Jaded Edge

Musician Fics
Open Challenge
Tit For Tat
The Dominatress
Of Saints & Sinners
Dirty Deeds
Don't Stand
I Could Fall
Taker X-mas poem
Road Rash
House on the Hill
A Vampire's Love
Dream Lover
Ghost of a Chance
Unexpected Revelations
What Goes Around...
Wanna Wrestle?
Evil In My Blood
Lincoln Park
Saving the Spirit
What Lies Within
Prop: Conf.
Four Against the World
Sister Joan
Sister Joan (cont.)
Kronik Passion
Favorite Links
Awards I Won
Fun Stuff
About Dom.
Contact Me
Four Against the World

Madison and Sierra find themselves in a lot of trouble. Their boyfriends, Mark and Glen, try to protect them as much as possible. A fic written by Lady B and myself.

bg credit Kaliegh

Chapter One - Lady B


Even as little girls Madison and Sierra were able to tell what the other was thinking without having to say it. They would be at school in their classes and Madison could tell if Sierra was having a bad day or was sad and vice versa. At times they could even see what the other one saw. They were so close that they even slept in the same room in the same bed.

As they grew older the bond between them stayed. They had both worked part time jobs after school during their high school years so that they could buy motorcycles. When Madison went to work at a law firm, she knew to the second when Sierra had gotten into an accident with her motorcycle which landed her a broken leg.

That's one event that Madison will never forget. It appeared that Sierra was on her way to work at her tattoo shop when an SUV went through the stop sign on the corner just as Sierra was pulling her bike through the intersection in front of her shop and she was hit broadside. The driver had not seen her until the last possible moment when he stepped on the brakes but he wasn't able to fully stop before the SUV lightly hit the bike, causing Sierra to fly off of the bike and practically landed on her feet as she did a somersault over the bike. That's when she landed wrong and broke her leg.

Madison was standing near the book cases in the law library looking up some law cases when all of a sudden she fell a sharp pain in her leg and she fell on the floor. She grabbed her calf and sat there as if in a trance. She could see two tall men run out of a pickup truck and approach her. She was writhing in pain on the ground as she grabbed her leg. The next thing she knew everything went black and she was lying on the floor in the middle of the library. "Sierra" Madison whispered as she opened her eyes and grabbed onto one of the bookshelves, pulling herself up from the floor.

She reached into her bag and pulled out her cell phone. She put a call through to Sierra's Tattoo Parlor.


"Do you think she's dead" Billy asked as he got out of the drivers side. "Man I hope not" Road Dogg said as he got out the passengers side and they both ran over to Sierra who had sat up, removed her helmet and was sitting in the middle of the street, holding onto her leg and trying not to cry.

"Are you okay darlin'" Dogg said as he got closer to her. "I'm okay but I think my leg is broken and I have a whopper of a headache" Sierra replied. "Don't move" Dogg said as he sat next to her and helped her lay back down with her head on his lap.

Billy had gotten on his cell phone and called for an ambulance. When the ambulance showed up they put Sierra on a stretcher and took her to the hospital. Billy gave his statement to the police of what he had seen when the SUV went through the stop sign and hit Sierra and then had backed up and sped away. He gave them a partial on the license plate. Then between the two of them, Billy and Dogg huffed and puffed until they got Sierra's bike on the back of his pickup. They went to the hospital to check up on her and were told that she would have to be in a cast for a few months but they were going to keep her in the hospital for a few days for observation. They were informed she could not have any visitors yet because she was having the cast applied and wanted to run more test on her. Billy and Dogg left as they were late for the next event in that town. When they arrived at the arena Taker was just getting there.

"Taker, man, I need your help" Billy said. "What can I do for you buddy?" Taker asked as he got off of his bike. "I need to see if you can check this out for me and see if it needs to be repaired" Billy said as he opened the back of his pickup truck. "That's a nice Hog. Where'd you get it?" Taker asked. "He got if off of a girl who got run over" Dogg stated as he walked past and into the arena. Billy glared at the back of Dogg's head and then laughed. Taker was looking at him with a "what did you do" look on his face. "It's not like that" Billy said. "This girl was hit by an SUV that missed a stop sign as she entered the intersection. She's currently in the hospital and I though this would be a nice gesture towards her to have it fixed once she came out" he added.

Taker climbed on the back of the pickup and checked it out. "She's gonna need a new back wheel, a new brake line and a slight paint job too, but it's fixable. Why don't you drop it off at the house? Kane and I have a few days off so I'll talk him into helping me work on it. Where does this girl live? Taker asked. "Don't know, but her name is Sierra and I overheard someone in the crowd say she owns a tattoo parlor over on main" Billy replied. "I've riden by the place" Taker said. "I'll do some investigating and make sure she gets it back" Taker added.


When Sierra woke up from her drug induced sleep. She rang for the nurse and when she appeared a few minutes later Sierra asked "Can you tell me where my bike is?" "I wouldn't know, you were brought into the hospital in an ambulance". I'm gonna kill that SOB for hitting me and leaving my bike on the road. I bet its stripped by now" she added. "I gotta get out of her and go check on it Sierra said as she attempted to sit up. She was suddenly hit by a bout of vertigo and said "Maybe it can wait" as she laid back down. "Nurse, in the pocket of the leather jacket that I was wearing there is a cell phone. Can I have it please" Sierra said. "Well since you are in a room by yourself right now, I don't see any harm in letting you use it. But you can't use it out in the hall or in any of the other rooms" The nurse said. "We wouldn't want you phone causing some ones pacemaker to go haywire" she said as she handed her the phone and left the room.

No sooner did Sierra turn the phone on it rang. "Hello" she said. "Sierra!!!!! Are you okay? I've been calling you for hours now" Madison said hysterically into the phone.

Chapter 2 - Jade

"Hi, Madison. I have a broken leg and one Hell of a headache, but other than that, I'm fine."
"Which hospital are you at? I'll come see you."
"Saint Peter's, I think," Sierra said, still a little foggy minded.
"Those two guys didn't do anything to you did they?"
"No, they were helping me. The one with the Kanga cap and braids had nice, firm thighs."
"What a time to be checking out a man's body parts," Madison teased.
"Well, since you know I'm ok, I have to find my bike. The accident happened in front of the shop. Maybe Shawn saw it and got it."
"He just said he didn't know where you were."
"Well, I'll check with the police. See you later, Madi."
"You know I hate that," Madison laughed. "Bye."

She called the station and got ahold of the officer handling her accident. He told her the particulars on the accident. Then she asked," what happened to my motorcycle?"
"Your friends that were following you took it with them."
"Thank you, Officer Sanchez," and she hung up. 'That doesn't make any sense,' she thought to herself. 'They help me, then take my bike?'


Billy and Jesse had just pulled up in front of Taker's house. Upon, seeing the bike in back, Kane told Taker," she's a beaut'."
"Yep. Let's look her over, make sure I didn't miss anything."
"Hey, guys," Billy said. "How long do you think it would take you to fix it?"
"A couple days, at the most. It should be easy to fix," Mark replied.
They took the bike out of the back and set it in the garage. "Let's see what it sounds like," Kane said.
Taker got on it and tried the kick start. It wouldn't turn over. He made some adjustments and tried again. It roared to life beneath him.
"It sounds good," Taker yelled over the bike. He shut it off and looked at the three. "It's probably just a few minor problems. When it's done, we'll drop it off at her shop."
"Alright. We're gonna go see her. Do you wanna come with," Jesse asked.
"Na, we might as well get started here."
"Later, guys."


Madison was sitting in a chair next to Sierra's bed, when Sierra woke up from another drug induced nap.

"How are you feeling," she asked.
"The headache's gone. How long have you been here?"
"Just a few minutes. Did you find your bike?"
"The officer said those two guys you saw took it."
"Did you tell the officer that you don't know them?"
"No, I want to deal with these guys myself. I can't believe this shit! I have a wreck then these assholes steal my bike!" Sierra thought for a moment. "Is there anyway you can get me out of here?"
"I don't think so! You need to stay here in case there was something they missed."
"Madison, I want to get my bike back before they get a chance to 'chop' it and sell the pieces. And, I want to find the fuck wad that hit me."

