Jaded Edge

Musician Fics
Open Challenge
Tit For Tat
The Dominatress
Of Saints & Sinners
Dirty Deeds
Don't Stand
I Could Fall
Taker X-mas poem
Road Rash
House on the Hill
A Vampire's Love
Dream Lover
Ghost of a Chance
Unexpected Revelations
What Goes Around...
Wanna Wrestle?
Evil In My Blood
Lincoln Park
Saving the Spirit
What Lies Within
Prop: Conf.
Four Against the World
Sister Joan
Sister Joan (cont.)
Kronik Passion
Favorite Links
Awards I Won
Fun Stuff
About Dom.
Contact Me
What Goes Around, Comes Around

My favorite men of wrestling get revenge for what I wrote in The Dominatress.  Some show pity for what Mark wants to put me through, but others are heartless.
Small suggestion: You may want to read Dominatress first, to understand some parts. 

chapter 1

I just went through the strangest night of my life. Maybe I should rewind a little.

In early April, just after Wrestlemania X7, my friend, Mistress Regina, emailed me with an idea she had. She said she wanted to take some fan-fic that her friends wrote to Mark "Undertaker" Callaway. I told her to count me in, but I would get back to her on which story to give to him.

Almost a month later, she sent me another email about it. She said the idea had grown into putting a book together for him. The book would include artwork, pictures and bios of the authors, plus the fan-fic.

I sent her a picture of myself, a new piece of art, and told her that I wanted to add "The Dominatress" for my story. She replied saying she hoped I would choose that one. A couple days later, I sent her a bio of myself, stating my real name, computer name, that I lived in Houston, and how long I've watched wrestling.

She was going to give it to him at the King of the Ring pay per view in New Jersey. As the day neared, I became more and more excited for her. She was just ready for it to be here already.

chapter 2

King of the Ring came and went. On the Tuesday after the show, I got an email from Regina. She said that he received the book, and was quite gratefull for it.

At this point, I got excited that he'd be reading my story. I worked long and hard on it, and hoped he liked it. I figured, if he did, the most he would do is call me.

A month past by. We both wondered what he thought of the book. Then, last night I received a phone call.

"Hello," I said.

"Hello. I'm looking for Jody," the deep, southern voice said.

"Who's asking?"

"A fan of her writing."

"You've found me, but if you don't tell me who you are..."

"You had a story in this book Mistress Regina gave me, and I wanted to talk to you about it."

It didn't hit me at first, but when it did, it was like a ton of bricks. "Undertaker?"

"Can we meet?"

"Um, when?"

"How about now?"

"I don't have a way of leaving right now."

"That's ok. Take a look outside. You should see a tall man standing next to a black pick up."

I looked out the window, and almost fainted. Outside the gate was a black Silverado, and a man that stood taller than the six foot gate. "I'll be out in a sec." I hung up the phone, laid it on the couch, and ran outside.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Will you come outside the gate, so I can get a better look at you?"

I complied, and he looked me over. He chuckled. "Such a small woman... Do you think you could dominate me?"

Not one to be put down by anyone, I fired back, "such an old man... Do you think you could still wrestle?"

He tried to hide his anger, but didn't do a good job of it. "So, you have an attitude."

"It does help to have one. Now, what did you want to tell me about the story?"

"You did a good job on it. How did you come up with the idea for it?"

"Thank you. It was a combination of your Ministry character, the character I made for myself, and my feelings for you."

"Can we take a ride and talk about it?"

"Actually, I'm waiting on some people." I didn't tell him that it was my husband and children I was waiting for.

"We won't be gone long." I couldn't make up my mind. I wanted to go with him, but I also wanted to be there when my family got back from their trip. "Alright, but I want to be back here in five minutes." I climbed into the passenger side of the truck, and he climbed into the driver's side.

Once we turned off of my street, he said, "I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I just think the idea of a small woman torturing me is kinda funny."

"Big things come in small packages," I reminded him. "Besides, it was just a story. Would you really pay other people to attack a woman?" With an evil grin, he said, "nope. I can handle those things myself."

As we drove further and further from my house, I became more and more afraid. He was getting stranger as we went along, as well. "Um, can you take me home now? I really need to get back."

"I'm not taking you back. You're coming home with me."

I almost shit my pants when he said that. The look on his face was showing anger and frustration. I couldn't understand what was wrong with him. He couldn't possibly be upset over a story, or could he?

chapter 3

Twenty minutes later, we pulled up in front of a house. It didn't look like what I pictured he would live in, or even close. The house was falling apart. Paint was peeling off of the outside walls, shutters were hanging, and a window was boarded up.

I looked around, but didn't see any houses nearby. 'Oh shit! I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere with a very pissed looking Taker,' I thought to myself.

He opened his door, and grabbed my hand. Electric shocks jolted up my arm from his touch. He pulled me out of the truck, and into the house. He pulled me past a living room with furniture covered by sheets, a kitchen that looked like it hadn't been used in decades, then into a bedroom, that looked like the cleanest room in the house.

A four poster bed took up most of the room. There were long red cloths hanging from every post. The sheets looked freshly washed and pressed. "Where are we?"

"My 'play house'." He led me to a door on the other side of the room. He opened the door, and I stood in shock. In the middle of the room, bolted to the floor three feet apart, were ankle cuffs. Hanging from the ceiling, were a pair of hand cuffs. All kinds of torture devices hung from every wall, everything from feathers to cat-o-nines to paddles.

He pulled me over to the cuffs. I fought him as he tried to put them on me, but to no avail. Once he had me fully chained, he ripped off my "beater" shirt. I begged him to let me go, but he acted as if he couldn't hear me. He tried to pull off my boxers, but they wouldn't rip. He pulled a knife out of his back pocket, and cut them off. He threw my clothes aside, then looked me over.

He gripped my chin in his hand. "What's the matter, 'Dominatress Jade'? Don't like the tables being turned?"

He pulled the bandanna off of his head, let down his hair, and pulled off his shirt. He tossed them aside with my clothes, then turned back to me. The look he gave me drew fear from every inch of my body.

chapter 4

He walked over to the wall, and looked at the "toys". He grabbed a black horse whip. He came back to me, and touched the side of my neck with the whip. "A friend should be joining us shortly," he said as he slid the whip down the valley of my breasts, to the center of my legs. He gave me a quick tap on my clitoris with the whip. "He has something to say about your story."

'Oh, my God,' I thought to myself. The other main character, besides Mark and me, was Glen "Kane" Jacobs. I hoped like Hell that he didn't have the same reaction as Mark. All of a sudden, I heard the front door close, and someone yelled, "hey, Mark."

"We're back here, Glen." When he walked through the door, I knew I was shit out of luck. Glen looked just as pissed as Mark.

"Oh shit!" I thought back to what happened between Glen and my character in the story. I had beat the hell out of him for trying to tempt me into bed with him. Then, in the story, I told Mark about it, and he did the same to him. I knew this wouldn't be a good review from him, either.

Glen looked me over. "So, this is Jade. For some reason, I pictured something more."

"For some reason, I pictured you two as not being such dicks," I spat back.

Glen looked at Mark. "Well, should we get started?" Mark held up the horse whip. "Way ahead of ya, bro." Glen went over to the wall, near where the paddles were hanging. I watched as he took down a leather paddle. Then, there was a stinging slap across my ass.

I growled my anger. "What the fuck is your problem!?" Mark whipped me again. "Watch how you speak to us, slave. From now on, you call us your masters, and show us respect."

"I'd show you a lot more respect if you hadn't done all of this." Glen caught me on the other side of my ass with the paddle. "Are you sassing Master Mark, slave?" "Fuck you!"

"Enticing proposal." He spanked me again, but harder. Mark came up behind me, and grabbed my hip. "If you're a good slave, we may do that. Until then, we're going to have a little fun with you." He slid his hand up to roughly grab my left breast. "Do you like it rough?"

