the bullpen, where the Dudleys Boys were waiting. "Hey, guys, does Dom have any enemies?" "Rena," Devon said. "Terri," Buh Buh said. "Stacy, Trish, and Victoria," Spike said. "Why? What's new," Devon said. "There's something suspicious about a piece of evidence. Not to mention, I'm almost sure she wouldn't kill him. She loved doing work for Hogan." "Yeah, he was her second best customer. You're the only one that came in more than him," Spike said. "Thanks, guys," he mumbled, as he walked to his office.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley." "It's alright, Lucas. What can you tell us?" Aaron asked. "We have an eye witness that described her, a shoe cast that is her size, her class ring was found on the scene, and her alibis was a lie. With what evidence we have now, I could charge her with the murder. I don't want to charge her until I check a few things out." "Can she go home, then," Martha asked, hopefully. "Unfortunately, I do have to hold her. If everything goes right, I can release her in the morning." "What should we do?" Aaron asked. "Well, to tell the truth, there isn't much you can do. The boys can get the books, and give them to me." "I'll have Devon get them for you," Martha said. "Alright. She mentioned before that Hogan was like family to her..." "Yeah, she's called him Uncle Terry since she was little," Aaron said. Lucas made a mental note to check probate, to see if Dom was written in his will. "Should we hire a lawyer for her?" Martha asked. "She has the right to have one... It's really up to you, but talk to Joan and Dominic first. They may have someone in mind."


Thomas went back to Lucas' house, after leaving Joan's home. He was getting ready to take his frustration out on the workout machine, when the phone rang. "Hello." "Hello, Thomas." "What do you want, Stacy?" "I wanted to see if you would join me for dinner." He wanted to turn her down, but decided to take her up on the offer. "What time?" "Seven o'clock at Cindy Mae's?" "Alright. I'll see you at seven." "Bye, Thomas," she said seductively. "Goodbye." Instead of working out, he took a shower, and got ready for his date.

Chapter 9
By Stonewall

After Lucas left a silence fell between the sisters in the tank. Dom was cleaned the tears that managed to escape her eyes. Joan was lost of words. The gesture between Lucas and Dom was proof enough for Joan. She could saw that Lucas intentions were more than honorable and an attempt to help her sister to reform. But still she could not let her sister take the decision of spending jail just because she didn’t want to ruin Lucas career at least she have to convince her to think about it.

"Dom, please think about it. You can’t risk going to jail. You can’t stay in silence, eventually you will have to talk".

"Joan I said no. I’m not going to tell them. If I do Lucas could be involve in it and even if we prove that I’m innocent his career will be over. I’m not going to think about it. I already said it I’M NOT GOING TO TALK!"

"Dom you are not thinking straight you must consider how this could damage your reputation."

"It’s that all you can think about Joan? Jesus, girl how bitter you are. I thought you really care about us, but I see that I got it wrong. All you could think is in your precious reputation and yourself."

"Dom is not what you . . ." interrupt Joan.

"I’m not thru yet Joan. Don’t interrupt me. I’m sick and tired of your meddling in my life. Since mom and dad’s accident you only been an old little pest, telling me what to do, or not. Watching me like if I would break in two. You know what I hate most Joan? Your attitude. Yes, your stupid bag of moral codes. You’ve been shoving it up in my face this whole damm time. And is not only you but also the whole fucking town as well. Oh, Dom you should be more like your sister Joan. But Dom why can’t you be a lady like Joan or when are you going to quit behaving like a slut and be more like Joan? Did you know how much I hate to be comparing to you? How much I hate to be each and every time has to be a bitch so I could be more different? If you hadn’t been so…good maybe I wouldn’t be in this stupid jail for a start. Is your fault Joan your entire fault, but since Jesus thinks you are a saint the blame as always will be mine. I hate you!!!" by the time Dom finishes her talking new tears were rolling down her eyes and a look of pure hatred was in her eyes.

Joan stood with her neutral look. She knew Dom was just talking she didn’t meant nothing. But the words struck her like a truck at high speed. It took all her self control so she could not drop on her knees and start crying. Taking a deep breath Joan nods to Dom and says:

"Ok, Dom I will tell Paul to come and stay with you. I gave Lucas some of your clothes and food in case you are hungry. I’m going to talk with Mr. Lawler to arrange a meeting for your defense and stuff I’ll see you." "Don’t bother to come because I don’t want to see you again and as soon as I can I will search for a new place to stay." said Dom still mad at her sister.

"As you wish Dom, sleep well." said Joan with her back turn to her sister.

Joan went out of the tank and like a robot she began to walk out of the station. Bubba Ray saw her pale face and her eyes filled with so much pain. He let D-von and Spike and went after Joan.

"Joan? Hey sist. Are you alright? Joan please talk to me."

"She hates me Bubba, my own sister hates me and is my fault." whisper Joan while she stares at the front.

"Oh come on Joan you know that is not true. Maybe Dom is just frustrated for the situation you know that she loves you very much."

"No, Bubba she hates me. All these years she just had hated me for trying to be a good girl." reply Joan controlling her desire to cry like a child.

Bubba hug Joan and felt like punching Dom for being so mean to her sister.

"Tell you what girl. I think you need some sugar and I know the place to get it. I’ll take you to Cindy Mae’s for one of her famous cherry pies and then you can tell me all about it ok?"

"Ok." was all she could answer.

Bubba Ray took her by the hand and together they walk to Cindy Mae’s without knowing that things would get a turn for the worst.

Thomas took a final look at his clothes. He was wearing blue jeans with a white short sleeve shirt and his biker boots. He missed having his bike it was the only thing that could help him to think in times of tumult. He trimmed his goatee and let his hair loose. He left a note to Lucas in case his brother wondered about him. He put the note on the fridge door and hoop up in his SUV. Thomas was still angry with Joan. He was supposed to take her to the station not the Dudley’s. Joan was being a coward and he knew it. Thomas shook his head maybe what he really needed was a home cooked meal and a no complicated company like Stacy. In less than 10 minutes he was reaching town and Cindy Mae’s café parking lot.

Cindy Mae’s was famous for her desserts and Home made food. One of the treats was their Cajun Baby Ribs. When Thomas and Lucas arrived this was the center of Dudley Ville High School sugar rush. Every Friday after school everyone went to the café to have a piece of another specialty of Cindy Mae’s cherry pie. Cindy Mae was a brunette in her 40. She always was in the café making sure everyone was happy and enjoying the food. Cindy’s family where living in since the foundation of the town. The whole family shared one thing in common: the passion for cooking. Like Cindy’s grand-grandmother, and grandmother and her mother. She also inherited the ability to cook and make delicious plates. In that way she kept the tradition of the family alive. Thomas and Lucas became addicted to the ribs and Thomas to her also famous dark swamp chocolate cake. Thomas tried to recall if he ever saw Joan at the café during the high school years, but he couldn’t found any memories of Joan being there. He now wonders why if he never paid any attention to her back then now he can’t stop thinking about her now.

(Damm Why I keep myself thinking about her? It’s clear that she believes I’m a pervert) he thought.

For some strange reason that conclusion hurt him. He didn’t like the idea of Joan having a negative opinion of him. He didn’t notice that Stacy arrived in her car and was going directly to him until she knocks in on his window.

"Hey, I’m glad that you made it. Are you ready for some good time?"