Chapter 3 - Lady B

The girls where still talking in Sierra's room when Billy and Dogg walked in. Madison looked up as they entered and Sierra said "That's them" with a shocked expression on her face. Madison got up from her seat and stalked over to them. "Thanks for helping my sister during her accident, but what did you do with her bike?" Madison stated as she stood in front of Dogg with a threatening look on her face. "Hold on there, little sister. Her bike is safe and we plan on returning it to her" Dogg said as he put his hands up, open palm towards Madison and took a step back. "It's not what you think Billy added as he walked over to the bed. "First off, how are you feeling" he asked Sierra. "I'm okay. Thank you for helping me. Where's my bike and what are you doing here?" she added. Dogg smiled at Sierra as he walked around Madison and approached the bed. "We came to see how you were doing after your accident. The guy who hit you ran off, but we were able to give the police a partial on his plate and they said they would check it out. Your bike is in good hands and will be returned to you in a few days. Hopefully you will be out by then. You do own the tattoo parlor on main, don't you?" he asked.

"Yes, why?" Sierra asked. Looking from one to the other. "Well, a friend of ours will be returning your bike to you and we just wanted to make sure he takes it to the right place. We will be on the road so we left it with him" Billy answered. Madison had cooled down as she heard them talking. She approached the guys and said "Listen, I'm sorry for having been so abrupt with you. My name is Madison. I'm Sierra's sister." "I'm Billy and this is Brian, but everyone calls him Road Dogg" Billy said by way of introductions. They shook hands.

"Thank you for taking care of my bike" Sierra said after the guys had shaken her hand. "It was the least we could do" Dogg replied. "We have to run now, but we are glad to see that you are doing better. If you should need to talk to us, give me a call at this number. That's my cell phone" Billy added. "When will you be getting out of the hospital?" Billy asked. "In a couple of days" Sierra replied. "I'll make sure our friend returns the bike to you at the shop or would you rather have him take it to your house?" Billy said. "The shop is fine. I have to get back to work as soon as I can. I can't stand being cooped up" Sierra replied. "We'll talk to you gals soon" Dogg said as they stepped out into the hospital hallway.

"They are cute" Billy said. "Yeah, but you know I"m a married man and I would never do something like that to Chawnie. She'd kill me" Dogg said as they headed towards the hospital exit. "I know what you mean. Nikole would kick me out if she even imagined I had played around on her" Billy added as they headed out to the pickup. They got in and headed out to the next town for their next show.


Mark had spoken to Glenn and he had come over and they were pulling the back wheel off of the bike. "Man, whatever possessed you to tell Billy you would fix this" Glenn said as he straightened up and ran the back of his hand over his forehead to dry his sweat. "I don't know. It's just too nice of a bike to let it sit around. And the girl who owns it might really need it. Aside from that, what else were we going to do with out time off?" Mark added with a chuckle. "Well I was planning on catching up on much needed rest" Glenn replied. "What are you talking about? You do most of your sleeping during your matches" Mark teased. "Now, don't start in on me" Glenn said. Just because I don't have to act hyper like you do, doesn't mean I'm asleep" Glenn retorted. They continued working on the bike and trading jokes and insults until the repairs were finished.

They stood back to admire their handiwork. "All it needs now is a slight paint job to cover the scratches on it and it's good to go" Glenn said. "Yeah. I just want to make sure it rides good" Taker said as he climbed on the Hog and started it up. "It purrs like a kitten" Glenn said as he stepped away from it. Mark revved it up and took off down the dirt road that was on his land. He returned several minutes later. "It runs like a dream" he said as he pulled up next to Glenn and shut it off. "How about we go into town and pick up the paint after we wash up?" Mark asked as he got off of the bike. "Sure, but I gotta get something to eat first" Glenn said. "You are always hungry. How about I buy you lunch as my way of saying thanks for your help" Mark said. "You're buying? Shit. Let's go" Glenn said as they walked into the house.


Madison had taken some time off from work and had stayed at the house that belonged to both of them, but Sierra lived in to make sure her dog Puppy, a Chinese Charpei, was fed and looked after. Madison still had a bedroom there and you could still find most of Madison's stuff furnishing the house. Madison was sitting on the porch steps running her hand through Puppy's jet black short fur when the phone rang. They went inside the house and Madison answered it. "Hello". "Hey sis, you think you can come and pick me up from this jail?" Sierra asked. "Sure, give me half an hour and you will be sprung" Madison replied as she hung up. "Mommy's coming home" Madison said to Puppy causing the dog to start running around in circles making Madison aware that he understood what she had said.

Madison locked the fence as she left so that Puppy would not run out into the street and got in her SUV and drove over to the hospital. Sierra was waiting for her outside in a wheelchair and was accompanied by a nurse. "Hey sis, how ya feeling" Madison said as she came around and opened the passenger door. "Great, but don't think this is going to stop me from riding my bike" Sierra answered as she got up from the wheelchair and hobbled over to the car using one of the crutches. "That's if I ever get it back" She added.

"I'm sure you will" Madison said as she closed the door and got in on the driver's side. "Can we stop by the shop on the way home?" Sierra asked. "Oh no you don't" Madison said. "You are going home and relaxing for a couple of days before you go back to work or I'm gonna sign you back into the hospital. "I'll go and check on it tomorrow. Right now, we are taking you home and you are going to pop a couple of pills before the pain kicks in again". They reached the house and Madison helped her get inside and to bed. Sierra took a couple of painkillers and several minutes later was fast asleep.


Mark and Glenn had returned from lunch and had gone directly to Mark's garage to do the paint job on the bike. At Glenn's insistence, Mark had painted in gold on the side of the bike, in beautiful script letters, Sierra's name. They stood back and admired their handiwork. "Think she'll like it?" Glenn asked. "If she doesn't we know who to blame" Mark said as they both went inside and grabbed a beer.

Chapter 4- Jade

Madison had ordered some take-out Italian for dinner. While they ate, Sierra tried to talk her into letting her go with when she went to the shop.

"Why do you want to go so bad?"
"I want to make sure that everything is alright. And, if my bike is there, I want to lock it up in the garage."
"You can call to make sure everything is fine, Shawn can lock up your bike, and you need your rest."
"I'm not going to rest until I go to the shop and find out for myself."
Between knowing how stubborn Sierra is, and knowing how she feels, Madison knew there was no swaying her. "Alright, but you are going to stay off your feet as much as possible. And, when we get home, you're going straight to bed. Agreed?"
"I can rest on the couch," Sierra whined.
"No. I don't want you to get rowdy with Puppy."
"Yes, mother," she said sarcastically.


"What's for dinner," Glen asked Mark.
"You just had lunch two hours ago."
"I know, but I want to know what's for dinner."
"Are you planning on staying?"
"Yes, now, food?"
"No, I'll let you starve, so your stomach will shrink."
"You're an ass sometimes."
"I'm gonna grill some steaks."
"When are we gonna take the bike to the shop?"
"Probably tomorrow morning. We have to make sure the paint is dry before we move it."
"I'm riding it," Glen said, sounding almost like a child.
"Why, so you can wreck it," Mark teased.
"Hey, you should have told me there weren't any brakes on your bike before you let me ride it. Wrecking it was the only way to stop it."
Mark just laughed. "Alright, I had my fun on it. I guess you can take it."


The phone rang at the sisters' house, and Sierra answered.

But no one answered her. She said hello again, but still no answer. She hung up, brushing it off as a prank caller. The phone rang again twenty minutes later. The same thing happened, no answer from the other end.
She decided to call Billy in case he got her phone number and wanted to check on her. He answered on the third ring.
"Hello," he said, sounding out of breath.
"Hello, Billy. It's Sierra. Did you try to call me?"
"No, why?"
"I just got a couple of weird calls. I thought maybe it was you."
"No, you didn't give me your number. I'm glad you called, though. How are you feeling?" "I'm feeling alright. They let me out of the hospital today."
"Well, that's good. I know how hard it is to be stuck in a hospital."
"It's more like a prison," she laughed.
"I can't stay on the phone long. I'm at work."
"At this time of night?"
"Yes, weird hours." He tried to keep from laughing, because she didn't recognize who he was. "Alright. I'll call you later this week and give you an update."
They said their goodbyes and hung up. Sierra called for Madison.
"Did you look at the caller i.d. when the phone rang?"
"Yes, but it said unavailable. I wonder who it was."
"I don't know, but it's kinda freaky."


Chapter 5 - Lady B

There were 3 more calls that night that were hang-ups and Madison was starting to get upset cause she happened to pick them up. To the last one she said "If you ever call here again, I'll inform the police and have them trace the call because I have caller I.D." She hung up and was still upset as she went to take a shower and go to bed. Unbeknownst the them the person doing the calling was parked across the street from the house.