By then, I had caught the hint. If I minded, they would be nicer to me. "Yes, Master," I answered, giving in. "Good, because we are certainly going to be rough with you," Glen said, before slapping my inner thigh with the paddle. I sucked in a sharp breath, trying to hide the pain.

Mark came around to face me. He slid the flat tip of the horse whip over my nipple until it was erect. Once it was achingly stiff, he pulled the whip back, and brought it down hard. A yelp escaped my lips. He repeated the action on the other nipple. He gave me his menacingly sexy smile when I yelped again. "How can you be a good dominatress if you haven't been in the slaves position?"

"I'm a slave everyday of my life. The Dominatress is an escape from my masters." I looked past Mark, toward Glen, and witnessed a softening in his eyes. When his gaze caught mine, he turned quickly. He took off his shirt, and came back over to Mark and me. Mark stole my attention back by asking, "have you ever been in such a position before?" "No, Master Mark. I have only been beaten when I was able to defend myself." The softness returned to Glen's face, along with a hint of guilt.

chapter 5

Hours had passed. As often as I tried, I could not distance my mind from my body, and the pain they were inflicting on me. Mark made sure of that with all of his questions. If I didn't answer him, they would hit me harder. My entire body was burning from all of the stinging slaps. As Mark slapped my bottom with a wooden paddle, Glen stood in front of me, preparing to hit me as well. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see him swing the cat-o-nine. A tear slid from the corner of my eye.

A warm hand carressed my cheek, as the thumb wiped away the tear. I opened my eyes, and found myself staring into Glen's eyes. He brought his lips down to mine, and gave me a gentle kiss. His tongue slowly went around my lips before seeking entrance. As his tongue entered my mouth, he gave me what would be the final smack on my ass. I melted against him as best I could, despite my confines, and he wrapped his arms around me. Mark unbuckled the ankle cuffs, then unlocked the handcuffs. I let my arms slide over Glen's head and rest on his shoulders. Mark had grabbed a feather, and slid it across my bare skin. I ignored the tickling sensations, and concentrated on Glen.

As the kiss ended, and Glen released me from his arms, Mark took over for him. He ran the feather down my spine, one final time. He then let his hand slide around to the front, and splayed his fingers across my flat stomach. His kisses started just below my earlobe, and traveled down to the end of my shoulder. As he made his way back up my shoulder, he stopped at the juncture of my neck and shoulder, and gently bit down.

"Master?" I whispered. "Yes, Jade?" Mark asked in return. "Have I been a good slave?" A growl escaped him, as he ran his fingers through the small curls between my legs. "Yes. You've been a very good slave." I allowed myself a small wicked grin. "Does this mean you will give me satisfaction?" His fingers slid back and forth over my clitoris. He dropped the feather, that was in the other hand, and reached around to grab my breast. I leaned my head back on his shoulder and a sigh escaped my lips. "I think I'm already doing it."

chapter 6

Glen watched as Mark ravaged my body with his hands and mouth. His mouth never touched upon the places I wanted it to, though his hands did. "Now I see why you can't keep a woman around," Glen said. "You have to know what she wants."

"Do you think you can do better?" he shot back. "I know I can," Glen said with a grin. Mark released me. Glen kissed me deeply again. He wrapped his arms around me, then picked me up. He carried me to the bed in the next room, and laid me down. His lips made a trail from my mouth, and down my neck. He pinched my nipples between his fingers, until his mouth took their place. He tugged on them with his teeth, before suckling them. When he finished with my breasts, he journeyed further downward. He circled my belly button with his tongue, before finishing his quest to my center.

He caressed my thighs, and then my mound with his hands, before spreading my "lips" with his tongue. His thumb worked my clit, while he moved his tongue in and out of my hole. I moaned, and closed my eyes. "Oh, Master Glen..." "He looks more like a slave, than a master," Mark commented.

They both stripped off the rest of their clothes, and joined me on the bed. Mark sat at the head of the bed, leaning against the head board. I turned over, and worked his shaft with my hand before taking him into my mouth. I moved my mouth over his length, until I reached the base. I slowly bobbed up and down his shaft. He encouraged me to go faster by thrusting his hips upward.

Glen had gotten on the bed behind me. He carressed my back and sides, before reaching between my legs, and feeling the moist heat. He slid the head of his manhood over my opening, introducing himself, before gliding in. His length threatened to be more than I could handle. He began a slow pace, but it quickened when I touched the back of his thigh.

For a few fleeting moments, I was in shear heaven. Mark growled his oncoming release, before I felt his hot fluid shoot down my throut. Mark sat up, pushing me back against Glen. He braced me against him with an arm circled around me. Mark worked my clit until I came to an amazing climax. Glen's thrusts become faster and harder. He let out a growl before saying, "switch." He pulled out of me, and laid in front of me, and Mark positioned himself behind me.

I was then told to finish him. Glen leaned against the headboard, and I took him into my mouth. He came almost instantly. Mark gathered my hair into one large hand, and positioned himself for entry. With one quick thrust, he was fully sheathed. I sucked in a sharp breath. He was even bigger than Glen. He wrapped my hair around his hand, and pulled. "I may please you, but I won't be gentle, like Glen was." "I'd expect nothing less from you, Master Mark." "Good."

His thrusts came fast and hard. I had to release Glen's length from my mouth, for fear of biting him. Glen took advantage of the way Mark was making me rock back and forth. He slid down, just a little, and centered his cock in the valley of my breasts. I leaned down, and kissed his muscle covered stomach. He looked down at me with a twinkle in his eyes, and a grin on his lips.

Mark released a moan, that seemed to shake his entire body. "Move, Glen." He did, and Mark laid in front of me again. He grabbed my hair, and told me to finish him. I did, which took no time at all. After he shot off in my mouth, he told me to get on my back. I did, and Glen tied me to the bed with the red cloths. Mark positioned himself between my legs, and laid them over his shoulders. Hot pain shot from my hole, as he slid his tongue along my opening. Soon, the pain turned to pleasure, as he lightly sucked on my swollen nub.

Glen slid under my arm, and behind me. I leaned back on his chest. He grabbed my breasts, and kneaded them. I could feel his erection throbbing against my back. His breath was hot on my ear, when he whispered, "he's almost done. He'll leave after you cum on his tongue." The tension eased from my body then, and I allowed myself to enjoy the tongue in my cunt, and the hands on my breasts.

Mark slid two fingers inside me, and continued flicking my clit with his tongue. My muscles tightened around his fingers. "Ooohh... Master...." I came with a mind and body numbing orgasm. He slid his fingers out, and lapped up my juices, not missing a drop.

He crawled from the bed, and redressed. As he was putting his bandanna back on, he told Glenn, "she's all your's. Do what you want with her. I'm going home." He came over to the side of the bed, and gave me a deep and thorough kiss. "I may call upon you again, when the mood strikes me." I stared him in the eyes, and replied, "I'll look forward to it." He left the room, then.

chapter 7

I remained tied to the bed, until Glen and I heard Mark pull out of the driveway. Glen untied me, and we rolled to face each other, and wrapped our arms loosely around one another. "Are you ok," he asked me. "I'm a little burnt out, but I'll live." "You have a few more problems. Let's get you cleaned up."

He rolled off the bed, then extended his hand to help me up. When I stood, my legs felt weak. I almost fell, but he wrapped his strong arms around me. When he did, I felt every place they had hit me with their various devices. He saw the grimace on my face, and let me sit back down on the edge of the bed. "Just sit there. I'll be back in a minute."

He went into the bathroom attached to the bedroom. He came out, minutes later, with a bottle of peroxide, cotton balls and bandages. "It's not that bad, is it?" "Look at my chest." I did, and noticed the crimson streaks all over it. "I'm afraid Mark and I went overboard." He kneeled in front of me. He tilted my head up with two fingers under my chin. "I'm sorry," he said, the regret plainly seen in his eyes. He gently kissed me. "I am, too. I shouldn't have wrote all of that stuff." "Don't be. I read the story. I loved it," he said with a smile. His smile faded when he said, "Mark wanted me to be here for this, though."