"Hi, yup, but I have to warn you I won’t stay too long. Tomorrow I have some business to attend, ok?"

"Ok. I promise that I won’t hold you down unless you want me too." She said the sentence very sensually.

Thomas just smile but when he close the windows he only mutters.

"I hope not regretting this."

Stacy dressed to kill. She wore a red cherry dress that reached her middle thigh exposing her best asset her legs. The dress also mold into her figure like a glove. She matched the dress with the same color high heels and her beautiful long blond hair was arranged into a French braid. The message was clear she wanted to score with him again. This only increased Thomas frustration. When he hoped down the SUV Stacy took his left arm and together they entered the café. They found an empty table near the center of the place. Everyone was aware of Stacy’s attire and Thomas felt like a germ under a microscope. He endured the next half hour hearing Stacy filled him in about the last 20 years he missed. Thomas was beginning to get bore and annoy when he heard the bell of the doors entrance. Bubba Ray and Joan were entering the café. Bubba Ray was still holding Joan’s hand. Like if she senses his presence she turned her head to him and Joan’s eyes locked into Thomas eyes. Trying to do not make a scene she keeps walking until she sits in one of the tables. She could tell that Thomas was bored to death and knowing Stacy, she was probably gossip about the whole town. Perhaps it served him right for being a hot head. With a nod she took her seat and instead of ordering a piece of pie, she decided on a chocolate ice cream cone. She knew that this was going to be an embarrassing moment but Joan was going to teach Mr. Calloway that she was woman enough and that anyone could be very interested in her.

Thomas pretended to hear Stacy but his eyes were locked in Joan. She acknowledges his presence but didn’t pay too much attention to him. She was looking a Bubba Ray and her face softens a little bit. He tried to picture her without those heavy frame glasses. The more he looked at her the more he wanted to have more privacy with her. He saw when the waitress brought her an ice cream cone. Joan took it and thank the waitress and began to lick slowly and softly the cone. Thomas saw how she was licking the cone. Softly she licked one side of the cone and then proceeds to the other. The licks were slow and so sensual. She continued licking and from time to time she stopped then kept going. At one point Joan turned the cone in a 360 turn licking the whole ice cream. Thomas breath got caught in his throat. He suddenly felt his jeans very tight and the temperature rising a bit dangerously. Now he stared at Joan and wondered how good that must feel".

"Thomas, are you listening to me?" said Stacy a little bit annoyed.

"Sorry Stacy is just that I’m a little bit worried about some personal problems. And I’m not in the mood tonight." Said Thomas hoping she would buy the lie.

Stacy was a little bit disappointed she thought that her move could be the beginning of reconciliation between them. This time she wasn’t going to let him go like in high school. This time Thomas Calloway was her ticket out of town and to a new life of commodities and glamour. She noticed that Thomas was looking at some point in behind her shoulder. She used the mirror near the wall and scanned the area until she saw Joan St. Patrick and Bubba Ray Dudley. Stacy tried not to scream in anger. Again one of the St. Patrick was trying to take her man. First was Dominic when she was in high school. She nearly was about to received the proposal of Andrew when the bitch of Dom took him out one night and filled his head with bad ideas and comments about her. And now her stupid, puritan sister Joan was trying to do the same. She saw the face of Bubba Ray at the way Joan was licking her ice cream cone. Suddenly an evil idea occurred to Stacy. She smiled sweetly and began to launch her plan.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you about the last couple here in Dudley Ville Thomas. You remember Sister Joan right?" she smiled when at the mention of Joan’s name Thomas put all his attention back to her.

"Yeah, she is Dominic’s St. Patrick sister why?" now Thomas was really intrigued about the sudden change of subject.

"Well I don’t want to gossip, but I heard that she is not that pure and cast as she claimed to be. When she came back she used a trick to attract men. She always asks for an ice cream cone and began to lick it like if it were a dick. Then she will stay sit till one of the guys asked her to talk with her. But the trick never succeeds except with Bubba Ray. He had been always in love with Joan since primary." Stacy waited for the words make an effect in Thomas.

"Come on Stacy you got to be kidding me. She can’t be like that." Said Thomas controlling his temper.

The mere thought of Joan being in bed with another man was unbearable for him.

"I know, I know she managed to built quite a solid reputation but appearances can be deceiving Tommy. Nobody knew what she did those two years she went to the city. And also why she quit college and went back here. Some people think that she maybe had a run with the law and that she is hiding. But hear me this Joan is not an angel she only uses people to have her way. The only thing is that uses good manners and false preaching is more subtle and effective. I want to warn you about her because I know you have the tendency to have a soft heart with good people. Joan is only a wolf disguise as a lamb. I’m just caring about you." With the finishing touch of a sweet caring smile.

Thomas digests the words Stacy told him slowly. He was unsure about this new dark secret of Joan. He was going to ask Lucas about it.

"Want to see something funny watch this." With that Stacy stands up and walks toward Joan’s table.

Thomas frowns when Stacy told him that not knowing what she meant until he heard Stacy talking loud enough so anyone in the café could hear her.

"Hey Joan, I’m glad you are practicing your tricks again. But don’t you think that trying to make your give your brother Bubba Ray a hard on in public is too much chunk for you to bite? Oh by the way Joan how is Dom doing in the Tank? Rob told me she has to be there until they find out she didn’t kill Terry Hogan…" Stacy couldn’t finish her question because Bubba Ray stopped her.

"Would you shut your mouth Keibler? I think you said enough stupidity for a day. You know Joan we should get going come on I’ll take you to your house." Said Bubba while he left a 5 dollar bill and help Joan to the door.

"Oh come on Bubba Ray, everyone knows Dom is a problem and that she eventually will come around. And by the way I was talking to Joan not you. Or is that Joan’s tongue is too frozen because of that substitute of a dick"Oh I mean ice cream cone?" Stacy giggles idiotically.

Joan who hasn’t said anything just stood up and began to walk out of the café. Bubba Ray was piss off. He was going to follow Joan when Stacy began to ramble about how Joan was a two face bitch. Bubba Ray stop turned around and the two begin an argument that made everyone gather around them. Cindy Mae tried to step in but the crowd was too tight. Thomas took the opportunity to sneak out and go after Joan. He saw the look in her eyes and he cursed Stacy for the way she humiliated Joan in front of the town. He drives until he found Joan walking like a zombie to her house. He parked the SUV in one side of the road and walked toward Joan.

"Joan hey is everything ok?" when he touched her shoulder.

Joan stopped and took a deep breath before she turns to face Thomas.

"Yeah everything is fine Mr. Calloway, but I think you should go back to your date. You know I don't want to ruin your reputation. Besides . . ."

"Look Joan . . ."

"Miss St. Patrick for you Mr. Calloway and I think this conversation is over. I apologized to you earlier and now that all had been said I suggest you turn around and don't cross my path ever again."

Thomas was really trying to talk with Joan but it was like trying to reason with a brick wall. He then retort to the only way he knew was able to reach her.

"You know Joan I'm trying to help you here. But I'm sick and tired of your preaching. I'm not a pervert or a loony god dammit . . ."

"I'm not going to have a conversation with a foul mouth thickhead like you . . ."

"Well you don't have a choice. Why can't you let me get near you? I'm not going to rape or…" by now Thomas was getting piss off of frustration.