The following morning after breakfast Madison helped Sierra into her SUV and they headed out to the tattoo shop. They were the first ones there and after entering Sierra went to her office and checked her voicemail. There was a call there that all the person did was breath. She put it down to a prank call and looked up as one of her employees walked in. "Sierra is great to see you. How are you feeling?" Jim asked as he hung up his coat and came over to hug her. "I'll live. But I sure miss my bike" Sierra replied. "I saw two guys take it and put it into the back of a pickup as I ran out of the shop on the day of your accident. One of them was blond and the other had braids in his hair. It was a black pickup" Jim replied. "I know they came to see me at the hospital" Sierra repled.

As Sierra was inside talking to Jim, Madison stepped outside to the sidewalk and lit a cigarette. She was leaning against her SUV as two huge men pulled up in front of Sierra's shop. One of them was riding Sierra's bike the other was on a Harley. They stopped and got off. After looking around one of them turned to Madison and asked "Would you happen to know if the owner of this shop is a girl who rides a bike that looks like this one?" Mark said as he pointed to the bike that Glenn had riden up on. "Yes, she is. As a matter of fact that looks exactly like her bike" Madison replied as she stubbed out her cigarette. "Let me go get her" Madison said as she turned around and entered the shop. "My bike" Sierra said as she hobbled over to the bike. She looked at it and said "It has my name on it. Thank you for fixing it for me. Let me know how much I owe you" she said as she turned to look at Glenn. "It was my pleasure" Glenn said. "But I should pay you for fixing it and for the parts" Sierra insisted. "No need" Glenn said. "Mark had everything in his garage to fix it" he added. Sierra turned to Mark and said "Well then let me repay you". "No need to little lady, but if you insist you and your friend over there can accompany us to dinner. That's if it's okay with her" Mark added. Sierra turned to Madison and said with a sly look on her face "Oh, that's my sister and I'm sure she would be happy to go out with you".

Madison was standing under the awning to the shop talking to Jim and saw when Sierra turned to her. She walked over to the group and said "Is everything okay, Sierra?" "Everything is fine". Turning back to the guys she said "Would 8:00 p.m. be okay?" "That would be fine" Glenn replied with a smile as he handed Sierra the keys to her bike and threw his leg over the bike and sat down on the back seat. Sierra gave Glenn their address as he got on the back of the bike that Mark had driven. "We'll see you then" Glenn said before they sped away.

"What was that all about?" Madison asked. "We are going out to dinner with them tonight" Sierra said as she put the keys to her bike into her pocket and turned to reenter the shop. "No you didn't" Madison said as she followed her sister into the shop. "How could you do this to me? You know I haven't gone out with, or been interested in anyone ever since me and Robert broke up" Madison added. "That's why it's about time you went out. And don't worry I'll be there with my trusty crutches in case any of them get out of line" Sierra replied with a wicked grin on her face.

Chapter. 6

After Sierra had locked up the bike, and was satisfied with the way the guys were handling the shop, she and Madison went home. The entire way, Madison tried to give her reasons why she shouldn't go.

"Look, I know you want to pay them back, but exclude me."
"So, you would let your helpless sister go out on a date with two very big men alone?"
"Like I would be much help if they tried anything funny," Madison replied sarcastically. "I don't want to go!"
"Oh, come on. I really want to go," Sierra begged.
Madison thought for a moment. "You have the hots for one of them, don't you?"
She gave her an innocent look. "Maybe."
"I'm not ready for this," she said, more to herself.
"You're making too big of a deal out of this. You're acting like this will become a long term thing for you two. It's one date, then you won't have to see each other again, if you don't want to."
Madison gave a heavy sigh. "Alright."
Sierra sat up excitedly and said," thank you!"
"So, which one am I stuck with?"
"I thought he would be the one you're interested in. Motorcycle and all those tatoos..."
"More space for me to work on," she laughed. "He didn't tell me his name, though."
Later that evening, Madison and Sierra were getting ready for their date. As Madison was doing the final touches to her make up, the doorbell rang. Madison stepped out of the bathroom to get it, but Sierra hobbled past her on her crutches, and said," I'll get it!"
"Calm down. Your hormones are getting the best of you," Madison laughed.
She opened the door and stood there staring at his muscles through the tight black shirt he wore. "Please come in. Madison should be ready in a minute."
"I'm ready," Madison said. She looked up at Mark and thought to herself,'damn he's fine!' She mentally shook herself, and followed them out the door.
They all piled into the black crewcab Silverado, Madison in front with Mark,and Sierra and Glen sat in back. They were gone soon after.
"How's your leg," Glen asked.
"It's doing better. I don't thnk I'll need the painkillers anymore," Sierra giggled.
"That's good."
"You didn't tell me your name this morning."
"My name is Glen Jacobs."
"Well, Glen, thank you for asking us out tonight. You saved me from another night of being told to stay in bed," Sierra laughed.
"Your sister has nothing to worry about tonight. I'll make sure you stay off of your feet." "That's no fair. I get to go out with a handsome man, but I can't dance with him."
Glen blushed slightly. "Be glad you can't. I'd probably break your foot if I stepped on it," he laughed.
In front, Mark and Madison had their own conversation going.
"Thank you for fixing my sister's bike. That's one thing off her mind while she's recooperating." "No problem. It's kind of a hobby of mine to restore motorcycles."
"Do you get to do it often?"
"No, I'm usually on the road too much."
"Really? What do you do?"
"Glen and I are wrestlers."
"Like high school wrestling?"
"More like high school wrestling meets bar brawls and Hollywood," Mark laughed.
"I don't understand," Madison said, with a confused look on her face.
"You'll have to watch the show sometime to understand."

Mark darted his eyes from the road to the rear view mirror, thinking someone was following them. He could barely see what looked to be a blue SUV three cars behind them. He first noticed it when they left Madison and Sierra's house. Then, he breezed through a yellow light, but the SUV was stuck behind a car after the light had turned red. They soon reached the restaurant. Once inside, they sat at a booth in the corner. They ordered their drinks and looked at the menus. After ordering their food, they continued to talk.

"Have they caught the guy that hit you," Mark asked Sierra.
"Not yet. They're still trying to run the partial license number Billy gave them."
"You're lucky you didn't get hurt worse."
"I know. It's a good thing he tried to stop. If he hadn't, I'd be dead."
Glen set his arm on the back of the seat behind Sierra. She looked at him and smiled. His return smile made her melt.

Chapter 7 - Lady B

He had lost them as he waited for the light so he rode around until he was able to spot the black Silverado sitting in the parking lot outside the restaurant. He pulled up across the street and turned off the engine. "If she thinks she is going to get away from me so easy, then she's got another thought coming" he said to himself sourly. "Who the hell does she think she is going out with that guy. Doesn't she know that she belongs to me and always will. If I can't have her, then no one will" he continued delusionally. "For the longest time I have watched her and she must know that I love her and she will never be able to get away from me. Even at our wedding she flirted with other men" he said as he punched the steering wheel and looked around nervously. "I know if I had not spent that time away we would still be happy. She doesn't know it yet but what I have dreamed of will soon become a reality" he said as he stared at a picture of a young woman who looked identical to Sierra. Little did he know that the authorities had already been informed of his escape from a mental hospital prison where he had been sent to after his trial for having killed his wife and the police were already looking for him.

Meanwhile inside the restaurant the four people continued to speak as they ate their dinner. Once they were done and their after dinner drinks were delivered Mark sat back and stretched his arms over his head. As he brought them down he nonchalantly let his arm come to a rest over Madison's shoulders as he said "I haven't enjoyed a night out like this in a long time". "How come?" Sierra asked as Madison looked at Mark's hand which was on her shoulder and then at him. "Maybe because we're always on the road and don't have much time to relax" Glenn said as he turned to Sierra and looked into her eyes.

Mark sat back with a smug look on his face as he let his fingers caress Madison's shoulder ever so gently in small circles. Madison did not know how to react. She was enjoying his touch, but did not want him to think that she was an easy date.

After another drink Glenn asked "How are you feeling Sierra? Are you tired or would you like to go for a drive?" "I'm not tired at all" she replied with a big smile. "Madison, how about you?" Mark asked. "That sounds good" she said. "Okay then, how about we just go for a ride and see where we wind up" Glenn said as he got out from the booth and helping Sierra out as he handed her the crutches. "You sure you wouldn't want me to carry you to the car?" Glenn said with a mischievious smile on his face. Sierra thought about that for a minute, thinking of what it would be like to have his arms around her as he carried her. She blushed slightly and said "Nah, I think I can manage" as she lowered her head so that he couldn't see the blush start to creep up into her cheeks at the thoughts that were going through her mind at that moment.