He sat on the bed, beside me. "Lay down on your stomach," he said in a gentle tone. After I did, he touched the first cotton ball soaked with peroxide to my back. I cringed.

"I have a question, if you don't mind me getting personal," he said. "I don't mind. Go ahead and ask." "Those things you told Mark, about being a slave everyday of your life, and being beaten when you could defend yourself... Are they true?" "Yes. If you only knew my husband..." "You're married?" "Yes. And I won't say too happily. I can't count on all of my digits how many times he has hit me in anger." "Do you want to go home to him?" "No, but my kids are with him. I don't want him hurting them." "How many do you have?" "Two- a boy and a girl." "What are their names?" "Dakota and Cheyenne. They're twins." "Strong native-American names." "For strong minded five year olds."

He applied the last bandage, and gave me a playful slap on the ass. I cringed again. "Sorry... You're done." I rolled onto my back, and stared up at him. "I wish we could have met under better circumstances," he said in a whisper. "Me too." He laid down next to me, and stared into my eyes. I slid my arms around his neck, and he gently pulled me against his hard body. "You are a beautiful woman." "Thank you, Glen." I laid my hand on his cheek, and gave him a kiss. He deepened the kiss, and brought my leg up to rest on his hip. He tangled a hand in my hair.

When the kiss ended, he said, "you're making it hard to let go of you." "So, don't." "I have to. You need to go home. If not for your husband, then for your kids." "You're right," I said with a sigh. "I'll get your clothes, so you can get dressed." "It's no use. Mark ripped my shirt, and cut my boxers off." His face contorted with anger. "I'll get my clothes, and you can wear my shirt." "Ok." He kissed me before getting up from the bed.

chapter 8

Twenty minutes later, I was giving him directions back to my house. When we pulled up in front of my house, I saw that Paul and the kids were home. "Shit! I can just imagine how he's going to react to this one." "I'll come to the door with you." "I don't know if that will make things better, or worse." We got out of the truck, and walked up to the door. I turned the knob, but it was locked, so I knocked.

The door swung open fast, and there he stood, with a angry scowl on his face. "Where the hell have you been? I've been home for five hours. And who the hell is this, and why are you wearing his shirt?" "I... I was kidnapped." He wrapped a hand around my throat, and said, "bullshit!" Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Glen's hand shoot out, and wrap around Paul's throat.

"I'm the one that saved your wife from a maniacal rapist. Let go of her, or I'll kick your ass, too!" His grip tightened on my throat, until I was gasping for air. Evidently, Glen's grip tightened too, because Paul started gagging, then released me.

"Go pack a bag, and get your kids. I'm not leaving you here, so he can beat on you." I side stepped Paul, who was shaking off the effects of Glen's grasp. I went into the bedroom, put on some sweat pants, and grabbed my bag from the closet. I stuffed it with clothes. Then, Paul came in the room. "You were fucking him, weren't you?" I couldn't answer, because, in all honesty, I was.

Just then, his arm shot back, and came crashing into my eye. It knocked me to the ground. He came after me again, but I lifted my foot, and caught him in the nuts. I guess Glen heard the thud from us falling, and came into the bedroom. He saw me laying on the floor, and grabbed Paul. He picked him up, and threw him into the wall. "You want to beat on a woman? Why don't you beat on a man, like me?" Paul punched him in the stomach, but Glen only laughed. "My turn." Glen punched him in the jaw, knocking him to the floor. He picked him up, again. "Is that why you hit women? Because you can't handle yourself against a man?" Paul punched him in the jaw. Glen shook his head, and growled. A wild look came over his face. He punched Paul in the stomach. He fell to the floor again, and blood came pouring out of his mouth.

Glen went to pick him up, again. "Glen, stop!" He came over to my side. "Are you ok?" "I'll be fine. Let's just get out of here." "You get the kids, and whatever they need. I'll stay here, and keep your husband company."

I stood up, and went to wake up the kids. I packed some clothes, shoes and toys for them, then took the bag to the living room. They sat on the couch and waited for me. I went into the bathroom, and grabbed my make up bag. I set it with the bag, and went into the bedroom. "We're ready," I told Glen. "Alright, let's go."

"Paul, I'm going to tell you something I've wanted to tell you for years... Goodbye forever!"

I picked up Dakota, my purse and my make up bag. Glen picked up Cheyenne and our bag of clothes. Cheyenne wrapped her tiny arms around his neck, and laid her head on his shoulder. We went out to the truck, threw the bags in the bed, and strapped the kids in the back seat. We climbed in the front, and took off.

"I have no place to go, now." "If you think I'm going to desert you after the trouble Mark and I caused, you're mistaken. I'll take you to the hotel I'm staying at. The room I'm in has two beds." "Thank you, Glen." "You're welcome. How's your eye?" "It hurts like a mother fucker!" "We'll take care of it when we get to the hotel. For now, just relax, and enjoy the ride."

I relaxed a little, and wound up dosing off.

chapter 9

We just got the kids settled into the spare bed. They fell back asleep quickly. Glen comes out of the bathroom with a face towel filled with ice. "Here. Put this on your eye." I do, and my eye begins to throb. Glen lays down next to me, and wraps his arms around me, then he pulls me until we are back to front.

"I'm sorry you got in the middle of that fight, but I'm glad you were there for me," I tell him. "Don't apologize for him, baby. I'm glad I was there, too. There's no telling what he would have done to you." He kisses my neck, and lays his head to fall asleep.

"Goodnight, Glen." "Goodnight, Jody..." He whispers something else that sounded like "I love you."

I wake up just a couple hours later. When I open my eyes, the first thing I saw was Glen's Kane mask right in my face. "Mommy! Look what I found in his bag," Dakota squeeled. "I know, Dakota. Stay out of the nice man's bags, ok?" "Ok, mommy. Is Kane going to be our new daddy?" My eyes grow wide. Avoiding the question, I ask, "how did you know he is Kane? I have one of those masks too." "Good morning, sunshine," Glen says from behind me. "Good morning. You don't sleep much, do you?" "Not when someone is tapping me on the back, saying 'who are you'. And, I told him he could play with that. He can't hurt it."

He comes down to kiss my lips, until someone knocks on the door. He growls at the interruption, then gets up to answer it. "Who is it," he asks. "It's Mark. Time for breakfast!" Glen opens the door, and asks Mark, "do you mind if we have company?"

Mark looks at me, then my children playing on the other bed. "When I said do what you want with her, I didn't think you'd take her and her kids in. Did you give her the black eye?" "No, her husband did that when I took her home. I couldn't leave her there, when he was just going to beat on her." "I understand. Well, everybody, get dressed. Breakfast is on me."

After Mark got that out, Dakota and Cheyenne looked up at him, and gasped. "Undertaker," they said in unison. Mark walks over to them, and sits on the edge of the bed. "I'm not at work right now, so call me Mark or Mr. Callaway, but not Undertaker, ok?" "Ok, Mark," they said. "Same goes for me, guys. You can call me Glen or Mr. Jacobs, but don't call me Kane, alright?" "Alright," Cheyenne said. "Can I call you daddy," Dakota asked. Glen looks at me, then back at Dakota. "That's up to your mother." "Just call him Glen for now, ok," I answer. "Ok, mommy."

chapter 10

"Glen, can I see you in the bathroom for a minute?" "Sure, Jody." Mark starts saying, "ooooooo... Mr. Jacobs is in trouble." The kids laugh at him. "Zip it, Mark," I tell him. "I have a bone to pick with you, too." He pouts, and starts whining like a child. The kids laugh at him again.