"Of course I have a choice I'm going to turn around and walk away"

"Oh yes, I forgot that is your only solution for your problems you only turn around and walk away like nothing ever happened. I thought you were a fervent God feared woman who follow the advice the Lord or is just that you've been tempted by the devil?" said Thomas with a sarcastic smirk.

"You are the devil Mr. Calloway, you and your sinful way of life. You corrupt yourself in the city and now you came back here to try to make trouble in this town. But I would not summit to your ways. With the help of God I will prevail." Answered Joan with a passion not known for her.

Thomas was thrilled he loved what he saw, without taking any chances he kept infuriating Joan.

"Come on don't make me laugh. You are terrified that I can make you feel like a woman. You are afraid that I can and will make you loose your virginity before getting accepted in the convent. I know you want me and want me bad and hard…" he tried to take her arm but Joan broke free and took some steps back.

"Don't you dare to touch me you filthy sinner. You are a disgrace to your family. I don't know how your brother could stand you near. Listen to me abomination of Satan, you will stay away from me until your master open the earth and swallow you up to the pits of hell. I don't know what women seen in you but for me you are nothing but an egomaniac, sexual pervert. You want to revive old glories because your present is a lonely loosing streak. Stay away from me, because if not I would tell Bubba Ray and he will put you thru a table." Joan was panting hard. She was nearly out of breath and trying to fighting back the tears that were threaten to roll down her cheeks.

Thomas was quiet. He couldn't believe how twisted and crazy this woman was. A mix of lust and anger was taking all his body. Now more than ever he wanted her and if it was the last thing he was going to do in his life, by God he will. He took some steps near Joan and with a low hissed voice filled of danger and promises he said.

"Hear me this Sister Joan. You have to be very careful with what you say. I came here to stay and sooner or later you will be in my bed crying and begging me to fuck you all night long. You will want me so hard that it will hurt both physically and emotionally. And by the end of the week you will be kneeling down before me and beg me forgiveness and plead for my help. Because Sister Joan I will be the only one who could help you. Mark my words Sist. You would regret this day for the rest of your life." Surprisingly he took Joan's face with both hands and licks her lips before giving her a hard kiss and left her falling on her in the road.

Joan was paralyzed with a variety of feelings. Fear, excitement, anger and confusion were only part of the combo. She touches her lips and without realizing it she lick her lips. A feeling so overwhelming took her and Joan closed her eyes waiting for the warm passed. Then when she opened her eyes she saw that she was alone. With a frustrated sigh she stood up and walked back to her house.

The events of the past days combined with Dom’s problems were too much for Joan. Her legs gave up and she fell to her knees as soon as she entered the living room. She wanted to cry but she couldn’t. She was so dumb and so accustomed to hide her feelings that now it was impossible for her to express them. She remained there until she heard the phone ringing. Taking her time she manages to stand up again and answer the phone. It was Bubba Ray calling nearly on the verge of a breakdown. After making assuring Bubba Ray that she was alright. Joan took a long hot shower. She then prayed until her knees hurts. The rest of the night was a mix of nightmares with erotic dreams about ice cream cones and giants of hazel eyes.

The next day Joan woke up earlier than usual. She called Moolah and let her know that she would be opening late due to some important personal errands she must attend. Moolah told her to take the morning off and that she will take care of the library. After thanking Moolah Joan prepared herself to go and talk with Jerry Lawler. Dom needed a good lawyer and Jerry was the best one in town. Walking with purpose Joan just shut down her thoughts about yesterday and concentrates on surviving this day. Soon she would regret it. Joan arrived to the firm a couple of minutes later. Stacy still wasn’t there but Joan already saw Jerry’s Cadillac and also Thomas SUV. Maybe Thomas was just visiting Mr. Lawler. She fought the urge of turning back and goes straight to the library. Although she hated spending time near Thomas, Dom needed her help. Joan entered the firm and knock on Jerry’s office. A couple of seconds later Jerry emerged with a bright smile.

"Joan good morning. It’s a surprise to see you here. What can I do for you?"

Joan proceeds to explain Jerry Dom’s situation. After hearing her Jerry said.

"I’m sorry to hear about your sister Dom. But I can’t take the case Lucas told me that he had one person in mind and he is already working on the paperwork. By the way he is the new lawyer on the firm. He is one of the best also in this type of cases. Come on he is in the office now I’ll introduce you both."

Joan was apprehensive. Lucas never told her that he was going to hire a lawyer for Dom. Perhaps that’s why he said we when they were talking yesterday in the tank. She followed Jerry into his office and when she saw that well known large frame she instantly remembered those prophetic words.

"You will be in my bed crying and begging me to fuck you all night long. You will want me so hard that it will hurt both physically and emotionally. And by the end of the week you will be kneeling down before me and beg me forgiveness and plead for my help.

"Well Tom here she is. Thomas Calloway let me introduce you Joan St. Patrick. Joan this is Thomas. He is Lucas’s brother and the new lawyer in the firm. He will be in charge of Dom’s defense."

Thomas turned around and faces Joan. His face was a mask of neutrality but his eyes reveal a cynical look that made Joan’s heart sank. She took a quick look at his appearance. He was dressed in full gray suit with white shirt and black tie. His hair was comb in a pony tail and his cologne filled her nose. Joan was trying not to faint in front of Jerry. The poor man didn’t know what he got her and him into. Joan fought the urge to run again; instead she sat in one of the chairs while Jerry excused himself and left them both alone. During a long time everything was quiet until Thomas spokes.

"So how is going to be this time the easy way or the hard way?"

Chapter 10

Once everyone had left, and the officers were relieved of their duties, Lucas locked up the office, and joined Dominic in the tank. "We need to have a talk, babe." "Alright." He opened the barred door, and sat behind her on the bed. She leaned back against him, and he wrapped his arms around her. "Thank you for trying to protect me. There's something you need to realize, though." "What?" "What I think of the situation. You're my woman, Dom. I hate seeing you in here, as much as you hate the idea of our secret getting out." "I don't like being in here, Luke." "Let me finish. I've looked out for you for quite awhile. If you think I'm going to let you go down now, you need to think again." "What are you going to do? Let me go?" "I can't do that. But, I hired Thomas as your lawyer. He's only lost 2 out of 37 cases, and I know he won't screw you around." "Thank you."

"There's something else we need to talk about. How often do you take your necklace off?" "When I take a shower, or go to sleep. Why?" "How long has your ring been missing?" "About three weeks. Did you find it?" "That's about the time I had to arrest you for fighting with Rena, isn't it?" "Yeah." "Rob found it outside Terry's house." "Shit! What next?" she asked sarcastically. "Well, it does get worse. Did you know Terry left you all of his bikes and a hundred grand in his will?" "No, but how does that make things worse?" "It creates a motive for you to kill him."

Dom laid her hands on Lucas', laid her cheek on his chest, and closed her eyes against the tears that threatened to fall. "You might as well charge me with the murder, Luke. The only people that will believe I didn't do it, are the ones that know where I was." "You can give up if you want to, but I'm gonna find out who's trying to frame you." They laid down on the bed, and went to sleep.


Bright and early the next morning, Dom jumped out of bed. She ran to the toilet, and emptied her stomach of it's contents. "Dom, you ok, babe?" "Yeah. I guess my stomach can't handle all the stress." Lucas got up, and went to get her some paper towels. When he returned, she was laying down, again. "Here. Clean yourself up, then lay back down. I have to go open the office. Someone's knocking." "Alright."