Mark grabbed Madison's hand and led her out the door as Glenn walked very slowly near Sierra to make sure she didn't trip of bump into anything on her way out of the restaurant. Once outside they piled back into the truck and Glenn pulled Sierra over to him and leaned her head against his chest. "That way you are more comfortable and can stretch your leg on the seat" he whispered by way of explanation. Sierra could hear his heart beating as she rested her head on his chest and looked out the window. Glenn leaned his head on top of hers and had a silly grin on his face as he inhaled a mixture of her shampoo and perfume.

Madison was sitting with her hands in her lap as they rode along the street. When they stopped for a light. Mark looked over at her and gave her a little smile as he reached over and grabbed her hand in his massive one. Once the light changed he refused to let her hand go, so he drove with one hand as he held onto her hand with the other.

He had seen the foursome exit the restaurant and get into the truck. "That little bitch. There she goes again. It's not enough that I practically smashed her with my car. What else do I have to do to make her realize that she belongs to me. I'm going to have to kill her" he grumbled as he started the car and followed the Silverado two cars behind them.

Chapter 8- Jade

As Mark drove down one of the roads, the street lights became fewer and fewer. They turned down a dirt road, which turned out to be a driveway. Mark parked the truck, and they all got out.

"Where are we," Madison asked.
"This is where I go when I want to fish," Mark answered. He took her hand. "Let's walk out onto the pier." The walk across the 30 foot pier was quiet. They stood at the end, looking over the lake, illuminated by a small light overhead. "Look," Mark said, pointing into the water below. They watched as two catfish swam side by side.
Madison leaned over the guard rail, to get a better look. Mark stood behind her and leaned over, an arm on either side of her. She enjoyed the warmth his closeness brought for a moment. Then, she ducked under his arm to get away.
"I'm sorry if I scared you," Mark said, though he knew that wasn't what was wrong.
"It's alright," she replied, not wanting to get into the reason why she didn't want to be close. "Maybe you should just take us home."
"I'm not taking you home until you smile. A real smile."
"Mark, this is ridiculous. I've been smiling all night."
"Not a real smile." He picked her up and held her over the water. "Either smile, or I'll throw you in."
Madison wrapped her arms around his neck, and said," alright, you win!"
He stepped back, and let her slide down his body. He gently kissed her. She looked into the depths of his green eyes, and smiled.
"See, that wasn't so hard."
Glen and Sierra sat at a near by picnic table. Sierra watched as Mark and Madison stood at the end of the pier. Glen watched as the wind whipped her hair around her face. He pushed a few strands behind her ear. Sierra turned to look at him, with an almost drunk looking smile on her lips.
"The drink didn't get to you, did it?"
"No. I'm just enjoying the night. It's beautiful here."
"Yes, it is."
A shiver ran up Sierra's spine. "Are you getting cold?"
"A little."

Glen wrapped his massive arms around her, and pulled her closer to him. "Is that a little better." She looked into his eyes, and said," yes." She laid her head on his shoulder. She scooted closer to him, to get comfortable. She looked him in the eyes again, and they were locked for what seemed like an eternity. Glen slowly leaned down, and kissed her lips. That little kiss sent electric shocks through them.

He kissed her again, this one lasting longer. Headlights shining bright on them, ended the kiss. "What the hell...," Glen asked.
"I don't know. Maybe it's just someone else coming out to look at the lake."
"Could be." They went back to enjoying each other's company, until they heard the motor revving on the SUV. They turned to look just before the driver took it out of park, and sped their way.

Glen picked her up, and moved her out of harms way. The SUV hit the picnic table and sent it flying. The SUV turned around, and tried to hit them again, before driving out of the parking lot.

Madison knew something was wrong, before she saw the SUV. Once she did see it, she could do nothing but stand there and watch as everything happened. After the SUV left, Mark and Madison rushed over to Glen and Sierra.

"Are you alright," Mark asked.
"Yeah, we're ok."
"Who the hell was that?"
"I don't know, but I got the license number," Sierra said.
She borrowed Mark's cell phone and called the police. She talked to the detective that's handling the hit and run. She gave him the license number.
"That matches what your friend told us from the hit and run. Make sure no one follows you, and go home. By the time you get there, we should have someone there to protect you."


Chapter 9 - Lady B

The four of them got into the truck and headed back towards the house. They arrived just as a police cruiser was pulling up in front of the house. They all went inside and explained to the police officer what had happened. "Did you get to see who was driving the SUV?" the officer asked as he wrote down what they said. "No" Sierra responded "But it was a man" she added. "I'll be outside if you need me" he said as he went back to the cruiser.

"I need a drink" Madison said. "Anyone join me?" she asked. "I think we could all use one" Mark said. "Let me help you" he added as he followed Madison into the kitchen. Glenn helped Sierra to the love seat and made sure she was comfortable before he sat down next to her and pulled her into his embrace. She leaned her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her. "I wonder who it is that is trying to drive you nuts and what the hell does he want" Glenn said as he hugged Sierra to him. "If I find out who it is, he's gonna regret he was ever born" Glenn said as he tilted Sierra's face towards him and gently lowered his lips to hers.

Madison was trying to reach the brandy snifters on the top shelf of the cabinet when Mark walked into the kitchen. "Here, let me get those for you" he said as he stood behind her and easily reached up and grabbed several of them. He placed them on the counter in front of Madison as she turned around. "Thanks" she said as she stood there gazing up into his emerald eyes. Mark slowly lowered his head until his lips were several inches from hers. He kissed her softly as he put his arms around her. Madison had never felt the kind of electricity that passed between them in that kiss and was kind of frightened by it. She found she had no control over her limbs as her arms went around Mark and she held onto him for fear of falling. Mark let his tongue gently nudge Madison's lips open as he intensified the kiss and explored her mouth with his tongue. Madison let out a low moan as she tightened her grip on the back of Mark's shirt. His hands started slowly working their way down her back until they rested on the curve of her butt and he pulled her closer to him so that she could feel the effect the kiss was having on him. "I think we better stop now" Madison said in a quivering voice as she broke the kiss. "I can wait. I'm a patient man" Mark said as he crushed her to his chest in a loving embrace and then stepped back away from her.

Madison reached for the bottle of brandy with shaking hands and attempted to pour some into one of the glasses. "Here, let me do that" Mark said as he took the bottle from her hands. As their fingers touched Madison could feel a surge of electricity shoot from his fingers and go up her arm causing her to shiver slightly. "Are you okay" Mark asked with concern in his voice as he saw her shiver. "I'll be fine" she answered as she grabbed two snifters and walked into the living room. He followed with the other two glasses.

As they entered the living room Glenn and Sierra were in a tight liplock. "Um Hum" Madison said clearing her throat to get their attention. Glenn and Sierra looked over towards them with an embarrassed look on their faces. "Hey bro, no need to be embarrassed" Mark said. "I know what it's like" he said as he looked at Madison. Madison turned two shades of red as Mark looked at her. She walked over and handed the drinks to Glenn and Sierra. She sat on the sofa across from them and Mark came over to sit next to her. He handed her a glass and leaned back on the sofa. They all sipped from their drinks as they sat without saying a word. Each of them was thinking about what had just happened and couldn't believe it.

"I hope they catch this maniac soon" Madison said as she broke the silence. "I hope so too" Mark answered. "But until then, we are not letting you girls out of our sights. It appears that he knows where you girls live, where you work and what you do in your spare time. That means he can't be too far away and he is watching your every move. So until then, and I know that Glenn feels the same way, we are not letting you girls out of our sights" Mark added.

Sierra looked at Glenn as Madison said "But you guys have your own lives to think about. You have to work and go on the road. We couldn't ask you guys to put your lives on hold just because there is a nut out there that has something against my sister". "Don't even worry about it. Mark and I have a couple of days off and we wouldn't mind spending our time with two gorgeous women" Glenn said with a smile on his face.

As Madison opened her mouth to protest again, Mark said "Don't even think about it. You girls have two guest that will be staying here with you until we have to go back on the road". Mark reached over and pulled Madison into his arms once more before she had a chance to say anything and held her to his chest. She felt so comfortable leaning her head on his chest and with his arms around her that all protest was immediately forgotten.

After a while they decided to head to bed, but there was a problem. "We only have one guest room" Madison explained. "That's okay, I'll sleep out here in the living room tonight" Mark said. "Glenn and I will take turns sleeping on the sofa" he added.