Once the door is closed behind Glen and I, I ask him, "why did you tell him it was up to me?" "Like I said last night, I'm not going to desert you. You're more than welcome to come live with me." I sit on the edge of the tub. "I just met you last night, and you and your partner out there were torturing me. The only thing I really know about you is what you do for a living." "That's not how I usually am. We have a lifetime to get to know each other. I want you in my life."

I sit there thinking for a few minutes. "Ok. I'll move in with you." Glen kneels in front of me. "I know it's a big risk you're taking, but it can't be any worse than what you just left, can it?" "As long as Mark stays out of our bedroom life, we'll be doing good." He chuckles. "I promise, what happened last night, will never happen again. Any of it. Well, except..." "Except what?" "You will allow me to make love to you, won't you?" I wrap my arms around his neck. "Of course I will." I kiss him, as he brings himself to settle between my legs. "I will be gentler than last night, or I can be as rough as you want me to be." We kiss again. "If we don't get off the subject of sex, we'll embarass ourselves in front of Mark and the kids. I'd be all over you right now, if they weren't here," I say with a big grin.

We get up, and I open the door. "You're out of here," I say as I push him out the door. "Mark Luke Callaway!" "Am I in that much trouble that she has to use my full name? How the hell did she find out, anyways?" "Ask her while you're in there."

He comes in, and closes the door behind him. "Look here, Mark. There isn't going to be anymore of this 'master and servant' bullshit! That's the damn reason why I have a black eye right now. And, Glen has asked me to move in with him. I agreed on one condition. That you stay out of our bedroom life. I'm not saying you weren't great in bed last night, but I've fallen for Glen, and I won't mess this up." "You think I'm great in bed, huh?" "Yes. You fulfilled one of my fantasies last night, and I can't thank you enough for that. And, for having Glen join us." "You're welcome." He kisses my cheek. "Make the big man happy." "I'll do my best to." "Can you do one other thing for me?" "What?" "Let me kiss you. I just want to taste your lips. Now, I wish I had done it last night." "After this, no more personal touching; no kissing, licking, touching- except an occasional hug or hand shake, nothing. Got it?" "Got it."

He licks his lips, as his arms come around me. One hand cups the back of my head, the other cups my bottom. And, oh God, he smells good! His lips decend upon mine. His kiss is gentle; not reminiscent of the man dominating me last night. His tongue slides over my lips, and seeks entry. I open for him, and our tongues begin a lust-filled dance. He searches every dark crevice. He grabs a handful of hair, and pulls me away. "Now, YOU look here. This 'master and servant' bullshit, as you call it, will continue until I say it ends. And, I'm far from done with you. You see, Regina put your web site address in the book, too. I went to it after I finished reading the book. I noticed that there's a lot more to that story. I had shown it to Andrew as well. He's waiting for his turn." "'Test' wants to be in on what you did last night?" "Oh, yeah. He can't wait to get his hands on you. I had shown it to Brian Adams, as well. And, in turn, he had shown it to Bryan Clark. He's got big plans for you, too." 'SHIT!' I yell at myself.

Glen knocks on the door. "I hope you're not doing my woman in there." I open the door, and stare him in the eyes. "Nobody said I was your woman. I just said that he'd stay out of OUR bedroom life," I say with a big, fake smile. I had to do something to make things look natural, considering we are in a bathroom, and what Mark told me. "You're joking, right?" "Yes, hun. We're talking, and then I'm going to take a shower." "As long as he's out of here before you start your shower..." "He will be." I close the door again. "Would you like to tell Glen? Or, would you rather he find out by coming home, and finding me gone? Either way, I don't think he'd like it." "He knew what my plans were, and he knows I'm not one to drop my plans." "I do not want to hurt him!" "If you'd shut up, he won't even know I'm still going through with it."

I growl at him. "Get out of here. I'm taking my shower." "Fine, just remember what I told you." With that, he leaves the room. As I turn on the hot water, I think of nothing but running, and hiding, in Glen's arms.

chapter 11

Well, I've just gotten settled into Glen's house. The kids and I have been here for a month and a half. Glen and I have been getting along great. He's proven to be a very loving and generous man. He's been nothing short of a saint since that morning. He's gone with me to the divorce hearings, and supported me, emotionally, throughout it all. And the kids love him to death. He's always playing with them. I even caught him having a tea party with Cheyenne.

Mark hasn't come for me yet. And I thank God for that. The only thing that worries me is the fact that we are planning on going camping, and Glen invited Mark and a guest. The thought of being alone in the woods with Mark, and possibly Andrew or Bryan, scares the hell out of me. Hell, the thought of being the only woman with three men scares the hell out of me. Luckily, no matter what happens, my kids won't be there to hear or see what happens. We're supposed to leave tomorrow on our little adventure. Glen, Mark and his guest should be here soon. They wanted to spend the night in town, and get an early start in the morning.

The door knob is rattling. They must be here. Even though my stomach is in knots, I go to the door, and open it for them. "Hey, Jody. Did you miss me?" "You know I did, Glen." He throws down his bags, and wraps his arms around me. The kiss he gives me heats me to the core. The kiss ends, and I turn to see who is with him. Behind Mark was none other than Andrew "Test" Martin. "What? No hug and kiss for me," Mark asks. I give him the evil eye, and he chuckles.

"I'm going to take my bags upstairs," Glen says, before kissing my cheek.

When Glen leaves us, I mumble, "hello, Mark." "Not happy to see me?" "No. Neither you nor your buddy." "This doesn't sound like the woman that wanted to jump my bones in that story," Andrew says. "I assure you, I am that woman, but what you two have in mind..." "Whoa, Jade. Only him this time. I'm just going to sit back and watch." "I don't give a rat's ass. I'm not going to hurt Glen. I love that man!" "You don't have much of a choice in the matter, do you? We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. For Glen's sake, you should go with the easy way." "Fuck you, Mark." "Maybe when he's done with you..." "You're an asshole." "Yeah, but you love my dick."

I shake my head in frustration. "And to think, when I started this story I had the hots for all three of you. Now that I've met you, only one of you starts the fire." "That's not what you told me." "That was before you told me about Andrew and Bryan. I would have let it all go, if you ended it with you and Glen." "There was no real torture there. You came out of it with a new boyfriend; a very rich and powerful one at that." "Are you insinuating that I'm only with Glen for his money?" "If the shoe fits..." "He's a handsome man that shows me respect, and love. You walk around on the show saying no one gives you proper respect. Now I see why they don't." A scowl crosses his face. "That's right. Get mad at me." "You bitch." "Yeah, but I'm the best damn bitch you've ever seen."

"Hunny, are you going to let them in," Glen says from the stairs. "Do I have to," I mumble. "I couldn't hear you." "Yes, we just got caught up talking." Glen and I lead them to the living room. On the way in, I put my hand behind my back and flip Mark and Andrew the bird.

chapter 12

We're on our way to the camp grounds. I got stuck in the back seat with Andrew, because Mark said he needed the extra leg room. Yeah, right... I sat behind Glenn, hoping he would see if Andrew or Mark made any grabs at me. He didn't, unfortunatly. For the tenth time, I slap Andrew's hand away from my leg. I swear, if he touches me again, I'm going to punch him. I'm going to let him know that I AM the Dominatress in every aspect, except that I'm not a wrestler.

Andrew lays his hand on my thigh again. I punch him, and say, "if you put your hand on me again, you'll pull back a bloody stump." "My, aren't we testy." "Kiss my ass, dick head." "Is everything ok, back there," Glen asks. "How about if I drive for a little while," I ask. "Mark can sit behind me, since there would be plenty of room, then." "Ok. I could use a pit stop anyways." He pulls into the nearest gas station. Andrew offered to fill up the tank, while the rest of us went inside.

While we were in the store, I tried to get Glen alone, so I could tell him what was happening. Everytime I got near him, though, Mark would be right there with us. I gave up on that idea. I grabbed a coke, paid for it, and went out to the car, while Mark and Glen grabbed things for them to munch on. I sat in the driver's seat. Andrew had finished with the gas, and was back in his seat. "Did you get me anything," Andrew asked. "Like a fist sandwich?" "No. A coke, snack, pack of condoms..."