She washed her face, brushed her teeth, then laid down on the bed. Ten minutes later, Bubba Ray entered the tank. "Hey, little sis. Lucas says your sick. I hope it's not from being here." "Nah. It hasn't bothered me before. What brings you in so early?" "Mom made breakfast for you. I volunteered to drop it off." "That's not the only reason why you came by." Bubba Ray sighed. "No, it's not. Devon and Spike told me about your conversation yesterday. They asked me to come talk to you." "It's not going to do you any good." "Dom, all you have to do is tell me who you're protecting." "I wouldn't be protecting him, if I told you." "Well, atleast I know it's a man." "Bubba..."

He sighed again. "Alright. If you won't tell me, atleast eat. Mom told me not to go home until I saw you finish eating." "Hand it over." He handed her a sectioned bowl with bacon, eggs and grits in it. She took one sniff, then ran to the toilet, to throw up again. "Damn, Dom. You are in bad shape." "Must have been dinner last night." "Not if this is the second time. I'm gonna talk to Lucas. I'll see if he can get Dr. Newinski in here to check you out." "It's not necessary." "I don't care. I want to know you're alright." "Fine." She never could win an argument with Bubba Ray.

An hour later, Dr. Newinski went to the sheriff's office, to check on her. He drew some blood to take back to the office with him, took her vitals, and asked her a few questions. Once he was finished, he rushed back to his office to run some tests.

"Well," Bubba Ray and Lucas said when they returned to the tank. "He has to run more tests with my blood. He said right now it just looks like a tummy ache." "I hope that's all it is, sis." "Here, I brought you something," Lucas said as he handed her a package of crackers. "It should help settle your stomach. I'll send Amy after some medicine." "Thank you, Lucas."

After Lucas left, Paul went in to sit with Dom and Bubba Ray. "Do you need me to bring you anything?" "Can you go by the shop, and tell Jeff what happened?" "Devon is there now. Mom asked him to get the books for Lucas. I don't know what he'll find that can help you." "He's trying to make sure I didn't kill Uncle Terry for the inheritance. I didn't even know he left me anything, until Lucas told me." "How can he come in here like he's worried about you, and try to find a reason for you to kill Terry?" "He doesn't think I did it. That's why he wants to see them. He's trying to help me, Bubba." "If you say so... I'm gonna go home. I'll come back this afternoon, to check on you." "Ok. Tell your mom thank you for breakfast. Don't you dare tell her I'm not feeling good. I don't want her to worry anymore than she already is." "Alright, sis."


Thomas and Joan stared at each other for a moment. Joan shrugged in defeat. "Alright, Mr. Callaway. I'll choose the easy way." "Good. Can we call a truce while I am working on your sister's case?" "Yes." "I just sat down a few minutes ago with the reports from Rob and Lucas. I need to know the details, before we discuss our plan of action." "Alright. When can we meet to talk about it?" "Why don't we have dinner at your house tonight? That way, we can discuss it with no interruptions, and no one around to over hear our conversation." "I would prefer the discretion. Is seven o'clock alright?" "That would be fine. Have you seen Dom this morning?" "No, I haven't. I will visit her after work. I have to be at the library in 20 minutes." "Ok. I will see you tonight." "I expect you to behave yourself tonight, Mr. Callaway." "I thought you chose the easy way?"

With a growl and a glare, Joan stood, and walked out of Thomas' office. His eyes followed her as she walked out. He leaned his head back, and let out a sigh. "That woman..." he mumbled. "She's a piece of work, isn't she?" Jerry said from the door. "That woman will be the end of me," Thomas said. "You speak as though you know her." "I had the misfortune of getting on her bad side when I came back to town. We've butted heads a few times." "She didn't say much this time." "No. I want to talk to her while we're alone. If she feels the need to yell at me again, our clients don't need to hear it." "'Our clients'... That's going to take some getting used to from you," Jerry laughed, as he walked back to his office. Thomas laughed, and started reading the reports.


While Lucas was looking over the check ledgers for Dom's shop, his phone rang. "Sheriff Callaway's office." "Hey, sheriff. I have some test results on Dominic St. Patrick. As it turns out, it's not anything wrong with her stomach. She's pregnant." "She's what!?" "With child... About to be a mom... You know, pregnant." "Shit... How far along do you think she is?" "I'd say about a month. That's usually when morning sickness starts." "Thanks, Doc." He hung up, and went back to the tank. "Uh... Hey, Devon, I need to speak with Dom alone." "Is it anything serious?" Devon asked. "Yeah, but not about the case." "Do you need me to leave, too, boss?" Paul asked. "Yeah. I need both of you out." "Alright," they both said. Lucas followed them to the door, then closed and locked it behind them.

He looked at Dom, and sighed. "I just got off the phone with Dr. Newinski." "What did he say? What's wrong with me?" "You're pregnant." "I... You... We..." "We're going to be parents in about eight months," he finished for her. "Oh, fuck!" "That's what put us in this position." "Lucas..." "I know. It wasn't funny. I wanna know how. I mean, you're on the pill." "Nothing is a hundred percent. They all say that on the warning label." Lucas took his keys out of his pocket, and opened the cell. He walked over to Dom, and took her in his arms. "There's no way in hell I'm going to let you go to prison, now. You and our baby mean too much to me, for me to let that happen." He took a step backward, and tilted her chin up. "I love you, Dom." He kissed her, as the first tear slid down her cheek.

He wiped the tear away with his thumb. "Well, maw, I think we have some things to do." "I can't do anything from in here, except get bigger." "Do you want to call Joan or the Dudleys, and tell them?" "No. I don't want to hear one of Joan's lectures about my reputation, and it would just make Aunt Martha worry more. I'll tell them when I'm ready to." "Alright, Dom. I'm gonna get back to work. If you need anything, just tell Paul to come get me, ok?" "Ok, hun." He kissed her again, before leaving the cell, and locking it behind him. After telling Paul to resume his duty, he went to his office, and closed the door.

He tried to pay attention to the books, but his mind was elsewhere. With a big smile, he picked up his phone, and called Thomas. "Stacy, let me talk to Thomas," he said when she answered. "Just a moment, Sheriff." "Hey, bro. What's up," Thomas said. "Hey, Tommy. Can you come have lunch with me?" "Sure. What's the occassion?" "I need to talk to you. It's about Dom." "Is it good or bad?" "Somewhere in between." "I'll be there in a few minutes."

Five minutes later, Thomas closed the door to Lucas' office behind himself. "Alright. I'm here. What is it?" he asked as he sat down. "Do you like Uncle Thomas, or Uncle Tommy?" "What are you talking about?" "Dom's pregnant." "You're kidding, right?" "No. The doc said she's about a month into it." "Congrats, Luke. But, you do realize people will start asking who the father is?" "Yeah. So? I know how Dom is. She'll tell them it's none of their fucking business." Thomas laughed. "She is one fiesty woman."

"Speaking of fiesty women, what's going on between you and Joan?" "What do you mean?" "Come on, man. I've seen how you two look at each other. You two don't know if you want to fight or fuck." Thomas sighed, and leaned forward with his elbows on Lucas' desk. "I don't know, bro. Something about her caught my attention, and I can't let go of it, but she is so damn stubborn. She won't even let me near her." "Why don't you take her out to dinner, and try to make peace with her?" "We made a truce while I'm defending Dom. We're having dinner at her house tonight, so we can discuss the case." "It's a start."