"Let me help you to your room" Glenn said to Sierra as he helped her get up from the love seat and they headed towards Sierra's room. "That is the guest room there. Everything you need should be there if not just ask Madison and she'll get it for you. This is my room and Madison's room is at the end of the hall" Sierra said as Glenn helped her to her room and she sat down on her bed. "Is there any thing I can help you with?" Glenn asked as he hunched down in front of Sierra. "No I think I can manage" she said as she placed her hands on his face and brought her lips to his. She kissed him and then said "I think you better leave, before you wind up spending the night in this room." "I wouldn't mind" he said with a twinkle in his eyes. "Neither would I, but it's too soon" she said as she shooed him out of her room.

Madison headed towards the linen closet and pulled out extra pillows, sheets and a blanket and brought them back to the living room. The sofa was a big one and she hoped that Mark would be comfortable. She started setting it up for him as he stood up and removed his shirt and belt. When she was done she turned around to face him and almost fell on her butt. For in front of her stood Mark with a sleeveless t-shirt and his pants button opened. He had let his hair loose from the pony tail he had it in before and it was fanned over his shoulders. He looked so good she had all she could do to keep her hands off of him.

Madison clasped her hands in front of her and said "Goodnight" as she tried to walk past him. "Don't leave just yet" Mark said as he reached out and grabbed her by the arm gently. Madison looked at his hand on her arm and then up into his face. He had a slight smile on his face. "Please, don't go just yet" he said as he turned her to face him and pulled her closer to him. He held her to him as he slowly brought his hand to the back of her head and grabbed her hair. He gently pulled on her hair until her face was tilted up towards his. He brought his lips once again to hers and kissed her softly. Madison put her arms around him as he kissed her and he guided her back towards the sofa. He laid her down as he laid next to her still kissing her. He was partially laying over her and they were still kissing when Glenn walked into the living room. "Oops, sorry folks" Glenn said with a smile on his face as he backed out of the living room and headed towards the guest bedroom.

Madison jumped up from the sofa and said "I better go to bed. It appears that tomorrow will be a long day" as she walked towards her bedroom.

"Glenn, I'm gonna kill you" Mark said softly as he laid back down on the sofa and turned off the light on the end table.

Chapter 10- Jade

Sierra had trouble sleeping. She was worried that the nutcase would try to get her while she slept. She thought of going in the living room and watching t.v., but remembered Mark was on the couch.

After awhile, she put on her robe, went into the kitchen and poured herself another drink. 'Another drink might calm me into sleep,' she thought. After she downed the drink, she turned to go back to bed, but found Glen standing in the doorway.

"You couldn't sleep either," she asked him.
"No. Is something wrong?"
"I'm just worried this guy will try to break in and get me while I sleep."
Glen wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. He kissed her on the top of her head. "Everything will be alright, Sierra."
He lead her back to the dark bedroom, and helped her under the covers. He grabbed the chair from the dressing table, and set it next to her bed. "I'll sit here and make sure nothing happens to you."
"You need sleep too. You'll fall over if you try to sleep in that," Sierra said as she pointed at the chair. She thought for a moment. 'I want him in here, in case the weirdo does break in, but not in that chair. And, it doesn't seem like that bad of an idea.'
"You can sleep in the bed with me. Just, keep your boxers on." She quivered at the delicious thought of him being out of them.
A sly grin crept across Glen's lips. He climbed under the covers, and formed his body to her's. He wrapped an arm around her waist, and noticed she still had her robe on. "Don't you want to take this off?"
"No, I usually sleep in this," she lied. She didn't want him to know there wasn't much beneath the robe.

He kissed her neck, then settle himself to sleep. She let out an inner sigh. 'He bought it.' Mark laid awake, thinking of the kiss he had shared with Madison. He longed for a chance to do it again. He thought of running down the hall and doing it then, but decided against it.

'Soon, Madison, we will finish what was started.'

Madison could not sleep either. She sat in the window seat, and looked up at the night sky. 'Give me some answers. Am I really ready to jump back into this?' She was quickly falling for Mark. She knew the answer was yes.

She wanted to go to the living room and touch him, feel his warm body next to hers, but she knew it was too soon. They had only met that morning.

'What the hell,' she thought. 'I'll go nuts if I don't'
She went into the living room and kneeled next to him. "Mark, are you awake," she whispered. "Yep. What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I'm not tired, is all."
"Here," he said as he lifted up the blanket. "Climb under."
She obliged, and he pulled her small frame to lean against his much larger one. He smelled a mixture of soap and perfume upon her skin. 'I have to think of something else, or this could get really bad,' he thought. Just then, she shifted her body, unnoticingly rubbing her butt against his hips.

His self control had almost snapped, but he saw the kitchen light come on. He knew he wouldn't want Glen to interupt them again, so he decided not to start. he rested his head partially atop her's, and fell asleep.

The next morning, Sierra awoke to someone saying "ow". She sat up quickly, and looked at Glen. "What's the matter," she asked, very concerned.

"You rolled over, and your cast hit me in the shin."
"Oh, I'm sorry! Let me see."

He moved the blanket, and she looked at his leg. It was a little red, but she didn't think it would bruise. She let her gaze slide upward. His boxers were pulled up, just barely covering the necessities. Her gaze went further up, and she saw a few red-brown pubic hairs, trying to escape the waistband. Her eyes followed his 'happy trail' across a tight stomach and muscular chest. When she looked at his face, she noticed the little smile he had. Almost as if he knew she wouldn't be able to resist eyeing his body. He pulled her down for a kiss, and enclosed her in his arms. When the kiss ended, Sierra asked," are you hungry?"

"As Mark says, I'm always hungry," he laughed.
"Alright, I'll make us some breakfast."
"No you're not. I am. Show me where everything is at."
They went into the kitchen, and got out some eggs, ham, cheese and jalepanos. Sierra made a pot of coffee while Glen worked on the omelets.
When the coffee was done, she delivered a cup to the officer in the car. When he wouldn't open the door, she did. His body slumped over, falling into the street. She read the note that was attached to the ice pick in his throat.

"The cops can't save your ass, woman! If I can't have you, no one will."
Chapter 11 - Lady B

Madison woke up to the smell of fresh brewed coffee assailing her nostrils. She tried to turn over but found that she couldn't because she was being held very tightly by the waist. She could hear his soft breathing in her ear. She turned in his arms very slowly until she was facing him. She draped her arm around him and looked at him. At that moment he opened his eyes. "Good morning" he whispered. "Good morning" she replied as she brought her lips to his and kissed him softly. "Mind letting me go" she said. "I'm starved and I know I smell freshly brewed coffee". He smiled and disengaged his arm from around her. They got up and headed towards the kitchen.

"Good morning guys" Madison said as she headed towards the coffee pot. "Hey fellas" Sierra replied as she looked at Mark who had followed Madison into the kitchen and sat at the table. "Don't know how you take it, but the fixings are on the table" Madison said as she turned and placed a cup of coffee in front of Mark. "Hey guys, help yourselves to some breakfast. I'm gonna go outside and give the officer a cup of coffee, he must be exhausted after sitting out there all night" Sierra said as she headed towards the front door.

Madison dropped the glass of orange juice that she was pouring for herself when Sierra burst into the house like a mad woman. "Guys, guys. Help, you gotta help . . . . " Sierra yelled at the top of her lungs as she hobbled inside as fast as she could screaming hysterically. Glenn put down his coffee cup and ran out to meet her by the door. "Sierra, what's wrong?" Glenn said as he grabbed her by the arms. "He's . . . he's . . . " she said pointing to the police cruiser then she burst out crying. Glenn held her in his arms and sat her on the love seat as Mark said "Let me go check to see what is going on". Madison went out with him and as they approached the car, they could see that the door was still open and the officer was slumped out of the seat and practically on the ground. "Madison, go back inside and call 911" Mark said as he read the note.

Madison ran back inside and called for help. A few minutes later sirens could be heard approaching the house. Mark was escorted back into the house by officers as the street was closed off to all traffic. "Did any of you see anything?" the detective in charge of the case asked. All four looked at each other and shook their heads negative. Sierra was still sitting on the loveseat and Glenn had his arm around her as she leaned her head against his chest. The detective went out to speak to the coroner and then came back inside as the body of the officer was being taken away. "It appears that the officer was killed sometime between 2:00 and 5:00 a.m. Ladies I'm going to have to take you into protective custody" the detective stated. "I'm not going anywhere. I refuse to live like a prisoner" Madison stated as she stood up. "It's for your own protection" the detective stated.