"Can I ask you something?" "Shoot." "Why do you want to do this?" "I like camping." "Don't be a smart ass." "Really, I just want to see if you are as wild as you say you are in that story." "That's just it, Andrew. It's a story, it's made up. Jade is just a character. I'm Jody; a totally different woman. The attitude is me, but the rest isn't." He looked out the window, as if he were looking for Mark or Glen. He leaned against the front seat, and said, "it's also because of Mark. He talked me into this. I read the parts about me, and kinda shrugged it off as your fantasy. He said somebody should teach the female fans a lesson, give them a taste of their own medicine." "But I didn't physically do anything to you, Mark or Glen." Tears slid down my cheeks. Andrew rubbed my shoulder. "Dry up before they get out here. I'll try to talk Mark out of it, but if I can't, I'll take it easy on you." "You weren't planning on beating me, were you?" "Why would I do that?" "That's what Mark and Glen did. Glen told me Mark talked him into it." "I swear, I won't lay a hand on you in anger. Now, dry your eyes. They're coming out."


chapter 13

The tents are pitched, our gear is stowed, the fire is burning, and the guys are out fishing. Except Mark. "I thought you were into this outdoors shit?" "I needed to talk to you," he said. "I don't think I want to hear what you have to say." "Andrew told me about your little talk back at the gas station." "Yeah, so?" "Andrew may take pity on you, and Glen, but I won't until you end the story." "I'm not going to end it until I'm damn good and ready to do so. You're with your wife now, if that's any consolation. You're more of a protector, or big brother to my character now." "Jade..." "Quit calling me Jade. My name is Jody." "No, to me you are Jade. And, it doesn't matter what is in the story now. You've already pissed me off, and you can't fix it."

With a sigh, I asked, "are you going to make Andrew go through with it?" "Yes, but I won't be watching, as originally planned. I'll be entertaining your boyfriend, so it can get done." "Then how will you know if we did or not?" "Because, while Glen and I are by the fire telling jokes, or whatever, I'll have to take a piss break, and I will check on you. In fact, that's how you'll leave. After Andrew goes to the showers by the bathrooms, you'll tell Glen that you're going to the bathroom. When you get back, if he asks what took so long, tell him you stopped to watch some deer, or something." "Ok," I whispered while looking at my feet.

I turned, and went into mine and Glen's tent, and sat down. Mark followed me. "Jesus, Mark. Is there no escaping you?" He knelt over my legs, so I couldn't move without touching him. His hand went to the back of my neck. He looked me dead in the eyes, and asked, "are you going to be a good slave, and do what you are told to?" "Yes, Master Mark." "Good. I'd hate to take you back to that house. I wouldn't be as nice as I was last time." "I understand, master." He came down hard on my lips, making me whimper in shock. When he ended the kiss, he said, "I will have you again. Maybe not this weekend, but it will be before Bryan gets you. He has a surprise for you. It seems that rape scene put him in the mood for anal." With an evil chuckle, he left the tent.

With a groan, I laid down on the make shift bed, and hugged the pillow. I cried myself to sleep.

chapter 15

An hour later, Glen and Mark returned to camp. "What happened to you, baby? I was waiting for you, so you could go on a hike with us." "I went ahead and took my shower, while I was there." Glen wrapped his arms around me, and kissed my forehead.

"Aw... Young love... It makes me sick." "Oh, shut up, Mark," I said to him. I looked up at Glen, who was smiling. "Why don't we hit the hay, and get an early start tomorrow? We can go fishing when the sun comes up," I asked him. "I have a better idea. Let's roast some marshmellows, first." "As long as we don't have to sing camp fire songs..." "Oh, come on. You have a beautiful voice," he said. "I don't want to hear you three singing." He gave me a playful slap on the ass, before letting me go.

Andrew stayed quiet most of the night. Mark tried his damnedest to scare me with his ghost stories, but it didn't work. After roasting the marshmellows, we went to our tent, leaving Mark and Andrew to put out the fire. We stripped down to our under clothes, then crawled into the sleeping bags we had zipped together. I wanted to tell him everything that had happened, but I felt Mark outside our tent. I snuggled into his arms and said, "I love you, Glen." "I love you, too, Jody."

I had never had a nightmare that I actually knew the villian, but that night, it was Mark. I was running around the house, trying to find Glen, with him fast on my heels. Mark had caught me, and knocked me to the ground. He tore my clothes off, and I fought him the whole time. I yelled at him to get off of me, to get away from me, that I didn't want to have sex with him, but he continued to assault me in my dream. When I awoke, I screamed out, "get away from me, Mark!" "Jody! Wake up!" Glen was shaking me. "Oh, God... Glen..." I wrapped my arms around his neck. Soon after, two heads came through the nylon door of the tent. "Are you ok, Jody?" Andrew asked. I couldn't answer him. I was staring at Mark. "Get away from me, Mark," I said again through clenched teeth.

"What has gotten into you, Jody?" Glen asked. "I just had a nightmare where he was raping me. I don't want to look at him right now." He looked up at Mark and Andrew. "She'll be ok, guys. Just go back to sleep." After they returned to their tent, Glen asked, "did you have a nightmare about when we met?" "No, hunny. Mark and I were at our house. I was looking for you, and he was chasing me, but I couldn't find you. He caught me, and raped me." He wrapped his arms around me tighter, and said, "I won't let him do anything to you ever again." "Baby, we need to have a talk when we get home." "What about?" "I don't want to say, until we get home." "Alright. Do you want to go home today, instead of tomorrow?" "Yes." I heard a growl outside the tent, and knew that Mark had heard our conversation.

I went back to sleep, still wrapped in Glen's arms. When I awoke, Glen was gone. I put on my clothes, and looked out of the tent. Glen was packing some of the things in the car, while Andrew was making breakfast. "Good morning," I said to them. "Good morning, Jody. Do you feel better, now?" Andrew asked. "Yeah, a little bit." Glen came up to me, and kissed me. "Good morning. Can you help me get stuff together?" "Sure. Just let me go to the bathroom, first." "Alright."

Before I reached the bathroom, Mark caught me. "What are you going to tell Glen in this conversation at home?" "That's none of your fucking business." "If it's about me it is my business. Now, what are you going to say to him?" "Go to hell, Mark." I turned to go to the bathrooms, but he grabbed my arm. I turned around, and swung at him. I must have caught him off gaurd, because I punched him in the nose.

"You fucking bitch!" "You're damn right, I'm a bitch. Leave me the hell alone!" "What the hell's going on over here?" Glen asked from behind me. "I was going to the bathroom, when he grabbed me. He got punched in the nose for it." "Damn it, Mark. You know she had a nightmare about you. Leave her alone." As Mark nodded his head, the first drops of blood fell from his nostril. He walked off toward camp.

Glen put his arm around my shoulders. "You're a fiesty little thing," he laughed. "I had to learn a few things while I was with Paul. I won't be a victim anymore." He stopped, and turned me toward him. "Has Mark threatened you in any way?" "We'll talk about it when we get home, hunny. I don't want to ruin what's left of our trip." "No, baby. If he wants to hurt you, I want to know now." I let out a sigh. "He said that if I didn't keep sleeping with him, and the other guys from my story, he would take me back to the house where we met, and wouldn't be as nice as last time." I began to cry. "I was so scared when he threatened me yesterday, I had to..." "Had to what?" "He made me have sex with Andrew. That's why you couldn't find me last night. I was in the shower with Andrew, when you and Mark came in." He growled Andrew's name. "No, please. Don't get mad at him. After we passed Mark's inspection, he let me go without finishing. He didn't like it anymore than I did."