"Speaking of the case, with Rob's report, and the evidence, I'm surprised he hasn't charged her with the murder yet." "I know. And, if he found the chain she wears that ring on, she's screwed. He'll file the charges without thinking twice." "I hate to say it, bro, but she's screwed now. She screwed herself with the interrogation. The only thing that might let her off easy would be that she came in voluntarily, and that she is pregnant." "Don't tell Joan that. Dom doesn't want her or the Dudleys to know she is, yet." "You have my word, but she can't hide it for long. In two months, she'll start showing." "We both know that. She just doesn't want to hear Sister Joan's lecture on it yet."

"Ok. Back to the subject. Who knows about her relationship with Terry?" "Martha Dudley knows their personal, and I know their professional." "If this goes to trial, which it looks like it will, I wouldn't want to put Martha on the stand. What about Joan, or Aaron Dudley?" "I'm sure Joan would know. You should talk to Dom about that, though." "Alright. Can I see her now?" "Sure. I'll take her to the interrogation room for you." "Good."

As Lucas left his office, Rob was coming in the front door. "Where the hell have you been?" Lucas asked. "I found Dom's chain at the scene of the crime last night. I filed the charges last night, and filed it with the courts this morning." Lucas restrained himself. He wanted to kill Rob. "Alright," Lucas said as calmly as possible. "Next time, let me know before you go over my head." "Sorry, boss." "Now, get to work." "Yes, sir."

Lucas stepped back in his office. "Hey, Tommy, the charges have been filed." "Here comes the fun part," Thomas said sarcastically.


Chapter 11
By Stonewall

Joan arrived at the library fuming. All she asked for was discretion and good behavior. She was going to teach him a lesson. For the next four hours Joan organized, cleaned and reorganized the books in the entire library. Moolah and Trish were surprised. In the years they worked at the library they never seen Joan in such a state of anger. They considered trying to talk with her but then again they opted not to. By the time Joan finished venting her anger she felt empty and drained of energy. She went to her desk and sat down. Moolah knew it was her opportunity to talk with Joan.

"Joan can we talk?"

"Yes, Moolah what can I do for you?" asked Joan a little tired.

"Well is just that Trish and I were wondering about you girl. You worked today as if something was bothering you? Its Stacy, right?"asked Moolah.

Joan suppressed a sigh of weariness. The last of her worries was Stacy and the stunt she pulled last night at Cindy Mae’s.

"Not exactly. Is just that I’m feeling frustrated about Dom’s situation. And if I get like this means that I need to pray more and have more faith. Sometimes some tribulations are harder that others." Reply Joan.

Moolah sighed in defeat. Joan was notorious for her hard shell stubbornness. She knew Joan was not fond of telling her problems.

"Okay dear, why don’t you take the rest of the day off? I’ll bet you would like to visit your sister right? Come on Trish and I will take care of things here.

Joan didn’t argue. She was hoping to see Dom and be sure she was alright.

"Thanks Moolah." Joan said givng Moolah a hug and a kiss.

"Thank you Trish." She said to the blond woman who was near the entrance.

"You’re welcome Joan. You know I’m not a big fan of your sister but I don’t think she is a murderer." Said Trish in a conciliatory tone.

"Thank you, Trish. I appreciate your sincerity."

It was three o’ clock when Joan went to visit Dom. She asked Amy to see Dom. But when Amy came back from the tank she told Joan that Dom was sleeping. Joan didn’t hide her disappointment and sadness. She went back to her house and began to prepare the dinner for tonight.

After Thomas talked with Dom he took the woman by surprised when he asked.

"Dom, what are Joan’s favorite flowers?"

Dom looked at Thomas and thought that he was going mad or something.

"Excuse me? What did you said?"

Thomas told Dom about his encounters with Joan. At the end Dom was laughing so hard that she had to hold her stomach. Of course Thomas didn’t tell Dom that he kissed Joan by force twice and the slap she gave him, or the fact that he couldn’t stop thinking about how Joan would look naked in his bed. When Dom calmed down she said.

"Well, she used to like roses and gardenias."

"She used to?" asked Thomas.

"Yeah since she came back from the city she hasn’t been the same. I never asked her because every time I asked her, she'd change the subject or say that it was my imagination playing tricks on me."

"I just want to make peace with her. This trial could be a rough one and the last thing that I need is Joan as an enemy."

"Yeah she can be quite a fighter sometimes." Said Dom.

After Thomas finished talking with Dom he went back to the firm. Stacy was typing something on the computer when she saw Thomas enter the office.

"So, how is the troublemaker doing?"

"What do you think Stacy? Oh and by the way I need to talk with you something very important. I didn’t like the stunt you pulled yesterday. I don’t know what the hell you were thinking when you did that. But I didn’t like it one bit. From now on stay away from Joan St. Patrick ok?" Answered Thomas trying not to insult Stacy.

Thomas was really mad at Stacy for that stunt. When he saw her saying those things about Joan he finally saw the real Stacy in front of him. And he didn’t like it. Stacy on the other hand was cursing inside. The damm nun made her look bad and now Thomas was really angry at her. She had to think up something really fast before Thomas could even consider cutting her.

"I’m sorry, Thomas, look I thought it would be fun. Forgive me it won’t happen again." She said with her best "I’m sorry" face.

Thomas didn’t buy it, but he let it pass.

"Ok, but as soon as you see Joan apologize to her. Deal?" said.

"Deal. How about going to lunch with me at 12:30? Today’s menu at Cindy’s is baby back ribs. My treat." Stacy said.

"I’m sorry Stacy I already had lunch with Lucas."

"How about dinner?" hoping he would say yes.

"I already have plans. Maybe some other day. Bon appetite." Thomas said before entering the office.

Stacy waited for him to close the door to let the frustration appear on her face.

(Damm you bitch. You are going to pay. Oh yes, no one especially a stupid nun like you is going to take what is mine away. You’ll see Sister Joan. You'll learn your place and stay away from me.) thought Stacy.

With an evil smile Stacy took her purse and went to lunch planning to make Joan St. Patrick regret the day she ever decided to return to Dudley Ville.

Thomas heard the door close. He let out a sigh of weariness and sat on his chair. Stacy could have fooled him in the past but not now. He was sure that she wasn’t going to let Joan off the hook easily. He was still thinking about how the dinner was going to unfold. Since he was now more aware of the situation and the case, he knew that it would be necessary for him to force her to accept a truce. Thomas hit the papers and worked on them. He searched the books and made notes taking every hint possible as a source for the trial. He kept working until five o’ clock. He went by the flower shop and bought a dozen roses, half white and half yellow. Then he went home to take a quick shower. Thomas stood fifteen minutes in front of his closet trying to decide what to wear in the end he decided for a pair of black Dockers, biker boots (hey, he didn’t want to be uncomfortable) and a white short sleeve shirt. He again let his hair loose and put on some cologne. When Thomas finally arrived he still had five minutes to spare before seven o’ clock. Feeling as if this was his first date ever Thomas took a few deep breaths before grabbing the roses and his suitcase.

"Ok, this is a business dinner. She is the sister of my brother’s girlfriend and oh dammit, what the fuck is going on with me? She is only a woman. Calm down boy, just breath if she doesn’t start you will act like a gentleman ok?" said Thomas out loud.