"As an officer of the Court, I am licensed to carry a gun and I know how to use it" Madison said. I'm not gonna go into hiding because there's a crazy S.O.B. out there. "If you won't let us put you into a safe house, we can't be held responsible for your safety" the detective said. "Well, I'm not going" Madison replied. Mark walked over to Madison and put his arms around her to try to calm her down. "How about if we were to take them to my place which is about 10 miles away from here?" he said to the detective. "Let me think a minute" the detective said as he went to speak to his partner.

"How are you feeling Sierra" Glenn asked as he held her tighter to him. "I'll be okay" she replied burying her face into his chest more.

"Madison it's for your own good and for the good of your sister" Mark said as he held Madison by the arms forcing her to look at him. "I won't be held prisoner" Madison said to him defiantly. "Then you're gonna have to trust me and come with us to my home which is fenced in and has an alarm and camera system throughout the grounds" Mark said. Madison looked at him and resigned herself to the fact that whether she had wanted to or not she was going to be spending quite a bit of time in Mark's company. "Okay" she said. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her on the top of the head. "You women can be so hard headed sometimes" he said as he squeezed her closer to him.

When the detective returned he said "How about we escort you to your home, this way we can check out the grounds and see what kind of security we can provide. We really don't want to do this, but we can't force the ladies to relocate to a safe house either" he added. "I'll leave two squad cars outside while you guys pack whatever you will need. And Ms., I would suggest that since you are licensed to carry a gun you take it with you. You can't be too careful, especially with that nut out there roaming the streets. I'm also going to warn you that should something happen that using the gun should be the last line of defense" the detective added as he stepped out the door.

Mark looked at Glenn and Sierra and then at Madison. "Come on guys let's get you girls what you need so that we can head out to my place. Glenn we'll ride by your place on the way there and get you some stuff so that you can stay at the house with me. We'll also call Vince when we arrive and let him know what is going on and that we'll have to extend our leave for a bit. "You don't have to do that" Madison piped in. "I want to" he said as he kissed her softly and led her towards her bedroom to pack what she would need.


Meanwhile on the corner standing under a tree stood the man. He had his hands shoved deeply into his pockets and was staring intently at the house and the activity surrounding it as he muttered to himself. "That bitch is still in there with him. I'm gonna kill her for that. How dare she lay with him. She knows she belongs to me and that if I can't have her no one will" he said as he paced in a circle, looked back at the house. "I'll get her tonight" he said under his breath to himself as he walked away

Chapter 12 - Jade

Sierra hobbled into her bedroom, laid face first on the pillow and sobbed. Glenn sat on the bed next to her, and rubbed her back.

"What have I done to deserve this torment," she asked, more to herself than to Glenn. "I mean, he hits me with his SUV, he tried to run us down, now he's killed a police officer in front of my house!"

"Calm down, babe. You didn't do anything. This guy is just a weird asshole."
She rolled onto her back, and stared up at him. "How can you put up with all of this?"
"The reward is greater than the sacrifices," he said just before kissing her tenderly. "Now, we should get you ready to go. Where's your suitcase?"

Glenn helped her pack, and tried to get her to smile again. He finally achieved the latter when he grabbed a pair of her panties out of the suitcase, and pulled them over his head. "Quit goofing off," Sierra laughed. "Those cops aren't going to wait forever."

Madison, who would have rather not had Mark in the room, was packing. She was worried about what might happen while she and Sierra stayed at his house. She loved waking up in his arms, but was unsure if she wanted a physical relationship with him. Mark had said something, but she was too wrapped up in her thoughts to hear him. "What did you say?"

"What can I do to help?"
"You can get the hanging bag off the shelf in the closet."
He did, and laid it on the bed. She shoved her deodorant and toothbrush into the suitcase and closed it. Mark grabbed her arm, and turned her to face him. "Are you still upset about staying at my house?"
"No, I don't like the fact that I have to hide. And, this guy has me totally freaked out." He sat down on the bed, and pulled her into his lap. "Everything will be fine. We hide out for a few days, watch some movies, play some games, I can teach you about wrestling, then you can come back."
She laid her head on his chest. "I hope they catch this creep before then."
Once they were all done packing, they met by the door. As they were walking out, Sierra heard a scratching at the back door. She grabbed Glenn's arm and told him what she heard. He put down her suitcase, and went to check the door. He looked out the window, then turned with a smile. "It's a dog," he laughed.
"Oh my God, we almost forgot about Puppy."
"You call that a 'puppy'?"
"That's his name. Do you think Mark would mind if he came along?"
"I don't see why he would. Besides, he could play with Harley."
Sierra told Glenn where the leash was, and he attached it to the dog's collar. He handed the leash to her, grabbed the suitcase, and they left the house.
Once they slowed in front of Glenn's house, Sierra sat in awe of it. "Nice house!"
"Thank you. I'm just gonna run in, grab my bag from the last trip, and be right back out. I want you to stay in here with Mark and Madison."
Within 5 minutes, he was back. He threw his bag in the back and they were off.
They arrived at Mark's house after noon. The police looked over the property, paying close attention to the security system. Once the officers were satisfied, they backed out of the driveway and parked in front of the gate.

Mark had shown Madison and Sierra to their rooms, and showed them where he and Glenn would be sleeping.

While the sisters unpacked, Mark called Vince. He told Vince the whole story, then asked for an extension to his and Glenn's time off.

"I hate to lose both of you for very long, but I'll grant you more time off. I want to see at least one of you in two weeks."

"Thanks, Vince. No matter what anyone says, you're not an asshole," Mark laughed.
"Brown noser," Vince replied, laughing. "Be carefull. Bye."


Chapter 13 - Lady B

He followed them until he saw where they pulled in. "Does she think she will get away from me so easily?" he thought. "That bitch has another thought coming. I'm gonna get her if it's the last thing I do" he said to himself as he drove past Mark's home.


Madison checked on Sierra to make sure she was okay and walked down the stairs and outside. Puppy had been in the room with her and he accompanied her outside. She walked until she reached a shady spot under a tree. She sat down and Puppy laid down next to her and put his head on her lap. She stroked his head absently as she rested her head back against the tree and thought of what had happened in the last couple of days.

Mark had seen her walk outside and he was staring at her from the back porch. He walked towards her slowly. She had her eyes closed but knew something was wrong when she heard Puppy start to growl softly. She opened her eyes and looked as Mark approached. "It's okay, Puppy. You know Mark. He's a friend" Madison said to the dog as he sat up and growled louder. Once she said that to him he quieted down and tilted his head to the side as he continued to watch Mark getting closer.

"You okay?" Mark asked as he hunched down in front of Madison and scratched Puppy on the head. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just doing some thinking" she replied. He stood up and reached his hand down to help her up. Madison grabbed his hand and she immediately felt the electricity that passed between them. She stood up and was standing close enough to him that she could smell his cologne and aftershave. He did not let her hand go as he moved closer to her and looked into her eyes. Madison was mesmerized by the green pools. He slowly lowered his head until his lips were just inches from hers. She could feel his breath on her lips as he moved closer slowly and softly kissed her. She found herself returning his kiss as he put his arms around her and gently crushed her to his chest. Madison brought her hands to his back and could feel the muscles rippling under his t-shirt as he embraced her closer to him and intensified the kiss. She held onto his shirt as she felt her knees buckling.

All this time Puppy walked around them and would stop and stare at them as they embraced and kissed each other. He whined softly for attention.

Mark gently broke the kiss and put his cheek next to Madison's as he continued to hold her. Try as he might, he could not hide his intensifying need for her and Madison could feel it too. When he finally pulled away from her his body gave him away and he blushed slightly. He reached down to try to hide his face and petted Puppy. "Come on both of you. There is someone I want you to meet" he said as he pulled Madison along with him as he took off at a slow run. Puppy started to run behind them until they reached a small barn like house. "Don't be afraid" he said to Madison as he let her hand go and opened the door. As they entered, they could hear a low husky growl being emitted from somewhere in the dark. "Harley. It's me boy" Mark said into the darkness. Next thing they knew there was a huge Siberian Husky standing next to Mark and nuzzling his hand.

Madison hunched down to look and pet the dog and as she reached out to touch him she noticed him turn his eyes to her. His eyes were such a light blue they looked almost silver. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you" she said as she put her hand out to him so that he could smell it. "Be nice Harley" Mark said. Harley sniffed Madison's hand and turned his head into her hand so that she could pet him.