"Oh, God..." He circled me with his arms, and squeezed me tight. "Who did he say was next?" "He said that the rape scene I wrote about Jade and Bryan Clark put Bryan in the mood for anal sex." "I'll be a dead man before I let that happen." "I don't want to go through with it. I want to be with you, and only you. I don't want to live in fear of what he'd do to me. I don't want to live in fear of him doing something in front of Dakota or Cheyenne, or doing something to them," I sobbed. Glen wiped the tears off of my cheeks. "Go to the bathrooms, and clean yourself up. I'll make sure Mark leaves you alone." I nodded, and he leaned down to gently kiss me.

As I was returning to the camp, about fifteen minutes later, I caught sight of Glen beating the hell out of Mark. "Glen, stop!" He dropped Mark, and he landed in a pool of his own blood. "For the last fucking time, leave Jody alone," Glen yelled at him. He turned, and walked to me. I took backward steps away from him, after I saw the blood that covered him. "You're no better than he is," I whispered. "Jody..." he said, sounding hurt. I ran off in the woods. Before I got too far away, I heard Andrew tell him that he would go after me.

I stopped some distance from camp, sat on the ground, and broke down in tears. After a minute or two, Andrew sat down next to me. "What happened?" Andrew asked. "I told Glen. I told him Mark's plans, I told him what we did... Everything." "Why didn't he come after me, too?" "Because I told him you didn't like the situation, either." He sighed. "Don't be upset with Glen. He was fighting Mark for your honor." "But there is no reason for one man to beat another to a bloody mess. There have been times when I looked like Mark does now. Although I don't really feel sorry for him, I don't think a human should do that to another human." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, and I leaned my head on his shoulder. "He loves you, Jody. I can see it when he looks at you. I can hear it when he talks to you. He beat the hell out of Mark, because he loves you, and Mark is hurting you." I sighed, and said, "I love him, too." "Why don't we go back to camp, and you can tell him that." "Alright."

Andrew got to his feet, and helped me up. We quietly walked back to camp. When I laid eyes on Glen, my mouth went dry, shivers wet down my spine. I was worried that he would be upset with me; that he would turn against me, and hurt me. When he turned to look at me, and I saw the hurt and tears in his eyes, I knew I had nothing to fear. I ran to him, and wrapped my arms around his waist. "I'm so sorry, Glen. I shouldn't have said that. You're not like Mark." "No. Don't apologize. I knew you came from an abusive relationship, and I go and show my violent side right in front of you. But I want you to know that I'd never hurt you." He petted my cheek with the back of his fingers.

He leaned down, and kissed me softly. That's when we heard the click of the hammer on a gun. "Kill me if you want, Mark. You'll still lose your slave." "Maybe you should see where it's pointed, before you say that, darlin'," Mark said. I turned around to see a .45 pointed between Glen's eyes. "You'd better kill me now, mother fucker, because if you hurt her, I'll kill you." "I'll go," I whispered. "Like hell you will." "He can do what he wants to me, and I won't give a damn, but I don't want to face life without you, Glen." He leaned down, and nuzzled my ear, then whispered, "I will be right behind you two." "I haven't got all day," Mark said. He grabbed me, and threw me in the car. He climbed in the driver's side, and we took off.

chapter 16

"You couldn't just go through with it, could you," Mark scolded. "You think I'm being mean to you, don't you? Hell, I thought I was being a nice guy. I'm giving you all of the guys you wanted." "Mean is putting it mildly. You're being a fucking dick!" "We'll see what you think after you see who's waiting for you." "You have got to be shitting me. On the spur of the moment, you got Bryan to meet you at the house?" "He's been in town for a few weeks. He's been preparing for you." "Yeah? Well you can both go fuck yourselves! Or, since Bryan is such a big fan of anal, you can fuck each other."

Mark growled. "Woman, you just keep it up. I'll stop and take care of you before we get there." "Oooo... What are you going to do? Beat me? Fuck me?" "Maybe I will." He grabbed the front of my shirt, and tried to rip it off of me. I leaned toward him, and punched him. The car swerved, barely missing an oncoming semi, but he let go. I leaned my back against the passenger door, and kicked him with all my might. He lost control of the car momentarily, and it went off the road. As he was trying to regain control, I kicked him again with the same force. "You little bitch!" "What's the matter, Mark? Don't like it when I fight back?"

Mark turned down a path that didn't look like it had been used in awhile. He parked the car, and turned it off. When he turned to me, I tried to kick him again. He grabbed my feet, and spread them apart. He laughed evilly. "Now I have you right where I want you." I wiggled, and managed to get one of my legs loose. I pinned him against the driver's door, with my foot in his throat. "Not this time, asshole." I looked around to see where he put the gun. He grabbed my ankle in one hand, and pinned the other leg with his elbow. In his other hand, he held the gun. "Looking for this, darlin'?" He gave me a smug smile. "You would love to shoot me, wouldn't you?" He laughed evilly, then laid the gun on my stomach. "Go ahead. Shoot me." I picked up the gun, and aimed it in the center of his forehead. I pulled the trigger, but nothing happened.

Mark slapped me across the cheek, and took the gun away. "Stupid bitch! You didn't check the safety." I heard the safety click as he disengaged it. He pointed it to the middle of my chest. "If you died, what would happen to your twins?" I swallowed hard as the answer came to mind. "They would go back to your abusive ex-husband, wouldn't they?" My eyes welled up with tears. "Yes, they would." "Are they going back to their daddy, or are you going to behave?" "You win, Mark." "Master Mark," he corrected. "Yes, Master." "Good girl. Now, take off the shoes." I obliged, and set them on the floorboard. "Now, the shorts and panties." I kept my eyes on the gun, as I slowly pulled them off. "On my lap, with your hands behind your back," he said, when I laid my shorts and panties on the floor. While I did as instructed, he pulled something out of his back pocket. When I heard the clink of a metal chain, I knew what it was. "I brought something from the house, in case you weren't cooperative for Andrew. Guess I'll get to cuff you, instead." He snapped one around my right wrist, pushed the other through the steering wheel, then snapped it around my left.

Mark laid the gun on the dashboard, then worked on undoing his jeans. He pushed them down as far as he could with me in his way. He pulled me straight up on my knees, then forced me down his shaft, fast and hard. I closed my eyes against the pain. I made no noise as he thrust his hips upward, driving himself deeper within. He grabbed a handful of my hair, and turned my head toward him. "Open your eyes, and look at me, Jade." "That's not my name." "It is when you're with me." I unhooked the trick lock on the handcuffs, and grabbed the gun. I stuck the barrell between his eyes. "It's Dominatress, and as of now, you are my bitch."

Mark put his hands up in defeat, because he knew he left the safety off when he laid it down. I climbed off of his lap, but I didn't move the gun, nor did I take my eyes from his. I grabbed the keys from the ignition. "Get out of the car, bitch," I said to him. He gave me his evil smile as he opened the door, and got out. He pulled up his pants, and refastened them. I grabbed the door handle, and slammed the door shut. I pressed the door lock button, then stuck the keys in the ignition. Like a bat out of hell, I backed out of the pathway, and headed back to the campsite.

As I turned back into the camping area, I almost hit two big guys on dirt bikes. As I drove on, I heard one of them yell, "hey!" The bikes turned around, and followed me all the way back to the site me and the guys were at. As I was putting my clothes back on, the biggest one ran to my side of the car. "What the hell happened?" I backed away from the door, because I couldn't see who it was behind the helmet. He took the helmet off, and to my relief, it was Glen. I unlocked, then opened the driver's door. "Are you ok? What did he do? Where did you leave him?" "Calm down, Glen. I'll be ok." I went on to tell him what happened. When I was finished telling him, he hugged me, and chuckled. "It's not funny, baby!" "No, it's not, but I can only imagine his face when you called him your bitch." "Well, it wasn't one of fear, as I'd hoped."