He said a small prayer before pushing the doorbell. A couple of minutes later Joan opened the door. Thomas was speechless. Joan was wearing a black skirt with a native Mexican white blouse which left her shoulders exposed. Her hair was combed into a loose braid and she wore soft framed glasses. She even took time to put on a little bit of make up.

"Good evening Mr. Calloway." She said in a cool tone.

Thomas took his time to find his voice and said.

"Good evening Miss St. Patrick. I brought a peace offering would you please accept it.?" he said as he handed her the roses.

Joan blushed lightly and Thomas saw that she was startled by the gesture. But she quickly regained her composure and led him to her studio.

"I thought you would be more comfortable discussing the details of the case here. If you'll excuse me, I need to finish some details for dinner. Would you like something to drink? Water, juice or bourbon?" she said in a teacherly tone that was making Thomas go nuts.

"I think I'll settle for the bourbon, thank you."

"I’ll be right back." With that she disappeared.

Five minutes later she came back with a glass, gave it to him and left again. Thomas felt that being nice to her was going to give him an ulcer. She looked gorgeous, but when she opened her mouth the effect faded by the icey tone she was using.

When dinner was ready they ate in the kitchen. At the beginning everything was fine until Thomas found that from time to time Joan looked at him like if he was going to rape her. She was playing with fire and he was going to show her.

"Could you stop looking at me like that?"

"I beg your pardon Mr. Calloway? What do you mean?"

"You look at me like if I were the wolf of the Looney Toon Cartoons."Thomas said.

Joan looked at him amazed and all of a sudden she began to laugh. Thomas thought that she finally had loosed all her marbles. She was laughing until she had tears rolling down her face. Thomas went to her side and gave her a glass of water. After she calmed down he asked.

"Now can you please tell me what is going on? I thought we had a truce. Or are we back at square one?"

Joan took a deep breath and with a strange smile on her face said.

"Please forgive me its just that . . ." she gave a sigh before continuing. "Ok, I know that I’m not an easy person to deal with but, but its just..."

"Ok, one thing at the time. Deal?" when she nods he asked.

"Why did you laugh at me?"

"Because when you said that I was imaging you pounding on the table and howling like a wolf. With his eyes bulging out and the tongue . . ." Joan stopped when she heard Thomas laughing.

"So did I look good or bad?" he asked.

"I think funny is the word." she said.

They looked at each other for a couple of seconds. Without thinking Thomas said.

"I know it may sound like a cliché but you look beautiful tonight."

Joan searched his eyes and found he was sincere. For the first time in her life a guy was looking at her and talking with sincerity to her. She smiled softly and said.

"Thank you, you look good also." And she blushed.

From that point on dinner was more relaxed and enjoyable. Thomas found that Joan wasn’t that stiff and that she enjoyed many things, she was just a little more conservative than normal people. After dessert they washed the dishes and took the coffee to the studio. Thomas noticed that one of the bookshelves wasn’t completely filled. He approached to the bookshelf and began to read the titles. Some were romantic novels others, mystery, some books of J.R.R. Tolkien his favorite author. He also saw some folders but he didn’t dare to read their contents.

"When can we begin?" Joan asked.

"Well right now I just want to know your side of the events the night of the murder."

Joan nodded and told him what happened. Thomas made some inquiries about Joan and Dom’s relationships with the people of the town.

"Well Stacy never liked me and she definitely hates Dom since Stacy said Dom broke her relationship with Andrew Martin."

"Really? I thought they were going to marry." Said Thomas a little bit strange.

"That didn’t happen. According to Dom, she discovered that Stacy was cheating on him with Steiner." Joan said.

"Coach Reagal’s assistant?" now Thomas was getting an exclusive that he never thought he would get.

"Yes." Joan felt a little bit uncomfortable.

She didn’t like to gossip and there she was doing it. She squirmed in her chair a little bit.

"Something wrong?" asked Thomas noticing her unease.

"Well, I don’t like to gossip and that’s what I’m doing right now." She looked down at her lap.

"Joan I’m sorry. I just wanted to know who would be most likely to blame Dom for this." Thomas said hoping she would understand.

"It’s ok, I understand. Thomas?" said Joan with a shaky voice.

"Yes Joan?"

Joan bit her lower lip and tryed to decide whether to ask him about the kiss. Thomas had to control his desire to bite her lips himself. She was looking so desirable that he felt his groin getting hard. He swallows a big lump in his throat and tried not to jump her.

"You want to ask me something what is it?" trying to sound normal.

"Look, sorry its nothing I just . . ." feeling the urge to run she stood up and walked as fast as she could.

But Thomas didn’t let her go. He pinned her against the door and make her turn around so she could face him. Joan began to tremble slightly and her breathing was fast paced. Thomas wanted to ease all her fears and protect her and he took her chin in his hands and made her look at him.

"Joan why are you so afraid?" he asked in a whisper.

Thomas then cupped her face in his hands. Joan covered his hands with hers and Thomas noticed how cold her hands were. He softly caressed her cheeks making her blush deeply.

Joan’s mind was in turmoil. One part of her was screaming for a kiss and the other was punishing her for being weak in the flesh. Slowly she made a decision. She opened her eyes and looked directly into Thomas eyes. Her __expression was all he needed to see.

"This time I won’t hurt you. I promise." With that Thomas lowered his head and softly nibbled Joan's lips.

The slow and soft torture paid off when Joan parted her lips and opened her mouth. The kiss was soft at the beginning, even cast. But as the time went by the kiss deepened until Thomas and Joan were practically on the verge of fusing their bodies together. Thomas broke the kiss first. Both were gasping for air and still hugging each other.

"Thomas?" said Joan between breaths.


"I think I need to sit, please." Said Joan.

Thomas helped her sit down and he just knelt in front of her.

"You are going to hurt your knees." Joan said.

"It’s ok I just don’t want to sit far from you." Said Thomas.

The comment made Joan blush once more. They both stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Thomas was the first to break the silence.

"Joan I want you to know that I didn’t mean to do this. And I want you to know that if you hate me . . ."

Joan shut his mouth with her hand while with the other she caressed his hand.

"Thomas, let’s not talk about it okay? I think its late and maybe we can finish this up another day."

Thomas was going to argue when he thought better. Maybe a cold shower and a cool head would make more sense. He wanted to know why Joan was still reluctant to trust in him. For the moment he had to deal with the case. He nodded and gathered his papers. When he was at the front door he saw Joan was at a fair distance. He felt hurt but he managed to hide it.

"Can I see you tomorrow?"

A shy nod was her only response. Not wanting to pressure her Thomas left before he submitted to his desire to kiss her until they were both senseless.

Chapter 12

Dom was awake when Amy told Paul that Joan was there to see her. She had pretended to be asleep, because she was not ready to tell her sister about the morning's events. A few minutes after Joan left, Paul said, "why are you playing possum?" "I don't want to see anyone today. I have too much on my mind." "Like what?" "Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not going to tell you." "It's your business, not mine." "Thank you, Paul. I wish there were more people like you, and Lucas, in this town." "Lucas might get a little jealous if there were more like him." "What do you mean?" "The sheriff may wear a good poker face, but your's sucks. I can tell there's something going on by the way you look at him." "Nah, there's nothing going on, Paul. He's a good looking guy. That's all." "Whatever you say. To get back to the subject, you should talk to your sister. The situation is probably just as hard on her as it is on you." "I'll talk to her in the morning. In the mean time, you need to 'wash the dishes'." Paul dumped the dominoes on the table, turned them upside down, and mixed them up.