All this time Puppy had stayed by the door observing what was going on with his hackles up. He moved cautiously closer to Madison. When Harley noticed him getting closer he brought his head up and growled. "Harley" Mark said. "This is Puppy". The two dogs sniffed each other and after finding out that they weren't adversaries bounded out the door. They took turns chasing each other outside on the grass and running around the trees. "They seem to like each other" Madison said as she and Mark walked out of Harley's dog house.


Glenn went upstairs to see how Sierra was coming along in her unpacking. He knocked on the door and entered when he heard her say "Come in". "How's the unpacking coming along" Glenn asked as he poked his head in. Sierra was sitting on the bed and her suitcase was open on the bed. "Slow" she replied as she waved him in. Glenn entered and closed the door behind him. He came over and stood in front of Sierra. "Anything I can help you with?" he asked. "Well if you could hang these things up in the closet and put this empty suitcase in there too, I would be grateful" she replied. "Anything to help a damsel in distress" Glenn said with a wicked smile as he grabbed her clothes which were on hangers and put them in the closet along with her suitcase. "There you go Madam. All done" he said as he came over and sat next to her on the bed. He pulled her into his arms and she rested her head on his shoulder. He could feel her start to shake very slowly as she felt the tears start to sting her eyes. She couldn't control herself and pretty soon was crying on his shoulder. He rubbed her back and said "Don't worry, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. I just found you and I'm not about to lose you now". He pulled her away from him and reached to the night table and handed her some tissues. She blew her nose and he dried her tears with his fingers.

As he held her face in his hands he tilted it up to him and kissed her softly. She returned his kiss as he very slowly laid her on the bed. He positioned his body over hers making sure he did not disturb her cast and slowly lowered his body to hers. He held up his weight on his arms as he continued to kiss her. Sierra had her arms around his neck and she was running her fingers over his shoulders and through his hair. He broke the kiss and moved his lips to her neck. He kissed and nuzzled her as his hands started a very slow exploration.

Sierra grabbed his hair and pulled him to her and kissed him softly and quickly. "Glenn, please . . . I can't do this . . . at least not right now" she said. Glenn stopped and rested his head against hers. "I understand" he said as he rolled over to his side and pulled her into his embrace. "I don't want to start something with you that I may not be around to continue" she mumbled into his chest. "Oh, you'll be around" he said. "Even if I have to go out and catch this S.O.B. myself" Glenn said as he pulled her closer to him.


He had gone home and was plotting how he would get to Sierra. He went into his computer and into the records at City Hall. He went into the address file. "So that's his name" he said thinking Glenn was Mark. He then went into the planning section of the records and pulled up the schematics for Mark's place. What the schematics did not show were the hidden security cameras, alarms and other security precautions that Mark had had installed in the recent years. "This is going to be a piece of cake" he said as he sent the schematics to his printer. As the schematics were printing he went into his walk in closet and pulled out a huge trunk. He opened it and inside there were firearms of all different sizes and calibers. "She's one dead bitch" he said as he pulled out a handgun and looked down the barrel of it, pretending he was firing it.

: Chapter 14 - Jade

He sat on the floor, in his bedroom and sorted the guns according to size. He cleaned them, from biggest to smallest, then loaded them. "What does this guyhave that I don't," he asked himself. "Sure, he has muscles and long hair, but that's no reason for her to forget about me."

He became more and more furious, as he thought of her being touched by the other man, being kissed by him, and even worse, making love to him. He took a handful of his hair in each hand and pulled as he rocked himself back and forth. "That bitch will get what she deserves!"


They had just finished eating dinner, and were looking for something to do. Mark mentioned putting on one of the old Royal Rumble tapes, so the ladies could see what they do. Glenn and Sierra skipped on it. He had other plans. Madison stood behind the couch, while Mark set up the vcr. When he finished, he laid on it. Madison went over to a chair and was going to sit. "You can lay down with me. I won't bite." She went over to him, and laid down between his legs, resting her head in the middle of his chest. He laid his arm across her chest, and hit play on the remote.

Madison watched intently as the men were beaten, then thrown from the ring.
"What do you do, cheat death for a living?"
"Not all of that is real. It takes more than muscle to do it."
"Where's Glenn? I don't see him in there."
"Big guy in red and black. He's called Kane."
"What do they call you?"
"That's a little freaky," she laughed.
"You should see some of the things I've done at the shows."
Madison fixed her attention back on the tv, flinching every time Mark was hit.
He was knocked down at one point. She watched as a group of men hit and kicked him several times. She rolled onto her stomach, and looked him in the eyes. "Did you get hurt during this?"
"A couple of bruises. Nothing major."
She found herself lost in his eyes. Their lips met as the video ended. Their sweet kiss was interupted by the sound of one of Mark's motorcycles starting. "What the hell?"
"You don't think Glenn would take Sierra for a ride with that cast and a nut out there, do you?"
He stood and looked out the window. "I guess he would."
Madison ran out to try to stop them. "We'll be back before long," Sierra yelled over the motor, just before they sped off down the dirt path. "Fuck it. She can take care of herself," Madison said to herself, as she walked back in the house.

Sierra was in heaven. She was back on a bike, and riding with Glenn. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, and rested her head on his back. She closed her eyes for a few seconds. When she opened them, she saw something moving near the trees. She blinked, then didn't see it anymore. She thought the shadows were playing tricks on her.

All of a sudden, there was a pop. Glenn lost control of the bike and they fellover. After a few moments, Glenn pushed it off their legs and 'killed' it. "Sierra, are you ok?"
"My leg's hurting again."
When they stopped talking, they could hear footsteps. They looked up and saw a ..357 Magnum with a silencer pointed straight at them. "Did you miss me, my love," the man asked sarcastically.
"Who the hell are you," she asked, sounding weaker than she wanted.
Back at the house, Madison was going into the kitchen for a drink, when she got a sharp pain in her leg, which made her fall to the floor. "Mark!"
"What is it," he asked from the hall.
"Something happened to them."
"They haven't been gone that long."
"Trust me. Something happened!"

Chapter 15 - Lady B

Mark helped Madison up from the floor and they raced outside to his pickup truck. They sped off in the direction that Glenn and Sierra had gone.


Glenn had the gun pointed at his face as Sierra tried to crawl away from the madman. "Don't you try to get away from me. If you move another inch, I'll blow his head off" the man said menacingly. Sierra stopped in her tracks and the man went over to her and pulled her roughly to her feet. Not being able to stand very well on her cast Sierra almost fell again. "Stop fucking with me" he said as he still pointed the gun towards Glenn. He dragged her over to his car and pushed her into it as he got behind the wheel. Glenn was helpless to get up because he knew the man would shoot him. He memorized the man's face and license plate number. He tried to remember everything about the man and prayed the man didn't kill them.

"Just keep your ass on that ground or she will die" the man said to Glenn before he sped off. As the car pulled away, Glenn jumped to his feet, up righted the bike and was going to give chase, but the back tire was blown out and the rim was bent. Glenn stood there glaring after the fading tail lights feeling helpless to do anything.

A few minutes later Glenn could see approaching headlights. He stood in the middle of the road and attempted to flag the car down.


"Where can they be?" Madison said to Mark. "I don't know, but this is the road I'm sure they went on" Mark said as he looked at Madison. "Look out!" Madison yelled as she spotted someone in the middle of the road waving their arms in the air. Mark stepped on the brakes and the truck fishtailed slightly as it came to a stop not two feet away from Glenn. "It's Glenn" Madison said as Mark jumped out of the truck. "What happened?" Mark asked. "Where's Sierra?" Madison also asked as she too got out of the truck.

"She was taken by a man in a car not ten minutes ago" Glenn replied. "I was powerless to stop him because he had a .357 in his hand. He threatened to kill her if I followed" Glenn said as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Shit" Mark said. "This is all my fault" Glenn said as he paced around a few times. "Look. Let's not start putting the blame on anyone" Madison said. "We knew that someone was after her and now we know what he looks like. You did get a good look at him didn't you Glenn?" Madison added. "Yeah. I know what that fucker looks like and if I get my hands on him he is going to regret ever being born" Glenn replied as he could feel his temper starting to rise.

Madison pulled out her cell phone and put a call through to 911. Several police cars arrived a few minutes later. Glenn explained to the officers what had happened. They wrote it down and put through a description of the car and the man. They asked Glenn to accompany them to the station so that he could sit with the sketch artist and come up with a composite of the man who had abducted Sierra. Glenn helped Mark put the cycle in the back of the pickup and then got into one of the police cars and headed to the station with Mark and Madison following closely behind in the truck.


The man drove around with Sierra in the car for a while before he headed towards the outskirts of town. He drove into a motel and pulled up to one of the rooms. He parked the car outside of room number 6 and pointed the gun at Sierra. "If you move, you're dead" he said as he got out of the car and walked over to her side all the while pointing the gun at her through the windshield.

He opened her door and pulled her roughly out of the car. Sierra had all she could do to stay upright. He dragged her to the room, opened the door and shoved her roughly inside. Sierra tripped on the threshold and fell on the floor inside the room as he pushed her. He grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the bed where he had attached handcuffs to the headboard. He threw her on the bed and cuffed her wrists in.

Sierra was in a state of shock and couldn't speak as he manhandled her. She finally found her voice and asked him "What did I do to you?". He backhanded her splitting her lip. Sierra started to cry. "Shut the fuck up, bitch or I'll gag you. You are going to pay for what you have done. You are nothing but a whore. You liked having him put his hands on you, didn't you?" he said as he grabbed her breasts roughly. "You liked having him kiss you, didn't you?" he hissed as he grabbed her hair and viciously kissed her and bit into her lips. "Well, I'm going to teach you what it's like to be had by a real man again because you belong to me" he said as he got up from the bed. He walked into the bathroom muttering to himself.

Chapter 16 After Glenn had given the sketch artist the man's description, they hung around to answer a few more questions. The detective's phone rang after the last question.
"It seems that your sister was kidnapped by the escaped convict from the prison."
"Oh my God," Madison gasped.
"His name is Chester Ericson."


The man came out minutes later, without his shirt on. The maniacal look on his face scared Sierra more than being tied to the bed. He stalked over to her.

"What the hell do you want with me," she pleaded.
He slapped her again. "I told you to shut the fuck up!" He pulled a knife out of his back pocket, and rubbed it along her jaw, lightly jabbing at times. "Can you think of one person you haven't slept with?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," she cried.
He slapped her again. "I'm talking about Mark, and every other man you've fucked since we got married."
"I don't know who the hell you are! How could I be married to you," she screamed.
"Trying to forget about me? I'm gonna make sure I'm the last man you think of before you die!" He went to the foot of the bed, and grabbed her legs. He climbed onto the bed, then pulled her legs until her entire body was off of the bed, and positioned himself under her. Blood dripped from her wrists, where the cuffs had cut into her skin. "Aw, poor baby," he said sarcastically. "It looks like you've been cut." An evil grin spread across his lips. "Good."

He cut the buttons off of her shirt, one by one. Once they were all off, he opened her shirt. Sierra struggled to keep his hands from touching her. He grabbed her breast, and squeezed it hard. She cried out in pain. "Sit still, bitch! I haven't even begun to hurt you."


"Are there any ideas on where he could be," Madison asked. She was scared for her sister's life. She had felt the slaps, but kept herself from screaming with pain.

"Not as of yet. Atleast now we have a license plate to look for," Detective Sanchez told them.
"Do you have a quiet room I can use for a few moments? I have an idea."
"The interogation room. What's your idea?"
She told him about the psychic bond between them, and how she could sometimes see what Sierra saw. "Maybe if I can see what she is seeing, we will have a clue on her whereabouts."


Chapter 17 - Lady B

Madison went into the room and sat down. She rested her head on her arms on the table as she concentrated on finding Sierra. A few seconds later the guys heard a loud "AHHH!!!!" come from the room and they ran in to find Madison standing in a corner holding onto her left breast wide eyed as she shook her head violently from side to side.

Mark came over to Madison and put his arms around her to try to calm her down. When Madison realized that he was holding her she rested her head against his chest and put her arms around him.

Glenn was standing a few feet away when he saw her put her arms around Mark. He approached her and said "What happened to your wrists, they are bleeding". Madison looked at her wrists and you could see marks on them as if they were made by handcuffs. It appeared as if the cuffs had cut into her wrists. She looked up at Mark and couldn't believe what she was seeing. "I know where she is" Madison said. "We have to get to her, and quick. Before he has a chance to hurt her more or rape her" Madison added.

"Where is she" the officer asked. "She's at the motel at the edge of town. She's in room 6" Madison said. "How can you be so sure?" the officer asked. "Because I saw her and she is handcuffed to a bed" Madison replied raising her wrists so that the officer could see them. "Holy shit" the officer said as he ran out and took several other officers with him. Seconds later Madison heard the squeal of tires and the flashing of lights as the officers sped away in their cars but did not put their sirens on.

"I have to go to her" Madison said to Mark. "So do I" Glenn said as he headed towards the door in a very determined manner, as if daring any of the remaining officers to stop him. Madison and Mark followed him and got into the truck. "Mark do you still remember the shortcut to that motel?" Glenn asked as he shut the door to the truck. "Way ahead of you" Mark replied as he floored the truck and they sped away towards a dirt road which ran off of the main road. "Mark, please hurry" Madison said as she brought her hand to her cheek to try to stop the sting which she felt all of a sudden on the left side of her face.


The man had a hard time getting a grip on Sierra's legs because the leg she had the cast on kept slipping from his grip. He tossed her legs back on the bed and gave her a stinging slap on her left cheek. "Stay put, bitch" he said as he got up from the bed. He grabbed the gun and hitting her cast several times was able to smash it. He pulled it off of her leg violently as he once again climbed between her legs and lifted her legs up and over his shoulder. Sierra though she would pass out from the pain in her leg as he gripped it to bring it over his shoulders.

"Let me go. Leave me alone" Sierra screamed as he once again slapped her. He reached over and grabbed one of the wash clothes that he had put on the night table when he returned from the bathroom and gagged her with it. He pulled his zipper open and his manhood sprang free as if it had a life of his own. He hit her a stinging slap on her thigh and his penis twitched. It appeared that the more he hit Sierra the more excited he got. He came closer to her female opening as he continued to hit her on the thighs. "I'll teach you to fuck all the men you find, knowing you belong to me. Did you enjoy what Mark did to your body like you will enjoy what I plan to do? Can he do to you the things I plan on doing?" He said maniacally as he came closer and closer to her opening.

Sierra was trying her best to move around on the bed to make it harder for him but every time she put any sort of pressure against her leg she could see stars shooting across her field of vision. She was doing her best to scream, but it was difficult with the gag he had put in her mouth. "I said stay still Bitch" he once again told her. He reached up and slapped her again as he positioned himself for the final assault on her body. "I'm gonna teach you to fuck other men" he said as he placed the tip of his member on her opening. At the thought of what she was being subjected to and from all the pain she was going through, Sierra fainted.

As the man was about to make his unwanted entrance into Sierra's body the door to the room came crashing in. In two strides Glenn was at the side of the bed and had grabbed the man by the throat. Mark entered next and attempted to grab the man from Glenn's grasp but he was too late as Glenn threw the man across the room. The man hit the wall, practically head first, and then slid down the wall to land on a heap on the floor as Glenn approached him again. Mark came over to Glenn and grabbed his arm as Glenn was going to grab him by the neck again. "Let me" Mark said as he grabbed the guy by the neck, picked him up from the floor and threw him across the room to the other wall where he once again hit the wall full force and slid down to the ground.

Meanwhile Madison had come over to the bed and had removed the washcloth from Sierra's mouth and had thrown a sheet over her exposed body. She was attempting to remove the cuffs but it was kind of difficult without the key. "Hey Glenn, Mark. I need the key to these cuffs" Madison said "Check these" Glenn said as he threw the man's pants towards Madison and stalked the guy again, picking him up by the neck and planting a punch squarely in the man's face, causing the man's nose to spurt blood like a fountain.

Later Madison would think that if it wasn't cause Sierra was in such peril she would have laughed as she watched the guys as they continued to throw the man across the room several more times before the police officers arrived. It reminded her of something she had seen on t.v. called "Dwarf Throwing".

By the time the police had arrived the man was a bloody mess in a corner and wasn't moving. Madison was in the process of removing the cuffs from Sierra as Glenn had stepped to the side of the bed and Mark stood over the crumpled body of the man.

"I think you are going to need a couple of ambulances" Glenn said as he sat next to Sierra and gathered her in his arms. "I'm sorry" he whispered to Sierra as the EMT's asked him to place her on the stretcher so that they could take her to the hospital.

Both the man and Sierra were placed in separate ambulances. "Will you be riding along with her" one of the EMT's asked Glenn as he was getting ready to place her into the ambulance. Glenn looked at Sierra and then at the man. "No. I think I'll ride with him" Glenn said with murder in his voice. Sierra reached out and grabbed Glenn's hand before he could walk away. Glenn looked at her and did not let her hand go as he got on the ambulance with her.

Four Against the World (cont.)