I looked behind him at Andrew and the dirt bikes. "Where the hell did you come up with those, anyways?" "Remember, last night, when I told you that Matt and Jeff were on the other side of the lake?" "Those are their bikes?" "Yeah. That's why we were just leaving. We had to get over to them, then talk them into letting us use them." "Oh. Can we leave soon? I don't think I left Mark all that far back there." "Yeah. Let's finish getting this shit in the trunk, and you can follow us to the Hardy camp. After we drop off the bikes, we're out of here." "Let's get to it."

chapter 17

Two weeks after we returned, and all was well. I hadn't seen, or heard, from Mark, and I thanked God for that. But, then again, the fact that he hadn't attempted to left me with a feeling of unease. I couldn't wait for Glen to come back off the road. He was due to arrive the next morning, but he would only be home for two days, before going back out.

That night, the only thing I feared more than Mark came to me. As I was tucking Cheyenne and Dakota in bed for the night, the motion lights came on outside. Normally, I wouldn't have thought anything of it, but that night, I had forgot to let the dogs out before going inside. I looked out the window, and saw a man in the front yard. I told the kids, "if you hear me yell, hide somewhere up here, and don't come out until I come get you." "What's wrong, Mommy?" Dakota asked me. "I don't know yet, sweetie. Just do as I say, alright?" "Yes, Mommy," they both said.

I went downstairs, and tried to peek out the window, to see who it was, but they were already on the porch, and out of view. The pounding on the door left a sick feeling in my stomach. I opened the door to the chain lock's length, and said, "who is it?" "Let me in, Jody." I almost became weak with fear. My ex-husband, Paul, stood in front of me. "No." "No? I'll give you one more chance, before I kick the door in." "Go to hell, Paul." He gave the door one hard kick. The door hit me in the head, and made me fall to the floor. Blood trickled down my forehead, as I stared up at him in horror, and crawled backward away from him. "What do you want, Paul?" "I want to see my kids." "You have no visitation rights, not to mention the restraining order. How did you find out where I was, anyways?" He gave me his wicked smile, and said, "Undertaker came to visit me." "Damn him," I muttered. "Yeah, it's bad when your favorite wrestler rats you out."

"Get out of this house, Paul," I said through clenched teeth. "Why? Are you afraid of me?" "Not anymore." "Maybe you should be. Maybe I plan on smearing your blood all over your boyfriend's nice house." The look on his face turned to one of disgust. "How the hell could you choose that freak, 'Kane', over a real man, like me?" I stood, and faced my greatest fear. "Glen is more of a man than you could ever imagine being. He loves the kids, he's never raised a hand to hurt me, and he's the best damn lover I've ever had!"

I knew he was pissed. I knew he wanted to kick my ass. That's why I didn't hold anything back. When he pulled his arm back to hit me, I did the first thing that came to mind. I kicked him in the nuts. "I'm not your wife anymore. I'm not your goddamn slave. I will not let you push me around again." "You have no choice, bitch." He came after me, and knocked me to the ground. He kicked me hard in the ribs a few times, then he kneeled over me. I screamed as loud as I could, but I couldn't scream loud enough, because of the pain. He punched me repeatedly in the left side of my face. I was near unconsious when Paul stopped, and went looking for the kids. I heard him go up the stairs, and say, "Cheyenne? Dakota? It's ok. It's daddy. You can come out, now." I heard the kids run to him, and say, "Daddy!" He picked them up, and carried them down the stairs. "What's wrong with Mommy?" Cheyenne asked. "Mommy's not feeling well, so I'm going to take you home with me." "Bye, Mommy. I love you," Dakota said. "I love you, too, Mommy," Cheyenne said, as they walked out the door.

When I heard the car start up and leave, I rolled onto my side, so I wouldn't drowned on the blood I was spitting up. A few minutes later, I heard another vehicle pull into the driveway. It sounded like a truck. I heard someone come in the house, and say, "oh, shit..." They came over to me, and kneeled beside me. I couldn't see who it was, because my left eye was swollen shut, and my right eye had blood in it from my forehead. "Where are the kids?" the man asked. The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't put a face with it. "Paul... kidnapped... them." "We have to get you to a hospital." The last thing I remember hearing was the man picking up the phone, and dialing a number. Then, he said he needed an ambulance, and gave the person on the other end the address.

When I awoke, I was laying in a hospital bed. I looked around the darkened room with my one good eye, and saw someone sitting in the shadows. "Who's there?" I asked. "It's me, Jade." "Get out, Mark." "I didn't mean for this to happen." "I said get out. It's your fault I'm in the hospital. It's your fault my children were kidnapped by their father." "I'm the reason why you are in a hospital bed, instead of laying on the floor at the house." "What do you care, anyways? Are you pissed because you didn't put me here?" "I know I've threatened you, and I know I've beat on you, but your ex went too far. He damn near killed you with his bare hands." "You knew he was that way, damn it. You saw the black eye he gave me after Glen took me home to him." I paused for a moment. "Does Glen know where I am?" "I called him when the doctors brought you in here. He didn't believe me, until I got the doctor on the phone. He landed at the airport ten minutes ago." "Thank you, Mark. Maybe you aren't a complete asshole." "Yeah, yeah, yeah... Don't get used to it. Get some rest, until Glen gets here."

chapter 18

I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't. I was worried about Cheyenne and Dakota. I was worried about having Mark at my bedside. Most of all, I was worried that I wouldn't be strong enough to fight to get my kids back. I laid in bed, staring at Mark, until the door to the room opened. As soon as Glen was through the door, he asked Mark, "how is she?" "I'm too tough to die, and too stupid to quit getting my ass beat." "She sounds like the same woman, but she sure doesn't look it," Mark said. "If you're both awake, why is the light off?" "Don't turn it on. I don't want you to see me." He came over to the side of the bed. "Baby, I'm going to see your face when the sun comes up anyways. Besides, I'll love you no matter what you look like." "It's getting too mushy for me. I'll wait outside," Mark said.

After Mark went out the door, Glen turned on the light over the bed. He looked down at me, then laid his hand on my right cheek. "Damn, hun. What happened?" "Mark told Paul where we are living." "He did what?" "Paul came to the house, kicked in the door, beat me up, and kidnapped the kids." "If Mark is to blame for the whole thing, why is he here now?" "He came to the house after Paul left, and called the ambulance." I started to cry, even though it hurt to do so. "I want my babies back." "It's ok, Jody. We'll get them back. Calm down, and get some rest. I'm gonna go talk to Mark, then I'll be back in."

Two minutes later, Glen came back in the room. "Mark took off." "I'm not surprised." "Have you talked to the police?" "Not yet. I passed out after Mark called 911, and just woke up less than an hour ago." "Do you think you could talk to them now? The sooner you talk to them, the quicker they can try to get the kids back." "Yeah." "Try to get some rest until they get here." "Alright, Glen."

As he picked up the phone to call the police, an officer came in, and grabbed Glen. "What the hell is going on here," I asked him. "We received a tip that the man that attacked you was in your room," the officer said as he put cuffs on Glen. "But he's not the one that attacked me. My ex-husband attacked me. He's my boyfriend." As the officer took Glen out of the room, another man in a business suit came in. "I'm Detective Slovak. You said he isn't the one that attacked you?" "No, he isn't." "But the eyewitness said he is the one." "Witness?" "Yes, m'am. Mr. Callaway said that was the same man he saw leaving as he arrived at your house." "Mark Callaway?" "Yes, m'am." "He's the one that should be locked away."