Sometime later, after she beat Paul twice, Lucas came in. "Hey, Paul. You can call it a day." "That's good news for you, isn't it? I'd hate to have to beat you again," Dom said. "I want a rematch in the morning." "Fine, but I'll only beat you again, unless you quit letting me win." He chuckled. "Bye, Dom. Bye, Lucas." "Bye," they both said. After Paul left, Dom asked Lucas, "why did he have to leave? It's not time to lock up, yet." "Overtime. What do you want for dinner?" "It doesn't matter to me. It'll just wind up in the toilet anyways." "So, pick something that will taste good when it comes back up." Dom laughed. "Fried chicken?" "Sounds good to me, too." Dom looked at the clock on the wall. It had shown that it was 8:30. "Before you go, can I use the phone? I want to call Joan." He pushed the phone closer to her, then left.

Dom punched in the number. "Hello," Joan answered. "Hey, Jo. I heard you came by earlier." "Hello, Dom. Yes, I did. Amy said you were asleep." "I haven't been feeling well today. Can you come by in the morning?" "If Lucas will let me in early enough. I still have to go to work at eight o'clock." "Ok. Can you bring my sketch book and pencils with you?" "Where are they?" "In the desk, in my bedroom." "Alright. I'll bring them with me." "Thank you, Sis." "You're welcome. How are you feeling now?" "I'm feeling better than I was this morning. We need to have a talk in the morning, and I would appreciate it if you didn't lecture me afterward. It is something important to me, and quite special to me." "Alright. You have my word."

"Now, how was dinner with Thomas?" "How did you know about it?" "Thomas was here around noon. You're stalling. What happened?" "Nothing really. We ate, then we talked about the case." "And the flowers," Dom said. "Dominic, you are being nosey." "I'm not being nosey. You are my sister. You can tell me these things. Besides, I'd like for you to give Thomas a chance. He's a nice guy, and good looking, too." "Now is not the time for me to get involved with anyone." "Don't give me that b.s., Joan. No matter what happens with the case, I want you to be happy." Joan sighed. "He is quite handsome, isn't he?" Dom smiled, and said, "yes." "Alright. I will give him a chance. He's a good kisser, anyways." "And, how do you know that," Dom said suspiciously. "He has kissed me a few times." "Well, if he's anything like his brother, it's better than good. Speaking of Lucas, he went to get dinner. He should be back anytime now." "Alright. Take care, Dominic. I will bring some clothes and your sketchbook in the morning." "Thank you, Joan. Sleep tight." "Goodnight, Sis."


Around seven o'clock in the morning, Joan started pounding on the front door to the sheriff's office. Lucas walked to the door groggily, and unlocked it for her. "For such a little woman, you sound like a monster beating on the door," he teased. Ignoring his comment, Joan said, "good morning, Lucas. How is she today?" "She was asleep when I left her, but we can wake her up." "Thank you. If you don't mind, will you put your shirt back on?" "Yes, ma'am," he said sarcastically.

As he went into his office to get a clean shirt, Joan went back to the tank. Joan grabbed Dom's ankle through the bars, and shook. "Wake up, Dom." Dom looked up at her, and said, "mornin', Joan." "Good morning. How are you feeling?" "Ok, so far. How's your head been?" "I've had a few migraines. Nothing I can't handle. Why did you want to see me this morning?" "Because it was too late last night, and I wanted to talk to you in person." "Alright. About what?" "First of all, I wanted to apologize for yelling at you. With everything that happened, I just lost it." "I understand. You are under a great deal of pressure right now, and I made matters worse by wanting to let your affair be known."

"Next, I want to know, for sure, you are going to give Thomas a chance. I've never seen you date a man, and I think it's about time you did, before it's too late." "What do you mean by 'too late'?" "I want to be an aunt. Neither of us are getting any younger." "And you think Thomas would make a good father to my children?" "I think, if nothing else, he could loosen you up on the idea of dating. You have to start somewhere, and why not with a handsome, intelligent man that has a thing for you?" "Do you think he really does?" "I don't think. I know." Joan sighed. "I already gave you my word that I would give him a chance, and I will."

"Last is about Lucas and me. I... Um... We..." Dom sat up straight, and looked at her sister. "Lucas and I have a new stronger bond that will last us the rest of our lives." "What do you mean? Are you going to move in together? Did he ask you to marry him?" Joan gasped. "You two had Father Daniels come here, and perform the ceremony, didn't you?" "Calm down. Lucas is an Athiest. Father Daniels won't be doing any ceremonies for us. This is about blood..."

Joan gasped again. "He did some kind of Satanic ritual on you." Dom sighed in exasperation. "Athiests don't believe in the devil." She felt like slapping some sense into Joan. "Forget it. If you come back when you aren't hysterical, I'll tell you what is going on." "I am not hysterical." "You sound like it, with the accusations you're making." Joan stood. "I have to go to work. I shall see you in the morning." Joan walked off in a huff. "Fine," Dom yelled after her.

As she came upon Lucas' office, Joan looked inside, and glared at him. "I don't know what you have done to my sister, but if you have hurt her..." "I swore that I wouldn't, and I haven't. Whatever wild hair crawled up your ass, I suggest you pull it out. I can only take so much of your attitude. And, I could lock you up with Dom, for threatening me. That would be quite a blemish on your record, Sister Joan."

Joan was furious. She stomped out of the station, and all the way to the library. She sat at her desk, with her head in her hands, trying to will the pounding away. As it became more intense, she reached into her purse, and pulled out her pain pills. She shook the last two into her hand, and went for a glass of water.

When Lucas heard Joan leave, he let out a sigh. He stood from his chair, and went to check on Dom. "You ok, babe?" "I tried to tell her about the baby, and she accused you of performing a Satanic ritual on me!" "Your sister has a few screws loose." "You know, if she wasn't my sister, I would have beat her ass a long time ago." "I don't think anything will make her change her ways."

There was a pounding on the office door, again. "I guess she came back," Lucas said, as he went to the front door. He opened the shade on the door, then opened it. "Hey, Spike. Here to see Dom?" "Yeah. Is she awake?" "Yeah. Go on back there." Seeing as Spike was the most innocent of all of the Dudley boys, Lucas let the visit go unsupervised, and went into his office.

Dom had moved to the corner of the cell that the bed was in, and sat there with her eyes closed and her head against the wall. When she heard Spike enter the room, she said, "can you listen to what I was going to say, Joan?" "I'm not Joan, but you can tell me," Spike said. "Mornin', Spike. What brings you out this early?" "Bubba Ray asked me to check on you. He said you weren't feeling well yesterday. He wanted me to see what Newinski said." "Tell him it was just a stomachache." "But it wasn't, was it?" Dom sighed. "I hate the way you can read me." "What's wrong with you, sis?" She told him what the doctor said. "Not a word to Aunt Martha, your dad, or Joan. I want to be the one to let them know." "Wow. Who's the father?" Dom just sat in silence. "It's that CPA of your's, Bradshaw, isn't it?" "No." "Kevin? I know you still hold a flame for him." "No." "You didn't get back with Andrew, did you?" "No, Spike. I didn't." "The only other guys I've seen you with are me, Devon, Bubba, Jeff and Lucas. You and Jeff aren't..." "No, Spike. Just don't worry about who it is." "Well, he needs to know." "He knows, and he's happy about it. Now, can we drop the subject of the father?" "It's Lucas, isn't it?" "No, it's not! Can we drop it!?" "You're a terrible liar." "Go to hell, Spike." "Tell you what, sis. I'm going to work. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone about the baby, or you and Lucas. You know you are closer to me than my own flesh and blood. I'd never do anything to hurt my favorite sibling." Dom smiled at Spike. "Thanks, bro. I'll see you next time." "Bye."

As Spike headed for the door, he stopped at Lucas' office door. "Congrats, Lucas." He looked up at Spike. "For what?" "The baby." He leaned back in his chair. "She told you I'm the father?" he asked in a non-admitting tone. "She didn't have to tell me. I figured it out on my own. And, I can't think of a better man for her." With that said, he walked away, and out the door.

Not two minutes later, the door opened again. Lucas got up to see who it was. He was surprised to see his brother. "Hey, Tommy. Why are you here?" "Didn't you get your messages?" "Not yet. What's going on?" "Dom and I are headed to court to see if we can get bail set." "Really?" he said with a huge grin. "Don't get your hopes up yet, bro. Her track record isn't going to help her any." "What if she were released, and put into my custody, not the departments?" "That may work, but you would have to be with her at all times." "Come on. Do you think that would bother me?" "I thought you might like that, but it might drive Dom nuts." "Let's go ask her."

Lucas lead Thomas to the tank. "Hey, babe. If you were released, would you mind being in my custody?" "As long as I got out of this hell hole, you could put me in Satan's custody, but I would prefer your's. What's going on?" "We're going to the courthouse to get bail set," Thomas answered. "Now, like I told Lucas, don't get your hopes up yet. Considering your record, Judge Austin may not want to grant you bail. Lucas' idea just might work, though." "How much time do I have to get ready?" "Not much. I suggest a 'whore bath', toothbrush, hairbrush, and a change of clothes. You have twenty minutes." "Get out of here, so I can do it in privacy." She turned her back to them, and took her shirt off to start cleaning up in the sink. Lucas pushed his brother out of the room.

"What are our chances of Austin agreeing?" Lucas asked when they were in the hall. "I'd say about forty percent sure. It will depend on his mood." "Let's hope he's in a good one." The door opened, and Amy came in followed by Rob. "Good timing, you two." "We're usually here on time, Sheriff," Amy said. "Right, but I'm going to the courthouse with Thomas and Dominic. I need the two of you and Paul, when he gets here, to watch the office, and man the phones." Amy cleared her throat. "Alright, answer the phones. Damn feminists," he muttered the latter. "Do I need to be there?" Rob asked. "Not this time. This is for bail, and a date for the trial," Thomas answered. "Who would want to bail her out?" Rob said sarcastically. Lucas growled at him. "It's cool, sir. I'm going to my desk." Rob walked off in a quicker pace than usual.

Lucas went back to the tank to let Dom out. "Are you ready?" She sat on the bed, with her head between her knees. She had managed to get her hair braided, and changed into a dress, before nausea took hold of her stomach. "Yeah, I'm ready." "Are you going to be ok?" "I think so. I don't know." "Let's get some medicine in you before we go." "Alright."

Thirty minutes later, Thomas, Lucas and Dominic sat in the courtroom, awaiting the arrival of Judge Austin. "Dom, do you want me to call Joan, and tell her?" "No. Not after she wigged out on me this morning." "What did I miss?" Thomas asked. "Long story. I was trying to tell her about the baby, and she freaked out before I could tell her." "Are you going to be ok?" Lucas asked again. "Yeah." "Good." A tall, blonde haired man walked up to the table Thomas and Dominic were sitting at. "Thomas Callaway? Is that you?" Thomas looked up, and groaned. "Hunter. What are you doing here?" "I don't suppose you heard. I'm the prosecuting attorney." "You know him?" Lucas asked. "This is Hunter Helmsly. Stacy's cousin. I see your nose healed with a nice bump." Hunter gave him a crooked grin, and went to take his seat.

"All rise," Albert called out. As everyone stood up, the Honorable Steve Austin entered, and sat. "Have a seat." He flipped through some papers, then looked up at Thomas and Dominic. "Ms. St. Patrick, please rise. You must enjoy being in my courtroom. It says here that the charge is murder, this time. How do you plead?" "Not guilty." "Alright. Now, this matter of bail... Albert handed me a note from Mr. Callaway, about bail with conditions. Mr. Callaway, would you care to explain these conditions?" Thomas stood to address the court. "Your honor, I have spoken with Sheriff Callaway. We agreed that in order to maintain her innocence while she is out of jail, she should be put into the custody of Lucas Callaway." Judge Austin looked behind Thomas, at Lucas. "Did you agree to this?" Lucas stood. "Yes, your honor."

"May I ask why?" "She has been a friend of mine for a number of years. And, although she can be a handfull, I don't believe she is capable of murder." Austin shook his head. "And Dominic, can you abide by this condition?" "Yes, your..." Dominic's stomach started to turn. One hand held her stomach, the other held her mouth. "Ms. St. Patrick? Is there something wrong?" "She needs to use the facilities," Thomas tried to put it mildly. "Albert, take her to the restroom." After Albert helped her out of the courtroom, Austin turned to the brothers. "Which one of you wants to explain what is wrong with the defendant?" Lucas gulped down the truth, and said, "Your Honor, I believe she came down with the flu." Judge Austin picked up his gavel. "Bail is set at fifteen thousand dollars, with the condition that she is released to the sheriff. Trial by jury will start in two weeks." He slammed his gavel down. "And Lucas, see that she is better before she returns to my court." "Yes, Your Honor."

Once they were released from the room, they waited outside the bathroom for Dominic. "Do you feel better now?" Lucas asked, as she came out. "Yeah, I'll be ok. What happened after I left?" "Can you raise fifteen thousand?" Thomas asked. "Jeff can write a check out of the shop's account. Is that my bail?" "Yep." Lucas leaned down to whisper in her ear, "then, you're all mine." Dom gave a slight giggle. "Thank you, Thomas. You know where I'll be." Thomas smiled. "Yeah. He has my number, if you need to talk to me." "What the hell are you two talking about? You're both staying with me," Lucas said. "Oh, yeah," they both said. "Look, I'm gonna go hit the books at the library. Do you need me to take you back to the office?" Lucas pulled out his cuffs, closed one around his wrist, and the other around Dom's. "Nope. We'll walk."

Once Dom and Lucas were back at the station, Dom called Jeff, and told him about the bail. He told her he would be right over with the check. Lucas put Dom in the tank, until Jeff made it there. Before he left the cell, Dom laid her hands on his stomach, and slowly moved them up to his chest. "So, where will I be sleeping at your house?" Lucas leaned down and said, "where you always do. With me." "And, will there be any benifits to this?" "Do you mean, are we going to break your sister's rule?" At Dom's nod, he said, "Joan won't know what really happens in the house." He wrapped his arms around her, then slid them down to her rear. "Good, because being close to you, and not being able to have sex is like the worst form of torture." He gave her his sexy grin. "As soon as Jeff gets here, we'll take care of that."