"The man that was just in here, what is his name?" "Glen Jacobs. I've been living with him for a few months. He took me and my children in after I left my husband." "Children?" "Yes. My ex-husband kidnapped my twins after he beat the hell out of me." "Where was Mr. Jacobs when all of this happened?" "He was out of town on business. He travels around doing wrestling shows. Mark called him after we got here, so he came home." "All right, miss. We'll take him to the station, check to see if your story is true, and if it is, we'll release him." "How long could that take? I feel much safer with him here." "If he still has his plane ticket stub, it shouldn't take any time at all." "He keeps them in his laptop case." I looked around to see where he set his case. "If you hand me the case in that chair, I can get it out for you." Detective Slovak handed me the laptop case. I unzipped it, reached into the top pocket, and pulled out the ticket. I looked at the date, departing and arrival locations, and times. "Oh my God..." "What is it?" "This ticket is a round trip to Houston. That's where my ex-husband lives."

chapter 19

I sat in shock after the detective left. The man I loved with all my heart had been in Houston, when the show was supposed to be in Detroit. I had probably sat there crying for an hour, when the door opened. "Where's Glen?" "You should know, you sorry son of a bitch," I said to Mark. "Oh, that's right. I did a little research and found out where your ol' man really was yesterday." "Fuck off, Mark!" "I'm just bringing up the fact that I may have told your ex where you live, but Glen brought him here."

I looked around for something -anything- to throw at Mark. "Jade, I'm not trying to piss you off. In a way, I'm trying to protect you." "QUIT CALLING ME JADE!" "Ok, ok... Calm down, Jody." "What kind of scam are you trying to pull? You're trying to protect me? Yeah fucking right!" "When I called him after we got here, I heard your ex's voice in the background. Not only did I hear him, but I heard Dakota calling for his mama." "Mark, please stop."

Mark grabbed the chair, and pulled it up close to the bed. He grabbed my hand, and kissed my knuckles. "Ja... Uh... Jody, I know I have a fucked up way of showing it, but I like you." "Mark..." "Let me finish." I stayed silent waiting for him to continue. "I wasn't really mad about the story. It did things to me that I didn't really care for at the moment, but I enjoyed it. It excited me, which kinda put me in hot water with the misses. That's why I was upset. After the first encounter with me and Glen, and getting to know you a little better, I wanted to keep giving you what you wanted. That's why I set up the thing with you and Andrew, and why Bryan is waiting for you. I knew you wanted to sleep with these men, so I'm bringing them to you." "After I fell in love with Glen, you should have left well enough alone." "Aren't you glad that I didn't, now?" I sighed. "I don't know what to think about what's happening now. And, I'm trying to keep a level head until I hear what Glen has to say about his trip to Houston." "How do you know he won't lie to you?" "I don't. I can only hope he tells the truth."

Mark looked at the stitches in my forehead, then at my bruised cheek. "Has the doctor made his rounds yet?" "No. I'm sure it won't be long, though." "Get some rest until he gets here. I'm not leaving this room until you're released from the hospital." "But..." "No buts. I've been a pain in your ass, now let me take care of you." He kissed my hand, then he leaned over me, and lightly kissed my lips. "If she was pissed about you getting a hard-on, imagine what Sara would think if she knew you were here." "She knows. She's leaving me." "Then why are you here?" "Because you need me more than she does." "That's to be seen." Mark looked up from our hands, to look in my eyes. "Look, I think it's sweet that you want to stay here with me, but I can't trust you. Hell, right now, I don't think I could trust any man."

The phone rang in the room. I answered it. "How are you doing, baby?" I tried to keep my voice straight as I answered Glen. "I'm ok for now. Why the hell were you in Houston yesterday?" "That's where the show was." "You told me it was in Detroit." I heard him let his breath out in a hiss. "Glen Jacobs, so help me God, if you know where my children are, and won't tell me, I will kill you by any means possible."

chapter 29

"Are you still there?" I asked after a moment of silence.

"Yes. I'm here."

"Where the hell are they?"

"I don't know. You know I would never do anything to hurt those kids."

"Do I? I have Mark here saying he heard Paul and Dakota when he called you."

"I had Lawler with me. We had the same flight back, so he asked for a ride."

"You were on your way back before you knew anything happened? Sounds a little fishy to me."

"I was going to surprise you. I had a whole evening planned out for us when I got home. Look deep in that back pocket of my brief case."

I reached into the pocket again, and felt a velvet box. I pulled it out. My hands shook, and I hadn't even opened it yet. "Glen?"

"Open it."

I put the headset between my shoulder and my ear, and opened the box. Inside was a diamond solitaire ring. "Oh my..."

"I was going to ask you to marry me."

I softly began to sob. "Glen, I'm so sorry."

"I know how things look right now. I was in Houston to deliver some hush money to Paul. I didn't bring him back with me."

"Hush money?"

"He threatened to file assault charges against me. With that kind of charge on me and us living together, CPS could take your children from you and give them back to him."

"Instead, you could have funded his scheme to kidnap them."

"I've already thought of that and kicked myself in the ass for it. I never wanted anything to happen to Cheyenne and Dakota. Look in the big envelope if you don't believe me."

I pulled out the big manilla envelope that lay in the bottom of the briefcase and opened it. I pulled out the papers, and read them. "Adoption papers..."

"Yes. I wanted to run the idea by you. If you agreed, we would already have the paperwork done, and could get it to Paul..."

"He'll never agree to this."

"I was more worried that you wouldn't."

I sighed. "We can talk about it once I have my babies back. I'm not making any life-changing decisions until I have them back."

"That's understandable, Jody. As long as you know that I had nothing to do with it, I can wait. I love you."

"I love you, too."

"I have to get off of the phone now. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Alright. Bye."

I hung up the phone and sobbed, forgetting Mark was in the room.

"Well, that took a quick turn."

"He wants to marry me and adopt the twins." I laid back on the pillow. "I should have known better than to accuse him."

"Do you want to?"

"Marry Glen?" At his nod, I answered. "Yes, I do. I love him to death. Like I said, though, it is hard for me trust any man right now."

"You trust me enough to let me stay in here with you."

"Because I know you're not stupid enough to do something here."

There was a knock on the door before it opened. A dark haired man wearing a lab coat came in. "Good. You're awake. I'm Dr. Preston." He pulled his light pen out of his pocket, and checked my pupils. "Do you remember your name?"


"Last name?"

"Not one I want to go by."

"Not yet."


The doctor smiled at me. "I take it he is your fiance?"

"No. He's... um..."

"I work with her fiance," Mark answered. "I went by the house, and found her."

"I have some of your labwork and I just looked at your x-rays. Would you like for me to continue with him in the room?"

"That's fine. Please continue."

"Good news, bad news and 'I don't know how you'll take it' news. The good news is no internal organs were severely injured. A few minor lacerations that will heal with time. No surgery required. The bad news is you have a few fractured ribs and by the looks of your x-ray, they have been fractured before. I'm sure I don't have to tell you how that will be for your daily routine."

"A pain in the ribs. No strenuous lifting or stretching. I know."

"Right. Now, as for that last bit of news, you're pregnant. I'd say you're about three weeks along by the size of the fetus."

"Glen's going to love that," Mark said.

"Love what?" we heard as the door opened.

"Glen! Come here."

I took his hand, and laid it on my stomach. After a moment he asked, "what am I feeling for?"

"Your child. Dr. Preston just said I'm about three weeks pregnant."

His jaw dropped. "Are you..." He looked up at the doctor. "She's..." Dr. Preston nodded. "That's great, baby!"

He leaned over to hug me, but I held him back for a moment. "Fractured ribs. Don't squeeze too tight."

"I have some good news for you."


"While I was talking to you Detective Slovak got a call. They caught Paul and the kids at the airport. The officers are bringing Cheyenne and Dakota here and Paul is going to jail."

I leaned forward and kissed him. I didn't care that my split lip was hurting.

"I will leave you to your visitors, Jody."

"I'm sorry, Dr. Preston. This is my fiance, Glen Jacobs."

"Congratulations, Mr. Jacobs."

"Thank you, doc."

Glen froze when he realized what I said. "Fiance?"

I picked up the box, and held it out to him. "Would you like to do the honors?"

He took the box from my hand, opened it and pulled the ring out. He set the box down, lifted my hand and slid the ring on my finger. Then, he lifted my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles.